CHAPTKU XII. Griscliln. darting homeward through the twlllghtcd garden, after another stol en meeting with Tom Peyton on the gar den wall, stops as she readies tke sum mer bouse, a favorite resort of era s, notwithstanding the father unpleasant associations connected with It, and pokes In her head to find Vera there. "I've come back," she cries, breath lessly, utilising into a scat and looking nt Vera with despair In her eyes. "I hare done as you desired me, I have satd good Dy to him forever!" "What did he say? Was he Tery much npsetT" with burning Interest. "He said he'd ma tin Re to sec me In some way or other," says Grlscldn, with a henvy sigh. "Oh, well come now, that's not so bad," says Vera, cheerfully, forgetful of prudence nt sight of her sister's grief, "lie seems from all I have heard from you a a sort of a person who would be difficult to baffle. I think 1 should put faith In that declaration of his If I were you." "Oh, he said more than that," cries Grlselda. 'Why, it appears that Tom Mr. Peyton knows Seaton quite well, and likes him, too. Sir. Peyton says that he; Seaton. Is engaged to be married to a Miss Butler, a friend of Lady Itlv erdale's." For a moment there is a dead silence, during which the pretty crimson on Vcra's cheek dies out, leaving her singu larly pale. No doubt the surprise is great. "Is that truer she says. "I should not be surprised, though I confess I am; it is only what I might have expected from my first judgment of him. And one should not condemn him, cither; it is not his fanlt that he calls Uncle Gregory father." A footstep upon the gravel outside makes them both turn their heads. "What is it, Crunch?" Vera calmly asks as the housekeeper appears on the threshold. "The master wishes to see you. Miss Dysart, In the library." There Is an ex pression, of malignant amusement in the woman's eyes as she says this. Vera bad gone into the library with a pale face, but it was with one paler still she came out of it half an hour later, white as death, and with a strained look of passion on every feature not to be sub dued. She might perhaps have given way to the blessed relief of tears If she had had time to escape Grlselda; but as she finds herself looking at Seaton Dysart, who has at this moment entered the in ner ball leading to the room she has just left, all her being seems to stiffen into a cold horror of contempt. She stops short and fixes her heavy eyes on his. "So you betrayed me!" she says, in a low tone that vibrates with scorn. "Betrayed you?" echoes he, starting. There is that in her face not to be mis taken, and a presentiment of coming evil sends a hot flush to his brow. "You are a bad actor," says she, with a palcsmile; "you change color, nt a crisis; you have still a last grain of hon esty left in you. You should see to that; kill It quickly, It spoils your otherwise perfect role." "You are pleased to be enigmatical," says he, with a frown. "I am, however, at a loss to know what you mean." "Oh, are you ashamed to keep It up the deception?" cries she with a sud den outbreak of wrath. "Oh, how could you do it?" "Great heaven! how can I convince you that I have done nothing?" exclaims he, growing pale as herself. "There was no one else awake, there was no one to see me," says she, trying to stifle her ngltation. "What, tben. must I think but that you were the one to tell your father of that unlucky night when I was locked out In the garden?" "He has heard that?" Seaton, as If thunderstruck, looks blankly at her. "Why do you compel me to tell you what you already know?" says she, with a little Irrepressible stamp of her foot. "If you will listen to what Is already no news to you, learn that your father sent for me just now a long time ago, hours ago, I think," putting her bund to her head in a little, confused, miserable way, "and accused me of having spent the whole night alone with you, purposely, in the garden." "And you think that I " "I don't ' think," with a condemnatory glance. L "As I told you before, I know. Your father has insolently accused me of an impossible thing; but even if I bad stayed In the garden with you that night, of my own free will, I cannot see where would lie the disgrace be connects with It." "You are right, no one could see dis grace where you were," says Seaton, calmly. "My father is an old man, he " "Is old enough to know bow to insult n woman," coldly, "when," with n terrl-. ble glance at him, "shown the way. Oh," laying her band upon her breast in a paroxysm of grief, "it was abominable of you", and you said twlpe you said It," coming closer to him, and lifting accus ing eyes to his, " 'Trust me,' I remember It as' though you uttered it but now, und I believed you. Trust me,' you said." "I should say it again," says Dysart, "a hundred times again. Come," he says, and leads her back again to the library she has just quitted. Gregory Dysart still sits In his usual chair, his arms on the elbows of It, his face Is set, as though death had laid its seal on it, save for the raarvelously, horribly youthful eyes, so full of fire and life. "You will be so good as to explain to Vera at once." begins Seaton, In a dan gerous tone, "how It was you learned of her being In the garden the other night." ""What night? She may have been out every night, for aught. I know; she tells me she Is fond of moonlight," replies the Id man. Impassively, "You understand perfectly the night of which I speak," says Seaton, his face now livid. "Who?" he repeats, In a low but terrible voice. "Grouch," replica Mr. Dysart. shortly: something in his son's face warned him not to go further. "You hear?" says Seaton, turning to Vera. "It was Gruuch who betrayed you. You are satisfied now?" "On that point, yes. I suppose I should offer you an apology," says she, Icily. "Hut," with a swift glance at his father, "how can I be satisfied when " Her voice breaks. "Sir," cries Seaton, addressing his father with sudden passion, "why did you speak to her of this? Why have you deliberately Insulted your brother's child?" "There was no Insult. I may have told her that If she chooses to do such things ns society disapproves of, she must only submit to the consequences and consider herself ostracised." " 'Compromised,' you said." "Well, it is as good a word; you arc welcome to It." "Pshaw!" says Seaton, with a quick motion of the hand, ns if flinging the idea far from him, "let us have no mord of such petty scandal. You forget," sternly, "that when you seek to compro mise Vera, you condemn me, your son." Dysart shrugged his shoulders. "The man is never In fault; so your world rules," says he. lightly. "You persist, then, in your insult," says Seaton, golug a step nearer to him, the veins swelling in his forehead. "You still say that she " 'I say that, and more, replied tne old man, undaunted, a very demon of ob stinacy hnving now taken possession of his breast. "I feel even bold enough to suggest to her the advisability of an Im mediate marriage with you, as a means of crushing in the bud the scandal that Is sure to arise out of her imprudence." "Go, Vera; leave the room, says bca- ton, with great emotion. "Why should she go? It seems to me you give her bad advice," says Mr. Dy sart, looking from one to the otuer wltn a satirically friendly glance. "Let her rather stay and discuss with us your marriage with her." It he had been so foolishly blind as to hope by this bold move to force Vera into an engagement, bis expectations arc now on the instant destroyed by his son. Understand me, once for all, that I shall not marry Vera," says he, white with anger, and some strong feeling that he Is almost powerless to suppress. "Were she to come to me this moment and lay her hand In mine, and say she was will ing so far to sacrifice herself, I should re fuse to listen to her. Vera, for the first time since her en trance, lifts her head to look nt Mm. Was he thinking of Miss Butler? Was be true at last to her? A little bitter smile curls ber lip. I thank you, she says, with a slight inclination of her head toward her cousin, and witn a swift step leaves tne room. CHAPTEK XIII. Four long days hate crept languidly Into the past, four of the dullest days Grlselda Dysart has ever yet endured, as she is compelled to acknowledge even to herself. Slowly, with aimless steps, she rises and flfngs aside the moldy volume she had found in one of the rooms below, and which she has been making a fruit less effort to read, and looks out upon the sunless pleasure-ground beneath her window. She becomes suddenly aware of an unfamiliar figure that, kneeling on the grass before one of the beds, seems to be. weeding away for its dear life. It is certainly the new gardener. Poor creature, whoever he is, what could have induced him to come hen;? Uncle Greg ory had evidently found no difficulty In replacing his former employe. Had he secured this new gardener on the old poor terms? Unhappy creature! poverty indeed must have been his guest before he and his clothes came to such a sorry pass! At this moment the "unhappy creature" lifts his head, turns it deliber ately toward her, and she finds herself face to face with Tom Peyton! A little sharp cry breaks from ber; she stifles It, but turns very pale. "You! you! she says. "Don't look like that!" he says, In a low tone, but sharply. "Would you be tray me? Itcmember, It was my only chance of getting near you. Don't faint, I mean, or do uuythlng like that. "Ob. how could you do such a thing?" says she. In n trembling voice. "And and bow strange you look, and what dreadful clothes you have on!" "Well, I gave a good deal for them, says he, casting an eloquent glance at his trousers: "more four times more than I ever yet gave for a suit. I'm sorry you don't approve of them; but for myself, 1 think them becoming, and positively glory In them; I would rather have them than any clothes I've ever yet had, and I think them right down cheap. It's rather a sell if you don't think they buH my style of beauty." He Is disgracefully unalivc to the hor ror of his position. He Is even elated by it, and is plainly on the point of bubbling over with laughter. Given an opportu nity Indeed, and It is certain ho will give mirth awnyf Griselda, however, declines to help him to this opportunity. "It's horrid of you I don't know how you can laugh," says she, beginning to cry. "I can't bear to see you dressed like that, just like a common man." "Well-I think you're a little unkind," says he, regarding her reproachfully. "I did think you would be giad to see me. I thought, I fancied I suppose I was wrong that when we parted on that last day you were sorry that you would like to see me again." "Well, that was all true," says Grl selda, sobbingly. "Then what are you crying about?" "I am unhappy that because of me you must be made so uncomfortable." "If that's all," says he, beaming afresh. It's nothing. I'm not a scrap uncom fortable. It strikes me as being n sort of a lark h'm a Joke, 1 niennM 1 feel as Jolly ns a sniu'.-.Miy. ami. ' with n ten der, earnest glnnee, "far Jollier, because I can now see you. Hut how long Is It to lust?' says she, nervously. "It can't go u like this for ever, and Senton comes down here some times, nml he knows you." I dare say I shall manage to avoid blm. Though I hnve often thought late ly that It would be n good thing to take him Into our confidence." Oh. no. no. no indeed, cries she; "he might tell his father, mid then all would lie up with ns." Well, there s my sister, Uraele she s a very good-natured womim, nud clever. too. If 1 were to tell her nil, she would tell Seaton, nud between them they might manage something. There's n step! Go uwny, and try to see me to-morrow If you can." They have barely time to separate be fore the gaunt figure of Grunch Is seen nppmnchlug through the laurels. CllAPTUK XIV. To-day Is wet; a soaking, steady down pour that commenced nt early dawn is still rendering miserable the shrubbery and gardens. ern, depressed by the melancholy of the day, has cast her book aside, and. with a certainty of meeting nobody in the empty rooms and corridors, wanders aimlessly throughout their dreary length and breadth. These rooms nre well known to her, nnd presently wearying of them she turns aside nnd rather timidly pushes open a huge, fatted, bulie-covcred door that lends she scarcely knows whith er. She pushes It back aud looks eagerly inward. It Is not an apartment, after all. A long, low, vaulted pnssage reveals Itself, only dimly lighted by a painted window at the lower end. It appears to be n completely bare passage, leading no where; but presently, ns she ruus her eyes along the eastern wall, a door meets them, an old oaken door, irou-clnsped and literally hung with cobwebs. Curiosity grows strong within her. Catching the ancient handle of this door, a mere brass riug sunk In the woodwork, she pushes against it with all her might. In vain. But not deterred, stie pushes again and again; nnd nt the Inst trial of her strength u bhnrp sound n ring of something brazen falling on a stone floor erashes with a quick, altogether as tounding noise upon the tomblike silence tbnt fills the mysterious pnssage. At the same moment the door gives way, nnd she, unexpectedly yielding with It, steps hurriedly forwnrd into a dark and grewsome bole. The poverty of the light has perhaps dimmed her sight, because after a little while a shadow on the opposite wall, that resolves itself Into an opening, be comes known to her. It is not a door, rather a heavy hempen curtain, and now, resolutely determined to go through with her adventure, she advances toward it. pulls It aside, and finds herself face to face with Gregory Dysart! He Is on his knees, next that peculiar cabinet described in an earlier chapter, and as he lifts his bend upon her en trance, a murderous glare, ns of one hunted, desperate, comes into bis curious eyes. The side of the cabinet Is lying wide open, nud, as he involuntnrily moves, the chink of golden coins falling one upon another alone breaks the loud silence that oppresses the atmosphere. Iti his hand he Is holding an old and yellow parch ment. "I I am sorry," murmurs Vera, terri fied; "I did not know; I " "What brought you here, girl here where I believed myself safe? Go, go there is nothing nothing, I tell you they lied to you if they told you any thinggo, I say!" He has entirely lost his self-possession, and is still kneeling on the floor, now hugging, now trying to hide beneath him the paper he holds with his sinewy, ner vous fingers. "Go, go, go!" he shrieks, beside himself. He is In a perfect fren zy; all dignity Is gone; to the girl stand ing trembling mere it is a loainsorae sight to see this old man on the brink of the grave thus crouching, ubased. dishon ored. "I nm going," she says, fahitly. She Is ghastly pale; the sight of him in his horrible fright, cringing thus upon the ground, has so unnerved her that she ac tually grasps at the curtain for support. (To be continued.) Mutually Bui prised. There must have been nliout four hutidred people nt Lake Bennett, writes Mr. Secretnn, In his entertaining book, "To Klondyko and Back," making four hundred different varieties of death dealing conveyances, for eaeh had to construct Ills own boat for descending to the Yukon Blver. Tlio owner of a little, wheezy, portable sawmill, which was pulling nway day aud night, tear Ins spruce logs to pieces for one hun dred dollars a thousand feet, was set ting rich. Anything that would Jlont was at a premium. Once In a wlillo you would seo something resembling a bout but not often. As a general rule, the soap box and coflln combination was tho most populnr pattern. Somo men coulil not wnlt to bo sup plied by tbo wheezy sawmill, but went in for wlilpsawlng on their own ac count Ono man stands on top of the loir, and the other below, and the saw Is then pushed tip and down along a' chalk mark. A story Is told of two "pardners" who commenced wlilpsawlng. After working a while, till his tired muscles almost refused duty, the lower ono ex cused himself for a moment, nud bar ing hired tho first man lie met to tako his place In the pit, disappeared. Tho sawing proceeded until tho uppermost "pardner," nil unconscious thnt ho was working with an entire stranger, be thought him of a device to rest. Malt' Ing somo ordinary explanation, ho got down from the log nnd quickly hired an Indian to take his plnca at the saw. Tho "pardners" were mutually sur prised to meet each other shortly after ward in an adjacent saloon. A CertBln War, "How can you tell mushrooms from toadstools, llttlo boy?" "Knsy! If do guy dat eats 'em Is allvo noxt day (leys mushrooms. If ho's shifted off do mortal coll den (leys toadstools." THE BROOKLYN LOOP rrrpltH much discussed loop of the lliooklyn at the Imltlo of Nautili go was ii minor mutter compared with tho loops nml evolution of war ships propelled I iv suits In tho days prior tu steam navigation. Tho drawing given herewith Is copied by the 'loieilo llliulo from tho 'United States Military Magaislne, for November, 1810 n peri odical published for a few years In Philadelphia. Mr. George A. Chnse, of Toledo, has tho bound volumo for IMU nnd 1S40 wn'eh ho kindly loaned for the purposes of this nrilcle. Tho diagram Is of the action between tho United States frigate Constitution, Commodore Balnbrldge, nud tbo Ilrlt lull frlgato Jnvn. dipt. Lambert. This tlereo sea tight occurred on Wednesday. December HO, 181'-', In the Atlantic, otr the coast of Brnstl. The wind was from tho no.-thonst, nnd tho arrow In tho diagram shows Its direction as to the vessels. Tho nctlou began nt :10 p. in. Tho position of tho two frigates was broadside on, ns repre sented In the lewer left-band comer of the diagram. The courso of each ves sel is shown, nnd their relative Ksl- tiotis at tho varlouu critical points of the engagement, until the surrender of tho Jnvu nt 5 23 p. m., when their po sitions were us given at the rlglit-hnnd top of tho dhgrnm. Of course, In tho various evolutions, tho wlud wns tho only motlvo power. This being tbo case, tho efforts of the old-tlmo tlghters were largely directed to destroying the masts and sails of tho enemy h vessel which, If tho effort were successful, put her nt tho mercy of the other nnd to getting Into such a position that all of tho guns on one side could tu trained on tho enemy's deck from ono end, thus rnklng It from stem to stern with u hnll of missiles, and disabling more men nt ono broad side t tin ii could bo done In any other way. Tbo diagram shows that Hutu- bridge wns the better sailor, for ho maneuvered the Constitution Into such a position with regard to tho Java no less than live times daring tho light, while the British did not secure tbnt ndvnntngo even once over tho intikee ship. The destructive effect of this raking fire on thj Java's decks Is clearly WIHD.N.E. P TIME X O'CLOCK P.M. 8 DIAGRAM OF BATTLU OF SHIELD FOR WOUND3. Invention Which Wilt Likewise Pro tect JtolU and Curbunclea. Tho purpose of the Invention shown In the Illustration Is to provide n shield for attachment to a surgical splint or to be used In connection with plaster of pnrls or other form of Imndago for the treatmentand protectlonof wounds, nnd also for tho care of bolls, carbun cles nnd tho like. In the case of a se vere flesh wound It Is notdcslrnbloto re move the splints at each treatment, nnd It Is the olllce of this shield to facilitate access to the wound direct With Its aid It Is possible to prevent contact of the sore part with anything liable to Injure or brulso It In any manner, and there Is no dnnger of dislocating a small plaster or cloth laid over the wound. The cut shows tho device at tached to tho arm to protect a boll, with straps to bind It on the arm. The protecting cover Is thrown back to ex poso the Interior for treatment A latch Is provided to hold tho cover In a closed position . after treatment In caso of body wounds tbo straps may bo re placed by strips of adhesive plaster, which are laced through the eyelets and fastened to tho skin. Edward Shears, of Lakota, N. D ts tho In ventor. SHE TOUCHED A CHINAMAN. Had Instead of the Expected Good Luck Reunited from the liiicounter. It Is a very common superstition that to rub tho hump of a cripple's back Is sure to bring good luck. In some parts of tho country women believe good for tuno may he assured by touching a Chinaman while passing him on tho street, and the women of New Orleans seem to have gone daft on tho subject Of course they endeavor to create tho Impression that they do It playfully, but they never neglect an opportunity to touch nu oriental as they pass blm. A young girl at one of tho railroad sta 1 rnoTECTon von boils and CAnnnNCLKs. WAS NOT A MARIO FOR THIS. shown by the losses on board Hit? I,rlt; Isli frigate. Tliuro were 00 ltlllil. and 101 wounded out of a crew of 100. while the Constitution lost bill 0 killed nnd 25 wounded-among the lullor be ing Coniuiotliio llnlnbrldgo himself, who was shot twleo during tho engage ment, but plucklly kept at Ills post mi (II tho victory was won. The effect of Ihe American lire upon the rigging of the Java was no less re nmrkablo When tho British com mauiler struk ills ling, IiIh vessel hud not a single spur standing, anil floated, an unnmiiagjablo wreck, upon the sea. The llrltish lira dnmngeil the Constitu tion's sails very much, lint fortunately none of her spars was cut. The pris oners and their personal effects wero removed to tbo Constitution aud the, Java was blown up. f CONSTITUTION AND JAVA. tions a few evenings ago figured In a ruther embarrassing Incident on ac count of her ambition and her effort to touch n Chlnntnan. The oriental hnd drifted Into the station and was cvl deiitly bent on an out-of-town trip, nnd he was going at a rather rapid rate, probably fearing that ho would mlsi his train. As soon as the girl spied lilm she Jumped up nud made n quick dart, evidently for tho purpose of crossing the Chinaman's path at a certain poln and Just brushing him as he passed, Here Is probably where sho made mistake. At any rate either the girl or tho Chinaman erred. Both were walk, Ing rapidly and each seemed to be In different to the course of the other. She touched the Cliliinmiin nil right, nnd II the good luck Incident to tho act ot touching Is measured by tho vigor an force of I ho touch good fortune ought to shower on her whole family. It wns a tlerco collision. Tho girl was embar niKsed, and from the enpers cut by the Chinaman he evidently thought freight train had struck him. Yes, In ilcr'iL ibis business of touching n nhliin man Is a regular fad now, nnd If you see a girl rushing wildly and aimless- ly down the street, watch her and see If sho doesn't brush tho clothes of a Mongolian gently In passing. Too Much Tor Him. Tho other day n young man was pre sented to Hcnutor Uuiinn who wanted a subordinate place lu tho army. Tbo Senator saw to It that his application wus properly filed. Nothing wns heard of the application or tho young Irish man for several days, until ho sent his card through tho doorkeeper of tho Hen ate. Senator Hanna promptly respond ed, and, with his customary democratic frankness, Inquired: "Well, how's everything with you, Dugnn?" "I'm In trouble," snld tho would-bo soldier. "I got through tho physical examination all right, but tbcy'vo downed mo on tho catechism," Chi cago Tribune. Hulcldo in tho Kronen Army. Tho French Mllltnlro publishes statls tics showing that cases of suicide are very frequent In tho French army, more bo perhaps than In any other Eu ropean force. Among overy 1.000 deaths In the army from all causes, no less thnn nn nverago of 50 (lu 180(1 exactly 50, nnd In 1807 151) aro caused by self destruction; while In every 100.000 men on tho rolls of the army no less than nn average of 27 commit suicide every year. Among tho colonial troops tho number Is even higher. Some pcoplo nro very Impressive; they Impress you as great chumps. .. . fl ft ) i S I Uy i : i i M ... HOW IT FEEL8 TO DIIOWN, Aujttiliiu but "I'lcitsnnl." Ho Hnyx One. Who Came Near It. ni-mvniiiu Is a pleasant death" Is it remark coiiMimitly miiilo by tlnwo wlu uuver gulped down salt water Into tho ili'llcalo tissues uf their lungs, I wuh bathing In rough water on the beach ot it watering place in Northern Franco. Hwept out to sea. 1 struggled, smut, no- auio Insensible, and was saveu iiy mo ouiage anil skill of a gallant French- . , I. .. 1 .1 .. M III lllllll WHO wrilie HIS name iiiiii u "i my niolher's New Testa nient as a mo uiorlal of tho rescue. This was till. Tim Ireumatunces wero ordinary. A tliou- fiiml such may occur every year. Psy chologically, however, there aro imiIiiIs of Interest which arise principally irom the tact that 1 remember ail that Hap pened during a period of time which may have been four or II vo minutes, but which appeared to bo us many hours. Almost Immediately t entered tho water, the much resounding roar of thu wave struck mo as desolntlng and sorrowful-full of forebodings und terror. Ashamed of this fancy. I. instinctively, but foolishly, fought my way seaward and was promptly out of my depth; not because I Intended to ruu any nsic, ror 1 could not swim, but becauso thu strong current hail scooped out n hol low In the sandy bottom, which had six feet of water on the top of It. 'luuibled over by tho waves, tho concentrated agony of tho moment when the water closed over my head for tho llrst tlmo cannot bo described. It was the bitterest point of tho strug gle. Cruel nnd omnipotent force, with out warning or reason, surrounded me, and my frantic and determined elTorts to escape only Incensed tho pent-up passion to cease holding my breath and lo Inhale once more. I felt Instinctively, as I writhed In the cold, black water, tbnt If once I succumbed to tho tempta tion to expel my breath, which almost burst tho ribs In my angry efforts to rvtaln It, tho end would come; that I should bo compelled to breathe Inward while covered with the pressing salt water. At this time I must have given way and the dreaded stream of nlr bubbles rose to thu surface. A few weeks before I had wntcbed the drowning of a cat In the clear water of n running strenm. Tho animal was tethered to n stone, and had fought wltli upturned faco for liberty. When tho bubbles rose lu a sliver fotintiUu from the corners of Its mouth, It Mood at tho bottom swaying In the gentle, current turned over, nnd after ono final struggle gave up the ghost. This sceno csino vividly before mo. I thought of this wretched cat. nnd wns half amused to think that my cuso was the enso of tho cat. There was no fear. The nctual circumstance tilled my attention, and tho piteous longliif to escape became subordinated to the feeling of Intoler able pain. Kyes, chest, limbs were nil ono solid pain. Just then I touched the sandy Itottotn with my lingers and knees, and hastily snatched a handful of sand and water to thrust In my mouth to end this strug gle for nlr. All I wanted was to end the pain. No thought of death, except as nu Interesting and Iminatcrlnl factor In the situation, en mo over me. It is truo that I remembered that I should be missed when dinner time came, nud I was found missing and thinking of tho homo people. I thought of n blue tie I hnd left on n chest of drawers In my bedroom, which I had Intended to put on, Then, suddenly, 1 found my eyes nbove water for a second, and I saw two blurred lingers near. On this ( sank ngaln, nnd was conscious -f relax ing effort and sinking out of a con scious state to one In which one dream ed without knowledge what the dreams were. From this I nwoko in great pain In the center of a crowd on the bench, whither my rescuer had borne me. My first thought was ono of Infinite nnd unreasoning shame, but tho nausea caused by swallowing so much salt water quickly brought me back to earth again. A Very Illg Boy. A lady from the country, who recent ly had occasion to scud to town for a suit of boy's clothes, took tho measure ments herself. Shu received tho fol- lowing reply: "Uear Matla in: Your favor received, but wo regret to say that wo have no clothes such as you want, and wo doubt If they can bo found outside a museum with a fat boy. Fifty-four Inches round the chest, twenty-four round the neck, and sixty round tho waist Is a little out of our line. Possibly you might squeeze tho boy down n little, but this would hardly be ndvlsable, for, as you say, ho Is only 12, and tho chances are that ho would grow with all you might do. We should advlso you to tako tho youth to somo wholcsalo tailoring establish ment. A boy with arms slxty-thrco Inches long nnd legs Just six feet to an Inch Is a llttlo beyond tho capabilities of this establishment, though wo study to please." Tho lady has slnco learned that sho used tho wrong side of tho tape meas ure. Penrson's Weekly. Modern Things In Old Manila. There Is a central electric lighting stntlon In Manila which supplies cur rent for 1,200 Incandescent and 200 arc lamps. There aro about 720 miles of tel egraph In the Island nnd 70 tulles, of steam railways. Manila hns also a tele phono system. Tho conductors aro nil overhead lines carried on poles with porcelain Insulators. Cause Air Congratulation. Drummer Any mall for me John II. Klawback? Potty vlllo Postmaster Nope I Drummer Good! Tho firm hasn't fired me yet! Puck. Tho nlmlghty dollar covers a multi tude of queer transactions. v 1