Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 28, 1902, Image 2

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    "I f
'ublUlinl i:rrj rrlilnr.
A Comprehensive Review of the Important
Happenings of the Past week. Presented
In a Condensed Form, Which Is Most
i n... m.u ,.,!.,.
Cortez, n leading Iillpino relcl, lias
boon captured.
Miss Stono, tho American mission-
ry, has been released.
Secretary Hitchcock Is expected to
Jcavo tho cabinet soon.
Nineteen lives were lost in the Park
Avenno hotel fire in New York.
The Philippine Commission favors
modifying the Chinese exclusion order.
The provinces of Lagunn and ' Baton
gas have been entirely cleared of insur
Barcelona, Spam, rioters continue
their depredations upon the stores and
A severe sleet storm that .prevailed
on the Atlantic coast tied up all traffic
for a time.
Senators Tillman and McLaurin, of
South Carolina, engaged In a fist fight
and were required to apologize to the
Fire in Fortland destroyed $94,000
worth of property and for a time threat'
ened to get beyond all control of the
Prince Henry and staff arrived in
New York one day late. They were
delayed on account of a severe storm off
tho Atlantic coast.
Twenty lives were lost in a $2,000,-
000 hotel fire at New York.
A tidal wave on the Salvadorian
coast caused the loss ol more than 50
The riots continue at Barcelona and
other Spanish cities. Almost the entire
nation has been placed under martial
The houfo committee on territories
unanimously voted to report bills for
the admission of the territories of New
Mexico, Arizona and Oklahoma.
The Hay-Pauncefote treaty, giving
England's assent to tlio construction of
a canal across Central America by the
United States, has been ratified.
Hundreds of forged Bank of England
notes have been put in circulation in
London during tho past few days. Tlioy
are hard to tell from' the genuine.
A financial crisis is about to occur in
Germany will abolish the bounties
on sugar.
Rich gold and copper discoveries
have been made in Africa.
The president Iibb made public
decision In tho Schley appeal.
The Corean army will be reorganized
with British officers in charge.
Two hundred persons have been killed
in the riots at Barcelona, Spain.
A brokon rail caused a wreck in Ohio
in which ono man was
killed and five
Organized laborers to tho number of
7,000 aro employed by tho diamond
dealers and jowelcrs of Amsterdam.
The Tyrol, following tho examploof
Norway, is trying to encourage tho win
tor tourist business by offering better
facilities for winter sports.
Valletta, Malta, being midway in tho
Mediterranean, betweon Gibraltar and
Port Said, imports more than half a
million tons of coal for tho uso of pass
ing yeseols.
I Serious Conflict! Still Occur t Barcelona-
Troops Fire 'on Strikers.
Madrid. Feb. 24. Olllclnl dispatches
rerun cu hero assert ttmt calm hus won
restored at Him-elona, Saragosm and
Vnlcnei, Imt newspaper telegram ro
port tlutt tlic situation Ik till serious.
I Tlio rioters nt Hareeloua are devoting
ti,t,ir energies to preventing food suj
plica from entering the town. In one
Mich enso the troops escorting n convoy
. wore obliged to lire on tlio rioters, sov
crnl of whom were killed or wounded.
A serious conflict nlso occurred today in
t, ector 0f the town. Tho orders of
h1u captain general to pcrsuado tho
dock laborers to resume work lmvo fall
1 ed, and tlio entire trade of llarcelona is
nt n standstill. Revolutionary proclu-
illations are still being circulated thoro.
The most stringent measures have been
prepared to protect traffic and business.
The strikers have few rifles, but are
welP supplied with revolvers and dag
gers. The search of suspected houses con
tinues, resulting in the arrest of large
numbers ol anarchists and revolution
ists of all kinds, who are considered to
be tlie prime' movers in tho troubles.
The cosmopolitan character of Barce
lona makes it a resort for representa
tives of all the revolutionary elements
in Europe, and the ranks of tho mal
content workmen have been swelled by
French and other foreign political ag'
itatora. The Republicans are, busy
among the troops, urging them not to
uso their arms against their own class
in defense of plutocrats.
The working peoplo of Madrid favor
the strikers.
Martial law has been proclaimed at
Tarragona. Tho strike is spreading in
tuo L.iobregat ana uardona valleys
There is a general.cessation of work at
Castellon do. la Fiona and Gave, and
much excitement prevails at Batea
Forces of gendarmes have boen dis
patched to those places.
Now That the Schley Controversy Is Settled
He May Soon Retire.
Washington, Feb. 22. Now that tho
Schley matter has been settled official
Jy, it is understood that Secretary Long
feels he is at liberty to carry out the
project cherished by him to retire to
private life. However, this is not ex
pected Jto ensue at onco, for there is no
certain knowledge of what may follow
in congress, notwithstanding a belief
by the administration that, tlio case is
now settled beyond revival. Therefore,
it is understood that tho change in the
cabinet circle will not take place before
tho adjournment of tho present session.
Factory Fire at Toronto.
Toronto, Fob. 22. -Fire that started
tonight by siontaneous combustion in
tho finishing rooms of tho Menzeo Man
ufacturing Company, Ltd., manufac
turers of furniture, and spread to tho
adjoining premises of tlio Merchants'
Dyeing and burnishing Company, did
damage to the extent of $2000,00.
Claim Swlndlert In England.
London, Feb. 24. The operations of
American swindlers, who aro extorting
money in England through representa
tions regnrding fortunes awaiting their
victims in America, have becomo so ox
tonsive that Mr. Boyle, United States
consul at Liverpool, has published a
lottor warning people not to bo de-
coived by tho statements made by thoso
Correctness of Russia's Intentions.
Washington, Fob. 24. Tho United
States government is now perfectly sat
isfied as to tho correctness of Russia's
intentions respecting Manchuria. Tlio
pledges heretofore obtained from Russia
have been renowed and reinforced so
strongly that they must bo accepted as
satisfactory, unless our government is
prepared deliberatoly to question Rus
sia's integrity, which it has ' not tlio
loast disposition to do.
Commercial and Financial Happenings ol lin.
portancc A Drlel Review of the Growth
' and Improvements of the Many Industries
Throughout Our thriving Commonwealth
Latest Market Report.
Ninety-nine grain ships wore dis
patched from Portland this season.
Colonel N. B. Knight, a prominent
Oregon attorney, of Salem, is dead.
Tho Polk county Republican central
committee will meet in Dallas March 1.
Tho Red Hoy and Concord miues
in Eastern Oregon lmvo been consoli
dated. A gray eagle, measuring 7 feot 2
Inches from tip to tip was shot n few
days ngo near ANtorla.
Tho Fish lako Irrigation ditch in
Southern Oregon will bo completed by
May 1. Tho ditch is 05 miles long.
As a result of tho recent cold snap In
Umatilla county, about 25 per cent of
thu grain sowed last full must bo re-
Two Jacksonville prisoners, who wore
being hold for burglary broke Jail u few
nights ago in some mysterious manner
and escaped.
Tho mill dam across Ixmg Tom river
at Monroo, which furnished power for
the largo roller mills there, lias been
washed out by thu high water.
At tho recent teachers' examination
in Douglas county, flvo applicants re
ceived state papers. For county certi
ficates there wore 32 applicants, 20 of
whom passed.
Tho Democratic state convention will
bo held in Portland April 10. Tho
Democratic convention for tho Second
congressional district will bo held at
tho same timo and place.
Tho price of land in general is ad
vancing in Benton county. Farms
which a few years ago could havo been
purchased ntflO per aero aro now
held at (20 to $25 an acre. Many now
families are seeking homos in that
A company has been formed at Dallas
for tho operation of a creamery.
Fifty horses for government artillery
service have just boon purckasod noar
Tho Socialist party of Clackamas
county will hold iU county convention
March 8.
Clackamas county commissioners aro
looking for a suitablo location for a
poor, farm.
A club has been formed at Joseph to
advance the interest of that town and
Business men of Pondleton aro con
sidering a plan for tho establishmen
of a paper mill.
At the annual meeting of tho Tilla
mook Creamery company a dividend of
10 per cent was declared.
Umatilla county has been nsked to
increase the assessments of railroad and
telephone companies $3,000,000.
Tho contract has been let for build
ing an opera house in Albany, to cost
$5,000. It will have a seating capacity
of 700.
Portland Markets.
Wheat Walla Walla, 0505c;
bluestem, 60004c; Valley, G465c,
Barley Feed, $1019.50; browing,
$Z020.50 per ton.
Oats No. 1 wHlto, $1.151.25;
gray, $ l.iugi.zu.
Flour Best grades, $2.H03.40 per
barrel; graham, $2.502.80.
Millstuffs Bran, $19 per ton; mid
dllngs, $21; shorts, $21.50; chop,
Hay Timothy, $1213; clover,
$7.508; Oregon wild hay, $50 por
Potatoes Best Burbanks, $1.101.35
percental; ordinary, 7585c percen
tal, growers' prices; sweets, $22.50
per cental.
Butter Creamery, 25275c; dairy,
1820c; store, 1315c.
Eggs 22j25c for Oregon.
Cheeso Full cream, twins, 13
13Mc; Young America, 1415c; fac
tory prices, 1c less.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50
4.50; hens, $4.505.50 per dozen, 100
12c per pound; springs, 11c per pound,
$34 per dozen ; ducks, $o0 por doz
en; turKeys, live, lzywsiae; dressed,
15luc per pound; geese, fo7 por
Mutton Gross, 4c per pound: dross'
cd, 77e per pound. -
Hogs Gross, 5&c; dressed, 6M7c
por pounu.
Veal 8H tor small; 77i for
Beef GrosB, cows, 3a4c; steers,
44jc; dressed, d7)ic per pound.
Hops lJlc per pound.
Wool Valloy. 1315c: Eastern Ore
gon, 8'l2c; mohair, 2121Hc per
The area of Groafor New York is
now 318 square miles, against Greater
London's 700 square miles.
Riveting of boilers and tho liko is
now dono almost entirely by a com
pressed air hammer, which strikes 5,000
times a minute.
Thu Norweeian council of stnto hns
decided to negotiato for a loan of $2,-
000.000. to bo used for tho construction
of railways and a thorough tolephono
system throughout Norway.
Captain Allen, Chid, AsHs that the Forres at
Ills Command lie Doubled
Washington, Feb. 20. 'Tho war de
partment hns uiiido public it report of
Captain Henry T. Allen, sixth cavalry,
dated Miuilln, December 15, concern
ing tho l'lilUpplnii constabulary, of
which ho is chief. Oiiptnln Allen says
tho constabulary consisted of 2,500
men, and was aide to control, without
tho nld of troops, tho provinces of
Alini, llontoc, Union, 1-epaiito, Han
guet, Nuuvii Vlxcaya, llatnan, l'rliicipo
and Infanta.
Up to tho date of tho report there
had lieeu only two men lost from tho
Who Will Christen the German Emperor's New Yacht Meteor.
forco by desertion a showing attrib
uted to the care in tho selection of the
men. Captain Allen says that experi
ence has shown that tho cost of a single
constable for ono year does not exceed
$250 gold, while the cost of maintain
ing an American soldier ordinarily is
reckoned at about $1,000. Captain Al
len states that in chasing down the rob
ber bands tho constabulary Is unques
tionably more efficient than tho Ameri
can troops, and while one large garri
son in many of the provinces may lie
always necessary, it is his opinion,
after n thorough study of conditions,
that in ono year's timo 15,000 Ameri
can soldiers, with the native contingent
of troops nnd constabulary, will sulllco
to garrison the Philippiuu archipelago.
Captain Allen says that tho general
conditions of the islands as legards pa
cification havo never bcon so favorable
as now, when tho "crumbling from the
top" is duly manifested. In his opin
ion tho campaign in progress in llntan-
gas and Laguna will bo tho coup do
graco of tlio insurrection. Tlio better
class of peoplo, ho says, aro extremely
tired of tho struggle, and ardently de
sire pcaco. Tho recently enacted sdi
tion law, ho says, has had a potent
valuo in bringing ovil doors to n reali
zation of thoir allegiance to law and or
der. In a recapitulation of tho work of
the constabulary for a little over four
months, it is shown that in 15 engago-
monts 20 outlaws havo been killed, 20
wounded and 374 captured.
One Life Lost and Several Persons Injured-
Property Loss $500,000.
Battlo Creek, Mich., Fob. 20. Early
today tho largo Advontlst sanitarium
and hospital buildings, located hero,
were destroyed by fire, causing a loss
of about $500,000, with only $00,000
insurance, besides great personal loss to
300 patients who were in tho main
building, and who had only timo to
escapo in their night clothes. One Ufa
Is supposed to havo bcon lost.
There wero at least 300 persons in
tho main building when thu firo broke
out in thu basoment. This building
was five stories high, and as ' soon as
tho firo was discovered tho night at
tendants on each floor gave tho alarm
in tho corridors, and tho patients mado
their escapo down tho firo escapes aided
by tho mi r sos i They did not havo
timo to savo their porsonul effects.
Two of tho inmates wero slightly in
jured. Chinese Minister to Russia.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 20. Yang Yu,
minister to Russia died hero today,
after n short illnoss. Yang Yu was
formerly Chinese minister at Washing
ton. Ho wns transferred to St. Potors
burg in November, 1800.
Effect of American Ship Subsidy.
London, Fob. 20. Tho Dully Mail,
in its issuo this morning, discusses tho
effect upon British shipping of tho
American ship subsidy bill. Tho
paper contends that tho bounty suggest
ed by Sonator Fryo will compleioly
counterbalance tho ndvantago now hold
by British shipping, but that tho only
remedy hilthorto proposed that Amor-
lean ships ontorlng British ports should
bo fined to tho oxtont of their subsidy
is impracticable
Royal Salute from the American Forts Met
Down the Day by Admiral Evans Dis
embarking from the Steamer Kronptlm
the Prince Receives Callers on Hoard th
Royal Yacht lloheniollcrp.
Now York, I'cb. 21. Prince Henry
of Prussia, representative ol his brother,
thu emperor of Germany, at the launch
ing of tho hitter's American built
yacht, reached New York yesterday
nnd was cordially welcomed ns n guest
of tho nation. The land batteries that
guard thu outer harbor sounded thu
first greeting in a ponderous greeting of
21 guns, the rlllci of a sccial naval
squadron assembled in his honor re
echoed thu sentiment, there wero verbal
greetings from the representatives of
President Roosevelt, thu army, navy,
and thu city of New York, and a great
crowd Until tho way in' tho city tr soo
and cheer tho sailor prince of (leruiauy.
Tho great storm against which tho
Kronprinz Wilhelm had struggled for
days, and which had glazed thu Atlan
He const in an armor of ice, had lost its
forco and resigned its sway to warm
suiislilno mitl clieery luuo skies, hi
there weru no regrets that the royal
guest was a full day Into for thu enter
tainment provided for him.
There was a curtain off tho Hook
early in the morning, and it was after
0 o'clock before the watchers caught tho
shadowy outlines of thu cautiously ap
proaching liner.
Rear Admiral Robley I). Evans,
commander of tho sjiecinl squadron and
honorary aid to tho prince, accompanied
by his stuff, left tlio flagship Illinois
at 0:40 o'clock in thu naval tug Nina.
They wero all in full dress uniform.
Tlio Nina met the Kronprinz Wil
helm beyond Fort Wadsworth, and,
sailing around on the starboard side of
thu liner, steamed up thu bay. Prlnco
Henry, uttired in tlio uniform of an
admiral of thu German navy, and sur
rounded by his naval nnd military
staff, stood on tho bridge of tho liner.
As tlio naval tug drew nearer to tho
side of the steamship, Princo Henry
nnd Admiral Evans caught sight of
each other and exchanged Informal sal
utes. Tho distance from steamer to
tug was too great for conversation, how
ever. Ah tho two vessels, with a flotilla of
tugs nnd official craft, moved in past
Fort Wudsworth, tho first of tho sal
utes of 21 gnus was fired. As the first
gun sounded the prlnco advanced to
the end of tlio bridge of tho Kronprinz
Wilhelm and stood at attention. Ah
he passed tho big American Hag float
ing over the fortification ho raised his
cap in salute, and thu memberH of his
suite did likewise. The flag at thu
jackstaff of tho Kronkrinz' was dipped,
and tho German naval band accompany
ing the princo played "Tho Star Spang
led Ilannor." The guns of Fort Wads
worth wero not silent before thoso
ncross tho narrows nt Fort Hamilton
boomed out their salute.
Whan that ceremony was over tho
Kronprinz was stopped, and tho Nina
hauled around on her port sldo, and
Admiral Evuns and his staff boarded
Admiral Evans was escortod forward
at once, and in tlio quarters of tho
master of tho Kronprinz, he nnd the
prlnco mot. Tho prlnco camo forward,
nnd, taking tho hand of tho naval offi
cer, shook it warmly.
Tolstoi at Point of Death.
St. Pntorsburg, Fob. 25. Tho latest
news roicivcd horo from Yalta, Crimea,
is to tho effect that Count Tolstoi is at
the point of death.
Ted Roosevelt Improves.,
Washington, Fob. 25. Tho condition
of young Theodore .Roosovolt, Jr., con
tinues to improvo nnd ho it: progressing
steadily toward comploto restoration to
llarcelona Is In Control of Troops Strikers
Determined and Aggressive.
Iliircelonn, Feb. 20. Thoelty of llar
celona Ih In control of the troops, hut
isolated bands ol strikers aro still doing
considerable damage. Rioters today
attacked a prison van and attempted to
release a number of strikers who had
bcon mailo prisoners. A striker fired
on thu guard, who, in turn, shot anil
killed the man who fired on him. A
large lumber yard has been burned by
Incendiaries, and several stores havo
been pillaged. Tho captain general of
llarcelona has summoned a meeting of
the proprietors of tho metal works, nt
which he will recommend granting tho
strikers' demand for nine hours' work
per day.
Rioting was renewed hero this even
ing nnd crowds of strikers paraded the
streets, doing extensive damage. Tim '
troops charged them repeatedly but
only succeeded in dispersing them on
opening firo. The strikers then uswim
bled In largo numbers In tho ontsklrtu
of the city. It Is feared tlioy incdltiito
an attack upon the factories. Troop,
lmvo proceeded to the factories to bu in
readinesx for an emergency.
A serious collision between the troop
and the strikers occurred today ut 8uu
Martin, a village in thu suburb.
Hero tho troops fired on thu mob, kill
ing three and wounding six. At Had
elenu, the mob attacked thu gendarme
and tho cavalry who wero protecting
tho street ear service and a mtIoiu
melee ensued, in which ono person nun
killed and three wounded. At Halmdull,
also in tho suburbs, the strikers burned
the nctroi tax offices nnd a convent.
Troops havo been sent to Habadell nnd
to other places to suppress thu d In
orders. The new prefect presided todny at
conference of delegates from thostrikcrs
nnd thulr employers, at which It wax
agreed that work should Ihj resumed
ciidlng tho adjustment of the claims of
thu strikers by a mixed commission.
Senate Unanimously Passes the Dill for Relief
of Indian War Veterans.
Washington, rob. 10. Hevernl dny
ago Senator Mitchell undertook to au
di tho passage of his bill for pension
ing the I ml inn war veterans, but Aid
rich, of Rhode Island, objected. Today
there was a lull in thu senate business,
and Mitchell saw his chanco, but tu
Aldrlch had gone nway, senatorial
courtesy would not allow the bill to
como up. Mitchell, however, caught
tho Rhode Island senator on the tele
phono, got his permission to have tho
objection withdrawn, and tho bill was
passed without opjiosition. Horetoforu
HjK-nkor Henderson has stood in thw
way of tho passage of this bill in tho
house, but Senator Mitchell has confi
dence that tho house will give it con
sideration this session. The speaker
nnd tho memberH of tho committee on
rules are close personal friends of
Mitchell, and he hopes that time will
1h given for tho consideration of thu
bill. The Oregon members are working
industriously t secure a majority in
tho housu for tho consideration of thu
One Hundred Men Temporarily Imprisoned
Saved by Most Desperate Efforts.
Seattle, Fob. 20. Tho great Trcnd
woll mines, on Douglas Island, wero na
sailed by firo on Tuesday, February 11,
and n torriblo holocaust was prevented
by the almost superhuman nttempts of
everybody who could reach tho scene to
stay tho progress of tho flames. Tho
steamer Wrlgo, reaching port this
morning, brought particulars of tho
fire. Tho Alaska-Mexican compressor
building was entirely destroyed.
Thirty-eight thousand dollars on tho
skimps, mill plates and n 120 stamp
mill, with the engine room wero saved.
It took tlio concentrated efforts of oiirht
two inch streams of water to master
the flames and for bourn the agonized
peoplo worked undor fearful suspense;
for more than 100 miners wero In the
loworworklngsnnd in imminent dancer
of meeting a horrible death. They
wore nil rescued safely, coming .put
through tho old workings. The oritrin
of tho firo wiih not known at Inst re
Dankburn Sails With Salmon.
Victoria, B. O.. Feb. 10 Tho llrlt.
ish ship Bnnkburn will sail todnv.
She is tho last of tho 11 salmon ships
which have taken (179.247 ciisoh of unlm.
on, valued nt $2,710,888 to Liverpool
and London. With thu shl
mndo by tho stoamors, more than $3,
000,000 worth of salmon hns boon
shipped from British Columbia this
Largest Building In the World.
Chicago, Feb. 20,' A permit wni
issued tonight for tho construction of
what is planned to bo tho Inrgost build
ing in tho world. Tho building Js pro
jected by tho First National Bank
officials, nnd will hold, when complot
od, 0,000 peoplo, Tho building will
stand at Donrborn and Monroo strcpts,
and will cost $3,000,000, Work will
bo begun in tho spring.