1 l IIERR STEINIIARDT'S NEMESIS f '& BY I. MACLAREN COBBAN. $ 2 INTBODICTION. My name is Unwin Uernld Unwin. "Bov. Gerald Unwin, H. A.," I nm usually styled on thu barks o( envoi open; for, though I have laid aside cler ical duties, for tho prcfent at lornd, I nm still In orders. Now that I enjoy leisure nnd tho nlenco of tlm.o petty worries which prey upon tho mltonliii nto oleric moro than tho lay miml ran conceive, I hot myn'lf to write out the htrunpo narrative of event and oxperi onco which, in tho Providence of Hod, hnvo worked Mich n change in my con dition. I promised mytolf and my friends somo months ago that I would do this, hut until now I could not bind myself to my desk; I have had too much other occupation, desultory, per haps, hut agreeable: in short, like the man in the parable, I hnvo married n wife. Yet that is tho very reason why my friends in town have pestered me, and now grow clamorous to know nil about it. They have been good enough to remind me that, though it is proor bial clergymen get handtomo wives, yet it Is quite out of tho common for so or dinary looking a priest as myself to win n lady so beautiful and dis tinguished as (they are pleased to say) my wife is; and, further, that though it has been whispered fine looking cler ical tutors have had tho riudncitv to as pire to ladies of very high rank indeed, their aspirations have usually been overwhelmed with contumely, and, lastly, they are consumed with wonder that I should have lighted upon a re fined and delicate Frenchwoman in tho wilds of Lancashire of all conceivablo places. Perhaps, they add, with a touch of sarcasm which I can com placently endure, I was tho only creat uro like a gentleman sho had ever seen. But my story is all too terriblo and serious to bo introduced with pcrsiago. C1IAPTEB I. About two years ago I accepted a enr acy in the village of Timperley, within a few miles of a largo Lancashire town. If I had had much choico I would not have chosen a cure of souls among mill hands and miners. I would have pre ferred to perform my duties under a clear sky, rather than under a canopy of smoke; within call of fields and woods, rather than in a forest of tall chimneys and black heads of coal pits. But since I was disappointed in my hope of a cure in a certain pleasant vil lage of Sussex, I resolved to go to Tim perley in Lancashire. 60 when one dark afternoon of February I alighted at tho nearest station on a branch rail way, and asked a fellow passongor, who looked like a native, and w ho was hurry ing away, whether he could direct me to Timperley when I was answered witl) a curt "Noa," I was not discon certed. I received a somewhat unin telligible direction from a station por ter, and leaving orders concerning my luggage, I went out into the dark and the drizzle to walk to Timperley. I tramped for half a mile or so along a well paved road, and then (according to direction, I thought) I turned down a narrow lane between a hedge and a wooden fence. I trudged tomo distance through deep mud, now stumbling upon lumps on the firm edge of the cartway, and now plunging into holes, when the lano seemed to lose itself in a field. I hesitated a little and then resolved to return to the road. My eyes were now used to the dark, and I perceived a foot patli across the field inclining back toward the road. I struck into this, thinking it would save me tome distance. But I soon found to mv vexation that "tho shortest way nrcots is the longest way round." I perse vered over the sodden grass, and some times somthing else besides grass, and presently began to scent somewhat of tho pleasant odorB of rusticity, and my spirits rose a degree or two. I pasfed a low black wooden building, and guested it was a cow house; I heard the animals pulling at their chains and munching their food. By-and-by I found myself again on a tolerably good road, came upon Home homes of the suburban Msuii-detached villa descrip tion (at one of which I knocked and inquired my wav), and soon, stumbling and splai-hing through exasperating mud and cinders, camo out upon the edge of the valloy in which Timperley lay. I stood and gazed around mo. Such a spectaclo I had never seen before I listened to and felt tho feverish rush of tho life of Lancashire industry. The birr and buzz of thousands of spindles, tho swift click and thud of shuttle and loom, and the regular sob and respira tion of mighty engines mingled with tho rush of watet and the plaintive panting of some machine as of an en slaved gen! of tho Arabian Nights. I could not at first apportion the sound) to tho various groups of buildings bo neath mo. On my right was a many storied mill, whose bright windows tvero reflected in the glassy surfaces of a pond, on the banks of which there grow, penslvo nnd forlorn, a few scrubby trees. On my left an aggregation ol long low buildings with glass roofs, that looked with their shining backs liko monstrous, crouching dragons of antediluvian days. Further up the val ley was another group of buildings wrapped in a cloud of steam. Imme diately before ine was a ruined mill, unroofed and gaunt, with its bell tower and Its tall, cold chimney outlined against the sky; behind it was another group of irregular buildings. A dozen tall chimneys poured their smoke Into the sulphurous air, which was pervodod bv a certain clow insufficient to dis- aipate the darkness, but enough to make the stream which wound down ine vai 1 4y gleam like a black gigantic mak Now nnd again furnace mouths opened nnd glowed with a ferocious glare, while weird tongues of lurid Hume flickered on tho Mope and ridge behind. As 1 looked a great repulsion n'inod me. I recalled the Prophet's descrip tion in tho Old 'lVctnmeiit of tho Valley of llinmihi or Tophet, in which men micKHcm! to i-traiigo godt, and cniued their sons nnd daughters to "pass through tho fires to .Moloch." 'Mils, surely, was one of the Tophet of mod em days, In which the sons and daugh ters of Knglsnd nre made to put through tho tires of tho Moloch ot Wealth and the Baal of all-devouring Industry. And still as I looked nnd thought of this tho bell tower of tho ruined mill before me fell hith aloud clung, nnd there uprose into tho air to mingle with the other sounds the frantic screaming of pigs nnd neighing ol hort-es. 1 was not surprised; I was somehow prepared by tho scene not to be surprised at anything that might happen in this strange region. I pasMHl, however, hurriedly down tho slope bv n rough path, nnd found the road into tho valley and the village. I heard voices and saw a dim crowd of po iplo about tho ruined mill, but thu stream, black and evil-smelling, was lie t ween mo and it, and I had perforce to let my curiosity wait. I continued my way into the village, which, I found, lay behind the many-storeyed mill toward tho mouth of tho valley and close to the Tiigh road by which I should have entered it. I had, as it were, let myself in by tho back door. Before I was well into the village I pasted nn arrangement of low buildings with blank walls to thu rond, from which came no sound of lifo or work, but, instead, tho vilest nnd strangest i-mells that ever offended the tcnte, and from the midst of which rote a towering chimney that smoked con sumedly. These, I guested, were part of the chemical works of which I had heard. I found the rectory at tho other end of tho village. I did not go the rector was in bed ill but asccd to be directed to my lodgings. I had some ten and then I prepared ti go to dinner at the hoiu-o of Mr. Em manuel Steinhardt, one of the creators and lords of tho Tophet into which I had entered. He was rector's church warden, and I had corresponded with him concerning the curacy, and had made this dinner arrangement a week ago. I asked my landlady where I should find Timperley Hall. VOh," said she, looking at me with a comical eye of respect, "you'll be go ing to Muster Steenheart'sr (so elio pronounced the magnate's name). "He's at th' other end o' th village on hale Brow" (sho called it "Brow"). "atop a bit, mon." She went to tho door of the room and called, "Dick, lad. you mun tak' tho parton up to Muster Steenheart's." I hen turnini; to me, she Faid, "He'll tak tha.mon," and witherew. I was amused; and when a minute or two later she called from the bottom of the stairs, "Art ready, parson? Th' lad's wait ing" 1 positively laughed to myself. My amusement increased when I saw my .'uide, a young Hercules in clogs, who might easily have "taken" me to Tim perley Hall and farther under his arm. Timperley Hall I discovered over looked the valley from tho side oppo- ite to that from which 1 had tirst viewed it. Soon I was in its drawing room, shaking hands with .Mr. (or Herr) Emmanuel Steinhardt; for I saw at once that he was of pure Teutonic breed, and I heard, when ho had spoken a few words, that ho mut have spent all his youth and part of his manhood in the Fatherland: ho spoke perfect English, but with an indescribable, tell-tale accent. I had just time to notice his burly figure, his Bomewhat rounded shoulders, and Ii is massive bald head, when I was introduced to hiB wife, a tall, nandsome, Lancashire woman (her speech betrayed her), with zrey hair, evidently a good deal older than he; then to Miss Louise Lacroix, of whom I will only say at present that she looked refined and foreign a rare exotic in this region of surprises; and, lastly, to "my son, Frank," a young man of one or two-and-twenty, who looked in every way and spoke like nn Englishman. These introductions over, wo sat down to wait for tho announce ment of dinner. There was very little said: they seemed constrained, and I was, perhaps, shy. No ono seemed to think of trying to sot me at my ease. Mr. Steinhardt sat watching tho clocK, and at intervals throwing questions over his shoulder to his wile. (One question I noted was, "Is Jim coming at all?" to which she answered, "Jim said he might look in after dinner and -moke a pipe" and I wondered who Jim was. I was wishing I had not ac cepted this invitation for my first even ing in Timperley, when the young lady edged her chair a little nearer to me, and said, with the sweetest of smilcB and the mo-t musical of tones: "You come from the south from London; yes?" Her accent was that most delightful of all foreign accents the accent of an educated Frenchwoman. I answered that I had como from London, though I was not nativo there. "I, also," said she, "come from the south; from Loudon last, but from Paris before." Here was common ground for pleas ant reminiscence, and we became friends at once. While we were talking I happened to glance across in Mr. Stelnhardt's di rection: he was looking straight at me lor tho first tlmo. Ho rose nm! nngrlly rang tho boll. Pro-ently wo wont In to dinner. I, of eour.-o, sat next to him 011 his right, nnd noticed with some cu riosity, as he carved, that his hands seemed minuet! in very lino lemon colored gloves: ft second look insured 1110 Hint they were merely stained. His son's hands were similar, but of a deeper hue. For the first tlmo It oc curred to me that mv host was thu lord ol the Chemical Dye Works. " l'liey were your works, f sllppoo, M. SttMi'iluirdt," I wild, "that I luissed after entering tho village?" I was alone on my sido of tho table, nnd had to speak to him, or be silent. "Ye," mid he, rather abruptly. Then niter a pnuse, "You enmo by that road then. 7" So I related how 1 had lost my way, nnd how I had been struck (I did nut say, "disagreeably") with tho impres sion of ferocious energy my first viow of tho valley gave 1110. " 'Ferocious energy, " ho repeated, with 11 (mile, looking at mo as if he liked the phrase, and thought tho bel ter of mo for having uttered It. "It Is it great plnee for industry, and it will Ik) greater yet." 1 asked him how it happened that n large mill wns limited and falling in ruins. "That is initio," ho nnswered. "It is unlucky. It was 11 spinning mill; once ono of tho Hours fell throuch, kill ing many people, and twice it was burned, nil In 10 years yes, all 111 10 years." "And today it seems to have nilded to its work ol killing." lie looked nt mo. "You have not heard, perhaps," I said "What?" I related what I had seen nnd heard. "Have you hoard of this?" ho asked, glancing from one to another. No; None of them had heard. "I must seo. to it," ho said, nnd stirred as if ho would set out at onco; but ho added, "niter dinner." And niter dinner he set out; nnd I thought Letter of him tlinn I hnd nt first been disposed to do bccmiso of his kindly feeling, though it were only for pigs. In the drawing room, however, I was struck with the altered manners of thu family in the temporary nb.-enco of its head. Mrs. Steinhardt was gossipy and kind even motherly; Frank throw off his awkwardness and shyness, nnd delighted mo with his skill on tho piano; while Mademoiselle Uicroix was very bright nnd winsome. Yet, now conversing with her and now observing hor (when, for instance, she sat near Frank nt the piano), I could not but remark that a look of sadness over spread her sweet face of sadness, and as of anxiously waiting for something or somo one whenever sho was left to her own thought. This expression I was able to account for tntUfactoiily very soon. Wo bad been some time in the draw ing room when the dour bell sounded a loud peal, and at once I saw that sub dued expression of patient waiting on Miss I-acroii's face Hash up into ono of eager expectancy. For a moment she looked at the door with her pale face gone paler, nnd listened with quick ear, till she heard tho voice of tho visitor, when her eager hopo collap.-ed nnd sank int 1 deeper sadness thnn before. It was n rich, cheery voice I heard como from tho hall. "Is th now parson come?" it asked of some ono. "That's Jim," said Mrs. Stoinhardt with a laugh "m7 brother." This, then, wos tho gentleman who had come to smoko n pipo. Ho en tered a tall, stout, ruddy Englishman, gone somewhat grey. Ho nt onco took pos'e-sion of the room and of tho per sona in it. His bright and ample, pres ence extinguished tho gaur'y, gorgoous furniture, and his voice, instinct with humor and un-sel'-cii B inusness, filled the void which usually reigned in that room. (To bo continued) Divorce In Europe. Divorce was established in Germany in 1875. From 1881 to 1885 the year ly number of divorces was about 8,000, while of late years it exceeds 10,000. In England divorco was established in 1857. During tho yearH 1858 1802 tho nnnnnl nnmtwr wim nbout 200: in 1K04 about 550; in 1808 about 050. In Austria, where only non-Catholics can nppMy for a divorce, tho number of de mands for divorco increased 25 per cont in four years, and in Belgium about 20 per cent in four years. Hard on the Cook. Lord John Towmcnd, n British gour met of 50 yeara ago, would often call to tho footman in the middle of dinner: "Tell tho cook to come to me thin moment," which occasioned rather an awkward pause. Then, on tlio entrance of the poor cook with very red face from the combined effects of tlio kitchen firo nnd mental confusion, ho would address her in n voice of thunder: "Pray have tho goodness to taste that dish and tell mo if you do not agreo with mo that it is beastly." A BUj Hog. Down in Vlndo'ta, Oa,, recontly, a hog was killed, whoso gross weight wns 1,2(10 pounds; his net weight waa 055. Each hum weighed 102 pounds. This fat monster produced 501 pounds of lard, or nearly a tierce and a half onough to last a small family aliout four yoars. Besides tho lard, thore was nearly a wagonlcad of sansago from this ono pig, to say nothing about dish pans full of hogshead clieete, liver pud ding and other products. Rljht In Their Line. ,,Thoe cold Boston girls naturally enjoy the Abbey 'Holy Grail' decora tions in the public library." "Why?" "Because a frieze ia right in their llna." UOVV ARMY CIPHER When sending mcssnges In the army It Is necessary to use a cipher, so that unauthorized persons cannot road tlioni. A keyboard and letter Is ngreed upon by the several generals, nnd any one Ignorant of these two things Is un able to read the inessiige. The Instru ment used, which we Illustrate, Is call ed the "cipher wheel." It consists of nn outer circle, mini 1 which the letters of the alphabet nre placed In the usual order, and an Inner circle, having the letters In the reversed order. The disc upon which the latter nro Inscribed Is pivoted nt Its center; tho nan A Is fixed to this disc lit nny letter chosen by the generals ni'blti'iirlly, say A. This disc Is turned round by work lug the iiillllietid It. In the cipher wheel the letters of the keyword mid those of the true mes sage nre taken from the outer ring, the lettotn of the cipher message being real In the Inner ring. Take the famous message sent by Sir ltedvors lluller to Sir George White nt Ludysmlth. Suppose that the key word Is ".March." mid that Sir Keilver.s said, "I have been repulsed," which It now appears were not his words. Firs l write the words of the true message, next the keyword, repeated as often as required, ns below: I H A V 1 : 1 1 K I : N UK I ' U I .S K D.-Tex t . MAKCIIM Altl'll. M AUCII. MA. - Key word. F.TKlini.WNl'QlI.XUIMX.-Olphcr. The cryptogram Is obtained In this way: Set the iirtn of the cipher wheel at A In the In lie.- wheel mid at the first LIVING IN POVERTY. I.utlier Tltihctn, Who Introduced tho Nuvcl Drtiuue Imliiatry. The man who Introduced the seedless navel orange tree Into California Is nn nsjed. lueklevs. forlorn county charge nt Itlverslde. Cnl. He whose little trees if seedless orullgc inve revolutionized he orange Industry if the world; who, mire than ntiyoue lse. has made pns slide the Invest uent of millions of Inllnrs In orange ;rowlng, nnd who lias demonstrated how unco arid val leys In southern California might be converted Into the most lovely orange groves und to blossom ns the proverb ial rose. Is old. neglected nnd forgot ten. Very many large fortunes and n multitude of small ones hnve been made by the success of the navel or nnge. A half dozen of great nttendnnt Industrie have been created by the wealth production In navel orange groves. Several cities have grown from sleepy pueblos and n score of towns have sprung up In treeless val leys becnuse of the Impetus of prosper ity In growing the seedless navel or ange. Nothing has altered the topog raphy of southern California so much ns the golden navel orange. The third greatest horticultural Industry In tho United States Is now orange growing. All this Is due to the fact that Luther C. Tlbbeta, formerly of New York, when ho settled in California with tho hopo of Improving his health 27 years ago, foresaw In tho cllmnte of the Kniithern nart of the Statu Immense possibilities In the way of orange grow ing. He applied to W nshlngton Tor mu and tho government horticulturist sent him three tiny-rooted shrubs of orange trees which had beeu found In tho swamps of Brazil by tho United Stntes Consul nt Buhln. The latter had for warded six of theBe to Washington with the statement that seedless or anges grew thereon. Three of them perished nnd the others would hnvo done llkewlso had not tho thought utruck the ofllclnl nt the horticultural station that Tlbbeta might develop them. He accordingly sent them on. Tho latter wns Interested nnd nssldu ously watched his plants. One of them wns chewed up by a cow, but tho oth er two were enred for through a pe riod of five years. Then each tree bore two oranges. It wns the summer and fall of 1H78. A fenco wns built about the trees to protect them from the wind nnd trespassers, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Tihbcts nnxolusly waited while the fruit developed from green bullets to great, golden. Juicy, pungent globes tho llrst navel oranges ever grown outBlde tho swamps of Bahla. On .Inn. 22, 1870. two of the new oranges were cut open nnd critically tasted by n lit tle company of oraugo growers at Itlv erslde. A new star of llrst order rose that duy In the horticultural flrma rneut. The following year the wonderful now trees bore a half bushel of oranges nnd tho namo of tho TlbhetH seedless fruit went throughout southern Cali fornia. Other peoplo became Interest ed. Sprouts wero purchased nnd small groves planted. When the fruit wns sent out It Immediately became popu lar. Sheep nnd cattle ranges were transformed Into nnvol orango groves nnd ere long towns like Pomona, lied lands. Ontario, Tustln, Sierra Madro nnd othera In the orange-growing local . ltles which before 1885 wore unknown, grew to several thousand population. The growth of tho Industry hns known nlintement To-day 545.000.000 Is Invested directly In the growing nnd marketing of oranges In California nnd this season's crop amounts to 12,000 carlonds, worth to growers oyer $3, 400,000. Of this sura more Hum 00 per cent Is from navel oranges. In the Intervening yearn TIbbets guarded the two orange trees, whence camo all the buds of navel orange trees, with Joalous care. Buds from I 1. t . i .1. .... a. MESSAGES ARE SENT. letter of the keyword In the outer wheel, Take out lit once for the whole message the cipher letter of the Inner wheel corresponding to the true letter on the outer wheel which appear nhovo the llrst letter of the keyword when evtr It occurs. For Instance, the llrst letter of the keyword Ih M. Above nil the M'h will bu the letters I II 13 H W V V M. rind It will he round Unit by setting the arm nt A In the Inner wheel the correspond ing letters on the outer wheel will ho i: I, I I Q S H F. Then, by turning tho outer ring to A (the second letter of the keyword), another set of cipher letters Is obtained. Continue the same with nil the let' ters of the keyword, nnd thu cipher ns In the third line will he obtained. Thus no person could decipher nny message unless In possession of the keyword. Montreal Stnr. the genuine TIbbets tree were In enor mous demand, and fancy prices were offered for Innls from the parent stock. Sales of buds amounting to $000 a mouth were not uncommon for n few years. Speculators offered $10,000 for the two original trees for budding pur poses. But Mr. Tllilx'ts not only de clined the offers, but he refused to sell nnylhlii): but genuine llrst buds from the trees. Hud he sold second buds that Is. buds one move from the pa rent stock he might easily liuve niiidu tens of thousands or dollars annually for half a decade. Ills c-orrespolideucu wns stupendous and he had letters from horticulturists nil over the world. He built n beaut If nl home, erected n sightly barn with towering cupolas and nn elaborate bay window. He hnd (in expensive fence built around the orig inal trees. Then he been mo Involved In law suits regarding his Irrigation water rights, nnd he has spent n for tune In court expenses and lawyers. Then came the Illness of his wife, which lusted through several years. Abandoning nil else he gave his whole time nnd remaining fortune to pro longing her life. Lnst July she died. In tho midst of his bereavement n mortgage became due on his plnce, mid he was driven from the old home and the two original nnvel orange trees, which hnd become n veritable part of his life. He Is now nenrly 80 years of ngo nnd while others are making lnrge sums of money In the Industry which he created, he occupies n little chenp house mid receives lliuuicl.nl aid from Itlverslde County. Only a few trinkets nnd keepsnkes of his prosper ous ilnys remain to comfort him In his last days. ANECDOTE OF WHITMAN. J'ouud a f-'rlcndtea Hoy and Tried to Cheer Dim Up. One day I wns stopped on Washing ton street, says J. T. Trowbridge In the Atlantic, by n friend who mnde this startling announcement: "Walt Whitman Is In town; I have Just seen him!" When I nsked where, he re plied, "At the stereotype foun Iry. Just around the corner; come nlong! I'll take you to him." Tho author of "Leaves of Grass" had loomed ho largo In my Imagination as to seem almost superhuman; and I was filled with some such feeling of wonder and aston ishment ns If I hnd been Invited to meet Socrates or King Solomon. Wo found n largo, gmy-hnlrcd nnd gmy-benrded, plainly dressed mun, rending proof sheets at n desk In n lit tle dingy olllcc, with n lank, unwhole some looking lad at his elbow, listless ly watching him. The man was Whit man, and the proofs were those of his new edition. There wns a scarcity of chairs, nnd Whitman, rising to re ceive us, offered me his; hut we nil re mained standing except the sickly look ing lad, who kept his seat until Whit man turned to him and said, "You'd better go now; I'll see you this even ing." After he had gone out, Whit man explained: "Ho Is a friendless boy I found at my boarding plnce. I nm trying to cheer him up ami strengthen him with my mngnotlsm." A practical but curiously prosaic Illustration of these powerful lines In the early poems: To anyone dying, thither I speed and twUt the knob of the door, I seize the descending man, I raise him with resistless will, Every room of the house do I QUI with an armed force, lovers of one, bafflers of graves. Caooor in KnIand. lu England the mortality rate from cancer has risen from ii.B per 10,000 In 1804, to 8.4 In 1000. A whole volume could be devoted to a womnn'a good housekeeping, good Judgment and cleverness when her husband dares bring some one home to dinner without letting her know. Whon a woman In trouble doesn't weep hor friends say she hnn "splendid control," and her enemies say she Ls Indifferent. DAN GROSVENOR SAYS; 'I'criinnlnnn Excellent vSprlng Cntnrrh Ikiiudy I nm nn Well nn Hver." Hon. linn. 'A. Ornrimr, ol tlm Uluuua Ohio In in II y . Hon. Ban. A. (imsveiior, deputy au ditor for tho war department, in a let ter written from Washington, I). O., says: "Allow mo tocxprcsa my gratitude to yuu for tho benefit derived from ono bottle of Perunn. One week linn brought wonderful changes nnd I nm now ns wcllns ccr. llo.sldcH bolnc one of the very best spring tonic It Is nil excellent catutrli remedy." Very respectfully, Don. A. (Irosvcnor. Hal I'. Denton, chief iintlonnl exort exposition, I'hlhulelphhi, I'n., writes: "I was completely run down fiom or work nnd the respousiiiillty naturally iiiiiiieeted with tho exploitation nl a gieat International exposition. My pby-ieinn recommended no extended vacation. When lilo scorned almost a burden I began taking I'erurm, nnd with the use of the filth bottle I found myself in a normal ronditlon. 1 liavn siino enjoyed the host ol health." Almost everylnidy needs n tonlo in the spring. Something to brnro tho nerves, Invigorate thu brain, and cleanse tho blood. That l'erium will do this is U'yond nil question. Every one who Iium tried It has hnd the sumo experience ns Mrs. I). W. Tlmberlnke, of Lynchburg, Va., who, In a recent letter, mndo use of the follow lug words: "I always take u dose of Beriina after bo-menu hours, ns it is a great thing for thu nerves. There Is no iHitter spring tonic, and I hnvo used about nil ol them." For a free book on "Chronic Ca tarrh." nddrcsH The l'eruna Medlcln Co., Columbus, Ohio. Kept t Record. Mrs. Styles John, do you keep an nrcoiint of the monoy you send fool ishly? Mr. Styles Yes, dear; 1'vo got all your millinery bills in my safe;. From George IV. to Edward VII. Should the Baroness Burdutt-Coiitts livo to witness tho roroiintinn of Ed ward VII next June, It will bo the third event of the kind sho w 111 hnvo attended. At tho ngo of in she saw George IV crowned, and sho nlw at tended tho coronntion of Quoun Vic toria. Danger of Reicnlmcnt "Bepnblics are ungrateful," said the hero, sadly. "Well," answered tho business man, "I suppoiu n republic tins a great deal of human nnturn about it. Nobody likes to bo dunned, and rotno people are liable to mnku the mistake of con tinually reminding republic of IU debts." Pro-Ilotr Paper in Pirli. A now pro-Boer pnpor culled I'arls Pretorin has mndo Its np pear mice in I'aris. It contains rommunicitions sympathizing with tho Boers from a largo nubincr of senntors and deputies. It Wn of lllm Dibbs (facetiously) Thin is a plctura of my wife's first huhsniid. Dohbs Great snakesl What a brainless looking idiotl But I didn't know your wife wns married boforo sh met you. Dibbs Sho wnsn't. That's n picture of myself nt thu nga of 20. Tld-Blta. What Became of lllm. "What bocamo jf your brother Bill, who never could learn history at school, nnd always insisted that Benedict Ar nold discovered Amorica?" inquired tho Former Resident. "Who? Bill?" responded tho Tor son Addressed. "Oh, ho don't live here any more. Ho made n million dollars out of a historical nnvol that had Adam for its hero and Joan of Are for tho heroine." Baltimoro Amur lean. A Different Mattir. "Lot mo seo," said tho clerk, filling out a marriago license "This la tho fourth, isn't it?" "No," said tlioliusband-to.be, Indig nantly, "it's o ily my second." WAY GET SOAKED! ,,, WHEN OILED CLOTHIWCJ BLACK Cl Yf LlfM WILL, KEEP YOU DRYi INTHl I HARDEST STORM?, t"thWtn LOOK fOR ABOVE TRASE HARK UrVARE Of IMITATION' CATALOGUES TREE- J aHOWING rULU LINE OP fiARMENTi AND HATdJ , A.J.TOWER CO.. BOSTON. MASS. f.