I Distress After Eating Niiiim lieiwc'i'ii iiiciiIh, Ih'IcIiIii, yiiiii HIiir, Ilittulriico, II Lh nl iiiirviiiH bi'iul nclio, pulii In Hid hUiiiiiicIi, nr nil aytnpUwiw of ilyHHiiHlii, iiml tint lonjjfr Jt In nrujcftixl tint Imrilcr It In to runt II. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Itndlonlly mill Mirf Jiiili;litljr euro It Irtuixllii'ii mill tout) tlio utoiiiitcli unit Urnr dlvntlvo orKiiliH for tbo natural pfWofTiiiuicti of Mii'lr fiiliclloiiM. Arwtpt no HiiliHtiluU) for Ilood'a. "I k4 il)pril t went) -a y i mill look llrTrictil inrdli'liira but iiul no Iml i until I Ik) UhlUK lluud'a hminpnr llln. llnvn taken fimr Ixiltln ul tliU hnillrlun ml ran now rat aim. anything, aleep Mill, limn mi trampalli my atomai'b, ni bornliiif end tin dlatrefca." Mr. Miijum 11 Jliiiiiarr.il Olnny HI.. IWI. ilmnA, U. I. Iltmfm flnrmmpmrlllm tiromtarm to oura sent Iraaia tho ftromlmm. Good Itittr. Tkl plinun i llrxt owl by Dr. JoIiiimii, nlm mill of Hittliurnt, n pliyril clunt "Hi) huh h limn to 111 vnry lioiirt'a mnti'iit. Ho linlttil 11 fool, mill ho battel n nnui, nml lnt IiiiIimI u wbltj; lio tM a riiry kxhI Hutcr." FITS I'armannfitlr IturM. 5 nU ef lK-roiwli kftr ttrtl lm' iM-oflir Klln'itJr.t N rw ltil.,n. fe.ii.llur I'll I!l'.H2.lllllllll4lloalltlut. I.o. Pa. It II Km 11 I.I.I ll 1iiliSt..l'hllxli.lil.l'& Wouldn't lit Parly to IL Tailor Cnn't you pny my Dill tixlay, airf 1 ixhkI tlio iiionity, uh I'm kuIiik to bo iimrrliiJ next wi-ok. Oiiatomttr (u coiiIIiikhI bnclitilnr)- YVlin tf doing to bo niiirrlixl? Hucli 11 fixilluli tlilnK, mill on my moiiuyr Nov rl lor IXjrfburblor. I.unlna Uhu Wrutr HIiiMie tu ale mialler alter using Allen' I'ool I!m, powilrr. II inakuit tlK'it or lion nhoca oiuy. (Wiawulluti, hot, nwoiulriK, aching ten, in arowtiif iietla, rnrtie Mill bunion. Alldruir Klali mill ! times. 'Itti. Trial pnckairn HKK by inml. lddrei Allen 8. Ulnialoil, Lo llu) , Hew Ywk. To Whom II Ktfrrrcd. flarWlay Hcliool Tuncliur Now, Wlllin Orccn, -rrliiit hid wn to umlcrntiinil wben Uio Jtlblo fjii'iiku of pooplo who, IiuvIiik ttyoa, mm not. Willlo (Jit'on I rimm It miiHt mean pullootunu. riillailulplilu Itocoril. I am eutr I'lao'e Corn for Ooii'iilnt'tlim menl iiij llfn three vrnra mtii.--Mm. Tiiim. iiokriaa, jiuiiio airmt, orwICJi, n. 1. JT, llfOO. Condllloni Improving itofLernci (on li Im viicntlon) I Im. 1 1 ore tiiero U loin of vlcn nml criinii unoDg tli Iniliuiin out lioro tliuu thorn ukuI to la. In tluiro uotT Oomiiiiincliu 1'nU) You'ro riulit, pfird, Tli liuint ec many Injuiu at Uinf maud to bo. .Clilcajco Tribuno. IMMT'Fl Til I NT fre our one imnatea uonara Kowara for an aunol t'aturrh Uiat oau uotbocurwl bjlltll't Catarrh Carr. r. J. CIIRKKT A Co., Prop..Tolr1o,0. We ta andrt lened.liam known K. 1. Cbcney forllia sail liTrara, and txllcro hlui tUcl.j hum rutlr In all l.u.llicx Iranaactlniia ami Un. aaiolallr able lu carry cutauy obllcatluDa luado vj taair arui. Vlxt A Tauaz. Wbuleula llruicdata.TiilFdo, WauiiNa KihNiN A ManviH, Wholoialo Uriiairiita. Tnlndu. n. TlairaCatarrliUuro la takuii lutemallr.artlns dlrocllr on tbo bloixl nl ruuonua aurfaeeaol waajratcia. rrlco7,v ppr bollla. Hold by all JruKrtala. Tratlmunlala Irrr. llafl'a ramllr I'U.a are tba beat. Onto Ilia Game. Olnhb My nifo'H Roirt)? around with a chip on liur Mliouldur t'xluy. Cuubb Tlmt ho? CI n lib Yon, hIio found one In my jxirkot Uiln moniin). 1'liiliululpliiu l'rcaa. The Oldest and Best 8. S. S. hi a coinbinatlnn of roots find hcrlw o( great curntivc powers, and vrhen taken into the circulation searches out and removes all manner of poisons from the blood, without the least nhoclc or harm to the system. On the contrary, the general ilealth begins to improve from the first dose, for S. S. S. i3 not only a blood purifier, but nn excellent tonic, and strength ens and builds up the constitution while purging the blood of impuri ties. S. S. S. cures all diseases of a blood poison origin, Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Chronic Sores and Ulcers, Kczetna, Psoriasis, Salt Rhcura, Herpes andsimilor troubles, Hid is nn infallible cure and the only ntidote for that most horrible disease, Contagious Illood Poison. A record of nearly iV'y years of successful cures is a record to be proud of. S. S. S. ia more popular today thai. ever. It numlwrs its friends by tlic thousands. Our medical corres pondence is larger than ever in the history of the medicine. Many write to thank tis for the great good 8. S. S. lias done them, while others are seek ing advice about their cases. All letters receive prompt and careful attention. Our physicians have made a life-long study of Hlood and Skin Dis eases, and better understand such cases than the ordinary practitioner who makes a specialty of no one disease. HiancM a ujiaiuuj sss we are aoing great good to suffering humanity through our consulting de- nartmcnt. and invite von to write us if vou have any blood or skin trouble. We make no churge whatever for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIO CO- ATLANTA. OA. I ' 'ULU WM.Ub All .INK ,HI?. I Heat Cousb Byrup. 'faatoaGooO. Dae I ft hoi a nr aniBitiaw. i-i . A Itod in Pickle, hlrn. O'mmIhoIh Why, Johnny, uru you JiihI K"iiK Imiiii) now? Your limtliur'H liitoii liKiklnn for you nil niter noun. .loliuny Ych'iii, I know. Mm. (ImmIkoId JiinI think how nor rlml hIiii iniiNt hot .loliuny Oh, (iIio'm near tlio t-nil o' liur worryln'. I'll) JuhI Iwnlnnlii' miliu. It l.imkid Toui;h. "Will you cnrvii, Mr. CJIunvnr?" nfki.nl tlio liwiillmly, ii h nlm pliirod tlio turkey on tlio IxmriliiiK houxo liibln. "No, tliiink you," ropllixl tlio fnc tloiiM liounlor, "hit Mr. Ilnckott. ilu'n dtouii futlor." I'lilliidolphlu Hullo tin. , Ciajhlccrtlh Century Itobion. Two woiiidii who wiiiii klncoil by Ij Invotio Iiiivo Im-i-m found In thu Knxt. I.nfiiyiitto wiiN tlin IIookoii of thu KiKlittM'litli ri'iitury. MliuiunpollH Jouriml. A Natural Concluilon. Mollli Wlint iniikon ho iiiiiny cut tulld row on HiIh pond. CluirlloV ("linrllo Oh, tlmy grow up from lit tin klttli-M tli itt piiojilo linvu drowned huro, of court!. Doubled at Alimony. "Oh. yon, duiiKlitor'N fully twlto uh luippy iin hIio wiih with bur liuhlmud." "How ki7" " Why, ho iiwd to kU'o )n,r nn . lowiiucti of only 1U, mid now bo lm to puy dor f HO." ANouir.it itmiA uka iii.k uank Wbloli lh. llorliir. I'lillml to Uiirn or llnilrrvtMitil. A nmlirnl mini, uh n ruin, iliNllkun to acknowli-do tlio viiIiid of n proprictury nicdidiM'. In fuot, jirofoMilonul ti iii)tto ilolmrM hlui from doiiiK ho. Tlii-ro nrn ninny itininont pliynlciniiH, tliOM) moHt nviinitil In tliiur prof dioiiH, who hImi full credit to tliu Kri-Jtt etirutivo properlii'N of VoKidar'H Curu tivn ('(impound Irom t hn lurt tlmt it in innniifurtiirixl by nn old nml ndiublu coiiipiiiiy, proprietor of St. Juoobs ;il, Irom tlio fornmlii of a brothor 1 1 y h i -ciiin, w lio todny i-tuiidH in tlio front ruiikH of tlio ninut I'liiilmlit medinil men, mid on nirotint of itn iutriuiic ini-rit it Ih Inrpoly proM-rilxxl by tlio inodiiiil profiiKMion. Mrn. N(!ttlctonu;rnpliicullyrelnte8 tlm pnrtlculurH of lior own cm ho, which will doubtli-flH Imi of intoroitt to many of our Indy ruudrrH- "I hud Ix-on nn lnlonw miffror for trinity yonrn from dyxpopnia, liver und kiduuy troublu.i. whim u pnuiiililut wnn plucoil in my IiiiiiiIh, and, althoiiKh at tbut t i mo I had Imvii lx-driddon for moru than hIz moutliH, I dutrnilnod, uftor readliiK count of tlio ciim;h hlniilar to iiiinn, which lind Ixtt-n couiplntoly turnd by Vouolitr'H ('urativoCoiujiound, to try Homo, unx!eilly oh my lx;torH fullixl to fiviut lxtnuflt mo, and I had k'ivnn up nil hopo of ovor being well HKnlu. Tint ory llrst doco of 16 dropn ruliaviMt inn. It wnn not lonn bofore I wim nbln to got up mid about; thrxta moutliH from tnkitiK tlio flrnt dot I was unjoyliiK IxttUtr liimitli thmi I bud Ixh-ii for I I yarn. I hIiouIi! not havo buun uHto trxlny hnd it not Ih-'dii for Vojol cr'u Uurutivo Coiiimiiiiii1." Mr. Notthtton wild : "I havo rvcout mended Vojjtdor'H Curntivo Coniiouixl for indlKOHtion mid oczoinn, und in ivory cane it luiH proved a euro, boyond doubt. Mr. Hwiiibunk, our clx-uiiHt, hun wilt urn tlio nniiiDrtof no und of eo plo who havo 1mii curod by Vogeler'H Curativi) ConiHund. lly tbo way, the propriutorn Iihw ho much confidence in thin xrout lindoii phyMciuti'u dieoov ery, timt thoy will wtiid u xamplo freo to uny txT.son HondiiiK nmno und ad druxH, iiainint; thin pupor." .St. Jacobs Oil Co.,1'05 Clny St., Dnltimoru, Md. A Saint Upon Garth. "I'u," Fold Willio, "what dooH it menu to niy a muu in 'ouu of uaturo'u noblomuii'." " " 'Ono of ' imturo'B noblomon,' my koii," replied tlio old Keutlumnu, with n fiKiiillcant Icxik at bin bettor half, "ia a mnn who mniltiH wlien he tjets hoiiiu ridiculoiiH, cheap Rift for Christmas, und uxelniniH: 'How nice I Juot whut I wanted !' " Catholic Htundard and Tlmea. Mental Exerciie. JSurnico Whnt is tlio nature of thia brain work Cholly linn undertaken? llortento llu him mndo his vnlot tnko u buck peat, and ho tbinkH for him self what huUh bo will wear each day. She Knew tier Husband, l'oddlcr Wouldn't you liko some mottooa for your lioupo, mum? It's very cheering to n husband to ceo a nice motto on tlio wall when ho cornea homo. Mrn. Diiugg Ilnvo you irot ono that nays, "iiuttor Into than novor?" Week ly Telegraph. The Tandem Habit. "Why do Mr. Paintbrush and hit wife proinonado in cinglo lllo?" "Ihey used to rido a tiiudom, and thoy cnn't gut ovor tlio taudom habit." Fliegoude Hlnotter, The Fruit ol Filth. Sunday School Tonchor Faith, chil dren, Ih believing in tlio oxlBtenco ol something wo can't too. For ozuuitlo, whon you buy bananas you know that thero is a delicious fruit lusldo the tough skin. Do you understand? Children Yos, ma'nm. Sunday School Toachor Well, what la faith? Children Bananas. Makes Money Raiting Popcorn. A. L. Bchnoffer, of Edgar county, Illinois, last year harvested tbo largost crop of popcorn ovor gathorod in the world. From his 102 acres ho had 1,800 buBholH, a yield of a littlo ovor 17 buehols to the aero. It cost him $17 nil ncro to raUo, sort, shell and pay ground rant. SECURED A CONTINUANCE. Hlinru Trick l'rrielriileil by mi In' Kviiliinx IIIIiioU I.nwycr. Ktlii'ii Allen Hulveley of HprliiKllt'ld. tellx a pretty good xlory of liow, hoiiiu yearx ago, wlieu lie wnn editor of a Curlllivllle ttiiper. lie brought the prex agent ufa clrcux to time ami iniiile lilm pay Die paper llx pileu for n big ndver meiit by tlirenleiilng lo aiiiallKtx tlio allow. Hut up till hint week we don't know Hint we had ever beard of an at torney working Ihlx bluff on a court anil Jury, und the Utile Incident, which occurred In tlio County Court, U ulto laughable. W. II. Crow wun an attorney for a man under Indictment for nu iiKxnult, and the cane hud been continued xev era I tlnieit on one pretext and another, and wiih up again, nml thu piohccii tlon wiih liiHlHtlng on going to trial. Mr. Crow'H wUiichhch were not prcHcnl, und to go to trial under tlio clrciiin Hluucea would Kiirely rextilt In a con vict Ion of IiIh client, and JiiMt what to do ho wax at a Iohh to know. The Jury wun In tlio box 'ready to bo paxm-d up on, und thlngM wero becoming (lexper ule for Mr. Crow, when all nt once a bright thought xlruclt hlui, nn I, nd drcxHliig IiIh honor, ho nmiounccd that tlio defeiiHe wax ready for trial, but at the name time Muted that ho thought it wax only fair to the court und all concerned to xlale tbut li Ih client had been expoxed to the Hliiullpux mid wiih JuhI about duo to break out with It. "Bill," xald he, "uh fur uh I am con cerned, I have hud Hiuullpox. ami um not afraid of It. and If thu othei-H In tcrcxtcd In thu cane are willing to pro ceed I am. The bin IT worked like a charm, and It U ueeillexx to xay tbut It wax the utiauliuouH opinion of the proxcculloii, Judge and Jury that they had better take no cliunccx. and the attorney got lilx continuance. It, however. Ih due to Mr. Crow to xtule that IiIh client re- Hides In a neighborhood where thero ban been a cuxe or two of xmullpux re cently and may have been expoxed. but up to last accouiilH bad not broken out. I 'Ike County (111.) Democrat. lutereat In un llllerc-hllng I'liui-tlon. "Mumiiia, -when you xueeze a xueezc where dooH It go to?" "It gocM Into the air, I Huppoxc. dear. "And when hometblug tea rex It away. and you don't xueeze It, where does It go?" "1 don't know, child. Don't bother me." "Dorn it go back to where It came from, mamma?" "Oh. I suppose so. Kuu out aud play." "Then you've got to xueeze it some time, haven't you?" "Likely bh uot." "If you wax to sneeze all the xneezen you bad on hand, would you ever bueczo any more, or would there be new hucczch to " "Willie. 1 wish you would let uio alone." "What keeps the xueeze from coming out when it starts?" "How do I know?" "Why Ih It, mamma, that some peo ple nay 'k-choo' when they ineeze, aud some say 'k-choo?' " "Willie. If you don't " "Johuuy llckou says If I'll give him Are ceuts he'll sneeze through hU ears. Can he do It, mamma?" "No. of course uot, dear." "I low do you know he can't' "IJecause Willie. If you dou't stop bothering me I shall certainly " "Mamma, what Is a sneeze?" Whack! Vliack!-Chleago Tribune Our Nutjoiiul l.oal. The Indefatigable reveller lu llgures baa takeu the Ungllsh loaf as a sub Ject to Juggle with, aud bus produces! the following startling statistics and statements: The national loaf, which weighs con siderably over seven million tons, eon- talus rather over l.ulo.OOu.iKjO cubic feet of the staff of life that Is to say, If turned out having the width and height of the ordinary loaf I. e.. sis aud three-quarter Inches high ami four and three-eighths Inches wide--It would have a length of IttT.t&S miles, which would give every man, woman and child lu the kingdom a dally ratlou rather less than four Inches loug, or lu the aggregate a dally loaf -'.ollT miles hi length, extending from IOudon to three hundred miles beyond Mount Ararat Into the heart of the dominion owning allegiance to the Shall. If baked In the form of a biscuit or cake a (lunrtcr of an Inch lu thlckuess. the area of the same would amount to over 1,110,000 acres, and If baked in a circular form would eutall a walk of aue hundred aud forty-eight miles to circumscribe It. Klcolrlo Towage. The Krle Cauul Company, which has the exclusive right to equip the canal of New York State with a system of electrical propulsion, has becu Inactive luce the abandonment of the experi ments with tlio Lamb type of electric towage, llecently, however, a now sys tem has beeu brought to the attention of the company, ami this will be given a fair trial. Klectrle townge has prov ed very successful In Frauce. and Its practicability ought to ho demonstrat ed lu this country. Why Klio Postpones Mnrriiiito. All the suitors for a girl's hands In Borneo are expected to bo gcueroiui lu their presents to her. These presents aro uever ruturnd; ' threfore the wily young lady defers as long as possible a positive selection of the happy muu. lliul llu- Tom. "It Is reported that Tom Heed has taken to smoking cigarettes." "Oruclousl And Just the other day a Southern Judge said ho wouldn't be lieve a cigarette smoker under oath." Cleveland Plain Dealer. To Mtihirs esf In this worknday world few women are so placed that physical exertion la not coiiatnutly dauiundud of thorn in their daily life. We make a apecial appeal to mothers: of largo families whom work Is never done, and many of whom suffer, and suffer for lock of Intelligent nit. To women, youuif or old, rich or poor, we extcDtl an Invitation totu-ccpt Iroo odvlca. Oh, women I do not let lliu. Gasnra Bcturmxa. your lives lie wicriflced when a. word of advice at the first approach of weak ness, may All your future years with healthy Joy. Address a letter to Mrs. Pinkhnm's Laboratory, Lynn Mass., and you will not bo diaappointcd. " When 1 began to take Lydla K. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound I was not able to do my housework. I suf fered terribly at time of menstruation. Several doctors told me they could do nothing forme. Thanks to the Pink ham advice and medicine I am now well, and can do the work for eight In tho family. " I would recommend Lydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to all mothers with large famlllo. Mrs. Caiuux IlEtXEVii.i.K. Ludlngton, Mich Trouble Ahead. "What nre vou crying for?" "Mo big brudder'sgettin' a lickin'." "Ah, I reel You'ro torry for him." "Nnw, I'm sorry fer my Mill. He's goin' tcr lick mo fer telliu' on him." New York Evening Journal. Saddcit of AIL Hts It is a pleasure to meet a woman who has a Fonse of bumor. She Hut, really, ono doesn't need a sense of humor to laugh at the things you pay. Life. Mil Ambition. Young Jotief I mean so to livo that when I die all the great cities of the earth shall quarrel over the question of my birthplace. Young Hrown Yes; each ono will lay the blame on some other. The druggixt who adviseH you to uxo Hamlin's Wizard Oil for the euro of pain, does you a good turn 1 A Good Mimic "I don't tee what yoh all has to git k proud about," t-aid Miss Sadio Cot tonball. "Cohxa you doesn'," answered Miss Miami Hrown. "I'zo lieon studyin' do white folks. Whut yoh wants to do is jcx' put on do airs yohxe'f an' let do yuthuh folks do do guesein' 'bout whut de reason is." Table Decoration. Four rather small fern dishes filled with crowinc ferns are sometimes used to outline tho center square of the din- ner ixjani , inu tu-iuui cuitier ueim; oc cupied by a Mender, rather tall glass vam, which may.hold any llower pre ferred, two or three stems with foliago being mllicient. I i ' 'mi M u mi' 1 1 Hi Atgclablc PrcpnrnlionrorAs similaling the Food andRcgula Ung UicSloinachs andBowcls of Promolcs Digcslion.Chccrrni ncss andRcst.Contalns nellhcr Opium,Morphinc norIiiioral. Not Hxuc otic. JbafeofOtea-SUNUELmaOR Jlx.Suut DtfiattnUtSiJa i lh'?f Sed -fttrtud SUciv yifniKynKtnmr. ApcrTccI ncmetly forConsllpa Tlon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcvensh ncssmulLoss of Sleep. FacSimito Si'gnalurt of exact copy or WRAPPcn. . -vir W' From Enliited Man to Admiral. Hear Admiral Oscar W. I'nrenliolt, United States nnvy, who was Inspection olllcof at Charleston navyynrd up to aliout a year ago, and who is now on tho retired llxt, In (ho only ollieer in tho xervieo who reached the grndo of rear admiral from tho iKisitioit of en lltxcd man. Admiral Furenholt en tered tlm navy first ax a volunteer dur ing tho Civil war, and has n record of moio than 10 years n:n pervito. Jcalouiy. "I understand Miss Ooldstandard's engagement litis been broken. What was the cuso7" "Jealousy." "Jealousy?" "Yes, her dog became too fond of him." In the Ark. "Don't annoy your father," whis pered Mrs. Noah to Sliem. "He's in a bad humor." "What's wrong with him?" queried Shem, curiously. "Why," replied Mrs. Noah, "he went out on tlio litirlcane deck to let ono of thodovoH Ioopo, and tho wind turned his umbrella wrong side out!" Ohio State J"timnl. Iloneihoci in the Orient. The tyjio of horsoihoe common in thu Orient ia a plate fitted so as to cover the entire bottom of tho hoof, with a lerforatlon in tho center. Thfe weight of tho average horfeshoo is three-fourths of a pound. Tlio native smiths usually cut theso plates from sheets of wrought iron and rudely shape them for the purpose In view. Deaf Mute Uied Threatening Language. For using threatening "deaf and dumb" language toward his father und orother a deal mute has been bound over to keep the peace at Blackburn, Kngland. Magic Orchid of Java. In Java there is an orchid, the gram matophyium, a 11 the flowers of which ipen at once, aa if by tho stroke of a fairy wand, and they also all wither to gether. Woman's Acquaintance. Herr Do you know my wifeT Frau Very well. Herr Hut I don't ronember intro ducing her to you. Frau Quite true, but I havo a new maid who wna with your wife two months. Fliegeude Ulaetter. Soporific Hramble I uted to be troubled with insomnia, but I cured myself. Thome How? "I joined a chess club." Judge. No Sole (or Music "How queer!" exclaimed Miss Pcrtio Goodwin, at the Wagner recital. "My foot has gone to sleep and in all this noifo, too!" Chicago Daily News. So Mtar. Creditor (angry) I tell you, I want my money. Voice From Boyond Well, you can't get blood out of a turnip. Creditor No, but I can out of a beet. WASHING MADE EASY Bv usinir tnv Washing Tablets. N'o acids. ' Send 50 cents for package sulllcient for 3 months, with full directions. Agents wanted. W. O. POWELL, , Box 606. Portland, Oregon. IIN YOUR YOU Filld tllB DifferBflGB One brlnga no In VOUr TlUrDe. nrnochont' C I IPO V. lor . 1J3,u'd ,0 r,a,nt or "rril' he ruoata. quickly dc-atroylng alt UlUCdllCbn O. L-lbtJ IMIICl lice. The prir la iiotblna; In eomparlann to theKoolit wllt.ia. CnUO Yniir PniPKOrtC . M Oroeabeck'a KE lT..ilu-.-r hiiiI lllth Food to (he OdlC I UUI UlllbnCllO. chickens prevents morulliv I'ullits brc n taytui; wben flro er alx muntheold. i5 to 50 per cent, more eggs produced. PORTLAND SEED CO.. 13B Front St root. Portland, Or. Coast Anonta. i w iiTTrwiwwr'w j mi Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! In Use Over Thirty Years Bears the t Signature A M For THK CrNTAUR OOMPtNT, NCW VOHK CITY Weak? " I smlfcred lerrlblv and was ex tremely weak for 12 years. The doctors said my blood was all turning to water. At last I tried Ayer sarsaparim. ana was soon feeling all right again." Mra. J. W. Plata, Hadlyme, Ct. No matter liowlongyou have been 111, nor now poorly you may be today, Aycr s Sarsaparilla is the best medicine you can take for purifying and en riching the blood. Don't doubt it, put your whole trust in it, tnrow away everything else. 1IHI mtiit. All ruis. AkToarlo-tnrwht hx thln of Ayar'a fUriituirtlla. lie knowtallahoiitthlaaraail oM family tnadlrlna. Follow tila aarlee and J. o. aim i.owau. ami. DO VOOJ WORK IU JUL WEI? THE ORIGINAL OIL-CD CLOTMINO- KACaOITtllSW IS ..Mt xbrnwia,iiwn JWr1Are FOR SERVICE. toon I0B A6" CATAtWUES FREE SHOWING PULL LINE Of GARMENTS AND HAT3 A.J.TOWRCO,BQ3TON.MAS3. 4 BUGGIES. UlTttM-ttcraatlarartlOD man anything the market at anything Uke the prlce. be cauae they are mad of noa material t aland "Oregon roarlV Iroo cornere oa bo lien, bracea on ahatta, liravy eecond-Krowthwbr-la,8crw4lrlm. Iryoawaat to reel sure that you are grtUDC your moo ey'a worth, ask for a "Km Une" or a Mitchell" (Ilrnney) Uaggy. We guaran tee them. MHchall, Lmwlm Saror Co. BealUe, Spokane, Bolie. Portland, Or, BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY Portland, Oregon. Founded 1370, U Home School for Boys. Military and Manual Training. Write for llluatraleil Catalogue. ARTHUR C. NEWILL, Principal POCKET! mm Uetween alcklv. lnn.v Milnl on. n...i , . tnotiejr to i.mr iMxiket. the other meana moooy U l l-h urf 1 inn li.v.f J Sold by 63 Douelat Store In American cities, and the best retail slioe dcetlen everywhere. Caution I The eenuine hiva W. L, luuglas' name and pilco tiampea on ine Douom. tVotle increat of sales in tabU btioitt iSMng.tog rir. li)00 1,251), 751 Pairs. Bmlnes) More Than Doubled In Four rsara. THB REASONS t kuui:rka iiiakrt and t41U more men'i 13.00 and $3.Who itian any ot hrr I wo mamirai't am . W, UDoutftai $8.00 and S-l-COiliorsulaml tide tr sldo witU SA.00 ana $.oo i0joi of other luakea art found to b juit aa good. 1 he; will outwer two juiri ol ordmarr tJ.oo and $3.ui ahoea, Mada of thi best Itathtrs. Including PaUnt Corona Kid, Corona Colt and National Kangaroo, r.t Ulor KtvUIi llwaji Blfh Hok V4. , IMa.UturlM 91 "01 'l KdfLl,'eMBlb,BltJ. Hlioca by wail, 25 cU. extra. Catalog fro. V. Tm llOltOLAR, Ilrorkton, llua. New Year Resolutions TAKK 1UK ifeeley Guro aute relief ft omUqscr, opium and UOUK ttablta, Wnalar partloularao feelty Inslltute. tSiiSZ: K. 1. N.U. Mo. in-iooa. vs. (W IIKN wrltlnc to nil vortlsers pleaae uianllon tine papor.