Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 28, 1902, Image 7

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April May
TUrrn in h IiohI limit for lining
ovurjtliiiif,' Unit in, 11 t i nn wln-n h
tiling rnti iIiiiic to llm hunt ail-
viuilnuo, most i'iihiIt ami inoxi ef
fcoliffly. Niw irt llm liust linm
for iiril.yin' your liluml, Why '!
ItccnliHti your h ynloiu in nor t r v i 1 1 1
to purify it you lumw thin liy l.lio
iiimplt'H mill oUiit cniplioiiH Hint
IlIlYt) COIIIII (III your llll'll mill hotly
llltvo coliin mi your liii'it mill hotly
Hood's Sarsaparitla
and Pills
ro tlir liiciliciii.-H lo tului tlmy do
till) vrml; tliori'iilily mill uuiiifiilily
mill iirvor fiiil to do il.
IIooiI'h urn tlm iiiMilii'ioi'H you
Imrr iiIwhvh ln'itid rri oiiiiiiciidi'd.
"I rMilmt r tnfiiptiil llimra Harannrllla
IfMI highly N ttplltiK tmlllrllte, Wllt'll Wit
tnLr It lu On r iir hi nil f - I ln'tirr Iitrniiuli
Hit' summer " Mrs H II Skai . Mi l'ri) r, fa.
coi'a CnrmninrHIn fromlmam lo
aura mill keapa Ilia iircmlno.
Nil Dm.M About II.
"IUIiIkiiI, wlmt illil ynu my Ut Mien
Hlllllll s lii'M hhn cnlldilV"
"I tmilil lntr ynu wiuu out IIiIh ttiiiiin
for mini iiiii'ain." lliirmrV lluxiir.
CBTQ l.rtla,nei.tlr 1,'ittM , nil of li.rfoiiatif.1
rilU alter dial l.r'. (.entllr Mil. I Ureal NTta
floMftil, rliltor I'll ICtin J.IXlliUI Ix-ltlooiKl UMt
it. lla.ll.ll I.I.I Ml audit.. l'JillM.l.r
.Snap.Sliol Uplnltin.
Noi ('litrn HiiyN ynu urn a purfoct
I'Vi'd Why, pin) ilncKii't know mu.
JS'ctl Tlutl's wlmt I toltl luir.
l'to' Cnrr l ilin lif.t inrilloiiin wp ever
uti'il fur nil iilli'i limn nf tlm tiirimt ninl
ItiiiK. -Wit. O., Vunlniruii, ttnl.,
Veil. It, IIAU.
A Ittprt'bite.
"Areui't you iihIiiiiiiimI to ko away
mid Imo your wifo In tu;ir?" itiiktxl
tliu near relative.
"Oil, I tlnii'l know," ntiHWiiroil tho
lirutnl mail, "tliiit'd llio way hIhi Iiiih a
COOil tilllU wlllltl ttlll) K'"i'i to till
tliontvr." Washington Slur.
Why miiri'ryotirw'li.orh'totlinrH, wln-n
relief tuitv ltd hint at oiicn by iibIiii;
Hamlin'. Wizard nil.
'I'nw, htirn'H Miiiii-lliin in tho p:ipur
ultoul 'junket. ' WlnitlHa junket?"
"A junket, my lxy, in an oxciireiun
nt pnlilio uxpeiifti to wltii'h you aru nut
inviUitl." Uh ii'ii i;o rriliuno.
.Mnthcn will Unit Mr. Wlmlow'e Honlli
llU!8yni tlm tx-iii rutoeily to lor tliuir
olillUrtsu Utirlin; ilio irvtliluu iioriod.
Tun Indigestible.
"Hear llromloy Ih tleatl?"
"No; what was tlm trouhl(i7"
"Hplintur of wikmI in IiIh Htiliim:h.'
"How In tho worlti did that happen?"
"Katintc cluh Handwicho.i." Now
York Timet.
The fikln is the seat of an almost dul
lest variety of tltieitscs. Thev ate Uiiuwu
uy vurioiu names, otii arc nn otic to uic
the proper action of the skin.
To linve a smooth, soft ukiti, free from
ill eruptions, the blood must Ira kept pure
sntl healthy. The many preparations of
arsenic mid H)lash mid the large number
of face K)wderi and lotions generally
used in this class of tlisrnsrn cover up
for n short time, hut cannot remove per
manently the li(Iy blotches and the red,
dUfilpmnj; pimplei.
Ctarnal vjgilnnco la tho prioo
of a hoautlful oomploxion
when such remedies are relied on.
Mr II. T Fhobe, J?a I.uraa Arriitie, SI. Iiul,
Mo ,) "Mv diUHhlrr wmnllttcicit lor cut i
wlllt ilitfigurlnr crtiHioii on Iter fitrc, wliiclt
reaUlcd all ticatmeiil. hhe wn taken to two
Cflebralut Itrallh nptlnKt, Lilt rcctlvcil ttolirnc
rnrUl. tiut with
out mult, uulll wt dfCl.lciltolry .4. H. .,atnl by
(he time the nrtt Ijottie uai iiitunru nice
X'''r"Tl".? liSfflK
lite ciiiuariaiiE uisciic uji cvci itw, m.
S. S. S. is a positive, unfailing cuic for
the worst forms of skin troubles. It is
the greute tt of all blood purifiers, and tho
only one fpisranteed puruly vegetable.
llau mood nmiccs oao compicxiuiis.
purifies and iuvigo
rates the old and
makes new, rich blood
that nourishes the
linnv ntiil lepers the .
.t in .rtlve anil healthy and in proper ,
condition to perform its part towards
carrying ou iiieitupuniics irum mh: uuy,
If you have Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt
luieitm,, J""'"'"" ;
d 'skiOircLfewr physil ,
dans about your case,
tio cuarge wuai i
ever for this service. ........ .
nnmi slicker
ton BH
SHovim rubs kiNc or oarmlntsandhata
Ilaat Comb Brup. Taatea UooO. use Hi
Inline HnM ttv riniifirlxtl. t
'I'll t ImicIIIiih of tin1 Ki'li In llm hiiiiiII
Mt iIIhcmho kitiii j'ol illMcovrroil.
Tho it ttif in lit of liliioil In tilt hliinnii
liotljr Ih oiiu-tlilrli'cntli of tlui loily
11 llllU ..fl,.,. 1.... l..l,.IJ,jl llllll till.
,.,.,,. of ,,.,.,., , lllMl ,H Mnu.wit
ciHi'llun In itlullm.iiluli ll ... nt i.f.umlf
nitlicr limn lcrri'Mlrl,il origin. It Iiiih
lulily Iici-ii nIiiiwii tlmt nk'kcl Ih foil ml
, In Hunt, mill Ik'Iico tliut iilclit'lircroUH
tliiHt limy ln lfrri'tiliil. Iiiillluiu, iiIhii,
Ih foiinil In nil iiIiimiIiiiiiih iiiImitiiIh, In
many line iIiihIh, In ninny Iron oren, lu
xoiit and In aluioNplierlcal (IiihI.
The cilltlviited oiihIh of Diikhla III the
l.lliynii ilcMi'i l Iiiih a copluiiH water hup
ily, del I veil eiillrely I rum an under
Kliiiilid lied of Mind Htoue whleli Ih Hov
er vIhIIiIu. 'I'lie water iImi-m to the hut
fai'ii tliioiiKh wcIIh, uverauliiK ahout
UK) feet lu ileiuh. Many x them) wl-IIh
were uniile In iiueleul tlmi'H, durliiK tlto
Kninan ocriipiitluii. They fertlll.o hruatl
areiiH of eultlvated IiiiiiIh, InterHpelHeil
with ialiii KioveH. The HiieeeHH of thlH
HjHlem of irrlKiitlnii In Dalthla Ih Inter
entliiK lu eoiiiiei'tlon with the proJeetH
for HiipplyliiK uitilHliire lo Moine of our
Wi'Hlerii iilaliiH whleh are Hliiillarly tin
ilerlalu hy hidden Miippllen of water.
The I'outlliuiilly liicreiiHliiK (leinalld
for India nihher, and tho Kieiit IntcrcHt
iiianireHted In all effnrtH to jirevent
wiiMltt or the tret'H from which ruhher
Ih derived, liave led our coiihiiIh III eoiin
trk'H where Hicho treea kiow to collect
many vnluahlc factM fouccriilnj; them.
Consul (;ohlHclinililt at l.a liualra ro
cciilly traiiHiiilttetl to WiihIiIukIoii bo me
hlKhly Inti'ieHllin; HttitcineiilH ahout the
ruhher, or caoutchouc, trccn, of tho up
per Orinoco hy Or, l.uclen MorlsMe, who
Iiiih made exteiiHlve pernoual InvcHtlKa
HoiiH hi that rcKlun. Or. .Moi'Ihhc
malicH Hie Hoiuewhat MiirprlHlni; Htatc
melit that the prohibition of (lie Vene
zuelan (ioveriinicnl ncalim the felling
of the irct'H Ih iiltoclln-r uiiiicceHKary,
heciuiHe "It relaleN to an ImiiiciiHc for
est uiciiKiirliis upward of "I.OlMl.OtKJ
ncrcH, where canutchniR' oxIhIh In
nhiiiidniice, ami which It would require
ttilllloiit ninl millions of IihiiiIh to ex
ploit. whcreaH It only contaliiH three or
four tlioiiHiind IudlaiiH, nut more than
the tenth part of whom aro encaged In
the work."
Home IntercHthiK detallH have lately
liecn punilHlied coniTrnliiK the ue of
' ozone In piirlfylni; water. O.ouo Ih oxy
Ken lu a highly active condition and It
occiim lu hiiiiiII (pianlltlcH In the air
of tht! hcii and of the moiintaliiH. Near
lli'illn an eHtahllHlunent Iiiih hecn erect
ctl for the purpose of expcrlmcntliu; on
the fffcctH of In rlililliu; water of
I the mlcrohcH It contaluH. Ozonized air
coutiiluliiK from 'J to :t KraniH per cuhlc
meter in cuhlc meter etiialH 1'ihi.o!) khI
loin mid a cram Ih nliont 15 Kralnni Ih
piiHHttl upward Into a tower which Ih
t llllcil with Hints anil lu Its piiHuaKc
ineetH the water coinlui; tlown ami thllH
,actH upon It. It Iiiih hcen hIiowii that,
i iih rcartlH water from the Spree, the
1 number of microbes wan tlecrciiHctl
from 000.000 per cuhlc centimeter (.(Mil
cuhlc liichi to 10, which Ih practically
nil. The total cost Ih net down at .'LI
,.,., )(,r , m f(1(,t
Ozone Iiiih
hcen known iih
nature's disin
fectant." and Uh application to the puri
fication of water becomes, therefore, a
matter of creat Interest, it the cost
can he reduced this mode of publica
tion may have a chance of widespread
Vullie tif New Imi rron nit i huh Tor no
Inwilitl Soowti,
Tho doctor looked at his young pa
tient with rather a dlsxatlsiled air.
"Why do you not get wellV" he asked
her, somewhat Impatiently. "Your fe
ver left you long iiko, ami you have no
organic trouble, and yet you atay Just
lu thtf same atato tlay after day. You
"'111 hurt my reputation If you keep on
In tlllH WUJ", he udded, Jolilnyly; but
on leavlug tho room he spoke mole seri
ously. "She niUHt be roused In sniuu way,"
he said to her mother and the trained
nurno who wiih lu attendance. "What
Hhe really needs Is a chaiiKe, hut Hhe Is
too weak In her present condition to
travel. 1 am going to try tin experiment
which will do no harm and may do
"1 want you to let me have another
bedroom for her, and arrange It quite
differently from tho way It Is now.
iim.g up new chintz curtali.H and put
furniture In .t Hhe la not familiar with.
a room w ttn it uicintive, 11 ihinhioic.
Light u bright little wootl tire, and buy
her a pretty new dressing gown. Wo
will give her a radical change lu her
own house ami see what that will do."
A couple of tlayB afterward tho flrl
was told that Hhe wiih ho much better
that Hhe wiih going to bo moved Into
another room, and, despite her reluct
ance, tho change was made.
Tho next day alio showed languid
pleasure at her protty and novel sur
roundings, her diet was altered, and
she gradually acquired an appetite. In
a pretty new dressing Jacket, she re
ceived the compliments of tho doctor
and nurso with complacency, anil from
that time on begun to convalesce rap
"AH going to prove." said the doctor,
"that absolute change Is often nn es
sential toward recovery, and that tho
required stimulus may be given, If nee.
esHiiry, at homo."
liven to those who aro In health the
benefits of a homo change should not
ho underrated, says the New York Trib
une. "I like to get a new cook because
It Is tho only way we get different
food," said a young married woman;
but the more experienced hoilNekeeper
npprc clntt'H the Imperative hygienic
wilue of change, mid varies the family
diet accordingly.
livery woman has experienced the
mental and even mural kiIiiiiiIiik (if a
new gown (iiIwii.vh provided It Iiiih been
pit Id for), but lint every one recognize
the ruct that It Ih the same with doml
ciliary MurrniimlliigK. and that to occa
Hhiiiiilly make a dim-rent arrangement
of furniture Ih a good thing, while
Htiuill liovelth'H In the way of new hookn
mid pcrluillcalH, a change of drcHH, and
particularly (he menu, all go to bright
en the home atmosphere and give a
tired mini the change he really require.
Duck wikmIh Mt-rclimit Who A Iwny 1 1 ml
Wliut ii Cuntomcr Wanted,
Abel .ludkliiH kept the corner hioic lu
(Vntervllle, mid It wiih IiIh boast that
no man who patronized him need lack
for anything he wanted, provided he
had the wherewithal to pay.
Occasionally Home unreasonable per
son would nnk for a commodity not In
cluded lu Abel's llHt; hut If he did ho,
he wiih either provided with some
thing which Mr. .ludkliiH assured him
was belter than the article he had de
sired, ami Nerved exactly tho same
purpose, or he wiih uniile to feel that
It wiih, for voiiic tlurk and myxlcrlotiH
reason, no longer "curried" hy any
progr.MHlvo aid self-respecting shop.
When It earplug summer resident,
whose pair of ancient bellows, bought
at an auction sale, hail collapsed be
yond repair, expresKctl Htirprlsc that no
hello wk were to be had of .Mr. .ludkliiH,
the Oentervllle storekeeper turned upon
her with a lofty smile.
"Kolkn here, ma'am," he said, cold
ly, "don't hold with getting so took
up with oltl Ideas, or being ho narrow,
iih some of those that summer with us
from below. The advances of clvlll
zallon are prized here In thin town,
the lilr-tlghtH with drafts are more
thought of than old clilmbly llreplaeiM
that require constant feeding and have
to be blown! on to keep 'em a-gnlug."
He glanced at the summer resident,
but eunld discover no special signs of
weakening or humility In her face.
With a briskness which always marked
IiIh mercantile proceeding.", he changed
In a twinkling f.uin the advocate of
progress to the upholder of primitive
methods. j
"Hut folks will be folks, ma'am," he
Mild. Indulgently, "and If you like an
open glow I don't know what's to hin
der. And better than any bellows that
ever were made, ma'am, Ih an onion-1
stall;. I can lit you out complete with,
three stout ones at this present, and
when you've blowed them out o' use
fulness, nil you've got to do Is to come
to Abel .ludkliiH mid get some more.
Tito Tin tic ill IulfHtlnn.
The account of the trade of Palestine
during the year 11HMI. given lu the con
sular report recently Issued. Is fulrly
hopeful, though neither the exports
nor the Imports reach the level at
tained lu INS!). The prosperity of the
countiy depends still, as It always has
done, ami most probably always will
do, upon the fruits of the earth. Cell
tildes before the prcM-nt era. corn a in!
wine mid oil were among the chief
boons of the "promised land." ami
though we hear little now of the tlrst.
the oilier two are regaining their an
dent reputation. To melons, which
also were valued In ancient days, a
new fruit has been addedthe orange.
This, Indeed, mid the grape, are now
the most Imp'irtant products of Pales
tine, though the export? of the former
huve declined considerably lu valii"
the last few years. Jaffa oranges,
however, maintain their reputation, .so
that It may be hoped that the ileprcx
shin Is only temporary. Southern Pal
estlue has always been noted for I's
vineyards; it was .luduli who "bound
his foal to the lne ami washed his
dollies In the blood of the grapes.
Is Uie l.ion Intelligent?
After prolonged experiment, M.
llucliet-Souplct has reached the con
clusion that there can be no doubt that
the lion lu the possetsor of itasonlng
faculties. Of course this conclusion
Is based on observation, not on hypo
thesis. Among the experiments was
one which took place at the Museum of 1
Natural History, within a stone-throw
of the statue of Chevreul, the scientist
centenarian. A Hon was presented uu I
aware with n closed box containing an1
appetizing piece of meat. The point
to determine was whether the animal j
would be smart enough to discover the!
secret, open the box nml secure the!
coveted mtirsti through menus of lusl
own. The king of animals did not dis
appoint the scientist who hail faith in
his Judgment. After hesitating a little,
the Hon raised the lid of the box with
Ids nose, and although he went nt It at
tlrst In the wrong way. he deliberately
put the box In the proper position, ex
actly as a man would have done. It
took lit til exactly three minutes, and
n written report of the occurrence win
signed by the witnesses.
An lOcoiiomical Fuel.
Oil as fuel Is coming Into use In Cali
fornia us a means of saving the forests.
The drain on the forests for fuel lu
recent years has been alarming. Wlier
evei coal wiih not available eordwood
was tho fuel, aud this was particularly
the case witty all the Interior Industries
In parts of the State at a distance troui
seaports nnd other sources of coal sup
ply. Kor these, as well as for domestic
use, oil has been found to bo u good
fuel aud more economical.
Hinall Population.
Norway's population Is tho smallest
In Hurope. compared with her area.
Hiich of her Inhabitants could have
forty acres of land, while the Mrlton
would have to be content with less
than an aero.
TS2Q fflfasawg of
Is the mot important, period In a tto
man's existence Owing to modern
inctlnMlH of living, not one woman in
a. thoiiMilid approach's this ptvfertly
natural change without c Ypcricncinif
a train of very nnnoyinff and home
tilling painful hymptoms.
Thov! dreadful hot llanhes, sending
the blood surging to tho hnart until it
see mi ready to burst, and tin; faint
feeling that follow, nomotlmei with
I'll i 11 1. uh if the heart wern going to
atop for good, uic. symptoms of a dun-
Man. JKX.tir. No a Lit.
jrrrotis, nervous trouble. Thoao hot
Mashes oro just so many call from
ipUuru for help. Tho nerves are cry
ing out for assistance. Tho cry should
be. heeded in time. Lydla H. I'mk
ham's Vegetable Compound was pre
pared to meet the need- of woman's
kystem at this trying period of her life.
Jt builds up tho weakened nervous
system, and enables a woman to pass
that grand change triumphantly.
" I was a very slclc woman, paused
by Change of Life. I suffered with hot
fliiLhcs, and fainting spells. I was
afraid to go on tho street, my head and
baric troubled me ho. I was entirely
cured hy Lytlla B. I'lnkhatn's Vegeta
ble Compound. " Mas. Jkmnik NouiJt,
6010 KcyberHt., Uennantown, I'o.
A Mean Restriction.
"Oh, my!" exclaimed the young
wife, reading over the insurance policy
on her husband's life in her favor,
"this iiuuirouco company i jiut hate
ful." "Why, writ's tho matter?"ai-ked her
"Why, if you commit suicide they
won't pav any money nt all." Phila
delphia Press
And Air Aches and Pains.
25c and 50c Sizes.
Dashnway Quilldrivor seems to Iks a
fellow of extremes ono who writes
awful slush and sublime proi-c, and uho
is nt tho tamo time an idiot and a
Cleverton Where did you get such
an idea?
Das-haway I'vo just been reading
the reviews of his latest book. Har
per's llazar.
I.iwlli'a Cmi Wear Sltoea
One ilzo smaller alter uslns Allen's Foot Ease,
Hiionilur. It 111 dies tight or now shoes easy.
Cures swollen, hot. sweating, aching fret, in
lirnwiiiR nails, corns and bunions. Allilrne
ulsts ami sltiu' stores. 25c. Trial package FKKK
by mail. Atldres Allen S. Olmsieil, Lo Hoy,
New York.
"Aro you married or unmarried?"
aked tho theatrical manager of an ap
plicant for engagement.
"Unmarried," replied sho. "I've
been unmarried four times." Detroit
Freo Press.
Tho Kind You llnvo Always Bought has borno tho signa
ture of Ghas. II. Fletcher, nnd has been innilo uutler his
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no ono
to ueeeivo you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations nnd
" .Tust-as-gnod " nro hut Experiments, nnd endanger tho
health of Children Experience ngainst Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute) for Castor OH, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Nnrcotlo
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
nnd allays Eoverlsluicss. It cures Diarrhoea nnd AY hid
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach nnd Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boors tho
f in niiiiMnsn
In Use For Over 30 Years.
With appMontloti, m thry cannot roach
lhn"it ol tlir-ilmi-M". Calami In a blrxxl or
cotiNtitutlnnal ib- flAO, anil in ortler to enro It
von mint tax i internal rrnel''S lltul'a Ca
tarrh I urn is tnk"li in rorun 1 1 v , hikI nrtiriiny-tl.
on tho I'IothI nml rnorouf nurfaii'4 llnU'i ;rt
tarrti t tiri" t nor n ona'-k rre-llr-ln" It Wft
Tirr-M.-rttad by nn-j of llm Ifnt jllv e-lnll4 in th.i
conn i ry fur yvnrn, anil iin rcmtlir i i eri .i ine
It l comtiiiX';'! ol Witt ibtilri teiioun, coin
Mnril Willi tlii brut blnid tmrinora, nrtlnK ill
reftly nn tho intieotm Hiirfacon. The rKirfect
combination nt tho two Inirrcdifnt Ih what pro
ilut'fuurh wnnil'-rltil rcitiita In curing catarrh.
Hctttl lor tr-tttlrnonlAlii, fr-c.
r. 1. IIKNKV V CO., I'roprs., Toledo, O. .
KnM by OrtiMlaia, prlei' 7.V-.
Italia f-aitilly 1'iutaro ttiti beat.
lilihnp Whittle Retlrei. '
UcniitH! of ill health 1'isboti Whittle
of the Kpicopal diocojo of Virginia has
transferred the earn of tlm diocese to
his coadjutor, I!i-hop Hol.ert A. liil
son. Ilishop Whittle is 'J years old.
J ItOW I fa I ha Tlmt, to USE IT.
Salmon A 'iluckeiiHtcin, big Ixuidon
tobacco dealers, lmvo Mild out to tho
trust rather than fight the American in
l'ortlnml. Oit'Kua. Kountlol U1Q.
h Home School for Boys.
Milliarv and Manual Tralnlnu.
Write for lllmtrateil Catatnt;ae.
AUTHUIi C. NUWILL, Principal
Rubbing them to pieces; use my Wash
imr Tabli'ts. No rubbing reouired. Henil
! GO cents for sample package and full di
1 rcctions. W. O. POWULL,
Box bob, Portland, Oregon.
his Ust Visit
"Pet von met a frost when vou called
around?" said Tom. "Did you feel
"Not at nil," respended Pick. "Her
father made it warm enough for me."
Abont lomllwalieadof Dwarf Euex ttapetn 3r;
nuLrrelou&ly proliflc
Giant Incarnate Clover
rroilueea a lam riant
ami lot of txisturaire ail pummer long, Will do well &aj bcre. l'rlco
dirt tticap.
Grass, Clovers and
Blf ... mj
Our raUlogne It brimful
snch aa TliouAamt Ileadtnl Kale:
p-een fodder r aire, Tea oat, Speltz.Mttliiti W tuhelauf train
and i tout of bay per acre, UUXlon Dollar lira, etc., ttv.
Salzcr's Grass Mixtures
Yielding ton of maenlflcent hay and an endleu amount of pasturage on any farm In America,
uromus InermisG
TlienrrfttRTftMOf tho century, KTOH-injiwJereTer soil It found. Our irreat catalopue, worth fiooto
any wldaanate American pardener or fanner. Is mailed to you with many farm seed m in plea, upon
revel pt of hut 10 cents poatage. ar Catalog alone 6 cents for otafie.
Signature of
" I had a most stubborn cough
for many years. It deprived me
of sleep and I grew very thin. I
then tried Aver's Cherry Pectoral,
and was quickly cured."
K. N. Mann, Pall Mills, Tcnn.
Sixty years of cures
and such testimony as the
above have taucht us what
H AvOr'S Cherry PcCtOTal
M ,
Will uu.
We know it's the great
est cough remedy ever
made. And you will say
so, too, after you try it.
There's cure in every drop.
Tkret ilitt i 2Sc., 50c, II. All irajtUti .
nooftttlt yoor doctor. If lie nyi take It,
thou do aa h lari. II lie tell you not
to take It. then flon't take It. lie knovrl.
Leaie It with hlru. We are online.
J. C ATEK CO . Uwell. Mail.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
Foot of Morrison Street.
Can eivo ynu 1he liest hargaini in
Ruggies. Plows. Hollers ami Kngincs,
and I'umpi ami uenural
See us before buying.
New Year Resolutions
KetsJfey Cm re
tiieteUef bom Uqier, opium aod tiaiOii
aablt. Boodfut partloolaratj
feeley Inslituta,
Mneeil to i'iO WllllanK
Ayb 1'urtlHiiU. Orecon
We Will Give You
2 Hyacinth Bolbj CRCC
Or 6 Tulips, rncc
Together with our Complete Catalog
for iijoa, if you will fend us n mail
order, no matter how small. Writo us,
ami make your selections from our Cat
alog. Springtime is here, and it is
time for planting.
' "
v-iyL ifcHTF
ISO Kinds far 16c.
It li a fact that &i.zrr's vegetable And flenrer
ar loumi m more saraeni
&nd on mere farms ttjm anr otlitr
W'b ovm and oDerate ctpt fiouo orrra i or 731
the production of cur choice wed. In
we make ll a follimttu: tuicreo
For IS Ccnis PoeipaldM
in iihi i rr iwiNi raaiiftCB, r
IS mirll"Bt rilrl Btltu,
IH trt, lrla tn,t(..
ts tort ltlir f artfU,
IS aatrRdtJ l,t tar-.
ti f arsaaaal baaallfaj llawar taada.
In all 150 Hn(U poeltlTelrrnmUhlnir
liuahell of channmt; cower end
1011 ana lou 01 cnoi- Triraiaiies,
to?ataiT with onr Krrat cataloima
tlllni all atom Trounta and l'ea
Oat anil Ilromtu and Snplti. onion
a-d at lAlt. a. nounil. al.. all ont
La Cross). Wit.
. .-1. "
xer't catalog telli. cfj?
crop three ft tall
of thoronchlr ttisl funn
Teusmie. LrtHlurinu ho ionnf
tons of Hay nor Aero
COMPANY. La Crosse.
Solil ly cs DoupKs Store sand the ltt tho. dealers
eTerywliere. IsLTIUSt t 'I lie L'eiuilnu luvt) IV. U
uouias tiaiuuauu vrica aittiiiiwu uu vuiiuni.
Xolteuncrtatt of tata in lailt itfom
ISSIaM ll. 100 Pair..
lsnor 8t).i sa I'nlra.
1000 l,25,75i Talrs.
H'aai'jj iasCMsi;wf m vMnina
B islneti Mors Than Doubted In four t$ar$.
"WE louaiumRianil Mllimoremen't 8 contid
n rj. alifiMai tlmn Mtivnlhcr tMOinan'f 'ri In tltttUlitla.
W, la. DoiiKlat $100 unit 13.60 iboes placnl 1UI0 ty
side ritU $ nml M.0D ftlioes of oilier makt-c. urn
luUuu lu IM in n kuui tut" niii vumwi u
patr oi onuiary jj.uu ami j.wj hiiovs.
Mada of tr.a best leathers. Includlna Patent
Corona Kld Corona Colt, and National Kangaroo
FftU Valor rjHUt tma mj HitCsi nook y?o.
fT.L.UouilM 4.00 Kill Llstaiiaufll bqnatU4.
81iofiy mull 35c. (.'k.lru. Ciiliilou true.
V. Ij Jltrltt, (('fklttii. Mnn.
tit V N. U,
.So. 13-1UU.
WHKN ATiitlng U advcrtUur uIoom
lueutlao tUU iapor
wis. a
ARC THC l ffffi ,