Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 28, 1902, Image 7

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    The Small
of the Back
Tlint In wliiuu Homo pcuplu fuel
wciilc till UlU llltlU.
Tlioy nro llkoly to bo dcnpomlnnt
nml it In not miumiiil ( llixl tlicm
borrowing tronblu tut if tlioy luuln't
enough ulrciidy.
Thei fuel l tliolr kldnoyH uro
weak, clllior liiiturully or bucuuwe
of alokiK'SM, cxpoaurc, worry or
other iiilliiciico.1.
"I arm thankful to say." write .1. Ii. Camp,
bell, of Hrcainor. III., "that Hood's Heriapa
rllla tin curt (I me, Kur tuany years 1
troubled with backache, At tlmea I w no
bill I had to lio helped from tbe bed or clmlr.
1 im now wrll and utrvnir end free from pain."
What tills great medlolua did tut lilm It Iim
dona tor others.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
1'romlHcn to euro nml kccm tlw
promino Hcgln treatment with
Ilood'it louuv.
A Terrible Drttm.
"I had mi awful nlxhtinaro last
Illicit, "fllld tllU foOtlld.
"What wild it?" linked the burglar.
"Dreamed I hold up tlm Iceman nml
1 tint niter I uot IiIh inoiiny iiIoiik ciiiiio
tlio (,'iih mini nml collected bin bill."
llaltimnro Ainurli'iiii.
Home iieonlo enlnv Klictiinat Imim or
V'. . . ft ...
fluriiluin u tiicy iiiii not tney uouiii
"so iuuiiiii'n wirurti oil.
A ilr Soorl. .
Tlmr oiiu rt'Hpi'ct, nt leant, In
n il it'll IIhIiIiik In ii good ileal safer cjiort
tllllll llllllllllK."
"How In tlintV"
"Wo ilnn't nuiko nny fatal mistakes
hooking up nii'ii who luippen to look
liku (lull." Cleveland l'laiii Denier.
(Irl h Move On I
Slow, tlHCKUli falun: lasv, li'aden liver:
tdllona liralnl r.ararelt ('unity (.'.iharllr will
make them move along. Move mi I All drug.
I la, luv, -Jl, Wc.
Iter Opportunity,
Knlo Well, I not my revengo on
Lniirn, nftnr nil.
Alice How no?"
Knto Sho let mo trim a hat for her.
Homervlllo (Mum.) Journal.
Btat or Onto, Crrr or toliho, i
Luc. Coi'xtT. I
Phank 1. i ll in kt makes oath Hi t he li the
onlor psrter of tha firm ol K. i. t'licxsr A Co.,
doing business In I ho l.'llr of Toledo, County
nd male aforesaid, and that aald firm will par
tho sum ol (INK IIU.NUIlKl) DUIXAItH tor rich
and orcry rate ot Catarrh that canuut be currd
by tho uie ot UlLTl Citakkic Clias.
Rworn to befort roe and euUcrlbed In inr
prraeiioc, this tlti da; of December, A. 1). 1M.
Jl Kotaryl'ulUe
IlaU'a Catarrh Cure It taacn Internally and acta
directly on the blood and inucou) surfaces ol
Uio ajritcm. end lor testimonials, Irre.
P. J. Cll KNF.V A CO., Tolodo, O.
- Bold hydrutiflsu,7Sc
Uail'aVamlly rilli are tho beiU
A Silent Signal.
"Anil your hut-band doepii't nrouco
thu Iiuiimj when he comes in Into?"
"No; wt have it Hicaklii tubo."
"Anil does ho yell up?"
"No; ho lift blnwH his breath up. I
could tell Mr. llender'H breath in n
thousand." Chicago Nuwlw.
l.itillea Uuu Wear Hhoea
One alto nnallcraltur uslnc Allen'iToot Ease,
apowiler. It makeillght or new ahoea eaay.
(.'urriawollen.liot, iwcatlnc, achliiK tret, in
irnwlnir nalla, rorna and liunloni. Allilnie
aria tm and aluxi atorei, 2. Trial packaiie KHKK
by mail. Addreaa Allen H. ulintled, Lo Jlor,
Now York.
According to the Season.
"Would yer Hko tcr bo took ter glory
in n rhorryoot er flro?"
"Well, ef 'twur. in do winter tlmo,
mublio I would; but in July or Angus'
I'd favor a refrigerator wid wingsl"
Atlnnta CoiiBtltiitlon.
Catarrh has become auch a common
dlseate that a peraou entirely free from
this disgusting complaint is seldom met
with. It is customary to speak of Catarrh
as nothing more serious than a bad cold,
a simple inflammation of the nose and
throat. It is, in fact, a complicated and
very dangerous diitase ; if not at first, it
very soon becomes so.
lite blood is quickly contaminated by
the foul secretions, and the poison through
the general circulation is carried to all
parts of the system.
Salves, washes and sprays arc unsatis
factory and disappointing, because they da
not reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S.
does. It cleanses the blood of the poison
and eliminates from the system all catar
rhal secretions, nnd thus cures thoroughly
end permanently the worst cases.
Mr. T. A. William, a leadlnK drv-eooda mer
chant of Boartanburr, B. C, writes i " I'or yean
x nau a aevcrc rase or
natal Catarrh, with all
the liliaiireeable tftecta
which beionr to that
disease, and which
make life painful and
unendurable, I used
mcdlclnea prescribed by
lending physician ana
euKitckted uy numbers
of friends, but without9
Siting; any better. I
en began to take S. S.
B. It had (be desired
cllect, ana cured me
aftr taklntr elvhtean
bottles. In my opinion 8. 3. a. la the only medl
dne now In use that will effect a penuanentcurt
of Catarrh."
is the only purely veg
etable Diooa punncr
known, and the Kirst-
est of all blood medi
cines and tonics.
If von have Catarrh don't wait until it
becomes deep-seated and chronic, bnt be
gin at once the use of S. S. S., and send
for our book on Wood and Skin Diseases
and write our physicians about your case.
IW1 UUKtS WntKt ALL I. Lit I-il
tMailwai.11 I-.,, fcJul
MtJMHWar tatjaausutam
KJ Boat Co
Boat Cough Bjrup. Tostea Good.
in nrao. pom vr uruKKima.
(JoiiiiiiciilH mi Uve-ryilny Mutter by
Ol'lullllll (iL'lllllH.
Willi t n lot of Ki'ir-cuiilliloiice it fool
It lukev Hiiiur men n week lo il't a
iluy'M work,
The liimlt'Ht thing In thin world U to
Hud peopln to tin ii little work.
Any until eun nuike tronblu between
nny two women frleiulx on enrtli.
There In veil' little NVliituitliv for liny
I one over 10 yeuiM of ngu who (,'etx hutt
i In Helllllllig.
The wciimifK who doesn't earn a nab
n ry beforo xbo U iiiarrled liusu't so
lunch to regret.
A town woiiinn's Idea of the country
Is it plneo where, yon liuve to walk sov
crnl mllex to borrow mi egg.
The tin t Ion ri J colot'H lire not ho pretty
anywhere iih In the fnce of u pretty girl
who Iiiim pretty blue eyes.
When n farmer'N wife geld tlrrd of
doing her own work. Hhe Iiiih to tnovo
to town to get n tint: no wages will
keep a eook lit the country.
Then- never iviih it mini ho clever that
he could tn lie a hint from Ills wife to
refuse to iih It for certain things lit thu
table becniiHu there wasn't enough tu
go iii-oiiih1,
A mini who linn to work hard for bin
living In never Noviety-iiiuil long. There
Ih no other cure. If it young mnn linn
money, lie will remain In society so
lonir Hint In. iImiii'i'u wllli t lin children
I if IiIh Mruf tinftiti.r .
When it hrlili) does her own houne
work, she gets over the dark side of It
by talking eiithiislnHtlcally of her ilear
little kitchen hIovc. her cunning little
ttnuccpaiiH. her darling little sink. etc..
etc. An AtchlHOit mini who lintex to
go to work Iiiim mlopteil the plan, and
speaks of his desk as n sweet d renin of
a desk. Ills olllce ns n poem, atid people
who come Into bore blin. iim dear, dar
ling friends. Somehow. roHe-colored
glnsses are not working as well with
111 in iih with ii woman, and lie Is again
getting tired. Can any onu suggest an
other Ida n 1
Where n logger's contract provided
that he wus'uot to have his pay until
the owner hns sold tho Iocs and re
ceived thu proceeds thereof, he Is not
entitled to the Urn; be having aban
doned to the owner the dominion and
control over the logs required by stnt
tile to prcHcrvc his lieu. 01 I'ac. Itep.
(Wash.). 747.
Wtiero a husband learns that his
wife Iiiih forged rhecki on his bank ac
count, which .have beeu paid, and he
exiiinlnch the check and imi horde,
hut fulls to make auy complaint to tho
bank, the latter Is uot llnble tu tho
husband fur thv payment of future
checks forged by tbu wife. UO N. I).
Hep. (Ind.l, mi.
A foreign corporation coming Into
this Statu to truutiui-t bUHlnesH must
conform to the law of this Ktate, If
thete be any, regulating similar cor
porations organized under the laws of
this Stale; anil Its contract, although
In terms solvable In tho foreign Statu
In Which Htleh corporation litis Its dom
icile, must he such it contract ns it sim
ilar domestic corporation Is authoilxed
to make, or the courts of (his Slate
cannot enforce or permit the enforce
ment of Its performance. 3S S. U.
Itep. (W. Vn.i. (iT.I.
Under net March 17, 1875, acctlons
10 to 'M, making It u misdemeanor to
give or sell liquor to itu Intoxicated
person, ii nil authorizing an action
iignltist n person unlawfully selling or
furnishing lliiuors by any person In
jured thereby, it saloonkeeper who
sells liquor to an Intoxicated person,
by which tho lutter becomes so crazed
that he commits a homicide, nnd la
sent to tho penitentiary therefor, Is li
able to an nctlou for loss of support
by tho wtfo of the Intoxicated person.
00 N. IS. Itep. (Ind.), UH.
Plaintiff wan lending on elevator.
'when another employe called to him
that ho wanted to uso tho elevator,
rinlntm responded that the other
could not have It, nnd backed toward
tho elevator, pulling n truck. Tho ele
vator hud been rulsed by tho other
man, ami plaintiff bucked Into the
shaft. Plaintiff had been working
there for several mouths, nnd tho evi
dence showed Mutt It was tho habit
with the employes, Instead of ringing
for the elevator, to pull It backward
nnd forward, which custom wns known
to plaintiff. Held, that tho danger wns
tin npparctit one, tho risk of which
plaintiff nssuuied. 01 I'ac. Itep.
(Wnsh.l. 783.
Tho Hopo Whs llcolprooatetl.
Tho vicar of a South London church
BCliool having finished his scripture les
son the other day congratulated tho
top class on a comlug holiday, finish
ing with the expression of a hopo that
each boy would "return with clearer
nnd better brains." He wns somewhat
taken aback with tho universal ro
sponso of "Sniuo to you, sir,"
Grcenbnok Idiilng.
A Vermont rag picker found n sum of
money stitched In the lining of an old
coat large enough to euublo her to ro
tiro and build u comfortable houso. If
this Is the seamy sldo of llfo In tho
Green Mountain State, what must tho
right sldo be? lluffiilo Courler-ltccord.
Jlo Didn't Have Any.
Asklns What were Oayboy'a last
Grlmshaw Ills last words? Great
Scott! Haven't yon heard that ho was
n blgnmlBt and thut both his wived
wcro nt his bedside when ho passed
away? Puck.
Itlesslngs could bo used to better ad
vantage by most people were It not
for the dluiculty In penetrating their
llnvohaon rnnUtrnti tohoalUt
by Lytlln Em Plnhltam'a Voyo
iahlo Compound Tltoli' lot'
torn two on tlloanttftrovo thin
etntoniortt to ho a toot, not a
mono boaoU Wlton a modi'
olno lias boon uuoaossful In
ouvlnn so many womon, you
oannot wall nay without ty
Irtfj It - " I do not bollovo It
will holp mo."
Vegetable Compound
Is a poaltlre curs for all those painful
Ailments of Women.
It will entirely euro tlio worst forma of
Fmnale Complaints, all Ovarian troablea
Inllaniinatlou and Ulcorntlou, falling and
Dlatilacmiiontsof tlm Womb, und consequent
Kpluul Wuukncia, nml Is peculiarly adapted
to tlio Clitinu of !,(('
lour me, Heine euro! me ol 'er-s
rlblo lemalo lllneas.
1A Concord Hi , Huston, .Mats.
It has cured more caws of Ilackache ana
Lii-orrliu:a than any other rcinndy the
world has ever known. It iinlmoit Infallible
in audi cnaos. It 1Iimo1vos and expoli
Tumors from tho L'torun in an oarlyatnge
of ilovclohiueut, and checks auy lendenc)
to cancerous humors.
"Your Vi-cetaMi CoutiKiund re-
movrd a Fibroid Tumor from my
womb after doctors failed to give
relief. Stua, I). A. I-ohiuiid,
Wetldale, Mast.
Bearing-down Feeling
Womb troubles, cuutlnc pain, weight, and
backache, blatantly rollovud and perma
nently cured by lta use. Under all clrcnm.
ttancoa It acts in harmony with tho laws
that govern the fctnalo system, and Is a
harinlom a wnter.
Ilackache left me after taking
the leconj bottle. Your medlohie
oured m. when doctor! failed.
3 Datlt llloek, Ouilutm Ht Lowell. Maat.
6upprnaed or Painful Slenatruatlons. Weak
neon of tho Stomach, Indigestion, Illoatlng
Kloodlnr, Kervoua l'roatratlan, lloudache.
Heneral Ueblllty.
iftf thankful fur thu good II baa done
me. Mrt. J. W. J.,
TUCaroUna Are.,
Jamaica I'laln (Uoiton), Mia.
Dizziness, Faintness,
Extrouis Lamltudo, "don't cars" and
"want to be laft alono" feeling, excitabil
ity, Irritability, nervouanoM, ileepleMiieM,
flatulency, inulaiiolioly, or the "blues," and
backache. Theeo aro sure Indications of
Female Weakness, somo dorangeuicnt of the
1 jt.i,', 'ea I was troubled with IMnlness,
IfeAdaches, l'alntneM, Hnolllng
Limbs. Your meillcliie eureil me.
JlllS. UAIIAII l- IIAKtll.
ltucksort, Ste.
Tlm wlinln ilnre. lintvaver. la told 111 an
llluatrnteid book nlilrh 1,'oea iviih each lo.
tie, tlm must cumpli'tn trrnllte on femuli
ooitiplnllit uvur luibllahfil.
lVir etliilit VB&ra I aniTered with
womb trouble, and waa entirely
cured by lira. 1'lnkham'a medicine.
,41IU. i J IUH.1E.
IJItlelon. N. It.
Kidney Complaints
and llackacho of ellAer sex the Vegetable
Compound nlw.ivs cures.
The vegetable Com-
Ljdia E. Plntham's
Sound la sola by all
rucglsta or sent bj
mall, In form of I11U
or Lozenges, on re
ceipt of
Liur nils curs
Sick He3d3ohs,2Eo.
aj1nraa Inatrlotest eonfldence.
H.TUU K. PlKlUlAa UKD. CO., Ljnn. Kaaa.
"That is it lovely brarolet George
gavo you for Christmas," remarked the
girl with tho Mary Mannering curl.
"YyoM," sighed tho girl with tho
band of cropo on her slcovo, "but as I
don't know where ho bought it, I
simply cannot find out what it cost!"
Brooklyn Kaglo.
Tlio Kind You llnvo Always
turo or units. 11. ! loiciier, ami lias dccii liiatto miner ins
Jiorsonal supervision, for over SO j-ears. Allow no 0110
o (lccolvo you lu this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Just-as-Kood" nro hut Experiments, and endanger tho
health of Children Kxpcrlenco against Experiment.
Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Paro
Borlc, Drops and Soothlnrr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotic
substance. Its nj?o is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fovorlshnoss. It cures Diarrhoea nnd Wind
Colic. It relieves Tccthlnc Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Dowels, giving hcnlthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Use For Over 30 Years.
tmc etxraun company, tt muriiav arnicT, ncw York citt.
" I had a terrible cold and could
hardly breathe. 1 then tried Aycr'i
Cherry Pectoral, and It gave mo im
mediate relief."
W. C. Layton, Sldcll, III.
How will your cough
be tonight? worse, prob
ably. For it's first a cold,
then a cough, tnen Dron
chitis or pneumonia, and
at last consumption.
Coughs always tend
downward. Stop this
downward tendency by
taking Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral. Tkree aim t 2Sc. tfc.,'il. At) rertll.
Consult your doctor. If ha sars take It,
than do at h. says. If ha tails sou not
to take It. then don't take It. He knows.
LMteltwIlh him. 1 are willing.
J. C. ATKlt CO.. I-ow.ll. Maat.
An Optimist.
SiihIo Uoblnson Sometimes it Isn't
so bad having to wear a big sister's
Mnmio Ilrown It isn't?
Susie KobliiHon No; when my big
sister's got this coat on it's a box coat;
but I'm ho short Unit when I, wear it,
it's an aiitomobilu coat. Urooklyn
Where Ignorance Ii Blin.
Maude Kitty, do you know what
awful things people aro saying obout
Kitty No, dear; and I suppow you
do not know what terrible things people
aro saying nlxmt you?
Maude Perhnpi, on tho wholo, it is
well that neither of us should be en
lightened. 15onton Tranfcript.
The Heavy Work Explained.
Itigby Hunting trips cost too much
Ilagby Yes; if a man lias to buy all
tho game ho brings home.
Uighy That's ho; and I have to buy
about two dozen extra ducks or turkeys
for my wife to giveaway. Detroit Free
I'iso's Cure for Consumption la an infal
lible medicine for roughs and colds. N.
W. 3amuel. Ocean drove, N. J., Kali. 17.
In rdlrulc Vanity.
"Johnson lovos to seo his name in
print, doesn't he?"
"I should say bo. Why the morning
liter ho wns married, bo got up ut 5
o'clock to read tho wedding notices in
the papers." Town Topics.
Don't Want to Learn.
Night schools established a year ago
In Honolulu to teach English to Ha
waiian havo been abandoned becaufce
of uonuttenduncc.
Drum of Boyhood Days.
"Tho dream of my Iwyhood days,"
observed J. Pierpont Morgan to a
friend, recently, "was to bo a farmer,
and havo tho finest stock in tho world
tho dolco far nientu of the farmer's
llfo was my farm."
"Well, you havo your farm and your
stock to say nothing of stocks," re
torted tho friend.
"Well, but I am tho man of all work,
nnd I haven't got tho dolco far niento;
nnd I can't buy it, oithor, as big a price
as I might bo willing to pay for it."
Now York Times.
The Farmer's First Profit
la made tn his selection of seed.
Bend for
Our Complete Annual Cata
logue for 1902, FREEI
It contains full directions for garden
work and many useful tablet for tha
farmer. No one aellt better
Seeds than
LAMBERSON - Portland Oraon
Uoufflit lias oorno tho signa-
Signaturo of
Town Office Anxiety.
Onstntn You nro looking bad;
whnt's tho matter worrying about tho
Suhiibs Oh no! Hut I feel It in my
bones that my chickens havo got out
and aro scratching up my garden.
Brooklyn Life.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow'n Sooth
ing Hyrup the beat remedy to uso ior their
children during the teething period.
The Oroom'i Vlew
First Groom I ray, iIcfo rich guys
lias do cinch. Kubbor-tircd wagons,
rubber-tired automobiles 'n' rtihbor
tircd blcyrles.
Kecond Oroom Yes, 'n' nil's left fer
ns is tcr rub 'er tired borso when they
come in lloston Herald.
The M. &. M. Arcs are Causing Quite a Stir.
Nothing Is moro annoying than n
poorly lighted store. From the time of
old tallow dips millions of people havo
been bothered by insufficient light when
tho evening comes. Hut now it kcciiis
the whole question is fettled by the
beautiful, brilliant, economical "M k
M" Arc Ijtmps. that aro becoming so
popular. They aro cheap, too. Write
to C. W. Lord, Portland, Oregon, for a
circular telling you all about them.
You'll bo glad you wrote. Agents aro
wanted In every town.
No Climbing.
"Ah, my friend," sighed old Skin
flynt, who was dying, "I'm going a
long, long Journey."
"Never mind," replied tho friend,
who knew him. "It's all down bill."
on salb evrjrrirHZAE.
Of 6ABrir-.MTl ANP KA13.
Buslntta Hort Than Doukltd In four Yeatt.
V.Ii.louslaamakea and aells more men'a
$XO0 and$3.U shoes than anvother two man
uf leturers In the world.
W. I,. Douglas 3.00 and f UO shoes placed
aide by side with f IM and SGX0 shoes of
other tnakee, are found to be just as pood.
Ther will outwear two pairs of ordinary
S3.00 and i30 ahoea.
Mad of th best leathtri. Including Pattnt
Corona Kid, Corona Colt, and National Kanqaroo.
e..l C.l.r IjslMa aa Alwaja mark link. t.4.
W. L. Souslae S4.00 "ailt dce Xina
cannot ba eauaUed at any price.
Hbur. ttvmi.ll s&r.exlrit. Cataloarrree.
yV. 1.. 1K....I.... Hr.wkL.n. !!,...
N. P. It. V.
So. 9 XBOS.
II EN nrltlnc ta advertisers please
meuUon this paper.
II BPSai2iipB5v iaSl CACTiait
9opf 9MN TbertiialDS
Psi tJ
' ifetiri incrtatt cuUt in tallt ttlcias
HS-.H.1oa Pah.
iSwpsisBHHa Pntrs.
tt males Hem Uy and Keept them Laying. It cures Roup. Cholera and All
OUeaies It strengthens young chicks , and maVes them grow Price 25c and 50c.
Mt TOUDtT eblckea commenced drln. and ftr Intlocr four doien X pur
cIiasiHl a paclujia of jour PKU&SIaM IHiULlHY MOD. wblcb Hopped thtm
from djlnff and I bare conitantly kept tt oa band ever iloce. I ran rrcorarafiid
ltaAluBt'wbatlanddln raisiniT ooultrr. G. R KIQ01N. Latah. Waab.
HOVK- HKKU NKllCt-,. t'uut AcentH, rorllautl, Ore., hiuI Ht-iittl
fB iMDtr i(rtt)uUareUsma tbttoutof 400aanpla bJ BI
WfefcyJVary Upd Utii' slcra vr ltt bat I9W j9 ! (bat. jfiiwl
ws4ffQiXimW HTwliUooiit tt ctowIdk &1 w tipt doiu of fnnri tort port TvSrI vJvii
aimlfitWkTviiV JllJ,la 1901 ruoDiriK from 800 tottOO buchclaptr or, Prtetl V , j-Ks4l PiftW v
mwr'Jn HvsVilatff airlcbtaip. Dlatblm an-1 burthli TuUtftbla ipriocUMll to lV,wavlSsTvv
WffJTUSK 7u stl(bbri tha wiiUogfaUl for Me4, It wlllaurcl paf Jroa. i4afcjw7v
(iWAX2SW Salzcra Marvel IWioat 42 bus pet Aero
mWitr -afTKtTaMf Tit J prlBfwbttvt n ctvrlii tbktvill jMi a pacing crop uortb, a ait. ttouib, OBvO 'McCVS
W T4tsoB ' n4 ,n tTry aut ,a tb Uoloa. Wa al ba Uta calabnUtl JJMoa WrjLglOjl
V iMPV&TBlBi rA jUUioi aur fariua, S3 bb1a per tora. flfljrjM
tnVL W tr tsr itockAfcaulUit rau.Baua.Bwcal erB aia4 wS5
BODfj WftkJoff TactUbUa la aaormona. priaaa ua vary law Ob loo aaad 10 jrKyryMa
(wKVfiiwlwl. OarirMt attaloroa aoaUtoa fall ttaMrlptloo f aur Baardlaia B4rl, Kjd
BaVLuapHHftfk ylaUIsi lot bmbali; ear Trlpla loaoina Carn, folog 400 baabal) jK&lui
too taibala par aera: a at
I St. Jacobs
KV.Y. words familiar throughout the
'A rlTllitcd world, worda that stand
lor all that Is pure and erfeetlre In
medicine. y
:No power on earth baa been able to 4
oar Its progress, becanse 11 did lta ap-
pointed work, a
In cterv clltne and vlth everr people i
It lias worked wondera In alleviating
pain. a
Its cures of ilhenmatlsm have ap- a
proachad the miraculous. a
Its Intrinsic value la the secret nt i
4 suceess ot Its world-wide popularltr t
4 of Its wonderful sale of Its constant
growth. i
. Its virtues are stamped on the hearts a
of theoncecrlpplrdand tortured crcrr- a
where never to be effaced whllo Ilia
4 Such In brief Is ST. JACOBS Oil, the
4 pain killing marvel of the century.
Portland, Oregon. Founded 1870.
A Home School for Boys.
Military and Manual Training.
Write for Illustrated Catalogue.
By using my Washing Tablets. No acids.
Bend 50 cents for package suflicient for
3 months, with full directions. Agents
wanted. W. O. POWELL,
Box 606, Portland, Oregon.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
Foot of Morrison Street.
Can give you tho best bargains in
Buggies, Plows, Boilers and Engines,
Windmills and Pumps and General
Machinery. See us before buying.
New Year Resolutions
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ttut relief from llqat-r, opium and tooaaia
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(eelsy Inslltuto, IZaVSflSTS
IfTon haven't a reanlar, bealtbr movement of thd
powels averj dar. jou'ro alck. or wUl be. Keep voor
bowala open, and be well, iorce. in the shape ox
violent physle or plU poison. Is dancerous. Tha
umootbest. easiest, most perfect way or keeping tha)
Mwals clear and clean li to take
PlMiain t Pal atftbla. Potent. Taite Oood . Co C
KmwmrMrXtttn. WMken. frFaf.rtni. MV Wo. Wrll
for free t&mrxe. and booklet oa healm. Address
tloHUf BtmtW (taiia;, CkUif! Btwtrtkl, Vrw Ttrk. S3Sl
mmlk The Gardener
waI The Housewife
ffS3 Thej coat a little more. Tbej WSm
mum are worth a ortmt deal more CHHa
Afaraj? than the ordinary kind, hold wafsan
eTcrjwhen. 1U2 annual Irta. WrT
mfm D. M, FERRY A CO. Mb