Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 21, 1902, Image 8

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Hotween tlio Iioiirq of eleven o'clock
a. in. nml closing tlmeut night on Jnnu
arv 25th, 1001, A. F. Clark., druggist,
lifudo Springs, V.i, sold twelve bottles
of Clmniljcrlaln'H Cough Ho
iivr. "I never handled 11 medicine Hint
iold better or gave bettor satisfaction to 'M" "
my customers." This bus been . Columbia and $550."ooo tor con
in Ke11er.1l ii-o In .Vlwlnlii for iii'iny, . . . imt)ro..em,.llt. When
mi... - ,
v.iiti-it. 111111 inn neiiD.o wiciti niv ..-. ..- 1
" ... . . - ...I.. .1. .-..II ,.-
miainted with its excellent .U.ilttic8.
Many of them Imvo testified to the re
murkiible cures which it Ims etf.-ete. .
When von nml a good, rellulil.) medi
cine for a enugn or cold, or attack of the
.,ri i, niiiiiiilierliiin's Cuouh Heinedv
11 it it vol 1 rtm rtiiin to In- moro tluin
pleased with the iuiek cure which it ,
iillbnlF. Kr mile W Lyons tV Apple,
cute, Drain. Hensoii Drug Co., Cottage
' .n,i, is,,Un i..v 1
life imIwih with the result of using
Chamberlain's Pain Halm," says Henry
T.Crook, pressman of the Ashcville
(N. 0.) OawjUe. I contracted a severe
cane of rheumatism early lat winter by
petting mv feut wet. I tried several
things forlt without benefit. One day
while looking over the Gazette, 1
. ,l..,t I.,ln UmIiii tv.m iMlsltlvelv
IIU.IV.IA1 lllll. ... - i T i
teiil to cure rheumatism, so I
bought u bottle of it and before using
two thirds of it my rhematiam had
taken its flight and I have not had n
rheumatic pain since." Sold by I.vons
A Apple-gate. Drain. Benson Drug Co.
Cottage Urove.
Mr. C. R. Winglleld of Fair Play, Mo.,
Who suffered from chronic dysenteiy for
thirty-five vears, savs Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
did him more good than any other
medicine ho had ever used. Kor sale by
I.vons A Applegate, Drain. Henson
Drug Co., Cottage Grove.
When you wake up with a tas te
in your mouth you may know that yon
nead a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach
& Liver Tablets. They will cleanse
your stomach, improve your appetite
nnd make you feel like a new man. Thev
it re easv to take, being sugai routed,
nml pleasant in effect. For sale by
Henson Drug Co.
You will never wish to take another
dose of pills if you onco try Chamber
lain's Stomach & Liver Tablets. They
pre easier to take and more pleasant in
effect. Thev cleanse the stomach and
regulate the liver and bowels. For sale
by Beneon Drug Co.
United States Land Office,
Rosebnrg, Oregon. Feb. 24, 1002.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with tlie provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1H78, entitled "An
act for the bale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1892, Arthur I. Meyer of Eu
gene, County of Lane, Stato of Oregon,
has this dav Hied in this office his
sworn statement No. 2060, for the pur
chase of the SW lot Section No 2,
Township 20 South, of Hango 8 W., W.
M.; and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said
land liefore the Register and Receiver of
this office at Rosehurg, Oregon, on
Thursday the 15ihday of .May, 1002.
He names as witnesses :
M. R. Jannev, C. B. Walker, Jack
Murphy, David Murphy, of Eugene,
Any and ail persons claiming adverse
ly the above-descrir-ed lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before said 15th day of May, 1902.
J. T. Bridges, Register.
United States Land Office,
Rosebnrg, Oregon, Feb. 24, 1002.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the snle of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land States bv act of
August 4, 1S93, Mrs. Maria J. Lindsay,
of Cottage Grove, County of Lane, State
of Oregon, has this day filed in this
office her sworn statement No. 2084, for
the purchase of the SE H, of Section
No. 2, Township 23, South, of Range3
West, and will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim to
said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this off ce, at Rosebnrg, Oregon,
on Saturday, tha 10th day of May, 1902.
She names as .titnesses:
John Noktt, William Smith, Anna
Smith, William O'Conners, of Cottage
Grove, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before said 10th dav of May, 1902.
J. T .Bridges, Register.
United States Land Office,
RoieburK, Oregon, March 11, Wl.
Notice U hereby iflven that the following
named i.ett!er Iihs filed notice of his intention
to make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before Matte L.
Ware.U. S. Commlneloner, at Engeno Oregon,
on April , 1002. viz: John H. Sears on his 11.
IS. No. ma, for the SW 1-1 NE 1-1 and lots 1 and
i Sec. 26 3 west.
He names the following witnesses iq prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vlxf . ,
John Hoatettcr, Ira Conner, Nash Chapman
John B. Hales, of Cottage Orovo, Ore. ,
i. t. BWDOta, Register.
United States Land Offce,
rtoscburg, Oregon, March 11, 1902.
Knllm in hnrMiv Blvun thHt the following.
namo.1 sottler has filed notice of his intention
to mane nnai pronnn suppoii oi ins ciuiiiLniui
that tnlil nrnoi will bo made before the IteKls.
lerond Receiver, U. B. Land Office at Itnhcburg
Oregon, on juno i.iwi, vu: cauner iiiuuiun
on his II. E. No.l)81l.forthoSl.2of 8 1-2 sec
tion 22, township 21 8, range 1 west,
lie names tho following witnei-ses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
f until Intnl. vir.' IjiiiiM Hphaffer. Aliuust Hen-
emen.j. A. drlggi and W. II. Lawrence, of
CovaWlf, Oregon, J. t. bbipues,
Bills are now pcndinR in the
House of Representatives appro
priating about $2,000,000 for im
provement of rivers nml harbors in
Oregon. This bill carries an ap
propriation of $1,000,000 for the
n .. 1 ..rihn ttimttll 111 Tltr
of the
I the bill reaches the Senate Coui-
mittce. Senator Mitchell will offer
amendments materially increasing
the appropriations, which are badly
needed. The house proposes $50,-
000 for the lower Willamette and
Columbia rivers and the senate will
I propose $250,000. Many smaller
appropriations are mentioned in the
bill for harbors and rivers in dif-
ferent parts of the state that are
badly in need of improvement and
, . , i, 0f .rent benefit to
the agricultural timber and mining
resources of the state. ;
Tlie authorities at tiacKeustown.
N. J., have issued tlie touowing
sanguinary order: "All persons
having cats or dogs running at
large are hereby notified that they
will be killed unless they are put
under restraint." The order is
supposed to refer not only to per
sons having cats aud dogs, but act
ually to the quadrupeds, too.
A bill has been introdued in con-'
... .. ...,.... 1
gress auwiuiiziiig mc i'uai'"i-
n.nonl tn tinriMiime for the coveni-
b .. ,1
ment all postotnee ooxes ana
fixtures in offices where a charge is
' , , ... . , ....
maae ior use 01 iue uu.ra, mm Knc ,
the people the free use of them.
mmmmmmmamlmm ,
It has been announced, dn high
authority, that Germany is extend
ing her good offices to bring about
a cessation of hostilities in South
... . . .. , -.ri:.;l,rt.,. I
ftiuw, uiiu tvuiic .us j 1
..orrntiolinnc Imvo foilpH it W hf-
.. , , ....... ... ;
lteved that Germany s initiative will
result in effort being put forth by j
other nations to the same end.
United States Land Office,
Rosebnrg, Oregon, Feb., 17, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compli-
t.l. . I . . . .if . I. .1 nil. r(
ItlltU Willi IIIO Ul tut. lt VI. 1
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An 1
act tor the sale of timlr lauds in the I
.. o ,i:f...i.. n... V....0.1..
.TUlirn Ul Wttuil, .v.,n.i..
and Washington Territory." as extended:
to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4. 1892. Lucv Laltaul of Wilbur. ;
p...V of nnimlmi Stiiti. nf Oretron has
thiBdav filed in this office her sworn
..... v .mi'; f-ii... .,,.!, ,,(
BlillClllCIII. A.U. -WW. IUI 1" UKIVHOrv. ...
the Lots numbered 1.2. 7 and 8 of Sec-
Vo "a T.tifiiuhiit ! Smiili. of
l?.iitm Wpsl. nnd tt'ill nlTiir In ,
show that the laud sought is more
B.IUVt 111.11. lilt. mill. nuiiti. in ..mi.
.........ul.. t i.- i...i.u. -.,...,. ii.un r...
VnillltlJIG IUI It" UllliVl wi rv.nn. .mm .u. (
agricultural purposes, and to establish ,
her claim to said land before the uegis
ter and Heceivnr of this office at Rose
bnrg, Oregon, on Thursday the 8th day
of May, 1902.
She names as witnesses:
Orin Robinson, I). N. Brumbaugh,
of Cottage Grove, Oregon, Harry Dun
bar of Eugene, Oregon, Ethel LuRaut
of Saginaw, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly trio above-described lands aro re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before said 8th dav of May, 1902.
J . T. Bkidgeb, Register.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Feb., 17, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congressot June3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the Public Land States by act of Au
gust 4, 1892, Harry A. Dunbar of Eu
gene, County of Lane, State of Oregon,
has this day filed in this office his sworn
statement No. 20f8,'for the purchase of
the NW 14 of Section No. 34, Township
21 South, of Range 2 West and
will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuablo for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
saa lanu ueiore tne tiegisier aim ivu
coiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon,
on Thursday, the 8th day of May, 1002.
He names us witnesses:
n ii itrMi.iii.jnirh iirin TJ nhlnann . nf
CottaL-0 Urove. Oreiron. Ethel LaRaut
of Saginaw, Oregon, Lucy LaRaut of
Any and nFl persons claiming adverse -
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before said 8th day of May, 1002.
J .T. Bridges, Register.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, February 6, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that tho following
named a-ttler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in supportof his claim, and
. . . i . i ,,, . . . . .. I
that said proof will be made before Marie I -
if rtffiW tone L)t te r To s
It Mi'stt Sec, 32, Tp. 20 8.,
... . ,i . ,. .
lie names tho following witnesses to prove;
h scon inuous residence upon and cultivation i
0 ..,. J
. Jnf Z'n nlTVZ. :,
ottage Grove. Oregon. Bee Land, of Dorena,
Take the Bohemia Nujgei.
Some one in writing of Washing
ington recently, and telling of the
manifold beauties and advantages
of the ever-grcen State, declare that
it is a "sun-kissed land, where
every shower is a pearl and every
shadow is a blessing." That will
do for Oregon. Hut we have had
somewhat more than our share of
pearls, and more blessings than we
actually needed in out business, of
late. And the land has not suffered
from being over-kissed in the past
few weeks. Hut this oscillatory
performance of nature will come off
in schedule time, around about the
ideas and nodes of April, or in the
flowery month of May or in lovely
June - or certainly in July. That
is one ol the adantagesof the Ore
gon climate. It has pearls in the
season for them, showers in their
natural order, and the face of na
ture is kissed by the sun at a period
when such kissing does no harm,
but Qn lhe con,rary is a gooa tbillg
for all concerned. Statesman.
Notice to Tax Payers.
At the last session of the legislature n
new law was pasi-ed in regard to the col
lection of taxes, which law took effect
on December 1st, 11)01, and in substance
is as follows
1 If von pay votir taxes on or beforo
l 1. lV..l. ...... '...ill I... .,ll.. l I. Full,.,..
.'lillVII SVlll .ui. .1111 miunvu .
0f threu nercent
2 If voit nay your taxes between
March 16th and ut to and including tht1
MoniJny in A.irii there will not be
j any rebate and neither will there beany
.penalty or interest additl.
- 3 Tf vonr .lixe!j ate ll0t ,,nitl on or
before the tlrst Monday of April, they
will become delinquent,
when there
will be added a penalty of 10 per cent
and tho tax will also draw interei-t at
the rate of 12 per cent per annum in ad
union to the penalty.
i 4 If you pay one-half of your taxes
ion or before the first Monday in April
men wit? iuiiiuiiiiu nun in-..? inn ni iw
.t !..!.... I...W
m including tho tlrst Monday 111 uc
llllxT followini! but if tllO last lllllf O
tux due is not paid bv tlw first Monday
nfn,,,nh,,, it wom..s .leliiuiuent. and
there will be added to such balance, a
ueiiimv ui iu i'ci ivut, .tiiu in iiiiuitiuu
such ballance will bear interest at the
rate of 12 percent per annum from the
tlrnt Monday in Anril until naid.
5 611 all personal property taxes if
one-half is not paid on or before the
HrHt Monday in Anril. the law compel
the sheriff t'o levy upon and collect the
same after May 1st, hence to prevent 11
; '
levy upon iiersonal property after May
' it will be necestarv for one-half tj
he nald as above stated.
I , , , 11
b The law compels the sheriff to sell
all lands 011 1 which taxes nave not ncen
P! . "' hat such sales shall not be
held later than .March 1st 01 the yea
succeeding the year in winch the ta
lew is mii.le.
- . , , , I I . .1
7 I he property will be sold to t he
person Inditing the
lowest rate of in
terest. and
certificates will be issue.
and deeds given to such
- , I !.!!..
nronertv sold, unless redeemed within
. a . . , , . . ,
mree vears iroui wiu uavu u. ou. ouics
The 1901 assessment rolls will be re
ceiveilatthe sheriff's office March 1st
1902. Anv written ennuiries regardin
1901 taxes received nnor to that date
will Imi filed and promptly attended to
as soon as tho boons are open ior pay
ments. In making enoiiines as to
amount of taxes, if possible, give to
whom the property is assessed and u de
Bcriptlon ot tne same.
Dated this 25th day of January, 1002
Sheriffof Lane County, Oregon
Bv Fred Fisk. Deputy fe7 tm21
Unltfil State-. Land Olllrc.
KO'euurK, .jriTKUii, rvu. . irfu..
KntlitA li herebv ulveli tlmt the follnttlllK'
named wilier liai filed notlre of her Intention
to make flnsl proof In mipport of her claim,
and that Id p. oof will he mude before, Marie
I. U'nm IT. R rnTntiilKnlnnnr. at KllGreno.
gon. on April 18, 1902, vli: Mrs, Julia Woods
wife and agent of Ben Woods (Insane), on II, h
No. 91M. for the W' SWti. Sec, U.Tp. 21 H, It
Him nitniAH thit fnllnwlne wltncssea to nrov
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
01 sain lana, viz:
V. W. Chrlsman.of Star, Lane Co., Oregon.
J.S.Stuart, of
A. A. Anderson, of " " " "
R II Vminlilnp. nf " " "
J. T. Bbidoes, Itcglstet,
In going over the famous "Shasta
Route" of tho Southern Pacific Co. tho
traveler ever finds something new to
excite his admiration and interest
Starting at Portland, que traverses the
wnuitr ichbui ui wc rauounuo '".
1 the cem of the Northwest. Mt. Hood
I Mt. Jefferson, and the Three Sisters and
, other snow-capped peaks are kept It
sic it for hours. The beautiful valloyi
1 of tho Umqua and Rogue Rivers, witl
the r orchards of .prunes, peaches; a
nles. and other fruits .aro; delight
themselves. Tho crossing t)f the great
mountain barrier between Oregon and
California reveals the crundest moun
tain scenery in tho United States. Tho
wonderful tumbles, twlstings, nnd
doublings of tho railroad bring into
..In... ., .-... I .... nf iMii' mniltl
i , .. ,rrt nr0H into ..,,.,
from dizzy heights, for
Va, Uintl IllU'lll titlll niiivii d. in,.
i up to the line of perpetual snow, and
I '' foan,l "onin "treams dashing
fiercely down deep canyons, now and
, then , in(, for sho,t fen in B0II)p
mountalif slopes streching
ou et poo . Alter a nays enjoyment i
(W Mt. Shasta, tho finest peak on tl.
... -,, rnni(il' down th
canvon of the Sacramento tb tho broad
I'lfnH of the Sacramento Valley In Cal
awi tlieco tl,rouPh vineyard,
. ',,,, , Rnn VranlXK,,n.
For maps and descriptive literatu
R. B. Miller, Gen. Pas. Agent
Asthmalene Brines
In all
IuiKtuut lulief,
when all else
The Rev. C.
iavs: "Your
i ta good t'timlltlou
V want to send to evurv sufferer it trial treatment ol Asthmalent',
siinilai to the one that onicd Mr. Wells. We'll send It by mall PO.Vr
...... ., , . . ... i in t... i
r.ll, Aiis.iinieiy v reo oi unargc, in liny jiuuercr wuu win nrue un
it, oven on n postal. Never mind, though you nredcspalring, however
bud your case, Asthiiialenii w:ll ridliivoand vine. Thuwoise yonrense
tho inure glad we are to send It. Do not ilehiy. WrltoNit once, ad-
dreeing DR. TAl-T HltOS.' M
N.Y.City. Sold hv nil Druggists.
United States Land Office.
Roseburg Oru., February l.'l, 11102
N'nt Ifn i herebv eivun flint in com-
iliance with tho provisions of tho act of
Congress of June. 1. 1878, entitled "An
net tor tlio salu ot tinnier l.imis in tno
Kinina nf fiilifiirnin. Orison. Noviiila.
nml Washim-ton Territory." as extend-
e.l to all the Public Land' States bv act
of August 4. 1892. Carolina Kebelbeek,
of (town or citv) Cottugu Urove, county
of Lano, State of Oregon, has this .lav
filed in this office her statement No. 20:ii,
for tho purchaso of the Lots No. !MM1
a. d 14. of Section No. 20. Township 21
South, of Range 2 West, W. M. nml
will oiler proof to show that tho hind 1
unm.lit in ninre viilunlilii for Its timber or ,
stone than (or agricultural pm poses,
nnd to establish his claim to said land
liefore the Register and Receiver of this
office at R.iseburg, Oregon, on Friday, ,
the 2d day of May 1002. I
ti.i. ui,iiiu iiu it'it m.ii,i..ii
H. Patten of Cottage Urove, Oregon,;
W. S. Chrismnn. A . Anderson, of btar, i
Oregon, Kdward Jones ol Saginaw. !
... . .... - ' '
itn- nml nil tinrKium I'litiiittni. mi
versclv tlie niive..iescriiie.i limns are
, i,,, .,i m fl i. the r c u ius n this I
office on or beforo said 2d day of May, j
J . T. Hiiiihiks, Register
United States Iind Olllrc.
Roseburg. Oregon. Feb. 24. 1002.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Comrress of June;!. 1878. entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory," asextende.l
to all tho Public States Dy actol An
iiust 4. 1802. Onslow 11. Jarrett.of Sngl-
naw.Conntvof Lane, Statenl Oregon, has
this dav llliil in this oHicc his sworn
statement No. 20(18, for the puichare of
the Lots No. 1.8,0. and 10. if hccium
No. iO, TowiiBhip 21 South, of Range 2
Westand will oiler prool to snow nun
the land sciight is more valuiibli lor Its
timber or sioiik than for agricnlliiral
nnriioses, and to establish his claim to
sat. I land liclore tlio iteirisfer ami lie-
ceiver of this office at Rnsebi; g. Ore-
gon, on iTi.lav, tnu utn nay oi .iay,
He iiaincs as wilncses:
llonev P.itton. A Anderson. K.I Jones.
Georiru'Downes. of Cottage Orove. Ore-
Any and all persons claiming adverse-
lv tlie above-described lands are re -
ouestrd to tile their claims in tliis oince
ou or before said 0th iluv of Mav, 1902.
rn , . . 1 ..
.1. T. BitiixiKH, Register.
United States Lund Offlre,
RosehurK. Ore., March fi, I9U2.
Knilpn U herehv trivpn that in romnllanco
...lit. it... r.ri.vl.liiT.u nf thn hpI nf f .'iiiKrrn.N nf
JunsS, 1S78, entitled "An aot fur tlio mile of
tlmlier lands In tlie stales 1)1 i.aiiioriua, lire-'
gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory
extended to nil tho I'ulillo Land Slates by aet of
August I.1R92, Deluerll. Ilemony. of Cottago
Urove, Coiintv n( I ane.Kute otOregon, hasthls
dav tiled In this rniee ills sworn statement ...
XTin TorvnVhrr?'N0o,2,,"8d.
Itangc No. 2 west, anil win oner ptooi io snow
that the land sought Is morn valuable f'r Ita
H ml, or nr stono than fornirrlrnitural mi'poses,
and to cslabllsh his claim to said land fa-foro
anil 10 cs aonsn nis eiaiui m sum mmi m-iuiu
.1.. l,.,..l.,. Ilnnnltar nl fl,l nfflf-.l Ht
Hoseburg, Oregon, on Monday, the lath day of
M?&J;p., witnesses-
Joe uSSJSnn. f-almer, Orin Robinson, n.
II. Ilruiubaugh. of Cottage drove, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
above-deserllied lands aro rc'iuosted to flip
their claims in tnis omce on or ueiore sain iv,
day of May, 1U02.
J. T. IIbimes, Register.
Valuablo mining property in Bo
hemia for sale. Jerome Knox nnd Co.
visit DR. JORDAN'S orkat(
( UMffH a fllitk mad Brti.)
Th Ikrgpni ADatomlc&I UoMum
la tbe World.
Ormtett attraction in th City. Ji
Vfoiuttrfut itaMJor ttsttors.
Wekne,or ftnycontrnet
too oiaeii MpecuiiMi on ids i'acido
Yminv ssstiss and ssiMdlc I
stgeil suets who are suRWIns: .
irom iua euecis oi youtuiui utais-
creuons or excrsses In maturer
O years. Ifervoua and physical Debility, Im
puleney, f.uat nisAltuud luallltscumplt.
m callous; NiiersnHliis'rliteii, lriialitiur.
rlnea, JtiiorrItjei, Oleel, Freiuenr
..r rill iiiiie. ein. ,,y h con n hhiioii 01
remedies, of grwut curatlva power, the Hoctnr '
Iiar Mti arraiiffsd Ids trflittmrittliablt will nol .
only aiTnrd Tmmedlnta rrllrf, but permanent
' miracles, but Is well known to be a fair and I
.ma. 'i iin iioctor noes hue claim lo nenurni
, square I'liyslclan ana Hnrgennpre-emiaeat
) lu bts specialty nisensea uf Mets.
. MYIIIII.I Ihnmiighlr ersdlcsted from
i tne sysieni wunnut ino usvoi jHPirurj, i
Tm.iri fltted br an KznerL Ilndlenl
Irnre (or Itnpliire. A quick and mlluli
e'irsfor I'llra. Flaaure and rilnlo,by '
i nr. Jnrdiiii'fl sDeflal lialntesa mothods. .
' BVKUV MAN applying totiswlllrecelve
I our nonAsf opinion of hlscnniplaliif. i
' ICS tefii Ovarnnlet a t-OMTIVJS CUBBtn I
, every cau i" unntrm o. -j-.,
UlinStllUtlMin l"ltK.r. iw.iiriii.iy i'.iiw
Trn.ilm.nt nernonutl v or br letter.
Write fur nook, PIf Il.OWOI'inr air'
I HAnniAflU, Kailkd raxa. (Avaiutu
book ior men.) tanor write
OR. JORDAN as CO. 1001 MsmetBt.o. r.
a 11
Relief and Permanent Cure
There is nothing like Asthmaleui'. It brings
even in tho worst cases, ltcuii's
K. WKLI.8 of Villa Ridge, 111..
trial tnillle ot Astiimaient. icceivc.i
. I cannot tell von how thank
ful 1 Icel lor tnu good dvrive.i irom n. i was n
slave, chnincd with putrid sore throataudi.sihimi
for ten years. 1 despaired of ever being cuicd. I
uw von r iidvertlHt'iiictit for the cure ot this
lica.fful and turiiiuutlng disease, iisthmn, and
tliought yon liudovcispokuii y.nirsulf, but rcMolvcil
logivv it a trial. To my surprise the trial nctt'd
like a charm. Send mo'ii full.sir.vd bottle."
HDIC1NK CD., 70 ICast lMOlh St.,
United States Land Office,
Honeburg. Oregon, Feb. 17, 1002.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
mice with tho provisions of the net of
Congress ol Juno ;i, ihn, enilllci .n
act uir iue sine oi iiiu.iur ...nil in un-
States of Caltforuiii. Oregon. Nevn. In and
Washington Territory." as extended to
all the Public bind States by act of An-
gust I, 1S02, Klliel M. LaUaiit of Sngi
naw. County of Uino, Statu of Oregon
has this dav tiled in thisollice hersw.irn
stittcmunt No. 2010, for tho purchiisuol
the Lois iiumberedtl. 10, 15 and III of
Section No. 28, Township 21 South, of
It iincu 2 West, and will oiler proof to
show that tho land sought is more valu
iiblu for its timber or stono than for ag
rlcultural purposes, and to clahlisli his
claim to said land before the Regiider
and Receiver of this office at Roseburg,
Oregon, on Ihursduy, the 8th day of May
nun iiiununiin i it.i'd
Orin Robinson, D.N. Brumbaugh, of
Cottage l.rove, Oregon, Harry IJuuliur
I .. i .. I ...... 1 ..II.. ..a ..I ll". l
oi r.ngeue,- uregmi, i.ucy iiiiiiiu m
our. tircutiii.
nv uw. ...i niuiimiK u'iihw
IV tlie above-.iescri nei tno re
quested to tile their chums In ibis olllce
: un or tielore sain miii tiny oi jutv. iuus.
J. T. Hiiiihiks, Register.
United States Office,
Hoseburg. Oregon. Feb.. 17. HKI2.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
nm-e with the provisions of tho act
Comiress of Juno 3, 1878, "An
act for the sale of tttnU'r hinds in the
States of California. Oregon, Nevada
and Washington T' rrit.iry,"itsoxlendvd
to nil the I'lililio l-iiul biales by act o
AiiL'tist 4. 1802. Daniel II. Bitinibangl
of Co-tiig lir.ive, County of
State of Oregon, has this day
i .urn'
II I ii
in this olllce liis sworn statement No
2017. for the purchase of tho Nh 'i ni
Section No. HI, Township 21 South, ol
ic.ingc 2 Vei ; mid will oner u
Hl(m tlmt (lie land sought Is more vain
ulili' for its timber or stone than fo
ugricnltuiiil purpoi.-H, audio eflabllsl
hjsclaim t said land ijeioretlin ki-uih
u-r and Reco ver of th s (illicit at Hie
burg, Oregon, on i iiurs.iay, tneniii u.iy
, of aiuv iifii.'.
lit names as witnesses
HnrrvC. Dunbar of Kugene. Oiegon
Orin Robinson of Cottage drove. Ore
, gon, I'illiel l.amuil oi nuginaw,
Lm-y LuRaut of Wilbur, Oregon,
I Any mid nil persons claiming adverse
' lv iliii ubovo described nro le
. (inest.'d to lile their claims in thli olli
i , . , , I l tii
on or beforo said 8th day of May, 1002.
J. I . flitlliiiKH, Kegisler.
United States Lan.l Office,
Ro-eburg, Oregon. Feb. 14, 1002.
Noticu is hereby given that in com
pliance with tho provisions ot the act of
I .fmiit !t. I87H. enlltted "An
,,,,,-.i. HI.i., .,( timber lauds in the
act lor lliu saio oi "mot r in i in mi.
hi tho States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington territory, as
tended to all the i'ublic Land States
ny uoi in niinim i, mi-, ...........
, ,llln 0f Oohurt;. County of Lane. .State of
1 n i Vi.i- ...... 111...1 I., il.u ..lit....
"rcgim, v 'ill f, .1,7.
, . " ... ... xr on-iii
ll IH HWOIII StUtO UlCIlt flO. O.JU,
. inirclutHC of the IOts 7,8, 9 and 10, of
SeclionNo.2, Township 22, South, ol
1 Range 2 West, and will offer proof to
10, of
show that tho land soilgllt Is more
..i,,i,i r-nu liniln.r ,.r ulnnn tlmt for
"""' " " ' ,,,,,1 , ,.uii,iu,
and to establish
iitiuiiiiiiiih jmh .
IiIh i-luiin to said land liefoio tho Reg-
later and Receiver of this office at Rose
burg, Oregon, on Wednesday, tho 7th
day of May, 1002.
fin names as witnesses:
Tlinmns Roclio of Kuceno. Oregon. Dan
Hrumbangh, of Coburg, Oregon, Oscar
Lee, John Palmer, of Cottage Grovo,
Anv nnd nil persons claiming advorse
lv tlio above-described lands aro re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or beforo said 7th day of May, 1002.
J. f , Humous, ucgister.
To J,J. Dellan and I'. A. Itankln:
v u.n linrnliv ntitlflfld that the iinilcr.
sinned have expended One Hundred Dollars In
labor anil Improvements upon the Monarch
, .;i..l.n ul..,.. In1 In thn llithamln
1IHIU 1I11II1IIH i;irnii, mm....... ...
MlnliiK District, In Iaiio County, Htatq of Ore.
Kim, during tho year eiulhiK December 81ft,
11)01, as will appear from analllilavlt fllc.llii tho
o:1eo of tho County Clerk of f.uiio County, Hlulo
ofOrcKon, In order to hold tho said premises
under tho laws ot the United Mates and of tho
Htuto of Oreifon. And If within ninety days
from:tho sorvlro of this notice upon you ny
publication, you fall tocontrllmte your sharo
.'....i nVA..nri.nn nl bhpIi t netidlttiro as 00
owners, to-wlt the sum of 125.00, your interest
In said claim will become the property of the
subscribers under the provisions of Bectlon
2UI of tbe Statutes of the United States of
America. , n
Dated at Cottago Orovo, UneCounty,Oregon,
this tlio 3rd aayoi reoiuary, n. ., i"v.
MBS. 1!. A. Com.
Wo sell cholco lotB In the Long &
Bingham property, lately platted and
ndioining Cottage Grove, right at the
junction oi ino o. r. iv. . uuu mow. vs.
& l). R. R. Trices according to locality
3wo)v Wyos dt Co.
United rilatts Land Orflcs,
Itosshiifg.Oi., Jauiiary , 1W1.
Nntlco tl lirirbr set veil that III cornfillstirt
with the piorlslons ol the art ot Coiinroiiol
units. 1Mb. nl tied "An act for IU ii u
Itntsr lands In tttuHtats of I allfofiiU, Oru.
gnu, Neraila and WaihlnsluiiTsriltiir;," asei.
ailed to all III I'uttic l.tmi siaiss u aciu
AUKUit-', l92. Issao VV. HimpWItis i)l(tiiwiiiir
lty)(,ottt (IroYC, dimly (il iJU.s, Mlam in
Oregon, has tills nay nii'.i in mis iiuh-ii
Ids swiirii slatrinent No. mt, Kir lit i.iitcnss
llhtlsits l,'i,7, Siusl It), .if 8oclf.ui No. 1 Mi
ownslilp 22 H. ol Itmigv I WtM, and will
ilfor imsif to show that tho Isiul simghl is
iiiiir ralustlu for lis tlinl r iirslolMi than fur
uilcultiin.1 nirrfics, anil In establish Ms
lulin to mid land Imlitro tho KeicliltT aim
ftoi clrvr of this ollVo at IfnsnbtirK, Ottgou,
on Sillirdsy, til h daj ul Al, IVU2.
lit. us. nfs st wlinmsi's:
Wlllard lliiren, Kiank Mfluljis, W. M.
fli'mgi', Ifrii I' Wllilitoud, (ltciili.
Altyiiuilall ivisiins clalmlim ailvetteir "is
alior..lecllHMl lands are funlled to tin
llitlrrlidms In Oils (iin or U'lon isld 6lh
day ul April, lisri.
J. T. lis I Mi M, iirilsicr.
"Tiotiijk" for puiTlication
United States Land Olllrr,
Riwiibnig Ore., F brmiry lfi. 11102.
Notice is hereby given that In coin
lianco with the irrovtslons of the net of
Comiress of June II. 1878 enilllnl "An
uc! for thn sale of timber In nil In tho
States nf California, Oregon, iM-vmia.
and Wiihlnuim Territory." in extendcl
loall the Public Lund wtMm ny act oi
Auuiist4. 1802. John Klvt rum ol flown
oreltv) Kugcne, county of Lane, Stnl
of Oregon, bus this day tiled In thin
office Ills i-m urn stnt nut No. 2041, for
the tinrcluiseof the i: $ ol thn h "j ol
Section No. 14, Township 20 South, of
Range 2 West nnd will oiler prool to
how Hull tlie lan.l sougni is moro
'iilnnblii for lis tilnlx-r or stono than tor
iigricultutiil put pom's, and to establish
Ids claim to mi tl lan.l before the Register
and Receiver of this office at HoHeburg,
Oregon, on Monday tho 28lh duy ot
April, 1002.
Ho names as witnesses:
J. 1). Ditmiiion. David Murnhy. Frank
Dammoii, JasiKtr Wurnock, of Kugene,
Anv and nil persons ciaiuiingauverse-
lv thn nlNivc.ilescrilH'd anils nro re
quested to lllc their claims in this olllco
on or K-foro raid 28th day af April, 1002.
.1. T. lliiiiioKs. Register.
notiok" FoiTTniucATioN.
t'liltrd Stalls fitid Ofllro
lliisetiurK, Orrgoii. Krhruaty , ltttt
Notlre Is liruly given lli' thn folluwliid
iiniiicd srlller has nicd notice of his Intention
to muku llnnl proof In suput of his claim, ami
that said .roof will Xir made liefore Marin I
Ware, f 8. C'nmmlssliuirr, at KuKuiitiOtegoti.
on Match 2"i, IMU, vis: Albert Whiter on II. K.
So. fur lliu 8. K. !,. N. K. U.Hec. . Ti l
8., .1 Wc.t.
Hv names the following lines. es In iu
his icsldtnie upon and ciilltvatlmi
nf said land, vis:
It. V. Poller, uf Walker, Oirgon, I". V.
Hlii-rlilsn. of Walker. Une, Co., Oir(n, H. It.
Jnekxin, Jr. ol Walter, Lane, Co., Oregon,
K. I'. Kedfiird, of Xalraw, Orrgiip
J. T. Ilniixini, lleglslrr.
To John J. IKiIIiiii and K. A. Itatikln
You am
hereli)' niilll-il llial ttr ham exi'snilril, tlilrtmc
the your i.ndlnir 31, jOul, f Uolti lalmr
and liiiprnremi'iit nn rnch nflhe Iwn fnllnttlnK
deti-rllri-il iiiliiliiKvlalins, lo-wll: Tha-Nappa-iue"
liii-Blid lu the llohcmta inltilnr dlslrii'l,
ami reciirilvil mi paKe'Taol Umk &, ol I be inlti.
liiK locurds nl lAUtt I'liitiiljr, Orevoiii Ttii"'liruiii
l.iiliinnil, Ineateil In the Ibibrnila niluliik ill"
lilel anil leciirdtslnii paxcif.'ul IniiiIi i.ltlio
nilnliiK munis uf I. sue iMimty, oieKon; In
order In hold said claims, under the provisions
if sitlliiii ISUI of the levlsed slalliles nf (hit
I'litteil Staits. and the aiiionilinetit therein, ap
proved January 1M, rum ernlliK animal
labor ujKin itiliilnk claims, buttii; tho atnnuiil
riiiilreU In cai h nf the said two etnlms. fur lint
porlirilfiidliiK lifwiintmr .11, Imil. Anil II with.
Ill Ninety days, Irom the personal son lie nf Ihla
iiotl.e tipnii ynii. nr ttlililn Ninety days aittr
the publication thctonf, yiiu fall nr refuse In
I'lintilhtilc ynur iHiilInn nf such expenditure.
hns einiMi or, ymir Iniures' In and tntho saM
t In 1 in will liciiinnlhi' prnpriynf lhe huUciIIi.
era, jrnur in-iiwiiers, Mho havo made the le
lulrcd oxiiiillltiies, by the terms of said ice
Bte.l at Cnttaue (Irovo, I. me Cinintj-.OtKiin
this llthilny ol February, 1 '..'.
. W. MAsraasiiS
Miun M uirnoS.
United Htitcs Luid Olfiiti.
RoM hurg, Ore., March Hi. 111)2.
Notico is hcieby given that the ap
proved plats of survov of townships 17
s.. It. 1 Kast. 20 S.,' R. 1 Ua-t, havo
been received from tho Surveyor Hon
end for Oregon, nnd on Tuesday, April
22, 1002, at 0 o'clock n. m., tlio said
pints will bo (lied in this office, nnd thn
land embraced therein will bo open to
entry on or after that date.
Township 20 S., R. 1 Kant, being In
tho Cascade Forest Reserve will bo open
to entry only for persons who mado
settlement prior to tho creation o tho
J. T. HitiixiKH, Register.
J. II. Booth, Receiver.
United mates Land Ofllro
Hoseburg, Ori'con, February B, U2.
Notico is hereby Riven that tho following
named settlor has filed notico of Ids Intention
to mako final prool In support of his claim, and
that said proof will bo made before Mario L
Ware, U. H. Commissioner at Kugene, Oregon,
on March !M, ItXH, vis: John Ovorhalsor, on
II. K. No. 8787, for the W j, H W. 'v H. K. U,
B, V. H, I)t , Bee. 11, Tp. V0 8 It. i Vi.
Ho names tho following witnesses tn prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said lan.l, vis:
Carln Davidson, Henry Long, William W.
Tucker, h. V. McCoy, of Cottage drove, Ore,
J. T. 11KIMES, Heglster.
United Slates Laud Ofllce,
ltosehurg, Oregon, March 11, loot.
Notlre Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of tho aot of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act lor the salo of
Timber Lands In the Btutos of California, Oro.
gon, Kovada, and Washington Territory," as
exlonded to nil the pttblloland states by aet of
August 4, 1802, John Oraber, of Cottage Orovo,
County of Lane, Htate of Oregon, lias this day
bled In this olllco his sworn ttatemonl No. 2101,
lor tho purchaso of tho K! NFAf, HWH NKt-1,
and8K.NWM, of sectfou No. 2d, township
20 H, ranco 'I west, and will often proof to show
that the land sought Is in oro valuable for Its
iimuer or stono man ior agricultural purposes,
and to establish bis claim to tald land before
tbe Heglster nnd Hecolver of this office at Rose.
burg, Oregon, on Haturdsy, the 17th day of
May, W2.
a names as witnesses :
Alfrod A. Anderson. Ilonrv DIesIow and Den
ritohcr, of Dorena, Oregon, and II. Dow, of
Cottage Orovo, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tho
abovo-deseribed lands are renuestod to file
their claims In this office on or before said 17th
day of May, iwj. J. T. UKtpu,
Portland, Or.