CANAL AND LOCKS GOVEIINMENT TO INVESTIGATE AT OIIEGON CITY. Many I'olnli of Jnillct Involved Ntgarillng HUlili ill Present Owntfi il l.ncki and Manufadurlng lliitrrprlsts Shall Govern inenl lluy or llullil? Stipulation! ai In Uke Washington Canal. W Milngl n, March 111. Tim rivers nml harbors hill, iih piosiintiiil by tho house 1-1 tut in 1 1 1 , authorizes tlm tut rutin-y of war to ascertain tliruiiKli u iMinnl tl engineers whether tlm iiciIiIhIIIoii of tint triiiint canal anil locks lit Willam ette IiiIIm, or tlm construction nf cmiul mill locks Ity tlm government ami tholr titration (or tlm exclusive benefit of tlm navigation of tlio Willamette rlvnr would, Ity wlthrnwing tlio waters ol this rlvnr from Its customary chancla, materially liijiirn tlm manufacturing enterprises now in iiinriitioii or contem plated lit tint f 1 1 1 1 h ; iiImi to ascertain through tlio department of justice whether tint I'ortliinil (ieiicral ICli-ctrli' Coiniiiny, by view of its oisimrnli i j of properly nt Willamette (iiIIh, Iiiih legal right against tint United Hiatus for tint full, froo mid continued iihiiitf tlm man ilfarurlng cntcrprlfcs now located on IIh property; whether tho water la needed for navigation, mil If so, what iiuitliinl would bo necessary on tint part of tlio government to ai'iiiiri) tltln to such water for navigation purposes, ami tbu iiiciisiirii of dmiiiigos It must pay tlio rompmiy. In linking tbu allowance uf f 1 00, flflO for tlio Foutllit canal, tint bill stip ulates tbat tblH appropriation, together wi Hi tlio unexpended ltiilani'i), nliall 1st expended In securing, by dredging tint low til or cliiiiini'l 10 fix't in ilcptli from Hhllsholtt bay through Salmon buy to tint wharves at. Ilallanl. Tlio bill til ho provides for n board of engineers to mukti surveys anil examinations ns to tlio feasibility ami iidviHihillty of constructing a cnnnl connecting Piigot found with Lakes Union ami Wneltliig ton, nml to nlso examine a routo for a tdiuilar rutin I connecting i: I Holt buy aitli IjikcM Union and Wnshingtitn, with a view to determining tint fcnsibll Ity of such n routo. Tlio board of en gineers nliall Invito proposals for tint Sonltlomid I.nko WttBlilugton waterway, nml for tint construction of a similar mal connecting Ivlloitt bay with both laki'H. This iMiard tdiall nlsn report on tit u relatvii advantages of all prnpond routes. "Nothing heroin nliall bit con strued an tlio adoption of any project for tint construction of a waterway con necting Piigot khi ml with IjikcM Union ami Washington," Ih tint precautionary wiving phrase inserted in tlio bill aftor tlm foregoing provlHioiiH. With rt'Hiiril to tlio npproprinion for Tiieomn hnrlsir, tlio hill stipulntitH that noun of tlio fund Mini I lo expended un til n ruhinso from liability for damage" rlinll bo nbtnlncil, if any linbllty exists arising from n contract between the dtato of Washington nnd It. II. Loh man, nml right la obtained to doixtslt mntornl drodgod from tlio projtosed rltnnnol on ndjnri'nt tidu landa, or in tlio deep water of Commcii'-omont hay. POOSEVELT'8 FIRST VETO. Ttc Obccti to a Bill Removing the Charge of Desertion. Washington, Mnrch 13. Prosidont Hoosevclt has font hit) firBt veto moa fago to congress. It wnH directed to tlio Fonato and tlio bill votood was nil removing tlio charge of desertion from tho nnval record of John Glass. Aftor tho monsago had been ditliv orod, Sonator Gallinuor, from tho com inittco on nnval nffalrH, rend tho re port of tho oommittoo on which tho noimtii acted. I'rom that Htatement it ujtpenrH thnt GIuhh enl luted in January, 18(11, when only 10'yoarH old, nnd thnt 'having witneHHed an net which com promlhod tho (ecoiid olllcor of tho nhip, ho wiih taken on Hhoro in March of thnt yoar by that olllcor and told not to re port iiKiiin for duty. Tlio committoo wiyn thnt thic order toKothor with GlnHn' youth was rofposiblo for IiIh doHertion. Rebel Lost Wat 600. Colon, Coloiubin, Mnrch l!t. A pa por publiBhed nt Hondn, on tho Miik duli'iiii river, contniiiH nn neconnt of n battlo at Soeliii, nenr lloKotn, February 2!1, in which tho rovolutinnlHtH iiutn berod about 2,000 men, whilo tho rov ernment lmd 11,000 oiiBiiKod. Tho rov olntionlHtH lout 200 mon killlod or wounded nnd hnd -100 mon tnkon prls enom. Dig Warehouse Burnet', Chicago, March 13. Tlio flvo ntory brick warohouBoctf tho HrunRwlck-lliilko Collondor Company, located fit WoIIb and Huperlor strentB, wiih prnctlcnlly dotitroyod by flro tonight. Loss, f 175, 000. Tho prlnclpnl item of Iohb wiih n groat qunntity of glnfifl rocontly Import eil, nnd which would hnvo boon luod for mnkinB mirrors. Tlio valuo of tho .glnsa doatroyod was $100,000. IMIINCE HENIIY MAS OONE. .Sailed frotn New York on the lllg llatnlturg Atnerlian Liner Deulidilanil. New York, .Mnrch 12. Trlnco Henry oMVuhhIh willed for (ieruimiy on board tlio Ilmiibiirg-Auiorli'iiu liner IIimiIhcIi laud yenlerdny aflitriioon. I J Ih IiihI day In Amurlca wiih Hpent ontiroly on hoard tlm DdiiIhcIiIiiiiiI, but It wiih filled with pli'iinlng iiicldentH. Tho prlni o breakfiiHted early nml about 10 o'clock began to receive olllcllil faro well vlHllorn, including reiri!HenliitlvcH of (leriiiuny in thin country and thimo of tho United HtateH goveriiiuent. Tho uiouiberH of tho party which ac companied tho prince on bin tour worn li Im guoHtH at lunciioon. (;ovorH were laid for 28 perHoiiH In the dining room of the nhip, nml iiiuhIc wiih (nniltilKi'l by the hand from the lloheii.ollerii. At the cliifii of tho lunchoon, when it 'limit tiuio to nay giHMlbyo, the prince, taking a ritHo from the table, Haiti: "Thin Ih the badge of that which I hnvo Im-cii admiring during my entire trip to the United HtnteH American beauty." lie placed the llower in bin buttonhole, mid each guenl followed IiIh example. Immedlatuly after the liiuchiytn, at the prinie'H iiivltatfaon, tho party went to the couimaniler'H bridge of the DeiitHchlaml, and wiih there photo graphed. Then tlio real leavetaking began. The Dual farowellH were mild by inemberH of the (ierinan cmhuHxy at U'llHllillgtoll. When the nhip niIIimI nil the np proachcH ami the pier wiih crowded. The llrnt cabin Hectiou of the Uoutfch- laud wiih packed all the afternoon with piiHt-uugorH and thuir friuudn, and in mniiy onHOH womnn hnd to Ixt rewml from the itiihIi to hco the prince. The DeiitHchlaml failed at .'1:15. Ah hIio moved away from her pier the cheering wiih continuoiiH. The prince appeared on the bridge and bowed. All down North river tho punning tugn and craft of every dcfcription gave the great liner ami her diatiuguiHhcd piiHiougcr n noiny ecml-off. At the Ilatliiry, which wnH reacheil at I o'clin'k, a crowd cheered an the vchhoI Hteaiued down the bay. Tho Poiltt-clilmiiJ reacheil the NarrowH at 1:35. 1'ortH WadHWorth mid Hamilton tired HiilutcH, which were niiHWered by the DeiitHchlaml, ami the gnrriwm nt 1'ort ndHWorth lined up on the bluff until the Mfiuuor hnd punned out into tint lower bav. The prince'H npnrtineutH on tlio Deut-clilatid include the captain'H cab in nnd three other adjoining rnoniH, ei peeinlly connecteil for bin line. Tint social hall on the Deiitnchland wiih beautifully decorated witli llowern, and there wiih a profuHinn of them in the princeV Hiiite of roouiH. Tho compiiuy had aim tat-tefully decoratiil the pier.' PRINCE AND PRESIDENT. Henry and Rooievelt Exchange Farewell Telegrams. Wanhington, March 12. Tho fol lowing exchangeH tinik plnco Itetueeu I'rinco Henry of 1'riiHHin anil 1'reHidont HiKtnuvelt: "Holtoken, N. J., Murch 11, 1002. Tho proHldentnf the United Htaten: On thin day of my departure, I beg to than k you pemonally, iih well an tho nation whono gueHt I have been, for all tho kimlnoHH. conniilerntion mid good feeling I have met with during my visit to your intereHting country. I hoito that my vIhK might liuvo in- crenMMl the feoliugH of friendship lie- tween tho country I represent mid tho United htateH. lliilding you farewell, lot mo wlnh you ovory poHnlblo hucccbh, and, pray, remember mo to MrH. ItiKtno volt nnd Minn Itoonovolt, who no chnrm- ingly nml with ho much pluck nccom pliHlied her tank when launching bin majetity'H yacht Meteor. Once inoro, moHt hearty thnuka. May we moot again. "IIKINIUCII, Prince von Pnwaian." "White Houno, WnHhington, 1). C, Mnrch 11. Henry, I'rinco of PriiPBin, Steamer Deiitnchland, Hamburg Dock, Ilobokou, N. J.: Not only hnvo I on joyed your visit perHonnlly, but on bo- half of my countrymen I winh to ex press to you tlio pleasure it ban been to nee you and the real good I think your visit has ilouo in promoting n feeling of friendship Itetween Uemany and tho United States. It Ih my most earnest wish that this feeling may ntengtlien steadily. MrH. Hoonovolt sends her waniont regards, ns would nlso MIhb Uoosovolt if hIio were not nbfcut. Pray prosent my heartiest greeting to lain majesty, the uoriiian emperor. Again I thank you for your visit nnd wish you all good luck wherever you may bo. "TUKODOIIH HOOSKVKlr." More Shocks at Shamaka. St. PotorHburg. Mnrch 13. Sovoro oarthqunko Hhocks hnvo rocurrod nt Shiimnka, TranscaucaRia. About 000 persons are destitute as a rosult of tho Hubterranean diBturbnncoH which occurred nt Shamaka about thu mlddlo of Fobrunry. Railroad Wireless Telegraphy. DnlhiH, Tex., Mnrch 13. Prosidont U. II. Green, of tlio Toxns Mldlnnd Itnilrond, bus recolvod n telegram from tho Unltod States pntont olllcoat Wnah Ington, announcing tho nwnrd to him of a nntont on a system of wlreloas te logrnphy. Prosidont Greon Btatod lntt nialit thnt ho will, ns soon ii8 possible, liiBtnll his wlreloas syntom on the Mld lnnd, which will bo the Urat railroad in the world that will uao tlio system. CAPTURE MTU MSN UOEH8 UNDER DELAREY HOLD THE URITON PRI80NER. Ilrlllilt f circe lladly Defeated, forty one Be ing Killed and Seventy-seven Wounded, While Two Hundred More Are Reported as Missing Newt of the Disaster Came Like a Thunderbolt to London. Iimlon, Mnrch 12. It was an nounced today that General Ird Mothiiou mid four guns had licon cat lured by tlio lioorH commanded by Gen eral Delarey. Tho iiowh cjirno like n thunderltolt to Ixtndon. Tho extra I 'll tioiiH of the evening pnpern giving mi account of the disaster were eagerly Itought up. Tholr readers hurried througli the strcotn with anxious faces and hitter remarks were panned on the subject of the government's declaration that the war in South Africa wan over. The news wnH received in the houno of commons amid grent excitement. The rending of Ixtrd Kitchener's telo gram by Mr. ilrodrick, the war secre tary, wiih listened to in deep silence, which wiih broken by loud Irinh cheers. Instantly there were crloH of "nhame," "nhaiiie," from tho government lionchcH. Then tho Irish members neenied to think lsttterof their outbreak and suddenly subsided. The nnbpe ipient euloglstli: references to General Methuen were received witli cheers. In brief I-ord Kitchener announced that when General Metliuen was catt- tureil, wounded, with four guns, three British ollicers and 38 men were killed, nml that five officers nml 72 men were wounded. In addition one ollicur mid 200 men were reported minning. Thotoxtof Iird Kitcliener's dispatch announcing tlio capture of General Methuen is as follows: "Pretoria, Mnrch 12. I greatly re gret to hnvo to send you bad news of Methuen. Ho was moving with 00 mounted men tinder Mnjor Paris, nnd 300 infantry, four guns nnd a pom pom from Wynburg to Mtchonburg, nnd wns to meet Greufel, with 300 mounted men, nt liovirninosfontein today. Yes terday morning early ho was attacked by Delnroy's forco 1 otweon Palmietonill nnd TwoboHch. Tho JJoors charged on three sides. "Five hundred mid fifty men liavo como in nt Mnriliogt) nnd Krnnipnn. They wore pursued by the Poors four miles from the scene of action. They report thnt Mothtton and PnriH, with the guns, baggage, etc., were captured by tlio Poors. Methuen, when Inst neon, wiih n prisoner. I hnvo no de tails of tho casualties, nnd suggest de laying publication until I can send definite news. I think this sudden re vival of activity on tho part of Dolnroy is to draw off tho troops pressing De wet." In a Bccond dispatch Ixird Kitchener says: "Paris has como in at Kranipass with tho remainder of the men. Ho reports that tho column was moving in two parties. Ono witli tlio ox wagons left Twebosh at 3 A. M. The other with tho mule wagons, started an hour Inter. Just boforo dawn the Poors attacked. Ilefore roinforcemonts could reach them tho rear guard broke In tho mean time, a largo number of Boers galloped on ltoth Hanks. Those were checked by tho flank parties, but the stampede of tho mules had begun and all the mulo wagons, with a torriulo mixture ol mounted men, rushed past tho ox wag ons. All ellorts to chock them were unavailing. Mnjor Pnrla collected 40 mon and occupied a position a mile in front of tlio ox wagons, which were then halted. Aftor a gallant but life loss defense tho enomy rushed into tho ox wagons and Methuen was wounded n tho thigh. Paris, being surrounded, surrendered at 10 A. M. Methuen is still in tho Poor camp." Surveying an Oklahoma Road, Guthrio, O. T. March 12. Tho survey has been made and portions of tho con tract lut for tho grado of tho Denvor, Guthrio A Southeastern Hailwny, which outers Oklahoma at tlio extreme north west corner nnd runs southeasterly to Guthrie, South McAlestor nnd New Orleans. It is llnanced by Denver enpi- tulista. Business Block Destroyed. Peavor Falls, Pa., Mnrch 12. Tho Harold block was completely destroyed by flro nt mi early hour in tho morning, otituiling a loss of f 75,000. Government Troops Gaining. Washington, Mnrch 12. Tho United Statos minister to Colombia roports to the stnto dopnrtmont, under dato of March 3, thnt, during tho precoding week tho government troops hnd stead ily ndvnncod nnd occupiod important positions near Bogota which had been vncutod by tho revolutionary forcoa, who oro understood to bo in n dosporato situation and seeking an opportunity to escape. U.000 MEN QO ON 8TRIKE. Boston freight Handlers Making Hard Fight lor Unionism. Boston, March 12. War between tho organized tenmsters, freight and express handlers of Boston ami two groat railroad corporations, the New I York, Now Havon t Hartford ami the Now York Central A Hudson Hiver , Itallroads, tho latter locally known as tho Boston A Albany, broke out Uslay. Tho strike, which Ih a sympathetic no, already involves 8,000 men in and a Unit Boston. Stopping work lie'-aimo of tint dis- ehlirtl, rif lltilrtfl , U'lirt lintrn r..r,tu..l to handle non-union moved freight, tho I various organizations now on strike rondo every effort today to extend their sphere of Influence to affiliated iKslies, .while the corjiorationH energetically tried to llll the strikers' places and to receive anil dispatch goodHoffered them. Both met with some measure of suc cess. Tomorrow tho local employes of tho great express companies, the AdantH mid tin- Now York A Boston, two com panies whirls bundle practically all of the fast freight in Southern New Kng land, will refuse to work, while neveral smaller bodies of organized labor, such iih the brewery teamnterH and the piano movers, iih well ns freight handlers in Kast BoHton, will 1st idle. On the other hand, tho New York, New Haven A Hartford Hailroad, after succeeding today in moving considerable freight by Italian Intar, will alignment tho forco tomorrow, and tlio Boston A Al bany exjiects to have a largo mimlier of men at work in its freight sheds. Tho action of tlio express men in joining the freight handlers will quick ly affect the freight business with near by business centers like Worcester, .Springfield, Hartford, New Iliuen, Providence, Full Itiver nml New Bed ford. LONG 8TEP8 OUT. Secretary of the Navy Hands His Resignation to the President. Wanhington, March 12. Tho third change in tho cabinet of President Hoonevelt occurred when Secretary Long submitted IiIh resignation in a beautiful letter, it being accompanied by one equally felicitous by tho presi dent. Tho change was made complete by the selection of Representative Will iam Henry Moody, of the Sixth con gressional district of Massachusetts, as Mr. long's successor in tho navy de partment. This change has bcon expected for a long time. Mr. 1-ong hnd intended to retire at the beginning of tho lato Pres ident McKiuloy's second term, but ho consented to remain until certain lines of policy in which ho was involved were more satisfactorily arranged. Then when President Uoosovelt suc ceeded, though anxious to return to private life for Secretary Long will never again enter public life a strong feeling of loyalty toward Mr. Koosevelt induced the secretary to defer his re tirement until it wns convenient for tho president to mako n change. Recently Mr. Long has been in Massachusetts making arrangements with his old legal connections to re-enter the practice of law, and he has had his house at Hing hmn put in order for his occupaton. When Mr. Long entered tho cabinet originally ho was nn active member of tho firm of Hemingway A Long, a well known legal firm of Boston. Ho has always maintained a silent connection witli tho concern, and will again be come an active partner. DANGER TO SHIPPING. Immense Ice Floes Reported Off the Coast of Japan Early Spring in the North. Port Townsend, Wnsh., March 12. The British chip Bann, tho last of tho storm-bound fleet off the entrance to tho Straits of Juan de Fuca, lias arrived, 93 days from Iquiquo, 34 days of which sho was storm-bound off the straits. Seven times tho Bann got inside of Capo Flattery, and as no tug was there to pick her up, sho was compelled to Hit back to era. Tho Bann reports no othor vessels off tho Capo. Tho British steamship Oceano reports to tho local United States hydrographic offlco as having encountered an im menso ico lloo about 200 miles off tho Japanese coast, abreast tho entrance to Sugar straits. So oxtensivo was tho ice lloo that tho steamer was conipolled to chango her course nnd steam for several hours to avoid coming in collision witli tho ico. Tho ico lloo is in tho direct path of vessels sailing to tho Orient, mid na it ia quito extensive, it ia dan gerous to navigation. Tho captain of tho Oceano snys tho Ico is from lour to nix feet out of the water, nnd some of tho berga aro many feet ncross, and cannot bo seen until tho vesfol is among them. This is tho first, time ico has been booh off tho Japanese coast in that vicinity. It is thought that tho floe ca mo from Bohring Straits and tho Arctic ocean, and that, through somo unknown caueo tho ico pack in the Arctic has broken oarlior and that it in dicate an early spring in tho north. Large Fire at Paris. Paris, March 12. Tho biggest blazo seen in Pari8 slnco tho burning of tho Opora Comiquo, in 1807, broke out last night in tho corner of a block of waro housoa in tho Ruo Montmartre. Thu waronousoa wcro occupied by 10 firms, and tho lowor floors of tho building woro fillod with silk, volvot and woolon gooda. Thoso mntoriala causod tho flro to rngo furiously nnd tho fjamea spread rapidly to tho upper portions of tho j buildings, usod as residences. v ) r, T- lute for 1'imttirc Fence. It Is always desirable to have some sort of n gate In the pasture field fence, l ot It Is not always easy to build one that Is nt once stock-proof and easy to operate when necessary. The arrange ment as shown In the Illustration Is not In reality n gate, but a passageway, so placed thnt the stock cannot get through, but through which n person may readily pass. No explnnntlon of the plan Ih needed, for It Is plainly shown by the Illustration. Thlt fence may lie arranged so as to provide a double gate by hinging the open portion stock rnoop Vassaoewat. In the foreground so that when closed the post will come In snugly against the fence post, nnd be held In place by a wire loop dropped over both posts; then the gate In the background should nlso be placed on hinges, so that when closed It will lap over against the fence about two feet, and be held In place by a staple and hook. Dehorning Cowa anil CulveH. There has always been more or less argument over the question of dehorn ing, and while It may be admitted tbat the process Is painful, and. In the case of an adult animal, causes a shock to the nervous system, It Is not at all like-' ly that the young calf suffers more than momentary pain, and the process certainly does not Injure the animal In any way. The process of preventing the growth of the horns on the young calf Is to take the animal when It Is three or four weeks old. and after lo cating the embryo horn with the linger, rub the spot for a minute or two. or until It gets quite red. with a stick of caustic potash, which may be bought at any drug store. The potash should be moistened slightly, but not enough so that It will run. for It will tnke off the hair wherever It touches It. Wrap the end held In the hand with a cloth, to prevent burning the hand. The work Is quickly done, and if thoroughly done, the horns will not grow. It Is generally considered that the age named about n month Is nearer the right time than earlier, and the work should never be attecpted with potash after the calf Is six or eight weeks old or after the button has assumed much prominence. A Promising Plum. ilany plum growers are disappointed that no varieties of hybrid plums are on the market this year thnt orlglnnted the grounds of Luther Burbank. of C a 1 If o r n la, that prince of hy bridizers. There Is. however, a va riety that Is ex tremely promls- ing, a Seedling ns yet unnamed 1 LUM- trom pollen one of the best of the hybrid plums. It Is said that Mr. Kurbank Is experiment- ing with crosses which will produce varieties suited for the far North. Two. at least, of the hybrids from tins source, tho Golden nnd the Ickson. have proved valuable In any section where the plum can be grown success fully, and If this list can bo exteuded. plum growing will again become ono of the profitable branches of fruit cul ture. Artificial Ice. Few people who are not In the busi ness, and some who nre, have but a faint Idea of the great Increase In tho manufacture nml sale of artificial Ice in the decade from 1S90 to 1000. Tho census bureau says that In 1S90 there wero 222 manufactories In the United States, with a production valued at $4,000,OS3 on an Invested capital of $0,S40,4(5S. In 1000 there were 780 Ico manufactories, producing $ 1.1,830,55-1 worth, with a cnpltnl of $38,159,324. Put we think this does not reduce the demand for tho natural product of our waters as do the many cold-storago plants which do not use Ice, but cold nlr. We hnvo not been able to find any statement of their number or Increase. American Cultivator. Cow Venn for the Orchnrd. Whilo tho usual plan of Intelligent or chardlsts Is the best pnder normal con ditions that of the shallow cultivation between the trees during the summer there are times nnd certain conditions whero tho cbwpens would bo of tho greatest value. Take, for example, soil it h r- Jl I i yr - I f- ij. . ... - badly run down; here cowpeaa, sown late In May or early In .tune, would bo more valuable to the soli than summer cultivation, for they would aild'tnuch lieeded nitrogen to It and conserve tlm moisture In the soil quite as well as tho siiinmer cultivation. Then. If the top were out In the fall, early, the stubble nml roots turned under nnd the ground sown to a cover crop, tho result wonlil be seen the following season. It Is truo that It might be necessary to cut tho cow-pens green, In order to get In the cover crop early enough, but even thea. the growth during the hot weather wilt hnvo done the soil on Immense amount of good. Former at Cnlleae. A number of agricultural colleges re port that many of the students taking the short winter course arc men who are operating farms, many of thorn men who own the farms they work. This Indicates that farmers are begin ning to realize thnt they must keep np with the modem methods. It Is frank ly admitted that some of the more nd vnnced methods In some lines cannot be adapted to nil cases, but there Is not n farmer In the country but who would give considerable If he had some knowl edge of chemistry. Far ther. It Is hnrdly probable that any In telligent man could attend one of tho colleges for this short course and not leam enough on general lines to par him well for the expense. One of tho best fruit growers In New York State, a mnji who has made a comfortable sum for his work during the last dozca' years. Is taking the short course at Cornell College. He agreed tbat ho knew considerable about fruit growing, but said that he was not so strong on agricultural chemistry as he should bo and wanted more knowledge In this di rection that he might know better now to use commercial fertilizers. He fig ured that he would be reimbursed for his expense In a single purchase of fer tilizer, for the knowledge gained would" enable him to buy more Intelligently. Two Farm Convenience. A handy way to carry swill Is to take an old walking cultivator, take tho beams off and fasten a couple of hooka on the tongue, near the rear end, and take n small barrel and bore a couplo of boles In Its rim In which to hook on the hooks. Fas- swill CAimiEix. ten the barrel, and one can either push or pull to where it Is wanted. A very handy fodder cutter and corn topper can be made by using a light. . xtout bench or cutting box. Take two i oiu plow lays anil 1 have them sharp- ened nnd made to act on the same principle as a pair of shears. One can be fastened to the fodder cutter. lever and one to the bench or box. Taa Illustration shows only one plow lay, and It Is possible to do fairly good work: with one lay. Winter nutter Making. Cream for churning must at all times be kept above the freezing point or there Is difficulty getting the butter. For small churnlngs. where the milk Is kept In pans, the method of a New York gtate prlze butter maker ,g R good one to follow. Have a few extra pan and in each put a half pint of boiling j water; then strain the mllK Into this , pan, and so on with the other pans, i These pans of milk should have tho t cream removed In ten or twelve hours i and when a churning Is ready set the quantity over a boiler of hot water and stir It occasionally, weep it over too I ..,. .,. ..n.l It toata 7K nr SO ilc-rom Uv Ml ,),.,. nnn nf , troul)les ,n wlnter ,)Utter mnklng comcn from trylI1B to churn tue nr04inct or i cows tuat nre near caiv,nSi and tng , partIculariy lmrd t0 overcome. Indeed, uness decide(i cnnnce can he made n tlle focJ glven tue anIn)a, u w ba I us,ess t0 exnect nnvthlm? but trouble In churning. An Increase In the bran portion of the ration and the addltlom. of some green food will likely Improve the consistency of the milk. Spreading Manure tn Winter. The Agricultural Department reports tbat Its experiments with fodder beets followed by wheat In plowing under manure ns soon ns spread, or spreading It over the surface of the ground and letting it lie two mouths during the winter, tho former method proved s saver of plant food. We never doubted thnt It would be so on certain soils, and do not feci sure that it would prove ss on all. Put we think the lesser labor of drawing out In winter, and tho gala by having so much work done hefor the spring planting begins, more thus equals tho loss where the winter ma nure la not washed away by spring thaws or rains. Bnultary Cow Btnlilen. As soon as the stables aro cleaned sprinkle u quart of dust behind each cow. then add tho absorbent, and If the owner will prevent the wet places about the stable and attend to keeping the bedding dry there Is no reason why the stable should not be so snnltnry thnt tho finest and best milk In tho world enn bo mnde In It, the best prod ucts secured and the stnblo smells and tastes wholly eliminated.