Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 11, 1902, Image 5

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    HOAItt) 01' Tkadic
Nearly cvety town of liny conse
quence along llic Hue of Hit S. 1',
railroad hits established of is tak
ing, steps townid establishing :i
board of trade. Cottage (Jiove litis
enough business nirii Willi business
intercuts tit stake to form such mi
association witli piofii to them
flClvcH anil tin: suriouinllng coin
inunlly. Such an organization
could furnish ch-si-rlptive literature
and advertise our resoutccH to a
great advantage, and by such means
induce immigrants to stoji off hcic
otic! look at the country instead of
passing on tliHi.ugh or stofipiim tit
places prior to teaching here. The
live business men should join to
gether and intctcst themselves in
a scheme that cannot fail to piovc
of vii' t benefit, and to organize a
liaard of trade would ceitainly ac
complish this end.
The following t;cket was named
by the Democratic County Conven
tion nl Eugene Saturday: State
senator, M. Travis of Kugeiio;
rcpiescntntives, Geo. N. Castle of
Saginaw, C. K. Hale of Cheshire.
John M. Kdinunsoti of Goshen;
clerk, C. M. Young f Eugene;
HheiilT. W. W. Withers of Eugene;
county couimissioner. J. I' Ciirrin
of Cottage Oiove; assessor, J. M.
Kitchen of Irving; treasurer, A. S.
Patterson of Eugene; surveyor, Si
mon Klodahl of Eugene: coroner,
Dr. R 15. Selover of Eugene; L
Uilyeu was endorsed by the con
vention for attorney-general.
Mail Contkact to iiic Lht.
Advertisements for mail service
from Cottage Grove to Bohemia
have been posted at the post office
culling for sealed proposals up to
April 25th, 1002. The contract is
to be from July 1st, jyoa to June
30, 1006. The route is from Cot
tage Grove by Port-iia. Star and
Wildwood ami the service shall be
tri-wcekly. Full instructions as to
the depnsi' of mail and disposition
of boxes along the route ate at
tached to the advertisineuls.
Dr. V. C. Kantcr of Salem gave
nn interesting lecture for the bene
fit of the public school at Martin's
hall, on the evening of April 4th
His subject. "A Knight of the
Twentieth Century" was handled
in a masterly way and was greatly
appreciated by a large audience,,
consisting ptincipally of school pa
trons and scholars interested in the
cause of education.
Some vile wretches who hnve
lost nil respect for the dead as well
us 'themselves, have been despoil
ing graves in the cemetery by up
rooting flowers and shrubs thai
have been planted with tnuih car
and patience by friends and rela
tives. II caught they shou'd suffer
the extreme penalty of the law as a
wattling to all such sneak thieves
mid trespassers.
Wkiii'oot Catti.h.
James Porter drove one hundred
head of cattle through Cottage
Grove this week to pastures 011
Pleasant Hill. He purchased the
stock near Scottsburg and will
drive them across the mountains to
Silver Lake by the Middle PWk
route as soon as the weather will
permit crossing the Cascades.
Sol Davidson and wife, former
residents of this place, returned
from The Dalles Sunday morning.
Mr. Davidson who is a jeweler by
trade, will open up a jewelry
establishment in the corner propirty
on Main street lately puichased by
Geo. McQueen.
Kiu.KO hy Tint Caks.
James P. Nunn, brother of Mar
shal Hert Nunn of this place, was
killed by a freight train near Eu
gene Monday night. He wasquite
deaf and. failed to hear the ap
proaching train while be was walk
ing on the track. He expired
within an hour after being struck.
In Business Again.
II. D. Scott, formerly engaged
in hardware business in this city in
association with V. D. Wheeler, is
now identified with the same busi
ness in Jefferson. Mr. Scott is a
splendid man and his friends here
wish him all kinds of success.
At thk M. E. Chukch.
The pastor will preach at the M.
Tf.. church next Sunday morning
and ovening. Evening subject
"The Romance of- the Heart."
Other services as usual.
Is ronnrted that the Knox
property known as the Commercial
house, will shortly change hands,
and that a new brick building will
be constructed on the premises, r
A. Lindstrom is the reported pur
Try Chamberlain's Etomnch & Livor
TnbletB, tbo bent physic. For sale by
'0 CI.
Dr. B. It.
The city election Tuesday passed
off quietly, the day being princi
pally observed for that purpose.
There were four tickets in the field,
and consequently thete was a
spiiited livalry between the many
friends of the dilferent candidates.
The principal fight was between
Dr. Job and U. M. Veatch for
mayor, and there was but little left
undone by their respective friends
to bring voters to the polls, The
entire vote of the city was 2.15, audi
Dr. Job's plurality was only five.
J. H. Young, present recorder, was
re-elected over Thos. Medley by a
handsome majority. Herbert Kakin,
against whom there was no oppo
sition for treasurer, was first choice
all the way through. J. I. Jones
in the first ward, S. U. Piper in
the second ward and C. H. Van
Denburg in the third watd, were
the winning couiicilinen.
The officers elect, qualified at
an adjourned meeting of the city
council held Thursday night.
The people of Cottage Grove are
to be congratulated upon having
chosen efficient and worthy men to
conduct city affairs. May they
prove equal to the trust imposed in
Jam. Dhi.ivkky.
Chas. Kliiigciismith, alias "Red"
Stiles as he is commonly known,
got "loaded for bear" Tuesday eve
ning and proceeded to make things
lively about the Cottaxe Grove
Hotel. Jesse Hounds attempted to
remonstrate with the noisy man
when he received for his pains a
lieavv blow from an improvised
"billic" that "Red" carried, which
ibotit laid him out. He recovered
however in time to give his assail
ant a substantial thumping. Tues
day morning Stiles was arrested
and placed in theii:kety old jail on
the Vet side., but onlv remained
long enough to get an ax from
-ome outsider, when lie smuslicti a
hole ttndei the wiodow and went
"w hi re the woodbine t wineth, not
tven leaving his postoffice address.
A. D. I.e Hoy has purchased
fioui Wheeler and beott the
iroperty 11 w occupied by Marion
Veatch as a residence in the Long
& l.audess addition.
A gold ring. Owner can have
same by calling at this olhce and
paying reward and for publication
of this notice.
The flouring mill of G. II. Stone
& Son was sold Tuesday" to J. II.
Parshallof Butte, Nebraska. Terms
Within 5 miloH of Cottuiso Grovo,
liniHt Ihi eonvi'iiii'iit to coliool, well
watered, have lii'iirint; orchard, mine
i nbur, and cheap for rnali , Owner
.inly uildruM with full description mid
llcu.wu(ilii:i:N, Kullnp;, Oregon.
Kverynne hIiouM attend lliu CM. A.
ltanil Concert Kriiliiy evening.
Short Hue.
St. l'uul, Dulutli,
MinnoapoUti, Chicago,
Through l'alaco and Touriat Sleepers
Dining and Bullet Smoking
Library Cars.
Tor Hates, roldcrs and Full Informa
tion regarding Ticket Itoutos, call on or
J. V. 1'IIALON, T. P. A.
122 3d St., Portland Ore.
A. n, p. DENNTSTON., G. W. P. A.
6?FIt AvenUQ. fcMttlcNMH.
Personal pai'ai'apljs,
. O. M. A. Hand Concert tonlulit.
MIm Klliul Wouloy visited Biit!ene
Iferlmrt I'.iilcln totitrtipd from I'ngofio
Miieolii Taylor, surveyor, vkiled K11
KuuuMiiudiiy. T. 11. Toby Hindu this office, a jilunsanl
call Halurday.
C. II. liurklioldur was o pumungur for
I'utlhiiMl. Tuesday.
MIf- Krmiiiu Veatch returned from
1C 1 1 gone Tueeday.
(ii'ii. I.otif; inmlo n Ijm1 iiosk trip to
I'ortlnnd Tiiefdny.
C, II. .Ioiii'h wiih ninoiig the pneeeiivrK
for KiiKunu Kriday.
I. W. TompkliiH inndo n biiHiiiesx trip
to Uoeulmrg Krlilay.
Merclmut (!. H. Clomnts euiio up
fiom Kiigciiiu Mondny inorniiig.
Mini) l''ny AlkliiH wns 11 pntrenger In
R'i-ol)iire Wednenday for a few days
Oriiniiiiia Chiircldll lms b en milking
1111 extended visit with telntivuB at Koc
b'irg. If. I', Underwood 11 ml wifo returned
Friday Iroin imliort vinu to relatives at
The inolliur ol Mr. Ciunp'jDll of the
I'ncihV Tinilier Company lms heun very
ill tlllM UC'l'li.
L. T. Itiiwl.'iuil, who line been as8it
inu on the Nnggul for a few tluyi, felt
for Kuenc Saturday.
Mnrnlml Nunn went to ICui;eue Tiles
day to 11 1 1 I'D 1 1 the funeral of Inn hruther
wlio wiih killed by the cute.
Claire linker and wife who hnve been
viHitiug Mr. llukcr'M invalid father at
' this phiee returned to HifubiiiK' Kriday.
I'reil rroderickHcn, who linn beui
working at Siiginaw, Is at home milfcr
iug from 11 fcvcre attack of rhciiuiatiein.
.1. H. Medley 11 lid wifo were pasnotl
ecru for Kiigeue Kridiiy, .1 . H. will ttiko
111 the iJeiiiocrntic ( onvention' while!
din wife virtitH rutat-i vtM. I
Joreph Scldee Iiiih moved bin grocery
store from ttio propi r'y lately purchased
v (ieo. Mctjucen, to the red frfiit
b dlding in the next block e;iHt on Muiu ,
.lohn Wallncn and David Markley le't!
for Wheatland, Calif., on Siiturdiiy
iiiornine's train, where they will work
o 1 the ItiKdon Iron Works mid dredger.
One of Phillip Spong's hornet was
( 11 nl a lew dayx Hince ucnringiiii empty
tuiiiato can on one of his hind fi-ct.
Though it had been worn Hoverid days
the iiiiiinul nun but nlightly IiiiiilhI. Murtlii anil I'elix l.ndets went
to Siiiiitinw Siiiulav preiaratory to coui
ini'iii ing work on the Hoolh-Kclly Coin
pinvV new llunie now in prece-H of con--trui'tion
friini place to 1 ho mill in
t le mountain)'.
Stint Hehne left for Bohemia Moil-
,1., ..
Isaac IiiiiL'ham returned to Port-
land Sunday.
J. C. Long made a business trip
to SaL'iim W .Monday.
Dr. ). r. rattcrson is Home Irom
his ten-days vacation.
Geo Dean and wife, of Ashland,
have located in this city.
Glass Uros. have closed down
their planing mill.
Uert Willard who has been vis
iting in Minnesota, has returned.
W. H. Dennis of Hlackbtttte left
for San Francisco the first of the
D. G. McFarland sold his baud
of goats to Geo. Ilawley for'$3.50
per head.
R. Alexander of the Pacific Tim
b:r Company made a visit to Port
land this week.
James Hetuenway and W. D.
Gartuau returned Wednesday from
a business trip to Drain.
Henry Veatch atid Frank Wool
ey, delegates to the democratic
convention, left for Portland Wed
nesday. John Curran is home from a few
weeks' stay at Wilbur Spring, Cal.,
where he has been sojourning for
some time.
A fine stamp quartz mill, the
offspring of the combined genius of
llrehaut and Potts, is the attraction
in the window at Brehnut & Morgan's.
Where the meals tiro woll cooked ami well served and t ho beds nro good.
And you'll find everything honie-Hko without homo inconveniences.
Comu and stay as long as possible.
Freo to our Commercial Trudo. Try our Sunday Dinner. The best over
Sorved in any Hotel in tbo City.
N. D. HARDY, M'gr.
hocal jreVclies.
The tie plant nt I.iithiiin le in full blni-t.
A h'ii.'i' lino of boy' knee Hiiits at
iM'loal coMt ut C. It . Clement'.
Ilatlonljurg liolnl luce putteriid and
lira Id ut burcb'n.
When in town call at the Nugget oirien
and get a sample copy of l'licille Home
Mteuil, The Coast Pork Timber Company
have now about 10,000 ties In the river
near Latham, which they lire taking out
tor me railroad at that place.
Ilavo your prescriptions filled at the
Itcnaon Drug Co.
The publlo Reboot eloe tclay and
will have vacation until sonietiine in
Dr Uiwn this well known oculo-op-tician
Ih coming hooii.
lit lowo tliu optician of Knife 11 f is
now nt the Sherwnod. He uo'jd home
Satunhiy noon.
Hbvo your eyes and nervous energy by
weunni! a pair of Dr. Ijwu s superior
"A neighbor ran in with a bottle of
('hiiinberlaiii'fc Colli-, Cholera and Din -
ihoeu Iteinedy when my con wiih snfler
iti witli wevcre craiujiti and was i;iven
iii no beyond hope by my regular phvsi-
cm 11, who Htntiilu nti-li in 1 1 IK proleisior.
After iidiiiiniiiteriui! three doces of il.
my con reitniueil conwuoimneHH andr-
eovered entirely within twenty-fo' r
bourn.," fiivh Mi. Mnrv llnller, of Mt
Crawford. Vii. Tins Iteinedy is for -Io
bv Lyons (V Anpleuiite, Drain. IJuiikoii
Dnii; Co. Cottiiue drove.
l!i bargains nhoes mil clothing at
actual coat. N. K. HUeu &. Son.
Dr. I.owe the otiticinn will bo back in
about four uiontlis. If you eiiiiiiou get
glin-HCH now wait for him, don't pat
ronize strangcri, especially peddler!!.
Another shipment of men's mi its and
overalls will arrive in a few days at C.
1!. Clements's.
Thoe diamonds at II. C. Madi-en are
beauties . Call and fee them .
Hair brushee, a fine line, at Iowpriccs.
Benson Drug Co.
Forimre. well-selected drugs, call on
the Ileneoti Drug Co. Toilet articles of
every description ut llenson Drug Co.
Millinery at the lowest cash prices. N.
b. hlnea tv r-on.
Deo Are You Gee Ks!
l'olyniorphisin Hargninx
At the New Km Drug St'jre.
"A dollar saved is a dollar earned."
You will hiivo several dollar by buying
your clothing of C. 11. Clement.'
That invoice oi tooth brushes is now
open for inspection at llenson Drug CoV
store, llieyare elieap and 01 ppienuiu
quality. Ixiok at tliein then liny 'em
Shoeo, rubbers and clothing must go
regardless ol profit. -N. r.. r.l-ea v con
Thn quction has Ijeen asked, "In
what way are Chamberlain's Stomach
& l.iver Tablet superior to pills?" Our
answer is: They are easier and mole
pleasant to t ik'. more mild and gentle
! in elicit iind mor' reliable an they can
alwavs 1 e depend d 1111011. Then they
; cleanse ain! invigorate the stomach and
leave the Ixiwels in a natural condition,
. while pills are moie harsh ill effeet and
I tl'l'ir iB "'tt!"1 followo.1 by eonstipa-
I tioii. l-or sale bv llenson Drug Co.,
Cottage u rove
Additional Local.
W. 13. Glass went to Kugene
Wni. Ilawley is finishing up his
new residence in West Cottage
T. K. Richaidson has removed
his music store to the rear room of
the New York Racket stote.
Henry Brock of Silverton and G.
H. Brock and A. B. Cole of Aurora,
timber cruisers, registered at the
Sherwood Tuesday.
The- following miners left for
Bohemia Wednesday: Wtu. Hig-
gius, Junes Miles, Frank Mcln
tyre, Chas. Rutau, Chas. Taylor,
Ben Curry, John I,indstroin and
son, Hartley.
Lust fall I was taken with u very er
vera attack of muscular rhounuitism
which caused mo great pain anil an
novauco. Aftor trying several piescrin
Hons and rheumatic cur-en, I decided to
uto Chamberlain's l'aiu Italui, which' 1
hud seen advertised in the South Jersey
man. After two applications of tlrs
remedy, I was much better, and after
ueine ono bottle, was eomnletolv cured
Snlllo Harris, Salem, N. J. F01 salo by
ijj'ons A Applcgate, Drain. Uunson
Drug Co., Cottago Urovo.
"Wc Suit ihc Hard to Suit."
Don't take our word for it, but call and be convinced that
The Cash Grocery Co..
Carry the cleanest and most Complete line ol rocertes
in the city.
We keep a full line assortment of fresh fruits and vege
tables in season.
The Cash Grocery Co.
A. Q. Young, Manager.
Jiohomia, Oa:eg. n.
fiicHcral Merchandise,
Mi Biers' Tools nisl
Give us a call and we will treat
If .f; 'T v- A", t-1
Watch our Saturday Sales
Next Saturday, April 12, we will sell for Cash only a nice line
of Ladies' Overskirts.
These Skirts are all Drummers' samples and we will sell them
at extremely LOW PRICES.
h pgwt
Under Odd
Successors to W'tlBELER & SCOTT.
We will continue to carry a full and complete"
stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Mining
Supplies, FishBro's, Wagons, Oliver Chilled and
Steel Plows, Etc. : : : i i
The ...
Jtlvor St.. Cottago OrovC.
Wo curry n oxtni lino ltno of
Liquors Hint I'tgam, nntl l( you
tinve occasion to want goodn In
our ltno wo would appreciate a
call trom you.
llewuru of air dried or half dry floor
tig, eeillnu and rustic. The Booth
Kelly Lumber Co. ure milking spe.oi
prleos 011 kiin-urieu uimntr
you right.
does not appear to be overburdened
here. We make his labor light
with our improved implements.
Our stock of garden tools cannot
be beat neither can our prices.
Need anything in that line? We"
can supply it to suit your wants.
Bargains in lawn mowers. If yoti
get one you'll be pleased with it,
go. store
Fellows' Hall.
. Gallery
New backgrounds and accesrf
sories. Best Lenses and Cameras
15 years
8 years in
Portland. Nothing but firstclas
work. All work guaranteed.
Lowest prices, call and examine
Opposite Masonic hall. V3t
side, Cottage Grove