Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 28, 1902, Image 3

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    fatal hotel mm
Alio the Magnificent Armory of the Seventy
I'lril Iteglmcnt ol New Vork, In Which the
fire Started Several Hundred (iutili of
Iht Hotel Had a Narrow Escape and at
Leait 20 art llclltvcd to Have I'erlihed.
Now York, Fob. 24. Tint 1'nrk Av-
cnuo Hotel, situated ut Thirty-second
niul Thirty-third streets, nud tho ur
mory of tint Hovtuity-llrnt roImunt, Now
iork Niitlrinnl Ouiird, wum destroyed
by flro that broko out early today in
tlio rirriinry. It in certain that u mini
bor ol IIviin Imvo Ihkim IohI, Chief Crokur
mnklng mi estimate of 20 ilnml In tlio
rulnx of tlio liotol. Four IxmIIoh Imvo
Ixjon taken out. Tlio Iomh Ih estimated
nt 2,00l,000.
Tlio Huvouty-flrnt rcirliuoiit iirmorv. it
magnificent granite Htriiluro.nnd onoof
Uiii Ilnoxl In tlio city, whh doxttoyed
llio car ImniN of tlio Metropolitan
Street Itiiilwiiy.on nn Adjoining corner,
worn momentarily threatened with do-
xtrution, lint tho good work of tho flro
men saved thoiri. Tho armory covered
nn cuittro block, and waH occupied iiImo
ly tho Second battery mid tho First
nlgim! corps.
I ho lire was discovered In a window
of tho armory, on tlm Thirty-fourth
Htroot side, and by tho tlmo tlio llroniou
arrival tlio IIiiiiich bad completely on
voloptxl tho building and appeared
through tlm roof. Hhortly altor tho
eiirtrldgcH and animtiiiition exploded.
At 2 o'clock 1,000 )iindMof powder In
tho collar exploded and tho walln woro
thrown outward.
Ily tblH tlmo tho peoplo living In tho
liolghlxirhixid bail bcmi driven from
tlmir homo by tho heat, and were she
tered in the cur burn near by. .Many
oHcapoH were witnessed and berole work
wax iloiiti by tho llroineli and Hpoctiitorx
Tho guoslH of tho I'ark Avenuo Ho
tel, iiumlxirlhg alxmt 000, were aroused
iin iilckly iih possible, but dot without
panic among tho women and children.
I'iremen ixmrcd 11 Htroninx upon tho
xido of tho hotol nearest tho lire,-but in
xpito of thin tho third Hour caught llro,
and tho llnincx, eating along tho units
of tho hotel, spread to tho roof. Tho
lircmon ran laddorH up on every Hide
and nttvmpte to work their way
through tlio hotel, Out wore driven txick
by the denser volume of xnioko again
and again.
A llttlo nftor 3 o'chx:k tho four upper
floors of tho hotol were a mass of HamcH
and tho llro waHsprcading rapidly down
through tlio structure It wiih then up
parent trim llio Hotel wiih doaieod.
II Brhjandi Broke Their Agreement Bulgaria
or Turkey Muit Answer.
Wnhhlngton, Feb. 21. It In ortl
inntiHl nt tho xtnto department that 16
dayH Imvo now ilnco tho money
lor SIIkn htono h raiiMim wiih paid over
to tho ngentx of tlio bpigniidH. At
lenHt live dnyH hnvo eliipHed Ixiyond the
tlmo llxcd in tho ctipulatiou to pluco
her in the liaiulx of her IriondH. There
U no explanation of the delay. It Ih
hoped that phyrdcnl ijondltlonH, Mich an
neavy i-iiowh ami nuverxo weiunor, may
nccoiint for too failure to necuro her do-
livery. Tho oIllcialH are loth to heliovo
that there Iiiih been n breach of faith on
tho part of tho lirignndH, but oven if
IIiIh wero no, they do not regard them
xelvcn iih blameworthy for having
truxted them.
From tho flrxt tlio Unltwl 8tntoH gov-
orument Iiiih been adverxo to paying
ranfom, but In rcHponno toappealn from
ivory quarter reluctantly authorized
Jlr. I-eiplinian to deal with the brig-
nndK. However, if it turiiH out that
tho brlgandH have broken faith and
ther either have taken tho rnuxom
money anil Hiiiritcil tho captivoH away
again, or tlmt they hnvo killed thorn,
then there will bo no further attempt
on tlio part of tlio United Htnten gov-
ornment, nut iih entiro power win no
dlrecleil upon Turkey nnd llulgiiria to
procure tho Nwift and certain extormin
ntion of the brigandn regardlcHH of coHt
or offort.
. , t
Serious Dliatter to a Detachment of British
Dragoons at Klipdam.
I.oiulnn, Fol). 22. A detachment of
tho Scots Oray (Second Dragoon), ono
of Great Ilrltain's crack dragoon regi
lnontH, lino boon cut up by tho lloorn at
Kllpdnm. JIajor C. W. M. Fioldon
nnd Captain Kusshor woro sovoroly
wounded; 2 mgn wero killed, 0 wero
wounded, nnd 40 captured. Tho nows
wnH received tblH morning from Lord
Kitchener, in n dlHpatchdnted Protorin,
Wodnoidny, I'obruary 10.
Tho Scots OrayH formed pnrt of Oon-
oral Gilbert Ilnmilton's column. Tlio
lnttor, wlillo moving on Nigol, Fobru-
nry IB, ongnged a forco of Hoors at
Klipdnm. Tho Scots GrnyH beenmo
dotnchcil, woro surrounded nnd cut off.
Gonornl Hamilton wns unable to dis
lodge tlio lloors from thoir position, so
ho continod his march toward Nigel.
'Tho lloors roleasod tlio Scots Grays who
hnd boon mndo prisoners.
, Machine Shop Burned.
Now York, Fob, 22. Tlio ropnir
shop, mnchlno shop nnd otbor build
ings of tho Fiftli nvonuo branch of tho
llrooklyn Klovntod railroad wero dc
dtroyod by flro lato tonight, Tho larg
est building burned was tho mncbine
shop, which covorod n cpneo of 500x200
foot. It wars n shed of iron nnd frnmo
located undor tho olovntod tracks. Ho
sides tho mnchlnory, 25 olovntod cars
Troro destroyed. Loss, $225,000.
Hell Cruihei Itihclllon In llatanyai I'rovlnct
at Expense of Oilier Districts.
Manila, l ull, ID. Ooueral .1. Frank
tin Hell Iiiih practically cleaned up tho
liiMirrcotlon In lliitangiiH province, the
troopx under IiIh command having mado
a clean sweep of tho district. It Ih
not bellovcd that nil tlio InsurgentM
arniH liavo been captured or nurronder-
ed, hut that a number of them Imvo
been tnkon by the Insurgents U other
province or xiifely bidden.
Tho Increase of roblxir bands in the
province of Tnbiiynx, and Cavito show
tho ofreotH of tho driiHllo inenwinm
adojited in IlatiitignH unil Lnguim prov
inces (ieneral Hell Hiiyn tho peojilo of
mono iiutor provincoH niivor roaii)iol
tho terrors of war until thoy personally
experienced nn hardships owing to
tho cloning of the portx nud tho concon-
tration ol tlio mitlvcn In tlio towiiH,
(luuoral Doll boliovcH that tho insur1-
gout lender, Mulvar, in lxjcijinfiig ex
tremely unpopular with tlio FIIIiiIiioh.
and that when tho nntlvcH ceuxo to fear
IiIm vengeance, many will Ixi found
willing to Ixttray him. What Iiiih hcou
mid of IlatniigiiH province iippllcHiilmoMt
equally to Liigtimi.
I ho united States transport Wriirht.
which rank in If) feet of water, Novem
ber 28 hint, by striking an uncharted
rock at tho entrance of Han Jacinto
hnrbor, and which wiih successfully
ralsed IIiIh month, ban arrived at Uavito
in tow of tho uunlxMit Wointmtiiek.
Tho Wright Iiah six IioIom in her lxt-
torn, which hnvo boon tomiiorarlly
iintclied. Hho will bo dry-dockod fin-
New York'i Wont Blizzard Since I88S
lie Almost Suipended,
.Now York, Feb. II) New York City
Iiiih Ixirno tlio brunt of the flercext mow
Htorm that Iihh ntruck thlxxectloiiof tbu
country hIiico tho great blizzard of
18HH. Iteginulng mxiii after midnight
llio Htorm Increnxed rapidly, until by
daybreak thu whole city waH completely
miowwl undor. Tho rlxing force of tho
galo piled tho xnow in great drlftx tlint
for wmio tlmo almost Hunm-nded trnllic
except in tho main thoroughfurcH where
llio car trackH wero kept open only by
mo coiiHiani uro ol hiiow plowH and
Conimuiiicatlon lwtween .Manhattnn
nnd llrooklyn wiih k object to long dc
lny. Tho ferry bontu with dilllculty
niiulo trlpn ncropn tho Ico choked rlvorH
nnd tlio work of tug boats, lightens nnd
xliipping gonernlly, wnn ulinoxt at a
HtanilHtill. Ho heavy wiih tho niiowfnll
tlmt tho loading of vuHtelrj wax ntojiped,
it iK'ing linMiHnll)hi to keep tlio bntcbon
0xjii. Two xtcnnierH which arrived
during the night Btruggled autumn
quarantine, where they camo to anchor.
r-overal xtcnnierH aro hiipiKiMsJ to lxj off
Sandy Hook waiting for tho Htorm to
abate before attempting to outer tho
Orderi a New Motor and Will Trv Aa!n to
Crou the Mediterranean.
Now York, Feb. 10. M. Snntos-
Ditmont Ih nl ready nt work preparing
bin plnnH for tho rebuilding of hiH nir
hIiI), wrecked on hia lant attempt to
croxg tho .Mediterranean, HayH n Journal
nud American dlHpatch from .Monaco.
KffortH to grapple bin motor, tho sink
ing of which wan the inoet torioiiB lona
of IiIr dinnHtroiiH attempt, hnvo nil
fnilcd, nnd bo Iiiih ordered n now nnd
nioro powerful ono. Tlmt ho will tilti-
mutely croxH tho xca in regarded hero as
a certninty, for only bin denth will stop
nun. inougli no wiih near to death
from drowning, from being Hmpthcrcd
in tho IoIiIh of bin collaiipcd balloon.
and from being burned to denth from
tbu igniting of tho oil bo iihch for fuel.
bin peril cecum to hnvo madu tho leant
poxxiblo imprcHHion on him. Tho peril
to wnlcli bo wiih exposed and tho nar-
rowncHH of IiIh excapo bo diHmix8tH with
n xhrug of IiIh Hbouldern, but on tlio
Hiihject of tin) Iohh of bin motor nnd tho
delay in bin plaiiH cnuxed by that mis
fortune no Is uexporately uloqiiont.
Engine Was Out of Order, and Freight Train
Overtook and Ran Into It.
Litchfield, 111., Fob. 19. Two per-
houh mot donth nnd flvo woro injured
today inn a rear end collision nonr hero
between tho "Diamond Special" on tho
Illinois Central road nnd a freight
train. Tho collision wns remarkable in
that tho fust paHFcngor train wax ahead
of tho froight nnd tlmt both trains woro
Tho Diamond Special wns moving nt
n rate of 12 miles nn hour when tho
froight craHhod into tlio renr fdoopor.
It is Baid tho' paRxongor would hnvo
boon traveling faster hnd thoro not
been some trouble with tho locomotive's
machinery. Tlio engineer on tho
froight engine doclnrou tlmt tlio fog
wns ho thick ho could not noo 100 feet
abend, ,
Great Floods In Cape Colony.
Capo Town, Fob. 10. Unprecedented
floods Imvo occurred in tho southwest
ern Unpo Colony, resulting In great
destruction of houses, bridges and rail
roads nnd drowning) 25 porsons.
Four Killed In Head-On Collision.
MarRlmlltown, In., Fol). 10. Four
Hvoh woro lost in n head-on collision on
tlio Iown Contrnl railroad near Gifford,
a light ongino crashing into n pnssouger
train. '
Think that Neither Admiral li Entitled to the
Cull Credit for the Battle of Sanllaijo
llrooklyn'i Loop wai Dangerous En.
doriei MeKlnley'i Recommendations, and
llopei Controvcny li at an End.
Wellington, Feb. 20. Tlio jirajnlilcnt
yonterdiiy mudo public IiIh (lecinlou in
tho Hchloy ajijienl. Tho following Ih a
brief review of tho main factx:
White Hoiiho, Feb. 18, 1002
hnvo received tho appeal of Admiral
Schley and the nnswur thereto from th
navy department. I Imvo examined
oolli wtm tlio utmont euro, iih well uh
tho preceding npxjiil to tho tocrotury of
tho navy. I have rend through all tho
testimony taken before tho court nnd
tho xtntomeutH of the counxel for Ad
mirai hcnicy nnu Aiimirni Wampum)
have examined nil the olllcial reports
of every kind in reference to the Hanki
ago naval campaign, copies of log book
nnd tho tOHtlmoiiy before tho court of
clniniH, nnd have uIho pcrwjuully had
Ixiforo mo the four surviving captaiiiH
from thu flvo nhlpH, aside from those of
the two ndmiralH, which wero actively
engaged at Santiago. It npixtnrx tlmt
the court of inquiry wan iinanimoiiH in
Uh llndingH of fact and uminimoiiH in
its exprccxionH Of opinion on moHt of
itH fludingH of fact. No appeal in made
to mi) from tbu verdict of tbo court on
these poiutH where it in iiunnimoiiH
i nnve, However, gone carelully over
tho evidence on thexe rxiintH uIk.
am Hatixfbxl that on the whole tlio court
did xubHtautial justice.
It Hhould liiivucpcvificnlly condemnel
the failure to enforce an ullicient night
blockade at Santiago while Admiral
Schley wiih in command. On the other
hand, I feel that there Is n reasonable
doubt whether ho did not move bis
Hiiiadron with xulllcient expedition
from xirt to port.
Tlio court Ih united in condemning
Admiral Schloy'n action on tlio point
where it xeomH to mo ho most grnvely
erred IiIh "retrograde movement,
when he abandoned tlio blockade nnd
IiIh disobedience of orders and misstate
ment of fnctx in relation thereto. It
Hhould bo remembered, however, tlmt
tho majority of these actions which the
court concurcd occurred flvo weeks or
more boforo tho fight itself, nnd it cer
tninly foe inn that if Admiral Schley's
actioiiH were censurable ho should not
Imvo lxon left an second in command
under Admiral Sampson. His offenses
were in cllect condoned when no wns
not rolled to account for them.
Tbo question of command Ih in thin
enso nominal and technical. Admiral
Sampxon'x chip, tbo Now Vork, wan
seen at the outset of the fight from ail
tho ships except thu llrooklyn. Four of
these five ships' captaiiiH have testified
tlmt they regarded him as present nnd
in command. Ho signaled "close in"
to tbo fleet nn soon ns tho first Spanish
ship apjiearod, but hiH signal was not
scon by any American vcsel. Ho wn
actually under fire from tho forts, nnd
himself lired a couplo of shots nt the
eloxo of tho nation, at tho torpedo
Ixiats, in addition to signalling tho In
liana nt the close of tho action. ISut
during the nction not n single order
from him wbr received by any gl tho
Bhips that wero actively engaged.
Admiral Schley, at tbo outset of tho
action, hoisted tlio two signalH of "clear
hip and "close in, which wero
Himply carrying out tho standing orders
of Admiral Sampson as to what should
bo done if tho enemy's chips should at
tempt to break out of tho harbor, and
until nftor lie hud mndo his loop ni:d
tlio Spanish shipH wero fleeing to tlio
wostward, not nn American ship no
ticed n signal from him.
When tho western pursuit had begun
tho Oregon, and tho Oregon only, no
ticed nnd repented ono of his signals of
command. Tho captain of tho Oregon
tlion regarded him as in command,
but did not in any shapo or wav exo-
cuto nny movement or nny nction of
any kind whatsoever in accordance with
nny order from him.
In short tho question nn to which of
tho two men, Admiral Sampson or Ad
miral Schloy, was at tho timo in com
mand, Ih of merely nominal character.
Technically, Sampson commnnded tho
fleet, nnd Schley, ns iisnnl, tlio western
division. After tlio bnttlo wns plan
ned, not n holm wuh shifted, not a gun
wns flred, not n pound of steam was put
on tho ongino room aboard nny ship
nctivoly ongaged in obedience to tbo
order of oitbor Snmpson or Schloy, savo
on thoir own two vessots. It whb a
captain's fight,
In concluding their report tlio mem
bers of tho rourt of inquiry, Admirals
Dowoy, llonlinm nnd Itnmsoy, unite in
stating tlmt they recommend that no
further nction bo bud In tho matter.
With this recommendation I must
heartily concur. Thoro is no excuse
wlintover from either side for nny fur
ther ngltntion of this unhappy controv
ersy. To keop it nllvo would merely
do damage to tho navy nnd to tho coun
Two Firemen Killed.
Milwnukeo, Fob. 21 Two flremon
woro killed by tho falling of n brick
wail of tbo plant of Goorgo II. Smith
Stcol Company, which was destroyed
by flro tonight. Loss, $100,000.
Petrified Forest Reserve.
Washington, Fob. 21. Tho houep
commltteo on public lands today re
ported tho bill making n public rrsor
vntion of n tract in Arizona, including
tho potriflod forests,
House ol Representatives Unanimously Passes
the IIIH Without Debate.
Washington, Feb. 18. Tlio unex
pected hapjxmed In tho hoiieo yesterday
when tho bill to rojK-al tlio Wftr revenuo
tnxoH wiih passed unanimously without
is word of debate. Thin action wns the
outcome of a challenge thrown down by
Kichnrdson, of Tennessee, tho minority
lender, nftor tho adoption, by a strict
party voto, of a special order for tho
consideration of tho bill which permit
ted debate upon it until 4 o'clock thin
afternoon, but cut off all opportunity of
offering amendments, except such as
hnd Ix'on agreed tijxin by tho ways nnd
means committee. Tlio adoption of
tho rule had been preceded by a slormy
debate, in the course of which the Dem
ocrats protested against tho application
of tho "gag," which Hny (I)em. Va.)
charged was meant to prevent n free cx
prcsxion, not only by tho Democrats
but by some of the Republicans, ntlem
tion being especially directed toward
Unbcock (Rep. Wis.) tho fnthcr of tbo
bill, to amend tho steel schedule of tho
present law. They nlso charged that
such a method of procedure was mini
rnizlng the influence of tho house, mak
Ing it simply n machine to register tho
decreoH of tlio fon' men in control
Vi hen the rule was adopted by u voto
of 158 to 120, Richardson (Dem.Tenn.)
to emphasize tlio fact that debate on
tbo bill could accomplish nothing, nnd
deliberation on it would lxj fruitless,
asked unanimous consent tlmt tho bill
be placed on itH passage. Not nn ob
jection waH voiced, nnd tho vote was
tnken forthwith. Kvery vote, 278 in
number, waH east in tho aflinnntive.
Senate Concludes the Deal for Purchase of the
Danish West Indies.
Washington, Feb 18. Yesterdny, in
n little more than nn hour's time, tho
r-ennte disposed of tlio treaty with Den
mark ceding to tlio United States for n
consideration of (5,000,000 tho islands
of St. Thomns, St. John and St. Croix,
composing the g'oun of Antilles known
ax tho Danifih West Indies, and lying
just east of I'orto Rico, and thus, so far
as this country is concerned, consum
mated a transaction which has been un
der consideration intermittently since
tho administration of President Lin
Tho trenty and tho report on it wero
read at length, and tnoro or less dis
cussion of tho Philippines was Indulged
in. Cullom, ns chairman of the com
mittee on foreign relations, mado a
speech explaining tho advantages of tho
acquisition of tho islands, and Bacon
and .McLaurin, of Mississippi, mado
brief remarks, saying tlmt while they
could not indorf-o nil tho provisions of
tho ngreoment, they would plnce no ob
stacles in the way of ratification. Ba
con moved to amend tho treaty by
striking out the second paragraph of
article 3 of tho treaty, reading as fol
lows: "Cullom explained all the provisions
of tho inhabitants of tbo islands should
lxj determined by congress, subject to
tho stipulations contained in the pres
ent convention."
lie based his opposition to this pro
vision on tho ground tlmt tho, constitu
tion suouia extend to tno islands when
thoy becamo a part of tho United
StatcH. Ho said, however, tlmt tho
failure to accept tho amendment would
not prevent his voting for tho trenty,
for ho believed in the Jlonroo doctrine.
Tho amendment was rejected without
British Army Estimates.
London, Feb. 17. Tho army esti-
niates, issued today, show n grand total
for tbo year 1002-03 of 09,310,000
pounds, which is intended to provide
for 420,000 men, of which 210,700 mon
are of tho ordinary army service and
200,300 for war service. Thoostimates,
of which 40,000,000 pounds is re
quired for war, show a decroaso undor
this bend of 23,230,000 pounds, com
pared with 1901-02. In a memorandum
tho war Fecrotnry explains that tho es
timates nro tuifllcient to maintain a field
forco in South Africa of tlio present
strength for olglit or nino months of
tho now fiscal year.
Brigands Have Money, Also Miss Stone.
London, Feb. 19. A dispatch to tbo
Daily Graphic from Sores, European
Turkey, dated Feb. 18, says that M.
Gargioulo, dragoman of tho American
legation at Constantinople, nnd M.
Petit, tho treasurer of tho Amcrcian
misison nt Constantinople, mot tho
brigands on tho road to the Podromo
monastery and paid thorn tho ransom
money, February 0. M. Gargioulo is
waiting horo, continues tho correspond
ent, nnd is ignorant as to whoro Miss
Stono, tho captivo American mission-
ryt nnd her companion aro concealed.
To Prevent More Wrecks.
Washington, Feb. 10. As tho result
of tho wrecking of two steamers on tho
rocks off Bean's Point, botween Scattlo
and Port Orchard, Senator Fostor
eomotimo ago requested tlio lighthouse
board to make nn investigation, with
viow to providing suitablo aids to
navigation, Tho board 1ms acted on
tbo senator's roqnest nnd proposes to
take such nction ns seams wnrrnnted in
tlio promisos. Just as soon as tlio in
formation iss ccured actionwill bo takon.
I Hunt ruled Hilciitloii.
The Ilrxt Illustration Is n (Iconlu
pench carrier, holding six small hnxkt-U
of peaches, which we re-engrave toiii
n cut In Country fjcntleiiian The next.
No. 2, Is n bushel Iwx from the New
York Tribune. NoIIcp that the end
pieces of this box are notched nt the
bottom and pointed nt the top. no that
a lot of crates may ba slacked one over
the other for sorting apples, potatoes.
etc.. In the cellar or for carrying to
market. Tbo third Illustration Is a
wngonload of bushel cratco. Illustra
tions copied from American Agricultur
ist Notice the lower tier of crates,
then the retaining board, which hold
In position the second tier of crates
placed over the first The fourth Illus
tration represents an .opening In the
fence through which people on foot can
readily puss, but which cows and
horses cannot get through, copied from
Farm nnd Fireside. The llfth cut repre
sents a new method of protecting half
hardy or tender trees In winter by
bending them over n log rolled close to
tbo tree, nnd flrmly fastened there by
bundles of cornstalks thrown over the
tree. A barrel or hogshead can be used
In place of a log. wltb much saving of
labor. Picture No. G shows a peculiar
way of making a strong bushel crate:
These bushel crates are used now ex
tensively by farmers who gather from
the fields potatoes, onions, carrots.
apples, etc., placing them Into these
crates, then placing the crates directly
Into the wngon. from whence they are
carried to cellar, without dumping
tlm Into wagon boxes, and shoveling
them out again, as was done In old
times. This cut Is from American Agri
culturist Tbe last cut Is from Farm
and Home nnd represents an easily con
structed sawbuck.
Ueet HliKar and Cane Suenr.
Dr. Wiley, who Is one of the most
earnest advocates of sugar beet cut
turo in the united states, said at a
farmers' meeting In Ontario that tbe
sugar cane growers In the tropics had
a decided advantage over the sugar
' beet growers of the Northern Stated In
the cost of production or sugar. If tbe
labor of tbe South was as effective as
that of the North, and as much enter
prise was shown In developing tbe
fields for cane and in other branches
of tbe Industry as must be shown on
Northern farms In beet growing, the
canon crop would win In the race every
time. We believe this to be true, and
therefore we are unable to understand
wby be and others so earnestly urge
the growing of sugar beets here. It
cannot be that the best crop has proven
a profitable one to those who have been
engaged In It Few of the crops that
we have seen reported have shown a
yield of over $00 worth to the acre, aud
the majority fall below $40. while the
manure aud labor required Is about
half as great as that required to grow
500 bushels of potatoes, and either of
these Is a more certain crop on good
land well cared fbr than are the sugar
beets. Massachusetts Ploughman.
riowlnc Under Orceii Crops.
That there Is merit In green manur
ing, adding humus to the soil, no one
will deny who has tried It on moder
ately heavy soils, but that It should be
generally practiced without regard to
soil or local conditions Is not a correct
principle. Most of the plants used for
green manuring are leguminous In
character, henco have absorbed tho
greatest quantity of nitrogen from tho
Rlr when they have reached maturity,
and. In most sections, the bay of clover,
cowpcas and velvet bean has a value
too great to warrant ono In using It as
green manure, and this Is especially
the case on light rather sandy soil,
where tho green manuring Is of the
least use. Under the conditions refer
red to tbe most profltablp plan would
be to let the crop mature and feed It
for roughage, using the manure on the
farm; In this way one has all tbe ad
vantage that would come from tbe
green manuring, under such circum
stances, and tbe bay for feeding be
sides. Again, there Is danger of sour
ing tbe soil by too much and too fre
quent green manuring, so that one
should know bis soil thoroughly, or,
better still, experiment carefully nnd
note results, before going Into green
manuring too extensively. Indianapo
lis News.
Wheat, as a Hob Food.
Results obtained at tbo Wisconsin
experiment station show that there Is
practically no difference lntl quanti
ty of pork produced froiWpfe same
weight of wheat or corn. lin four trials
an average of 400 pounds of ground wer required id produce 100
pounds of gain In live weight. In two
trials with common I 408 pounds wero
required to produce 100 pound of gain.
When a mixture of equal parts of
wheal nnd corn was fed. better results
were obtained than when either wheat
or corn was fed alono. It required
4S.' ion mis of mixed wheat and corn,
half mid half, by weight to produco 100
pounds of gain in live weight
Clilcki Need Hrlt.
The chicks will be beticfltcd by ImT
Ing some kind of gritty material mixed
with their first feed. Conrso sand or
egg shells dried and run through tho
coffr-e mill Is probably ns good an any
thing for this purpose. The supply
houses keep In stock what Is known
as "chick grit," but wo do not bellevo
that It Is any better than what has
been nhovr suggested. Next to the rav
ages of lice, bowel troubles lead to
the heaviest loss of chicks, and tho
grit tends In n great degree to prevent
such troubles If a chick Is killed at
tbe end of the first day that It has run
with tho ben Its crop will be found
to contain a considerable quantity oC
sand and One gravel, and If tbo weath
er Is such that the ben can be turned
loose the day following that on which
tbe brood Is taken from the nest, and
be allowed to select tbe food, the own
er will generally be safe In relieving
himself of nny concern regarding their
health Tbe hen sees to It that tho
chicks get something which Is not
usually thought of by tbe owner, and
that Is grit Drovers' Journal.
Clover In the notation Crops.
It Is now generally understood that
the rotation of crops Is practiced so
that tbe plant foods In tbe soli may bo
drawn upon about In equal quantities
Instead of using heavily of one and lit
tle of tbe others, as Is tbe case when
one crop Is grown several yearn In suc
cession. There Is another point about
the rotation of crops that Is not so
well understood by farmers, and that
Is the value of using clover or somo
plnnt of a similar character as a part
of the rotation crops, and simply be
cause It returns more plant food to tbo
soil than it takes out of It Thus Is
one reason wby authorities on legumes
have urged so persistently that farm
ers use them more freely aud hnvo
shown where cowpeas, Canada field
peas and the velvet bean can be used
to advantage on farms where It does
not seem possible to get a good stand
of clover. Indianapolis News.
Growing the Beat Apple.
Nurserymen report an unusual de
mand for the older and best-known va
rieties of apple trees, such as Rhode
Island Greening. King; etc.. and those
who hae fruited these old favorites
are encouraging tbe demand for them.
Growers have paid much attention to
the later Introductions and lost sight
of the good things at hand. Tbe writ
er remembers buying several" Barrels
6f King apples some twenty years ago
In New England wblcb were superb
In quality and size, far superior to tho
majority of the varieties of recent In
troduction, and where this variety can
be grown It may be safely said that It
has no rival. At this season of tbo
year tbe good old varieties like King.
Rhode Island Greening, Spltzenburg
aud Northern Spy bring more money
than the newer sorts. Exchange.
A Correct Cellar.
A cellar can be kept as pure and dry
as nny other part of tbe bouse If it
but have a reasonable amount of atten
tion. Unless tbe ground be low, so as
to make water collect In tbe cellar, It
Is not necessary, although desirable,
to cement the. walls and floor. Urlcks
set on edge and laid wltb tight Joints
form n clean and satisfactory floor.
Slope tbe floor so that a drain will car
ry off any water that may collect. This
gives opportunity to fully wash tbo
cellar, for cleaullness Is as necessary
here as in the other rooms. Light,
cleanliness and pure air make the per
fect cellar, as they do the perfect liv
ing room.
Stick to One lireed.
If farmers would take one good breed
of fowls and carefully study their char
acteristics, they would make mors
prolit than If they keep trying to orig
inate some new breed. It sounds well
to bear yourself spoken of as tbe orig
inator of some new and valunblo
breed, but very few ever succeed In
starting a variety of fowls that ever
amounts to anything.
Dairy and Creamery Notes.
Do uot allow nny person or dogs to
worry tbe milk cows.
Tho neglected cow neither Alls tbo
pnll nor tbe farmer's pocketbook.
Never stop nor let the work be Inter
rupted when milk Is "coming."
Milk dryl Milking dry develops tbo
udder and consequently tbo power of
giving milk.
If there la any one thing that needs
a dairyman's personal attentlou moro
than auy other. It is milking.
If tbero Is a little milk left In tbo
udder each time It will cause any cow
to decrease lu her milk How and Anally
cease giving milk at all.
Knowing bow means much In butter
making. This Is why one person's but
ter Is quoted at 20 cents a pound, whllo
another's from Just as good milk, will
bring only 8 cents.
A cow should be milked three or four
times a day If she Is suffering from
any disease of the udder.
There should be no louu, boisterous
language permitted while doing tbo
milking, for tbe cow Is a nervous crea
ture, and nny uncalled ror excitement
affects the quantity and quality of
milk unfavorably.
It Is tbe little attentions that go to
make up the successful management
of dairying, and he who does nut Htuily
the needs of the common cow nnd tier
environment need expect no vuccea
wltb ber blooded sister.