Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 14, 1902, Image 7

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    man ky tiim mop,
Slrtcl Cri Oiitriltil dv Soldiers Numerous
C.Uihrs IlilWfin Hit Military and Hie
People-Additional Tni(in Called Out to
Suppress the Disorder Non-Union Men
Arretted lor Carrying Weapons.
Norfolk, Vn., March II. A incili of
tiOO Mlrlku sympathizers today held tho
hInkiIh of Norfolk on which tlm imtlii
lino of tlm Norfolk Hull way A I,lliL
'iiiiinny'M curs nro run, itml tho polho
woro ntmlilo to ropo with It from noon
until nlliir iliirk, when the cars, which
L. wont guarded liy clnliirliiniintH of mil i
tury mill had run with illlllcnlty nil
ilny, worn IiouhimI In tho ImriiH. ('urn
wuro repeatedly derailed, wagon loads
of utonoH woro piled on tho trnckH mill
fro fights Im'Iwccii tho inilitiiry giiardH
nnil tlm crowd orciirn-d at frequent In
In ono illlllcnlty a sergeant ran n
bayonet into tlm arm of II. II. liar
iiiiinwif, it ImrlMir, Mrs. Ilarinamwif,
who was utaudlug ly her liimhand nt
tho timo, kliocki'd tho eorgoant to tho
ground with ImiIIi llelM and dln'olorod
tlm Into of n lll'iitoniint who wiih near
lior HovitiiI KoldlorH went Htruck liy
inipMiln thrown through tlio wIihIowm of
curs. A iiiiiiiIht of arrests liuvo Ikjoii
imtilii lmth liy tho Mlico and nilllliiry.
Wl-lit i-oiiipniiicH of militia art) on
guard. The pollen force of 100 umn
bus been on duty for IH hourM, uud in
I mm bin to moot tho emergency.
Martini law will li dcchircd In Nor
folk In tlm morning. I'olir inoru infan
try companies from Kmioriii, Fuffolk,
SmlthfliOd and Kraiiklin, making tho
entire Hovchty-Hrsl regiment, linn Ix-on
orjhired out.
Tint striker tonight cut a milo of
trolloy wlro in tlm city. Tlm troops
nro now guarding tho ixiwit plant. A
iliitaclitiii'nt of n Nowport Nitws com
puny 1h on duty.
At u mi-eting tonight tho Central la
lr Dillon boycotted tho ntriut cam.
Common Councllinnn 8. II. Ki'lly, aim
a loader of tlm strikers, offered a res
olution at tnnight'H council meeting to
revoke tlm ctri ct railway fruuclilro for
Inpmi of two ilayH in running cum. Tlm
ri'Kilntlon wan rofcrnil to n siicciul
Tonight nix nonunion mini from
Knoxflllo wcro hold up. Tho strikers
overpowered them. They Imro arum
slid mini arnwti-d for carrying con
ll'lllld weapon.
New Sytlem ol Local Government Propoxd
by Daly Commlnlon.
WiiHhiiiKlon, March (1. Tho com
miKnion to revini and compile tho lawa
of I'orto Itlco Iiiih Hiibmitted ItH report
to tho attorney general. Tho work un
dertaken waH tlm rovlHinn and compila
tion of practically all tlm old Hpnnlnh
Tho rommicHion, after an oxlinuntivo
Htudy of tlm Bpaniuli Ryu torn, proceixlod
to nmko tho mOHt necoNKiiry chnnKen,
huIi iih tho roor);nnir.atioii of tho judl
cinl Hyntom and tlm fyntoin of Iim-hI rov
erriineiit, tho rovinion of tho lawn of
miirrhiKo and ilivorcn and wIIIh and in
tedtnclcH, mid a number of other iinor
tnnt lirancliCH of tlm civil and criminal
InwH. Tho moHt important work of tho
eomm'HHion wiih tlm rovinion of tho or
snnlr act of I'orto Kico, commonly
knoivn iih tho I'orakor act.
Tho Hyntoni of local K"vernmont pro
powl ny tlio conimlHHion includes n
evjiiuty, city and vIIIuko organization.
Under KpnniHli rulo, loc4il nelf govorn
moot wiih unknown. Ilririly Htatod,
tho now HyHtom loavos to tho local au
thnrltioH tho management of local nf
fnirn, but'proHcrllioH a iloflnlto fltaudard
of efficiency iuthomoHt Important nerv
ircH, Mich iih panitntion, drainage,
wntor Hnpply, Htroot oleanlnt?, otc. If
tho local govornmont failHtomoot thono
HtnndnrdH, tlio InHiiIar (rovornmont la
Riven Rtiflkiont powor to moot ovory
amorRimc.y. Tho ImbcaH corpua oct is
anothor of tlio important clmnROH pro
mho1 by tlio commlBHion. The snb-
Joct of marriago and divorce in nlio
fully treated. Tlio Spaninh civil codo
dooH not rccognir.o divorco, although a
Hoparation proccoding Ih provided for.
ThlH branch of tho law has boon
brought Into cloeo harmony with tho
nyfltem prevailing in such HtatoHiiB Now
York and AiiiHBacliUHOttB.
Statistics on Bicycle Induitry.
Washington, Miircli ll. llio conBtis
bnrean ImH ismiod a preliminary roport
on blcyolcfl and tricycloH, oxcIuhIvo of
ronnir hIioph, which hIiowh that tlio pro
duclH of tho indiiHtry lncroiiHod nlmost
$80,000,000 botwoon 1800 nnd 1000,
Tho figures hIiow that In 1000 the mini'
Ixir of ostabliHlimonts waH 312, tho cap'
ititl 120,783,(150: niiinbor of wngo oarii'
ors employed 17,525. total wages paid
(8,189,817, and total valuo of products
Two Outrages Reported I mm the Interior t
the Chinese Umpire.
Victoria, It. C, March H. Report
of two inuHNicroH of niicHloiinrli'H In
China wcro received liy tlm steamer
KmpruHH of India, which bus J'lt-t nr
rlvinl In from tlm Orlmit. In Klnng
Ku, two priests worn inurdi'ri'd by n
haiiil of CIiIiiohu, including soldiers, who
attacked tlinlr uiIhhIoii. It Ih slated
that tho attack wiih inado In revenue
for tho dopOHitlon of tlm win of I'rlnco
Tuan by tlm dnwngor omproHH at tlm
request of tlm foreign ininlNtorH. Tho
magistrates of tho district bolng friend
ly to foreigners, warned tlm mission
arleH, hut thoy woro attacked boforo
tlmy could got out of tho way.
Tlm other nuu-ciicro took jilaco In
Khihg HI, a prii'Ht liolng attncki'd while
lie nlopt and cruelly iiiurilentd. 1 1 in
body wiih mutilated, both IiiiiiiIh Inilng
cut off. 111m two rorvnnts wero also
killed. Tho viceroy Iiiih font a trinip
to hunt for tlm murderers.
Two plrntoH of a band who had cap
tured two J ii ii kM In tho Wust rlvor, anil
wero guarding tlm prisoners taken in
tlm raid, suffered a torrihlo death.
Thoy woro attacked by a hand of out
laws and tlm plratox wore burled ttllvo.
Tho Kobo Herald Ih authority for tho
ntatomout that 200 fliliiTinun from tho
village of Wugo wero drowned in a
Htorm'off tho coaet of Mljikau, I'eliru
ary 17. Tlm ImatH had omt a Ioiik
way out, and beliiK overtaken by tlm
Ktorin, wero lout. Only Kl out of inoro
than '.'00 llflieriiien from that ono vil-
liiKe returned, and thoy camo in on an
uptiirueil boat. I'lii'tH from other vil-
Ihki'h'iiIho miffored.
A Toklo iliHjiatch NiyN that tlm llrlt
hIi KiibjectM In Japan hnvo ducldod to
order two nilvor viim-h In rominoinora-
tinn of tho AliKlo-JapauoM) allinnge,
and to prcHtiit one each to tlm eovcr
oiKHH of tho allied natioriM. Tlm llrlt-
inh coiihuI at Yokohama, who Ih tlm
chief mover in thin matter, linn nl ready
orderiil tlitvnHiiM, which aro' about 'M
foot In helKht. Tlm llaK" of tlm high
contractiiiK jxiwoih, tho terrltorlefl and
HeitK of Great Britain, Japan, China
and Corea, nro wild to Ihi hIiowii in tho
iIohIkii for them vnneH. Othor Japan
eco pitHTH cxiinmont favorably upon tho
Vlccr y of Canton Uiipatchci Troops to the
Scent ol Dliturbunce.
Hong Kong, March II. Tho rebellion
in Kwnng Si province is Hprending rap
idly. KigiiH of unreHt are already op'
parent at Kwolin and Nauniiig, tho
newly opened river treaty portx. Tho
Canton viceroy hai dinputcluiil troopn to
tho Hceno of tho dlHturlmncoH. Tho
rebel h are lxilieviil to bo ex-HoldlerH of
Marshal Su, who woro iliiliaiiiled on It in
promotion. Their tropaganda, which
ban cpread far and wide, IiicIiiiIoh tho
overthrow of tho Mancliu dynanty and
tho helping of oppreHced and needy
ChinoHO. Tho French aro alno mid to
Ihi wcretly helping tho relxdn.
French Olflccr Killed.
I'ekin, Mnrch 0. Tho government
Iiiih ordered MnrHhal Hu to reunion com
mand of tho rebellioiiH HoldierH in
Kwnng Si province. It Ih doubtful if
ho will. bo able to control them, us it !h
neccHHiiry flrnt to pay them overdue
wages. Tho l'rench legation ImH re
ceived n telegram Haying that tho roboln
have killed a l'rench olllcer near tho
Tomiuin iHtrder.
Large Mine Sold.
Vortcouver, It. C, March 3. It is
reported hero that tho War Knglo mino
at Itossland, ono of tho most extensive
properties in tlio Kootenay country,
Iiiih been sold to a company of London
capitalists. No details of tho dual aro
given, except that tho Bale price is
about (3,000,000.
Extradition Papcn Issued.
Woshington, Mnrch 5. Kxtraditlon
papers wore Issued at tho etnto depart
ment during tho day to Detectivo Ser
geant Josoph Day, of Portland, Or., for
Charles and Krnnkio Savago, colored,
now in tho hands of tho police in
Montreal, Can., for tho alleged thoft of
(11,000 worth of cut diamonds, said to
have been stolon from A, L. iowentlml.
For Punishment of Brigands.
Constantinople, March 5, Tho
United States minister, John A. Irish
man, has presented a noto to tho porto
regarding tho capture of Miss Kllon
M. Stono by brigands, demanding tho
puniHhmont of tlio guilty parties. Tho
porto, In replying, repudiates rosponsl
bility and donioH all liability.
Rich Find in the Klondike.
Vancouver, II. 0., March 0. A spe
cittl dispatch from Dawson tolls of ono
of tho richest finds roportod for n year
In tho Klondike. Richard Hutlor, own
er of Discovery Claim, on Hear crook,
was about to abandon his property
whon ho discovered an old bedrock,
many foot below tho first ono, from
which ho took out (15,000 in ono day.
Ono pan of earth alono waBliod out (000
in gold. Other claima aro bolng pros
pected forUiis bedrock.
Cemeleriei Inundated and Ituriali Have to
lie I'oilponed Water Company Ii the
Heaviest Loier Silk Mllli Compelled to
Cloie Down and Employes Will Sulfer
In Conitouence llrldgt Waihed Away.
I'literHon, N. .1., March fi. Tho high
water Iiiih canned much Buffering In tliiH
city. All tho ccmotcrioH -aro llixided,
and all hiirialH have to Ihi x)Htponod.
I ho water Ih now falling lit tho rnto of
threo-iUarterH of an inch.
Ilie work of getting out IIiomi im-
prixoued in the upper Htorlox of Iioiimih
in tho flixxled dlHtrictH went on during
tho day. TIioho who wero taken out of
tho Hooded section wero cared for by
friouilH or joined tlio refugecn at tho
Armory. At the Armory, tho eeeno
rcxcmhlcH that on tho day after tho flro.
Tho relief work under Mr. (Jarrelt A.
Hobart'x direction Ih in full swing, and
everything poHxlblo Ih being dono for
tho IioiiioIohh.
In tho floodi-d diHtrlct are dor.eiiH of
f ilk iiiIIIh that rniiHt remain idle for the
prencnt, anil coino of them for a coiiHid-
erahlo time to come. Tho Hiiffering
miiHt ncccHfiirily lxj great among the
hiindreilH of iiersons employed in them
eHtabllHhmentH, many of whom have
largo familioH to Hiipxrt. Tho Kant
ferxey Water Comiiany Is by far tho
word sufferer from tho flootl. The Iohh
to thin company will probably amount
to f 1,500,000.
A bridge at Dundee Inland, near
I'liFHiiio, N. J., was wantied away dur-
int; the night. It wuh reported that
six jxtrxoiiH who wero on the bridge
wero drowned, lint their names could
not lie learned.
Record Breaking Floods In Eastern States
Waters Now Receding.
Wilkesbarre, Pa., March 5. A heavy
rain fall and a rush of water from its
upper tributaries ciiiik.i1 tho north
branch of the Susquehanna river to rlso
rapidly, tho guugo showing 31 feet 3
inches. It is thought there will bo
another rise of a few inches befcro the
water recedes.
This mark is equal to that of 1805,
which was a record breaker. Tho
water is over the banks of tho river
from Pittston to Nanticoke and resem
bles a vast lake. Nearly one-half of
tho city is under water. At West
moor, Firwood and Riverside, nearly
all resiilents have vacated their houses
Tho water has reached the first stories
and is gradually going up to tho second.
Those who lingered too long had to bo
removed in Ixiats. Tho cellars of tho
Hterling and Wyoming Valley hotels
and many mercantile houses in the cen
tral part of the city aro filled with
water. The people living on Ilivcr and
adjoining streets, which is the princi
pal rosiiienco portion ol tlio city, aro
hemmed in by water and aro unablo to
leave their homes unless by boat. All
tho streets in West Pittston aro under
foveral feet of water.
Two hundred families living in tho
lowlands in tho town of Plymouth had
to leave their houses hastily, tho water
covering tho first floors und putting
out tho tires.
Washouts aro reported all along tho
lino of tho Central Railroad of New
Jersey, and many mines aro flooded.
Nino lives have been lost so far. Tho
casualties for tho past 24 hours were
three. Tho property loss is already
estimated lit (1,000,000.
Traffic Resumed at Pittsburg.
Pittsburg, March 5. This city an
Allegheny have so far recovered from
tho flood as to have resumed all on! in
ary triifllc, and to have, in n great
measure, overcome tho inconvenience
brought about by tho high waters.
Tho only portions of either city still
under water aro tho lower parts of Penn
avenue, in Pittsburg, nnd tho Woods
Run district in Allegheny. Both of
these sections will bo out of tho water's
clutches boforo morning, as tho rivers
aro steadily falling hero and at all
above points.
Conservative men place tho total loss
hero at about (1,250,000. TIiIb in
eludes tho loss to tho thousands of
workmen in wages, ns well as tho actual
property loss. Koliablo merchants say
tlio loss in tlio Poun nvonuo district
alono, from tho Lincoln hotel to
Twelfth (street, probably will exceed
Historic Bridge Washed Away.
Ilnrrisbtirg, Pa., March 5. Two
piers of tho famous old camol-back
bridgo on tho Ilnrrisburg side luivo boon
washed away. Tho bridgo was built in
1810, and was probably tho oldost
structure across tho Susquehanna river.
British Casualties Heavy.
London, March B. An apparently
incomplete list of tho casualties bus
tainod by tho British whon tlio Boors
attacked and captured the convoy of a
train of ompty wagons nt Vondonkop,
southwost of Klorksdorp, Fobruary 24,
published this ovoning, says 5 officers
and 54 men wero killed and 0 officers
und 110 men woro woundod.
Rebellion In Arabia.
Bombay, Mnrch 6. Abdul AzU Ben
Foysul, a doscondant of tho old Wall
bl Amcors, with nn nrmy of 2,000 mon,
has captured tho City of K'Raid, in
Central Arabia. Ho ontored tho city
bv atrategom nt night, with 50 follow
ers. Thoso mon rodo to tho pnlaco nnd
killed tho govornor and 30 of liisrotain
ers. Tho garrison of tho city then
surronderod, whereupon tho nrmyjjof
Abdul Aziz Bon Foysul entered.
Urltlih Loit 032 Men Killed, Wounded anil
I'rlmneri Alio Loit Two Gum.
Imdon, March 5. A dispatch from
Pretoria contains detiillH of tho dlaxler
to tho exi'ort nf tho convoy of empty
wagons at Vondonkop, H(iiithot ol
Klorkmlorp, IraiiHVaal Colony. The
llrltifh raMinltles In klllml, wounded
and men mndo prlKiners roach the total
of (132. In addition tho IloorH captured
two gllllH.
Lieutenant Colonel Auderxoii, who
commanded tho liritixh force and who
has returned to Kraaipnn,Capo Colony,
with nine olllcers and 215 men, rcixirtH
that when his ad vaunt guard was with
in 10 iiiihtH of Klnrksdorp, during tlio
morning of I'obruary 25, tho liocrs
opened a heavy rillo lire on tho troops
from the climb. I hero burghers wero
driven off, and the convoy resumed its
march, when a more determined attack
wiih made on the ' convoy 'h left flank,
tho I'oers getting within a hundred
yards and stampeding the mules har
nessed to a number of wagons. The
attacking forces wero again driven off.
At alxiut 11:30 in the morning the rear
guard wiih attacked by a strong force of
Jloers and simultaneously another lxxly
of Uoers boldly charged tho writer of
the convoy and stampeded the mules in
all directions, throwing the escort into
confusion, during winch the liocrs and recharged, riding down the
liritihh unitH. 1 ho lighting Listed for
two hours, during which tho two lirit-
sh guns and u ixim-ixini almost ex
hausted their ammunition. A detach
ment of 200 mounted infantry from
Klerksdorp attempted to reinforce the
Hritifli, but were held in check by the
Lieutenant Colonel Anderson adds
that the strength of the Iloers was esti
mated at 1,200 to 1,000. Comman
dants Uelnrey, Kemps, Celliors, I-em-
mer, Yvolniarens ami I'otgieters were
all preheat. Commandant I-iiurier - iu
said to have ls-cn killed,
Filipino Rebels Attack Force Near Manila
and Kill Eleven.
Manila, March 6. Twenty-flvo mem
bers of the constabulary of Morong, 10
miles from Manila, encountered 80
well armed insurgents during tho day.
Tho former fled, after expending all
their ammunition. Kloven of the con
stabulary aro unaccounted for, and it is
belioved they wero killed or captured.
Tho samo band of insurgents turned
back a commissary wagon, but did not
molest tho escort of three men.
Governor Klores, of tho provino of
Itizal, says tho members of the band
who recently captured Ampil, tho presi
dente of Cainta, Morong province, were
neither ladrones nor insurgents. Ho
thinks n private feud was at the bottom
of tho matter. Word has been re
ceived that Ampil is still alive, but
under torture and expecting death
Ampil was an enthusiastic American
A force of constabulary and military
are scouring the country, and bands of
insurgents and ladrones aro flocking to
the Island of Leyte. The constabulary
officials have been notified of the arri
val of a baud of malcontents from
Bohol and other places. They aro well
armed, and are serving under Capilea.
An extra force of constabulary will en
deavor to handle the malcontents.
General Lukban has offered to assist
in suppressing tlio insurgents if given a
certificate that ho conducted his share
of tho war according to civilized usages.
His offer has not yet been considered
A Number of People Hurt by Jumping Fire
Immediately Follows.
Now York, March 5. An explosion
wrecked tho flvo story building at 210-12
Canal street occupiod by tho Aste Press
Printing Company. Tlio building was
filled with employes, some of whom
were hurt by jumping. Half tho Canal
streot front was blown into tlio street
and tho interior was almost instantly a
roaring mass of flames. Tho printing
liouso backed up against n row of seven
story flat Iioufos, occupied by Italians.
Tho rear wall of tho burning building
was blown against tho tenements, cre
ating panic among the occupants.
Many jumped from windows. Consuelo
Duranto leaped from a window and
alighted on tlio stono Hugging of n court
yard. Sho was taken to a hospital,
whoro sho died.
Tho firo department estimated tho
loss at (76,000. Iloports wero circu
lated that n number of persons known
to have been in tho buildings havo not
been accounted for, but tlio firemen
ertid thoy thought all had escaped in
jury oxcopt thoso who jumped.
Miss Stone to Lecture.
Indianapolis, March 5. Miss Ellon
M. Stono, tho missionary, who was
captured by brigands and roleneed re
cently, has contracted to locturo for tho
Chautauqua societies of tlio country
during tho largor part of tho summer.
Philadelphia Leaves Panama.
Now York, March 5. Tho United
States cruisor Philadelphia loft during
tlio day for Guayaquil, sayB a Tanama
dispatch to tho Herald. Sho will re
turn soon.
Riot Among Paris' Unemployed.
Paris, Mnrch 5. Following an oxclt
od mooting of tho unemployed, hold
this morning nt tho Labor Kxchango,
tho agitators attempted to hold on out
door mooting in tho Placo do la Ropub
liquo. A fight with tlio police onsuod,
in which 11 policemon woro sovoroly
injured, nnd n score more sustained
briiisos. A numbor of tho rioters woro
njurod, and 20 woro placed under
I'rotectltiu Hlulile WIihIowm.
To ti'Ntlhlto u Htiible wltlii) it expos
ing the animals to direct drafts of air,
tnke three lialf-lneli hoards and arrange
them at the bottom mid slides of it win
dow. These side boards will cut off any
side drafts and enable one to leave the
window open n conslderiinle space.
Then take nnother half-Inch board mid
hinge It to the top of the window eas-
1 ,A I 4
lug Inside, after boring n number of
holes In It. When the wind Is blow
ing strongly, drop this shutter, after
slldlnc the window to one side far
enough to admit what air Is desired. In
the strongest blows a small amount or
air only will be forced Into the stable,
but always enough to give the animals
a supply of pure air. Indianapolis
Home for the Former.
Speaking on the most useful borse
for the farmer before the West Vir
ginia Live Stock Breeders' Assocla
Hon. C. E. Lewis said In part: The
heavy horse has a signal advantage In
some farm operations. In plowing or
operating a manure spreader or haul
Ing the crops to the barn or to market
the heavy horse Is Just what Is want
ed, but In harrowing he does not have
an advantage proportionate to bis size.
For drawing n mowing machine the
lighter horse Is better. Hitch n heavy
horse to the shovel plow or cultivator
and start him up and down the corn
field, with scarcely room between the
three-foot rows for him to put his pon
derous feet walking on two rows at
once and breaking down more corn In
each than a little horse could In one,
nnd you will quickly decide that he
was not made for that kind of work.
Besides, to carry 1.000 pounds of sur
plus, useless horseflesh over the soft
ground of the cornfield takes a great
deal of energy, and that energy has to
be supplied by nn extra amount of
feed. Then through the long winter
months of Idleness It requires n great
deal of grain to keep the heavy horse's
huge body In repair.
Knrly Plowlnc for Corn.
Some of the best corn crops of last
season, a season of poor crops In all
corn sections, as a rule, were from soils
plowed In March or early April. Ex
perience has shown that this early
spring plowing Is to be preferred to
fall plowing, for corn. The stable
manure Is hauled to the field during the
winter as made, nnd In March, as soon
as the ground can be worked. It Is
plowed, the plowing being rather shal
low. This plowing Is done In the regu
lar manner, but nothing more Is dono
until corn-planting time, when the
ground Is further prepared for the crop.
The seeding Is done with drills nnd
the summer system of cultivation stnrt
ed with the wcedcr early nnd continued
as long as possible. The plan Is com
paratively new In some localities, but it
has brought good results, and Is well
worth trying.
Three-Horse livelier.
To make a good three-horse evener
take two pieces of hickory or red elm,
or any tough wood one Inch thick, six
Inches wide and thirty-eight Inches
long, for the main pieces, nnd a hook
with an eye large enough for the cen
ter bolt to pass through. Then get two
sticks one Inch thick, three Inches wide
and eighteen Inches long and a single
tree eighteen Inches long. A single
tree with an Iron pulley will answer for
the middle horse. A short twisted link
chain should pnss from the two ends
of ,the eveuers over tho pulley. The
Illustration shows the manner of con
struction better than can be described.
Iowa Homestead.
Cotton-Seed Meal ns a Fertilizer.
The plan of using cotton seed In vnrl
our forms as a fertilizer Is not n de
sirable practice. It Is generally id
niltted that we may add to the soli's
fertility by the direct npplleatlon of
several crops, the legumes, for exam
ple, but In very many cases these crops
could be made to answer a double pur
pose. This is the case with cotton seed
meat If fed to the stock In small
quantities together with rougbuge of
i r
. so .
........... I.I...I I, ...III I... I.i.t.nlli.lnl
milium iiiij iviiiii, it , in i.v
to the nnlmnls and still lose none of Its
innnurlal mine. All sorts of plans may
be tried In soil fertilization, but the fact
still remains Mint the best results aro
ilttnlned. nil things considered, when
stock Is used In connection with fnrm
lug. That ninny dairy farms do not
pay Is admitted, but, on tho other
hand, there arc few farms that aro
profitable If stock Is not kept on them.
Regular farming Is meant, not true
raising. Further, and this has been
demonstrated time and again, there Is
no farm used for general work that
would not be more profitable If more
stock was added up to the number that
could be supported from tho farm.
Holl Culture In Krult-Orowlnu.
A few years ago there were few
farmers who had any faith In the
efforts of skilled experimenters to In
duce them to conserve the moisture In
the soil by a system of shallow culti
vation during the summer. One by
one they tried the plan, many of them
In desperation during a season or
drought, until now thousands hava
proved Its great value. Fruit grower
are becoming Interested In the question
and realize that with fruits that nosorb
Immense quantities of water from tho
soil It Is absolutely necessary that ev
erything possible be done to keep In the
soli for the use of the tree during tho
summer all that Is possible of the
water that falls during the fall, winter
and spring. Nothing will accomplish
this better than the system of surface
culture during the summer. Then If
this plan Is followed by a cover crop
during the winter to be turned under
In the spring, the trees have every In
centive to thrive, provided, of course,
the soil Is properly fertilized.
A Humane Btnnchlon.
The old-fashioned, rigid stanchion,
consisting of two uprights, keeps an
animal from moving backward or for
ward, but It also
confines the bend
so closely that very
little movement of
this Is possible, '
while the fact that
thestanchlon has no
"give" In any direc
tion causes a good
many bumps upon
the animal's horns,
cars and shoulders
when It Is getting
up or lying down. It
Is possible to make
use of a stanchion,
however, and jet
have It admit of
considerable move
ment of the ant-
mars bead, wuiie ' i
still confining Its '
forward or back- sTANcnio.-e.
ward movements to very small limits.
The cut shows the construction. The
upright post turns freely at the baso
and at the top. Two Iron L pieces hold
the swinging upright at the bottom, f
shown, while n swinging iron clamp at
the top holds it when shut With s-.ieh
a stanchion the cow can move back nnd
forth but little, but can move the head
nbout from side to side with great free
dom, while the swing of the stanchion
causes It to "give" a little when tho
cow Is lying down or getting up.
Heat in Dee Culture.
While It Is possible to do many things
with artificial heat, all attempts to
hasten activity ou the part of the beess
by artificial heat have proved failures
more, have been fatal to the colony.
Prominence Is given this now In view
of several Items going the round of the
press advising the packing of hives to
stable manure to furnish the artificial
heat. In experiments brood rearing
was hastened. It Is true, and more beea
hatched, but they were weak, and suc
cumbed to the weather when they left
the hives, and many of the honey gath
erers started out earlier owing to tho
artificial heat, and never returned.
The hives should, of course, be packed
with some material so that the bees
will not suffer during the winter, but
nil attempts to force them to gather
honey before settled weather will re
sult In disaster.
Feeding Skim Milk.
There is no doubt that skim milk
will bring the greatest returns wbem
fed to laying hens, provided one can
get twenty cents or more n dozen for
winter eggs, and If one has but few
bogs and many bens the latter sbotild
have the skim milk by all means. On
the other band. It may be fed to hogs
witb profit and If fed with corn meat
will easily bo worth twenty cents a
hundredweight The trouble Is that
not one feeder In a hundred feeds skim
milk properly. It usually goes Into the
trough at any time when convenient,
nnd Is often mixed with other slop that
Is not so clean, nnd It Is made to tabu
the place of grain to some extent
Cure of Btock.
Feed and management have in neb to
do with the health as well as thrift!
ness of stock. Young and growing ani
mals require feed which will make
bone and muscle rather than fat Bed
ding liberally with fcomo dry material
will add greatly to the comfort of tho
animals during the whiter. Kansas
Bore Throat In Calves.
Put one ounce turpentine In a nan of
boiling water, nnd hold this under the
nnlmal's bead for twenty minutes; re
peat three times a day; also give a
teaspoonful of the compound syrup of
squills at a dose three times a day
In a tablcepoouful of common syrup.