Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 11, 1902, Image 4

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    JftuJll 1 1 M'AliTfjJIW'i1llr'M1--i"iH"i
IMIIornml I'ubUnher.
KnlereiUt th tKWtotlli't Kt Cntldge drove,
Oregon !scnil CUM null iimt'er.
.1iitrrllloii irli.I.IH). In nil timer.
Ailvitrtt'liiK Italic iimi'n known iipim
THIS I'AI'KK It kciit on tile Kt K. C. Droke'ii
AOvcrtlniiiK Agency, illnmlUft Merclmiiu hx
cliiiiire. San Tmiu'Wo, Uttv mm
tract, for mlYertUtiiK mn l-ommte lor It.
Frihay, Ai'kii. ii 1902.
V. J. Furnish, the lvastern Ore
gon nominee for governor at the
hands of the Republican Slate Con
vention held in Portland last week,
is a young man of sterling qualities;
forceful business ability; keen, sa
gacious, practical. He came into
the republican ranks fiom the demo
cratic party in 1896 the darkest
days in the history of the republi
can party of the United States since
the great civil strife. Hecame unso
licited, only through the dictates of
conscience, believing the policy of
the republican party to le the
stable guide to substantial national
growth and prosperity for all classes.
At that time there were many who
doubted the wisdom of the repub
lican party. Naturally there were
those who criticised Mr. Furnish's
action at that time. But where is
the man today, barring those who
are avowed enemies of republicanism
who doubted the wisdom of the re
publican policy at that time, who
today can conscientiously criticise
Mr. Furnish's action at that time
in discarding democracy, of which
he bad been a faithful follower, and,
purely from conscientious business
motives, taking up the principles
of republicanism in its darkest hours,
when the very condition of party
affairs were discouraging sojfar as
party victory was concerned? A
man who is whole-souled enough,
who is heroic enough to cast aside
life long party affiliations at the
time when the goddess of victory
lavished smiles upon democracy,
and come into the ranks of the op
position party, placing principle and
sound judgment before party pride,
is deserving to be carired on the
shoulders of his adopted party to
the highest honor in the gift of the
party. Mr. Furnish will poll the
largest republican vote in the his
tory of the state.
worth. If this market was sup
plied locally, nud lite Inbncy kept
at home would it not be a benefit to
everyone? Again it is not alto
gether in the raising of a market
able article, hut in the manner of
marketing and the time. Farmers
in this section waste hundreds of
dollars in not giving the market a
tlo-er study, and in not knowing
how and when to market. Take
apples for instance. There is sel
dom a spring when apples will not
bring from $1.25 to $2 per box; but
how many apple growers have
them to sell? and if they do have
them, how many have them prop
erly cared for and in a shape to de
mand the highest market value?
Few if any, while it would only
take the expenditure of a few dol
lars to care for the crop properly,
and place the holder in a position
to demand the highest market
price. The same assertion holds
good with otherarticles of produce.
Cabbages and table vegetables are
t.irowu on the market in Me early
full, until they are dumped out to
rot. Everyone of these articles
could be handled profitably, if
proper attention was given the sub-
lect. Potatoes tor instance are
brought in here and sold at re
markably low prices in the fall.
In the soring, they are worth
thribble. Who should take advan
vantace of this? Should not the
farmers? Let us figure this thing
down centlenien. and see if we
can't make an extra dollar or two,
While we are talking mines and
mining and lumbering, and using
every legitimate effort to induce
capitalists and men interested in
those industries to cast their lot
with us, let us not forget the fact
that this section, and, in fact, all
Oregon, is one of the greatest farm
ing sections on the Pacific coast. In
110 state in the Union is their so
many opportunities and advantages
for the farmer than here in Oregon,
and this immediate section of the
state is one of the prime localities.
It is an ideal country for diversified
farming, and there is a splendid
opportunity here at the present
time for those who desire to
engage in small farming,
gardening and fruit raising. Some
weeks ago the Nugget made men
tion of the fact that not sufficient
attention was given by the pro
ducers here to vegetable and small
fruit raising. In one instance in
particular, the editor was taken
good naturedly to task for giving
vent to the assertion that sufficient
attention is" not paid to the raising
of produce here. To be sure it
looks like a small business, but
when taken in the aggregate it is
astonishing to what proportion it
assumes. Iu conversation with
some of the leading merchants of
of this city, it is found that thous
ands of dollars go out of this town
monthly for produce, much of
vhich could be raised at home
One firm who, by the way, handle
agreat'deal of produce by virtue of
its direct connection with a large
milling business, ship in each
month from $1,000 to $1,400 worth
of produce, such as oats, barley
potatoes and the several other ar
ticles, all of which could be raised
here. Other merchants of the
town ship in from $300 to$i,ooo
A stronger ticket has not been
placed in the field for many years
than that ratified by the Republican
State Convention held in Portland
last week. While every county
deleeation could nor. get all that
they looked for and of necessity,
felt, in some instances, a trifle soie
still there was an undercurrent
that told all too plainly that patri
otism and loyalty to party lines was
held high above personal griev
ances, ana mat a sonu ironi win
be put up in every county in be
half of the election of the state
ticket. This attitude above all
others of whatsoever kind, is sig
nificant of a grand victory next
M1N1UA1. SUUVHV, SO. -160.
United Slate l.iiml Oinot,
linwImiK, Ore., Milieu 'JO, I WW.
Notion la hereby tdvon Hull in punni
iiiu'i' of tho Aft of UotiurtwK, uppinvuil
.May 10, lS7tt, tlieOrouon-Oolonulo Min
ing", Millui)! iiml Dovul'ipiiiontCo., 11 cor
put atlmi , whoso puiloU'icti f Portland,
Oregon, luix nitiilo application lor a
pntt'iil lor its chum Known 11s ino vnu-
roticistiiiB ol 1MHI linear not oil tnu
IVwoy IimIo iK'iiriiiKKoin, tnu emno ik'uik
I -I til iW'Uotitlu'iiKti'ily mill hi ft'i'l ninth-
wo.-Wrlv from Diacourv Cut lioicon
with biirfui-o ground 000 loel in width,
mid of MOO linear left 011 the .Mitrio lode
bearing pold, Ihe !;mio been? 100 feet
poutheuHierlvttml IHlOleot northwesterly
from Discovery Cut thereon, with mil-
lace irrouml GUO trot in w idlh, tho an id
consolidated tfliiiui beitiL' contiguous)
and situated In ltoheiniti (UnorKunUvU)
Mi ni lie District. Hoiiulas County, Male
of Oregon, nud iIImtiIhiI by the oH'icial
unit. Herewith Domed, anil uv me ueiu
notes on tile in tliootrice of the HeeiHter
of Uicl'iiiK' Kami District. Oregon, its
follow, to-vit :
Dewey l.ode: Beginning at corner So
1, whence the northeast corner of tec. i!l
in suspended tp .M, a r 1 e V V M bears
11 OL'iteg ;ii mm w ui-'O.oi 11 v .Min
eral Monument "Bohemia Mine" 111 e
L'LD bears 11 1'l deglHiuiii w 5107.41 ft. A
balsam S in diatu beais 65 deg ')$ 11.111
o I'll. IS ft a llr 11 ins ilium b'.'iiiH 11 1' deg
55 mm oil 05 It each blazed ami sciibeo
II T 1-H5. Theiicoa -11! deg nun
502.50 ft to corner No -; thence h 47 ilcy
5H mill 0 1600 ft to comer No II ; thence 11
4L'deg;io mill e571.:iS ft to corner No. 4;
tbenco 11 47 deg 11 nun HO eeo w HU'J.'J.)
It to corner So 1 the place of beginning,
containing 20.011 acres.
.Mario I.01I0: Beginning at corner No
1, identical with corner No 12 of the
Dewey l.ode of tins survey, whence then
e corner ol t-ee 'J4 in suspended tp'J.'l 1
rleof tho W. M. beurn 11 110 deg 4'J
nun 10 sec w 1M5I.S4 It U S M M "Ho
hemil Mine" .M S So L"Jtt, bearH 11 18
deg 60 miu 20 sec w 6720.01 ft. Thence
a 44 deg ;i mill w fiTtl.SS ft to corner So
2; theneo e 47 deg 10 mill 40 fee e
14SW.4S ft to corner No :t; tlieneo n 41
deg ii min e 595 .litl to corner No 4, iden
tical with corner No 3 Dewey l.ode ol
tins survey; theneo n 47 deg 6:5 min w
1600 ft to corner No 1, the. place of he
ginning, containing 20.174 acres.
Tho total and net area of the Oregon
Colorado Consolidated Quartz Chums is
40.204 acres; thev uro located in the nj..
and bw14 of gee 19 tp 2:1 s r 2 e of the W
M(tinsurvoyed),and tne n.imo of the ail
joining cia'im as shown by the plat of
survey is the Don S.odo on tho south
east. J.T. Dkidukh, Register.
II. K. Sargent. Portland, Ore., Attor
ney for Applicant.
This Store can hardlv afford t lug; can afford to be nowhere but iu
the lend. Next week we
2 expect to Unit April ltuMiu-ss oil with n push and vim, typical ol this Stoic's doings always. llteru s
a icuson for this Stoic's Success that can almost be teud between the lines ol this Advertisement, and
can always be in the satisfied taces ol our friends anil nitrous.
The new Silks tire selling well
now. Our customers say that it is
the prettiest line that we have
shown them. Many exclusive
Waist Patterns among the offers
this week, ami prices are more than
liberal. One of special interest
Exclusive Waist Pitt torus iu the
New Styles and small Dainty
The Goc quality 50C iiyd.
Our New Stock is heie, nud if
you tne nettling anything in this
l.iue we can supply yoiir wants
vciy economically our values will
surprise you, iiml Ihe Patterns lire
the Latest. 3c to 25C II yd.
Allovrrs a nice Line of New
Patterns to show you at
75c xi ml $1.00 xi yd.
While wearetalkingabout mines.
mining and fanning, let us bear iu
mind the creamery proposition.
The city election is now over and
it is to be hoped that the election
liar will take a needed rest.
1- -IrAs..
frr-. .J. - vf.- -T- -T-fr if?
The Rebeccas had initiatory work
Friday night.
k. of p.
Juventus Lodge, No. 48, K. of
P., held an interesting session
Wednesday night, having work in
tbeR. ofE.
The Foresters had a lively meet
ing Friday night, initiating five in
to the order. There will be a
"smoker" aud supper given 011 the
The Redmen will meet every
Monday night iu the Odd Fellows
Hall. Their proposition of build
ing is still progressing and will
soon assume definite shape.
I. O. O. F.
The Odd Fellows will work in
the initiatory, first and second de
grees Saturday night. A long ses
sion is anticipated. A great many
of them are preparing to attend the
dedication of the Odd Fellows Or
phan Home, which will occur at
Portland on the 26th of April, the
85th anniversary of Odd Fellowship,
The organization of an encamp
ment at this place is contemplated.
United Suites Ijiml Olllce
Kon-tnirK, Oregon, Miiri-h SU, WW.
Notlre Is hereby gluii t lint In iniriiiincii of
tbuHL-t of Congrm Hpimivcil ly lu, 1S7J, tlie
Oresoii-Coloriwiu Milling, Milling wnl leteto
inent Company, n ivrirKiion, lin-c iK.muini i
Is Portland, Oregon, by It crcmry,r . J. llanl
duly aiithorlieil t hereto, hat mailu application
for a patent tor its claim known a me Conil
dence Consolidated Quartz I alin,coaitlng f
I IWi linear feet oa the Dora bearing gob!,
the aaine being M Northuuiterly mid Ttti
leot Southeasterly from Wstncry Cut thereon,
nli annate ground wMivet in wldtn: aim m
1177 linearfeet mi tlieSamp-oii ode bearlnggo.d
the Mini, tiding ijo leet :sorin.eieri.v nun i.-v.
fe.-t StMiliea.terly troio lne.iery Cut thereon,
with aurlate gioiiud d feot in upltn; ami of
IVA linear lent ou Ihe Conildei w unie Ijvnrn.j.
gjM, the name Irelng M Souihias erly and
feet .Nortnive.lerly Ironi the l).M'oery Cut
thrfreon, with smtat'e gnuuu leet la width;
aud of 1 JO linear itet tn the Holy smoke ixme
bearing gol,t, toe s,ime being iwfeet Nonnwis
telly uini lo-io leei suuii,i.ti y .,'om Ihmi. -cry
Cut tnereim, Willi uriate ro.iud urtiieui u.
uidlh; ai.n ol liSM linear leet ui tile UuIh ...
Ijirte bearing gold, Hie same King IW fc. I
Nortucai-teily anil 1 Imh siciiy ii. n.
the Oi,er point therein, wttn
ground .7 feet in width, the sild iousoii,a .
claims being contiguous ami sit n"i In
una (unorgaiiizeoj .Milling inn- ci,"'
ciiuntv. S.ute of o.oiron. and deicrlbu . by the
o.Tlcial plat, herenitn pustc. and by uu- le-i.i
notes ou nie in me uniee oi ii v legiai r oi i. bc
burg ljind Insirict, Oregon, i s follow., to-wu.
Horn Ixide: llegiiiiiiug at c r. Mo. ., whence
the N. K.Cur. of Sec. Jl in sinjieli' e I T. at ,
It. 1 K. ol the . 1'. M. bears .N i ueg. In Min.
W.asnM ft; U fi.Mlneral Monninent "llohemla
Mine" M. H. No. JV bears N. '21 deg. II Min.
Sec. V. 707I.K7 ft; u tir I ft. dla. heais N. i nig.
4 min. IV. O.lOft., a llr I ft. dla. bears H. M deg.
II mill. W. 1U.W ft., each blazed nud scribed n
T. 1-133; thence H. 41 deg. S nun V. Mi.Wi to
Cor. .No 'J; theme S. 47 deg. H. mill. t. 1PW.17
tu Cor, No. Hi thence N. 41 ueg. ,1 mill. K. .7.
ft. to Cor. No. 4; thence N. 4o deg. 57 min. V.
llig.01 ft. to Cor. No. 1 the place ol begin
ning, containing lfl.itt'i acres.
f-ampioii ISeglnnlng at Cor. No. 1,
whence the N. fc. Cor. of fee. 21 In suspondcu
T. Si s. It 1 r.. of the W V M b'arn N :ri deg !tt
min K see W771. lift; V 8. M. M. "lloheinla
Mine," M H. No Zl'i bears N 20 deg : mtu fc'i ee
W 7315.9 ft. Cor No 2 Dora ImIo of this survey
beai s Nil deg 1 min W 10.(2 fl, a lir h It diu
blazed and scribed II T 1 -I'M hears S m deg I min
W 11.02 ft ! thence 8 41 deg M min W ft to
Cor No 2; thence 8 17 deg 3 min 40 sen K 1177.15
ft tocor No3; thenceN 41 degtW mill K fwl.)
ft to Cor No 4; thence N 47 deg S mm V 1177 28
ft to Cor No 1, tho place of beginning, contain
ing 20.017 acres exclusive of ihe Dora Lode.
Confidence latin: Beginning at Cor No 1,
identical with corner No 4 Dora of this
survey, whence the NK corner of Sec 21 In sus
pended T. 23 H, It 1 E of the WP M bears N ft
deg 55 mill a) sec W 5100.31 ft V. S. M. M. "llohe
mla Mine" M li No 22!) bears N 23 cleg 30 min 40
sec W j2.40 ft; thence 8 II deg 3 mm W M7.2'i
ft to corner o 2, Identical with corner No 3
Dora ljode of this survey; thence U K deg Cm
min 1! 1162.10 ft to corner No 3; thence N 41
deg3mln KdOl.Otf ft tocorner No. 1: thence N
5ij deg 2d inln w 11M.71 to corner No. 1, the
place of beginning, contains 19.101 acres.
Holy Smoke: jleglnnlng at corner No I,
Identical with corner No 4, ContlOcnco Lixle of
this survey, whence the NK comer of See 21 In
suspended T 23 8,11 IK of the W 1' M bears N
45 dec M mill M sec w rAS3.37 ft U H M M llo
hemla Mine" M 8 No 2W bears n 32 (leg 32 rnln
2 see w 9770.30 fl; thence H 41 deg 3 min w
001.09 to corner No 2, Identical with corner No.
3 Confidence Iode of th( survey; theme H 40
deg 21 miu Msec K 1500.1 ft to corner No 3;
thence n 44 deg 3 miu Ufi02.0fl ft tocorner No I;
thonco n 40 dcg2l min w 1500 It to Corner No 1,
the place of beginning, containing 20.r.V acres.
Watson Lode: Beginning at corner No 1,
whence u llr 12 In dla bears ri M) deg 31 min l
7.72 It a llr 12 In dla bears n5deg4U min w 11 97
ft each blazed and scribed II T 1-453, UH1IJI
"llohemla Mine" M 8 No 229 bears n 25 deg 45
min 50 sec w 93X2.8 ft and nu corner See 21 sus
pended T 23 8, K. 1 V. W I' M bears n 30 deg 2H
mill 30seo W5916.5I ft: thencoS 9deg40 m in K
687 12 It to corner no 2; thence n 79 deg 41 min
50 see K 1487.52 ft to comer no 3; thence n 0 deg
10 miu w 570.52 fl to corner no 4; thence s to
deg 7 min w 1 187.10 ft to comer no 1 the place of
beginning, containing 10.113 acres, exclutlvo of,
.the Confidence and Holy 8moko Ixodes.
The total net area of these consolidated
claims is 90.121 acres, they are located In the
A of Bee 19 and the swM ol Bee 20, T 23 8, It 2 K
(uusurveyed) of the V I'M, and the name of
United Slates Land Olllce,
Rosoburg, Oregon, Apr. 7, 1902.
Notice Is hereby given that tho followlng
ruutied tettlei' has filed notice ol his Intention
to make tinal proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof will he made before Marie
L. Ware, U.S. Commissioner, nt Eugene, Ore.
gon.on May 81, 1902, viz: Calvin Castecl on II.
li. No. 8810 for the 8 K BE i, NE 8E 4 HB ii
NE 4, Bee, OTp. 20 8., U,2 West,
He names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and culllvutlpn
of said land, viz:
Perry Casnml, John II. Landers, of Baglnaw,
Ore., O.O. Miller of Creswcll, Ore., Richard
Kluncy ol Saginaw, Ore.
J,T, Onivast, Register.
of the adjoining claim as shown by the plat of
Alarm mxjo on tne uriuni,
survey, Is the
J. T. lJitibOEi. Itcclster
II, K. Hargcnt, Portland, Ore., Attorney for
I liavo just nut in utockulinu of fur
nituro from ti Iioiibo cloaing out at j u I to
ii induction mid will be nblo to kIvo the
lowest prlceH giving uluo u coniploto linu
of undertaking goodu and it new lino of
carieta, imittings, portiera, rugu, etc.
Call uud hco thum and get the prices.
Next to )08toiTice.
J. P. Cociman.
Kid Gloves
We have made a reputation in selliii!,' Ciloves and in giving nbso
lute satisfaction to our Glove Customers. You know the kind of
gloves we sell F.ach pair guaranteed. ?t.2S a pair. $
Of course it is a little soon for
you to wear a wnsh dress now,
but none too soon for you to se
lect to gel the prettiest and most
stylish that the market affords.
During your visit next week
we wish you to see our Fancy
stuiTs at 9c to 25c a yd.
Shirt Mi
The new waists are here in
White I. awn ami Colored Dimi
ties and Linen Colors We are
especially desirous of having you
look them over Prices on these
new waists range from
Site T 2.i
Qui' Muslin Underwear,
For a few days we will place
ou sale all of our Muslin Under
wear at our January sale prices.
You know the quality and
the values. COMIi.
At lowland's. At Newland's. I.
:We Have the Assortment
ifSXcV pnijcy TcckVcar for K;islci'.
ffflrcV pniHlui;! Hl'f hnlest G()l,,s.
Sl.vlcs Shirts, C-oIlai's ail (.HTs ii(
Fasl7i()i)al)Ic S'"fS
Easier Sl,ii'fc Waists
atcst ftVeIUw'S ii) F,i)cy
'ri hs
Gall at your Earliest Convenience. m
1 w
g We are at your service. jgj
We desire to call your attention to our
Also our New Taffeta Ribbons, all widths, all Colors. We carry a full I.ine of Mercerized Goods ii
the Leading Shades, that we would be pleased to show you.
Main ht., Cuttugu Ornvo.
Choice line of Liijuors
and Cigars kept on
hand. Your patronage
is respectfully solicited.
7 7
4 7
Fi.i Uanos.
The Fashion Stables
Glfi'isrnan BnA, PropHetop .
Also own and opperate the Bohemia
nud Ulack JutteStage Lines
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single at
Reasonable Prices
Valuable mining property In Jto- Read tile NUgget! Read tllC NllGGetn
liomift for sale. Jerome Knox and Co. C viv uggvi