Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 31, 1902, Image 5

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    Hi.i.'ii Kntkutain.
The Eugene Elks entertained
their iiiiiuy friundH lust l'lldny
evening in a 1 1 lit 1 1 1 10 1 long to lie tc
mciiibered by those ptcsciil. They
mi! a jolly held, those solf-smiie
Elks, mid tliey know exactly how
. to do the honors. I Ion. A. C.
Woodcock presided Over the des
tines of the members mid jticsts in
it "bully," good iininn'er. With other
tilings lie wore u glad, htoad and
welcome smile, making the guests
feel as comfortable as old folks.
The program consisted of ninsie by
n splendid oichestia of five pieced,
songs and stories, with light re
freshments. Among the. features
of the evening tttllit he mentioned
n soiil-iiis;:iriug hurst of song hy
otic of Eugene's favoiiles, Frank
Ostium, stories hy Ilert Peter mid
"Hnhe" Smith, respectively, Hint
would have a tendency to lent
most anyoae into oh, well!- -other
realms of thought; while Dr., Paine
made his heaters iuteiesied as well
as merry, in a sketch of his travels
nhroad Inst seiiMiii, a feature of
which was a demonstration ol the
assertion that it is hig'ily necessary
to he an Elk. At the eleventh
hour lion. I T. Harris responded
to the toast "To our absent mem
hers," in a tuat speech, and then
the jolly crowd of the best people
on earth scattered to the four winds
with words of prnie lor their en
tertainers and the Elks In general.
Those from here were Hon, James
Hemenway, Dr. Wall, I,. Lurch
and Tom HIew. members of the or
der; W. Jt. Dennis, Robert Alex
ander. C II. Huikholder.vT C.
Abrtiins. E. A. WHIsou, and James
, Polls. 'Here's 'opln' hit will
'fippeii ngain,
THK S. I. Tut 1'I.ANT.
One of the mot interesting places
to visit and at the same time enjoy
a refreshing walk on a pleasant ilaj
is to view the life, activity and di
versified mechanism of the South
ern Pacific tie plant at Latham.
about one and n half miles south of
town. To one who has not been
there it is indeed a novtlty and a
vast dual of information can he
gained by a look over this great
1 laut. The two immense remits
ae wonders to look at and they ate
kept full of ties night ami day. The
lies are placed on low trin ks fol
lowing each other and are run into
the great cylindrical retorts by the
aid of n wire cable, About four
hours are tcquircd lo thorough')1
Haturate them with the preserving
preparation and this is repeated
with some six or seven fresh oper
ations daily, each train of trucks
being taken from the retoits having
the cuied lies taken from them and
loaded into cars for shipment east.
At the lime of our visit one of the
cars being loaded, belonged lo the
Michigan Central and carried away
fiooof these preserved ties. Superin
tendent Cole, is at all times a very
busy man, hut he always manages
to find time to show visitors over
the plant and explain the workings
thereof, which is indeed of much
. intetcst to the uninilmted.
Fou hstisus' Smoi; i;k .
On Tuesday evening at their new
hall Court IJoliemia No 33, For
esters of America, held a most en
joyable smoker and royally enter
tained their many friends. About
8:30 the gathering began and half
nn hour later the large lodgeruom
was comfortably filled with mem
bers of the order and invited guests
in animate. I conversation and nicely
disposed in little groups in the
pastime of various card games.
Liter on came an elegant lunch,
which, hfter being generously par
taken of, was succeeded by an im
promptu program, which was con
tributed to hy more than a score of
artists throughout the range of
song, story, recitation, duet and
fipal blending of nil the voices
present in patriotic vocal strains
that welled out upon the crisp
night air nnd brought the enter
tainment to a fitting close and sent
each one happy to their homes.
The revival services at tho MothodiHt
Chinch will continue all uiixt week.
KvniiuellBt Murshul l preaching with
power and eariu'wtmwH, Larue- congru-
KHllniiHaru in attendance. .M null good ;
H being done.
Flattering Reports From
Some of the More
stka n v n k nt 1,0 r m hx t
axi uxoi:i.i,i:xt suo w
ixa niuxa ma in:.
News froth the Star Consolidated
this week is very encouraging.
Superintendent Jtehue has just re
turned from the mine and says that
the new quarters are now all in
complete shape. The long cross
cut tunnel is under good headway.
Some fine quart, have been conic
upon and the indications are that
the first lead is close at hand, and
the surface showings indicate that
good results can now be looked for
at any time. Mr. llehiie is feeling
quite jubilant over the outlook.
Helena No. 2 has encountered
about eighteen inches of quart, that
assay well, and with every foot of
development the mine looks better,
demonstrating that depth will im
prove the future of the camp.
In the lower tunnel of Helena
No. 1 three feet of ore has been eu
counteted that assay up in the
huudicds, which is being steadily
developed with double shifts and
blocked out to await transportation.
The rich ore streak in the upper
tunnel still continues.
At tho Musick No. 6 is being
driven with good results and the
base ore is steadily gelling better,
proving beyond a doubt that the
future of Ilohemia will be all that
is hoped for it.
There is just now about three
feet of snow iu the camp but work
in all of the principal mines is
going right along and many pros
pects are being developed.
Hakiikk Wisdom.
John Stonebeig has for a long
time contemplated making suudrx
improvements in the front of his
c imbiuatioii barber shop and notion
store, and realizing the deli ter.ite
uk thods and calculating mind ol the
average carpenter, decided thai the
only way for him to get his im
provements made and at the same
lime get somewhere near value for
his money, was to hire the work
done by the hour and pick out, if
possible, the coldest day of this
winter, so if the ctrpenters did not
warm to their work they could feel
the nipping sting of the frost king.
Well, John had the job done on
Tuesday, and it was bitter cold,
but those carpenters got down to
their, work with an energy that
was n joy to behold ami earned
their money with a will, which
proves that the barber's wisdom
was well conceived.
Tine Succhssi'uj, Dkama.
The presentation last week by
our local talent of "The Deacon,"
a neat little farce-comedy drama,
iu aid of the free rending room,
was a grand success in more ways
than one. Its rendition was appre
ciated and applauded by a large
audience. Each participant was
conspicuous for the study and foice
put into the part portrayed and the
financial outcome was most grati
fying, inasmuch as the proceeds,
after paying all the necessary ex
penses, netted the neat little sum
of $47 for the reading room, which
money was sufficient to pay off the
indebtedness of that worthy insti
tution, nmounting to 30, nnd left
a balance of $17 iu the hands of its
treasurer. Taken all mound a
great good has be.en accomplished
and an evening of delight gone on
record through the generous efforts
of the home talent company.
For 00 days from February 1st wo will
soli at a tun per cent discount any and
all of our largo stock of wall paper.
This llhurnl blhii' Is given uh wo have a
big Invoice of now stock on theway and
need tho room. Now is your chance to
sceurq thu best hargidtiH on the finest
wall paper over brought to Cottegq
Jjwkixs A Lawhox,
1 persoiful Pit nigivj pits,
I'Vniik Whipple went up lo Itobeinhi
on Miniliiy.
Will I'M wm dn returned to Ilolieiiilit
I. If. BIiikIhiiii cniiiu down from Port
hoid yuetciduy.
C.A. Taylor went Into Bohemia 011
Wdnemluy lo work In the Champion
Mr. William IfnrrlH Im down from
llhickbuttu and rctfiKtmed at the Im
Mint (icitlu Koathworth of WemllhiK
Ih viitfiig her mother in this city for 11
few days.
I'.ob Vrulnh wnnntit on tlics hIoiiuIi and
ciiinc lioinu with a fund hill crime
which he Intend to ntull'.
John Holland leave- IIiIm week for
Crow, from wlierufiu will tniiku a (-event!
wcukH trip down the Kiuiduw.
Morri At Ciaw of Kuguuo, through
thuir tiKunt, tiiiH week ki.jIiI to Mint) Kthel
Cottle 11 fine Trowbridge plnno,
MrH. M..L Llnclcy left thlx week for
Ortiiig, Windi., where nhu will join Mr.
I.liifley . Tliuy expect to return hcie In
I lie Kiirhic.
John lllckH returned on Wednesday
from a pL'iiwwit vlidt lo Albany. In a
few da.VH ho will ( hack to lilo old em
ployment at llluckbiitle.
.1 1 tn Planter, who Iiiih been employed
II h iiniil mi Her on the Cottime lir'ove
mill Itidicinia route Ih now iccovcring
(torn an attack of iniiinpi.
John C Widh, who for come time
liiict Iiiih worked In the I'lnc river dis
trict, Im lion i:ft liin lot with I'oliemlii.
lie Heat into thill camp 011 Monday.
W. If. Lit Hoy mid A. I). Lo Hoy vrero
down 1 1 t h week fiom their several hold
liU! in llolminiii to look idler tin Im-i-ncM
end of their enteipriiiuH in that
i! nop.
.Iiimci .Seam mid .lumen I'ottH have
been xworn iu an mail carrier on the
Cotlngu tirovo and Bohemia mall route
mid will alternate dn the route tti ih
Ocoriro M. Cornwall of the Oregon
Timlierman, piihlitdiud at I'oi timid, wax
in the city thin week, lie id a plcafmit
ecnlleman, mid Mm future visits will be
! uelruiiiid.
U . C. Urown. who Iiiih been in lite
employ of liooih-Kelly Lumber Co. at
Wi'iidlinn for come lime Iiiih returned to
Huh city. The Nuuget acknowledges a
pleaHunt call.
Tho cold weather of the first of the
week formed skating ico on the Joe
Perkins pond uiihI of town nnd many of
our young people hunted up their
skate mid enjoyed a kILIc 011 the smooth
mid (.'lifti-niiu- ice.
Tlie right of way committee mot on
Monday eveinne. A eoneriil iliscnxMon
uhs hold and pionreHM reported Kvory
tlilnis pciliiinfne to tho right of way 'is
Union along smoothly mid it is expected
Hint litlledillir'iliy il h. encountered
111 seeming a sncces-ful 01. Iconic.
Joiii linker, Datiil Mark-lev. Frank
VVooli-v and J. C. Wallace, wlni have fur
never il iiioinhs p isi liecn liinploycd mi 1
gild ideduer in California, have all le
Inriied in their Inmi-s and faiiniiei her'.
They hronght hack, guml health and 11
geneions quantity of thai um-t needful
aitlclii liich liiMrJ the ovoronieiil
hran.l mil i.iro handy to have aronnil.
J. J. Lane, mail carrier on tho lilnck-
Imlle 1011I0. met Willi 11 painful iieeidcnt
last Sn 1 11 1 1 1 11 v . On Ids onl-going route
ho hud the mihfiprtiiiie to hrenk Ids cart
lie prociiieil n ImrfO mid made Iho trip
ithoiil further accident 10 Latham on
j the return, when the horse threw him,
nruisiog litssiilc n.Klly. lie mamigcil to
get iu witli iho mail hat was badly
knocked out.
Going to Hoston.
George W. Lloyd returned 'this
week from Ilohemia. While in the
camp he let a 100 feet contract on
the Gold Cross property. There is
now .Yi feet of ore in the breast of
the tunnel that will mill better thnu
$10 per ton, and the surface indi
cations are thnt this additional 100
feet will open tip a fine body qf rich
ore. He is now making prepara
tions to move his family and go
with them to Hoston, and will not
again be here until July. Atten
tion of mining men is called to a
tunnel contract notice over his sig
nature iu another column. It
speaks for itself and shows that the
company has unbounded faitli in
Hl.ACKIlUTTlt Map.
A. D. Whittier returned this
week from Blackbutte after com
pleting in talc a relief map of that
section for V. B. Dennis. The
relief map is 3x4 .feet, with a scale
of three-fourths of an inch to the
100 feet, and covers a radius of two
miles. This last achievement of
Mr. Whittier is fully equal to his
former productions in that line.
The map he made for the Le Roy
company of Bohemia has been
photographed, lithographed and
thousands of copies sent out over
the country with the fine pros
pectus gotten out by that company,
and cannot help but interest nnd
enlighten the thousands who nre
now seeking information with
reference to the great mineral
bodies of Bohemia.
Ttilio the hohcinla Xfyoi,
IocmI IfJreVelies.
A line lino of riding bridle at Kml
fluid's hnriioH)hop,
Buy your giHKHi-ecd of Knkln A llrls
Km .
Ilallonhtirg point lace patterns and
braid at Lurch's.
Take your shoes to the "Wont Side
harness shop for repairs.
Thoe diamonds at II. C. Madson are
bt'iiufics. Call mid see them ,
TryiiKundnv dinner nt tho Imckhui,
llorw.. Served from 1 'X 1:1)0 p
in. mid up to date iu all respects.
Wenrothe agent for the celebrated
Shoop's family medicines. Wo give yon
a wiltton guiirmilee nith (J bottles for
5,r,!l and if nut benefited yoticioi return
thorn mid get your mney back.
Mokoa k ItitiuiAUT.
Tho Sow Kra drugstore.
Head real estate bargains of Jerome
Knox A Co.
Valuable mining property In Ho
hernia for sale. Jerome Knox and Co.
On Wednesday, a pair of gold-rimmed
siiivtneles. Kinder will please leave nt
Cash Urocory.
At my place near Iorane one red and
white cow marked crop of right ear and
upper hit out of left. Ounercati have tho
same bv paying charges and for this
notice. ' W. H. IIawi.kv.
The now hardware store nnd plumb
ing shop of Wynne A White N now open
for 'business on Main street near the
bridge. All who need goods or work
in our lino are cordially rcipiebtcd to
give us a cull.
Many people have 10 puss the show
windows of the Henson Drugstore with
out going inside to price nnd admire the
many beautiful things Doc Patterson
hits toshow you. There arc many brand
of artistically colored and doliglitifiilly
scented toilet soapi. You will there
find brushes for tho teeth, hair and
clothes, and when you have faithfully
and energetically renovated your person
with tli0"O masterpieces Doc will be
more than pleased lo introduce lo vonr
notice several of tho choicest brands of
cigars that have heretofore only been
indulged in hy men of royal or uristo
cratie blood, 'if anything should occur
to you that in straightening out would
renniie a do-o of pills, epieac. liniment.
b.iKiin, or any old thing, drop into the
Itenion drugstore and Dou l'i,tterson
will take, the Winks, out of you in a jillY.
r .
Grocery Store
Caries a full line of Staple
and Fancy goods, Granite,
Crockery, Tin and Glassware,
Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats,
Hay and everything the
farmer or the housewife needs.
Produce of al! kinds taken
in exchange.
It will be n pleasure at all
times to show our goods and
you are earnestly requested to
call and examine them.
Will meet All Coiiipvtloii
In 1'i'lcen.
Successor to Baker & Johnson
New backgrounds and acces
sories. Best Lenses and Cameras.
15 years
8 years in
Portland. Nothing but first-class
work. All work guaranteed.
Lowest prices, call and examine
Opposite Masonic hall. West
side, Cottage Grove.
Finn rosidoneei. choice lota, business
blocks fur sale Jotouio Knox Co,
s ' ,
We have made it a point since starting in business to
keep a clean, strictly up-to-date GROCERY, and as
a result we note a steady increase of customers.
High-grade Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables are
our Specialties.
Special prices quoted to the mining trade.
Call and be convinced that our aim iso please you.
A. G. Young, Manager.
mras suppin o1se
IBoliemia, Oregon.
ftcBicral Mcs'cfM&BMliftc,
Miners' Tools mul
Give us a call and we will treat you right.
Bon Ton Meat Market
Main Street, Near Fourth
GBeag-le & McTTarland
We keep constantly on hand the choicest of Beef, Veal, Mutton,
Pork, Sausage and Fresh Fish in season. Your trade is solicited and
our effort will be to please and satisfy you.
Carry the most complete line of Hardware, Stoves and
Tinware in south Lane county. Also a fine line of Guns,
Ammunition and Fishing Tackle. We are Headquarters
for Mining Supplies, Hurcules Powder, Fuse and Caps.
Also agents for the celebrated Studebaker Wagons, Canton
Clipper Plows and Harrows. In fact anything you may
want in theHardware line.
Call and See Us and We will Treat You Right.
lai Utilities' Tiloi'i.t!iilc Waists & Skirts
At Pacific Timber Company Store
Where they have recently received a large and carefully selected
stock in both of these lines and are selling same at lowest possible
We will take pleasure in showing these goods and invite an early
Under Odd Fellows' Building
Successors to WHEELER & SCOTT.
We will continue to carry a full and complete
stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Mining
Supplies), Fish Bro's. Wagons, Oliver Chilled and
Steel Plows, Etc. ::::::
Music Lessons
On the Piano.
A late Onuleil Oorman Method ot JIuslo
Is now IioIiik ttiugtit t tho C. I'. Miuiso by
Mrs. L.D. J3eck.
Itedtuls will bo given ut jiropor Intervals
thnu Riving imrents hu opportunity to nolo
50 cents per lesson, 30 minutes each
For Fashionable Dressmaking.
C0TTAG15 Gkovb, Our.
Beware of nir driod or half dry floor
in)!, ceilinp and rustic. The Booth
Kelly Lumber Co. are making epecU
prices on kiln-dried lumber,