Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 14, 1902, Image 8

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Between the hours of eleven o'clock
a. m. and closing time at night on .lunu
ry2&Uir 1001, A. F. Clark, druggist,
Olutto Springs, Vn, colli twelve bottles
of Chitmhcrlnih'n Cough Heinedy. Mo
mve, "1 never Imndleil n medicine that
sold better or gave I tetter putiefnclinn to
tny cuctoiiHr This rcmedv has been
in general hse Virginia for ninny
years, and tho toip( there tire well tie
lUtiiuted with It h excellent qualities.
.Miiiiy of them hiivu tost I lied to the re-
liiiirkublf elites which it has olfected
When you need u good, reliable medi-
vine for a rough or eolil, or attack of the
grip, uso (Jli:imlerl:iins Lough Iietncdv
hmiI yon are certain to be more than
pleased with the quick cure which it
airbnlf. For sale by Lyon it Apple
jr.ito, Draif). Benson I)iitg Co., Cottage
"I never was so much sunwised in my
life, as I wni with the results of using
Chamberlain s Finn Halm, mvs Henrv ' , , .1 . 1 -. 1
, . , , , .- A cyclone passed through Omaha
T.Crook, iH"Cmun of the As her He,., . ,
,.- .. i . . 1 the nth. doing some damage to
(N. C) Ouu'tte. "I contracted u severe .
case of rheumatism earl v )nt winter bv P'perij .
cot line niv feel. wet. I trieil several
thing-) for it wilbont benefit. One dav
while looking over the OtiRMtp.
noticed that Fain Bui in was ((ositively
Kuuniiuutii to cure riiciiiiiuiiiii, so 1
bought a bottle of it anil before using
two thirds of it my rhemutism had
taken its flight and "I have nut had a
rheumatic pain since." Sold bv I.vons
fi Applegate, Drain . Benson Drug Co.
Cottage (trove.
Mr. C. 11. Winglleld of Fair Hay, Mo.,
whosiiHered from chronic dysenteiy for
thirty-five, years, savs Chamberlain's
Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
did him more good than any oilier
medicine he had ever used. For sale bv
I.vons it Applegate, Drain. Itenson
Drug Co., Cottage Grove.
When you wake up with a bad tus.te
in your mouth you may know that you
need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach
t Liver Tablets. They will denim
your stomach, improve your npptito
and make you feel like a new man. They
kre easy to take, Ix'ing sugai coated,
and pleasant in effect. For sale by
Benson Dunn Co.
You will never wish to take another
dose of pills, if you once try Chamber
Iain's Stomach .t Liver Tablets. Thpt-
lire easier to take and more pleasant in
eiieet. mev cleanse tne stomach and 1
L. . .U.. I: I l. I.. I ....I.. I
by Benson Drug Co.
United States Land Office,
Rosebnrg, Oregon, Feb. 1M, 1002.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1.S78, entitled "An
act fiw the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Laud States bv act of
August 4, 1892, Arthur . Meyer of Eu
gene, County of Line, State of Oregon,
has this day filed in this office hix
sworn statement No. 2000, for the pur
chase of the SW 14 of Section No 2,
Township 20 South, of RaniteS V., W.
M. ; and will offer proof to show that the
land eouglit is more valuable for its tun-
ber or stone than nnr. i
poses, and to establish his claim to said her claim to said land before the Regis
land lwfore the Register and Receiverofj ter and Ri-ceiwr of this otliceat Rose
this office at Roselmrc. Oregon, on ' burg, Oregon, on Thursday tlieSlli day
Thursday the I61I1 day of May, 190i
lie names as witnesses:
M. R. J.iunev, C B. Walker, Jack
Murphy, David Muiphy, of Eugene,
Any and nil persons cla'iming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before said lGth day of May, 1902.
J. T. Buioues, Register.
United States Land Office,
Rosebnrg, Oregon, Feb. 24, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," asexlcnded
to all tho Public Land States bv act of
August 4, 1S92, Mrs. Maria .1. Lindsav.
of Cottage Grove, County of Lane, State
of Oregon, has this day filed in this
office her sworn statement No. 2004, for
the purchase of the SE 14, of Section
No. 2, TowiiBhip 23, South, of Range3
West, and will offer nroof to show that
the land bought is more valuable for its 1 -1
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim to
bald land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this office, at Rosebnrg, Oregon,
on Saturday, the 10th day of May, 1902.
She names us witnesses:
John Nokes, William Smith, Anna
Smith, William O'Conners, of Cottage
Grove, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested tofile their claims in this office
on or before wild 10th (lay of May, 1902.
J. T .Bridgkb, Register.
United States Land Ofllcc.
Koseburtf, Oregou, February 6, lftos.
Notice ) hereby given that tho following
named littler has fllod notleo of hln Intontlon
to make final proof In surportol his claim, and
that eald proof will be made before Mario L.
Wuro.U. B. Cnramtslonor,at Kugrnc, Oregon,
cn March 25, 1P02, vizi William A. Kelly, on
II. E. No. 8300. for the Lot i, Bee. 32, Tp. 20 8.,
K. 2 West.
Ho naraca the following wltnewiea to prove
hit coutlnuQUK residence upon and cultivation
Of ald land, 'viz i
George Lang, of Vt'lldwood, Oregon, Andrew
Land, of Dorena, Oregon. George Pownn, of
fAlrirraflMr. fl-., .. TInT.H nt 1
i. u.u.v, uis,
Beware of nir dried or half dry floor
ing. ceiling and rustic. The Booth
Kelly Luuiber Co. are making specia
prices on kiln-dried lumber.
Take the Bohemia Xiifffoi'.
John D. Long, secretary of the
navy has resigned anil Representa
tive Moody of Massachusetts has
been appointed in his plnce.
Prince Henry sailed for home
Gen. Methncn was captured by
the Hoers on the ytli.
England and Germany are trying
to ltarrcl over the city
of Tien
Tsin. The Rritish believe Ger
many is trying
privileges in China
to gn special
A big fight is on in congress over
the Cuban tariff question.
There are 1 2.000 striker-; parading
the streets of Roston, because of
the discharge of Union men.
The senate has taken up the
' . f .i. -1..-.:.... r ....
, 410UUI K UI. 'u'l,s
in- til rpi r nn
The U. S. attorney general has
begun proceedings against the trusts
attacking the railway merger as a
Articles" of incorporation have
been filed for the organization of
the Co-operative Christian Feder
ation which will establish a co- i
operative community on an exten
sive scale. Lands have been ob-
tained in this and Benton county.
The smallest painting in the
vtforlil is said to be on the smooth
side of a grain of corn and repre
sents a miller and his mill with
quite a landscape included. It is
the work of a Flemish artist and
under a maErnifvintr trlnss is seen to
, , . -
be drawn with perfect accuracy.
This is not as wonderful as whole
, c . , .
mosaics made ot the scales from a
butterfly's wings, the whole thing 1 including the Ilrst Monday in Oc
. , r I lober following: but if the last half of
so small mat me covered suriace is
no bigger than a
fleck of dust.-
United States Land Office,
Rosebnrg. Orecon. Fob.. 17. 1002.
NntUe is hereby given that in compli
ance witii the provisions of the act of 1
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An !
act for the sale of timber lauds in the i
States of California, Oregon, Nevada.
and Washington Territoiy,"as extended
tnall the Public Land Slates bv net of !
An..iit4 inn r.1.1.1. r.ii(,n, of win,.,-
County of DoiisIhs. 'State of Omion has !
this dav tiled in this olHeo her sworn I
this day tiled in this otlico her sworn
statement No. 2045, for the purchase of
the Lots numbered 1,2, 7 anil 8 of Sec
tion No. 28, Township 21 South, of
Range 2 AVest, ami will offer proof to
show that the bind sought is moie
valuable for its timber or stone than foi
agricultural niirnospH. and tn estublisli
of May. lUOi
She names ns witnesses:
Orin Robinson, D. N. Brumbaugh,
of Cottage drove, Oregon, Harry Dun
bar of Eugene, Oregon, Ethel LaRaut
of Saginaw, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before said 8th dav of May, 1902.
J . T. Briduks, Register.
United States Land Office,
Rosebnrg, Oregon, Feb., 17, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress ot June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended .to
all tho Public Land States by act of An-.
gust 4, 1892, Harry A. Dunbar of Eu
gene, County of Lane, State of Oregon,
has this day filed in thisnfllce his sworn '
statement No. 2018,;for tho purchase of
the ft w .'4 oi section wo. 34, Township
21 South, of Range 2 West and
will ofTor proof to show that tho
land tioucht is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to estublish his claim to
said land befoio tho Register and Re
ceiver of thisoftlcent Roseburg, Oregon,
on Thursday, the 8lh day of May, 1002.
Ho names as witnesses:
D. H. Brumbaugh, Orin Robinson, of
Cottage Grove, Oregon, Ethel LaRaut
of Saginaw, Oregon, Lucy LaRaut of
Wilbur, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to fllo their claims In this office
on or before siiid'Kth'day of May, 1902.
J . T., IinmoKH, Register.
United Btatea Land Offlco
Itoneburg, Oregon, Fobruary 4, 1902.
Notice i hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notleo of his Intention
to make Anal prool in bupport of his claim, and
that said proof will bo mode beforo Marie L
Ware, I'. K. Commlloner at Eugene, Oregon,
on March 2S, 1902, viz: John Overhalscr, on
It. E. No. 67S7, for tho W Vj, S W, 14, S. E. fct,
s. w. 14, Lot 3, fcec. ll.Tp. iOS., It. I W,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his nnntlntimm llnnn anrf .lllllvatlnn
of said land, viz
. '
Carin Davidson, Henry Long, William W.
Tucker, L. I'. McCoy, of Cottage Grove, Ore.
J, T. Hridozs, Iteglsier.
We have on hanu a large stock of j
kiln-dried flooring, celling nntl rustio in
grades 1 2 and 3. Let ub make you
special prices.
Booth-Kelly Lumber Co.
"Speaking of James J. Hill,"
said a St Paul man, at the Holland
House the other evening, "I can
tell you a story of him."
"It was nwny back in the 'Sos
when the late lamented Hurry Ives
wns Mr. Hill's piivate secretary
and Mr. Hill was giving away pig
of purest breed to the farmers of
the northwest, in order to encour
age stock raising along the line of
tho ririmt TCnrthern mail, ami thus
l)uih, its uanki The atnlc fn.r
was in progress 111 bt 1'aul, when
one September morning Ives opened
Mr. Hill's mail and found a letter
from a fanner, which read as fol
"Mr. J. J. Hill-Dear Sir-
went to St Paul and to the fair, as
you told me. I looked lor you at
vour office, and also, at the fair
gronnds. I found plenty of hogs
of vbtir species, but could
not find
von anywhere. "-New York Times
Notice to Tax Payers.
xmr r.ix h.t w.
At the last session of the legislature a
new law was passed in regard to the col
lection of taxes, which law took ellect
on December 1st, 1001, and in substance
is as follows:
1 If i il sl I'll II I- til Vitil 4t alt 1 iirwt
March 16th yon will be allowed a rebate
of three percent.
If von pay your taxes between
March loth mid up to and including the
first Monday in Airil, there will not be
any reuaieanii nciiner w in mere ueany
' tiomttt v or interest added .
3 ll vour tuxes are not paid on or
Dc I ore tne Ilrst Monilav ol .April, tliev
will become delinquent, when there
will be added a penalty of 10 per cent
' a""1 the tax will also draw interest at
I the rate of l'J per cent per annum in ad
Uiition to the penalty.
, V .v" l':l.v one-half of your taxes
ion or befoio the liist Monday in April,
then the leuininiiiL? halt owe run tin tn
( tllx j0 , not ail by tlm tirst Monday
of October, it becomes delinmicnt, and
1 there will be added to such balance, a
j penalty of 10 per cent, and in addition,
i such b.illance will bear interest at the
rate of 12 per cent per annum from the
! tirst .Monday in April until paid.
I 6 On all personal property taxes if
j one-half is not paid on or before the
tirst Monday in April, the law compels
the sheriff to luvy upon and collect the
I same after May 1st, hence to prevent n
j levy upon personal property after May
I 1st it will be necesenrv for ouc-lialf to
' bo paid us above state!.
0 the law compels the shcritl to sell
"ll lanuson which taxes have not been
!m.i(!' i11"1 ,,,at l"'c.h -'ilt's shall not be
"elil niter than .March 1st ol tho year
succeeding tho year in which the tax
levy is made.
7 The properly will be sold to tin
per-on bidding the lowest rate of in
terest, and ccr'illcates will be issued
therefor, and deeds given to such
property fold, unless redeemed within
three years from tho date of such sales.
The 1001 assessment tolls will be re
reived ut tho sherhTs office March 1st,
1002. Any written cmiuiiici regaiding
1901 taxes received prior to that date
will be tiled and promptly attended to
as soon as the uookB are open lor pay
ments. In making enuuiries as to
amount of taxes, if possible, give to
wnom me property is assessed and a de
scription of the Biiine.
Dated this 25th day of January, 1902.
Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon.
Bv Fred Fisk, Deputy fe7 tm21
United Stale Land Ofllrc.
Koiebure, Oregon, Feb. 21, 1902.
Notleo i hereby given that the following
named tettler has tiled notleo of her Intention
to make llnal proof In nupport of her claim,
and that aald p.oof will be made before Mario
L.Ware, U.S. ComuilMloncr, at Kugono, Ore
gon, on April 18, 1002, viz: Mm, Julfa Woods
wife and agent of lien Woods (Inaano), on II, E.
No. 0156, for the WJ$ BW.Scc, 11, Tp. 21 H, It
2 Went,
Sho names the following wltnesnea to prove
hercontlnuonit residence upon and cultivation
of Raid land, viz:
W. W. Chrlsman, of Star, Lano Co., Oregon.
J. B. Btuart, of " " "
A. . Anderaon, of " " " "
6. II. Vaughter, of
J. T. IlRIDOEK, Ileglstet,
In going over tho famous "Shasta
Route" of the Southern Pacific Co. the
traveler over finds something now to
excite his admiration and interest.
Starting ut Portland, one travorses the
whole length of the Willamette Valley,
the gem of the Northwest. Mt. Hood,
Mt. Jetterbon, and the Three Sisters and
other snow-capped peaks are kept in
sight for hours. Tho beautiful valleys
of the Umpquu and Rogue Rivers, with
their orchards of prunes, poaches, ap
ples, and other fruits are a delight in
themselves. The crossing of tho great
mountain barrior between Oregon and
California reveals the grandest moun
tain scenery in tho United States. The
wonderful turnings, twistlngs, and
doublings of tho rullroad bring into
view a grand array of towering mount
ains and profound gorges Into which
we gaze from dizzy heights, for
est clad mountain Mopes strechiug
up to tho lino of perpetual snow, and
the foaming mountain streams dashing
fiercely down deep canyons, now and
then stopping for a shoit rest in some
quiet poof. After a days enjoyment of
old Mt. Shasta, tho finest ncak 011 IIih
I continent, wo drop rapidly down the
I canyon of tho Sacramento to tho broad
I plains of tho Sacramento Valley in Cul-
nornia, ana thence through viiioyurda
anl1 orchards to San Francisco.
For maps and descriptive literature
R. B. Miller, Gen. Pas. Agent,
Portland, Or. .
A-STTrlMA. Q UXim WR'imt 1
Asthnulcnc Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure
In all Cases.
eon TK.f
liken charm.
We want to send to overv siillerer a trial treatment of. Asthuiiileue,
similar to the mm that euied Mr. Wells. We'll send it bviiiuil PO.sT-
PAID, Absolutely Iree of Charge, to any siillerer who w 111 write for
it, even on a po-diil. Never mind, though yon areilespalrlug, however
bad your ease, Asthiniilene W'll icllcvcntiif cine. Tliowoixc wniri'iise
the moro glad we are to send it.
dre-slng DR. TA FT MHOS." .MEDICINE CO., 79 East l.'IOth SI.,
.V.lity. Sold bv all Drucgists.
United States Lund Olllcc,
Roseburg Ore.. February 1!!, 1902
notice is hereby given that in com-
pliiince with the provisions of the act of
c ongress oi .nine ;i, euiilien .n
act for the sale of timber lauds in the
States of California, Oicgon, Nevada,
and Washington Territoiv," as extend
ed to nil the Public Land Stales bv act
of August I, 1892. Carolina Kebelheek,
of (town or city) Cottage tirove, county
of Lane, State of Oregon, has this dav
tiled in this ollico her statement No. 2037,
for the purchase of the Lots Nn, 3-d-ll
mil 14, of Section No. 20, Township 21
south, oi liiiugo '.' west, . M. and
will "tier proof to show that tho land
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for ai-riculliiriil purposes,
and to establish bis claim to said laud
before the liegiater and Heceivcr of Ibis
ollice a. Rupebiirg, Oicgon, on Friday,
tne -u nay in .nay iuu.
She names us witnesses;
It. Patten of Cottage Urove, Oregon,'
vt . o. unrisiiian. . . Anuerson. o etar.
Oregon, hdward Jones of Saginaw.
Any and all persons claiming nil-
versely the above-described lands uro,
requested to llle their claims in Ibls
ollice on or before said 2d day of .May,
J . T. IliiiiioKs, Register.
United Slates Land Ollice.
Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 21, 1902.
Notice is hereby civen that in com-
plinuco with the provisions of the net of
Congress of .Inue 3, 1S7. entillel "An
net for the sale of timber lands in In
states of California. Oregon. Nevada.
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the rublic Land States bv act of Au
gust 4, 1892, Onslow 11. Jarrett.of Sagi
naw, County of ltne. Stale of Oregon, bus
this day Hied in .this oiricu his swoin
statement No. 2008. for the purchase of
the Iils No. 1,8,9. and KSof Section
No. 20, Tow nhip 21 Smith, of Range 2
Westand will offer proof to show that
the laud sought is more valuable for its
timber or sumo than for agricultural
purposes, ami 1 to establish his uliiiui tu
said lam before the Key is ter and Jte -
reiver of Ibis ollice at Itoscbi. g. Ok-
gon, on Iruliiy, the 9th day of .May,
fir names us witnesses:
Honey r.i'lnn. A Anderson, p.d Jones.
(irorge Downcs. of Cottage Grove, Ore-
P01.1, ... ...
Any and all persons claiming adverse -
I)' tho above-described binds me re -
tiiestMl to file Iheir chiiins in this Oiriee;ly tho above desciibed lands are n
on or before said Oi l day of May, 1902. 1 ,iestrd to llle their claims in thii oilier
.1. T. Biiiiiuks, Register.
I'lilU'd Htates fjiinl Office,
flofeburg, Ore , Marfh l, 1MTJ.
Notice Is hereby given that in cornelian
with the iirovlsfons of the net of CnHure ut
Jims 3. 1878. entitled "An ant for the sale of
timber lands In the Ktalcs of California, Ore.-
ton. Nevada, anil WaHhlniftnti I'errlturv." as
extended to all the l'llbll" iJinilStaten by art of
August i, 1S92, Ilcluerll. Ifemoiiway, ofColtago
(irnve, fountv of l.ane.Htale nfOregou,lialhU
dav filed In this office his sworn statement No.
209. for the purchase of the lt, 10, 11 and
in oi rsM-uou o. in lowusnip Ml. i
Italian No. 2 West . and will offer nrfinf to nhnw
that the land tonght Is more valuable for Its
tlmboror stone than foragrienitural p.iMcs,
and to cHlabllsh his claim lo said land before
the llcgUter and Itci-elver of this offlco at
Jly wl' 1?"'m y' mu'lnr'
llenamisns witnevoi:
Joe Lcc, John I. Palmer, Orin Itoblnson, I). I
their claim In tills office ouurbefore said 10.
Valuable mining
property in
Co. hem la tor sale.
Jcroino Knox and
visit DR. JORDAN'S
(Hslwssa Sillb sad gstsslk.J
In ihv Wurnl. I
arenirii nttnutlm a tht City. A
wtmltrfiil itahtJor visUors. 1
sTs-isHisreH,oraDxconiraet- j,
e4JISBiae,islllvtiyriss'eiir.y O
tho oldext bner,ilslni tlia 1'aclail
C'oasu UfttubllaUr.lSSyaars, a
I'.iunir mess and uil.lille '
ssavsl men who are nifrtrlint A
Iwm Ibu eirecu of Indls- r
cretlol.s or exerssCM III mali.ra k
' years, ervonsund physical lielillliy.iisi. 0
, ItSSf ett.V. f.Ut JJltillSUOll 1.1 wtl llH(;nmtil. v
I cations; Ml-riisisrii'rlsmis, I'rualiiisis-. B
rsiipis, sjssiiisrriitstM, sssees, a- reits-nr
ttr IJrliiiilluir, vie. liy ii comblnstlun of 3
remeillas, of irrcat curaltvv poiser, tl.b lioctor r
' only aiTord fmmedlat relief, but I
i l.assoarra.iKea uis lliatlt ull n,i .
I cure, i u i:wr uoen imi ciaira lo perrorni
' miracles, nut is wen known to ba a fair and I
Hnllare Pl.vstclan and ftiirrprji.. nri.mlnni
lu iiisspecuity uiaenaea or nets.
. HVIMIII.ISS thoroughly eradlcstod from '
, tun KjrswiU nrnuuus Site USH Ol JIUS S'SSr.T. 1
Tvummm fitted bv an KxDart. nis.lls.ssl '
ritrt for Iltspturo. A quick and ratllctit t
fitretnt I'llea, risapro and Fi(nlw,by
ur. joramra special HiniCM meinons. ,
I our IwrMapOUowit uisconiptalnt. X
evkut A anpiyingiouswinreeeiv '
ll a will uunraniet a iiitilTiyjs jvuh tn r
L-finsu.iaiinri riir.r. unci siricur iirivata.
Treatment personally or br teller.
U'rtln (,ir nnnlr. 1'IT T f .S1NCH-IIV snv '
I MAIIItlAGU. , MsititDKuKie. (A.VJual)lo (
UOOK tor ravu.; tau or wrii
OR. I0RDAN & CO., 1001 MerMSt.S.P.
There Is nothing like Astliiualeue. It bilngs
liistiint lelief, even in the worst cures. Itcuics
when all else falls.
The Rev. C. F. WELLS of Villa Ridge, III.,
says: "Vour trial buttle of Asthiuiilene iccelxeil
in good condition. 1 eiiiiiint tell vou how thank
ful I feel for thu good derived from it. I was a
xluve. chained with putrid voie throat and iisthmii
for ten years, 1 despaired of uver beiiigcuied. 1
saw vour nilvei tlreiiient for the cine of this
dreadful and tormenting disease, usthinu, mid
thought you had ovurspoken yourself, but resolved
to give it a trial. To niv surprise the trial ncled
Send me ti full-sired bottle." 1
Do not dehiv. V rile at once, nil-
United States Lund Otlli'c,
Hosidinrg. Oregon. Feb. 17. 1902.
Notice is hciehy given that In cumpli-
ance with the piovifiiiius of the art of
Congress of .lunu it, 1H7S, entitled "An
net lor tin sale of timber land in the
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
nil Ihel'ublic Laud Stales by act of All
gust I, 1S92, Ivlhel M. LuKiiut of Sugl
iiiiw, County of Line, Slate of Orecon,
has this day tiled in lliisolliee hcrsworu
statement No. 20111, for the mucliaro til
the Lots numbered (I, 10, riiud Hi of
Section No. 2S, Township 21 South, of
Itange 2 West, and will oiler pioof to
show that the laud sought is inoro vain
able for its timber or slnno than for au
rlciiltural p'trpwes, mid to estublish his
claim lo said land before the Register
and JScceiver of this olllcc at Roseburg,
Oregon, on Thursday, the 8th day of May,
, iuuj.
Slio names as witneses
Oiin Robinson, D.N. llriiiiibaugh, of
, t-ouneo urove. vircL'on. I urrv lun
, of Eugene, Oregon, Lucy LaRaut of Wil
bur, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
lv the above-ilererihed lands ate in
quested Hi llle their chums in this ollice
on or beforu said Klb day of Mnv, llld
J. T. Ultiime.s, Register.
United States Land Ollice,
Rondmrg, Oregon, Feb., 17. l'.ltrj.
Nonce is hereby given that in compli
ance with thu provisions of the net nl
Congress of Juno 3, JH78, enlithsl "An
net lor the sale of iiiiiImii lands in tl'c
Slates of California, Oicgon, Nevada,
ami Washii'gion T- rritory,"nsextciulcil
toallihe I'll Id iu Land Stales by nci of
August 4, 1S92. Daniel II. Brumbaugh
of Co'tiigo lirove, County of Line
State ol Oicgon, has this" day tiled
in Ibis ollice his Hivoiii statement Sn.
20-17, for the purchiisoof the NE Yx of
Section No. 34, Township 21 South, ol
Range 2 West ; mid will olfcr proof to
show that the land sought is more nlii-
able for its
; nisriuultural purp..,es, and to establish
, hj, claim I . said hind beloielhe Hecis.
' .r , tl.,.l.jv,.r ,f this oilier at R
burg, Ont'on. oiiTlni'sday, thefithilav
He names as wilnr-rs:
i (II .IIIIV '
Orin Robinoii of Cottage linlvr. Orr
gon. Eibrl Laltaul 'of SHglmiw. Oirinn.
. i.,... i nijuni ,.f UMimr i
i ,viiv .dl i.ri.ns ei.iin.i
on or befoiu said Klb day of May, 1902.
J. T. Biiiiiuks, Register.
United States Land Ollice,
Roeburg, Oregon. Feb. 14, 1002.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with tho provisions ot the act of
Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An
act for tho sale of timber lands in the
in the Slates of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all thu Public Laud States
by act of August 4, 1892, Edward Jor-
.1 f. I.. . ..I It. ....
""" ""Bj ?'""li, '"ne.niau oi
Oregon, has this day tiled in this ollice
his sworn statement No. 2039, for the
purchase of the Lots 7.8, 9 and 10, of
Section No . 2, Township 22, South, of
Range 2 West, and will oiler proof to
that the land soiidit s mom
valuable for its timber ur stone that for
uirrlrn 1 1 m nil titirnosnH. imil In nutnlillul.
his claim to said land befoio tho Itw.
ister and Receiver of this ofllce at Rose-
burg, Oregon, on wednesduy, the 7th
day of May, 1002.
Hn names as witnesses:
Thomas Rocho of Eugene. Oregon. Dan
Brumbaugh, of Cohurg, Oregon, Oscar
Leo, John runner, oi Jottugo Urove,
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described hinds nrb re.
(Miusted to fllo their claims in this otlico
on or ucioro said 7th day of May, 190:
J. T. DinniiKH, Register.
To J, J. Italian mid I'. A. ltiinkln:
You arc hereby uotlllod Hint t lie under
signed have expended One Hundred Dollars in
labor and tinpiovemeulH unon till! Monarch
loilu mining claim, situated In the lloheinln
mining lusinei, in utno i;ouuty, mate ol Ore
gon, during tho jear milling Iiceeinbor 31st,
1001, us will appear from anaiudavlt tiled III thu
o:'lco of tho County Clork of Jjino County, Hlato
of Oregon, in order to hold tho Mild premises
uu.lur tho laws of the United Htates and of tho
Htalo of Oregon. And If within ninety daya
fromttho service of thia notice upon you by
publication, you lull tn contribute! your sliaro
and pioporilou of such uxjioiidlturo as co
owners, fo-wlt the sum of fiS.W, your Inlorest
In said claim will becoinu tho property of tho
subseribers under the provision of Section
2.TJI of thu Htatutea of tho United States of
Uatod atCnttngonrove, LanoCnunty, Oregon,
j this the 8rd day of robruary, A. I) IWi.
I II. Luiicil
Mkh. IS. A. Cottlk.
I A'u toll choice lots in tho Long &
Bingham proporty, lately platted and
adjoining Cottage Grove, right at tho
junction of thu S. V. R. R. and tho 0.0.
& B. R. R. Prices according to locality.
NOTiac roil iMiiiMiLvritm.
UlilUM"HUb' Land OIUi
Itiiarburg, Die., li'iiibr VI,
Notice Is linmby glviui that III compliant,
Willi Hie provisions of thu art ut ('oliti's ut
Jiiiiii H, l7s, vlillllrd "Au art for the sale ut
tlliibvr.Uuds hi the Rtattsof California, On
gon, N'nva.laaiid Washliigtmi Territory," asai.
tciulvi. to all the l'ubllo Land Walts by act ul
AugusM, 1W, Mrs. Minnie Siorni Jeiikltis, ul
(town or city) Hprlluiflnld, L'oiuily el l.n,
Ntate of Or.'iieu lias this day filed In 1 hi time
her swotn slatciiianl No 1IV11, for I lie purrlj as
ul tho NV '4iif atcllon No. Ji. Township It
Hoiilh.of llange 2 West ami III error proof lu
shotr thai t lit land sought Is moru valuable for
It timber or stone than for agilculliiial pur.
Iies. and to vstatillsli her elslni to said land
Inifnro Ilia H.'glsler and Itccelvnr of this uitlcsi
ul Itosctiiirg, tlrcgiui, on Tui'i.Uy, Iho Dili da
of Martli, Itv.'.
Hlie uaiiicaus wlliiesaes:
J. I. Paiainoii of l.'otlago (Irorv, Oregon,
John Klliiitr of fall Creek, (Ircgini, (Ipori
Spares of HprhiHlli'ld, tuegiiu, I'lias Klsllir
of KiigiMie, (Iri'gon.
Any and all poisons claiming adrerraly lit
above-described lauds are tr-llclci In HI
llii'lr I'lalma hi this ottli'u on or Isilore said lllh.
day of .March, ltsr.1,
J.T. Iliiilors, Itcglilcr.
NOTitl: i on ri'iii.icATioN.
I'nltrd Htatrs Und Oftlc
llonelnirg, Oregon, January i, I'M.
Nellie Is hereby gitrli Unit III eouipllaiii'a
Willi I lie provisions oldie act ol Congress of
Jiiih'II, 1)H, piitltli'd "An art for the sain ot
tlinls-r lauds in llm Htales of Calllornla, Or.
nun., and Washlngtnii Territory," as
oxli'ii.lcd to all Hie 1'ublle Land Males by art
of August I, 1WJ, Thomas C. Johnson of Kil
gene. County ol lu, Hlat nl Oregon, has llil
day nb'.l 111 Ihlsotliro his sworn stalciiiunl No.
IWI lor Hi" purchase of the MK of Hci'lloti
No IJ. T.iwuiblp Ul Siiuili of llntigii'iWi'St and
will off it proof to show thai the lain! sought I
mors valuable for Itstlmboror slono than for
agricultural purposes, and lo establish Ida
claim to said laud before the llrglstnr and Hn
reiver ol this onice al Itoscburg, Oregon, on
Wednesday the Kill day nl March, IVi'.1.
tic uaiiHia as w Itnesses:
Marllu IlusfclK.iTi. Charley Olson, Hlinori
KloMlahl, IauiIs llalversou ol Kugvtie, Orrg.m
Any and all permtn claiming adversely Iho
aboveslescrlbed lands are ruUestrd to nin
their claims In this oftlie on or before said Ulb
day of March, 'M.
1. T. Hat t ors, Ilrglsttr.
Noncn KOK cuiilication'
ltnlle.1 males Und ORlrc,
llosrbiirg.ore., January 31, IDo.
Vntlcfi Is hereby gtun that III roinpllauc
wllh the provisions ol I Lis act ol Coimtossol
Jnnejl. 1K7S. rnillted "Au ai l for the tale of
timber lands in thoKiale of i allfornla, Ore.
gun. Nevada ami Washington Territory," as en.
tended to all tho l'ublle Land Plates by art of
Angus: I, 1W, Isaac W. Tompkins of (town ur
cltyJCollsgc Oruve, County 1.1 Ijine. Htate ol
Oregon, has tills day llleil III Ibis uOlrv
his sworn slatement No. 1971, for the purchasn
of theLnts 1. J.7, Hand 10, of Sceilon No. 1 III
lownslilp 'tt H. ol Itailgr I Hsl, and will
offer proof to show I hut the land sought Is
more taluable for Its lliulxr orstone lhan for
agricultural purposes, and lo establish his
claim to Mid 1st ml tsiloro thu Register ami
Kevelver of this i.ttl.e al ltos.iburg. OraU,
on Haturday, I lie Mh day ol April, m.
He names us wIiiis-mcs:
WllUr.l llorrii, Kraiik Mellilyr. Y. M.
Oeorgi', Itrn l'llitier,f U'lldwiaid, Oicgon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely lb
above-described lands are nsiuestcd lo nl
tbsrlr rlalina In this ofllreou or before said Mh
day of April. Iis-J.
J. T. mus, lieglsler.
Culled Slnti-H Land Olll.v,
Hum'Iiiiii; Oic, I'i'hruiirv 15, 1U(C'.
Notice in hciehv given In com
pliance m iih I lit. i.roviioiia nf the act of
CmigrexH of .tunc .'1, 1H78 eniilled "An
act for llle iiileof liinher IiiiiiIh in llm
Stale" of California. Oiecnn. NeMidii.
and Wiirdiinglon Territory." iih e.xteiulcii
lo all the I'nhlic Linn I hlnl"H hy act of
August-!, J !;. .lolinlvlveruui offlintii
or city) Kiicene, innnlv of Lane, Slain
ol Oicifon, Iiuh this day II led in this
ollice his cHorn statement No. '-'till, for
the purehicof Ihv K M of the H tj of
Seclinii No. I I, Toirnship 'JO Smitfi, of
uange ,esi unit irlll nllcr nrool to
chow thai tho hind soituht Is inr.i
viilnahlo for its timher or Htnnu than mr
iigrlciiltural piiriioaox. mid to -1 :t 1 1 1 i m 1 1
his cliiiui lo rsid laud heforclhe Reuistcr
and Receiver ol this ollice al Ro-ehnrg,
Orecon. on .Monday thu 2rtlh dav of
April, 1002.
flu mimes ns witnesses :
.1. I), flainuion, David .Murphy. Frank
Daniuinii, Juspbr IVurnock, of 'iCugcne,
Any and ull persons L-lalinlngadvcrsu-ly
tho alxivD-dcscrihcd lands urn ro
iiueHted to file their claims in this ollico
on or heforo said '.'8th day af April, lUtW.
.1. T. Biunoitri, Register.
United States Lund Ollico
Ilosebiirg, Oregon, February 8, lWtt.
Nollco Is hereby given that tho following
iiiimril settler has titcil notice of his Intention
to make llnal proof In support of his claim, and
thut said proof will be made laiforo Mario L.
Waro, tJ. B. Commissioner, at Kugene, Oregon,
on March si, llKU, viz: Albert White, on II. K.
No. HKiS, for the S. K. , N. II. i,(c, ,TJ, Tp 1
B., a West.
He names the following witnesses to provo
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
It. V. I'ortor, of Walker, Oregou, C. V.
Blierldan, of Walker, Lane, Co., Oregon, B. II,
Jackson, Jr. of Walkor, Lane, Co., Oregon,
K. 1'. Ilcdford.iif fbiglnaw, Oregon.
J.T. Humors, Ileglstor.
Tn John J, Ilellan and I'. A. llankln: You aro
iiurobynotlled Unit wo have expended, during
tho year ending December 31, 1801, tllsiln labor
lug records of Lano county, Oregon ; Tlie"I)rum
,,,w.,y,i in me ji.ii.uiuia iniiiiug uis.
trlet and recordelonpagoll7.'of book 0, of tho
mhilng records of Lane county, Oregon! In
order to hold said olalms, under (lie provision
"."i1.123 of tho revised statutes of tho
United Slates, and tho amondrasnt thereto, an.
l.roved January a, last), concornlng annual
labor upon raining claims, being the oraount
rciiuired to each of the said two olalms, for tho
period ending Dccomborai, 1901. And If with
In Ninety days, from thoncrsnnalaervirnnf m,im
notice upon you, or within Nlnoty daya aftnr
tho niibucatfon thereof, vnn full n- rn(,,u .
contrlbiilo your portion ol such expenditure,
as a co owner, your Interest In and to the aald
claims will becomo-the proportyof tho subserlb.
ors, your co-owners, who havo made tho ra
ajdrodexpendltuies, by tho term of said soc
.. .Hi?:,.llf Cottage Drove, Lano Oounty.Oregon,
this Ittti day ol February, W02. kwu.
. W. MasTgasoN
MV(? JUsTSgilDM,