Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 04, 1902, Image 4

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Editor unil Publisher.
'Kntrl at the poitomca t Cottf OtoT,
Oron as SwqoJ CImi mall tnatttr.
tolxKrlptloBprl,I.BO, Ina.tTanc.
'AlrtIlMB llta tui' known npon
TniS PAPER U kept on fll at tC.DVa
Atlrenlslne AaJtior, W and 8 Merehants Li'
lanS.3n WancW California, nb.r. con
trct lor advertising can tximsds tot It.
Ejuday, Atril 4, 1902.
Some one is always sure to be
disappointed at a county conven
tion. In the case of the late Lane
county republican convention, dis
appointment fell upon the heads of
the east Cottage Grove precinct,
with perhaps more weight than up
on any other delegation there. It
was the honest effort of the East
delegation to place in nomination
for representative Chas. H. Burk
holder. Whether the work was
good, bad, or indifierent, no one
can say that Mr. Burkholder's
supporters were not energetic and
true to him. When the ax fell it
cut as deep the feelings of his
ardent admirers as it did Mr. Burk
holder himself, perhaps more so.
However, it is over, and a splendid
ticket, from top to bottom, is
Counted in the face of our demo
cratic friends, and already they
read the baud writing on the wall
with grave apprehension. While
there are n few bruises that have a
little soreness yet, as a whole, the
Burkholder delegation has con
signed itself to its fate, submitted to
the inevitable, and is now in line to
fight as loyally for the "other lel
low" as they would have fought
for their choice. Let us lay aside
every prejudice; let us cast into the
abyss of forgetfulness all personal
ities; let us all strike out toaccomp
lish something in the next two
yeat that will have a tendency to
pull the east and west delegations
together, that when the next county
convention meets we may present
a solid front. When we shall have
attained a solid front and shall go
to Eugene as a unit, then shall we
be able to accomplish something
for this section of Lane county, as
well as demand the respect of other
delegates. It is not wise to fight
among ourselves. It is only by al
most heroic effort that men tangled
in political squabbles, control their
passions and remain normal. It is
like a disease. Remove the cause
and the disease will succumb to
treatment. Let us not only remove
the cause by being manly men,- but
wipe out the disease by fair and
honorable treatment. With the
best of feelings toward all, with
malice toward none, the Nugget
stands ready to fight loyally for
county and stale ticket, placing
party interests before personalties
and pride.
The nomination of Thomas H.
Tongue for the third time by the
republicans is in evidence of bis
ability as well as a .full endorse-
mentof what he has heretofore ac
complished as a public servant. Mr.
Tongue has been an energetic and
persistent worker in Congress and
has made himself felt both there
and at home. His constituent are
evidently well satisfied with him,
otherwise there would have been
some opposition to his nomination,
which is equivalent to an election
with handsome majority. Of course
some one will have to be immolat
ed on the democratic altar in order
to keep up appearance but just who
is to be the victim will be deter
mined later.
The Conoty Convention of 2W Delegates
Assembled List Saturday and Nomi
nated a Splendid Ticket.
The Republican Laue County
Convention nominated a splendid
ticket and transacted the following
business at the court house in Eu
gene last Saturday. The ticket H
a winner from start to finish f
L. T. HARRIS. Eugene.
J. M. SHELLEY. Eugene.
I. N. EDWARDS, Junction.
E. U. LEE, Junctiou.
A. T. JOHNSON. Creswcll.
Commissioner '
H. D. EDWARDS, Springfield.
GEO. F. CRAW, Eugene.
D. P. BURTON, Cottage Grove.
C. M. COLLIER. Eugene.
DR. C. B. KING. Eugene.
The tellers made the following
renort of the canvass of votes for
delegates to congressional conven
tion elected: Ur T W Harris, K
A Booth, S B Eakin, G R Chris
man, R McMurphy, J L Page. B L
Bogart, N A Alley, R D Hawley,
L EBean, J E Young, J S Magla
dry, Oscar Campbell, J C Brattain,
Ed Bailev. C H Baker. Jared Scott.
Sanford Skinner.
W Kuykendall.
C H Baker.
L T Harris.
S M Yoran.
I. N. Edwards.
G. W. Griffin,
A. C. Woodcock.
C. J. Howard,
Geo. H. Kelley.
S. H. Friendly.
A. L. Roney.
Geo. T. Hall. Sr.
R. A. Booth.
W. H. Weatherson.
D. A. Paine.
E. O. Potter.
W. G. Gilstrap.
T. E. Bond.
T. I. Tones and T. E. Yountr were
appointed memoers oi tne reptiDU-
can committee lor nasi anu west.
Cottage Grove resnectivelv.
J. W. Vaughn was nominated
for Tustice of the Peace and Bert
Lawson for Constable for the dis
trict of Cottage Grove.
The Republican State Conven
tion at Portland held on the 2nd
put out an exceptionally strong
ticket with W. J. Furnish of
Pendleton at the head for Gover
R. S. Bean for supreme judge,
F. I. Dunbar for secretary of state,
C. S. Moore for treasurer, J. H.
Ackerraen for superintendent of
public instructions are all present
incumbents, and are worthy and
A. M. Crawford, of Douglas Co.,
for attorney general, is an able
lawyer. J. R. Whitney is a com
petent and successful printer.
The whole ticket could not well
be improved upon.
The united and harmonious ac
tion of the republicans throughout
Ihe state assures a substantial vic
tory at the polls in June.
United Stntc Land Office,
Iloteburtc, Ore., March 20, 11)02.
Nolle) la hereby glveit Hint In ptimi
aticc of tliu Act of Cuiikcchh, MjipruviU
May 10, 1872, the OrvKOU.Oolorat.lo Min
ing nnd Dcvuloptnutu Company, a cor
poration, whose putftoU'lco In l'ortluiul,
Oregon, has made application for a
patent for ita claim known n iho Oro
KOU'ColoradocHri!)olldaUHl0.imrUCtHimv coimUtliig of 1600 linear feet on tlio
Dewey loue bearing row, 1110 twine uomg
UIO lecttoutlieantorly and 64 feet north
westerly from Dlneovurv Outt hereon
with aurfaeo ground U00 feet in width,
and of 1600 linear feet on the Murie lode
bear Inn gold, the aumu being 100 feet
oil theunterly find 1340 feet 1101 thwenterly
irom Uloeovery uui lliereon, witn uur
face ground 000 feel in width, the euld
coiKolldiited claims beitiu uontiuiloilD
and b I United in Hohemla (Unorxaniml;
Mining District, Donglan County, Statu
of Oregon.'nifi dincribed by tliu otlluial
pint, Herewith posted, ami uy me ueiu
noted on tile In the office of the Register
of Hoiehurg Laud District. Oregon, as
follows, to-wit:
Dewey i,otlo: iteginuingat comer wo
1. whence the northeast corner of sec. 24
in suspended tp 23, a r 1 e W 1 M bears
11 62 dec 37 tnin w 2126.64 ft V S Min
eral Monument "llohemlu Mine" in 8
220 beara 11 24 deg 18 min w 6 107. 41 ft . A
balsam 8 indium bears 66 deg 38 n. in
e 2U.13 ft u llr U ins ilium beam 11 2 deg
66 min b 21 05 ft each blazed and scribed
H T 14 15. Thence s 42 deg 36 min w
692.60 ft to comer No 2; thence 47 deg
63 min o 1600 It to corner ?m 3 ; thence 11
42 deg 35 min o 674.38 ft to corner No. 4 ;
thence 11 47 deg 11 min 30 fee v 14UU.US
ft to corner No 1 the place of beginning,
containing 20.0U acres.
Jlurie lKle: Beginning at comer .o
1, iiientical with corner .o z 01 llie
Dewey Lode of this survey, whence then
e corner of sec 24 in suspended tl 23
rieoi tne W. 31. Oeara n so oeg
mm -m sec w 2154.84 It U s 31 31 "1JO
heinia Mine" M S No 229. bears n 18
deg 50 uiin 20 sec w 6720.01 ft. Thence
g 44 deg 3 min w 67CS8 ft to corner No
2; thence 5.47 (leg 10 uiin w sec u
14W.4S It to earner Mo 3; thence n 44
den 3 min c 695 .30 to corner No 4. iden
tical with corner No 3 Uewey Lode oi
this surveyi thence n 47 deg 63 min w
1500 It to corner 30 l, uio place 01 oe
ginning, containing 20.174 acres.
The total and net area of the Oregon-
Colorado Consolidated Qunrtz Claims is
40.204 acres; thev are located in the nj
sw of sec 19 tp 23 r 2 e of the W M
(unsurveyed), and the name of the ad
joining claim as shown by the plat of
survey is the Dort Lode on the south
J.T. Bkidqes, Register.
This Store can hardly afford to lug; can nlTord to be nowhere but in the lend. Next week we
expect to start April Business off with u push nntl vim, typical of this Store's doings always. There's
n renson for this Store's Success that can almost be rend between the lines of this Advertisement, and
can always be read in the satisfied faces of our friends and patrons.
W T. FURNISH, of Umatilla.
Supreme Judge
R. 5. BEAN, of Lane.
Secretarv of State
F. I. DUNBAR, of Clatsop.
C, S. Moore, of Klamath.
A. M. CRAWFORD, of Douglas.
Superintendent of Public Instruc
T. H. ACKERMAN, of Mult
State Printer
J. R. WHITNEY, of Linn.
The C. M. A. band will render
the following programe 011 Friday
evening, April nth, at Martin's
March "1
Overture Band.
Medley Waltz )
Vocal solo, Miss Nina Ostrander.
Cornet solo, Charles Cochran.
Piano solo, Miss Carrie M. Ford.
Male quartette; Wallace, Veatch,
Clements and Cochran.
Vocal solo, Miss Lettie Veatch.
Schottische )
March, C. M. A. )
The program will continue with
a laughable farce by Harry Brehaut
assisted by local talent.
United States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, March 29, 1902.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
with the provislonaot Congress ol June 8, 1878,
entitled "An Act lor the tale ol limber Lands
In the States ot California, Oregon, Nevada, nnd
Washington Territory," at extended to all the
Public Land States byact of August 4, 1892,
Charles D. Hruneau of Cottage drove, County
of Lane State of Oregon has this day riled In
this office his sworn statement No. 21C2, for the
purchase ot the Lots 13, 18, 19, and 20 of Section
No. 30,Townihlp22 South, of Range 1 West and
will offer proof to snow that the land sought Is
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Itexlster and Re
ceiver of this offico at Roseburg, Oregon, on
Friday the 20 day ot June, 1902.
He names as witnesses:
D.T.Awbrey, D. II. Drumbaugh, John Pal
mer and Joe Lee ot Cottage Orove, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said 20
day i J out 19CJ.
J. T. Bridges, Register.
United Slates Laud Oftlco
Rnsptulrir. Oreiran. Mari'h 20. 19U2.
Notice Is hercbv given that In pursuance ot
the act of ingress approved May 10, 1872, the
Oregon-Colorado Mining. Mllllugaiid Develop
ment uompnny. a corporation, wnoee posiomce
Is Portland, Oregon, by Its secretary. F J. Hard
dnlv authorized thereto, has made aupllcatlon
for a patent for Us claim known at the Confi
dence Consolidated Quartz Claim, consisting of
i.uo imcnr lie im lur ,'uin i.ig wanna Itu'u,
the tame being rex Northwesterly and "8a
feet Southeasterly from Discovery Cut thereon,
with surface ground MO feet In width; and of
1477 llncarfeet on the Rami ton lode bearing aold
the same being ISO feet Northwesterly and 1S57
teet Bnumensieriy irom niaoivery i uttnercou.
with surface ground M feet in width; and nf
146ft linear feet on the Confld'nco Loile bearing
gold, the same being US) Bouthexatcrly and 945
feet Northwesterly from the Discovery Cut
thereon, with surface ground COO feet In width;
and nf ISOO linear feet on the Holy Stroke !.ode
bearing irold.the same being 4V) feet Nor'hwes
tcrly and WO seel Southeasterly from niscov
erv rut thereon, with surfaw ground COO feit In
width: and of 14M linear feet on the Watann
Ixle' bearing gold, the same being 1487 fe-t
Northeasterly and 1 foot outhwes'crly from
the I11sinery point thereon, with surface
ground .'7 feet In width the said consolidated
claims being contiguous and situate In Ilohe
mla (unnrfanlred) Mining IJIitrlet. Iiouglaia
ronntv, state of Oreon, and described by the
official plat, herewith pasted and by the field
notes on tile In the office of the register of Rose
bnrg hand District, Oregon, as follows, to-wlt :
Dora Lode: Beginning at Cor. No. I, whence
the N. K Cor of Pec. 24 In suspended T. 23 8.,
R. 1 E. of the W. I. M. bears N 41 drg. 18 Min
W. 3637.52 ft; U S.Mineral Monument "Bohemia
Mine" M fl. No. 229 beara N. 24 deg. 41 Min. SO
Bee. W. 7074.97 ft; a flr4 ft. dla. beara N. 26 deg.
4 min. W. 45.10 ft., a fir 4 ft. dla. bears H. 58 deg.
14 min. W. 40.89 ft., each blazed and scribed II.
T. 1-45.1; thence 8. 41 deg. 3 min W. 594.36 to
Cor. No 2; thence 8. 47 deg. 16 min. K. 1IC8.17
to Cor, No. 3; thence N. 44 deg. 3 min. K. 687.25
ft. to Cor. No. 4; thence N. 46 deg. 57 min. W.
14C8.Q1 ft. to Cor. No. 1 the place of begin
ning, containing 19 925 acres.
Rampson Lode: Itegliinlng at Cor. No. 1,
whence the N. E. Cor. of Sec. 21 In suspended
T. 23 S. R I E. of the W I' M bears N 32 deg 22
min 25 sec W 3771.45 ft; U S. M. M. "Bohemia
Mlne,"M H. No 229 bears N 20 deg 33 min 55 see
W 7345 9 ft, Cor No 2 Dora Lode of this survey
bears N 53 deg 1 min V 40.92 ft, a fir 5 ft dla
blazed and scribed I) T 1-45.1 bears S 8 deg 4 min
W 11 72 ft; thence 8 41 deg 58 mtn W 599.72 ft to
Cor No 2; thence 8 47 deg 36 min 40 tee K 1)77.15
ft to Cor No 3; thence N 41 deg 58 min E 686.53
ft to Cor No 4; thence N 47 deg 8 min W 1477.2S
ft to Cor No 1, the place of beginning, contain
ing 20.017 acres exclusive of the Dora Lode.
Confidence Lode: Reglnnllig at Cor No 1,
Identical with corner No 4 Dbra Lode of thla
survey, whence the NE corner of Ree 21 In sus
pended T. 23 S, R I E of Ihe W I' M bears N 42
deg 55 min 20 sec W 6100.31 ft U. 8. M. M. "Bohe
mla Mine" M 8 No 229 bears N 28 deg 30 uiin 40
sec W 8152.40 ft; thence 8 41 deg 3 rain W 587.25
ft to corner No 2, Identical with corner No 3
Dora Lode of this survey; thence 8 55 deg 56
min E 1462.16 ft to corner No 3; thence N 44
deg 3 min E 601.09 ft to corner No. 4: thence N
56 deg 28 mill w 1464.74 to corner No. 1, the
place of beginning, contalng 19.401 acres.
Holy Smoke: Beginning at corner No 1,
Identical with corner No I, Confluence Lode ot
this survey, whence the NE corner of See 24 In
suspended T238.R IE of the W P M bears N
45 deg 55 min 55 see w 65.13.37 ft U 8 M M -Bo.
hernia Mine" M 8 No 229 beara n 32 deg 32 ruin
25 see w 9770.80 ft; thence 8 41 deg 3 min w
C01.09 to corner No 2, Identical with corner No.
3 Confidence Lode of this survey; thence 6 40
deg 21 rain 60 see E 1500.1 ft to corner No 3;
thence n 44 deg 3 min E 602.06 ft to corner No 4;
thence n 40 deg24 mtn w 1500 ft to corner No 1,
the place of beginning, containing 20.635 acres.
Watson lode: Beginning at corner No 1,
whence a fir 12 In dla bears 8 80 deg 31 min K
7.72 ft a fir 12 In dla bears n 5 deg 46 min w 11.97
ft each blazed and scribed II T 1-153, 7 8 M M
"Bohemia Mine" M 8 No 229 bears n 25 deg 45
min 50 sec w 9382.8 ft and ne corner Bee 21 sus
pended T 23 8, It. 1 E W PM beara n 36 deg 28
mill SO aeo w 6916.54 ft s thence 8 9 deg 40 min R
687 42 ft to corner no 2: thence n 79 deg 41 mtn
60 aec E 1487.52 It to corner no 3; thence n 9 deg
40 min w 676.52 ft to corner no 4; thence H 80
deg 7 min w 1487.46 ft to corner no 1 the place of
Beginning, containing ju.jid acres, exclusive oi
the Confluence and Holy Smoke Lodes,
The total net area of tlieso consolidated
claims Is 90.121 acres, they are located In the
By$ of Beo 19 and the sw), j ol See 20, T 23 8, It 2 E
(unsurveyed) ol the Yf I' M, and the name of
of the adjoining claim as shown bv the plat of
survey, Is the Marie Lode on the Northwest.
J, T. IiiurxjEs, Register.
The new Silks are selling well
now. Our customers say that it is
the prettiest line that we have
shown thetn. Mnny exclusive
Waist Patterns among the offers
this week, nnd prices arc more than
liberal. One of special interest
Kxclusivc Waist Patterns in the
New Styles and small Dainty
The 6oc quality 50c a yd.
Our New Stock is here, and if
you tire needing anything in this
Line we can supply your wonts
very economically our values will
surprise you, and the Patterns nre
the Lntcst. 3c to 25c a yd.
Allovrrs a nice Line of New
Patterns to show you at
75c and $1.00 a yd.
Kid Gloves
WHITLOCK. Albert AVhitlock, son
of Henry Whitlock of Cedar Creek,
March 31, 1002, aged 5 years.
THOMAS To the wife of Isaac Thomas
March 27, 1002, a girl.
COATS, To the wife of O. A. Coats,
March 27th an eleven pound girl,
We have tuntle a reputation in selling Cloves nnd in giving abso
lute satisfaction to our Glove Customers. You know the kind of
gloves we sell Ench pair guaranteed. $1.25 a pair.
Now Dross Goods.
Of course it is a little soon for
you to wear a wash dress now,
hut none too soon for you to se
lect to get the prettiest and most
stylish that the tnnrket affords.
During your visit next week
we wish you to see our Fancy
Stuffs at 9c to 25c a yd.
Shirt Waists.
The new waists are here in
White I.nwn mid Colored Dimi
ties nnd Linen Colors We are
especially desirous of having you
look them over Prices 011 these
new waists range from
SOc To 82.50
Our Muslin Underwear. I
For a few days we will plnce
on sale all of our Muslin Under
wear nt our January sale prices.
You know the quality and
the values. COMH.
At Newland's. At Sewland's.
:We Have the Assortment:
g&-le pnmluvn flats ii, palest Golors.
Styles Sliii'ts, Collars aijd GWs h
Fashionable Sks
Easter Sivt Waists
Jjatst ft iVeltics in F"?cy
Call at your Earliest Convenience.
We are at your service.
We have received a large shipment of HATS for Men and Boys.
Nothing old, shopworn or out of date. Prices right and quality to suit the most critical buyer.
f f
MainHt,, cottage urovo,
'- A.M. WHITE & CO. -Jp
Choice line of Liquors 1
and Cigars kept on JV
hand. Your patronage "if"
f is respectfully solicited.
Valuablo tninlnt? property in Bo
hernia for sale. Jerome Knox and Co,
Km Bangs.
The Fashion Stables
Gnrisinan &. gangs, Proprieto r.
Also own and opperate the Bohemia
and Black Butte Stage Lines
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single at
Reasonable Prices
Read the Nugget! IJead the NuggetH