Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 07, 1902, Image 8

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Wo know of no wny In which wo can
bo of more scrvico to our tenders than
to toll them of something that will lie of
real good to theiu. For this reason wu
want to ai-qiinint them with what wo
consider onu of the very beat remedies
on tliu market for roughs, voids, and
tlmt alarming complaint, croup. We
have used it with such iood results in
our family so long thai It has bueomon
household necessity. By its prompt
use wo hnven't any doubt but that it
has time and again prevented eroup.
Tho testimony is given upon our own
exiierlcnce. nnd we toiuitcHt
that our
readers, especially those who have ,
...- nl.ll.l,.... Il In lli.lpi
PI II till vunuiLiif unuya nvvji w
homes as a safeguard tnrnliist eronn.
Camden (8. C.) Messenger. Kor sale by
Lyons & Applejrate, Drain. Benson
Drug Co., Cottage Grove.
"During the winter of 1S9X l was so
lame in my joints, in fact nil over my
body, that I could hardly hobb'.e around,
when I bought n bottle of Chamberlain's
1'nin Balm. Krom the first application
1 hi(Tiin Intent unit, nnil vvn4 iMirml mill
have worked steadily nil the year. R.
viieelkr, .ortliwoxl, .N. . horsaloi. r , . .
bv Lvons & Apuleuate. Drain. Benson toP ol ulen
Drug Co., Cottage Grove.
"I have used Chamberlain's Cough
Iteniedy for n number of years and have
no hesitancy in saying that it Is the best
remedy for coughs, colds and croup I
have ever used in my family. I have
not words to express my confidence in
this remedy. Mas. J. A. Moore, North
Star. Mich. FnrRulu liv l.vnn fc Atitilo
gate. Drain. Benson Drug Co., Cottage
"I have taken n great many different
medicines for stomach trouble and con
stipation." savs Mrs. S. Gcicer of Dun
kerto, Iowa, "But never had as good re
sults from any as from Chamberlain's
Stomach & Liver Tablets." For sale by
uenson .urug jo.
When you lack energy, do not relish
your food, feel dull and stupid, after
eating, all you need is a dose of Cham
berlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets.
They will make you feel like u new man
nnd give you an appetite like n bear.
For sale by Benson Drug Co.
So sure are we that tho locating of a
few of our Electric Belts will develop
into numerous sales of our Belts and
Appliances, that we aie willing to send
one free to any sufferer from the follow
ing diseases: Cold extremities, Crysto
cele, Female weakness, Kidney com
plaint, Leucorrhea, Liver complaint,
raralyaif, Lost vitality, Nervous debility,
Self abuse. Worn-out women, Sciatica,
Weak and Nervous women, Irregular
menstruation, Impotency, Rheumatism.
Diminutive Shrunken and Undeveloped
-Sexual organs, and Catarrh.
Address for illustrated circular, etc.,
Sanitarium City Electrical Co., battle
Creek. Michigan.
Gravel or coarse sand is as much
needed as ordinary food
All chickens want for health.
growtn ana gooa conditions is
plain, nutritious food.
Even when the fowls have an
unlimited range it is a good plan
to feed them every evening.
One of the first things to learn
about poultry is that they must be
kept clean and free from vermin.
Peafowls are handsome and sub
sist with the least care of any kind
of fowls. They are prolific layers
and a good protection against
Raw bone contains every part of
an egg white, yolk and shell.
Therefore it should be kept con
stantly before laying hens in the
granulated form.
One of the best ways of remov
ing lice from fowls is to make them
do it themselves by having a lot of
dry earth where they can dust
themselves whenever they feel like
The comb is always an index to
the condition of the bird. When
the comb is white or very pale or
very black, something is wrong,
A healthy fowl shows a bright
scarlet color in the comb.
Honolulu Evening Bulletin.
The planters in all parts of the
islands have been advised by the
medical fraternity to plant eucalyp
tus trees among the quarters of
their laborers. The theory ad
vanced is that the eucalyptus is an
antidote to malaria. A peculiar
medicinal quality seems to pervade
the air shaded by these trees, and
the movement of setting out etica-,
lyptus has taken on such propor
tions that Commissioner Wray
Taylor has to hustle to keep a sup
ply equal to the demand.
A petition is being circulated in
various parts of Oregon to our dele
gation in congress asking that
Crater Lake be set aside as a
national park. Crater I.nke is one
of the greatest natural wonders of
the world, and it would seem that
all is required is to call the atten
tion of congress to the matter, to
secure favorable action. Conyrcss-
; man Tongue has introduced a bill
for .i,
ui lu-
purpose of establishing the
' park, and it is only n matter of
time until the bill will become a
The lake, as described in the
petition, is 6239 feet above sea
level; it is nearly six miles in di
ameter and is completely sur
rounded by nearly perpendicular
walls from 1000 to 2000 feet high.
It contains a circular island, or
' cinder
cone 845 feet high, in the
is an extinct crater.
The water is as clear as crystal,
2000 feet deep and of the richest
possible blue. The lake for a
number of years has been a great
attraction to travelers, nnd when
the region is taken charge of by
the national government its fame
as a natural wonder will be
spread wider than ever before.
Action should, if possible, be taken
in this matter during the present
session. Statesman.
Girls are always trying to con
vince young men that two can't
live as expensively as one.
An inventor is a genius who dis
covers a lot of things that arc al
ready patented.
Che Crystal gon. mining go.
G. W. LLOYD, President
II. D. SCOTT, Vice-President
ifi' ""Jr-
The five splendid properties comprising the mining claims
forming this company are located in the great Bohemia
Mining District in Lane and Douglas counties, Oregon.
These properties have had much work done upon them,
so that now they are embryo mines with an assured
The stock of this company is now upon the market. Its
par value is $1 It is non-assessable. Its principal
office is in Cottage Grove.
For development purposes a
been authorized to be sold
Two of the claims the Mountain Lion and EI Calado
are 011 the now famous Helena lode. These two claims
have had over 600 feet of tunnels run on them and the
face of the tunuels are now in solid ore,
Frank Jordan, Secretary
farmers' Store
j.elties Free
U. u. walker ot walker is
justly proud of his deservedly
growing trade.
Never tiring, he has not failed
to grasp every oportunity to secure
for his customers the top price for
their produce of every kind.
Only Look !
And you will know his goods
and prices are right. He now offers
a Beautiful Necktie free to his cus
tomers with their next $2.00 cash
purchase. Ask him for Schil
lings teas, coffees, spices, etc, and
you know you have the best.
Rough Lumber,
$6 per M. at
Saginaw, Or.
1julnvlllc Courier-Journal.
Senator Morgan voices general
opinion when he says that the
Panama proposition is intended to
delay the construction of any canal
and that if we should accept
we should simply accept goods that
cannot be delivered. Hut Senntor
Morgan's opinion in this matter is
worth more than general opinion
for he has made it n special study
for years; his knowledge of it
exhaustive, and his disinterested
ncss as uiuiuestioned as his devo
tion to the consummation of th
long dreamed idea of an isthmia
canal. It will be n shame if, when
everythintr at last seemed ripe for
the construction of this great en
terprise, the project of the Panama
lobby should be permitted to in
definitely defeat it.
in ti7reksylZabuiS
Providence Journal.
President Roosevelt's name has
been variously pronounced by his
fellow-citizens, so that it is grati
fying to have an authoritative
statement on the subject. Editor
Buckley ol the Christian Advocate
some time ago wrote Mr, Roost
velt about it, and in due season re'
ccived the following reply:
My Dear air: My name is pro
nounced in three syllables, the
first syllable being pronounced like
"Rose," the flower.
We should all therefore take
care not to say "Rosevelt
"Roosevelt" or "Roose-e-velt
"Rose-e-velt" is right, and the
others are wrong.
FRANK :. JORDAN, Secretary
limited amount of stock
at 5 cents per share.
A winter trip to Southern California
and Arizona via the famous Shasta
Route is one never to be forgotten. Re
newed acquaintance with this Rcctlon
will ever develop fresh points of interest
and added sources of enjoyment under
its sunny skies, in the variety of in
terests hud added industries, in its pro
lific vegetation and among its number
less resorts of mountain, shore, valley
and plain. Two trains leavo Portland
daily, morning anil evening for Cali
fornia. These trains are equipped with
the most improved pattern of standard
and tourist sleeping cars, and the low
rated place the trip in reach of all.
For illustrated guides of California
and Arizona winter resorts, address.
R. B. Miller, (Jen. Pas. Agent,
Portland, Or.
Corner of Main and Second St., Cottage Orove,
Carries a lino
tiona, Candles,
lino of Groceries, No
Tobaccos, Nuts and
Our prices aro right and wo will give
Qootl Value for Your Money.
A good inconie bearing property in a
thriving mjU town In Oregon for sale or
trade. For information address Lock
Box 11, Cottage Grove.
Fine residence, choice lots, business
block; for sale Jdrorae Knox & Co,
Asthm&lenc Brings
In all
Wo want to fend to everv sufferer
similar to the one that cured Mr. Wells. We'll send it hy mail I'OiT.
PAID, Absolutely Free of Charge, to any sufferer who will write for
it, even on it postal. Never mind, though yon aredexpairing, however
had your ease, AHtlimitlenu will rellovunnd tune. TIo worse yniireaso
tliu mart ulml wit imt In homi! it. l)n nitl fitoliiv. Writo at mint. lid.
dr.slng Ml. TA IT llHOS.1 MKDICI.VK CO.. 70 Hast 130th St.,
K. V. City. Sold liy all Druggists.
rVG Eisrc Y.-Ti
Improved Farms for Sale.
Valuable Town Property, consisting of Business Houses
and bplcnd'.d Residences.
J.ots oh the prlncljial ImnlnrnH Htreetn,
Mining Claims in Bohemia.
All-tract of title secured and guaranteed.
Information as to the laws governing tliu disposal of government hinds,
Hcpw to mm re homesteads, timUr lands, mining claims, etu.
Property for sale published weekly.
CorrMtuUiioVK is tho second city In Lane county. Oregon. Has n iiomilallnn
of ithotit l.'.'UO. Tim center of the four points of the compass when ft I'limc to
ingrcas anil egress, llohemta with its vast mining resources only thirty-live miles
t-outli east, with it good wagon road leading from the S. 1'. It. It. depot right liete
in tow 11. Prospective miltoad to the mines. The Coast Fork of tliu Willamette
river, on which is situated tliu Illaek Untie quicksilver minus, sixteen miles south,
flows through the center of the city furnishing abundant witter fiieilities. Ills
only n mile ana a Halt to its conlliieiicu
limber ranges to the southeast. AYcstward toward the coast raiiue is an in
exhaiiHtahle xiipplv of liiiilx'r, interspaced with numerous rich fanning lauds
well Improved and cultivated.
North or south from hereon the S. P. railroad vou can reach either Portland
or San Francisco and he in touch with
Waterworks in lull operation, hleclrfu llglilsiind telephone system complete.
Jfff"Tlie best agricultural lands in I.aiin coimlv Hi- in the vieiuitv surround.
ing Cottage Grove on either side, tit for
uorresponuenee soiicneii.
A. Few ol our TBaro-oins:
I l'JOfeet front on north nhlo of Main
street, liy nlsjut MOO feet deep. iHittntled
uy river on tliu north. House 01 seven
rooms, ham and outhouses. This is the
best business locution in Cottage Grove.
Price f240O.OO.
4 Two story dwelling house, ten
rooms, liriek (rult house, trult trees, IHJ
feet front on north ride of Main street liy
800 feet deep, corner property. A flno
ocitlion lor 11 hotel, rnce f.'iou.
5 A two stnrv fine, almost newiiwcll-
ng house, 0 rnouii, ham and outhouse
omplete, three lots. A splmuliil or
hanl of V011112 bearing trees, together
with grain's itud various kinds of beriles.
Situated in Long ami Lundes addition
In southeast Cottage Grove. Prire SI200.
A splendid ranch of lOO.tibouf 00 acres
heavily timl'ered, Imlanco easily cleared,
never 'failing water supply, libout four
miles west uiCottageGrove. Cash price
$.V0. Also otli-r terms. You will miss
u deal if you overlook tills.
100 acres of agricultural and timber ,
land, well watered, some improvements.
good ntngo outlet, about 5 miles east of I
baginaw,Uregon. nils is a our gain at
Lots in tho I). G. McFarland addition
to CottaceGrove. on westside at nriccs
to stilt purchasers lor cash.
The Currin Park principally within
thecity limits, consisting of seven ucres
on tho hanks of the Coast Fork river, an
ideal pleasure resort or building spot.
Snlendid grove, expensive now foot
bridgo spanning tho river, tho most
avnilable place for a 'public park. Price
Two good dwelling houses on adjoin-
ng lots in tho Sherwood block. Price
SI 300.
100 ocreH Improved farm on north hank
of Row River, twelvoniiles from Cottage
Grove on tho line of tliu R. R. survey to
Bohemia. Price S3000.
visit DR. JORDAN'S en cat
In the World.
Ortai'Ml attraction (it t4 Ctty. jl
uoiijerul HqMjot vtittor:
WrukneiBen.or .fijroQiitret
e4dln,tfalilvf reurttiltnr m
th oldMt bnecUllstun tlid'toloa
Oomt. KnUblUliedUotri. A
Yunna- ram and Middle I
Mr)il mrn wtin urn aiin,!n- .
from Iba effect ot roulbful IndU- (
ittbuiiiir iir FierutPN in mirurss
uotenei, fjoat tlnifauod In RllltBeomnil.
cnUoiia; ftpriutrrUaeM. Vrumtnimr-,
of Lfrliittilnir, etc. Uy n comhlrtMion of i
rffmei1l, ot if rent curntlr powr, the Doctor '
Iim to Arranged Jiln treatment (tint It will not a
only alTon Immedlata rIfrf. but 1
riiwn, uonorriiwn, uicfii. rreauentiy
mlric1. but la well knuwn tabui
Tbs IJoctor doai not claim to perform ,
eqtiara ehr'lclnn und Hnrrron.nrv-einijioiil
Ui lilf pecllty Plavnaca ot Men. I
MYiMiir.iM iborniifhlr ""dieted from '
t lair and
uin Baiciu viinom mo uae omereur;, i
riir tor Jtuuttii'ei.
ewe tat Illra, I'u
Vr. Jordan's paolal r
i rnaaca until or aa Kinerc Unillrnl '
satire) and Flafnla
a quicK ana raaicta j
painieu netnoaa.
EVEItr MAN arplrlnr to uiwUIrtoelra"
ovrhonfttoplntonot brscomplaliit,
ll' mttl buarimtll a POXITIV1
r nonrtc opinion 0 uiscompiaiiu ,
Wewttl OmrtmUt a POSITIVE CVBX In I
DnnKUltatfon CRKK and atrletl' nrleata.
Treatment perwnaiir or by letter.
Write f..r nook. rHIl.oJlirr V '
nauuiauB, MAiLKDraiuk i.yajniOie i
dook wr meci uornie
OR. JORDAN CO., tOBI Mariitt It, 8. T.
a a
and Permanent Cure
" ThoroU nothliitf like Asthinalene. It brings
Instant icllof. uven in tho worst cno. It uures
when nil elm falls.
The Nov. 0. V. WKM.8 of Villa Ridge, III.,
days: "Your trial hnltlo of Astluunlenu leeelved
In good eotidltlon . 1 eannot tell vim how thank
fill 1 feel for tliu good derived from It. 1 was n
slave, chained with putrid two throat and asthma
for ten years, I despaired of ever being cured, I
saw your advertisement for the etite of this
dreadful and tormenting disease, asthma, and
thought yott had ovc rspokon yourself, hut resolved
to give it a trial. To my NiirprlHo the trial acted
like a uliarm. Send me a ftill'sUed bottle."
a trial treatment ol Asthmalone,
" l i r l
v y in
with How river, tho outlet of the ureal
the whole world on short notice.
farming or stock raising.
A splendid live-room cottage, stable,
workshop, chicken house, wrxslslitil ;
three lots all enclosed; tine loeatinn In
Wyiihu'saddition toCottauuGrove. Price
SI 000, half down.
800 feet hy 100 feet In u suliurlwp locu
tion. Natural spring, oak trees, nil ad
joining foot hills in west Cottage Grove.
Price $300.
A tlnely finished two stnrv dwelllm
house, ten rooms, bath room, cement
stone cellar, water and electric lights
about nine lots fronting tin fourth street
adjoining river In rear, near Christian
church, gocd barn iiiiduulhoiises. Price
Two story dwelling house, six rooms,
good barn, and woodshed, two huge lots
011 comer upposire Catholic church.
Price S1U00.
Two grKxl lots near railroad 100 feet
square. Price lll'fi.
Funning land, well improved, I mile
from Cottage Grove, adjoining the coun
ty road, in tracts from 5 to 100 acres.
If yon want u Inn gain look this up.
Splendid cottngeon Fourth street, $7W).
Look this lip if you want a bargain In n
Ono hundred acres of improved hind
lying in 11 tract east and west within 11
Jiui ter of n mile of Cottage Grove, ad
oining county road.
One hundred acres Improved land ad
joining county road oncntiarterof a mile,
west 01 uoitageorove, lying in a tract
north ami south.
240 acre farm, 100 acres fenced, fine
orchard of 200 trees, good house and
barn, splendid body of tinihor. well
watered, near Moshy creek, 7 miles
from Cottage Grove, price f 1500.
383 acre farm, two story dwelling
house, mo ven 100ms, almost new, 3 good
burns. 2 orchards of 200 hearing trees,
abundance of timber and hay land, all
enuloeed, eight miles from Cottage
urovc, price fiuuu.
Trains leavo Cottage Orovo
land and way stations at UiH
12:55 p in.
for Port
a ni and
8:80 p m
2:06 a m
12;05p m
5:00 a m
8 :45 u m
Lv Portland
" Cottage Grove
Ar Ashland
" Sacramento
" fian Francisco
8 :80 a m
2 :67 p in
12:30 a in
5:10 p in
7 .55 p in
Pullman and Tourists cars
an both
trains. Chair cars 6ai!ramonto to Oadcn
and Kl Paso, and tourist cars toClilenno
St Louis, Now Orleans and Washington,
Connecting at Ban Francisco with the
several steamship lines (or Honolulu.
Japan, China, l'hillipines, Central and
South America.
Soe agent at Cottago Grovo station, or
It. B. MlLtEB,.Q P. A.
Portland, Oregon.
Subscribe for the yugaet.
hotick or roitKKiTUiir.
I'otiein drurs. ott (op, Wot. 71, lvei,
T. ttl I.U II IUUB1 Ml
Vou at lutrljr iiotlDitl bt rs lit i
IHIf qurins ips J"r uuina em, iw,
ie uutiutf't JolUri itiUl'oremJ IniiiroTtnetii
the llolnmla Minnie, lilililrl suit r euidtjl on
lie'i7(i Hook A of lhe.fl iilni Itecotili id
Lit Coiinljf, (Iteiioii, ami lliji rilelrolf .
raleil lathe lloliemU Minllil 'IHililcl titid f
i-ohM mi 'P Mft ol Hook A ol III UIiiIhk
lleninleot iKitHfloo C'OHliiy, Oirvon In uritrr
lo liotil ll elaltii" yiule r the mo-lelotia of
Heel ion 'fill of I he llnlit Mlalulra of Ilia
l'lillril8lalr,alil Hie ameiiitinenl tlieielo, all.
tiroveil Jan. Mml, Ifsn, roiirernlliit annual la.
Lor tition inliilntr claim!, belli lh aiuniiiil re.
mil ml lo hold rath nl laid Dure nlalina for
the arloil mllli. Ihr Slat 1y of Dcrrmter,
WO, Ami. II within ninety day Ironi Ilia per.
onal tvlr ollhl noilt'c, or within nluely
ilaya alter the tiiibllralloii Iherrofyoti fall or
re (line to ronttlluiti1 your ronton ol uili ai.
.mlllure aa a co.ownei, your Inteteat In Ihn
rlalni Mill liei'Oiiie the roierly ol the eiili.
t'llbera, your en. owner, who harn inailo tha
riilrvil oenillliilo, hy tha term ol eajit ec-
,l"n' I1KO. W. l.WU
t'liitril Ntatri Unit dmc
lloeiur(, (lia., Pecember Jl, lout.
Notice la heraby clrnn that In raui'illanra
with Ih rovlilon if the act of Cutigtgianf
Junes, IMTM. cntltlfl "An acl for th lale of
llmlwr lamia In the Stale ul Callforat, Ore. H'aihlmtinToriltory," aaei.
triiilm; lo all Ilia I'ublln Unil Blataa by set ol
Ausiint 4, law, Mra. Minnie Hiitr Jonklna.of
(town or illy) Hprlnirflatl. t'ouniy ol Una,
Rial ol Oti;on haa tlm day fllexl In tola nRtco
her orn taleinent No. lor Ih iurcha
of lb NW t.ol Heolloti No. ;'l, Townbli 19
South, ol llaim-JWcit and will nlttir troofln
how that tho land aouirht I more valiiaM (or
Itallmhor oratonn llian for aniloultural pur.
Int,and to otalillth her elalm lo aald laml
U-loro tho KcifUlor and Itrretcor ol tlili olDcn
at ItoMlilire, Orv(on, oil Tnoday, th ltlh day
Hhe iiamvaa wllnexea:
J. II. Iiaiomon ol Collaga drove, (reon,
John Kli'lnitrr ol Fall Creek. (Irrson, (laoritn
HparvaolSprlnitlleld, (lienoii, t'haa Kllner
ol Kuiieiie, On'ioii.
Any and all prona tlalinlnt adrtalylha
aboo-.lctrlLe. landi am reiielol In Ilia
Ihclr rlalma In Ihla olTlrv on or be lor aeld ltlh
dayol March,
J, T. llsiKira, llctliior.
.notick ron i-rni.icATios.
1,'nllrd Slalr Und llfllro
ItiwehurK, Orecon, January 2, lsC
Nnlliti la heiehy ulteu that In noinpllanrn
with the prorlalona of Ih all of ConrrrM ol
June.1. 1S7S, entitled "An act forth le ol
Umber lands In IheSlateaof California, tile,
(ton, Nevada, and Waihloflon Torrllory," aa
extended lo all the Public Ijiiid fllale by art
of Alliruit 4, lSOi, Thoinaa C. Johuaon of Ku
(telle, County of Lane, Klatu of Orermi, ha thla
day filed 111 thlaofllre lit aworn atalemviil No.
160, for the purcha.o nfthe FK 'J of Herllon
No. I3,Townahl:i svmlli of Itanxe 2 We.l and
will offer proof lo ahuw that the land aoii(ht la
more valuable lor Ititlmbvror (ton than for
uicrlrullural and to taMi,li hU
claim lo aald land Uiloro Ih lleglatar and II.
celrer of Ihla olllc at lloaeburir, Dreiion, on
Wcdneaday th 121 li day of March, W'l.
Ho namcaaa wltnvxea:
Martin Ilunjconaoii, Charley Olnon, Hlmon
Klovdahl, liul llalvemon of Kuiruno.urriroii
Any and all Hron claiming ndvewly tho
abore-deaerlbed lamia are roiieatnl i.i flln
their clalioa In thla office on or befnr aid Ulti
day of March, Wt. .
J. T. nrilKira, Iteiilater.
1-reildent, Ca-hlcr.
The First National Bank
Paid up Capital, $35,000.00
Money to loan on approved security.
KxchnnKHH sold, avallahle any ,lacn
in tho United States.
Your Iiuinen is Solicited.
United Mate Land Office,
Itoseburg, Ore., January 23, 1902.
Notice la hereby given that in compliance
with the provlalon ol tbo act ol Coogreuol
Junes, 1878, entitled "An act lot the ui f
Umber landi In tbs Mates ol t alliomla, Or
gon, Nevada and WnliliintoiiTrrltoir."aaox.
tended to nil the Tubllo Und State by act ol
Auguata, I8W, laaaow. Tomik njolltowiior
city) Cottage Drove, County ol lanv. State ol
Oregon, baa thla day filed in thla offlco
bia aworu atatemoutYto. 1076. lor the purchaie
ol the Lots 1,2, 7, Band 10, ol Section No. 2 In
Townihlp 22 S. of Range 1 Wet, nnd will
offer proof to abow that tbo land nought la
more valuable for its timber or atone than for
agricultural pnrpoica. and to citabltsb hi
claim to said land beforu the Regliter and
Receiver ol tbl ofllce at Pcaoburg, Oregon.
on Saturday, tho 6th day ot April, 1902.
lie names aa witnenei:
Wlllard Boron, rrank Mclutyre, W, M.
George, Ben Pitcher, of Wlldwood, Oregon.
Any and all peraont claiming advenely tbs
above-deacrlbed landi are requested to fit
their claims In thli office on or before laid Sth
day nl April, 1902.
JiT, nniDoci, Rcgltlcr,
Oil aaell 01 lilt Wilt lununins ueiruueu nun.
Iir tlaue, tq.wltl Tin ''0t" locateil III
1 1 lUihumla MlulliK 1 strict tia roru.l mi
llimol Hook ool t ie Mhillif .Itecurili ol
I .t,. isuiiiiv.iireuoiil lli"ilirtit" loraleil In
I The ... !
X River SI . Cotlaio (ItoTe. J
5 UUiW&JOS'KS. Props l
8 W rarry an extra flu line of V
X I.lquora and I'lirari, and If you ,i
Q hare nrraaton to want Kxxl In '?
Q our line we would appreciate a ' i
X rail froui you, ,S