HICMAllKAltliK OUItH OF CP.OUP. A Little Hoy's Life Saved. I havo a fow words to my regarding Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy. It saved my llttlo boy's lifo mid I fcol that I cannot praise It enough. I bought n bottlo of it from A. K. Slccro of Good win, S. D., and when I got homo with it tho poor Imby could liunlly breathe. I gave tho medicine, as directed every ten minutes until ho "throw up" and then I thought sure ho was going to choko to dentil Wo hud to pull phlegm out of Ids mouth in great long strings. I am positive that if I had not got that bottlo of cough niedieine, my boy would not bo on eaith today. Jov.u Dkmost, Jnwood, lows. For sale by Benson Drug Co., Cottage Grove. Lyons & Apple gate, Drain. "Porno time ago my daughter caught a severe cold. Shu complained of pains ! in her chest and had n bad cough. I, gave her Clinmlwrlrdii'a Cough Kemedy I according to directions ami in two tays she was well and able to go to school. I have used this remedy in my family for tho past seven years and havo never known it to fall," says James Premier gast, merchant, Annato Hav, Jamaica. AVest India Island. The pains in the chest indicated nn approaching attack of pneumonia, which in this intanco was undoubtly warded off by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It counteracts any tendency of a cold toward pneumonia. Sold by Uensok Duuq Co., Cottage Urove. Lyons & Ai-pleoatk, Drain. A GOOD It ECO MM KS D ATION . "I havo noticed tliat tho sale on Chamberlain's Stomach it Liver Tablets is almost invariably to those who have once used them,"' says Mr. J. H.AVeber, u prominent drugaist of Cascade, Iowa. What better recommendation could any medicine have than for people to call for it when you feel dull after eating, when you have a bad taste in your mouth, feel bilious, have no appetite or when troubled with constipation, and you nre certain to be delighted with the prompt r -lief which they afford. For sale by Bknsex Diicq Co., Cottage Urove. Lvoxs it Aim'Leoate, Drain. A CURE FOR LUMBAGO. W. C. Williamson, of Amherst, Vn., says: "For more than a year I suffered from lumbago. I fiuallv tried Chamber lain's I'ain Balm and it gave me entire relief, which all other remedies had failed to do." Sold by Benson Drug Co. SENT FREE. So sure are we that thu locating of a few of our Electric Belts will develop into numerous sales of our Belts and Appliances, that we are willing to send one free to any sufferer from the follow ing diseases : ColJ extremities, Crysto cele, Female weakness, Kidney com plaint, Leucorrhea, Liver complaint, i'aralysif, Loet vitality, Nervous debility, Self abuse. Worn-out women, Sciatica, Weak and Nervous women, Irregular tnanalroiitinn Tmniiipncv. Rheumatism. DimiiiiitivA Shrunken and Untlevelonetl ' Sexual organs, and Catarrh. Address for illustrated circular, etc., Sanitarium City Electrical Co., Uattle Creek. Michigan. TO CURE BEEF, An old fashioned recipe for cur ing beef calls for eight pounds of salt, two ounces of soda, one ounce of salt petre, and five pounds of brown sugar to four gallons of soft water. This is supposed to be sufficient for one hundred pounds of beef. Apart of the salt and sugar is mixed together and used to rub each piece of the meal as it is put in the barrel. Before packing the meat cover the bottom of the barrel with a layer of salt. The remainder of the salt and sugar is added to the water with the other ingredients and poured scalding hot over the meat. Place a board with a weight on top of it to hold the meat under the brine. There is a difference be tween corned and pickled beef that is not generally recognized. Corned beef is ready for use at the end of five days; but pickled beef may re main in the brine for three weeks or as many montha. If you wish to dry part of the beef, remove it from the brine at the end of three weeks, place it in a tub. cover it with water, and let it remain over night. Smoke it for a few days, then hing it from the ceiling over the kitchen stove un til dry. Cover it with a loose bag made of cheese cloth or mosquito netting to protect from dust and flies. When dry sprinkle with black pepper, tie in a bag and keep in a cool, dark place. Wo have on liana a largo stork of kiln-dried flooring, celling and rustic in grades 1 2 und 3. Let us make you special prices. Booni-KEU,v Lumber Co. SKVKRKD AN ARTliRY. Independence Man Almost Cut off Big Toe mid Nearly Bled to Uciith as n Result. Independence, Jan. 25 Claud Kurrc of this city nearly met with a fatal nccitlent this week. While splitting wood his ax nlnl,eed. striking him on the foot and nearly severing the great toe. An artery was completely severed, nnd the young man being alone nearly hied to death. A neighbor, happened to pass by and heard his cries for help, and managed to obtain proper medical asMt-tuncc. though Kurre was in a fainting condition by that time. The wound, while severe and painful, is yielding gradually to medical treatment. WHY BEKS WORK DARKNKSS. IN Bees go out all day gathering honey and work at night in the hive, building their comts as per fectly as if an electric light shone there all the time. Why do they prefer to work in the dark? is often asked. Every one knows that honey is a liquid with no solid sugar in it. After standing it gradually assumes a crystalline ap pearance or granulates and ulti mately becomes a solid mass. Honey has been experimentally inclosed in well corked flasks, some of which were kept in perfect dark ness, while the others were exposed to the light. The result was that the portion exposed to the light soon crystallized, while that kept m O tfl BoformaJNhuggct o H e The Job office i( this for the best of printing, barely living price j. When you nwxl anything In the line of print ing pleuMi remember thnt the motto of tblsollloa Is "(icxxl Work, (iihmI Material, Neatnviw and Dis patch" and the prices arc within the reach of all. Bohemia Jugget Up-to-date Printing The Kind That Pays. JB6B0BOB0H0BCHH0BBB0B9BO8HOBCBB8BBB9OBOB0B Che Crystal (IXCOHrOItATKD) O. W. LLOYD, President II. D. SCOTT, Vice-President The five splendid properties comprising the mining claims forming this company are located in the great Bohemia Mining District in L,ane and Douglas counties, Oregon. These properties have had much work done upon them, so that now they are embryo mines with an assured future. The stock of this company is now upon the market. Its par value is $i It is non-assessable. Its principal office is in Cottage Grove. For development purposes a limited amount of stock has been authorized to be sojd at 5 cents per share. Two of the claims the Mountain Lion and F.l Calado are on the now famous Helena lode. These two claims have had over 600 feet of tunnels run on them and the face of the tunnels are now in solid ore. ' Frimk Jordan, Secretary in the dark remained unchanged. Hence we see why the bees are so careful to obscure the glass win dows which nre placed in their hives. The existence of the young depends on the liquidity of the saccharine food presented to them, and if light were allowed access to this it would in all probability prove fatal to the inmates of the hive; Weekly Bouquet. THE PARTY BACK. DRIFTING Senator Tillman is entirely mis taken. The clement that forced itself into the democratic party, where it never belonged, and which dominated for awhile without policy or plan or principle, must surrender authority, and as the comedians 011 the stage have it. "Go 'Way Back and Sit Down." The party is drifting back to its ancient moorings, having grown tired of wind, enthusiasm and hysteria, and the old principles will be brought down from the lumber room into which they have befn temporarily cast and once more exploited and fought for. These principles are too well known for enumeration here. Every demo crat understands what these prin ciples were vhenthe democratic party was a vital, national and dominant force in the country, and before its sanity and harmony had been disturbed and destroyed by the Sonorous declamation of popu listic wind-jammers. Memphis Commercial Appeal. Advertise in the Xuuaet. O n e n o a o e a o n o o B pniwrln nt your i1lioaI of nay .-.nil all kinds at B O n o a o a o u o B o B B O B O M e B o B O B 011. mining 0. KltANK WIIKKI.KIt, Trcanurcr PHASIC K. JOItDAN, Secretary asthma cu:r:is Asthmalenc Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Core In all Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. CHAINED FOR TCfl YEARS We wain to eiul t everv snH'cror a trial treatment of Athuialcne, 5 siunlai to (lie one that ciii'ett Mr. Wells. We'll send it bv mall I'lKT- l'Alli, Absolutely I'rco 01 I'liaiue, to any sullcrcr w ho w III write for K it, even on a postal, Never iiiitel, though you meile.piilrlng, however tmtl Vourease, Aslliinsleno wll lelieveaml enie. Tl'owoino xoureiice J the more gliel we are to xeml it. dri-ning IMC. TAl'T HIIO.- M X.Y.t'ltV. S0I1I bv all llruggicts. Cottaie firoro Improved Farms for Sale. Valuable Town Property, consisting of Business Houses and Splendid Residences. Lots 011 tlw rl iifl jml IniHlnruK .street. Mining Claims in Bohemia. Abstract uf title ceeured ami guaranteed. Information as to Hie laws pivci niui: tbe dixpo'iil of government laiide. How toseeme liouieMoail-', timber litti.tr-. iiiiiiihk elailus, ete. l'roperty for nale published weekly. (t-r-rti.h- i.iniee ih tin. mennil citv in Iitu eoimtv. Oregon, lltm a ttoiiiilitliott of about 1,-lHI. Tlie eenter of tbo four point of the omnpaH-i w lien it eomes to ini!reH ami enree. llnheinia witli ils vact iiiiiiini; refouiev only thirty-live miles i-outli ea.t. with a goiul wagon road leading from the S. 1'. It. It. depot light iiete in town, rnnpeetive railioail to tlie mines. 1 lio 1'iHir-l I'ork 01 tne llliimetle river, on which is Mtimteil the Ulaek Unite iiiii'kHilvei uiiues, sixteen miles nutith, Hows throiiiili tbe eeuter of theeity (11 r it IhIi 1 iii; abiiml.iut water faeililies. Ills only a mile and a half to ils eoiilliieneo w itb How river, Ihe outlet of the gieal timber ranges to the couth east. Wcitwnid toward Ihe enact range Is an in- exiiiiiiHable Niipplv of timber, iulerspiu well improveil ami eoitivaieit. North or smith from hereon the S. P. or San l'raucn-co ami bo in touch with the whole woihl on Hiort mil Ice. Water works in full operation. Kleelrfe lights ami telephone f.vslt'in complete, X$Thc best agricultural lands in I.iuie county lie in the vicinity siimmiitl iug Cottage (iiove on cither siile, 111 fot fanning or clock raising. Correspondence solicited. 1 l'.'Ofeet front on north side of Main street, by nlxmt iWO feel deep. ImhiimIiiI by river on tho iv-irth. Iloupe of seven rooms, burn and outhouses. This is thu Im-1 bupinens location ill Cottagu Urove. Price $1MOU.O(). 3 A two story finely finished house, eiuht riMiinc, biithrnom and iiiiiIiiuimh. Splendiil loeiitiou, two lots in bmiu' and I.aides iiilililiou in sou'.lic.ist Cottagu Urove. Price JU'OO. 4 Twn story dwelling house, ten room, liriek fruit house, fruit trees, HO feet front on north side of Main street by 1100 feel deep, corner propertv. A line location for a hotel. Price f'JioO. 5 A two story line, 11I10IM newiiwell ing Iioum'. !l ioo'iih, barn ami onthoiie complete, three lois. A splendid 01 eliHril of voimg bciriiii' IreuH, logither with tsrapes ami various kinds of beriies. Situated in l.miu nmi Lamles mldilioii In soiitheiist Cottage (irnve. Price $ C.'IW. A splendid ranch of 1(H), about (K) acres heavilv linil ered. Iialauee casilv cleared, never 'failing water supply, about four mill's west ol CottHgelirove . Cash price (",0. Also other terms. You will miss a deal if you overlook this. 100 acres of agricultural and timber land, well watered, some improvements, good rango outlet, about 5 miles east o' .Saginaw, Oregon. This is a bargain ic $800.00. Lots in the I). G. Mc-Farlnnil additioi to Cottage Grove, on westsidu at price, to suit purchasers for cash. l.'i. rininl lino llllltl II HIT 11 II ll IHTrl- r- ----- r cultural land, Yx nnlo oast of Oottimu Grove, on south sido of county road to Bohemia. 100 puracro. Tho Currin Park principally within thocity limits, consisting oi seven nuies on tlio banks of thu Coast I-'oik river, an ideal pleasure resort or building spot. Splendid glove, expensive new foot bridge spanning the river, tho most available place for a puhliu park. Price fCOO. , vicit DTI. JORDAN'S great MUSEUM OF flKflTOMY! 1051 MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL ThelnnroMtAnftlonilcalMaieum In (tie Wur.d. ft Great fit attraction in the City. JL UtcufUrfut ityhtjurvltUuiM, w lVaUnr..Oi'iui'contrACt' a td (lUeitno,piBlIMly rurMl Ity O Uih ol'lc-t Hn(-(ljiltif tliel'ucllia 1 CoatU JtubllslifilMyt'Hra. A DR. JOnDAN-PniVATE DISEASES Ynnir men and iiiltlillrr afft'tl int'ii who uru ftiiirfrlux J fmni lliu ffluctH ut youthful JiicIIm r cr(ti(jiifl or tMi'i'RteH in inaturer ' yfftrs. TiorvtiiiMuiidpliyfilrai Ot'ltlliU.lm lulenor. fjit Slmtttuutl liinllltHCGinnll. ) cation; Niicu'iiiulurrliii-H. Iiii(iiur- or urilllliinvr viv, iiy it coiiiuiiihmuii oi u reme'Ilori,otKriit curntlvti power, llio Doctor haiao iLrriunred liln trcutmriit that 1 1 will not A ' only aiTuid Imrni'Uiiite rtllt f. but permanent r t cure. Tbe lioctor Uucn not claim tntM-ifonn A ' mlrjiclet, but in well known to bo a fnlr and K . fwj mi re I'livMcInn nnd HurgronLjireeiaUjenl ) Jxi hli specialty IU'Hcii of Wu. a . NYl'IIIIilM thnrniiKlily emrtlcntcd from ) tho Bystem without thousonf JIci 'iii'.. U TYumm" fitted by an Import. Itucllrnl I rnr for lliinliirn. A ntilck and radical O curt for lll-ft, Fluriiirn find FJtnlw, by JJr, joru.um wpecioi iMiinirKs meiiioun. q ' i;Vi:itV 5IAN annlylnfftotiiwlllrecclve K ovr tum'tuptn(onit blsronipmliit. J ' ll'awitt lluar unite a I'QblTlVJS CUUE tor event tain we wutfruiKe, . . IT'inillunuon l'ltiMW iiiiiimnuy i i CUARQKH YKUY UEAhONAttLlL Trn.miiiifc nAriioiiutlv or by letter. Wrlto fur Rook. 1'lliroHOI-IIT Of iMAHItlAOU. JtfAiLKoFuiuc. (A valuable ( booKformeii.) uuorwun DR. JORDAN & CO., f 051 Market SI., 9. F. nr iu i nit IS ! Thcio Ik nothing like Athimdcm. It hringH umlaut ii'llef, even In tho worst cases. It cm en hen all else fails. Tho ltcv. 0. I WKI.I.S of Villa lildgo, 111., ays: "Yourtiial bottlo of Asthmiilcnc iccclvetf 11 good condition . I ciitiuot tell von how thank ol 1 leel for the good dcilvctl from it. t wax 11 lave, chained with piitilil mho throat iilidiiHllima ir ten years, 1 ilfspulictl o ever being cured. I uv yon i' iidvc rlbciiicnl fur Ihe erne of this leiuilid and tormenting disease, UKthma, and might you hadovcispoUenjouiMilf, but icsulvcil Kive it a tilal. To my suipilse Hie tiialacted ike a ebailii. Send iiio'u fnll-siictl bottle." i not ilelav. Wt ileal ouee, ml- V r.Dll I N C l,(., 70 Kiwt lailili M., ft Ilea - ed with numerous rieti farming laiidi. railroad you van reach either Portland Two splendid lots on second Direct ii Cottage . rove. Price tlMO, A splendid llvcrooin cotlnge, 'stnble, woikidiop. chicken hoile, wiHiilsheil; three lols all eni'lortnl : line locution in Wvune'saililitioii toCottageGrove. Price W), hall :own. :t00 feel by 100 feet ill a suliiirlHili loca lion. Natural hiiiiiil', o.ik trees, all ad joining foot hills In west Collage Grove. Trice fWU A llnelv finished two slorv ilwellltiK house, tell looms, bath loom, eelnenl stone cellar, water and elect! Ic lights aboiil nine lots fronting on fourth -I n i l adjoining river in rear, near Christian ebureh, gocil bain and outhouses. Price fliuuu. Two story dwelling house, six moms. good liHrn.Hiid woodsheil, two laigo lots on corner opposite Latholle church i rice tOtx). Two good lots near railroad 100 feel i(iiare. Price f l-. I'lirining land, well Improved, 1 mile from Cottage Grove, adjoining the conn Iv road, in tracts from o to KM) ncies If you want a baigain look this ti i , Splendid cotlnge on pniirth street, f'oO. Look this up if you want a bargain in a Inline. One hundred acres of improved land 'ving in a tract east and west within a im tersof a mile of Cottagu Glove, ad joining county road. One hundred acres improved land ad- OIIU llllll'lllll 111 I lllljM'Mn. Ill "I, 1 j0iit,j. county ronil om-iiint Icr of n ttiilc ; ,u.Ht ( ciottnue Grove, lying in a trad noilli and south. Two good dwelling houses on adjoin ing lots in the Shuiwood block, Price fl.'lOO. IfiOncreK improved farm on north hank of How liiver, twelve miles from Colt ago Grove on the line of the H. H. survey to Ilohemla. Price HIMM). JEROME KNOX & CO. -nrtlTT A XTT t A CI OUU 111 UnvJl ; via THE SHASTA ROUTE I ()!' TIIB Trains lenvo Cottago Grovo for Port landiiid way Htiiiions at U:H ifm and 1J :fi5 p in. Lv Portland 8:30 am 8:30 pm " Cottngo Grovo a :r7 p tn 2 :0(l a m A r Ashland PJ:!IOa ir. 12:05 pm " Hueraiiiento 5:10 p in 5:00 u in " San Praneisco 7.55 m 8:15 a in Pullman anil Tourists ears an both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogdon and HI Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago St Louis, Now Orleans and Washington, Connecting nt San Krancisco with tho several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philllplnes, Central and South America. Keo agent nt Cottago Grovo station, or address . It. II. Mim.kii, G P. A. Portland, Oregon, Subtler llto fur the A'utyet. NOTIUK OF nilll'KITUItK. 1 oIIiiki' drove, Ori'inin, Nuv. ?), To William II. iumiu.h: Yuu Hlu limnliV iiuiIIIimI llmt kii linvi, in mU'il ilnrlnii I ho yi'itr eiiilluit live, Hint, IWKI, nuv IiiiiiiIkhI iliillnrn In Inlmr Mini liiiiriivi'lni'lit 1111 rni'li el lliti tlirco liilliiltiK ilvuvrllK'it mili um riHiinp. oi-wii. 1 ne "oiirsy" iuiiiiimi hi 1 Ik' llnlitinlii Mhiliiit lilnltli'l nf lit iiurleil tm tiKtti' aVinl Hunk ft 111 Hi 11 MlnliiK Itiii'iiriU ill biiiiti County, (trillion 1 Hip "lituivvr" Imnti'il In lliu lliiliiimlii Mining DMHi't nmi ri'i'iinU'il mi iHKW 'JilUll Hook n ill III J Milium lii'iinl nl join Ciiiiiity, (Iii'kiiii. mill thu 'Mirlnill" In 11 1 ml In llu liiilitniiln MIiiIiik niitrli't mill rt 'uriloil i n 1 m mi (17.1 nl Hunk II nf lliu Mlnlnv lli'i'iirilmil i ii ) 1 1 u 1 m I'lilllllv. Ilrt'irnni In unlrr In Imlil until I'IiiIiiiii miller Urn iiriivlniinii nf Hoilioll W el lh llrTlinl Hmtuli t nf llm I nlli'ii smie. mm lit miii'tiiluit'iit llii'tcln, i- 1 111 ri, uiwi, 4.IIH. irn.,, ruin VI lllliK HIIII1IHI IR. 11 1 r upon 111I11I11K i'IhIiiih, hrliiit tlin niiiiiuiil rv mlri'il In Imlil I'lieli of until I In in i'Ulin (or tiii Mirlml iiiiillliir I lie Slut iImv lit l)ifiinlii,r. U a. Anil. It v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nliinty ilu) from llio ,it niilnil forvleii nfthlN lintli'ii. nrnillilii nliule ibi)N nlier 1I111 imlilli'Mllnii lliuriMif you (Hllor h'iiihi 111 rnniriiMiii' i,nr innioiini nill'll rt i.i'llilltlirMi iinnniiiir. tniir lnlcie.l In llm (I11I111 will Iiviiiiiiii tin' 1'inprriy ol llir- rule MTonrn. jour rii'ini nrrp, iiilinnn litmlii lliu liMiilieil I'Xi'Miilllurii, lijr llm Icrnn nl Ji cr lion. (II!(. W. 1.1.0 Vl K.J.IIAItll .NOTICi: Hill I't'lll.U'ATKIK. t'lilleil Hliit4. U111I llltliT lliwcliurir, (itn., lioiiiiulHirVI, lti. Notice l lit'trliy kIi'Ii llntl hi iiinii'llmiru Willi llm ru vial.ilia nflhn Hit nl Cnliirif nl Juno a, IH7H. iMitlttu.1 "All act (or tin' mUi ol UiiiIkt Irtiul. Ill 1I10 Sliili'nl CnllloniU, (lrii Kon, N'l'V.i, In Mini VitliltiKtim1Vriltory,"itiex. tuiiilvi: In .Itllw I u U li l.mnl SlntM tiy nrl ot Aimn.l I, Imiv, Mm. Minnie KKirei Ji-u k I u . t (town or illy) MjirhiKlUilil. County nl Ijiiiu, Htiitii e( llri'Knli Ima lien Any llliil In lliln nflll'ii lier nwnrii niHliiineiit No I'.tll. lur llm nun Inoo ol lliu NVV ',ol Ko.'llnn No. :'l, Timtiililn 111 soul h, nl 1,'eilniv 'J Ui'it mill will niror irnnlln lenv 1 1 1 11 ( 1 lie litml oiiKlit l iimrii vhIiikIiId (or tl tliiibvr or moiiti llimi lor k r l'ii 1 1 ur k! our- mi-c. sail to I'.liililUli tier eluliu In lil Imnl lielnri' Hid lluKllr nmi Iteeelver ol lhl nltlin Hi IIiwIiiiik, (Iri'iioii, on Tuumliiy, lliu llth ity nl Mhii Ii. Huh. She imiiii'iiu lliiii': J. I. I in in mull (it l.'ullHltu Clrotv, (Iriunli, ,'iilin KlxliiKtr nl Kstt I'ri'i'k, (lieinni, litMirxo hl'iUi'nil HrlliHIU'il, (lli'ifull, Chun KlMliner nl Kinivnu, OriiKiHi. Any nmi nil itimiii. iliiliiilnr; nititrely the uuoiiMU'M'illpit ImolN Nre rty)Hiinil to lliu their 1 Islam In lhl oltlce 011 or Iwlurr ru I.I lllh day ol Muiill, Vjfi. J T. llmiKiiM, Iti-sMiir. 00X)0000000000000000 r The . . . ii RESORT lllxcr St.. Coiukc Urine. 1H.EW& JONES, Props Wr rnrry nn iMtrn line llnr ol l.liiinra m:it llifnr-. innt II you linvr rem. (mi m mm kimnIh In our llnii hp ninilil ni'i'inUlr h mil fruni you. oooooooooooocoooooooci NOTICK I'OII ITIII.II'.TI(IX. rnltpil Nlslri IjiiiiI (l mm It.i.eliurr, (iri-Kiin, Jhiiiih r r 2, JOC. NiiIIiv t hcll'liy Kiwn IIihI III oiln'llln n ullli lliu I'tuvl. lliu- nl I lie Ml nl ('iiiikk'x el Jaiii'X, 1H, eatllteil "All ni l Inr Itir nalc nl lliiilivr Uliilnln Id Slnli-nl ('alllurtilii, (Ire Kon, SVmkIii, ntnl U'mhl itleo terrllnry." exteiiili'il In nil Ilic llilille ltml kihIim liy ni t nfAuinml I, lK'J. Tin him- Jnliimiii.nl Kit Kuiiii. I ' il li l y of Ijiiic, Htntn ( (Irt'itnn, ma Dili ilsy llli'il III Ih'millliv 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 rlnteiili'lll N'o. lUWi, fur tin- I'liri'linie nllliv HK 1 , ol Hi-elluii Nn. 1'.', TiiiiIiIi -1 Huiilti nt llnnxv 1 U'n mill will offer proof In tlinw tlinl I lie Unit miugli! In iilnru viililnlilc fur lln IIiiiUt nr stone Ihnn fur rtHrlcultliriil iuil"in, nmi In crtnlill.li his I'lnliii In until Imnl ln'fiirn Ihe lltKlter niul 1 1 ti re I vit of h' nllliv nt Itiifulitiri;, (irvKim, mi HViIikimIh)' I lie V.ili ilny of March, Ilu annum nn wltnuMi'i: Mnrtln lliiitininmiii, Cliurlny (llmin, Hlinoii Klovilnlil, l.nill" lliihcriiill of KiiA'iiti.dri'iloii Any nail nit i'ruiim cIiiIiiiImk mlvvrel' llui Hliovu.ilo-t'rilieil liiinln nru roillt'iitfi1 to lilt) tlivlr t'liitiinilli llilnollliu mi or Inifiiro nlil Utli ilny of March, Mi. J. T. IIIUIKJrit.'llt'Kl'ter. IIAIIWIM HlllHTtlW, 1 runlilvnt. HKIUir.llTKAKIN, CnaliU'r. WW or COTTAOK GltOVlt, OKK. Paid up Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loan nn approved security. Kxehaiigcs sold, available tiny .ilaco In the United Slates. Your HiihIhvhh In Solicited. SCHLEFS GROCERY. . . Corner of Muliiniul Kccnnil HI., Cottnco Oruvo. Carries a fine lino of Groceries, No tions, Candies, Tobaccos, Nuts and Stationery. Our prices are right nnd wo will glvo you Good Value for Your Money. FOR BALK OH TKADK. Ono .Linoh Stoughton thlmblo-Bkeln wagon, . Ono Mitchell 3-inch tlilmblcskein wnunn, One set of team harness. Apply to Chiisiuan fi Panga' livory stable, Cotlnge Grove, Oregon. Take the hohemla tfnyges.