Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 14, 1902, Image 5

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    Good Siiowino.--
V. 11. Hehne ami I. II. Uiiij;
ham just returned from nu inspection
tour of the mines, report two
new strikes in the Helena Consoli
dated Company's properties. After
passing through n chute 20 feet
loiiR in the upper tunnel, they en
countered mother chute which is
improving as work progresses, the
ore beliiif the full width of the tun
ncl and of the same character us the
other chute. In the lower tun
nel the face is in a flue chute
of ore, being the same chute
i encountered in the upper tunnel,
demonstrating u continuation of
the ore bodies in depth. The
future of the Helena and of the
camp never looked briijhter. At
Helena No. 2 the tunnel is being
pushed with vigor, still showing
a nice streak of ore, and when spring
ojwns will have n large ore reserve
on hand awaiting the completion
of the railroad.
G. L. liddy, of Long Prairie,
Minn., who has been here for .sev
eral weeks, the guest of his old
friend, Win, Harrison, left for his
home lat Wednesday. Mr. liddy
is the representative of some sixty
families in Minnesota, and has
made an extended visit on the coast,
visiting California, Washington
and Oregon, with the view of find
ing suitable locations for them. In
conversation with a Nugget man
Monday, Mr. Eddy spoke in splen
did terms of Oregon, and remarked
that Oregon could safely count on
half of his people, provided they are
treated right when they come. He
deplores the idea of Oregonlans
getting after new comers so soon
upon their arnvnl. and remarked
that a much more favorable im
pression could be made if the effort
to rush sales was less conspicuous.
A good hint. Mr. Iiddy expects
to return here in the course of two
At the Opera House, in this city,
opening Wednesday, Match 19,
for a four night stand New
York City's lavorite actress. Carrie
Stanley with a compiny of actors,
and the clever child periormcr
M.ister Walter. The company is
composed of the following well
known pvople: Clias. II. Hums.
W. n. Ilert Youni,', Bob
MacKenzic. Daisy Rayhara, Jose
phine S trtlt. L'lltt Walker, Geo.
Florence. Don't forget the acting
dog "Nig." This sagacious canine
is the pet of all the children, and
is a clever actor, rescuing the hero
and assailing the vidian in the
great and interesting comedy. "A
False Friend." Popular prices, 10,
20, ,y cents.
Francis Howard had a painful
' mishap at school last Friday morn
1 ing. She was swinging in the
basement with Emma Job, when
the rope brojee. In the fall her
right lctf was severely bruised be
tween the knee and ankle. Through
the kindness of the teachers and
, scholars she was brought home and
surgical aid summoned. At first it
was thought that the leg was badly
fractured, but upon examination no
broken bones were located. At
present she is recovering nicely,
but several weeks will elapse before
she will be able to again fall out
of a swing or tumble down stairs.
Cottage Grove is beginning to
feel the necessity for more resi
dences. Immigrants are beginning
to arrive and they find it almost
impossible to find a place to stop
The attractions here are uumerous
and people are learning of the
wonderful natural resources of the
country and are coming and if we
expect to keep these people it is
quite necessary that we have houses
for them. Those who have money
to invest would find it profitable to
build a few houses to rent.
Fim.inG Up.
In a letter complimenting the
Nugget on its write up of Cy Bing
ham's adventure, that gentleman
says he is coming around hand
somely and is filling up ogaiu, on
all the good things of the laud.
Contractor George Lea has com
pleted his work on the new city
hall building this week. The new
building is 20x20 feet and 60 feet
high, added to the old hall which
was moved back ami which has
lccu fitted with three cells for the
accommodation of the "Weary
Waggles" species of humanity,
that occasionally blow this way.
The contract price of the new build
ing was fatf. On the lower floor
will be placed in readiness the fire
equipment, while the upper floor
will be fitted up for the recorder's
office. The tower supports a
splendid new fire bell and altogether
the improvement is very creditable
to the city.
Fkom Missouri.
J. II. Jones and sou Irving, J.
W. II. Jones and family and Jasper
Livingston and family all of Ore
gon county, Missouri, arrived in
Cottage Grove Tuesday and will
become residents of this district.
They are occupying for the present
the residence of Hern Vcatch on
Second street, where they will re
main until they can find farming
lauds in this vicinity to suit them.
They arc all experienced farmers
and will be a valuable acquisition
to this community.
Unci.k Tom's Caiiin.
The performance given at Mar
tin's Hall Saturday night by the
Terry Co. was highly satisfactory
and thoroughly enjoyed by the
large crowd present. The com
pany was completely handicapped
on account of the size of the stage
and were unable to present many
of the most pleasing and artistic
scenes, yet they did extra well.
The concert given nt the close of
the drama, consisting of dances,
music, etc., was equally good.
Faruwhm. Danck,
The young people of Cottage
Grove gave Mr. and Mrs. Byron
Atkins a farewell dance last Friday
night, in view of their early de
parture for their old home, Inde
pendence. The dance was a suc
cess in every sense, and many
friends were present to wish the
clever young couple, success in
their old home.
Lee Minard, of Roseburg. has
purchased the half interest of John
Curran, in the Bohemia saloon, and
the business is now under the
name of A. M. White & Com
pany. The house has always en
joyed a liberal patronage and the
continuation of the same is antici
pated. Nkw Stork.
The old reading room near the
depot is being repainted, papered
and generally overhauled and will
be occupied by the New York
Racket Store. This company has
selected a good location and will
evidently find Cottage Grove a first
class business town. Messrs. Thorn
ton & Plaster are the proprietors.
Pkogrkssing NlCBLjY.
The band recently organized in
this city and under the direction of
Bandmaster Cochrau is progressing
nicely, and from present indications
it will be a question of a short time,
only, when Cottage Grove can
boast of a first class band.
The Helena saloon on Main
street is now undergoing sub
stantial improvements preparatory
to being reopened in the near future,
by the well known mining man M.
D. Mahony.
The Senate Committee on the
Isthmian canal has decided to sup
port the Hepburn bill in favor of
the Nicaragua route,
personal ParagrapZisJ joeal greVeties.
flunk lllnlr cittno in Tuexluy
Mm. T. I). Awljry Ih ill thin wick.
Hum Itcmictt Is slowly iirijirovlni;.
J. W. linker still improve slowly.
Al Johnson Ih liomu from I'otllniid.
Mrs. h. D. Hock vim ted Ktigune Tues
day ,
Claud Clcmcntg whs In Kiiguno Mon
Wult linker linn been on the flick list
thin wo;k.
u Jl. Gibson, ot Monroo, wan in the
city thin week .
Dr. AwlerHon wan on thu nick lint tlia
first ol thu week.
I. Ilrndlii Gibson, of Jefferson, was In
thu city thu first of the week
Mux Weiss, tlm Rota-burg brewer,
who in Cottnjio Clrnvo thin week.
Jitmcs Hcinciiwtiy returned Monday
from n business trip to Portland.
Coin Nuls, the well known Willamette
Valley liopiunn, was In town Thursday.
Arthur IIcIiiih Iiuh returned ftom a
siivcrnl niontliH Htuy at Vancouver,
Knlph W. Gnlnnrd, of Ios Angeles,
Calif., wni registered nt tlio Hherwood,
A. I). UiHoy left Friday for his home
in Ashland, wheru he will remain for
scvoml weckH.
V. A. Kenmil, from Tacoimi, Wash.,
was traiiHitrtini; business in Cottage
Grove, Monday.
C. II. Unrk holder, who lias been dif
fering from an attack of tnnsilitis Ih
now able to be out.
Tint sutnltpox paticntH at hnthnm are
reported getting on nicely. No new
canes have developed.
Messrs John Grnher ami II. Dow
went trammeling business in Koseburg
the first of thu week.
It. A. Sehwerlng nnd wife nnd T . W .
Ilonrv and wife, of Kugetic were in
Cottagu Grove Monday and Tuesday.
There are some Hldewalks in town
that would bo materially improved if
thoy were supplied with 11 new board or
Wm. Landens is home from Portland,
Kill fays Imrring a little trouble llnding
tlio trail to the postofTico he got along
all O. K.
Herbert Leigh, of Kugene, who ban
leon in the Hohemia district for HC'voral
(Inyo, passed through town Sunday en
run to home.
L. II. Hlngle had the misfortune to
cut his leg Hoverely thiit week with nn
nx. At last account he wai recov
ering nicely.
T. K. Kichnrdson, the well known pi
ano man of Kopeliurg, wan in tlm city
this week, closing n deal with II. II.
Lewis for a Kimball, stylo "6."
Superintendent H. O. nelime. .1. If.
lliuiMiiun and A. II. Woods, tlio chief
engineer!" nf tin- railroad purveying crew
came in from Wildwood Sunday.
The beautiful residence being erected
byW. It. lilacs, on Hailroail" nveiiuc, is
nciirlm: completion. This will be one
of the pruttieHt homes in the city.
Mr. Wm. llrown paid the Xueirct of-
fli.f. a t,rv iil.t-iuft n f .Milt Milt Ht-iltiv nn,l
' hi subscription now rendu 1003. lie
win aiHO reaii inu uiegunian lor nuotii
er year.
A. UurghdufT. formerly of Seattle, has
purchased and is retitting and papering
the Alhaiubra, near thu depot and will
open it up Saturday as the "Lucky" rcs
tauran t.
Mr. Lewis Hartley won in town Fri
day nnd Saturday nnd favored Tlio Nug
get olllco with n pleasant call. He
sends ThoNuitget for one yoar to O. J.
niacklcdgo, Corvallis.
A. W. Zinikor favored the Nugget of
fice, with a pleasant call Wednesday,
renewing hiH subscription. Mr. Ziniker
i Buffering with one of "Job's com
forters" on his arm.
Mr. R. S. Mnrshel, who has been
holding a revival at Roseburg, came up
Monday to hold a few days services
here, hut was called to his homo nt
Oakland, Calif., by n telegram stating
that his wife was very sick.
Mrs. C. A. Harper of Ilutte, Mont.,
who has been visiting her people at
Medfonl, for several weeks, stopped
hero while en route homo, early this
week, for 11 few days visit with her sis
ter Miss Mnttio Pownea. She speaks
very nicely of her visit to her homo ami
of Oregon in general, and 0110 might bo
justified in imagining that alio would
almost bo willing to give up her homu
in tlio din and smoko of tho citv of
Ilutte, for tho quiet nnd sunshine ot Oregon.
, liet leady to make garden.
' A laige line of boys' kneu suits at
net nx 1 eo'tittC. II. Clement's.
lace patterns and
Hnttonbiirg point
braid at Lurch s.
Have your prescriptions filled at the
IJenson Drug Co.
For pure, well-selected drugs, call on
the lieiieon Drug Co. Toilet articles of
every description at Henson Drug Co.
Clean up your back yard.
Another shipment of men's suits and
overalls will arrive in a fow days at C.
It. Clements's.
TIiomb diamonds atll.C. Madsen are
beauties. Call and see them.
Try a Sunday dinner nt the Imi'kkmi.
Hotki.. Served from 12 1:30 p
111. nnd up to date in all respects.
Hunt up your trash pile. Its about
time also springtime.
Hair brushes, a fine line, at lowpricee.
lieiisoti Drug Co.
You can buy anv preparation at J.
P. Currin's that fs advertised in any
paper. Remember we make a specially
of family receipts.
Read real estate bargains of Jerome
Knox A Co.
For paints, oil, brushes and the latest
patterns of Wall Paper, call on Chas
Cochran at J . D. Cochran's furniture
store, Cottage Grove, Oregon.
"A dollar saved is a dollar earned."
You will nave several dollars by buying
your clothing of C. II. Clement.
That invoice of tooth brushes is now
open for inspection at Henson Drug Co's
store. They are cheap nnd of splendid
qunlity. Ixxik at them then buy 'em.
Unltrd Ktaten Land Office,
Kotekurir. Oregon, March 11. Wi.
Nollro it hereby given that In compliance
wllli the pruvliloni of the act of Congrei of
June i, 148, entitled "An Act for the iale of
Timber Ijimli In the Blatei of California, Ore
Ijon, Nevada, and Waahlngton Territory," a"
extended to nil the public land ntatei bjr act of
Auguit 4, ISM, John Oraber, of Cottage Orove,
County of I-ane. Slato of Oregon, ha this day
tiled In tlil ntllce lib nwiim btaleinftit Nn. 2101,
Kit the purrhaw of the ty, NK',, HW NEI-I,
and HK 1-1 SW M, of iiectlou No. S6, townhlp
JO 8. range 2 et, and will offer proof tn how
that Ibe land (ought 1 more valuable for lis
timber or atone than for agricultural purpose!,
and to establish hla claim to aald land before
the Register and Receiver of tills office atRoae
burg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 17th day of
Jtay, vm.
lie name as witnesses:
Alfred A. Anderson, Henry Dlgelow ami Hen
I'itcher, of Ooruita, Oregon, and II. Dow, of
Cottage Orove, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are reiueted tn file
their claims In this office on or before said 17th
day of Jlay.llW. J. T. llitirxju.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, March 11, 190-2.
Notloc Is hereby given that the following
named aettler has filed notice ot his Intention
to make llual iiroul In sunuortof his claim, and
that aald proof will be made before Marie I.
YYare.U B. Commlsflonor, at Eugene Oregon,
on Aprirjd, 1302, vlt: John II. Hears on bis II.
r.. o. arn, lor ine i - .r. - anu iois i anu
1 Sec. IS two 20 a. It. 3 west.
He name the folluwlng wltncaea to prove
ma continuous rcaiueiice Ukiii ami cultivation
of snld Unil, vis:
John llostetter, Ira (Conner, Nash Chapman
John II. Bales, of Cottage Orove, Ore.
j. t. BRinaiu, Register.
United Rules Land OftYe.
Roseburg, Oregon, March 11, 1SK.
Notice Is hereby given that the following-
named settler han fifed notice of his intention
tn make Una! proof In rupport of hla claim, and
, tnai said rirooi win ne maae oeiore ine uegis-
lerand Receiver, I'. 8. Land Off Ice at Roseburg
uregun. on June , rJWi vu: rni.ner innman
'on hla II. E. No. fell, for tho 8 1-2 of S 1-2 sec
i ttou 22, township 21 8, range 4 weat.
He namtfe the following wltneaea to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of aald land, via: Lnul Hchaffer. Atlsmat Hen-
emen, 1. A. Origgs nnd YY. II. Lawrence, of
coinsiocK, uregon. I. t. bridoks.
The Emperor of Germany ex
presses appreciation of the kind
treatment of his brother, Prince
Henry, while in America.
President Kruger, of the Trans
vaal, eays that be has never lost
hope in the final triumph of the
Boer forces, and says that if Eng
land would withdraw uovv ,sbe
would have the friendship of the
republics and save unnecessary
Trains Ioavo Cottago Grovo for Port
land and way stations at 12 :14 n m and
12:55 pin.
Lv Portland 8 :30 am 8 :S0 p m
" Cpttngo Grovo 2:fi7pin :0flam
Ar Ashland 12:30a in l'J:05im
" Sncrnmonto 5:10 pm 5:00 am
" Ban Francisco 7 ,55 p m 8 :15 a m
Pullman and TouristB cars an both
trains. Chair oars Sacramento to Ogden
and Kl Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago
St Louis, New Orleans and Washington.
Connecting nt 8an Francisco with the
several steamship lines for Honolulu.
Japan, China, Phllliplnos, Central and
See agent nt Cottago Grove station, or
address '
R.B. Miller, G P. A.
Portland, Oregon.
Read the Bohemia JfUQyet,
A.s the Old Maid
Said wlien She
Kissed the
Our ads are short and sweet and right
to the point.
Brehaut & Morgan
The A'ew Era Drug Store.
OiKwiN iiRiK-mw. HerbirtEakik.
frealdent, Cashier,
The First National
, Coitaob Grove, Ork.
Paid up Capital, $25,000.00
Money to loan on approved security
Kxchnngns sold, available- any ,ilaco
in tho Uniod Stat es.
I'o mi ItualnetiB is Solicited.
Music Lessons,
j-im On the Piano.
A late Graded German Method of Music
Is now being taught at the C I. Msnse by
Mrs. Xj.D. Beck.
Recitals will be given at proper Intervals
thus giving parents an opportunity to note
50 cents per lesson, 30 miuutes each
"We Suit the Hard to Suit." S
Don't take our word for it, but call and be convinced that
The Cash Grocery Co.
Carry the cleanest and most Complete line oi Groceries
in the city.
We keep a full line assortment of fresh fruits and vege
tables in season. a
The Cash Grocery Co.
A. O. Young, Manager.
Bohemia, Oregcn.
General Merchandise,
Miners' Tools and
Give us a call and we will treat you right.
Griffin &
Carry the most complete line of Hardware, Stoves and
Tinware in south Lane county. Also a fine line of Guns,
Ammunition and Fishing Tackle. We are Headquarters
for Mining Supplies, Hurcules Powder, Fuse and Caps.
Also agents for the celebrated Studebaker Wagons, Canton
Clipper Plows and Harrows. In fact anything you may
want in the Hardware line.
Call and See Us and We will Treat You Right.
At The Pacific Timber Co. Store
In giving styles for this store. We wish to call atten
tion to the addition to our Dress and Wash Goods stock. The
goods have been selected with great care as to salable Styles.
New Designs, Best Quality and Lowest Prices.
See our Window for exclusive styles in Ladies' Misses'
and Children's Shoes.
Under Odd Fellows' Hall.
Successors to WHEELER & SCOTT.
We will continue to carry a full and complete
stock of Hardware, Stoves aud Tinware, Mining
Supplies, Fish Bro's. Wagons, Oliver Chilled and
Steel Plows, Etc. :.::::
The . . .
ItiverSt., Cottage Grave.
8 BLEW & JONES. Props
We carry an extra fine line of
Liquors and Cigars, and If you
have occasion tn want goods In
our line wo would appreciate a
call from you.
Finn residence, choice lots, business
blocks (or sale Jorouio Knox & Co.
Cottage Grove
Planing Mill!
Wn urn nnu- nrenared to furnish all
kinds of brackets, mo tidings, cornice,
shbIi and doors, door und window frames,
windows, pickets, etu..
Woodwork of all kinds mnd'e and re
paired. We will nlso work rustic, siding,
ceiling or size studding, etc