Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 04, 1902, Image 3

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A lliinii (11 Mmijr 1'iinr I'cimiIo Who
lilvu Alonir tlm Huiilta.
A nIIkIiI rlMD In tlir MIkhInhIiiI up In
Kt'iilllrky, mild mi old rlvor iiiiin. Ik ii
IiIi'hhIii lu luiiiiy of lln pmircr cIiimmim
of IliU Hty. A tliri'c Incli rim- up iilmvo
Spring Humors
C'.mo to HMwt H'iipli) iukI ciiiiho many
irotililiv, pimpli'H, Ixiilx and other
eruption", Im'hIiIch Iiiph of nppcllln,
Hint tired fcclllii!, II l of IiIIIiiiihiicmh,
InilluculliiM mill liimilnclio.
Tim HKiimr oiiii KkIh rid of them tlx, ,luiv" v"Hl nminlly of drift-
bettor, mid tliu wuy to K"t rid of tlictu
mill to liulld up Hid HyHlciii Unit Iiiih
wiU'rruJ from tlicm In to liiko
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Forming In coiiililintlloii tint HprliiK
Mcdlcliin tr ritfilfiirt, o( iliifiitillel
utrtnutli In purifying tlm blood uh
aliown by tiiiiipiullcd, riullnil und pur
mnnriit curcH of
Sarofula Salt flliaum
Scald llomil ItallB, I'lmiilau
All Kind ot Humor I'morlamlm
Vlood Polmanlna Ithauninltmm
Oatarrtt DympoiiBln, Cta
Accept no wiliHtlttire, liut bo miro to
Ct't Iluid'a, mid i;i't It toduy.
Cmtjirul l( l.tarn from 111
At thn MiifyciMloii of Alfred Moetilttv,
f Iriiiiloii, nml I .on I Unity, president
f Uulvumlty Colleen, Ignition, u hi
oinl roniml-hioii will I in mint fom Kiik
litnd to tli In country to impiiru Into In
to r innttcrn n ml Hut relutlonu Ijotuuvu
umpteri and hilior union.
rl dire for DimikiimiiiIIom I nil liifitl
Hlilr iiiriHcliiP fur luni'lin anil culili. N.
W. auvki. Uirun llrotn, N. J., lob. 17,
African I'lrftilc.
Tiin rrrn in n fiivoritn limlrniiimit In
Kart Afrita. It In it nort of cruiln vio
Un, cunipiiKxl o n of wood fnnlonril
to n lnryo gourd 'llutrn in u nindo
trliiK rondo of vttirutithln fiber, Mid diffur
out loiiri nro n-proilucnl by Icnthon
Ins or tliortnnini; tliu xtrin.
CITQ lmitftillr iJun.t ut ot ttrvtMiiii
rllO in.i Klln'Orml Herri
Klstori r. Iad liif VII Kit S J.IIIIU Ul l.ltlii. Irmt.
Ua. II Kma. 1.1.1 ibi ..h-U..n.H.MI.U.r
New Owner of Colonial Citite.
William II. llaniMiy, of California,
hi jiiel piirrliUHod o.itovor, tlio fa
miKin country nejit nloui; tliu J1111101
rivor, whore lilntory in wull tracod for
ZUUyoirn. llo will ritntorti tlio oiUitn
to lU colonial iiiiihiiIIIkiikv, lint will
ot tuur It colonial urcliitocturu.
A Joke from England,
Urn. Uotliiim Now tlmy cny ChiriiKo
in to Iiato tlio mont jionitrful tuli'HcoKi
ever ninilo. Wlml do you nupKi-o thut
In for?
Mr. (lotlinin I premium tlipy wnnt
to llml out If tlio top hlorion of tlmir
hoiiM'n uto Inlinliltiil. TUI-llltM.
WUrtm Dpwrtla of to, 000 Mm Ara Can.
tlilt Kllifli7il
Fomn tlino iiro tlio l'ortnmoutli Tlinoi
and Niivnl (jiiM'tto pulilihlitxl n moht
tlirillini; anil remnrkulilo experiumo of
tliu wilt) of Mr. l'lL'durii'k 1'iiyuu, Iiiin
toll coiini'L'ttd with tlio I'ortH.noutli
Dockinrd fur ninny yourn. Tliu report
prKliuid o crcnt kiukiiIoii, not only in
1'or tMiinti th , out tliroiit;l.oiit tliu conn
try, beiiiK coiinidcrud of nulllciunt i it.
wood, mid ut tint HoiitliiK dot'ltM of tlio
forry luudlUKx urcut niftn ni'i; foriucd,
You en 1 1 mcu tliu lioya t'vvry 'Vi'iiliu
iinni'l with Iomk poli'M, with a h)II(! In
0110 ciiil mid 11 coll of rope ill tin utlior
mill, npcurliiK Hie pjod pieces of lluiliur
Junt ilm u wluilcr liiirpoonn 11 wliuli.
Tliuy K'row purtlculiirly cxpeil, mid 1
noticed unit lioy 11 diiy or two 11 Ko who
could lilt 11 lux In lliu center tliu lint
throw mid IjrliiK II to Imuli. TIiIh tiiemit
11 nupply of fuel, .Miiny of tlio piiicnlM
of tlii.'Hii littler oiii'M en 11 not liny the ful
iieccMKiiry to keep llicm warm, mid Hie
river furiiUlicM It Hoinellinen ami noiuu
tlinen It iIoch nut.
Sliieli uf I lie tlmlirr lian lieen frcnlily
cut ninl left by llir cuttern over nllil.
wlieii Hid river coiiich iiIoii mid IiiiiiIh
It liere. I naw two line unli Ioh yen
turdiiy, ciioiikIi to keep a family i;oliu
for u week, mid the water Im lnuircely
noil lied tliroilKli Hie bark. Uf plaukn
tlicio In a ureal plenty, mill alno noiiio
barruln mid all klmln of HiIiikh. Tim
rlvor In no renpecler of timber or per
noun for that mutter, ami brliiKn down
tliu faruier'n barrel liulf llllcd with
porlt Junt an readily an a watcr-lot,'Kcil
und iinelenn trunk of a cyprenn tree. It
ban often been a nourcu of wonderment
to mo how many people do actually
tiro from the pruiluctn of the river. 1
have never necli the lltfiircn an to what
prupurtlun of Hie pupiilatloti of Hie val
ley nubnlnt on llnh and net their wood
from the overflows. I have been from
HL Paul to New Orleans nevoral lliuen,
ami at all of the river towns yon will
Hud tliu boys ready for the overllow
ko.'Ihoii. Tills, however, applies more
particularly to the nectloii of the river
below .St. Louis. Hut all aloiiK there
In the llnhlli;; Industry, lesn of 11 here
than t'lsowhere. becatlni' of the prox
imity of Halt water, but above here it.
In a Mourlnhlnu business.
Hcelu tliu boys Hpeurlnt; Iokn re
minds me of the cave of a man who
agreed to pay thr uetfru 60 ceutn a day
If ho would collect driftwood for hlui.
Tlio nuro worked faithfully, uml the
man wan Hulling the timber ut a M-j
prollt, of course. Finally, at Hie end
uf two yearn, after the white mau'liad
Krowu too proud and too well off to
work, the ncro found he ha I Junt the
same rltclit to the timber the while
man had, and he wan the maddrnt crea
ture. In the buumlarlen of the United
.Sutton. lie In not over It yet. In fact,
ho wan no dlnguxted lie will not catch
wood even for himself. New Orleans
Honor for Mn. Miles.
Tlio wlfo of (lenural Milen linn bnil
mimed In lier honor n wnmau'H auxil
iary army port In Wiicbl uvtoii, tlio
namii kIvcii tlieorcimlnitlon buiii) Mary
Hlicrman llilcs auxiliary.
The horse ban no eyebrows.
There are -LflUO uiuscle'n lu the body
of n moth.
'I'lioroiiL-litired iluan are Una lutvill-
port 11 nee lor rcpruductlou and editorial i;eut than uionureln.
comment by tlio loading metroKiltan . U.,Amut Cnn rnrrr
and 1'roTiucliil l'resn of KiikIuiiiI, nn
ibowiiiR tlio marvelous pouurn which
Bt. Jacobs Oil pofMici-uH uh a euro for
Itbcumutlnm, its application having
efffclisl a perfect euro in tlio case of
Mrs. I'avuo, after having been a hcl
lenn cripple und nivuu up by wivural
Wo Imvo now further uviiluncu of Its
Intrinsic value an a l'ain Coniiueror.
Our reudnrn will do wull to follow till
intelligent mid bi(;lily lnterei-tiiii' de
tails un K'Vcii i'i Mrs- Itabbutn' own
To the I'roprietorn St. Jocobs Oil:
Gentlemen My liuuband, who is a
shipwright in Ills Majunty'n Do, ky aril,
met with nil accident to bin ankle and
lea;, rpriilnlui' both ho badly that his
Icjr turned black from bin knee, to bin
toes. Tliu Dr. caid it would bo months
before be could put bin foot to tliu
ground, and It wan doubtful whether lie
would ever gut proper uuo of bin lei;
A few davn after tlio accident I had 11
book loft at tliu door tcllini; about St.
Jacohn Oil, I procured a bottle from out
cliumint, Mr. Arthur Crcswcll, 370
Commercial ltoad. I bewail to uto HI
three tons 011 Its back.
The Dorklnc fowl In the only Urine
bird which In Its adult coudltlon pos
sesses a Uve-toed foot.
Comparatively fuw borers attain to
17 ha nils, but Knusas boasts of one
that measures !!U bauds and weighs
L'.-l 111 pounds.
The largest bird of prey lu the old
world Is the laiiiiuergeler, or bearded
vulture, which lias a wins expanse of
nine to ten feet.
Wasps tuny often be observed detncln
luc from fences, boards or any old
wood the fibers which they afterward
manufacture Into papier muebe.
The nuialleit of lirltlsh animals Is
the harvest mouse, which makes n
globular nest In wheat Holds. A full
crown specimen weighs half an ouuee.
Hu Wmitml Id (in llnulc Homo.
There Is something fuscluatlng about
the Swede. His honor and candor can
not full to appeal to those who study
hlui and see In him a lineal descendant
of Ilcnglst and Ilors.i. The breez?
breath of the brine clings to him. Ills
Jambn Oil. and vou mav uuuhs mv nur- 1,'euerlc name Is Ole. Olio of these typl-
nrlM. ivbon iii about another wcuk from cnl sons of the North come Into New
tlmt chttu. mv buBband could not onlr York harbor a few days ago 011 board 11
itand, but could uvon walk about, and "ark- As be passed liodlow'a Island he
In tbreu weeks iroin tlio tima I first loouea up ut tue statue or i.merty. A
mod tlio Oil my bunlmml was back at heavy fog bung over the harbor, and
woik, and everybody talking about his Olo looked around at the pall whlcfi
worn orlul rocovury. ruin la not all. uung over everyiniiig.
Booing what St. Jacobs Oil could do 1 "Und dot Is Llperty undllgbtenlng de
javo mo faith In your Vogelur'n Cur-, worldl"
ativo Ooniiound, also favorably nion-1 He looked around dolefully. The fog
tioncd in tlio book loft at my Iiouho. I was growing thicker and Ids mind
determined to try tliu compound on my seemed to revert to '"Hie Land of the
little girl, who was sunurlng Irom a
drendlul kin dbuiipo, tlio treatment of
which bus cout me largo films of money
In go in j,' from 0110 doctor to anothur
with her, all to no purpose
Klin ban taken two bottles of Vogcler's
Curativo Compound, and 0110 would
now hardly tako her for tlio pamo child,
tior skin Iiiih got such a nice, healthy
color alter tlio sallow look she baa
always had.
I hIioII never cenno tobo tlmnkftul for
tho inimenso boncflt wo bavo dorivod
from tlioi-o two grout rumdieu of yours.
I think it a duty to rocommond tbeFo
modicinoa now I bavo proved thoir
03 Grafton Ktrcut, MlloKntl, Iindport,
rortBinoutb, Kngbiiid.
A liuunil free tamplo of Vopeler's
Compound will bo font by addressing
Et. Jacobs Oil Ltd., lialtlmoro.
Midnight Sun," The bo'Bwaln's whlstlo
sounded, and Ole took his placo on the
bow, but those who were near enough
to hear and comprehend Ills patois
caught a stage whisper to this effect:
"Und dls Is New York! Take rue pnek
to the midnight sun." New York Post.
A Word of Cheer.
"Does your husband never compli
ment you on your cooking?"
"Sometimes," unswered young Mm.
To rid us, with a little hesitation. "This
morning I remludcd hlui that I mado
the biscuit myself."
"What did ho nay?"
"Ho said that be was glad to hear
It; that It was something In their fa
vor that they weren't mado by a trust"
Washington Star.
Most peoplo can write a better hnnd
than they do. This la an ago of carelessness.
We offer Ono Ilanrircd Dollar !tevrirl for nn
rftiuiol ( nturrli tint cm not b cured lir litll't
CnUrrli Cure.
I'. J. CIIICNKV A Co., I'ropi., Toledo, O.
V t!i und iTlitii(Ml.liV(! known K. J. Chcncr
for 111" ti k t ir. yrnro, rnl Ldloro him tM-rfrrt.r
li(in mine In nil lai-lnm- tramiicti, n ni fin.
kurlallv olilo liunrry uiitiinjr obllolluDl iumIo
nii'ir iirni.
WstA Tntux.
Wholomm PruiiKlntii, Toledo,
Wll.lllMJ Kikhaha MlHVIK,
Wholelo IirncKitii, lolodo. O,
iiniri;(irrii tntre u UktMiliiti-rnnllr.xrlinie
directly on tho l.loinl uml tiinouui unrlnno 01
1110 jrt(iiii. rrlce7r,e prr imiiit. Hold brill
driiKHl. Tcitlinnnin'i frrr.
lUII'a Family I'llli r tlio Lvil.
till Little Gimt.
Ijir.y Iiulo Hollo, Wuzltl You're
lookln' like t'reo Kjiiare meals u day.
Wbat'H yer lay?
Wllilo I'm workin' de 'mil
t:ry-lo(!H-company' graft. I tells de
jayn dat 1 w 11 redooi ed tome present
circiimxtmiuM t'roo buyln' gold brickn.
lt'n good fer chicking un' pie at enuy
arm botin). Judge.
Arn Vou Ililrtff Allnt'a f-intf-n?
It It tlio only euro lor Hwolicn, Mntrilne,
llnriuiiK. HiTcnllnK feet, Corn and llunloii-.
Ak fur Allrii'a root-Haftf, a powdur to bn
M.itkni Into tho lu. At all bnik'Klrln and
Htiim Hlorcn. !i c. amele cnt KU1U.. Addreia
Allen . Olmneil, lltor. S. V.
Hitor (after rending bin poem) Now,
what do )iu think of It?
Critick Well
1 iter Of cournu, I know tlio meter
1h a 1 1 1 1 lit clow, but
Critiek Yen, I wan going to ray itn
feet appear to bo aflcep.
Grocery Repartee.
"If I liml an engagement with you,"
raid tho clerk, "it i ultl be this."
And lie gently placed a dale with a
"No," nnxwered the pretty cafhier,
"It would be llko ibis."
And e-Ii 4- laid tliu date beside the
canned lubMorH. lialtimore American.
An llnuiujl Occurence.
Towne You recm to havs a littlo
Hronne Yen; railroad accident.
Towiil You don't mean to tay that
you got damngen.
ISrowne I menu to ray a railroad I
took fotne t-tock in years ago ban finally
paid a dividend.
Chip of the Old Block.
"Thomas," raid the minister to bin
flve-yeiir-ohl win and heir, "I trust you
will not inblieliuve in church thin
morning, an you did la't Sabbath.
Kuril conduct in verv mortifying to
"Hut, papa," rejoined the incorrigi
ble ThonuiH, "uiut we taugbt to mortify
the tlceh?"
Wonderful Stone Drirbje.
At Itookville, a few miles from Har
rinburg tliu capital of renm-ylvanin. can
bo Feen a ftune bridge that in fivo times
longer than any other ctono bridge 111
the world. It ban jut-t been erected by
the I'eniiHylvania Itnilroad Company to
replace an Iron bridge of two tracks.
Tho now bridge contains four tnuks and
permits two passenger and two freight
trains to pats each other at tho rumu
time 011 the bridge. This cannot tie
done on any other bridgo in the world.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wluslow's Sooth
ing Syrup thn best remedy 10 uso lor their
children during the teething period.
A Favorite Spot.
Miw DutiFap (disgustedly) TTrTff in
tho sixth jug I bavo hooked into and
pulled up.
Mr. Ilcrtwliictlo (confidently) Good.
That idiown this must bo a pretty fine
placo to fish. Brooklyn Kaglo.
Not Her Fault.
"What a scornful expression Miss
Nurich bus."
"Yen, but fho really can't help it.
Bho has resided during tlio greater por
tion of her life near a trbto 'n "" "
ILittle Liver Pills.
Must Boar Signature of
St PaoSlmlU Wrapper Below
Tor a 10 all ad aa aaay
to talta as nirus
i cti I Purely Trjretalilo.tvXwd
1H Cil
lltS WtltHt ALL
Cousb ojruo.
lime, noid dt aruffamii.
I'aatos 0
ooo. uto 1
mimim iiiiiaLiniiiMiiii nrwairflrTCTg
Tired Out
" I was very poorly and could
hardly get about the bouse. I was
tired out all the time. Then 1 tried
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and It only
took two bottles to make me feel
perfectly well." Mrs. N. S. Swln
ney, I'rinceton, Mo.
Tired when you go to
bed, tired when you get
up, tired all the time.
Why? Your blood is im
pure, that's the reason.
Vou arc living on the
border line of nerve ex
haustion. Take Ayer's
Sarsanarilla and be
quickly cured.
W arc 'Ii inrgc-l grow.f. t I'lanta in fti fortlmr-t. and w. in.n lnr a Iaf I mirnliu
or "i"n rr ft . rina w h.ii . 1 r.d nM rr.ra. Hl.Nli Fil.l til V. fl.ll Pl.l'H 1.13 1' If
r u w. tit r,(iiamiiit. caIIII kiK -t a Ir ar it -nrl w ak.r.l 1. v nn 't ill M
n Vm. fl.nlll" ,l "l '""I "i. I0 (t.-,1. H cond I'.. V tlol-ai
u n 1 u u u ru w 1 Mri " 1 m'" "wnr " h ' r,,n'i" "
i ariri ii'o it i' i,h.i a kml.ii k n :. im ln iti.l liruoiuvu
.YlMnnn.tli lt .i K n- I
jour tlrdrr NO
I'cr iMivrn I : I'M t v.
f. AtHfltxov. I'nrtlxnd. Or
' New Year Resolutions
II.M i Mitt.
All 4rtlitf.
AtV yotir doctor what ha ttilnk. of Aycr'i
a,t.iiiflll. Ha know, ait ahutlllcrat.4
Id fa tot I r in.dlclna. ITulkiw till adrlaa and
wa wm ba i.ii.aea.
J. u. AiER . uowmii, aiaii.
ifeeiey Guar
asta rallaf fiom llniur, oplnm and tiaaUJ
hiblu. Bandlur partlaalanti
tf.t.w tftollliil. Hoicd to 430 Wllllntna
1 161! J IIIJ.IllllB, At.. Cortland, Ornjcun
Don't be a Drudge
I You can do your watdiitiK In an hour
with my Wnabini; TabletH. No rubbing.
No aeiiH. Sf ml 50 rentH for package
and iribtrur-tioriH. V. O. POWI-LL,
Uox 006, I'ortlanu, Oregon.
FountlaO W70
I A Homo School tor Itoym
Military and Manual Training
Wrllo for lllumlralcd Oataloguo
Me Oujht To.
I!l(?way Vou t-eo things In n row
Ilpht ("inco you were marriod?
Ilaywny I ribould coy no. We got
36 hunim for woddlng presonta.
Changed Meaning of Word.
The word hoyden, now applied ex
cliiaivi'ly to a noiny young woman, for
merly denoted a jiercon of like charac
ter, but of either tor.
0eU buqoics.
Olvebcttaraatlafactlon thananythtnit on
tticinar.ct ut anytliluB llkn the price, ho.
uus they are madi" K"Od material 111
maud "(iriKOn roadv' Iron corricra oo
.ollen, brace on nhafle h. avy second
i row tu wlic-la, dCTcw-.l rim-. If yon want
t'i reel aara that yon areffctttns: vtir mon
ey'l worth, epic for n l,Jtc l.tnp" or a
"Mltciieir (Hi nney) llnwy. We guaran
tee them.
Mltcholl, Lowla Stavor Co.
Bea'itle, Spokane, Bolie. l'ortlana. Or.
P. N.D.
No. li-isoa.
W1IK.V writing tc, odyertljora plcaaa
motitl3D Ihla papor.
. ip 11 11 iw wii in ll ii. 1 niwi 11 mi .1 11 11 jt'i'n 4.1 u. v jj MBBirTrznzijj iiiiztiBTm,-r irm iF"Tjrtsr .E'yjjK-iiyi
A'cgelablc PrcpnraUonrorAa
slmilaling lltcFootiartiUcf'iila
Ung UtcStoinoxhs airi Bowels of
Tho Kind Yon Have Always Boaghti and -which lias Ticcn. '
In uso for over SO years, has homo tho signaturo of
and lias hcen mado under his per-
Promolcs DigcalionChecrruI
ncssandncsl.Conlains neillicr
Opiiim,Morpliine norIiiiraL
Tsot "Narcotic.
flrttpt afOUArSAltUELPITXmXIl
jitJeSl e
Ih (mrtttiaitSctbt
H2nbyrm flanr.
Apcrfccl Hcmctiy rorConstipn
non. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convti! .loiB.Fcvensh
ness nntl Losh OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
ft-2- sonal supervision sinco Its infancy.
5 -ccccAtlt yjjiow no ono to deccivo you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" aro hut
Experiments that trill o with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiments
ft. 19
Castoria Is a liarmlcss suhstituto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Slorphino nor other Narcotlo
substance. Its ago Ls its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fovcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears tho Eignaturo of
exact copy or wrapper.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Delicately formed andgently reared, wornernvill
find, in all tho seasons of their lives, as maids or wives
or mothers, that tlio ono simple, wholcsomo remedy
which acts gently and pleasantly and naturally, and
which may bo used with truly beneficial effects, under
any conditions.whcn the system needs a laxative Is
Syrup of Figs. It is well known to bo a simplo com
bination of tho laxntivo and carminative principles of
plants with pleasant, aromatic liquids, which aro
agrccablo and refreshing to tho tasto-.iHl acceptable
to tho system when its gcntlo cleansing is desired.
Many of tho Ills from which women suffer aro of
a transient nature and do not como from any organic
troublo and it 13 pleasant to know that they yield so
promptly to tho beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs,
but when anything more than a laxativo is needed it
is best to consult tho family physician and to avoid
tho old-timo cathartics and loudly advertised nos
trums of tho present day. When ono needs only to
remove tho strain, tho torpor, tho congestion, or
similar ills, which attend upon a constipated condi
tion of tho system, uso tho true and gcntlo remedy
Syrup of Figs and enjoy freedom from tho depres
sion, tlio aches and pains, colds and headaches, which
aro duo to inactivity of tho bowels.
Only those who buy tho genulno Syrup of Figs
can hopo to got its beneficial effects and as a guar
antee of tho excellence of tho remedy tho full namo
of tho company California Fig Syrup Co. is
printed on tho front of every packago and without
it any preparation offered as Syrup of Figs is fraud
ulent and should bo declined. To thoso who know the
quality of this excellent laxative, tho offer of any
substitute, when Syrup of Figs is called for, is
always resented by a transfer of patronago to somo
first-class drug establishment, whero they do not
recommend, nor soil falso brands, nor imitation
remedies. Tlio genuine articlo may bo bought of all
rellablo druggists everywhere at 50 cents per bottle.
ly m i