FOK DAMAOKH. Suit linn been instituted by llcr- tuuti Rudolph against the Booth Kelly Co fur damtiijcs in the sum of 10,000 for Injuries sustained in n boiler explosion nl Suj;iunw 011 May 2, 1902; I.HCTWHIt. The lecture of Mrs Mury Teats on "Moral l'urily," at the C. V Church, Wednesday cvcnitiK was well attended. Mrs. Teats is a forcible and pleasant speaker. Thursday evening she .;nve an interesting tulle to men only. Lank Taxich. Friday was the last day on which payment of taxes in full ollowed the 3 per cent discount. Lane county collects 5173,000 each year and of that amount 100,000 has Iktcii collected, of this amount $60, 000 was collected at Eugene and $40,000 at Cottage Grove and Junc tion. All taxc become delinquent on April 1st. Of the 5173,000 taxes, the state is entitled to J42,- Nkw Industkv. There seems to be a new in dustry started in Cottage Grove by Messrs. Uaker and Nelson. They have started an experiment station to see what can be done in transplanting larj;e fruit trees. Those wishing to procure choice fruit trees for next winter should place their orders early, as the sup ply may be limited as Joe says he already has orders for fruit; and has been looking for cans since he got his trees. All fruit guaranteed true to name. Place orders early and avoid the rush. To ClU'.SWHM.. A Nugget man was at Crcswcll !etvccn trains, Wednesday, and found the village quite a thriving nud hustling little place. All the merchants seemed to be enjoying a good trade, The time be tween the two trains is so short that but little cotdd be seen. C, L. Weber, the leading merchant, who bandies quite a large stock of general merchandise was bustling among his customers in his usual affable and business like manner. Mr. C. C. Iluzlctinc also has quite 11 nice stock of General Merchandise and was busy waiting on customers. All in all, Crcswcll is one of the thriving villiuges of Lane County find beautifully located. SCHOOL NOTES. ..--ttvt.-- A large audience greeted Sup. French v last Friday evening at Martin's Hall to join him on his trip through Europe. The trip be gan with views leaving New York, passing through the lower harbor and out upon the deep. Landing in Scotland the rugged mountain scenery pass presented with many old castles and places of historic value. A trip through the land of Walter Scott showing the scenes and narrating the incidents that stirred Scott and the world. Pass ing southward through English scenes, splendid roads and mighty castles, giving their stories of past ages. In Germany, France and Italy the grand cathedrals and col lections of art and statuary were vividly shown, revealing the im mense wealth and splendor gathered through the ages. On Friday evening, April 4, Dr. Cantnerof Salem will lecture on "A Knight of the 20th Century." Dr. Cantner is one of the best speakers in the Northwest, an old soldier and a worker irtthc educational field. The average attendance is 15 higher than at this time last year. The class in bookkeeping is working until five in the evening so that the set may be finished this term. Reviews begin Monday making a good time for those who have been absent to prepare for examination and thus be able to goou with their classes. Miss Vira Dorward of last year's class will begiu teaching at the Silk Creek school house about April 1st. To fir fin hofir.mhi Nwjgei, ,u a-ji, i-.iii.k.--i- LODGE CIRCLES A'P -r-V -T"T- iT-T-"T- "Tr"iK MACCA IlItKH. The Maccabees will render a programme on next Thursday evening for the benefit of the order. There will be two initiations that evening. HKiiKKAiis. The Kchcknh Lodge has changed its meeting nights from the 2nd and .(til Friday nights to the 1st and 3rd, beginiug with the meet ing of the 21st. ODO 1'ICI.I.OWH The I. O. O. F. will have work in the first degree at the meeting next Saturday night. They arc now making preparations to enlarge their store building and hall as soon as the weather will permit. KKD MKN. St Patricks day was fitly cele brated by the newly instituted Lodge of Red Men by a supper and short programme which served to the purpose of extending the right hand of fellowship to all the new members who had climbed the totem pole as well as serving to bring in pale faces who the Lodge will shortly have the pleasure of calling members. I'OKKKSTItKS Ol' AMKKICA. The Forresters of America have 8 candidates for initiation at their meeting in cast side Hall on next Friday night. Following the ini tiatory work a banquet will be given in honor of the new members at which a number of invited guests will be present. The Forresters hereafter give a banquet once a mouth. MODJtKN WOODMKN. J. W. Simmons, deputy head consul, of Portland, Oregon, de livered an instructive lecture at Martin's Hall on the 14th inst. The lodge has received new paraphernalia for initiatory work. There will be a program rendered in the near future with many inter esting features. Over fifty strong with new members coming in rapidly, out of debt with money in the treasury is the flourishing con dition of the order. l'RTKUNU. AID ASSOCIATION A Council of the Order of the Fraternal Aid Association was organized Monday night in the W. O. W. ball, by J. II. Frcdricks, state organizer, assisted by W. A. Clark, of Healsburg Calii. The following officers were elected; Past President, J. F. Taylor; vice president, J. R. DeSpain; secretary, Alta King; treasurer, F. II. Rosen burg; medical examiners, Dr. H. C. and K. C. Schleef; chaplain, Mrs. Belle Cooler; trustees D. B. Chamberlain, Curriu Cooley and S. E. Landers. This council be gins with 38 charter members and all good workers. The charter will remain open until the evening of the 25th. 1 WOODMKN Ol' WORLD. Bohemia Camp 206 Woodmen of the World assisted by the Ladies Circle gave a reunion and social at W. O. W. Hall last Saturday even ing which was pronounced by those present as the jolliest and best social which had been held this season. The following programme was rendered: Recitation, Miss Wettle; Song, R. D. Inmau; Recitation, Alice Huff; Song, Eumice Van- derberg, Bennetta Whipple, and Hazel Benson; Recitation, Miss Thomas; Violin Solo, Miss Rogers; Recitation, C. H. Vauderberg; Vocal Duett, Rosenberg and Jor dan. After the programme the Ladies served a most bounteous lunch after which singing passed the time away till the "wee small hours." Prince Henry has arrived home O. K. been kissed by his brother cheered by the people and Dee Aro You Goo KsbI l'olymorpliliin Bargains At tho Now Era Drug Store, Fine rosidoncpn. choice lots. business blocks for salt? Jerome Knox & Co, personal pir'ngruplfs. Mm. Wllllu Wallace In reported finite xlck. CIiiih. CVIinui win In I'iikuim liifel Krliliiy. Geo. Kerr Is visiting 111 h piirontu In Portland. V. (i. ClirlHinim, of Kugunc, eiimo down Tuesday. AdHONHor I). I', lliirtou cat no up from KiiKvnu WcdiiuMiliiy. I) G. Mol'arlaiiil uommuiicud Ills uoixl filii'iirltiK Wednesday. CIiiih. KliiiKViininltli inudo ft flying trip to Kiikuiio Monday. MrH, Miko Witlil of Kimono Is In town visiting friends ami rulutivuit. Mm. Hvn llolduriiiun and child who luivu lii'cn ill 1110 improving. Hurry Icit of Wisconsin Ih visiting lili) brother, Cioorge, of this pluce. Attorney Johnson mid A. Johnson left for 11 visit to Ilohunilii Tuesday. C. L. Wither, merchant of Crcswatl, was lining business. In Cottiigo Grove Tuesday. Win. I.nndeHH wiih trmism'tltig bind iiotiH at the county neat Friday and Huturday. It. W. Newhiml nud family iuivo moved into the Lurch residence In West Cottiigo (irove. Mrn. O. A. ItoHcnhiirK, mother of P. 11 U........1 l 1.. n..t i!.,...,. ... ... 1 tirnuil lll I , II, III UIUVU W spend u month . Mnvor Veatch 11tte11d1.1l the nioi.-tlnt: of tlin Democrat!)) Central Committee at Kiigeuu .Saturday. II. A. Clark linn accepted 11 position witii the I'uciflu Tiuihur Cum nan v us clerk in their store. County Commissioner Kdwurds and A. N. Striker, of Kiigune, were in Cot tage urovu l-ruluy. John Hunter, n prominent lumber dealer of Jtos.uburg, is spending u few duys in Cottage Urove. I'M Jones, lookkeeier for tho Pacific Timber Company ut their mill at Amos, wan in town lust Sunday. M.O. Ilinns . 11 traveling man for the Oregoniun'H Literary Ilureuu was 111 Cottage Urove this week. G. C. King, 11 mining man from San Jose, Calif,, is hero with n view of in vesting in Bohemia mines. Itov. Beck. Atty. J. U. Young, 0. IJ. Clements and Ulysses Walker were pas sengers for Kiigenc Monday. II. K. Morris, of the Arm of Morris & Craw, of Kiigenc, was in Cottage Urove Wednesday, 011 musical business. Mrs. Hugh l'ields of Portland, who has been visiting her brother, Mr. Skill man of this n.'aeu. left for her liomu Tuesday. Deputy Assessor Sharp U abroad in tlie land trying to tindout how your ac count stands with tlie county and State of Uiegon. Mrs. M. Valentine returned from Itotchurg lifter it tliree weeks visit with her husband, John Valentine, who is now living at tho Soldier's lluuie. John baker who lias lieen j tii to ill for a long time, has recover)-)! suirieicntly ti ho moved with his family into tlie Poster Phillips' property In West Cot tage Urove. Wo regret to announce that Tom Mon teith, the genial clerk fur the Pacific Timber Co., is about to sever his con nection with that firm, having accept ed a position in the valley. C. Gengerof AleaMcr, South Dakota, has rented a cottage from Mr. Ixmg and awaits the arrival of his family. Mr. Genger is favorably impressed with the country and intends purchasing a farm In the near future. Prof. W. II. Hampton of Placer, Jo scphino county, was in Cottage Urove Tuesday. Mr. Hampton is 0110 of the owners of tho Hampton & Lewis mines, of Placer, and is hero on mining bind, ness. Ho wont to Portland Wednesday. Samples of tho last strike of baco ore in tho Lo Hoy are now to bo seen at the company's oirico in tins city. Tlie ore wos taken from the shaft and tho assays aro highly satisfactory, showing (13 per cunt lead and $21 pur ton gold. See notice of tho filing of township plats in Koeeburg land oirieo in this issue. Thoso who bavo mado actual settlement in township 20, S, H 1 J, prior to the reserve should avail them selves of tho opportunity of putting their tilings on record. Dr. H. T. Anderson who was takon seriously sick on last Priday is improv ing rapidly and will bo out in a few days. Tho doctor seems to retain his nervo and skill whether sick or well as ho on last Monday amputated a linger whilo so sick that ho had to be propped up in bed to perform tho operation . An organization of a power company is now the talk to furnish power for Tho Helena Consolidated Mining Company and for tho Lo Roy Company. As soon as tho kind of power most suited for the mines can m determined, the plant will bo forthcoming. This will euablo tho LoHoy pcoplo to provido tho mine with the Hurley compressed air drills. J. H. Parsliall and son, I. I., from Butto, Nebraska, arrived in tho city Monday and woro registered nt tho Im perial. Mr. Pursluill conies to Cottago Grovo to locate and is so favorably im pressed with tho country that hu will purchase propoity as soon as ho can get Ids family hero. Thoy went down to Grants Pass Tuesday to visit with rela tives but will return in a fow days. Common Rough Lumber, S6 iDer M. at BOOTH-KELLY Mills, Saginaw, Or. Jjoctil IrcVcLius. lii'iiii'iubcr the primaries next Satur day Get teady to rmiko garden, A laigu lino of boys' knee suits nt actual cost utC. ft. Clement's. Itallenbiirg point lace puttems and braid at Lurch's. Have your proscriptions filled ut tho Benson Drug Co. Porpure, well-selected drugs, en II on the Benson Drug Co. Toilet articles of every description at Benson Drug Co. Clean up your back yard. Another shipment of men's suits and overalls will arrive ilia few days at C. li. CIcmctits'H. Tliowi diamonds at II. C. Madsen are beauties . Cull and see them . Try a Sunday dinner at the Imckiiiai. norm,. Served from 12 in. to 1 :.'t0 p 111. and up to date in all respects. Burn up your trash pile. Its about time ubo springtime. Hair brushes, 11 fine line, at lowprices. Benson Drug Co. I will hu In Cottago Grove Tucdav nnd Wednesday of next week, March IT) and L'f), at Sherwood House. Dit. A. H, Atwooii, Dentist. You can buy nnv preparation at J. P. Currin's that fs advertlced in any paper. Remember we make a specialty of family receipts. Read real estate bargains of Jerome Knox A Co. Kor paints, oil, brushes and the latest patterns of Wall Paper, call on ('has Cochran at J. D. Cochran's furniture store, Cottage Grove, Oregon. "A dollar saved Is n dollar earned." You will savo several dollars by buying your clothing of C. B. Clement. That invoice of tooth brushes is now open for inspection at Benson Drug Co's store. They are cheap and of splendid quality. Look at them then buy 'cm. NOTICE THIS I have just nut in stock a line of fur niture from a house closing out at quite a ledtiction and will be able to give the lowest prices giving also a complete line of undertaking goods and anew line of carpets, mattings, portiers, rugs, etc. Call ami see them und get the prices. Next to postofHce. J. D. Cochkan. SUNS & 11 Paint Supply Store First qualities in everything in the line of paint and painters's supplies. The only complete line of Wal Paper in the city. LATEST DESIGNS LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. Painters and Paperhangers Ior any kind of work in house furnishing, get our prices. They are right, and we guarantee our work. Store first door East of Bridge on Main Street. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS. A-stlieOld Maid Said wlien Slie Kissed tlie Dwarf. Our uds are short and sweet and right to tho point. PURE DRUGS RIGHT PRICES ISreliaut & Morgan DRUGGISTS. The Xew lira Drug Store. Bohemia -- Saloon Main St., CottDKO drove. A. M. WHITE & CO. J T 7T t Choice line of Liquors J, hand. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. vr.- jfofHNj-:: :: :: :: :1: "We Suit the Hard to Suit." Don't take our word for it, but call and be convinced that The Cash Grocery Co. Carry the cleanest and most Complete line oi roccrics J in the city. We keep a full line assortment of fresh fruits and vegc- tables in season. 5 The Cash Grocery Co. A. 1 TE TIMERS' SVlPPYrt flQVlSE IBohemia, Oregon. General Merchandise, Miners' Tools and Ammunition, Give us a call and we will treat you right. KNOWLES & GETTYS. Carry the most complete line of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware in south Lane county. Also a fine line of Guns, Ammunition and Fishing Tackle. We are Headquarters for Mining Supplies, Hurcules Powder, Fuse and Caps. Also agents for the celebrated Studebaker Wagons, Canton Clipper Plows and Harrows. In fact anything you may want in the Hardware line. Call and See Us and We will Treat You Right, Watch our Saturday Sales Next Saturday, March 22, we will sell for cash only SALMON' 3 can for 25 cents CUAXUKnWKS 15 cents per can WHEAT FLAKE 3 21b pkgs for 25 cents FLO UK 75 cents per sack ARII. COFFEE 2 pkgs for 25 cents LIOXCOFFKK 2 pLgs for 25 cents LAIW'1-RY SOAP 7 barn for25 cents UKAXULATEI) SUGAR 20 lbs for one dollar fttT P&CFG TMfcEft CO. STORE Under Odd Fellows' Hall. COTTAGE GROVE - - OREGON Successors to WHEELER & SCOTT. We will continue to carry a full and complete stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Mining Supplies, Fish Bro's. Wagons, Oliver Chilled und Steel Plows, Etc. :::::: ANY THING YOU WANT IN THE HARDWARE LINE : : : : GIVE US A CALL - AT THE OLD STAND 300O0OOOOO0OOOOO00O00C The . . . RESORT IttvcrSt., Cottage Grovo. BLEW & JONES, Props We carry an extra flno lino of Liquors and Cigars, and If you hare occasion to want goods In our line we would appreciate a call from you. Bownro of air dried or half dry floor int.'. coiling und rustic. Tho Booth Kelly Lo m bo r Co. aro making 6peci priced on Kiw-uneu itimucr, Q. Young, Manager. veatch Go GLASS BROS. PROPRIETORS OF Cottage Grove Planing Mill! AVe nro now prepared to furniih all kinds of brackets, mouldings, rornlcn, busIi und doors, door and window frames, windows, pickets, etc. Woodwork of all kinds made nnd re paired. We will also work rustle, siding, ceiling or size studding, etc PRICES REASONABLE SHOP NEAR S. P. DEPOT i