Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 04, 1902, Image 5

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Although the (lay wits propitious
there wusun exceeding light attend
nnce at the dctnocrutic primaries
Saturday There was little or no
entlnisinstn manifested and the
routine work of nominating dele
v a ten was quickly over with. L. F
Wooley was made cliainnnn, and
J. S. Medley, secretary in cast
Cottage Grove. The following is
the list of delegates to the demo
cratic convention to be held at Eu
gene on April 5th: James Lebow,
C. II. Wnllacc, L. F. Wooley,
Winters Wallace, Jesse Martin,
Currin Coolcy, J. S. Medley and
O. O. Warner, C. A, Vnnnchoaick
was nominated rond supervisor,
K. M. Vcatch was tnude chairman
and Robt. Cooley secretary in west
Cnttngc Grove. The following i
the list of delegates: Geo. Thomp
son, F. If. Rosenborg, 1. J.
Markley, W. lf. Gray, Whit
Gowtly, R. M. Vcatch and J. R.
Coolcy. Alf Powell was nominated
lor road supervisor.
Both precincts endorsed A. II.
King for justice of the peace and
Albert Wallace for constable.
A Nkw Citv Tickht.
Monday evening at n "taxpayers'
meeting held at the Musouic Hall,
following ticket was named for
city officers: M.yor, R. M. Vcatch;
recorder, Thos. Medley; treasurer,
Herbert Kakiu; councilman for first
ward passed over; second ward,
Frank Wheeler; third ward, U. S.
Martin, L. F. Wooley presided over
the meeting with Thos. Medley as
secretary. It is to be hocd that out
of this entire lot of candidates now
before the voters that an exception
ally strong ticket can be elected,
nuil that city affairs from this on,
wilt glide as smoothly as a summer
Kastkk Shrvicks.
Impressive Easter services were
had at the C. V. Church Sunday
noon. A splendid program con
sisting of duetts, quartettes and
choir singing, interspersed with
short scechcs, recitations and dia
logues was rendered. The anthem
"Come Where the Lilies Bloom"
with twenty-five voices was an es
pecial feature of the occasion.
The Easter program at the M. 15
Church last Sunday evening was
well rendered, and seemingly very
much enjoyed by the large crowd
present. It consisted ot a medlej
of songs, recitations and dialogues.
The children had been carefully
drilled and they performed the var
ious exercises with precision and
without hesitation.
The upstairs of the Finn building
i being finished up for offices.
Lights and water attachments with
every up to date convenience will
be the order. Mr. W. F. Morphy
manager of the Cottage Grove and
Bohemia railroad will occupy a
suite of rooms.
II. Lurch has set the example by
pruning his trees and cleaning up
his handsome yard on Main street.
Now is the time to make u raid on
rubbish in streets, yards and alleys
for the combined purpose of health
and beautifying the premises. Cot
tage Grove can be made very at
tractive by a little care and atten
tion of the property owners.
A Good Wild Cat.
Dave Mosby brought in a wild
cat last Saturday which had fallen
a victim to him and his dogs on
Mosby creek. Mr. Marker will
have the "varmint" stuffed and
mounted after R. M. Veatch's lat
est method.
Nkw Frkight Link.
Dennis Cooter has established a
freight line from Cottage Grove to
Black Butte and Amos. He leaves
on Monday of each week from the
store of the Pacific Timber Co. his
headquarters, where all orders
should be left.
There is nu ugly hole in the
crossing from the bridge to the
bank that needs fixing. Some one
is liable to. come up with a broken
leg one of these days, aud then
there will be trouble.
Puophrtv Sold.
II. C. Dutton has disposed of his
residence property in West Cottage
Grove to L. Braden Gebsinof Linn
county. Consideration $625.
A pair of kid gloves. Owner can
have same by calling and paying for
this notice.
.r. vp -'T Tr-',Tr-rF-F--(s
M. 11. A.
The M. B. A. Is looking for a
visit ftom the State Manager 011
April 7th.
On April toth the Maccabees
will render a program followed by
a supper on which occasion a large
attendance is expected.
M. W. A.
The M. W. A. met Tuesday
night aud had a log rolling, one
candidate initiated. There will be
several candidates for Tuesday 15.
The Forresters had a live meet
ing Friday night. Five members
were instructed in the full work
and a banquet was held afterwards
in the hall.
The RcbcccaH will meet Friday,
hciuiMhc first night after changing
their date of meeting. From this
on their meeting will be held 011
the first aud third Friduys of each
odd pici.r.ows.
The Odd Fellows had work in
the initiatory and first degree Sat
urday night. They havedetermined
to enlarge their present hall and
store building making a forty foot
addition thereto.
The Rcdmeii had an enthusiastic
meeting Monday night and adopt
ed four pale faces into the tribe.
They also took definite stels to
ward purchasing a site for a lodge
building. A stock company has
been formed and about all the
stock subscribed. The building is
to be of brick 40 by 90 feet aud to
cost about $3,000.
At the business meeting of the
Kpworth League held at the resi
dence of J. I. Jones last Monday
evening the following were elected
delegates to the District convention
which meets at Kugene the last of
the week: Gertrude Hurdick, Cleo
Lewis. Ethel Nokcs.'Mary Currin,
Lulu Hull and Lillian Hart.
At the Methodist Church next
Sunday the pastor will preach both
morning and evening. Morning
subject, "Fraying for Soul's Bene
fits" in the evening, "A Word of
Warning from the Prophet Mala
Tho Medley was a p-msengur for Eu
gene Wednesday.
Giei-n Pitcher returned from Blue
river Wcdnendiiy.
Thus. Cliesnut, wife aud son, of Iowa,
relatives of E. F. Smith, are visiting
Frank Jordan, postal telegraph oper
ator, has been out repairing the line
this week.
J. E. Young attended fho Republican
Congressional convention held nt Rose
burg April 1st ns u delegate.
MIhh Nina Ostriuider has purclmwed
one of the celebrated Trowbriilge pianos
and S. B. Morse a Kohlen A Co.
Shoes, rubbers and clothing must go
regardless of profit. N. E, Elsea & Sou.
Mr. and Mrs. Heurv Whitlock desire
to express their thanks to nil who so
kindly assisted them during the sick
ness, funeral and burial of their llttlo
son, Henry Hulbert.
I hnvo Just put in stock a line of fur
niture from a house closing nut ut quite
a leductlon and will be nblo to give the
lowest prices giving also a complete line
of undertaking goods and a new line of
carpets, mattings, portiers, rugs, etc.
Call and seo them and get tho prices.
Next to postofTice.
J. D, Cochran.
A the Old Maid
Said wlien
Our nils are short and sweet and right
to tho point.
Brclinut & Morgan
Xhe Jfetv Era Drug Store.
" 1
Mlas Edna Msrtln is quite III
Hen Lurch was a passenger for Eugenii1
Geo. Lea went to Eugene on business!
Friday, ' I
Mrv Judge Wiley returned to Junction
Cnlvln Wallace la (julte ill nt hh homo
up the rivur.
Hon James Ilcmcriwny went to Port
land Tuesduy .
Col. Iilulr attended tho contention at
Eugene Saturday.
Mrs. McKliiney returned from Com
stock Saturday.
Mr. and Mri. James Whl to returned
from California this week.
Mrs James Johnson returned Tuesday
from u visit to Woodhurn.
F, It. I'lii 1 1 jjh was a pmisenitor on
Monday's train (or Ktigeiio.
I). I). Knox of Eugene was a visitor
to Cottage Grovo this week.
8hurmnn Morcd mid wife of Ores well
spent Kitfter hi Cottage. 11 rove.
J. 8. Medley went to Itoceburg this
week on professional business.
CM. Collier, county surveyor, reg
istered ut the Imperial t-alurdav.
MIm Itesnic Markley of Eugene visited
relatives at Cottage Grove this week.
MIhs Pearl Uridgcs of Pleasant Hill
came up Friday returning Saturday.
Mrs. N'litin and children went on a
visit to her mother at Goelien .Saturday.
Mrs. Chrisman and Mrs. Cl Steven
son left on a visit to Crcswell Saturday.
John Htouelxtrg and wlfemado a short
trip to Kugene Friday returning Satur
day. Albert Kinlkcr has pinchasi-d Geo.
McQueen's) farm in Huiilaw. Terms
Klbert Vcatch and Horace Harms
students of the U. of 0., came up Fri
day on u visit.
II. I.. Weber and wife from up the
Conit Fork, were transacting busiuees
in the city Tuesday.
Judge B. M. Ilrattairi, register of the
U. 8. I. and olTice at I.ukeview was a
passenger 011 Monday's train for home.
Mrs. Wcs Chrisman and little daugh
ter, Jennie, have both been ill nt the
residence of J. 11. McFarland this week.
W. F. Morphy, manager of the Cot
tage Grove aud Bohemia railroad re
turned this week from u business trip
James Hart, who has been mining in
Shasta County, Calif., for Homitime re
turned this week and will go to Bo
hemia. MiirkhwA Miller, blacksmiths, have
improved the appearance of their nluee
of biiHiiiees by tilling in the fiont with
JIarry l.ea and wife who have been
visiting Geo. la of this place (or tome
time lelt (or their home atToinah, Wis.,
C. A. Harlow and A. J. Jcnninzs.
delegates to tins republican convention,
MuK uiu Saturday murmng train for
Mrs. C. A. Rosenbunr who has been
vifitiug her sou, F. 11. Ko.euhitrg ut
huh piace, ieu lor uer iiume ut rortland
Hroclcmnn Holm ot North Dakota,
who is intereHted in the mines 1 eturned
this week and immediately proceeded to
Hon H. Tongue was nominated for
Congress by acclamation by the Itepub
bcun Congressional Convention at lio-e-buig
April 1st.
Tho little child of Mr. and Mrs. Kobt.
Martin has been quite sick at the resi
dence of Oliver Veatch where the pa
rents are visiting.
Tom Jenkins, S. E. Lauder, Cy Strong
and A. II. Nichols, Foresters, uent to
attend the ceremonies of that order at
Eugene Saturday.
J. W. H. Jones of Oregon County,
Mo., bus secured the Blue Mountain
school on Mosby creek. He commences
teaching April 7th.
Attorney Johnson and A. Johnson re
turned Friday from their trip to Bo
hemia, They report deep snow and ex
cellent suowshoeing.
J. P. Cnrrln returned to Eugene Fri
day, after having tho Perkin's estate ap
praised . The entire property was
valued at over $4,000
James Porter who ox pec ted to start to
Scotsburg ufter cattle lust Sunday was
taken suddenly ill and has been 'under
tho cure of tho doctor.
J. H. Reaves, who has lately been
salesman for It. W. Rowland, left lust
Friilay for Mitchel, Ore., where ho has
accepted a similar position.
E. It. Case and wife, formerly of this
place, now of Albany, emtio up on a
visit Tuesday. Mr. Caso roports the
vicinity of Albany flourishing and real
estate on a boom on account of immi-
of the II 1 in of Glass Bros, of this place,
who has been visiting his brother bore
left (or his home Friday Mr. Glass is
a candidate for representative on the re
publican ticket of Linn county.
Tho following named republican dele
gates wero on Friday's truin for the con
vention at Kugeuo: Joo Powell, Em
mott Sham. Wilbur McFarland. F. G.
Eby, Chas. Vandonburg, Frank Jordan,
II. Yaney. John Sherwood and Frank
N, II. Cooper, an attorney from Tilla
mook City, foimorly of this place, and a
republican delegate to tho Congressional
Convention at Roseburg spent several
days In Cottage Grovo this week renew
ing old acquaintances.
AgoutD. T. Awbroy who went to
Mosby creek lust Friday looking up a
timber claim, and then proceeded to
Roseburg, came back Saturday from the
tho later place unable to walk from tlw
effects of hia exposure Ho is improving
liuwuver uuu win uuuu uu uuiu vj ru
Btimo hit duties at the It. H. otllce,
Ijocal KreVeties.
Nr. I-uwe'" glumes are good glumes.
Isige lino of boys' knee suits at
sctusl cost at C. II . C 'lemenl's.
BHtlctnbiirg point lace patterns and
braid ut Lurch's.
When In town cull at tho Nuggetofflce
and get a simple copy of fad lie Home
stead, Hnvo vour prescriptions filled at the
ISenson lirugCo.
Dr Lowe this well known ociilo-op-tlt'lan
is corning soon.
Save your eyes and nervous energy by
wearing a pair of Dr. Ixmc's superior
For pure, well-selected drugs, call on
the Benson Drug Co. Toilet articles of
every description at Benson Urug Co.
Make Cottage Grove attractive. No
better way than making the homes at
tractive. Big bargains shoes and clothing nt
actual cost. N. E. Elsea Sc Hon.
Another shipment of men's suits and
overalls will arrive in a few days at C.
It. Ulements's.
Thone diamonds at H. C. Madeen are
beauties . Cull and see them .
It is reported that considerable build
ing will take place in Cottage Grove this
Have Dr. Lowe relieve your headache
by removing tho cause with a pnir of
superior glnsnes. He does not peddle.
Try a Sunday dinner at tho Imperial
IIotki.. Served from 12 rn.tu 1:30 p
in. and up to date In all respects.
Some surveying has been done this
week about the terminus of the Cotluge
Grove A: Bohemia railroad preliminary
to setting grade stukes.
Hair brushes, a line line, at lowprices.
Benson Drug Co.
Millinery nt the lowest cash prices. N.
E. Elsea A Son.
Every day brings new visitors to Cot
tage Grove und while all do not locate
here they should be well entertained for
they become traveling speakers either
for or uguinst the town.
Dee Are Yon Gee Ess I
I'olymorphian Bargains
At the New Era Drug Store.
J. N. Williamson of Crook County,
was nominated for Congress in the 2nd
Congresional District ut Portland
April 1st by acclamation.
I will be in Cottage Grove Tuesday
and Wednesday of next week, March
26 und 20, nt Sherwood House.
Da. A. G. Atwood, Dentist.
"A dollar saved is .1 dollar earned."
You will savo several dollars by buying
your clothing of C. B. Clement.
That invoice of tooth brushes Is now
open for inspection at Benson Drug Co's
store. They are cheap and of splendid
quality. Look at them then buy 'cm.
Milo Emerson, formerly of this place
Ihh sketch art st on the isertcley Hun.
The Nugget acknowledges receipt of a
very clever drawing from the pen of the
young Hrlict.
Next week. Friday and to .Saturday
noon, April the 11th and 12th, Dr. Lowe,
Eugene's well known oculo-optician
will be in C.ittHge Grove at the Sherwood
House. Uou t !.U to see him II you
need glasses.
You will never wish to take another
dose of pills if you once try Chamber
lain's Stomach it Liver Tablets. Thev
are eutdcr to take anil more pleasant in
eirect. They cleanse the stomach and
regulate the liver und bowels. For sale
by Benson Drug Co.
A small band-satchel containing bottle
01 chloroform and surgical instruments.
Finder will please leave at this office
uiitl oblige. Dn. L. W. Brows, Eugene,
100 head of goats for sale .
D.G. McFarland.
Apply to
United Statci La nil Office,
RoseburK. Oregon. March 23,1902.
Notice i hereby given that la compliance
with the provliloniot tho act ot Congresi of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act (or the tale of
Timber Landi In the States of California, Ore.
gon, Nevada, and Waahlngton Territory," ai
extended to all the Public Land State by act
ol AugiuM, 1S93, D. Thomas Awbrey, of Cottage
Orovc, County ot I.ane state ot Oregon has this
dav filed In this office hit sworn statement No.
21C3, for the purchase of tho South-east quarter
oi rccuun no. ou, lownsuip CHjiiin, ui nange
1 West and will otic I uroof to show that the land
sought la more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land bcioro the Register and
Receiver of this oftiee at Roseburg, Oregon, on
Friday the 2o day ot June I'.XB,
He names as witnesses:
Charles U. Urunenu, O- II, llrumbaugh, John
Palmer, Joe Lee, of Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are reuuested to ale
their claims In this otnee on or before said 9(1
uay ot June 1V0Z.
j. t. uBtroEs, iiegtttcr.
New backgrounds and acces
sories. Best Lenses and Cameras.
15 years
8 years in
Portland. Nothing but first-class
work. All work guaranteed.
Lowest prices, call and examine
Opposite Masonic ball,
side, Cottage Grove.
J "We Suit the
Don't take our word for it,
The Cash Grocery Co.
Carry the cleanest arid most Complete " line ot roceries
in the city.
We keep a full line assortment of fresh fruits and vege
tables in season.
The Cash
General Merchandise,
Miners9 Tools and
Give us a call and we will treat you right.
Watch our Saturday Sales
4 lbs No. I Japan Rice for
4 pkgs Com Starch for
li gal. can Silver Medal Syrup
4 pks A. & H. Soda for
5 lbs Small White Beans for
Under Odd Fellows' Hall.
Successors to WHEELER & SCOTT.
We will continue to carry a full and complete
stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Mining
Supplies, FishBro's. Wagons, Oliver Chilled und
Steel Plows, Etc. ::::::
The . . .
River St., Cottage Orore.
We cany Rti extra flno line ot
Liquors ami Cigars, and II you
have occasion to want goods In
our line we would appreciate a
call from you.
BcMMiro of air dried or half dry floor
in jr. ceiling and rustic. The Booth
Kellv Lumber Co. are making unecia
prices on kiln-dried lumber.
Hard to Suit.
but call and be convinced tbo.t
Grocery Co.
Q. Young, Manager.
as all good and gamey fish are,
when you are provided with our su
perior fishing tackle We have the
best bamboo poles, reels, the latest
and best improvements in books,
flies, leaders and rods, that the up-to-date
angler would wish to si cure.
Now is the time to hook the
speckled beauties and you can do it
with our flies.
. 25c
. 35c
. 25c
Cottage Grove
We aro now prepared to furnish all
kinds ol brackets, mo'ildlncs, corn leu,
sash and doors, door aud window frames,
windows, plclceti), etc.
Woodwork of all kinds made and re
paired. We will also work ruatlc, elding,
ceiling or size studding, etc,