Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 21, 1902, Image 4

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Klliornml PubtblttT.
Entered at th pontotllc at Ottaga Grove,
Ortton i Second CtaJi mull iiMt'.tr.
Huljiarlillun prli . SI. On, In lvaari
AitoertUIng Ibrtea uux'n known upon
THIS I'.U'KR tVep on We at K. O. Pnik,
AUrentiuig AKenry. mwiii .Merciiania
rhatiKe, Saii Franrt'ico.Citllfornfo. whcruom
trkct lor Jvrttl(:i(t run bemadc for It.
Friday, March 21, 1902.
East Cottagh Grovb.
The primary election to elect 1 1
delegates to the Republican County
Convention will be h;ld in East
Cottage Grove precinct on Satur
day, March cr?nd, 1902, at 2 o'clock,
p, in., at Martin's Hall.
G. R. Chrisman, Chairman.
Wkst Cottagk Grovk.
The primary ejection to elect 10
delegates to the Republican County
Convention, will be held in East
Cottage Grove precinct on Satur
day, March 22nd, 1902, at Masonic
Hall at 2:30 P. M.
G. R. Chrisman, Chairman.
The Multnomah county republi
can primaries were held last Satur
day. It was purely a Simon and
anti-Simon fight. For a long time
Portland and Multuomah county
seems to have tired of the Simon
rule, and it is apparent to every
body that bis influence and work in
Washington has resulted in no par
ticular credit to the state. The
fight was well fought by both sides.
No- stone was left unhurled. It
was a fight to the finish, as the en
tire state of Oregon looked to the
result in Multuomah as a criterion
of the political events to follow. It
was a contest to determine whether
Multnomah should set up, as an ex
ample for the state, a broad and fair
and honest basis of political prefer
ment of whether the old machine
of treachery, vice and crime should
nolo sway longer, me right was
won by the followers of right and
order, men who were tired of being
lead one day and driven the next
by an infamous machine boss. It is
the first time in ten years that Port
land has actually got in and
downed the big vulture, but for all
of that it is done and done neatly,
and with dispatch. She deserves
the congratulations of the state.
It I GUT I I) Ed.
In commenting upon Senator
Simon who has just met with a bad
defeat in the republican primaries
of Multnomah county, the Guard
very appropriately has the follow
ing: The fundamental objection to
Mr. Simon as a senator is that he is
doing no good for Oregon. More
over, from his temperament, his
self-isolation, his unsocial nature,
his lack of the spirit of human in
tercourse so essential to position
and efficiency in the senate, he can
do nothing for Oregon, no matter
how long he may be there.
He has talents, but they are not
the talents required in that position.
The man doesn't fit the place; the
place doesn't fit the man.
A mass meeting will be held at
Martin's Hall on the evening of
March 24 for the purpose of nomi
nating a mayor, recorder and
councilmen, to be elected for the
term of one year on the first Mon
day in April. Every citizen inter
ested in good government and who
takes a pride in the successful
manipulation of municipal affairs
should be present.
Last Saturday was a sort of a
Waterloo for Senator Simon in
Multnomah county No doubt
there was considerable revelry,
but not for Simon -nit!
XXI) fMf.
Senator Mitchell 1ms plnced him
self on record in favor of the initi
ative and referendum as witness the
following letter:
"Washington, Feb. 26. Hon.
W. S. U'Rcn, Secretary Direct
Legislation League, Oregon City,
Or. Dear Sir: I beg to acknowl
edge receipt of yours ol February
17, just received, in which you
state that the Portlanri Hoard ol
Trade has referred to its committee
on legislation a request from the
Direct Legislation League of Ore
gon for their indorsement and ap
proval of the proposed amendment
to the constitution of the State of
Oregon, providing for the initiative
and referendum.
I think you know without any
expression from me that I not only
am now but have been lor years
heartily in favor of this proposed
amendment, and I have no hesita
tion in expressing myself at all
proper times and in all proper ways
in its favor. I believe a large por
tion of the people of Oregon favor
the amendment; so let us try it.
"I have not the time at present,
nor do I think it necessary to go
into the specific reasons why I fa
vor this amendment. The reasons
entertaiued by those who favor it
are known generally to the people
of Oregon.
John H. Mitchell."
Senator Mitchell is right when
he says a large per cent of the
people of Oregon favor the issue.
Again he is right in spirit and
thought when he places himself at
the service of the people in an issue
of such importance. It shows that
he realizes the responsibility of his
position and does not ignore the
fact that the people of Oregon have
claims upon him. In the long run
Senator Mitchell will be found
right, and when not looked at
through the glass of impartiality
he will be found with the people of
bis state.
lf i .1- .!. .!. .1. .1. -J- .J. .
The prompt payment of taxes
this year is strong evidence of the
truly prosperous condition of the
Mulwrrihe for the Xugget.
- -; -i- -t- -1- -r- sr -t-
The Rev. Father Berthiaurae of
Roseburg will hold service at the
Cotholic church in Cottage Grove
next bunday, Marcn 23rd, at 10
o'clock a. m. Sunday School af
ter the service,
Subjects for next Sunday at the
Christian church: 11 a. m., "A
Peculiar People." 7:30 p. m.,
"The Jailer and His Household
A cordial invitation to all. F. E.
Bii.ungton, Pastor.
The pastor will preach at the M
E. church next Sunday both morn'
ing and evening. Evening subject
"The Serpent and the Christ;" Sun
day School at 10 a. m.; Junior
League at 3 p. m.; Epworth League
at 6:30 vith Miss Mary Currin as
leader. Easter Services Sunday
evening, March 30.
All Christian Endeavor Societies
in Lane and Douglas counties
should send delegates to the Dis
trict Convention at Eugene next
week, Monday afternoon and even
ing and Tuesday morning, March
24th and 25th. Mr. John Willis
Baer of Boston, general secretary of
the World's Christian Endeavor
Union and State President, Rev.
Harry Templeton, of Portland, will
attend all of the sessions. Mr. Baer
is an earnest thinker, a forceful and
passionato speaker. Mr. Temple
ton is a graduate of the U. ofO.
and is a young minister of great
promise. All the other features of
the convention will be of the verv
best and all attending' are assured
of a pleasant aud profitable time.
KITZMILLKR To the wife of John
Kitzmillcr, reading on Const Fork,
March 10, 1002, 11 10 pound boy.
John lias the consratulntionM of hin
many friends.
Land Office at Honeburg, Ore,
Marcn is, iwi.
Notice ! hereby glvon that the following
uiDii Bumur nai men nminn ni m ntnnt nn
to mike final commutation proof In aupport
of hla claim, and that ald proof will be made
hlln.. U. . n T V n ' n I I .
huarene. Oreron. nn If av "ml. wn vl. xrnwin
Christiansen on hl II. E. No. mh for .the VU
BE M. E M BW 1.4 Sec. 22 Tp. !M S., It, 8 Vet.
llenamea tbo following wltneesto prove
hla continuous retldence upon and cultivation
ofaald land, viz: '
Loul O. Oerum, John 'Gerum, Alfred 8.
rowcll, George Taylor, of Cottage Orove, Oregon.
J.T. HMPOB, Keglitcr.
There has been more or less talk
the last week about the coming
municipal election and who will be
the next mayor of Cottage Grove.
Thus far only two citizens have
been mentioned for the office,
who arc Darwin Bristow, President
of the First National bank of this
city, and cx-nmyor. having served
two terms in that official capacity;
and Dr. B. R. Job, who is a well
known citizen of several years stand
ing, and who has many friends here
who arc loud in praise of him and
who are urging him to say that he
will accept the nomination.
When approached on the subject
by a Nugget man Mr. Bristow re
marked that while he had been
solicited by some of his friends
regarding the matter, he had given
it no serious thought for the reason
that he had no desire to be elected
to the office again. "I have," said
he "much business on my hands,
and while I appreciate the honor
that my friends would confer upon
me, I feel, injustice to myself and
my business interests, that I must
not contemplate such a step at the
present time. I feel that there are
others fully as competent and who
are deserving and should be con
sidered." When the name of Dr. Job was
mentioned to Mr. Bristow, tljat
gentleman seemed pleased and re
marked: "I am sure Dr. Job is a
highly competent and deserving
man, and I could support him in
all earnestness. I hope, should he
let his name go before the people,
that he will be elected, for I am
quite sure he will fill the position
with credit to himself and Cottage
Dr. Job was interviewed and
stated that he had been solicited to
let his name go before the people,
and had given the subject some
thought; but said he, "I have no
particular desire to hold office. I
realize that it requires considerable
of one's time and no small amount
of responsibility; and while I do
not care to make a vigorous effoit
for it, I will say here that I would
not decline the honor if the people
of Cottage Grove have confidence
enough in my ability to elect me."
After canvassing the town it is
apparent that Dr. Job is a favorite
and this is more apparent in view
01 Mr unstow s desire not to be a
candidate tor tne ollice. i Here is
no one who doubts Mr. Bristow's
ability. He has the confidence of
the majority of the citizens of this
city, and while many will regret his
decision in the matter, it is a fore
gone conclusion that they will find
in Dr. Job a painstaking, thorough
and competent officer who will fill
the position with honor in the event
of his election.
Regarding the election of council-
men in the several wards, it seems
to be the desire of the voters to
elect men of ability, who can
grapple with the various problems
always confronting a municipal
government. As yet there is little
talk as to who will be nominated,
but it must be borne in mind that
the city has grown and needs some
steady hands at the wheel.
That there will be a city election
in Cottage Grove on Monday, April
7th, loo. A mayor, three coun
cilmen, treasurer and recorder are
to be elected to serve for the ensu
ing year.
That the republican primaries for
East and West Cottage Grove are
to be held on Saturday, March 22,
1002. East Cottage Grove will
hold forth at Martin's Hall and
West Cottage Grove at the Ma
sonic Hall.
That the Republican County Con
vention meets at Eugene Saturday
March 29th, and that Cottage Grove
will be entitled to 21 delegates, 11
from the east and 10 from the west.
That you must register before
you are entitled to voted at the June
election. The time for registration
expires on May 15th 1902. Do not
be impressed with the idea that be
cause you registered two years ago
that you will not have to do so
again, as the law requires you to
register every two years. Regis
tration costs you nothing but a few
minutes of time, before any notary
or justice of the peace. So don't
disfranchise yourself because you
arc too lazy to register.
All through new touches of spring are in evidence, and arc longing to be favored with your
criticism and patronage. This spring showing is merely n fore runner of what is yet to come hi, what
will soon be the choiscst and best selected stock of dry goods ever brought to Cottage Grove,
Without an exception we feci that the prices on the nw goods arc fair in the
This first spring showing is intended expressly for early shoppers, ami as choice in some Instances is
small, we suggest that you come as early as possible.
At Newl ands, of course
We Have the Assortment
cer jJeV Fiicy NcckVci.T for Estcr.
I"" NV Pandora H'.ts U foulest Glors.
Styles Skills. Gnars ui)l QbVt h
fashionable Silks
Easter Siit Waists
foatc'st roVeltiiiS in Furicy
-M --WW
Call at your
Earliest Convenience.
are at your service.
We have received a large shipment of HATS for Men aud Boys.
Nothing old, shopworn or out of date. Prices right and quality to suit the most critical buyer.
Grocery Store
Caries a full line of Staple
and Fancy goods, Granite,
Crockery, Tin and Glassware,
Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats,
Hay and everything the
farmer or the housewifo needs.
Produce of all kinds taken
in exchange.
It will be a pleasure at all
times to show our goods and
you are earnestly requested to
call and examine them.
Will meet All CoiHjtctton
in I'rlccH.
Em Bancs.
The' Fashion Stables
("OllKKU MAIN and HKC0NI cntKKT, t'OTTAdK tlltOVK
Glri'isinan & BUIS, Proprietor
Also own and opperate the Bohemia
aud Black Butte Stage Lines
Successor to Baker & Johnson
First-Clasi Turnouti, Double or Single at
Reasonable Prices
5 HflGH fx It A 1)12
s s
Direct from the Factories;
New backgrounds and acces-
, . .... i
sories. uest senses ana cameras.
15 years
8 years in
Portland. Nothing but first-class
work. All work guaranteed.
Lowest prices, call and examine
Opposite Masonic hall. West
side, Cottage Grove.
We are sole Agents for Oregon mid can save you the
middle man's profits: We will take your old l'iano or Organ in
part payment for a new one and let you pay the balance in small
monthly, or yearly payments. We are the sole Agents for
the celebrated TROWBRIDGE Piano. Write us for Cata
logue and prices.
Ninth Street, Eugene, Oregon.
Head the llohemla Xugget.
Music Lessons
On the Piano.
A lalo Oradod Herman Method of Muslo
is now being taught at the 0. I. Munae liy
Mrs. Xj.D. Beck.
Itecltalawllllio Klron at proper Interrala
thin giving parents an opportunity to nolo
50 cents per lesson, 30 minutes each
Wo pull choice loU in tlio Long &
HliiKlinm property, lately platted anil
mljoininu Cottiiuo Cirovu, light at tlio
junction of tlio H. P. K. It. and tlioO. O.
it 1$. R. U. PrlcuH according to locality.
JliltOMK KNO.t & Co.
00 Tn
For Fashionable Dressmaking.
Cottagk Grovu, Orb.
1 n Vu. 1I,nJr?. on, ,innf' n InrR 8to of
KiliMlricil flooring, celling and nmtlc in
gratles 1, 2 and 3. Lot un muko you.
special priceH.
Uooth-Kkluv Lumber Co.