1 BOHEMIA NUGGET. I'.ubllnliril Kvcrr .Friax. (COTTAGE GROVE. . . OREGON. EVENTS OF TILE DAY A Comprehensive Revltw ot tht Important Happenings of tht Past Week Presented la a Condensed Form Which Is Most 'likely 10 Prove of Interest t Our Miny headers. There is a movement to hold nn ox position nt Mniilln in December next. Tlio Manila chamber of commerco kH tlmt Chinese, bo admitted to tho islands. An unknown hypnotist jnitn SjKikano man to Bleep and doctors inn ik noth ing to rouse him. Prince Henry will lo given n military farewell when ho leaves Germauy for tho United StatcM. Tho Princo of Wale? received a vwy rliilliriL' retention on the occasion of his visit in Uermany. Investigation of the Iowa mine dis aster discJoted the fact tlint the explo sion was caused by too heavy a charge of dynamite boim: placed by one of the men who were killed. Firo at Goldfiold, Colo., caused dam age estimated at $30,000. Manila hanks, refuse to accept de posits of Mexican silver. Colorado union miners have demand ed tho discharge of nonunion men. A man and his wife have been arrest ed in San Francisco for counterfeiting. Eight of tho colleries in the llaiel ton district, Pa., were closed became of high water. It is estimated that the loss by the recent fires in Columbus, Ohio, will reach $500,000. The wheat crop of the Pacific North west for 1901 was, approximately, 44, 000,000 bushels. Governor Taft says 15,000 soldiers will be enough in the Philippines be fore the close of the year. Five hundred miners at the West End colliery, at Mocanaqua, Pa,, went on strike because nonunion workmen were employed. f All formalities for tile purchase of tho Danish 'West Indies have been com pleted and the treaty will be signed in a few days. A Cincinnati bookkeeper is almost a quarter of a million short in his ac counts. He contends that it is the re sult of errors and has made most of it good. Governor Taft says the situation in the Philippines is encouraging. Hon. Franklin Murphy was inaugu rated governor of New Jersey. Trince Ching will represent China at the coronation of King Edward. Charges have been brought against officials of the Mineworkers' Union. A Filipino force in Batangas prov ineo, Philippine islands, surrendered, Contract for repairs to the transport Dix to the amount of $12,000 has been let. John D. Rockefeller contemplates giving the Chicago University $20,000,- 000. United States Senators Dolliver and Allison were re-elected by the Iowa leg islature. All of the convicts who escaped from the federal penitentiary on McNeill's island have been recaptured. The senate has begun debate on Phil ippine tariff bill. More revolutionary movements are reported in China. The annual convention of tho United Mineworkers of America is in session. Three of tho 11 convicts who escaped from McNeil island prison have been captured. The istlimian canal commission re ports in favor of the purchase of the Panama canal. A bankcashierof Great Falls, Mont., is short in his accounts, due to gam bling in stocks. Portland exported one-fifth of the en tire wheat shipped from the United States in December. The combino of all tho leading steam ship companies is still under discussion by those interested. General Bell lias determined on war in the strictest sense in Batangas prov ince, Philippine islands. A great naval battle took place in the harbor of Panama, in which the .government lost heavily. Governor Alban was killed. A great diamond field is said to havo been discovered in Idaho. Sixty lives were lost by a boiler ex plosion in a Spanish village. Eleven men of tho Second infantry, in the Philippines, are missing. Peaco negotiations between Boers and British are under way at Brussels. The per capita consumption of spirits in the United States is smaller than any other of tho great nations. Reginald C. Vanderhilt, of Now York, has como into possession of $7, 500,000 loft him by his father. J. E. Green, a St. Louis mechanic, claims tlmt ho invented tho airship mado famous by M. Santos Dumont, in Paris, and that tho drawings were stolen from him and taken to Franco 10 years ago. UNFAIR TO THE COLONIES. Australia Complains That Meat Contracts Go to Argentina, Sydney, X. S. , Jan. 28. Tho placing of contracts in Argentina by i the British war olllce, to supply moats and other produce for the troops in South Africa, has engendered extreme irritation throughout Australasia. This action of the imperial authorities is regarded as evidence of reprehensible indifference to tho claims of the colon ies, as ill accorded with the expressions ' of imperial solidarity, as poor repay- 1 i -tt f 41... meiu lor ...e s.em.cv ... ..... .......us.-, and generally as grave injustice Most of tho premiers of Australasia and the HENRY C PAYNE. New Postmaster General who took oath of office 'anuary 15. premier of New Zealand have cabled to the imperial government strong pro tests in practically identical terms, say ing that the two colonies are able to sunplv the war olhce requirements in South Africa three times over. Both colonies, it is pointed out, have more meat than consumers, and when are doing all in their power to up and strengthen the empire, it they build is in- comprehensible that trade is given to foreigners, especially Argentina, thus bringing into the field a keen compe titor with the people of Australasia. The premiers further declare that they feel such action is wrong and unfriend ly, and that the blunder should be promptly retrieved. OBSERVE M'KINLEY'S BIRTHDAY Move to Mark the Day by Services and Con. tributlons to Memorial Fund. Cleveland, O., Jan. 24. The request by Governor Nash, of Ohio, has received hearty response trom the governors of all the states and territories invited to join in asking the peoplo to properly observe tho 50th anniversary of tho birth of William McKinley. Nearly every governor has either issued a proc lamation or semi-officially requested that there should be memorial services on tho Sunday preceding January 2(ith in all the churches, that conrtibutions be there received, and that nil people testify by their voluntary offerings their love nnd devotion to the dead president. In many states, notably Kansas, public schools will hold special exercises and give to the fund. In any community where there is no local auxiliary of tho McKinley Memo rial Association, contributions by busi ness, Iraternal or labor organizations, schools or churches, may bo sent to tho treasurer, Myron T. Hemck, Cleve land, Ohio. Tho funds will bo applied to tho erection of a fitting memorial tomb to William McKinloy, over his last resting placo at Canton 'Ohio. Judge William R. Day, ex-secretary of state, is president of tho association. The Manchurian Treaty. Pekin, Jan. 28. It is expected that tho Manchurian treaty will he signed within ft week. Diplomats here do not manifest much interest in it, as thev do not believe any written treaties in tho slightest degreo affect tho policy of Russia in Manchuria. A separate con tract with tho Russo-Chineso bank so cures to tho bank complete control of the railroads and milled Her Release Is Near. Sofia, Jan. 28. The semi-official Bulgaria announces that the American delegates hearing the ransom for Miss Stono, tho captive American mission ary, havo arrived at Jumaya, and that Miss Stono and her companion, Mmo. Tsilka, will bo released within 24 hours after tho money is paid. Tired of Useless Struggle. Pretoria, Jan. 28. Lord Kitchener has authorized General Vilomol. a sur rendered burgher, to raiso an additional Boer corps of 1,500 men. General Vil omel has written n letter to ox-President Stoyn, warning tho latter of his intention to form such a corns, ami adding that tho Boers in tho concentra tion cnmits nr.. Hrml n( i strugglo and are determined to help tho jjhusi) una ii. MINE DUST EXPLODED. Disaster in Iowa Cost Many Lives Several Men Serl esly Injured. Oskaloosa, la., Jan. 27. -Tho 1ist Creek eoal mine was the scene, today of a terrible disaster, which cost tho lives of 21 miners. Eight others were seri ously injured. The liodios of tho dead men were recovered from tho mine, and lie tonight In an improvised morgue near tho scene of their destruction. Tho injured, all of whom are frightfully cut, bruised and burned, are under tho enro of surireons in a tcmnornrv liosnltal , , m.rtr (,rwk mu, ,8 ,0 IuUo( M)uli, 0 Oskaloosa, and three miles north of Eddicvillo. The explosion occurred nt tho noon hour, nnd was what is known as a dust explosion. The miners had just fired their usual noon shots, one of which proved to Ihj a fizzle, the powder ilame igniting tho gas nnd causing tho explosion. Smoke nnd debris were blown out of the mine in a column 200 feet high. A part of the top works was torn away, nnd tho fans and cages were wrecked. This made the .work of rescue very slow, and it was 3 o'clock before volunteer forces dared to venture into tho cast entry, where the explosion occurred. The men of tho rescue party fought their way into tho mine, where a shocking sight met their gaze. The dead and injured were terribly burned and mutilated, some of them almost beyond recognition. Beyond where tho bodies lay the fire was burning fiercely, nnd for a time it was feared the work ings would lx) wholly destroyed nnd the bodies incinerated. Finally, however, the (lames were subdued. The bodies were then collected and taken to the top of the shaft. At the time of the explosion more than 100 men were in the mine, but all except those in the east entry escaped with only slight injury. The total property loss will be about $10,000. Nearly all of tho men wore married nnd leave families in poor circum stances. NEWS RECEIVED QUIETLY. No Demonstration at St. Thomas, Danish West Indies. St.Thomas, D. W. I., Jan. 28. The announcement which reached here of tho signing of the treaty by which Don mark sells tho Danish est Indies to tho United States, was received quietly There was no open manifestation, but much anxiety prevails regarding tho developments. Nothing official has yet been received from Copenhagen. Tho governor of St. Thomas has de clined to bo interviewed. The Danish cruiser Valkiren will re main hero indefinitely, it is reported, so as to guard against disturbances, which it is believed, however, are not likely to occur. Plebiscite of Danish Antilles. Washington, Jan. 28. Tho Danish government will not take tho plcbescies of the. Danish West Indian Islands to determine, whether they shall bo ceded to tho United States until tho United States senate has ratified the treaty of cession. This circumspection is sup posed to m tho outcome of tho sonato's action in rejecting a former treaty of cession nfter Denmark had accustomed tho islanders to tho idea of transfer. China Repaid. Washington, Jan. 25. Secretary Hay today handed to Minitsor Wuadraft on tho United States treasury for $37(5,000, being tho value of tho silver bullion captured by tho American marines at Tien Tsin. Franking Privilege Extended. Washington, Jan. 25. Tho president has signed tho bill providing for tho free transportation of nil mail matter sent by .Mrs. Ida 8. McKinloy, widow of tho lato President McKinloy. Plague In China, Washington, Jan. 25, Consul Mo Wado, at Canton, has cabled tho stato department that there, havo been over 100 deaths from tho plaguo at film Ting, about 250 miles south of Canton. NBW8 0.V THE STATE TEM3 OF INTEREST FROM ALL PART8 OF OREGON. Commtrclal and Financial Happenings of lm. porlance A Uriel Review of the Growth and Improvements of the Many Industries Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth Utcst Market Report Oil has Ihmmi struck in quito a largo quantity near Myrtle. Creek. The telephone' lino from Union to I .a G ramie has changed hands. Tho net valuation of taxable promrty in Baker county Is $3,r23,:i4ll. Hop buyers at Salem are offering 12,li to 12.4 cents ior pound. Tho postnlllco at Independence has been moved Into new quarters. Extensive tests are Udiig made with silage at tho agricultural college. Tho mayor of Pendleton has ordered slot machines of all desrciptioiiH out. A franchise has been granted for the erection of an ulectrlu light plant at Hums. Asbestos has lieen discovered in paying quantities in Josephine county, near the stato lieu. Tho Salem school district levied an 8 mill- tax for running cxiwuscs and 1 mill for a sinking fund. Preparations havo Is-gun for the building of a large saw mill on Foots creek near Grants Pass. t Extensive preparations are lieing made for a thorough test of tho exist ence of oil near Monmoth. Tho expenditures of the agricultural college for 1001 were $41,507.03. Total receipts, $03,285.03. Alxmt 400 were in attendance at tho annual convention of tho Knights of Pythias in Pundlotou this week. Farmers around Ontario are making arrangements to iuiort ferrets to clean out tho gophers, which are very Humor ous. A new Degreo of Honor lodge has been instituted at Milton, in Eastern Oregon. A new lumber formed at Wasco. company has been It has u capital of $10,000. A company has been formed at Hunt ington, with $1,000,000, to enter tho nil industry in that section. Tho Bakor City council is consider ing tho proposition of paving tho streets with chemically prepared wood blocks. A small firo in La Grande a few days ago destroyed somo proporty. Tho loss was small, but not covered by insurance. Tho scaffold and other arrangements are completed for tho hanging of Dal ton and Wado in Portland on January 31. Mrs. Henrietta Harrington, an early pioneer, died at her homo nt Ely, Clackamas county, a few days ago, aged 80 years'. Tho Oregon Pino Company, with headquarters at Astoria, has filed arti cles of incorporation. Capitalization, $50,000. Woodmen of tho World are preparing to havo a big time at Pendleton April 21-22, when 1,114 candidates will bo initiated. Portland Markets. Wheat Walla Walla, 690GOc; bluo atom, Clc; vnlloy, GO'iSCOc. Barley Feed, $17017.50; browing, $17.60018 per ton. Oats No. 1 whlto, $101.10; gray, 95c0$l. Flour Best grades, $2,7003.30 per barrel; graham, $2.50. MUlstuffs Brnn, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $20; shorts, $18; chops, $17. Hay Timothy, $11012; clover, $7 07.50; Oregon wild hay, $50C per ton. Mutton Lambs, 3 03 4c, gross; dressed, C'c per pound; sheep, woth era, 3'60314c, gross; dressed, C0C'ic per pound; owes, 3i03c, gross; dressed, 60Cc por pound. Hogs Gross, 5Vc; dressed, O0C1dc per pounu. Veal 809c por pound. Beef Gross, cows, 34c; steers 3,604c; dressed, 307c por pound. nutter Creamery, 20027c por 'pound; dairy, 18020c; store, 12 0 16c. Egg's 2O022c for cold storago; 22025c for Eastern; 28030c for fresh Oregon. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.5003; hens, $3.6004; 8'609c per pound; springs, 9010c per pound, $2.6003 por dozen; ducks, $500 for young; geese, $0.6007.60 por dozon; turkoys, live, ll12'4c; dressod, 13014c per pound. Cheeso Full cream, twins, 130 13'4c; Young America, 14015c. Potatoes Best Burbanks, 85c0$l.lO per cental; ordinary, 70 080c. Hops 8010c por pound. Wool Valley, 11014c; Eastorn Or egon, 8012&c; mohair, 21021c por pound. A Now York syndicato is negotiating for 180,000 acres of Nova Scotia timber land. Sir Ernest Cansol placed at tho dis posal of King Edward a fund of $1, 000,000 to be used In tho crusade against consumption in England, Gov. Van Sant, of Minnesota, says tho ontiro nortlnvost Is back of him In his fight against tho Northern Pacific merger, and tlmt ho will begin action in tho courts at once. A CINCINNATI 8EN8ATION. Trusted llookkeeper Short I'rom $160,000 o $400,000 In Ills Accounts. Cincinnati. Jan. 21. Sensational re ports were published here today of uu nllogud shortage In tho bunks of Theo dore llraomor, who resigned last Sun day ns treasurer of tho J. ft. F- . Schroth Packing Company, of this city. Tho Htory as first published nl leged n nhortngu or from $100,000 to $100,000, extending over a period of 20 years, and declared that Mr. llrao- mer hint turned over nil or inn prop erty and chattels In trust, pending nn examination of the bookR by exports. llraomnr denied that thcru was any defalcation, but admitted that he hail turned over $72,000 In personal prop erty to Hnrland Cleveland, his attor ney, and Joseph W. O'llnrn, attorney for tho J. & K. Schroth company. While Ilraemar talked freely about the case, the Schroths refused to say anything, and the attorneys wore also reticent, llraomor Is about 45 years of age nnd has been with tho Schroths 27 years, moBt of the time receiving $25 per week ns bookkeeper, and in ro- emit years about twice that much as secretary and treasurer. Tho firm did a business of about $1,000,000 a year, which was collected by Brno mer. When John Schroth died, over n year ngo, Lieutenant-Governor Carl Nlppcrt became tho attorney of his heirs, who Instituted an Investigation of tho company, which Dually culmin ated in u meeting of all Interested parties last Sunday, nt which Urnn. mer resigned, nnd from which tho sensational reports of today enmn ated. The experts Insist that they cannot complete their work for two or three weeks, nnd counsel nay that m reliable statement can be made until that time. No reports of similar character over created such a sensntlon In this city, as Mr. llrnomer always hns been regarded as a man of the highest bus Inoss nnd social standing. Ho owns ono of tho finest resiliences In the city, nnd It Is furnished with nil that nrt could supply. In all of the sensa tional reports that have been pub llshed no reference Is mnde to him as n fnst man or of had habits, such as are usually coupled with such sen sntlpng. Tho attorneys nnd other In terested 'persons will give no iissur nncc that tho report of the exports on the examination of tho books will be mndo public when completed nn they statu that every pnsslhlo dif ference has already been adjusted satisfactorily by the property that Draemer has turned over In trust. All tho Interested parties state that thoy otpectod aftor tho meeting Inst Sunday, nt which Ilraomcr resigned, that all differences would be settled without tho matter ever becoming public. THEY WANT CHINESE. Manila Merchants Object to Restriction Law Needed to Develop Islands. Manila, Jan. 28. The American chamber of commerce hero has formii Intel an apiK-al to congress, in which it earnestly prays for tho enactment of laws allowing Chinese to enter the Philippine islands under such restri tinns us the United States Philippine commission may enact. Tho pro-out restrictive law concerning immigra tion, continues the appeal, is of no benefit to the Filipinos. Chinese, if admitted, would enter into competition with local labor, and their entry into the islands is imprateively nccd.-d us tho tobacco, hemp and sugar hinds of tho archipelago are only partly culti vated. Without this legislation the country cannot be properly developed. Building In .Manila has lieen Imdly I retarded because of this hick of labor ami lor iiiese reasons tint American chamber of commerce, composed entire ly of American citizens representing commercial interests, respectfully re quests immediate action in tho matter. - Doer Commando Captured. Imdnn, Jan. 24. Iml Kitchener, in a dispatch from Johannesburg, Transvaal colony, says General Mathuen overtook a Boer oemmando near Bosch poort, nnd after a running fight of eight miles, he captured all their wagons nnd cattle, and 24 Bores. i.cncrai Jtruco Hamilton mado a night march against General Botha, near Wilhank, but tho Heor commander had left tho camp when the British reached tho spot. Tlio latter, however, captured 27 prisoners. Spain May Have a Revolution. London, Jan. 24. Tho Dally Mall publishes nn alarmist dispatch from Madrid giving tho opinions of vnrlous prominent politicians concerning the gloomy outlook In Spain nnd their fears that tho coronntlon of King Al fonso noxt May may bo tho signal for a revolution. In addition to tho Car- list .menaclngs, "Woylor, tho Spanish Boulangcr, Is troubling tho wators and playing for his own hnnd." Caught by Falling Walls. Mobile, Ala. Jan. 28. Fire oarly today in tho wholesale business district destroyed proporty to tho vnluo of at least $300,000 and caused tho death of two men nnd tho serious injury of three others. 1 ho men were caught In fall ing walls. Fire at Kallipel. Knllspcl, Mont., Jan. 24. Firo stnrt ed this morning In a rcBtaurnnt and In a very short tlmo had spread al most over a block. An entlro row of buildings was destroyed. Tho loss Is figured at $10,000. Kaiser's Gift to Harvard. Berlin, Jan. 24. The gift of Empor or William to Harvard University will bo much largor than was nt first supposed. Tho Emperor's gift con sists of casts, and bronzes, Illustrating ovory class of tho Gorman plastic arts from tho Romnnosquo period to tho rtonnalsanco. Tho ontiro cost of tho collection will bo dofrnyed from tho Emperor's private purse, and It Is es timated at about 500,000 marks. ISLANDS AIM 0UKS DANISH WEST INDIES TREATY SIQNED AT WASHINGTON. Only Awalli Kallllratlnn by the Senala Price to He Paid Is Hellcved to IU In the Neighborhood of I'lva Millions ol Dollars People of the Islands to Have Voice in Question of Cession. Washington, Jan. 25. Tho trunty of cession of the Danish West Indies from Denmark to the United Slides wa signed at the stato department yester day by Secretary Hay and ConstuutU llruii, the Danish minister. Tim treaty will 1st submitted to the s-ffiinU for ratification Immediately. Following the invariable ml in turh cases the state department officials de cline to make public any of the detail of the treaty, so that It Is not Kiudhlw to state xsitivcly the prim to Ihj paid, though it Is believed to 1st in tli neigh Imrhood n( $5,()(H),()(HI. It Is known also that Denmark has abandoned th position she mis inclined to occupy to ward the conservation of tho political rights of the Inhabitants of tho Islands and leaves to the I'nited States a frco baud to deal with them without pledgw of American citizenship or of frro tradu privileges. So It Is presumed that tli status of tho Danish West Indian Islands, politically and commercially, should the treaty be ratified, will l-v similar to that of Porto Rico. Having gained these points in the negotiations, the state department olllclals bellow the treaty is certain to receive tho ap proval of the I'nited States senate. The now treaty is peculiar In that it will require action not only by the sen ate ami the Danish rigsdad, but by thu United States house of representative. as well, hinco It will bo necessary for the house to supply tho needed appro priation to defray the expenses of pur chase. It Is regarded as u strong point by the (miners of the treaty that tho people of tho Danish West Indies are to have a voice in this qutesiou of cossoin. The treaty itself does not contain any reference to u plebiscite, but tho Danish government has ghen notlcv that before it ratifies the treaty it will submit the question of ceslson to thu IK'iiple of the islands. Not much objec tion is expected here from these people, us the treaty is so fratneil that tlmy are not called on to surrender their Danish allegiance, and they may remain Danes lii fact and' in "name while enjoying whatever advantages, in a commercial way, mn)rcsult from a transfer of thu islands to tho United States. Thu plebiscite will not 1st controlled in any case by tho Uniti-d States. It Is stated distinctly that the Danish government itself will take stops to ascertain the incliutiiiou of the people of the islands Isefuro tho final steps In the transfer uru taken. RECEIVED ON EQUAL TERMS. Audience (iranled by the Chinese Emperor to the Foreign Ministers. I'ekin, Jan. 25. The mlnistersof tho foreign powers hero havo attained thu goal which has Is-eu their aim since In tercourse between China and tho pow ers ls-gan. They havo been received as representatives of sovereigns equal in rank to tho Chinese emperor. The audiences yesterday between tho minis ters and the emperor were held In thu innermost large hall of the Forbidden City. I'lio emperor sat upon u dins Isj hind u table. There were four princes at thu hack of his chair, and a do.ets olllclals on each side. The dowager empress was concealed by a screen, nc cording to stories of tho attendants, and remained invisible. The audience chamlHir was furnished ornately, in contrast to tho dingy rooms which served flir these audiences under tho old regime. The secretaries translated tho addresses of the ministers, copies of which wore handed to the emperor. Tho replies were delivered by Prince Ching. Tho omeror was sllont throughout tho audience, and remained stolid and impassive. I'ormerly tho emperor replied to tho ministers in Manchii, and thn'prlnco interpreted what ho said. Today ho appeared as an automaton, and tho sec retaries of tho foreign ministers, who were present, roiiort that ho looked weaker, less Intellectual and milder than previous to the siege. British Force Surrendered. Pretoria. .Tnn. it. A nnrfv nf ftFI Tin. tlves, cscortod by 25 Imperial Yeoman ry, wuru Hiirpriseii recently uy 150 Boors nt Llndlquesprult. Aftor n gal lant resistance in which six of tho Boors nnd ono of tho British force wore killed, tho lattor Wont fnrnil ti surrondor. Four of tho unarmed na tives wore shot in cold blood. Accident Caused by Fog, Omaha, Jan, 27. W. L. Hinw.irt. yard foreman, was killed and six others injured in a freight wreck in tho Bur lington vards in this eltv Thu wreck was caused by a heavy fog. Colombia Wants Fremh Ounboats. Paris, Jan. 27. Thu eovormnnnt. of Colombia has offered to purchase n number of obsolete I 'ranch LMiiihnnts. Tho negotiations havo thus far had no results. if.