Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 14, 1902, Image 4

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Billot and FobUtUtt:
Knlredt tfc porfR' at CMtt Orox,
Oregon Beoond Cli mall matter.
Hubacrlitlon prlct. 81.50, In lTnc.
ArtvartMnc tUUa romt known upon
T1II9 PAPER la kept on flleal K.aDreke'e
AdrertUtng Arencr, 64 and M Merchant! Ex.
ihanM,8n Frnclco,Cllfornl. where oon.
rct lor adrertlring can be made lor It.
Friday, March i., 1902.
East Cottagu Gkovb.
The primary election to elect 1 1
delegates to the Republican County
Convention will' be hild in East
Cottage Grove precinct on Satur
day, March rend, 1903, at 20'clock.
p, m.. at Martin's Hall.
G. R. Chrisman, Chairman.
Wkst Cottage Grove.
The primary election to elect 10
delegates to the Republican County
Convention, will be held in East
Cottace Grove precinct on Satur
day, March 22nd, 1902, at Masonic
Hall at 2:30 P. M.
G. R. Chrisman, Chairman.
There should be a meeting of the
citizens of Cottage Grove immedi
ately 1 with the view of organizing a
commercial club at least of ap
pointing a reception committee to
meetj aud impart' information to
those coming here from abroad
with the. view of locating. What
is everybody's business is nobody's
business'. An effort should be
made to impress these people in the
right way, and at the same time
protect them from being run over
by a' class of people who are always
too anxious to get in on the ground
floor with what they have to sell.
Iu every community there is to be
found people who from one cause
and pnother are desirous of dispos
ing of their property. Such is the
case here; but it is not necessary
for property owners desiring to sell
out to run over each1 other in an
attempt to lard a new comer. In
fact such an action on the part of
those holding real estate is apt to
disgust the immigrant and turn
himlfrom our community into some
other section; whereas, if he were
, given a chance to get his breath
and to get acquainted with the
people, and the country before he
was solicited to buy, his impression
would be much more favorable,
and his stay would be assured.
Don.'t hurry the new comer. Give
him'time and he will stay. This
part of Oregon, iu particular, bears
acquaintance. We have nothing
to be afraid of. This is her worst
of seasons. Let them see Oregon
at her ,worst and then they will be
pleased with her best.
The House Committee on Irriga
tion of Arid Lands yesterday
ordered a favorable report on the
bill drafted by senators and repre
sentatives of the Western states,
with an amendment giving each
state and territory the major portion
of the irrigation fund derived from
its public lands sales. The bill has
been before the committee for some
weeks, and has undergone minor
changes, the ameudment added
yesterday being first of real im
portance. As originally framed, the bill
created a general fund from pro
ceeds from the sale of public lands
iu the arid land states, the Secre
tary of the Interior being given au
thority to expend this amount in
the reclamation of the. arid tracts.
Chairman Tongue, ofjtbecommittee,
has maintained that this gives the
Secretary of the Interior, too wide a
discretion,' and that each state
should retaiu the bulk of its own
public land sales. It was his
amendment which prevailed yester
day.'all the members present vot
ing for it except Mr. Newlands, of
Nevada, one of the original framers
of the bill. T?be report will be
drafted by Representative Mondell;
of Wyoming, and will be urged by
its friends to early consideration in
the house. Washington Post.
The amendment was timely, and
is evidence that Representative
Tongue is not asleep, in matters of
interest to the Western states.
Are you goiug to register?
John P. Altgeld, cx-govcruor of
Illinois, died suddenly at his hotel
iu Joliet, 111., Wednesday nioruing,
after a sickness of n fow hours.
While he was undoubtedly justly
criticised at times during his public
life, for all of that he had many
admirable traits, among them char
ity, which cau always be relied up
on to cover up a multitude of sins.
The primaries are soon to be held.
Let every man who attends do so
with the spirit of fairness for all
concerned. Let him remember
that it takes good men in the pri
maries, who know best how to
work for their constituency, to get
good men before the convention and
effect their nomination. Every re
publican should get out at the pri
maries and help things along from
a broad party point of view.
A mass meeting will be held at
Martin's Hall on the evening of
March 24 for the purpose of nomi
nating a mayor, recorder and
councilmen, to be elected for the
term of one year on the first Mon
day in April. Every citizen inter
ested iu good government and who
takes a pride in the successful
manipulation of municipal affairs
should be present.
A dangerous counterfeit is in cir
culation in the Willamette valley.
It is a spurious five dollar gold
piece, and is a perfectly made coin.
The body of it is nickel, gold plated,
and with the exception of its light
weight, is so perfect as to deceive
experts when new. It bears the
date 1896, and has the milling of
the genuine coiu. Business men
would do well to keep their eyes
open for this coin. Tidings.
Hundreds of immigrants are now
iu the borders of Oregon. Shall
the people of Cottage Grove make
an effort to secure its share, or
shall they content themselves with
the present condition of affairs, and
wait for people to find out for them
selves that here is one of the best
localities in the state? If we trust
to the latter method we will get a
very small per cent of the immigra
tion, and it won't be any less than
we deserve.
The Terry Uncle Tom's Cabin
Co. played at Martin's Hall Satur
day night to a good audience.
While they put up a fairly good
bill, they were in one sense of the
word not entitled to patronage, and
the people should by common con
sent, decline to support such an ag
gregation. They come in their
own cars. They eat and sleep
aboard their train. They stable
their live stock and carry their own
dray and team. In fact they play
a game to get every dollar they can
and pack it out of the town without
breaking one of them. Its a one
sided proposition, and should be re
sented in every town in Oregon.
Where a company, dependent upon
the people for its support, is too
niggardly and close to feed its
people at a hotel, and so everlasting
ly stingy that it begrudges the city
drayman a dollar or two for hauling
the baggage to and from the opera
house, the people should wait for
some other show with equal talent
and not half as much greed.
SJ. . !.. 1- -L. l .L. fcf- l. 1 -I
Services at M. E. church next
Sunday are as follows: Sunday
school at 10 a. m,, J. I. Jones,
Supt.; Junior League at 3. p. m.
E. F. Zimmerman, Supt.; Epworth
League at 6:30. Preaching both
morning and evening. Evening
subject 'If Thy Hand Offend Thee."
Subject for next Sunday at the
Christian church. 11 a. m. "Our
Bpok of Life." 7:30 p.m. "The
Conversion of Cornelius." A cor
dial invitation to all.
HA.1-ER At Creswell, March 8, Gladys
Minnie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Marion Hager; aged seven months.
Advertise In the Nugget.
A List of Lone County Precincts
and the Number of Delegates
From Each.
Notice is hereby given that the
Republican County Convention
will meet iu Eugeue, Oregon, on
Snturdn, March 29, 1902, at 10 a,
mM at the court house, for the
purpose of nominating one state
senator, three representatives, n
county clerk, sheriff, treasurer, as
sessor, surveyor, comity commis
sioner, coroner and delegates to the
state and congressional conventions
respectively. The primaries to be
held on Saturday, March 33, 190.1.
Prcciucts nre entitled to delegates
as follows:
North Eugene No. 1 10
North Eugene No. 3 10
South Eugene No. 1 9
South Eugene No. 2 7
Bailey 3
Blanton 3
Blue River 2
Bohemia 3
East Cottage Grove 1 1
West Cottage Grove 10
Creswell 7
Camp Creek 4
Chesher 2
Coyote 2
Elmira 2
Fall Creek 4
Fairmouut 4
Five Rivers 2
Florence 9
GPte Creek 3
Goshen 3
Glentena 2
Herman 2
Hazel Dell 2
Heceta 2
Irving 6
Jasper 4
North Junction 5
South Junction 5
Lane 3
Lake Creek 2
Long Tom 2
Lost Valley 2
Mabel 2
Mapleton 2
Mound 1
Middle Fork 2
Mohawk 3
McKenzie I
Pleasant Hill 3
Richardson 3
Saginaw . 7
Springfield 8
Spencer 2
Siuslaw 4
Thurston ,..-.3
Walton.' . 2
Wallace 2
Willamette 5
Wendling 5
Zumwalt .
Total 204
Dated Eugene, Ore.. Mar. 8, 1902.
G. R. Chrisman,
L. H. Johnson. Chairman.
A- -T "T- -T- -T- -T- i- i "i- -i-
The enrollment has reached the
high water mark exceeding that of
any previous year.
Frankie Howard was severely
hurt by falling from a swing last
Friday. All trust to see her about
Several new maps of the United
States have been received recently,
supplying a great need for working
material in the school.
The work of the year is being
closed for the general review, pre
paratory to final examination. It
will be a great help to the pupils to
be present during this work, as it
will be the means of strengthening
and gathering up all points.
Remember the lecture for Friday
evening by Dr. French, of the
Training School, at Monmouth.
You can help supply a great need
for refereuce books by being pres
ent, besides enjoying a pleasant
trip through Europe.
We desire to express to our friends
and neighbors and to Dr. Schlcef and
wifo our sincere and heartfelt thanks
for their kind. services during the illness
and death of our daughter Vivian, and
during the illness of our daughter Mary
and Doretha.
Mr. and Mas. A. A. Coffin.
Divide, Ore.
Let everybody give cordial wel
come to the immigrants, who are
now looking up locations iu Ore
gon. Don't forget the primaries ou
Saturday, March 22.
Take the Bohemia Nugget
All through the store new touches of spring arc in evidence, and are louring to be favored with your
criticism nnd patronage. This spring showing is meicly u fore runner of what is yet to come lit, what
will soon be the choiscst nnd best selected stock of dry goods ever brought to Cottaijc Grove.
Without an exception we feel that the prices on the nsw goods are fair in the
This first spring showing is intended expressly lor early shoppers, and us ehnice in some iuMuncei li
small, wc suggest that you come as early ai possible.
At Newl ands, of course
Be sure and call for your tickets when making a
cash purchase.
They arc good for that Fancy China Ware dis
played in our West Window.
In addition we are giving excellent bargains in
Dress Goods and Furnishings.
No Lottery but a gift to all
I JNJKW MAIS ! iJ&vv riikxo i ;
$ We have received a large shipment of HATS for Men and Boys.
I Nothing old, shopworn or out
Grocery Store
Caries a full line of Staple
and Fancy goods, Granite,
Crockery, Tin and Glassware,
Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats,
Hay and everything the
farmer or the housewife needs.
Produce of all kinds taken
in exchange.
It will be a pleasure at all
times to show our goods aud
you are earnestly requested to
call and examine them.
Will meet All Competion
in X'rlceti.
Successor to Baker & Johnson
New backgrounds and acces
sories. Best Lenses and Cameras.
15 years
8 years in
Portland. Nothing but first-class
work. All work guaranteed.
Lowest prices, call and examine
Opposite Masonic hall. West
side, Cottage Grove. '
Subscribe for the Xugget. ,
of date. Prices right aud quality
The Fashion Stables
Glrrtsiijai) & B"nst proprietors.
Faint Supply Store
First qualities in everything in
(he line of paint and painters's
I The only complete line of Wall
Paper in the city.
Painters and Paperhangers
For any kind of work in house
furnishing, get our prices. They
arejright, and we guarantee our
Store first door East of Bridge
on Main Street.
Wo have on hand n largo stock of
kiln-dried flooring, celling and rustic in
grades 1 2 und 3, Let us make you
special prices.
to suit the most critical buyer.
Also own nnd oppernte the Bohemia
Black Butte Stage Lines
Turnouts, Double or Single at
Reasonable Prices
Bohemia ":f
f Saloon ft
1 Choice line of Liquors X
1 1 ' nMrl OlfTom l-rf ft T
7 hand. Your patronage '
v - is respectfully solicited, v
00 10
Fgr FashionabU Dressmaking.
Ifo was sitting on tho table, eating
more than ho was ulilo. Ho was healthy,
he was strong, but ho ato to much and
drank to much also. In fact he got tho
snakes. Hut ltickv for him ho Bont liln
little boy to tho New Era Drug Store.
1'. 8.! He whs cured wit)) a package of
tiicirWorm Fowdore.