Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 28, 1902, Image 4

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ftUtot and VnbUitm.
KntreIt th po'loftl" at Cnttafa Orore,
Oregon a8eoonvl cUma.tmat'.r.
Hiibcrlpllnnrlf.I.8l. Inmlnani
Ailr( lUtra ' known upon
THIS r.VI'KK In kepi mi lllo l h. ('. Prafct I
A.lvpttlflnR Awnpy, Manilla Merehanla .x
chitnitc, 8an Francisco, California, whyre con
tract for ailvcrttnlnitciu. txmaile lor II.
Friday, Fkbrharv 28, 1902.
It is understood that an attempt
to raise sufficient money by sub
scription to purchase a clock for the
city hall tower is being made. The
idea ol improving the looks of the
city hall and at the same time add
a public convenience is a good one;
but could not the money be used
to better advantage? Would it t'ot
be as well or better spent, if used
to furnish the city hall? At present
the conveniences in the municipal
chambers are of the most crude
kind. In fact there is no con
veniences at all. A good desk, -ft
few good chairs, a clock suitable
for a public hall and a respectably
furnished room suitable to enter
tain a man with a business propo
sition in which the city might be
interested, would be more appro
priate just now than the erection of
a public clock over chamber fur
nished with a home-made desk and
benches. The Nugget stands ready
at any time to subscribe $10 toward
such furnishings.
W. J. Clark, editor of the Ger
vais Star, is a prominent candidate
for the nomination of state printer
at the hands of the republicans.
Mr. Clark is well known through
out Oregon, especially among news
payer men, and he is looked upon
with no small amount of faor,
He is a staunch republican of
life standing, a hard and enthusi
astic worker in political harness,
a'nd a practical printer and business
man. It is said that his following
is good and that his chances are
favorable. Should Mr. Clark get
the nomination, which is equiva
lent to election, the Nugget
has only this to say: That he
will fill the offlce with honor to
himself and his state.
When two senators become so
open in their hatred of each other
that they give each other the lie on
the floor of the United States sen
ate, a thirty days suspension should
not be considered for a moment.
The business coming before the
United States senate of interest to
the government can be transacted,
argued and submitted in language
more choice; and the "dignity" of
that august body, can best be pre
served by not permitting such lan
guage to be used, no matter what
the provocation. Suspension is
hardly the word. Expulsion is
better, and let it be immediate and
Senator Mitchell may not be right
all the time and in every instance,
but be certainly is right most of
the time, and particularly is this so
in his stand on the Phillipine free
trade measure. He sees the common
good that would result if be is suc
cessful in securing certain modifi
cations in the present prescribed
duties. Should he succeed be will
have won new laurels on the Pa
cific coast, and made a mark for
himself in (he Phillipinea.
The Nugget is under obligation
to Hon. Binger Hermann, commis
sioner of the General Land Office,
for a copy of his Review of Annex
ation of the Lousiana Purchase.
The book is splendidly edited and
is composed of most instructive
and interesting statistics. It is a
valuable book to any library, and
is highly appreciated by the editor
of the Nugget.
Roseburg has a board of trade,
A recommendation that the town
and the people in it are alive. Cot
tage Grove is somewhat alive, like
wise ome of the people in it; but a
board of trade wouldn't hurt.
Do you want to vote? Have you
It is now in order for "Gentle
man Jim" Corbett, Jim Jeffries and
"Lanky Bob" ifitrsitnmous, of the
pugilistic world, to challenge Till
man and McLaurin of the United
States senate. After the fight is
over, what an aggregation of bad
'actors they could put on the .road!
no its.
DARLING To the wire of .ann
uel Darling, at Saginaw, Feb.
25, 1902, n 6 pound boy.
MA It It I Kit.
PEIL WEAVER At the home
of the bride's parents, nt Smith
field, Lane county, Oregon. Feb.
23, 1902, Mr. oeo. u. rcu aim
Miss Iva Weaver. Mr. Peil is
Well known here, having been in
the employ of Booth-Kelley Lum
ber Company, at Saginaw, Ore
gon, some years ago. His
friends extend congratulations.
SMITH At his rooms on Main
street, February 27, 1902. w.
H. Smith (colored), aged 70
years,, of dropsy.
Deceased had lived here some
two years and was engaged 111
restaurant business. He had been
sick for nearly a year.
COFFIN Thursday, February
20. 1902, Vivian, tlie oldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs H. A.
Coffin, aged 7 years, 1 month
and 1 1 days, of poisoning.
Vtvinn Hied after five daVS of
suffering lrom the effects of an un
known poison. The funeral ser
vices were held last Saturday at M .
E. church in this city., her remains
being interred in the the I. O. O.
F. cemetery at Divide. She was a
bright, lovable little blossom, and
the hearts of those who knew her
jo out to the bereaved parents.
SAUNDERS On February 15,
1902, at the home of Mr. Owens,
six miles west of this city, K. P.
Saunders, of asthma; aged 70
Comrade Saunders had been in
Door health for years, afflicted with
the disease which finally relieved
him from all care and suffering on
eatth. He was a Union soldier in
the Civil war and was a member of
A. T. Smith Post No. 25, G. A. R,
At the age of 30 he enlisted Sep
tember 30, 1862, in Co. E, Twenty-
first Wisconsin, and was mustered
out Tune 1.5. 1865. He was laid
to rest by A. J. Smith Post, assist
ed by comrades of Ord Post No. 13,
in the Silk Creek cemetery, the
ritual services being held at the
United States Land OHire,
Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 7, 1002.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber tands in the
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1802, Mrs. Alice LiiRiut of
Saginaw, County of Lane. State of Ore
gon, has this day filed in this office her
sworn etotement No. 2027, for the pur
chase of the 8E 14, of Section No. 20,
Township 21 South, of Range 3 W. and
will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish her claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of this
otlice at Roseburg, Oregon, on Wednes
day, the 7th day of May, 1002.
She names as witnesses :
Stephen A. LaRaut of Saginaw. Ore
gon, George Riggs of Mubel, Oregon.
James Lee, Daniel II . Brumbaugh, of
Cottuge Grove, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before said 7th day of May. 1002.
J. T. Bridges, Register.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 25, 1002.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber land in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Land States by
act of August 4, 1802, Charles H. Burk
holder, of Cottbge Grove, County of
Lane, State of Oregon, has this day filed
In this office his sworn statement No.
2075, for the purchase of the Lots 1, 2
and 3 of Section 2, Township 22, South,
of Range 2 West; and will offer proof to
show that the land sought Is more valu
able for its timber or stone than for ag
ricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of tills officeat Roseburg,
Oregon, on Tuesday, the Oth day of May,
He names as witnesses;
D.H. Hemenway, J. D. Palmer, C.
J. Howard, D. H. Brumbaugh, of Cot
tage Groye, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims In this office
on or before said Oth day of May, 1002 ,
J. T. BninoEB, Register.
Terrv'a Undo Tom's Cabin Co. gave a
splendid performance at the Olympia
last night. Eva and Topsy were especi
ally good. Cincinnati Inquirer. '
United ttat UihI Onire,
Hoburg, Urcpm, Feb. SI.1MU.
Notice It htrobjr given thai the following
namrl nelller hut fileJ nolle of her Intent Ion
to rank Anal proof In nipnorl. V.""'
ami that a hi oof wl" l lnJe M
L ware, u. h. vomiiiiMiunrr. iubwuw.
son, on April 18. 1WU, vlii Mm. Julia ft rata,
wife mid nirenl of rwn (lnne), on 11, K.
No.91.yi.forlhaWU8Wii.8tfC, 11, Tl. 21 8, K
2We.t. ,
no name ino hmiowhik iiiui
hcrconttntion realdonco upon and cnltlxatlon
of Mid land, via:
iv. iv. unriimaii,oi riar, mow w.,
J. 8.Murt. of " " " "
A. t. Anderaiin, of " " "
8. II. Vaughter, of " " " " ,
J. T. nmt0, Itvglttct,
United Stilton Land Office,
ltosebiirv, Oregon, Feb. 2i, MK.
'nt!...i I linrtiliv U1V0II tllllt 111 COIIIIlli-
mice with ilie provisions ot the net ol
Congress of June. S, .1878, entitled "An
net (or tho sulo of timber liindu In tlm
Slates ot California, Oregon, Nevada,
ami Washington Territory," asexleiiiliil
to all tlio Public Umd States bv act of
August 4, 1S92, Mrs. Maria J. Lindsay,
of Cottage Grove, County of Ijine, State
of Oregon, has this day Med in this
office her kwoni statement No. 2004, for
the purchase of tho SB of Section
No. L, Township 23, South, of King 3
West, and will offer proof to show that
the land Miught is more valuable for its
limber or stone than for agricultural
iiiirtinHOH. nml to es tnblish her claim to
said land before, the Register nml Re
ceiver of this office, at Roseburg, Oregon,
on Saturday, tha 10th day of May, lOOi.
She names as witnesses:
John N'okes. William Smith. Anna
Smith, William O'Conners, of Cottage
(trove, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversc
lw tlin iilmvtwlcscribetl lauds nro re-
quested totlle tlioir claims in tills office
- i. l.l in.!. .1... ..f Itnu l(llY
on or ociuru -sum um '
J. T. HitllxtKs, Kegister.
New backgrounds and acces
sories. Best Juenses ana v-ameras
15 years
8 years in
Portland. Nothing but first-class
tunrt- All tvnrlr guaranteed.
Lowest prices, call and examine
Opposite Masonic hall. West
side, Cottage Grove.
A.s the Old Maid
Said wlien She
Kissed the
Our ads are short and sweet and right
to the point. " "a
Brehaut & Morgan
The New Ufa Drug Store.
Cottage Grove
We are now prepared to furnish all
kinds of brackets, mouldings, cornice,
sash and doors, door and window frames,
windows, pickets, etc.
Woodwork of all kinds made and re
paired. We will also work rustic, siding,
coiling or size studding, etc.
Rough Lumber,
SB 6 per M. at
Saginaw, Or.
Take the Aohemia yttygai.
United States I.nml Olllce,
Rosobtirg, Oregon, Fob. 14. 1002.
Notice is hereby given that In com
illniico vv 1th tho provisions of tho net of
CoTnrrcssot Juno 3, loiH, entitled "An
act (or the sulo of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory,'' as extended
to all the l'ubllu am States by act of
August 4, 1802, Thomns Roche of l'.u
gene, County of Unto, Statu of Oregon,
has this day Hied In this ntllco his sworn
statement No. 20.18, for the purchase of
the SK of Section No. 2, township 22
South, of Range 2 W. and will offer
proof to show that the lanu sougni is
more valuable for its tlmler or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land boforo
thuKcuistcraim Kcccivcr ol this olllce
tit Itoseburg, Oregon, on Wednesday,
the Till day ot May, liHi.'.
He names as witnesses.
Kit .Ionian. Dan Urumhauuh. of Co-
burg, Oiegon, Oscar Lee, Ji hn 1'almer,
ot Collage (trove. Oregon.
Any anil all persons claiming nuvurse
Iv tli'ii nlxwM-tlcL'rllcd lands are re-
uctcd lo tile tlioir claims in till. olllce
on or Moro said 7th day of May, UW2.
J. T. tltttlHlKs. uegisier.
United States m Oflliv,
Roseburg, Oregon. Feb., 7, IU02.
Notice is licrubv ulvcu that In com
ptianco with the "provision o( the net of
Congress of June , 187, entitled "An ,
act for the sale of timlter lands in the
Stutes of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as exte dedtoj
nil I Iwi Pnlilli! I.iiiicl StiitoM tie net of All I
gust 4, 1802, Stephen A. Laftuut of Sagi-
naw-. County of I.sne, State of Oregon,
has this day (lied in this olllce his sworn
statement No. 202t) for the purchase ol t lie
NK if, of Section No. 20, Township 21
South, of Range !I W. and will offer
proof to show that the laud sought Is
more valuable for its limber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
estulilish his claim to said land before
the Register anil Hecoiver of Ibis otlice
at Roseburg, Oregon, on Wcdnciulay, the
7th day of May, 1002.
lie names &s witnesses:
Mrs. Alice UiHant of Saginaw, Ore
gon, tieorge Rigys of Mable, Oregon.
James Lee, Daniel II. llrumbaugh, ol
Cottage (i rove, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the lands are re-
iiuestctt to llle ineir claims in mis oiurc
on or l)cfore said 7th day of May, 1002.
J. T. Ukiixies, Register.
V unit rhnir.l tots in tilQ Lone it
Ilingham property, lately platted and
adjoining Cottage (iroye, right at the
Inm-tinn nf the 8. I. II. R. and tlieC. (i.
& It. R. R. I'rices according to locality.
Jkiiomk Knox & Co.
Be sure and call for your tickets when making a
cash purchase.
They are good for that Fancy China Ware dis
played in our West Window.
n additi
In addition we are giving exceneiu uuiyaino ni
Dress Goods and Furnishings.
No Lottery but a gift to all.
We have received a large shipment of HATS for Men and Boys.
Nothing old, shopworn or out of date. Prices right and quality to suit the most critical buyer.
-' w -N Tr- IT. TT TT"V
XX i
The' Fashion Stables
GUrlsinan & Bgs, Proprietors.
Read the Nugget!
We Have Just Eeceived
Our new spring stock of shoes for Men, Ladles, Misses and
Children- and if you need another pnlr of shoes it is possible that you
can get them and snvc some money here. The lines we entry nte
good, reliable, respectable tdioes. Every pair has our guarantee of
absolute satisfaction to you.
Children's Shoes
We arc showing the best values
tmvn we can save
!" e can sae
I ' the shoe line.
you money
"Little Daisy," good Dongoln
stock sizes 2 to 5
"Moss Rose" fineVici, regit
jar 75c value 2 to 5
RosebuTp'extra fine Viol kid, (
i L-iml
"it. kln"
"Rosy Cheeks", red fine
French Kid they wear.
- jjUKt CJllt
ill LlKliCM' MUl
If you need any knit underwear be sure nnd buy it within the
next ten days, for this is our last cut in this line for the season. Call and
get prices
i -jl-- -
Also own and opperate tbe'Bohemia
Black Butte Stage Lhies .
Turnouts, Double or Single
Reasonable Prices
Read the Nugget!!
"Old Arm Chair," the kind that
will cure your corns wide
toe good finality 3107
"Try Us," good titiolity Dongola
stock, Tip lace all sizes, ffl rir
style, durability, and price 01 ill
Pickwick," n fine Vici
kid, heavy ami light soles
Custom Makc,"this shoe is equal
to most $3.50 shoes; fine
French Kid.hnnd turn 3107!
'Four Hundred." Fine French
Kid, clastic instep, bnnd
turn, 3 to
Meai'N ShoeN
No 40 Goodyear welt, Essex last,
Prime Vcloure, Prime Hluchcr,
llright Kid top, very stylish
No 34 Prime black Vici bal, fair
stitch, nil sizes
We are showing n fine line, of the
best styles at prices per pair from
85.00 to 1.75
il NBIiWS, of msL
f Bohemia
f Saloonrj -J
Main Bt., Cottage Groye. V
; GURHAN & WHITE, Props.
Choice line of Liquors
v ami Kepi uii (
".tv" Imnrl Vnni1 nrif rnnncrA i
I ..Ml... uv.w..m.
'J.. : ,r..ti..