E3 V. ALL UI'.TO.KATJS IIIIMIKNM MMN OK OOTTAIII! (IIIOVK AllVliUTI.H; IN TIIK NtJCMIUT. tySGBfln P TIIK NCdOKT JO II orriOK TCItSs OUT GOOD TTOIUC AT MOST RKASONADX.K JWICJCfl, Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Farming Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake, BOHEMIA m fiUGG VOL. XV PROFESSIONAL. J. E. YOUNG Attorney -a I-Law . .OOlM on Main itKflt, Wwt Hid CoTTAc.it Gkovi:, Okk. Attorntus and Conimdors-at-fMio Mu.cUl attention iilren to Mining. CnTHirllou ml Merraiillle Ijiw. omceooriJariuan A llinuay'l(in. COTTAGE GUOVH. OKU. J. S. MEDLEY Attorn cy-at-Law o o o :-Oltlce on Main lrt : Cottaou Okovic, Ouk. JEROME KNOX Attorn cy-id-Laxo J'jorapljiuliiiijwl'l to Mining ItmlticM. CorrAf.it Gkovi:, Oku. KCLtfC TltOKrsuX CHAS. . lUlU'V. THOMPSON & HARDY H ttorntus and Counsclors-at- Law Special attention Kite" I""'" 'w'.'l.""e- KUtiKNIv, OHK. L. T. HARRIS Attomtu and (!uuiadur-at-Law fpeolal attention LrHj! J". jig ul M"IC' i First National llanW Building. KUUK.VK, okk. Mrs. Kitlicrlne Schlcf, M. D. Diseases vf Women anil Children corr.vuK ouovh, ouk. -WvH.-ROBIJNSON i -ptrminu Piusf-iA- i . rldrnr-e m Itlvef street, nor Wall. COTTAOK flUOVK. UKKOON. BUSINESS. "BARKER & PER MAN IMIUPKIF.TOIIS "F THE EXCHANGE zy iiKALr.tis in nsi: WINKS, LIQUORS. CIGARS. Main street. N.Mg r "' h7c. m adsen, Watciimakkk. Impairing at reasonable charge. All work guaranteed tlrst-class. 5 COT TACK OUOVK, OUK. Harness and Saddlery- MAIS HTKEI'.T, COTTAUK OUOVK. fleorpe JVLc'inzer, Prop. lln lino of Harness. Saddle. Whip", KW Robe,. Leather Holtlnn. KtC atay on All kind. l ltcmirlng a Specialty All hand ewed work turned nut. ;Our Farmer Friends can get the very Ut t the Lowe.t l.lvli.B I'rUc Coino 111 nud m tut tlio kuoiIh nd i-c for yourclt. Common Rough Lumber, $6 per M. at BOOTH-KELLY Mills, Saoinaw, Or. The. Fi -OF- COTTAGK GROVR, OrK. Paid up Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loan on approved security. Exchanges Bold, available anv place jn tlio Unied Stat en. rotir Buainetw i Solicited. Cottage JUSfAEMYED Our Toil Fine Tailor Tori 1 AC Never have we had the pleasure of showing you the nice up-todrte and so large variety of ready made gai incuts as vc arc this spring. The very latest effect isi Gibson's Waists $1.35 to $2.50 We carry an immense line of silk now, and the latest designs. Come and see us. UElftVWUllVV LEADERS IN MERCHANDISING ViRwYi (x tVtYMlllVI Cottage Grove, Oregon. NO TICK FOB PUBLICATION. Uniti il SlutCH Lnml Otllrt', Uo-olmrv, Orou'im, Vu. 7. K'" Nntii'i' in linrt'liv (liven llml i" niiiiili niu'c ullli llu- pioviHiiniH nt llio net of I niiiri'i'K ul .mm' ii. loin, t'liuiimi mi ..... r.ii. llu. until .if titiilu.r nlllllri ill tlm StntfM of California. Orouim, Ncvmln, mill WiiHliliiKton lurriiory, imcxu'iiuixi to nil tlm I'uliliu I.iiml StulcH liy net of Allium 1, 1MI-, Jirs. Alice uik uiv ui Siiuiniiw, County of Kane. Statu of Ore- Hon, Iiiih UiIh iluv filt-ii in tliidoflieu tier mvorn etiitfliicnt No. 2027, for the pnr cliiiito of the SK li, of heotion No. 2(5, Towimiiip 21 Soulli.of Uaiij;u W. ami will oirur proof to hIhiw that the land u.ii.lit lu itimn iiImm1i1a fur itH tilnlit.r ilWl'I.V ID .t.WH .,.......- . ... orntone than for iinriiiiiltnral piirpiwt-H, i ... . ....i.it.i. i ..i-i... n ....i.i I.....I IHHl U I'HUU'linil livr flllllll iu rum ii.ii.i iiuforo tin- Ut(tiBtor and Uerelver of this ..111.... nf U.lynlilll if OrfLrrill nn Wciliius day. tlio 7tli day of May, 11)02. Kim uaini'ii as wiineuHca : u.....l.n. A l.niriiiit if Kiu'inniv. Orn- L'on, Gcorgo ltitrt!! of Mabel, Orcaon. .laillt'U l.l'ti, l'liuifi ii. iiruiuuaiiKii, ui Cottiigo Cirovo, Orocon. Anv anil till porfoiiH clalmlnc adverse ly tlio abovo-ik'ncribeil Intulu aro ri (HUHtt'd to Ulu thoir ulainiH in thin oflico on or before irniil 7tli day of May. 1002. .1. T. Uiuuuks, KeKiator. NOTICE FOU I'UIJMOATION. United StateH I.nnd Office, Itoseburu, 0rf(?on, Kob. 14. 1002. Notice is hereby (sivun that in com pliance with the provisions of tlio uct of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act tor tlio sale of timber land in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wellington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of Anoint 4, 1802, Thomas Hoche of En ijeiie, County of Luno, State of Oregon, has this day tiled in this oflico his sworn statement No. 2033, for tlio purchase of the SE M, of Section No. 2, township 22 South, of Uango 2 W. and will oiler proof to show that tlio land Bought is nioro valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Ueglster and Ueccivcr of this oflico at Uoseburg, Oiegon, on Wednesday, the 7th day of May, 1002. Ho unities as witnesses. Ed Jordan, Dan Hrunibaugli, of Co burg, Oregon, Oscar Leo, John Palmer, of Cottage Orovo. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-doscribed lands aro re quested to lllo their claims in this oflico on or before said 7th day of May, 1002. J. T. Uninaics, Uegistor. You can buy any preparation at J. P. Currln'B that Is advertised in any papor. Remember we mnUo a specialty of family receipts. Road real estate bargains of Jerome Kilos & Co. Grrove, Oregon, Spring Line of at HIoln ffVivfa xaiiui lTiauu kjiviilo. WALKING SKIRTS AND DRESS SKIRTS SEE O UR iSTEW PETTICOATS, SHIRT WAISTS AND HOSIERY. Many new shades and styles in Kid Gloves. EAKIN & BEISTOW. made Skirts, Shirt waists, Wrappers, Etc. eiBORCBeaeBOB9OB9i9aBoiaoeBaaoioBeB00ii9BffaioB9Coaoifl IHIGSI GitAIE PIANOS AND ORGANS Direct from the Factories; We are sole Agents for Oregon and can save you the middle man's profits: We will take your old Piano or Organ in part payment for a new one and let you pay the balance in small monthly, or yearly payments. We are the sole Agents for the celebrated TROWBRIDGE Piauo. Write us for Cata logue and prices. MORRIS & CRAW, Ninth Street, Eugene, Oregon. s HCBABSBSBSBOBOflOBOBSHOBCBOneBOBOBOBOHOBOBOBOflOBOBOBOB HUTinXlff O T Paint Supply Store First qualities in everything in the line of paint and painters's supplies. The only complete line of Wal Paper iu the city. LATEST DESIGNS LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. Painters and Paperhangers For any "kind of work in house furnishing, get our prices. They are.right,' and we guarantee our work. Store first door East of Bridge on Main Street. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS. Wo hnvo on hand a largo stock of kiln-dried flooring, celling and rustic in grades 1 2 and 3. Lot us imiko you special prices. Booth-Kkixy Lumbeu Co. Friday, j..pril 11, a 9 B B e THE OLD RELIABLE Grocery Store Caries a full line of Staple and Fancy goods, Granite, Crockery, Tin and Glassware, Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats, Hay and everything the farmer or the housewife needs. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. It will be n pleasure at all times to show our goods and you nre earnestly requested to call and examine them. Will vivet All Competlon in 1' vices. SKILLMAN & GAROUTTE Successor to Baker & Johnson COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. Wo sell choice lots in tlio Long & Bingham - property, latoly platted and adjoining Cottage Cirovo, right at the junction of the S. P. U. R. mid thoO. G. it B. R. R. Prices according to locality. JtnoMB Knox & Co. 1902 ft ioes m ' Dcvorod To Bohemia Nore and Items of tfenertxnnrore,3r to MirvlnS Men CAIIINKT I1URKAU At a meeting of mining men held Thursday at Pottlattd in the hall of the Oregon Mining Exchange, in the Chamber of Commerce build iug, resolutions were passed in dorsing a bill now in congress to create a cabinet bureau representa tive of mining interests. A com mittee was also appointed to secure representation from all mining camps in the state to form a State Miners' Association. The object of the association is to foster the mining industry, to secure the en actment of such laws as will be f j unci desirable, and to create the position of mining inspector. The resolutions adopted by the meeting, copies of which will be forwarded to the Oregon delegation in con gress were as follows: Whereas. The mining industry of the United States has become, and now is one of the greatest sources of wealth to the nation; and Whereas, This in dustry is co-extensive with the limits of our national boundaries, and afford fields of investment and labor in every state and territory in the nation, employing capital and furnishing labor equal to any other industry; and it is important to all classes of our people that the mining industry be fostered and encouraged; and Whereas, A bill has been intro duced in our congress providing for a cabinet department iu a national administration, representative of mining interests; therefore,' be it Resolved, That the mining inter ests of the State of Oregon, repre sented in this convention by practi cal miners, mine-owners and in vestors of capital, respectfully urge upon congress the importance of house bill 7195, and ask that it pass and become a law of the nation Mr. E. T Rich, writing' in the National Banker says. "There is as much money invested in mining as iu bankiug. and the former pays a much handsomer dividend. The SOMETHING NEW. Mining men turned to doctors through I the influence of an Indian woman. W. ' J. Dyson was given up to die by promi , nent doctors with rheumatism mid I Bright's disease and was cured sound and well ami after having C. B. Mont gomery, an educated chemist, to inves I tigate the medicine, with instructions as to how much of each root and plant it would take to make the medicine. Wo linvo applied for our patent and re ceived a certificate for tho same, and we nre now ready to supply the public witli tho most wonderful kidney and blood purifier that has ever been introduced in tho world. It is manufactured strictly out of roots and herbs only. There arc no chemicals of any kind. This wo guarantee. This valuabio medicine is manufactured by none other than W. J. Dyson and C. F. Mitchell in Cottage Grove. In the near future wo will bo able to turn out 1000 hottlns per day. We also have quito a number of good, reliable citizens to give us testi monials. This is a home production and tho root and herbs are confined to the state of Oregon. This is one of the mildest and be?t remedies for female complaint on earth. There is no griping pain whatever. NOTICE IOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Olllce, ltosobuw, Orexon, March 11,1902. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with tho provisions ol the net of Congress of Junes, lbi8, entitled "An Act lor the sale of Timber Lands In tho Slates of California. Ore eon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to nil the public land states by act of August 4, lfcfti. John Oraber, ol Cottage Grove, County of Lano. State of Oregon, has this day tiled In this olllce his sworn statement No. 2101, lor the purehaso of the KH Ni:',, SW'i NE1-4, andHKl.lNWW.of section No, an, townfbtp JO fi, rnnijo S est, and will offer proof to snow that tho land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before thn ItirlKlAr and Ueruiver of this nrTlpe atltoso 1 burg, Oregon, on Saturday, tho 17th day of May, 190-J. lie names as witnesses: Alfred A. Anderson, Ilenry Illgelow and Ben l'ltelier, of Uorena, Oregon, and II. Dow, of I Cottage Oroya, Oregon. above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 17th day of May, 1W2. J. T. BmwiM. Dr. Lowe's glasses are good (."lasses. N0. 18 dniDioa prejudice against mining, like an hereditary taint, still clings to the ultra conservative, the timid and the less ambitious. Such notions and ideas on mining, though well iutentioned, are based upon the theory that some one lost money in either the mining proper, or in mining stock speculation." Mr. Rich simply states what all con servative, level-headed men know to be a fact. The fact that money has been and is lost in wild cat mining schemes is not the fault of mines, but of ths same class of leeches that are found everywhere and in every class of business. But. fortunately for Bohemia Dis trict this class of work working the people has not yet begun and it is hoped will not. The invest ments are here and are perfectly legitimate as investigation has shown those who are now stock holders in the many first class properties of the Bohemia District. The Le Roy Mining Company sent down from the mines this week three huudred pounds of fragmen tary ore that is especially rich and attractive. It has been placed on exhibition at the mining company's rooms and is exciting quite a crowd of visitors daily. The company has lately struck an exceptionally hard vein of quartz, which when broken through will 110 doubt develop an extremely rich ore chute. A large shipment of supplies w,ere sent into the mines a few days since and work is being pushed rapidly. A meeting of the Board of Di rectors of the Le Roy Mining Com pany was held April 8. Consider able business was transacted. The price of stock has been fixed, until further orders, at 10 cents. Pay day for the company has been fixed for the first Tuesday after the first Monday of each mouth. A very favorable report from the mines re garding progress of development is at hand. NOT1CK FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. Kocburg, Oregon, March 29, 1S0J. Notice Is heroby given that In compliance with the provisions of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, ami Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States byact of August 4, 1892, Charles B. Bruneau of Cottage, Grove, County of Lane State of Oregon Ins this day filed In this office his sworn stateraiut No. 2162, for the purchase of the I-ots 13, 18, 19, and 20 of Section No. S0,Tonshlp23 South, of Uango 1 West and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for lis timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ills claim to said laud before the IteKlster and lie. eolver of this oflico at Uos.eburg, Oregon, on Friday the 20 day of June, 1902. He names aswltnewcs: 1). T. Aubrey, D. Ii. Brumbaugh. John Pal mer and Joe Lee of Cottage Grove, Oregon. Jlny and ail persons claiming adversely the aborc-dcscrlbcd lands are requested to tile their claims In this office on or before said 20 day uf June 1902. J. T. BuiDGzs, Ueglster. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Rosoburg. Oregon, March 29, 1902. Notice Is hereby glvon that In compliance with the provisions of tho act of Congress of Junes, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Lauds In the States nf California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Wakhlngton Territory," as oxtended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, D. Thomas Awbrey, of Cottage Grove, County of Lane State of Oregon has this day tiled in this cilice bis sworn statement No. 21C3. for the purchase of the South.east quarter of Section No. .10, Township 22 South, of Kange 1 West and will offer nroof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than fur agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land beiore the Register and Receiver of this oftice at Uoseburg, Oregon, on Friday the 2o day of June 1902, llenamesaa witnesses: Charles B. llruneau, l- II. Brumbaugh, John Palmer, Joe Ie, of Cottage Grove, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands ure requested to tile their olalms In this office on or before said 20 (lay of JuuolTO. J. T. Bkidoks, Register. LOST. A small hand-satchel containing bottle of chloroform and surgical instruments. Finder will pleaso leave at this office and, oblige Dn. L. W. Buow.v, Eugene, Ore. Neat Job Work,