Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 07, 1902, Image 3

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Dry, molHt, Htsnly toltor, nil forms
of ticoiiiii or wilt rlmum, iilmploH
mid oilier oiitiuiroiiH cnitIonn pro
ci!(!(l from liuiiioiH, oltlittr Inlicr.
ilod, or acquired through dufcullvu
dlgcmllon mid iiHHlmiliition.
To trout tliuHo orupllonn with
drying niiidicliiim 1h dimgurotiH.
Tliu tiling (o do Ih to hulp tho
HyHUmi dlHuluirgo tho liiimorH, mid
BtruiigLliun It iigidnut tliolr return,
Hood's Hnrmitmrllln Krmatiimtir turril J.
0, Illnr-a, frank. III., of rrscma, from wlilrli
he liail sulTered for hciih timet anil Minn
AlvliiM Wultrr. Ilm 212, Alltmia. Win., (if blin
nlna nn lier face ami liack anil chafed kin mi
her Ix.ilr, tijr which aim liml lrrn Breads'
Ironliliil. There nr morn leatliiionlale In
favor of tlila srrat medicine 111 ail can t
Hood's Sarsaparilla
PronilHcH to cum mid IceejM tliu
promlHu. Don't put olf treatment
Buy a lmttlo of ilocxl's Unlay.
Inordinate Vanlly.
"Jncknon Iovch to noo liln nnrnti In
print, iloonn't Iiii?"
"I Hlionlil wiy mo. Why tlin morn
ing nftor lio wiih mnrrloil, tin not tip nt
B o'clock to rend tlio wcilillni; iioIIcoh
In tlio impor." Town Toplcii.
Arr V,,ii IMng Allrti'a Pons-KnatiT
II la tlin only nun for Hwnllrn, Minartliig,
lln r l I ilk'. Mnrallnit Jii t. funis anil lliililoiia.
Ask lr Allen's CiMii.l ai a powder in l
halti'it lull, I lie shoe,. Al nil ImiKgMn ami
Mlim-Kliiim, 2 c. Kani,lriMit KIIKK. Address
Allen H. Dim. led, A-Huy, tl. Y.
Great Tuhacco Comhlnillon.
The crcatOHt tnhtit'co roinlilnntloii
nvor formi'il Ih rnlluil tlio In.lvormil
Tohitrco Coinpnny, cniltiil J7C,000,OjO,
It rlnliim to do Imlpptmilnnt nnil tin.'
flolil of 1 1 h opurnlloii Ih (ircnt llrlt:iln
nnil Kuropo.
llaNilurlin Ttlla Mornlngl
Tan rcn, alter eating Inn much, ilrlnkliiK
tno rnnrli, will pnii'iil thai morning lortnru
tiarrr a Imi I'aM arrla III your pocket. Unit'
gists, r, a. Itv.
Encouraging Practice ol Msiiajtc
Upward of 70 London phynlcltirm
hnvo oxprfKKCil their iipprovul of n
noeloty ri'contly formed liy wornun
which IioIiIh periodical oxnmlniitloiiH
In tlio theory nnil prnctlco of iiiubhiiko
nnil Ibhiich lortlflrnton.
fniTa or Onto, oitt or tolcpo, i
l.rraa I'mi-nty. I"'
Phink J, 1 iiknkv make oath that he la the
senior partem! the. rlrtn ol F. J. CilENxr A Co.,
doing business III llio t'ltv ol Toledo, Countv
nil Klalo aforesaid, anil thai aalil II rm nil) oar
Uitiauinol ONH llllNliltKII IMII.I.AIIH for ,-!-li
and every rase ol Catarrh that cannot to cured
br llic use ol Haul's Catarrh Ci'nr.
Hwnrn In M-lorn inn ami siititcrllied in my
prraence, tblsClh day ol iirceuitTr, A. D. IN0.
l-Tl A. W.OI.KABO.N,
Hotary Puttie
Haifa Catarrh euro l lasen Internally nnil acta
directly on tlin IiIimuI ami miuoiia nurlacva ol
Uwayatem. K-n. lor totliiionlala, Irnc
k. J. i ll i:ni:v k co., 'loiuio, o.
Hold ty driiKKUt. "Ik.
lUll'aVarally I'llla at the beiL
Induilrlout Little Manufacturers
WncpH mny cften lie oIimtvciI ilctncli
InR from fem-eH, liimrdH, or miy old
wood, tlio llliri'M, wliich they nfterwitril
mnattfncttiru into )niiur mitrhe.
I do not Im-IIpvp I'lm'a Cum for Vni
atiiiiptlnti Imi nn ripml for rniiirli ami
rolila, Jonri K. IIutkk, Trinity bprlnus,
Ilid., JVl. I A. IKX).
Walleri Arithamctlc
"Walter, I find I hnvo JiiHt ciioiikIi
money to pny for tlio dinner, but I
hnvo nothliiK In the wny of n tip for
"I.nt mo mill up tho hill acaln, Hlr."
Oli'-.t MttliiiillHt Unlvurally Will 1'lt-
nuly Com in i' in ii in t i llio I'.vi'iil.
It Ih llltluc (lint WoKlcymi Unlvcrnlty
of Mlildletown, (;oiiii Ilm oldeat Melli
iiiIImI ImnIIiiiiIiiii itt li'iii'iiliiK In (lie
1 1 n 1 1 rd Hluti'H, nIiiiiiIiI olmi'i vo In .X title.
HHKI. tho HOOI li mini vm n;iiy of Ilm lilrlh
of .loliii Wi'Mlcy, tlin riMiitirkiililu fniin
dcr of MetliodlNin.
I'f rlinpN n Kii'iiter icIlk'lotiH orKiinlzcr
nuver llvnl nnil no onu niiin, perhnpH.
jever ni'i'iiiniillNlied ho iiint'li. livery
your for lii'iirly Til) yonrn, lie Ih an Id to
linvu ridden fully fi.OOO uillex. elilelly on
horaelmelt, it nil prenelied 501) HermoiiH.
In mldltloil he itrrilliKi'd nnil covertied
IiIk Boi'li'tli'H which hud n iiiemhei'Hhlp
of ilhout rlO.000 hefore IiIh dentil, cur
ried on mi linuieuHi) correHpondciiee,
rend every work of note it a It emtio
from the prcM. wrote eoinmeutnrleK on
the Illhle, urrmiKed Kniiiiniiira of llio
Hebrew. Oreek, I.iilln nml Krench Inn
KtuiKeM. wim the iiuthor of workn on
hillle, phlloHophy, nod roulrovemlnl
trvittlHCM, voiitrllmled to vurlonu Jour
iiiiIm noil nhrlilKeil over 100 volume of
n ChrlHtlnn I.lhrnry. Yet, UiIh venin
tlle mnti wiih never In n hurry.
He wiih n I way h cheerful, ileferentlnl
to women mid fond of children. Ilia
KcncroHlty wiih liiihoundeil. When it
yniiiiK mini he wttlked from London to
Kpworth, n dlHlmiee of UV) tnllen. that
he mlnlit hnve moro to Rive nwny. In
nfler life, though he received fully
100,000 for IiIh wrltltiKH mid hU per
voiiiil expetiHew did not nvcriiKn $,'(K) it
year, he left nothing at IiIh death. 1 1 Ih
principle wuk: Make nil you can by
ludUHtry, nave nil you can by economy
and kIvii nil you can by liberality. He
lived In (-oiiHtttnt activity nud chccrful
iii'kh, In IiIh younger life he wiih In
dally dmiKcr from the fury of iiioIih.
nnil hla delicate mind felt keenly the
contempt of the higher cIiihhch. IiIh
ciiuiiIh, yet he worked on and allowed
none of tlu-Ku thltiKH lo Hwerve him
from IiIh purpnHo. Me lived loni;
enough, however, to aee the liincne of
ahtliiler IiiihIiciI mid Die liniid of perHe
ctillnu Hlnyell. lie won pillion tributes
from hucIi illHllnulHheil men and crlt
lea n h Dr. JohiiHoti nud Alexander
John Wealey wiih born nt Hpworth,
l.lncolNhlre. Knc June '-!8. 1703. When
tl yenrg of ngu he mirrowly cHciipetl
lytirnlni; to denth In the lire which cou-
atimed the Kpworth pnrHomiKc, where
in lived IiIh father, Itev. Kniuuel W'ch
ley. The future mlHHlonnry'H enrly
trulnltiK wiih received from IiIh moth
er, who win n highly ed urn ted woman.
At the ni;c of 111. he entered Oxford,
the oldcHt nml mont fnmouH tinlverHlty
of ICnclnnd. While In UiIh liiHtltutlon
of learning, he made rnpld proRrexa In
bin Htudlca nud It wnn here thnt he, IiIh
brother, Cliarlen. (iiH)re Whlttleld mid
a few other Btiidents. renlly founded
JOll.N Wi.M.KV.
Mothnra will II ml Mra. Winslow'a Soolh
Inu Hyrup the heat remedy to uao lor their
children durlni; the teething period.
Seeking Keif.
MrH. NiiKgHby Why ilon't yon fjioiiil
your niKlitH at homo. I alwiiyH do.
NaKKHhy l'urlinpH, my dear, that
ircountH for it. JihIko.
Eczema is caused by nn acid humor in
the blood coming in contact with the
tkin and produciiiK great redness and in
flanimatiou ; little pustular eruptions form
and discharge a thin, sticky fluid, which
dries and scales off ; sometimes the skin is
hard, dry and fissured. Kczcnm iu any
form is a tormenting, stubborn disease,
and the itching and burning at times arc
almost unbearable; the acid huniitii;
humor 6ccms to ooze out and set the skill
on fire. Salves, washes nor other exter
nal applications do any real good, for as
long as the poison remains In the blood
It will keep the skin irritated.
"Vor three years I
had Tetter on my
hands, which cauied
them to awrell to twice
their natural lte. l'art
of the time the disease
wailuthe foimttrun
nine aorta, very pain
fnl, and earning me
much discomfort, l'our
doctors aalil the Tetter
had progrcaaed too far
to tie cured, and they
coald di nothing for
me. I tMlc only three
bottles of 8. H. 8. nnd
wai completely cured.
This wai fifteen veara
ago, and I have uever
afneeaeen anv alien of mv old trouble.1 MRC
U D. Jackson, 1414 McCce St., Kansas City, Mo
S. S. S. neutralizes this acid poison
cools the blood and restores it to a healthy,
natural state, and the rough, unhealthy
tkin becomes soft, smooth and clear.
SSfe 35b, cures Tetter, Ery
Pi sipelas, Tsoriasls, Salt
SL. Rheum and all skin
fiWw diseases due to 0 pois
Q!$0r oned condition of the
blood. Send for our book and write uc
about your case. Our physicians have
made these diseases a life study, and can
help you by their advice j we make no
charge for this service. All correspondenci.
b conducted in strictest confidence.
UUKtS VYHtlft All I
SoM br drimgUts.
ood. Uso I
the Krent rellKlotin orKniilzntloii of
llclliodlHtn. These youui; men were ho
IntciiHcly eiirtieHt In their rellKlotin tic
voIIoiib nud bo methodical In their
work and action that the other Htu
dents npplled to them, In it Hplrlt of
derlHlou, the terms Methodlsta nnd
Holy Club. ThlH was In 171I0.
In tho latter part of 1730. the 11 rut
1 Methodist Hoclety wan formed Iu Lou
don. It coiihIhIciI of only elRht or ten
pernons, hut the movement spread rap
Idly nnd ninny noddles were rapidly
orjinnlzed In other places In liiiKland.
When Wesley died thero wero more
than 75,000 members Iu ICiiKlaud and
over -10,000 In tho United States. Now
the organization extends round tho
world nnd Ita adherents number many
In 17US. when Oglethorpe started
with his colonists for.the New World,
the two Wesley brothers. Joint nud
CharlcH, nccompaitled him, the former
as 11 missionary to tho Indians and tho
latter lib I'rtvnie Secretary to tho (lov
ernor and a clergyman In the new col
ony, (ieorgln wiih tho name given to
the new settlement nnd here John Wes
ley labored until 1738, when he re
turned to Knglnnd. During his short
stay In America ho had sown healthy
seed, tho plants of which were assidu
ously cultivated by his followers In tho
subsequent years.
In 1757, Wesley contracted nn un
happy marriage with Mrs. Mary VI
selle, a woman of talent and apparent
piety, who later did everything possi
ble to ruin her husband. He boro her
belinvlor with great forbearance. Sho
Dually robbed him of Important papers
and then left him forover. On March
2, 1701, Wesley died In London, sur
rounded by a number of his preachers
and other friends. Ills last words
were, "Tho best of all Is, Ood Is with
The Great llrltluh Actress Who Has
llcen in America.
Americans havo had an opportunity
of seeing Mrs. Patrick Campbell, tho
celebrated Itrltlsh actress, of whom
they have read much, hut who has up
until recently limited tho display of
her talent to England. Next to lillen
Terry she Is the most distinguished
actress of tho day In her country,
though she Is hut 33 years of age. She
began her theatrical career us an ama
teur mid no pronounced was her Mio
cchh that Him secured 1111 eiigiiKcment
with a minor profcHHlomil compiiiiy.
Her HoHiilllid won tho admiration or
crlllcH, When mIm (trnt played In Lon
don Klio wiih recognized as a great
nclrt'KH, but It wiih not until she made
her nppearanco In the part of Paula,
In "The Heoond Mrs. Tmiijucry," that
her llrt dramatic triumph wiih
achieved. This play had been written
two yearM before Its llrat production.
Arthur I'lncro. tho author, refusing to
allow It to be acted until lie had found
Home one who seemed eiiial lo creat
ing the role. It was finally entriiHted
to .Mrs, Campbell and the playwright
nover had reason to regret that he gave
It to her. She held I-omlori spell
bound. When the actress nrrlvcd Iu this coun
try tlio clerk of tlio first hotel at which
she reglHtcred, ono of the most ex
clusive In Now York, declined to give
her 11 room, uiiIchh hIic left behind the
mlto of n dog whoso bend peeped out
of her sable muff.
"Whatl" Hhe ejaculated, "moan you
to reftmo to allow me to keep I'lnkey
I'ankey I'oo In my rooms? Then, sir,
soffit N-
you mny rent your lodgings to some
one who cares more for her comfort
than for her best friend."
A few hours Inter she was comfort
nbly sltunted at nnother hotel, where
dogs aro occasionally allowed.
"I'lnkey I'ankey Poo," she said,
"whom we sotne.tlmet call Illta for
short. Is a monkcr-grlffon nnd I paid
$'JW) for him nt tho Imperial kennels of
the King of Ilclglum. These animals
used to bo employed for lighting pur
poses, the encounters taking place on
tables, 150 years ago."
Mnrrlntei Among Aitstrallnn ftnrncrs
Ethnological experts agree that with
moHt Australian tribes every woman
Is betrothed In Infancy, or even In an
ticipation of her birth. According to
some mysterious law of their own
this Is arranged by the old men of
the family, the women having no
voice In the mntter. The age of the
proposed husband Is not tnken Into
consideration, so thnt It frequently
happens by the time the girl Is of
n marriageable age her Intended Is an
old man. If In the meantime some
younger man bus set his heart upou
her this means n light. In which the
unfortunate bride-to-be, as she is
dragged away. Is certain to come In
for a shnro of the blows which the
rival suitors deal out to each other.
In some of the coast districts, where
not all the girls nre promised In in
fancy, the betrothal of a young wom
an to n man who follows the occupa
tion of n llshcrmnn compels her to
lose the llrst Joint of the little linger
of her left band. This slow and pnln
ful operation Is performed by n stout
string bound tightly around the Joint
an engagement ring with which one
wonld willingly dispense! A mar
riage license, equally unique, Is com
mon In some sections, where the chief
gives to the prospective groom n pe
culiarly knotted string, possessing
which ho Is free to seek the wife of his
choice. Woman's Home Companion.
Hot Air In lloston.
Little Emerson Mamma, I Dud no
marginal note In elucidation of this
oxprcsslon, which I observe frequent
ly to occur Iu my volume of "Knlry
tnlo Classics" "With hated breath."
What Is the proper Interpretation of
the phrase?
Mamma "With bated breath," tny
sou, commonly occurs In fairly talcs;
your father often returns from pisca
torial excursions with bated breath.
Tho phrase In such Instances, how
ever, has no significance ns applying
to tho bnlt employed to allure tho
fish, but Is merely an clastic term of
dubious meaning nnd suspicious ori
gin, utilized, ns I already have Inti
mated, simply because of the sanc
tion which It has gained by custom
nry itBago In fairy tales generally. Do
you comprehend, Emerson?
Llttlo Emmerson Perfectly, mam
ma. New York Judge.
To Offset St. Louis' Heat,
An nlr-coollnc system on n vast scnle
Is to bo tried nt the St. Louis Exposi
tion. Great fans will brluc down a
current of cold nlr from a height of 800
fcot above the enrth nnd pour It over
tho grounds on hot days.
Not Very Coiiiiiioniliililo.
"Ono thing I like about Mike Is he al-
ways keeps his word."
"Yes, I believe none of his friends
would take his word for nnythlng."
Chelsea (Mass.) Gazette.
A man will cheerfully carry tho bas
ket; for a woman to the picnic, but
wn'llt .off nnd leave her to clear up the
debris after tho picnic .Is ended.
Tail Hat Induces Baldness. I
A London writer claims thnt Uk
tall hat Induces tmhlnssa and creates j
a I In lil Illy to Insanity. Unbinds, '
which Is bo universal In what nr
called tliu upper classes. In contr.iHt
lo tho hnlr-fovcrcd scalp of the
poorer, Is mainly duo to the tall hot.
Manufacturing In Mlitlnlpil.
The Stato of Mississippi standi
pretty near tho lower end of the list
of manufacturing Slates. When the
count was taken lost yenr thero were '
only 2(1,433 wngo-workers In tlio
Hint and tho production wus valued
at 110,000,000.
Graduate in Blanket Coilume.
Anna Parker Cox, daughter of
Quannah Parker, the noted Comanche
Indian statesman, who is married to
a whlto man, has donned her blanket
and taken up wild reservation life
again. Sho Is a graduate of the Car
lisle Indian school.
An Ontario ItoilplUI.
Ontnrlo will soon have a hospital
for poor consumptives. A Mr. Mas
soy bequeathed tho site of tho Institu
tion and $30,000 toward tho building
and furnishing fund. The Grand
Trunk railway will carry patients to
tho hospital frco of charge.
Water Power for the Alps.
Gigantic water power develop
ments aro projected In tho Alps. Thero
aro now In tho French Alps 43 factor
ies supplied by 250,000 horse-power,
electrically generated.
Gulls In London Parks.
As tho winter advances tho gulls
corao up tho Thames In great numb
ers In search of food. They have al
ready Invaded the parks, much to the
alarm of tho ducks, who find to their
cost that these hungry Intruders rob
them unmercifully. In St. James'
Park tliero aro hundreds of these
waifs. From tho hrldgo which crosses
tho lako they may bo seen floating
on the water or circling overhead,
uttering plaintive screams as they
dart about In search of food. Pall
Mall Gazette.
"3 wisSd jfSDSU to
stating tho grand of foot
lias had on my Itoatthm
"I wasBuffcrinfftosuclt nn extent from ovarian troubles
that my physician thought an operation would lenrcestory.
Your medicino having been recommended to mc, I decided to
try it. After using several bottles I found that I was cured. My
system was toned up nnd I suffered no moro with my ovaries.
Lydia, E. Pinkham's Vectablo Compound is the greatest boon on
earth to suirering women." Mrs. AnnaAston, Box 13, Troy, Mo.
Ovarian trouble Is serious trouble Every woman knows this. Frequently
she has ovarian trouble when the thinks she has only a "pain in the side," All
at once she finds herself unable to walk. She is a sick woman. An operation,
dangerous and expensive, is the usual procedure, and. at best, she can expect
merely to gather together the shattered mnanU of health after a tedious
Many times this is necessary and many times it is not. It Is wise for every
woman to be convinced that every backache and sideache, every abdominal
pain, indicates something wrong, and something which will not go away itself or
be driven away by hard work. It Is also right for every woman to know that
for every disorder of the feminine organs Iytlln E. IMnltlinm'S
Vegetable; Compound is the perfect treatment, that it is the medicine
always safe to use and always certain to help.
When your health and perhaps your life is at stake, is it wise to pass by a
remedy which holds the record for the greatest number of absolute cures of
female ills and which is recognized by the profession to be the greatest medicine
for women in the world, and accept something else which you know little or
nothing aboutl
Read the records of cure in the letters like Mrs. Aston's printed regularly
in this paper, and if you are sick, do not be satisfied to take a substitute for
Lydia Em Pinkham's Vogotablo Compound.
0NMe,,t. ' . MADE. FOR 3&RVIC&
A. J.TOWER CO., B05T0N. MA5S.48
We hare deposited with
the National City Bank,
of Lvnn. 1looo. which
will be paid to any per
son who can find that the a bore testimonial
letter is not genuine or waapublUhed before
obtaining the writer's tpecial permission.
l.vniA K Pin nn a 14 Mudicink Co.
The Farmer's First Profit
Is made In his selection ot seed.
Ecnd for
Our Complete Annual Cata
logue for 1902, FREEI
It contains full direction for Kardeo
work and many useful tables for the
farmer. No one wtls better
Seeds than
LAMBERSON - Portland Oregon
Founded 1U70
A Homo School for Doym
Military nnd Manual Training
Wrlto for Illustrated Cataloguo
If ron baren't a regular, bealtbf morempnt of ttyl
Bowels ererr dar, jou're ale, or will te. Keep roar
bowels open, and be well. Force. In Ibesbapeor
Tlolent pbisle or pill poison, la danaeroua. The
imiootbetl. easiest, most perfect waj or keeping Ibe
eowels clear and clean la to lata
For Church. Store,
Ilnt-l. Halt; Sir -el
Lighting. Thee!ti arc safe, eco.
liomlcal and relia
ble. See what users"
tli I nk of them bjr
Portland, Or.
St. Helen's School for Girls.
Thlrty-thlrdyear. CommiKlloiiabiilld
Ings. Modern equipment. Academic
and college preparatory courses. Spe
cial courses In music and art. lllua.
tratel catalogue. All department! will
reopen ?eiiember is.
'. P. N. C.
No. 01903.
IV II UN' wrltlnc tft advertisers ploase
1 1
luentlan thla paper
Sew Year Resolutions
mi15 Keeiey Gar
ture relief fj om Uqui r, opium aad taaaoaa
habits. Bead lot partloulars tl
teeley Institute. i,;,e'.f,Vo0r,f.7,?.i:V,rl
Who want to better tlieir condition, writ
today for my plan of making money.
Larce profits nml permanent business
aesared. Lock Box GOG, Portland, Or.
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. TasteOood.Doftood,
Jtarer Blcken. Weaken. orOrlpe. '0c, EOc Write
or free sample, and booklet on ttealtn. Address
SUrllai Euu4; I CUtatx ItatnsI, Xw Vsrk. S3
Vain CI nr. 4lin nitfnrnnnn Between flckly, lousy chickens and health?, contented fowls.
lUU rlllU II IB UlllcIcllUu One brinca no money to vonr pocket, the other means money
In vonr rmre. Which will roil have?
mi or spray tne rooit. quiciciy uesiroyinij an
noming in comparison 10 ine goou n win au.
Groesbeck's Lice Killer lrce.'TZidprW
Cn Vnnr PUinbnnn 'el Oroeebeck'a
Cmrn Vnii. Pliintnnn f'eftt firoeabeck'a Kg? Producer Hml Iteiiltli Pood to the
OqYS lUUl ulllunCilS. chickens prevents mortality, l'lillits begin laying hen five or
six months old. -5 to 50 per cent, more eggs produced.
PORTLAND SEED CO., 13B Front Street. Portland, Or. Ooamt Agcnta.
The Distinctive Value
of Syrup of Figs is due to its pleasant form and perfect freedom from every
objectionable quality or substance and to the fact that it acts gently and truly
as a laxative, without in any way disturbing the natural functions. The
requisite knowledge of what a laxative should be and of the best means for its
production enable the California Fig Syrup Co. to supply the general demand
for' a laxative, simple and wholesome in its nature and truly beneficial in its
effects; a laxative which acts pleasantly and leaves the internal organs in a
naturally healthy condition and which does not weaken them.
To assist nature, when nature needs assistance, it is all important that the
medicinal agents used should be of the best quality and of known value and Syrup
of Figs possesses this great advantage over all other remedies, that it does not
weaken the organs on which it acts and therefore it promotes a healthful con
dition of the bowels and assists one in forming regular habits. Among its many
excellent qualities may be mentioned its perfect safety, in all cases requiring a
laxative, even for the babe, or its mother, the maiden, or the wife, the invalid,
or the robust man.
Syrup of Figs is well known to be a combination of the laxative principles
of plants, which act most beneficially, with pleasant aromatic liquids and the
juice of figs, agreeable and refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system,
when its gentle cleansing is desired. The quality of Syrup of Figs is due not
only to the excellence of the combination, but also to the original method of
manufacture which ensures perfect purity and uniformity of product and it is
therefore all important, in buying, in order to get its beneficial effects, to note
the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front
of every package.
1 Vail
Louisville, Ivy.