Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 21, 1902, Image 7

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Tastes Good
And outing I alinply iorfiino
tory tlono bociuiHu It iiiumI bo.
Thin In Hid coiiiinoii coinplulntof
tbo ilyH)(titIc.
If eiilliify Hiulngly would euro
ilyupqiHlu, tow woulu Hutfor from
It long.
Tho only way to euro dyHpopwlii,
which Ih dllllciilt (llgcmtlon, Ih to
ijivo vigor and tono to tbo Htoiuuch
mul tbo wbolo dltrcHtlvo system.
Hooit'ii HarmtiiarilU cured itia niece of
Prank l'y. luo N. 8L. Houtli lloaton, Mass.,
who write that nil" had been it great sufferer
from ilrnptpiln fr sis yr! liml been with
out aiiiiutltn nnil tin') been trutililftil with Dour
tiinufli ntiil hi'filiwlio. Him had tried many
oilier inrillrlMM In mln. Two bottles of
lloud'a HornpitrllU miulv Jicr well,
Hood's Sar sap ar ilia
l'roinlHC'8 to euro and keop tbo
promlHo. Doh't wait till you uro
woiho, but buy a bottlo toduy.
Tfom Iht Aulomnhllil'i View.
11 rut (Ilmiiffitiir Iliivnimy Imil luck
tliirliiK your trip yonlunlny?
rVcoud ('linulfuiir Oh, I rim ovnr 11
tnaii, lint I ilnn't think I hurt tint inn
chilli) iiuy. Oliio Htnto Jniiriiiil.
Arn Villi UalllK Allnll's I'oiil.rn.pT
II la llin nnly riiru lur Hwiillen, Mm Br tl ntr.
Unfiling, HwcntltlK I'i'i'!, Conn mul llunliiii..
Auk lur Allen'a loot. Low, n imwilitr m Im
aliakrii Into tho ihnra, At nil IimiuuIH" anil
VlinnHtiiri'i, 'I r. hum ulr mm l lcr.i:. Addre.s
Allen M. Olliinlrd, 111"), .VV.
One Tiling Lacking.
"Iluvii y u itot in ail Hid llro wood?"
"Y.-H, mill."
"Well, whtii uro you doliiu now?"
"I'mybi tor (In Lnvd fer Mitncplii'
tor rnmt on it!" Atlanta Coiintltutiou,
I'lmi'a t'nrr In tin-Iick inrillcliin wonvi-r
ll'cil fur nil iillVriliinn of ilie throat mill
Iiiiirh. VVm. O. I'.mhi.kv, Vuiilmreii, liiil.,
Krti, 10. IMjo.
Thtlr Similarity.
Mr. lllckn I low uliwmt liuiimn llir.t
ilojs aclH at time", dmnn't Iks?
.Mm. HlckK Yom; Iio itrowlx over IiIh
food alniOHt iin much iih ynu do.
Mother will II ml Mm. Wlnidow'n Sooth.
Inif 8ynii tlm Im-bi remedy to uo lor their
children during l leetliliiK jwrlod.
Alter llit Lecture.
"Do you think tin- devil !h worn)
than thoHi who talk ahout hlin?"
"Well, null, hit 'iciii1h 'jkii who
(loin do tnlkln'." Atlanta CoiiHtltti
tiou. IIiiiiiIIii'h Wizard Oil Ih an old remedy,
and llkti nu old friend may I hi depended
on. It cure pain.
The Title li the Thing.
Mo Would you marry n foreign
She No; not for lovo or monoy.
Mo Of cnurnc, not; hut would you
marry ono? JiiiIko.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Biunaturo o
What lie Would Think.
"Johnny," mid tho young man, who
wanted to conciliate, him, "if I nhould
glvo you u poniiy, what would ywx
"Mumiihl I'd think iiioh' likely v'
wanted mo t' buy a autoniohllo an'
break my neck." Denver TIiiivh,
The liability to disease Is greatly
lcfscncd when the blood is in good con
dition, and the circulation healthy and
vigorous. For then all refuse matter
is promptly carried out of the system j
otherwise ft would rapidly accumulate
fermentation would take place, the
blood become polluted and the consti
tution so weakened that a simple
malady might result seriously.
A healthy, active circulation means
good digestion and strong, healthy
nerves, ,
As n blood purifier and tonic S. S. S.
has no equal. It is the safest and best
remedy for old people and children
because it contains namincrals, but is
made exclusively of roots and herbs.
No other remedy so thoroughly and
effectually cleanses the blood of im
purities. At me
same time it builds
up the weak and de
bilitated, and reno
vates the entire sys
tem. It cures permanently all manner
of blood' and skin troubles,
Mr. E. E. Kelly, of TJrbana, O., writoat
" I bad Eosema on my hands and f aoo for
flvo yoars. It would broalc out in littlo
white pustules, crusts would form and
drop off, leaving tho skin rod and inflam
ed. Tlio doctors did mo no good. I usod
alt tho modloated soaps and salvos without
bonoflt. li. B. 8. oured mo, and my skin
is as oloar and smooth an any ono's,"
Mrs. Henry Blegfrlod, of Capo May. JT,
J., says that twonty-ono bottlos of 0. H. 0.
curod hor of Uanoor of tbo broaat. Doo
tors and friends thought her oaso hope
less. Illoharcf T. Gardner, Floronoo. D. a.,
sufferod for years with Soils. Two bot
tlos of 0. B. a. put his blood in good con
dition and the llolls disappoarod.
Send for our free book, and writo
our physicians about your case.
Medical advice free.
i1 - I l-f-Wbi
I llnmt (Jouall DTruD.
up. 'rantea
owl. TJtel
poiil nr ariiuuinin.
Writer Think Man AMiiIiim lilt licit
J'llnc" fur JIiimIiIi lit 1'lfly Veiirn
or Jiilcr J'icvliiiiMly He J I lax llien
AciiilrJui( JSiiiorlonce,
There wtcuin to ho (iilt(! n dirfercnti
of ojiluloii uh to when a man reiclie-
llio lilh'liest Ntago of Iiim1 i icmh develop
ment. If you lilt vu not fixed yourxelf
for life lit forty your elianeeM are Mini,
1m an old miyliiK. Hut aettiiil Hlatlntlcn
do not Iwuir out this theory. Clutrlu
T. Yerki-N, the great Chicago Uiianeler.
goiH mo far uh to Niiy tlial If u luuu huc
eecda before llfty It In moro n vaw of
luck than anything cUu, for up to thut
ngu ho Iiiih not iiciiili'cd I liu cKKcntlul
InmliicHH eiperlcnce mid Judgment to
iniiko him UHcful. To bear out IiIh Mluto
incut lie glvcH IiIh own experience. I Id
bail aeiUlred a million dollars, ull of
which bo lost after be liail panned the
hair century murk, and bis enormous
ucelimilliltloiiH have nil occurred hIiicc
that time. The mibjeet of n recent
nketeli, Dr. Iliirtmau. wiih a poor man
lit llfty. builly 111 debt and llouiiderliig
along from day to day. The elder Van
derbllt failed iilinolutely I bice tlinex
before ho laid the foundation for bit
cuoriiiouH cHliite. And no It goen, Near
ly all our wealthy men have made
their grcatcNt miceem lifter they had
reu elieil the age of llfty. Of eournc,
there have nlwayn been nome "lucky
ilogH" who liavi! fallen Into a nnap curly
In life mid have gone rlbt on until tin
Ioiich from (iabrlcl'H horn have called
tbein lo the "happy hlliillug groundx,"
but I cnlinot but agreu with Mr.
VcrlicH that thin condition Iiiih been
more through the meillatloun of the
OoddcxM of Lurk," wherever she may
be, than through real Iu.hIiichk ability.
Certainly It IoiiI.m reanouable that the
mature IiiihIiichh mini of llfty nliould
be belter able to look a IjiikIiickh propo
nltlon fairly In the face than the linpeiu
nun thirty or forty year old. Now my
object III bringing thene thoiighln lo the
iiiIiiiIh of my reiiderv In tliln: How
liiiiny of you have punned the linaglu
nry zenith of forty and are niiylug to
yournelf my oppoilunltU" arc gone. I
iiiii t(H old to nliirt now. There Ih no
hope for me. Well, there la no hope for
you If you nuccccd In gelling thlx fact
firmly fixed In your mind, for you have
loot by thin means the very attribute
that will bring about a happy Ihhuc.
Hut If you will realize the fact that
your piiHt experience ban given you
Just the knowledge mid Judgment that
In ncccHHnry to bring about n condition
of IiiihIiichh mircens you will be far
nearer right than you are with your
pcHslmlHtlc IdeiiH. Why. luuu, (Ioch it
not look reiiHOtuibleV Look back at
your meiitifllty of thirty and forty mid
compare It with your mature IiukIiichh
Hiigaclty mul eonncrvntlHin of to-day.
and you will llnil that your conditions
are fur more favorable than eer lie
fore. This In not n theory but u plain
common-Hcime statement of facts which
Ih undeniable. If you think you uro
passe nt llfty. for heuven'H nuke get it
out of your mind. Your bent bimlneHx
iluyn are Juki beginning. Wake up. get
a move on yourxelf and xec If 1 am not
III Own Kxecut Inner.
Many luntaiiceH have been cited In
proof of tho argument that It p:iyn to
lie polite, but few are more striking
than the experience of an Italian tele
grapher nt the hamlH of C'lillmberll, the
milliliter of posts and telegraphs, us re
ported lu a letter from Home.
The minister was nt Ceuoii, and de
siring to send a despatch of great Im
portance, he went lo the telegraph of
lice nud approached the wicket.
No one was there. Me knocked pro
found silence. He repeated IiIh efforts,
anil only after a third trial u clerk ap
peared, who addressed hlin In Ian-
guugu that wns anything but compll- i
iiiiilllnrv. Hit liml nvlili'lltlt linen '
uwnkencd from bis afteruoou imp.
Thu minister listened to IiIh grum
bling and then said, plensautly:
"Kxcuso me, but what may your
inline le?"
"X. X."
"Are you a clerk or telegrapher?"
Callmbertl wrolo out a telegraphic
message nud said:
"Will you bo bo kind as to send this
for tins 7"
Tho telegraph rend: "Ministry of
Posts, Home: Tho telegrapher, X. X.,
Is transferred to Sicily. Callmbertl."
As Sicily Is the hospital for ull pub
lic functionaries who uro In disgrace
or In the way, and uh ouo seldom es
capes from It, thu clerk's feelings may
beleaslly Imagined.
Could Havo Stood Moro.
"That chorus by the Welsh singing
society was short and sweet, wasn't
"Yes. Do you know what I thought
of Cll)llllg It?"
"No. What?"
"A Welsh rareblt."-I'hlladelphla
American 811k: Plants,
Tho capacity of tho present silk
plants of America Is Insulllclent, It Is.
. ... . I .......1.. !. .1 II
saiu, 10 moru uiiiu Buintif uiu uuiucsuc
Now Goal lleds in Hlhcrla.
Jloro than llfty groups of workable
cal or Hgnlto beds havo been discov
ered In Siberia.
Some people llvo oft their wits and
somo llvo off tho lack of wit hi other
There Is such a thing as a woman of
few words, but she Is upt to bo reiterative.
A Long Narrow Clly.
Diiluth Ih it peculiar city, liu popu
lation Ih about 70,0110, yet the length
of the incorporated town along I ho hiku
front Ih -'H mile. lis width ranges
from ono lo (wo miles.
Illi Mlilakr.
Ho had worked for many yearn in i
drv olioiln hIiii-h. bill fnlii tilm-ed lilrti 1st
hind a counter In u coal ollicu, and that
wiih tho ruiiM! of IiIh undoing. A lady
entered tho coal olllco, one day, and
huh mho iieeiieii two ions oi coai
"All rlulil " until tin. .-IitL- Until
tho indies from a clgaretto in u dreamy
iiiHiiiou, -win you iiiKo it wiin you or
havo it cent. niadiunV" Yonkers
Hid Hccome s lltblt
"I've been looking for my husband
for tbo last two hours, ' nsid too ugi
titled woman to tho calm ono.
"Don't Im excited, madam," replied
tho latter. "I've lieen looking for a
husband for tho lat i!b years." Tutu-
many Jimcn.
"Well, Joshua," said .Mr. Warren to
IiIh country cousin, "what wiih tho first
thing that struck you when you reached
"A trolley car," replied Joshua,
"but, fortunately, it did not hit mo
very bard." Detroit Iron 1'rcsH.
Mil Knowledge of Brooklyn.
Itronklyn Man Havo you ever liecn
in lirooklynV
Cochman No, nor. 01 nivir war. in
Brooklyn but onco, nil' thin Oi struck
tbo wring ferry an' got only to Jersey
City. .Now lork Weekly.
Another Kcainn.
"I tlinnrht Jones said he was going
to church this morning."
"No. The minister asked him to
give his reasons for not going, and ho in
staying at homo to write them. '
Cleveland I'laiii Dealer.
The Neighborly Quality.
Mr. Aseum She is a very nicgh bur
ly woman, isn't she"
Mrs. Snoppe iesj shun forever
poking into other peoples bilHiliess
-Philadelphia Press.
Our Keccnllydlulll War Veneli.
The vcsi-oIh built or authorizeil by
rnngruHM since tho .Spanish' war moro
than equal In tonnagu the regular naval
vew-uls wo then had. Tho effectiveness
of guns has also been doubled.
The World'i Great Clliei.
There aro in tho world 270 cities,
having moro than 100,000 inhabitants
each; .!" having more than 000,000,
and 12 with a population of moro than
A llaie Motive.
Von Winner I didn't eomo down to
this hotel over Humbly to spend the
night dancing, or tbo day in playing
golf, or tho interval in talking to a lot
of idiots.
Mrs. Von Winner (indignantly) No;
of court-o not! Tho only thing you
euro about is gatting rested. ruck.
Belter Lett Unsaid.
Mr. Sappy Don't you often wish
you wero r or a gentleman, Miss
Miss Sinytht Yes; don't you?
Btatx or omo, rrrr or toledo, i
Frank J. I'iiesbv makes oath that he Is the
acnlor I'urter of I ho II rm oi 1-'. J. Cheney & Co.,
doliiebualaeaa la llio City ot Toledo, County
anil Slats aforeaaiil, anil III at salil 11 rm will nay
tho turn ot OKI! II USlillEI) DOt.I.AllH for eaPh
anil every ruao of Catarrh that cannot bo euroil
by the uo ot It all's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn lo before mo niut aiibKcrllied la my
prcaencc, this eilt day ol December, A. D. IhiA,
lZ.1 Notary Publie
Hall's Catarrh Curo la taacn Internally and acts
directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces ot
tbo syttcm. Send for tcMlraonlalu, free.
K.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
fiolil by druRKlsts. 76c
Usil's Vamlly i'llis are the best.
Surplus at Glaigow Exposition.
It is stated that tho surplus profit on
tho Glasgow International Exhibition
is 110,000 pounds, and it haa hcon
agreed to offer tho corporation such
part of that sum as they will accept up
to 80,000 pounds.
Made for Eich Other.
Kdith -I hear that you and Fred aro
quito intcre-ted in ono another.
llortlia Don't you toll a soul, Edith,
but, really, I helievo that Fred and I
wore miido for each other. Wo havo
played golf togothor three times, and
wo novor have quarreled oxcopt two
or threo times, when Fred wus clearly
in tho wrong. lloston Transcript.
He Preses the Question.
"Aron't you sorry you'ro not mar
riod, Auntio?"
"Il'ml Might ho sorry If I was."
"Hut wouldn't you rnthor bo sorry
yon woro married than sorry you wero
not?" ruck.
llrooklyn, N. Y Feb. 20. Tho activity nt the
laboratory of tho Uartlelil Tea Co, is further
evidence of llio popularity of their prepara
tions; over Til KKK MILLION 1'AMII.KS usu'l
(Inrllelil Itemeiltcs last ycarl This vastpiiDlie
approval speaks well for Hie remedies. They
aro: Garfield Ten, Uartlelil ileadneho Powders,
Uarllcld Tea-Syrup, (lartlcld llollof Planters,
Uartlelil Ilelladonna Plnsiera, Uarllcld Dlgist
lve Tablets mul Uarllcld Cold Cine.
Doing lllm Justice.
Tho Iloiross -You seem to havo no
objection to him, papa, oxcopt that ho
has no money,
Papa .No j and I'll oven admit that
fio's trying hard to got somo. Brook
lyn llfo.
New Year Resolutions
fcure relief homllqsiT, opium and tebani
HSD1I4, hiiuiik imruouiaxa 4
fnalau Inelllnla lUovdil to 4!J0 Wllllmna
sVOBlBy InStllllta, Ave., l'ortlttiul, Orvuou
N. I, N. U, .No, H-1UOD.
W1I1CN writing tr, ndvortlsora ploasa
moutl3 this punor.
The Wont Vet.
"It is ndmllted that Natioleon liona-
parte can get along without that statue
that they projioio to give liliu In St
"Of Corsienn." Cleveland I'lain-
Like the Others.
"I thank Ood," said tho Pharisee,
"that I am not as other men."
"Oh, I don't know," replied tho
lady. "V'ou seem to Ihj liko a good
many of them. I saw you occupying a
(cat lu a cur last night when there
were lots oi women rtanuiiig. uni
cugo Itecord-Uorald.
Iter Share.
"Oh, Lucy I Where did you get that
lovely new hat7" aaked Mrs. I'osdlck
of Mrs. Keedlck.
"Frank gavo mo tho money to buy it.
It's my share out of a fortunate invest
ment lie miido with a Mr. John I'ott."
Hhe Heally, my husband is qui to a
iler Aunt Well, a man might oh
well Ikiw to tho Inevitable when he's
married to it! Chicago Journal.
Wonderful Collection of Birds.
Mrs. Henry Wells Terry, a resident
of ll.-iliylon, L. I., has ono of tho most
complete and valuable collections of
birds in America, which sho inherited
from her father, J. C. KnoesH, an or
nithologist, known all over tho world
for his knowledge on this subject.
New York'i Extinct Volcano.
A Harvard professor has discovered
what ho considers tho remains of an
extinct volcano at Schuylerville, N. Y.,
a small country placo already famous
in American history.
Only Elsht
Willie Oh, maw, I have such a pain
in niy stuminick.
Fond Mother Willie, have you been
eating something?
Willie No, maw, I didn't cat a
tiling hut eight green apples. Ohio
8tato Journal
The M. i. M. Arcs are Causing Quite a Stir.
Nothing is more annoying than a
poorlv lidded store. From the time of
old tallow (litis, millions of people have
noon ixjthered uy instillicient light when
the evenitur comes. Hut now it seems
the whole question is settled by the
ix-nuiuiii, nriiiiant, economical "M a
M" Arc I-nnnis that are becoming so
popular. They are cheap, too. Writo
to C. W. Lord,' Portland, Oreiion, for a
circular telling you all about them.
l oil II be glau you wrote. Agents are
wanted in every town.
Know by tho sign
on pn
A.cJ.TOWER CO.. B05T0N. MA33. 46
Faundad 1070
A Homo School for Boya
Military and Manual Training
Writo for Illustrated Cataloguo
rajjjjjjjjjjjjjui . v .wni tr n u xr.T4 ritiiiHL'n
150 Kinds for 16c.
It Is a fact thnt Salif f t TgeUMe and flower -
ecus are lounu in niore garuen
i ami on mora fnniii tlian anv otlKT i
In America. Tliere li reason for tills.
We own and operate OTer 6000 acre for
icerrtxiucuon ot our cnoifoiwui. in
nrilir te InrlnrA vou to trv them
ve make ino soiionuitf uoprw-
eueiueu oueri
For 16 Gents Postpaid
SO kUdi nt rart ( laicloai rtdubt t "
a tori iorion toniiofi,
11 d load Id brL aortl.
ti go if toad bttullfi.1 flowtr
In ftlllU kinds posltlTelirfurnisUlnfr
buiheU of channlnff Cowers audi
lots ana iota or ciroica TeKeianies.i
together with our treat catalogue
teuititfau aiouc iroBinie aiiurea
Oat nntl Itromua and hneltz. oiilon
lur uo lit eui'iiia. Y nw iwujt
La Crosta, wit.
MoDs Oil
T.I to to the moist favored In not ulTT.iy
full of mnisiilne, but to tbo awrago
American girl or womsn who Is obliged
to work for her living, nd, perhapf
to help others nt home, llfo Is ofttn
hoavy drag In connequenco of Illness.
Women who work, especially Uiosf
who are constantly on their feet, arp
peculiarly liable to tho dcvelopmen
of organic troublps, and fthould par
tlcularly heed tho first manifestations,
such as backache, pains la the lower
limbs and lower part of the stomach,
irregular and painful monthly periods
lliai Klla Usesseb, n. nocnraTzn, Ono.
falntncss, weakness, loss of appetite
and sleep.
The young lady whoso portrait we
publish herewith had all these symp
toms and in addition leucorrhooa,
and wan cured by Lydia E. i'inkham'a
Vegetable Compound. First, sho
wrote- a letter to Mrs. I'inkham's lab
oratory at Lynn, Mass., describing her
trouble, recived in reply accurate in
structions what to do to get well, and
now wishes her name used to convince
others that they may be cured as she
The same helping hand, free of
charge or obligation, is extended, to
every ailing woman in America. If
you are sick you are foolish not to get
this valuable advice, it costs you noth
ing, and hhe is sure to help you. Don't
Wait until It Is too late write to-day.
The Farmer's First Profit!
Ji made In lila ncleetlon of s-ieL
Send lor
Our Complete Annual Cata
logue for 1902, FREEI
It contains full directions for garden
work and manrnieful tables for the
farmer. No one sells better
Eeeda than
LAMBERSON - Portland Oregon
in in im mas iii i iiiii isii iisi ii ii
C -?oS3uperior roDDER Plants
About lOmllMabeftdof Darf Emex Hapelri
yiuaiuirrM, iu viyur
; nuiKeiii poMi Die io grow swins ana iixtp
and cattle all or America at lea lb. It la
7nirTclouly proUflc.
Giant Incarnate Glover
Produce a lnxnriant
wuain hx Treeki alter Bceamg anaiou
and lota of pAitnratre all inmmcr long
Dfftidpa, Will do
dirt cheap.
Grass, Glovers and
Fodder Plants
Out ratal otrne la brimful
inch as Tliouitand Hearted Kale
Ereen fodder per acre; Tea Oat:
3 ton ox nay per acre, Million
Yielding ft ton of magnificent hay and an endless amount of past run ge on any farm In America.
Uro m us inertnisG
The great grata of the century, crowing wherever
any wideawake American gardener or fanner. Is
receipt of but lu cents postage, or Catalog alone
h nVWf A OV will be paid
JplUU KLYYAKU port to us
" something
for, ana furnish evidence upon which we can
MSfAatrirwill BIB rmi 7V ' 1 1 I I Ii III II 1 1 I I !' 1 -r
LIVER TONIC I focqftag,
Little Liver ills.
Must Boar Signature of
5e Pac-Slmlla Wrapper Below.
Very email and as easy
to take as m
5Ci"li I Pnrelr VefetaMevWWSSw:
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
j ootol Uorrlaoa Slrett.
Can jrive von the best bnrzalm In
. Runiriee. 1'loivs. Boilers and Eniriues,
I Win 'mills and Pumns and General
Machinery. Eee us before bayinj.
Seeds rnnko
cood crops, good
eroDs make more ens-
tomers so each year the
crops and customers have
grown greater. That's the
secret of the Ferry fame.
More Kerry's Heeds sold
and Howir tnan any oilier
kind. Hold bv all dealers.
k Beta Annual rutin.
D. M. Ferry & Co.
Selling my goods under new plan. A
tried article that sells on its merit. Write
'quick for particulars and exclusive ter
ritory. Lock Box COO, Tortland, Or.
aisiiiaii i i n - ..
aim uvuiKiiuiqiuuilT,
balzer! cataloff telhu.
crop three feet tall
well anywhere. Irtc
of tborooffhlr txtM farm awd
Teoumte. nrodnrino-wt tnmnf
Speltz.withltiMboitheUof crain
uoiiar unua, etc. etc.
Grass Mixtures
tons of Hay per Acre
soil Is found. Our great catalogue, worth $100 to
mailed to yon with many farm seed sample, upon
6 cents for postage.
COMPANY. La Crosse. Wis.
taste sooa. Eat them like candy. They
remove any bad taste In the mouth, leav
ing the breath sweet and perfumed. It Is
a pleasure to take them, and they ars
liked especially by children,
sweeten the stomach by cleansing th
mouth, throat and food channel. That
means, they stop undigested food from
souring In the stomach, prevent gas form
ing In the bowels, and kill disease perms
of any kind that breed and feed In the en
tire system.
are purely vegetable and contain no mer
curial or other mineral poison. They con
sist of the latest discoveries In medicine,
and form a combination of remedies un
equaled to make the blood pure and rich,
and make clean skin and beautiful com
plexion. tone the stomach and bowels and stir up
the lazy liver. They do not merely soften
the stools and cause their discharge, but
strengthen the bowels and put them Into
lively, healthy condition, making their ac
tion natural.
never grip nor gripe. They act quietly, pos
itively and never cause any kind of uncom
fortable feeling. Taken regularly they make
the liver act regularly and naturally as It
should. They keep the sewerage of the body
properly moving and keep the system clean.
Increase the flow ot milk In nursing moth
ers. If the mother eats a tablet, It makes
her milk mildly purgative and has a mild
but certain effect on the baby. In this way
they are the only safe laxative for the
nursing Infant.
taken patiently, persistently, will cure any
form of constipation, no matter how old or
how often other remedies have faded. They
are absolutely guaranteed to cure any case,
or purchase money will be cheerfully re
funded. cost 10c, Kc, COc a box. Samples eent fre
for the asktng. We publish no testimonials
but sell Cascarets on their merit under ab
solute guarantee to cure, Iluy and try a
box to-day, or write us tor free samples
and booklet.
iddr... srtuuso itsniDt co., cmcioo .r srvr tobx.
to ny reader of this paper who will re.
any attempt of substitution, or sale of
just as good" when Cascarets are called
convict. All correspondence confidential.