( ft i t iPa ( J i. -WOT -Jt vsJBt tSi -Waaefir iaiP5? ALL Ul-.TO.HA l li IIII1INKHN HKN OH 0OTTA0K (HIOVI, ADVKItTIDK IN Till! NIKMII'.T. THK NUdOI'.T J Oil Ol'IOli TUIINS OUT IXIUI) WOlliC AT MOST KKASONAIII.K I'lllUICN, Devoted to the Mining. Lumbering and J'ariniiif; Interests of this Community, to Good Ooveriiinent, and Hustling for a Grub Stake. VOJli. TV Ool:lage Grove, Oregon, nPriday, Ma.rch 21, 1902. NO. lO PROFESSIONAL. J. E. YOUNG Altoriicy-at-Lii.w Omen mi Mln slicel, West Hid CoTTAOK GKOVH, OltK. J. 0. JOHNSON ami 1'. .(J EIIY H ttomeus and Uouimclurs-til-I.aw Ji,cll attention tv-n In Mlnltitf, Corporation mul Merralilllc U. Oftlreover flarmati lleimmway'iislnru. COTTAGIi GROVE. ORE. J. S. MEDLEY Allorney-at-Luiv o o o -Office mi Main street: CoTTAOH OkoVK, 0)115. JEROME KNOX Altonicy-at-fj(tit) frorupt attention jwM l Mining IIiiiiIiicm, Cottaou Gkovk, Ok it. KUHIIII W. TIIOXrw.K H. A. HAKIlV. THOMPSON & HARDY Httorncis (i nil Couiisclurs-at- Law Special attention KlnHMhelwjilJlliii. " KIJOKNK. OKK. L. T. HARRIS attorney and Oounstlor-at-Law Broclal attention given in hnUwj'J Mines. . KUt Nationnl Hank IJuililitiR. KUGKKK, OKK. Mrs. Kalhcrlne Sclilftf, M. II. Diseases of Women anil Children COTTAOK OKOVK, OKK. W. H. ROBINSON j -1'imnciKO Piiv-.in-.N-- Office aii'l residence mi lltver lrtct, near Wall I OOTTAIIKIiltOVK, - OltlUIOS. business. : barker& PERMAN i'iiiirnii:Tiis k THIS EXCHANGE -IIBAI.KKS IN FISH WINKS, UQUORS, CIGARS. Main atrael. CoIUk" lrT, Or. H. C. MADSEN, Watciimakkk. tin pairing at ronblo churitiw. All work itimmnle'! rirM-dnM. WairbiM.ClMckiitiKl Jewelry lUwl rrtren COTTAOK OKOVK, OKK. Harness ami Saddlery. MAIN HTKKKT, COTTAnB OUOVK. George Meinzer, Prop. A 11d linn of llrtir. Railillcn. Wlilpn, Iliiguy Jtnlron, U-Hthcr Iloltlni?. Klc. Hluy iiii Imml. AlUlniUot ItopiilrliiK Hpcclully All liuml eucil work (uriu'il mil. OurKnrmrKrlonlciiii get tlio very licit at tho Lowet Uvlng I'rlrea. Come III iuhI oxam Inu tbe gooila awl aca for yourxelf. Common Rough Lumber, S6 per M. at BOOTH-KELLY Mills, Saginaw, Ou. PARWIK UalSTOW. HcnllKRT KiKIN, I'rcslilciit, Caablcr, The First National Bank OF Cottaom Gkovk, Oru. Paid up Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loan on upproved security. Kxcliangna sole), available any ploco jn tlio Uniud Stat ea. Your Itunlneng Solicited. Subscribe for the Nuyyet. All kinds "f 1Rai",Wcatht:r ?;hin' I Underclothing and Footwear for Loggers and Lumbermen, Miners, Prospectors and Farmers. The Famous Cutter Shoes in all sizes. Special prices in Umbrellas. EAKIN Oomc and see our New line of Clothing and Hats The ncwttist f hontrs in Market. Shapes Styles uud Colors strictly iito date. Prices as Low as they can be Bought for anywhere it you want ugi-to-date New xoocls buy from us. and pay sam as you would pay tbe seeond-band stores. Come mid see our rirttn:'M v urancMulKM LEADERS IN vjmi,jw c nciiinviii cottage NoriCK l'i)t IM'llLlCATInN. j ITnilfil Miiti's I.iilicl Ollicp, KoHibnrn, Oiciz'in, l'"ub. 7, WM- Nulicn is licicliv ri von tlint in rDinpli lllll'U Wltll I llf plOVIKIUllH of tlio net of Colik'riH.i of .Iiiiio it, 1H7S, t'lilltU-il "An act for tlio Haiti uf tinilicr in ml m in llm Sliiti-H of Ciilifornla, Ori'cmi, Ni'vaila, iiiiiI WiiHliiiipion Tfrritory'imoxtunili'il to ii 1 1 tlio I'll ll ic Land State by urt nf AtmiiHt -1, IK!)'.1, Mm. A lire l.iiK'Mlt of SuKiniiw, County of I.iinu. Stutu of Oro Hon, Iiiim tlilH ilny lllcil in thitiollU'u her Hworn Htiituini'iii No, 'Mil, for tlio pnr iiIiiimmiI thoSK 'i, of Hivtlon No. '.'0, Towns-hip "-'l Smith, of Kiingu.1 W. iiiiiI wilt oircr proof to hIiow that tlio 1 u ml nought Ih more vnhiabln for Hh tinibur orntone til n ti for nriciilt tiral pnrpoHex, ami to eHtiibllnh her uluiin to caiil laml buforu the Kt'iiihtor ami Keeelver of tliiH olliee at KoHehiiiu, Oregon, on Wednea (lay. tho 7th day of May, 10,.. Sim nanicH iih wilneaaea: Sli.phen A. liiiltaut ofSiiRinaw, Oru (son, (.iooixo Kiwi- f Mabel, Oregon, .laniva Lee, Daniel II. Ilriimlmuidi, of Cottage tirove, Oregon. Any niul all peraona elainiinirailvei-au-ly tho ahovu-ileaeribetl lamia iiro ro qiieateil to lllo thoir elaiina in tit Id olllco on or before aaid 7tli day of Muv. HIO'J. .1. T. IluiDOKH, Kegiater. NOTIOK FOK I'Um.IOATIOX. United Slatea Land Ollleo, KoBolmri:, Oregon, Teb. I I, 1002. Notico Ib hereby given that in com plianuo with tho proviaiona of tlio net of Congreea of JunuS, 1878, entitled "An net for tho anlu of timber lnnda in the SltUea of California, Oregon, Novnila, and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the I'libllo Land States by act of August 4, 181)2, Thomaa Itoeho of Kn gene, County of Linio, Stnlo of Oregon, lina thia day tiled in thia ollleo Ida sworn atatemcnt No. 2038, for the piiiehnao of tho 8K X. of Section No. 2, townahip 22 Sotith, of Kango 2 W. and will oiler proof to bIiow t hut tlio hind nought ia more valuable for its limber or atono than for agriunltnral purpoaes, and to establish Ilia claim to aaid land before the IleglHter and Keeeiver of tills ollleo at Kosobiirg, Oregon, on Wednesday, tho 7th day of May, 1002. He nainea aa wltnessoa. Kit Jordan, Dan liriiinhniigh, o(Co. burg, Oregon, Oscnr Leo, John l'almer, of Cottauo Orovo, Oregon. . Any and all poraona claiming advorSo ly tho nbovc-deacrihod landa arp re quested to file their elaiina in thi. ollleo on or btforu anhl 7th day of May, 1002, J. T. HitmoBB, Register. Hewnroofalr dried or half dry floor lug, eolling and ruatio. Tho Booth Kelly Lumber Co. tiro making apouia prices on kiln-dried lumber. BRISTOW. Clothing and be convinced that we NOTU'K I "OK IT IlLICATIuN. I'niled Statca Land Ollicp, Hoseburg, Oregon. Keli.,7, 1002. Notice in hereby given that in com pliance with the proviaiona of the net of Cmigrca of June 1878, untitled "An act for the ante of timber lamia in the Stiitea of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wnaliingloii Territory," aa exto ded to nil the Public. Laud Stales by act of Au gust 4, 1892, Stephen A. Laltaiit of Sagi naw, County of Lane, Statu of Oregon, lina thia day filed in this ollleo hia sworn atateuiuut No. 202U for the piirchat-e of the NK of Section No. 2((, Townchip 21 South, of Itange 3 W. and will oiler pioof to ahow that the land aotight la more valuable for ita limber or atone than for agricultural purposes, ami to establish hia claim to aaid laud before the Kegiater ami Keeeiver of thia otlieo at Koseburg, Oregon, on Wednesday, tlio 7th day of May, 1002. He tinmcs (,a witnesses: Mrs. Alice LnKaut of Saginaw, Ore gon, ticorgo Kig(!B of Maine, Oregon, James Leo, Daniel II. Brumbaugh, of Cottage Orove, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adverse ly I lie above-described lands are re quested to lllo their olaima in this ollleo on or heforo a'aid 7th day of May, 1002. J. T. IiiilDOEs, Kegiater. NOTICE FOK PUIJLICATION. United States Laml Office, Koseburg, Oregon, Feb. 2o, 1002. Notice ia hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the nut of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An net for tho sale of timber land in the States of California, .Oregon, Nevada, nnd Wnahington Territory," na ex tended tn all the 1'iiblio Land Statea by net of August -t, 1802, Charles II. llurk holdor. of Cottiigo Grove-, County of Lane, State of Oregon, has this day riled in tills oll'ico Ida sworn statement No 2075, for the purehnso of tlioiLots 1,2 and 3 of Section 2, Township 22, South, of Range 2 West; and will offer proof to show tbat the land sought ia more valu able for ita timber or stono than for ag ricultural purpoaes, and to establish Ida claim to aaid land before the Register nnd Keeeiver of this officeat Koseburg, Oregon, on Tuoedav, tho fithday of May, 1002 He nnmes as witnesses; I). II. Ilenienway, J, D. Palmer, C. J. Howard, D, II. Brumbaugh, of Cot tage Grovo, Oregon. Any nnd all persona claiming adverse ly the above-dcaerihed lands aic re quested to tile their claims in thia office on or before aaid 0th day of May, 1002. J. T. Hiunhiss, Register. Fine residence, choice lots, buainess blocks (or sale J jrorno Knox & Co, have the goods. MERCHANDISING Grove, Oregon. NOTIOK FOK I'UHLICATION. United Statc Land Offlrc, I rtofebiiru. Ore.. Mnrch . 10, 1IHM. Notico li hi-reby kI vcii Hint In ecmpllnnre lth the provision of the net of Congress of June a, isja. tntltlol "An act (or the mlool timber landa tn the Stales of California, Oic fron, NcvhiIb, and Washington Territory," an extondcil to all the Public band Etatea by act ofAuRniiU. 1WJ, Ii II. Gibson, ol Munkcrs, I County ol Unn, Slato of Oregon, haa thia day llled In thin office his sworn statement No. 2100, for tho purchase of the Lots 4, ,1,1'J&13 of See I Hon No. 2fi In Township No. 21, Range No. s West, anil ttliloflur proof to show that tbe land fought It more valuable for Its timber or i stone than for agricultural purpose-, and to i establish his claim to aaid land before the i Register and Receiver of this office at Rose- burg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 17th day of May, 10O2. lie names as wltnosses: II. 1'atlnn, of Collage Grove, Oregon, A.J. Anderson, of Star, Oregon, Georgo Downs, of Cottage drove, Oregon, T.C.Johnson, of Sagi naw, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above debrlted lands are requested to tile thulrclalms In this office on or before said 17tb day of May. 1902. J. T. nmrxjEs, Register. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United States land Offlcc, Roscburg, Ore., March loth, lilt!. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congre of I Junes, 18,8, entitled "An act foi the sale of timber lands In the States nf California. Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," a extended to all tho Public Land States by act of August 4. 1892. Lcroy Ii. Whitson, of Kugcne, County of Lano, State of Oregon, has this day tiled In this ollleo his sworn statement No. 2101, for tho purchase of too NE'fof Section No. 8 In TowitthlpXo. 20, Range No. 5 Wost.and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this ollleo at Roseburg, Oregon, on Saturday, tho I7h day of Mav, 1902. He names as witnesses: K. O. Smith, 1. E.Snodgrass, A. Hampton, II. W. Thouipjon.ol Eugene, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the nlmve-deserlbed lands are requested to tile their nlalms In this office on or before said 17th day of May, 1902. J. T. UHtpaEs, Register. NOTIOK FOB PUBLICATION. United States Land Oflleo, Roscburg, Oro., March 10th, 1902. Notico is hereby given that In compllanco with the provlbtons of tho art of Congress of Junes, 1878, entlllod "An act for tho sale of timber lands In the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extpndod to all tho Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Kdward C. Smith, of eiigene. County of Lane, Stato of Oregon, has this day rlloi fn this oflleo his sworn stttement No, 2102, for the purchase of tho Southeast of Sec tion No, 8 In Township No 20, Range No, S West, and will oiler proof to (bow that the land sought Is more valuable .orlia timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish his claim to Bald laud before tbe Register and Receiver of this oftloe at lloseburg. Ore. gon, on Saturday, tho'17tlt day, of May, 1002. Ilenaraeaas witnesses: L, I. Wbltson, W. B. Moon, r.ank Ross, P, E, Sno4grass,of Eugene, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above desorlbed landB are requested to file tllel'r claims In tbii office on or before said 7tb day of May, 1902. J. T. Bridges, Register. Bead the Bohemia JTuffgetr ims m 2 ucvorcd to Bohemia Nore4 and Iterr.5 of crverp.r The following article ia clipped J from the Pacific Miner of March 15. j ! contributed by I. II. Fiskc. the well known assayer, and may be of interest to Bohemia locators: When you stake your claim off I remember that not one claim in fifty are full size. Prospectors nearly always step them off, and count three feet to a step, when 2j4 feet is nearer correct. The best way is to take a tape line if you have one. If not, figure your steps at 2j4 feet, and don't be afraid of getting too much ground, for when you have your claim sur veyed for patent, the surveyor will draw your stakes in if they are too wide, but he will not push them out if they are too narrow. The survey must be made inside your stakes. A compas is a very good instrument to have along so as to get your claim as nearly located square as possible. Very few claims are located where the lines , turn at right angles. When sev ' eral claims are located together it ! is proper to use one post for the ! corner of two claims, instead of 'cutting a post for each claim corner. ' If you wish to join claims with 'someone else's claim you have a i right to use his post for a corner alsc. I have known some old prospectors to locate two claims to gether and cut a post for each and set them side by side, when one ' post with the name of each corner Ion it would do as well. Besides, when your claims join it does not make any difference if they join by only a foot of ground, but they must join. It makes them .con tinuous claims, and you can do all your work on one flaim to repre sent them all. If you wish to patent them, $500 worth of work is sufficient to patent them all as though they were one claim. It costs about $250 to patent a claim, besides the $500 worth of work you must do before you make ap plication ior a patent. You can make application to the surveyor general, atid pay him $30 and he grants it. If you have several claims in a group you apply for each separately as a continuous claim, and pay $30 for each. Then the surveyor charges you about $75 to do the work. He must be a deputy United States mineral sur veyor. You pay about 20 for ad vertising, and the land office fee will be about $128, but all this is not necessary unless you are going to sell your claim and ajjree to fur nish a good title. Representation I and possession by working the claim annually is as good as a patent. The Le Roy Company are make itig preparations to put in some new machinery. Alferd Johnson of that company went to Portland last week, and while there pur chased a part of thp new machinery which will be shipped to Cottage Grove as soon as the roads to Bo hemia are in condition to haul a load over them. The Le Roy people expect to run their mine at the 'fullest capacity possible' during the I coming season. They have the' i mineral and nothing, more remains ! but to take it out. Supt. Johnson informed a Nugget man that but a ! 1i mi tori nmMitit rf clitifoc rmn!tt which1 are selling at five cents. Cottage Grove ought to boom thia summer ff6m its trade with tbe j Bohemia mines-end its railroad en 1 terprises, Portland 'Even jog Jour - ZKlS inreforro Mininc- Morv A MIN1NO DljRI'.AfJ. The fifth annual meeting of the International Mining Congress will be held at Butte, Mont., frohi the 8th to the t2th of September next, atid it promises to be an important meeting for the mining interests of the Pacific coast, especially in view" of the efforts now being made to have a Mining Bureau established as a subordinate brapch of the In terior Department of the govern ment. The mining interests and re- sources of Oregon are very extent sive, but are not receiving the at tention they should receive from her citizens. Why this ifiactife" lethargic state on the part of Ore- gonians, is more than can well be understood by the average citizen. This meeting of the International Congress is a very important one as questions of great importance are to be discussed. Oregon so far has not joined in the effort nor signified her willing ness to take part in tbe Congress, although Colorado, California, Ida ho, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana and Washing-' ton have all expressed themselves and made preparation to take part This is a very strange condition of affairs. Oregon is evidently asf rich in "mines as most' of' tEose above named, but su far has been content to remain in the rear. She seems to have gone away back ami sat down; not because she hasn't the resources but because her pub lie men are, presumably, more in terested in some other business, But it now seems that she is about to awaken. The miners through out the -state have worked inces santly for many years under great difficulties and have opened up, ift many places, ledges of inestimable' v. le. thereby forcing notice, and as a result of these individual efforts Oregon is going to experience great mining boom. Delegates, we understand, will be sent to the In ternational Congress ami we will be in the lead ere long.- Experimental stations nrainfafnetf by the government to assist the mining industry in the same manner in which the agricultural industry is assisted is perfectly within the' scope of the government, and should be encouraged. As an ex ample, the instance of the largev amount of low grade refactory ores1 which now cannot be profitably" handled might be cited, i'fiv'ate" individuals are all the time' experi-' menting to perfect a process-where-" by this ore can be made profitable. Many of these experiments- fail be cause the inventor has not sufficient money to go ahead with them and is unable to interest capital in his: scheme. Here is an opportunity for valuable national or state aid and would be work such as should be" undertaken by a national- depart ment of mines and mining. There' are other and similar suggestions which could be made and all fair- minded men must admit tbat such? legislation would benefit 1101(5111 those directly interested ni the mining industry but many otlief forms- of business-. If the Jennings Bros-. oiriM their proposed smelter hi Portlandi tis summer -and they say they will well nnd godd. If not, P'ortlatid should" not fesf until' somebody else" takes bold of this lmportate enter prise. The East Helena" smelter pays out $1,200,000 per year in wages. A Portland smelter would pay ouf at least half as much. Save the business men of Portland! ever thought of this.' PortlaR(f Evening Jouruiilv