Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 31, 1902, Image 4

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KiHturn nnd I'nbtUhorn.
ICntorcilnt tho nwlofflfs at Cltge drove,
Orciron Hoeonil Claw mall inafcr.
HuliM-rliilloii, In n.ltnnrr.
,ilvi'r(llnB Ilntr nmt'n known iinim
TH1W l'.Vl'KR hi kept on 111 t K.L'. DMtel
chiinire. wn miifWrn, ifcll fnrnta where
irartM for rtdvertltjiit mil Immailc forit.
Now is the time for the average
easterner to get in his yarn about
how cold it "ustcr lie back home."
The last few days hasn't been a
very appropriate time to compare
the Wcbfoot country with Minne
sota and Dakota.
There are a number of defective
sidewalks in this city that should
have the early attention of the
street commissioner.
On Wednesday the late Presi
dent McKinley's birthday was
honored by suitable exercises being
held in many of the Eastern states,
where flags were flown on all pub
lic buildings.
If it is necessary to be an "offi
ce,r" to be a "gentleman," a quo
tation often iisrd in Sampson
Schley controversy, how fortunate
one is to be rated only a plain
American citizen.
Miss Portia Knight of Salem got
$50,000 in place of $5,000, as here
tofore reported in her suit against
the Duke of Manchester for breach
of promise. The case was settled
out of court, and it is said the
father-in-law paid the money.
It is said that the first apples
grown in Oregon were from the
seeds of four apples brought over
from England by the Hudson Bay
Company and planted in 1846 at
Vancouver by P. C. Pambourne,
father of the late Mrs. Dr Barclay
of Oregon City and Mrs. Mc
Cracken of Portland. It was six
years before they bore friut which
brings the first apples grown up to
A recent dispatch says that yield
ing to the protests of relatives of the
ex-president, Mrs. Benjamin Harri
son has requested those advocating
her claims to a pension to abandon
their efforts in that direction. She
married the ex-president after he
had retired to private life and was
in no sense such a widow as would
be entitled to pension, besides the
ex-president left her with a splen
did home free of all incumbrances
and an income of $10,000 a year.
Blanche Walsh, an actress who
is now playing "Janice Meredith"
in the east, and who is well known
in Portland, has become a convert
to the belief of Buddhism, and her
dressing rooms have been turned
into temples for the worship of the
light of Asia. A figure ot Buddha,
almost life size, embowered in rich
plush curtains of deep yellow, the
color of the Buddhist priestly robes,
fills one corner of the star's room in
each theater she visits this season.
Laud hunters are waking up to
the value of Oregon timber lands.
Twenty-one timber claims were
filed in the Oregon City Land
Office last Thursday, embracing a
total of 3360 acres in Benton
county This land has not been
heretofore unknown, most of it hav
ing been taken in past years under
the homestead law, but relinquished
for the reason, perhaps, of the la
bor involved in clearing and put
ting it under the plow. Oregon
timber was not a valuable asset in
those days, for the very sufficient
reason that the local lumber mar
ket was easily glutted and lumber
shipping had not reached the pro
portions of a paying iudmtry. To
subdue the forests to agriculture
wus enormously laborious, and
therefore unprofitable. But the
timber districts abandoned by dis
couraged homeseekers have been
re-discovered, so to speak, by the
timber-land seeker, who will sooner
or later realize handsomely upon
bis venture Oregonmu,
jihai'iix on nni.h
wiucn t
Dalton and Wade, equally guilty
in the eyes of the law of the mur
der of young Morrow will pay the
penalty todej will be punished to
the full extent of the law for their
horrible and brtitnl crime. If they
pass through the hangman's trap
in their present stnte of mind, Dal
ton will go into the presence of his
Maker with upturned pitiful,
clutching at a straw, almost des
perate in an attempt to lay hold
upon something tangible that will
ease ins cowardly soui. nuc,
just as cowardly, strides his cell
in forced nervous gaiety, in illy-
concealed attempt to live the life
ofa cowardly, blustering, ranting
bully to the end. It is assured that
neither should be pitied but which
is the most dispicable? Wade as
serts that he does not believe in
death-bed repentance. In this he
is right it is nothing but a mock-
erv at its best. A man who defies
God, man and law in the full free-
UOlli 01 Hie suouiu ue wiiuui
enough to suffer the consequences.
not in boasting rantings but in
silence. Wade seems to be de
termined to go to hell without at
tempting to make the public be
lieve he is checked for heaven.
Dalton turns down the light fawn
ing and cringing, a hypocrite, with
a lie upon his lips. No authentic
information is yet at hand that the
occupation of a professional hold-up
and sneak thief is a paying one in
heaven, neither is it definitely
known what calibre gun Dalton
will use.
In the 33 counties of the state
there arei2, 887, 627 acres of non
tillable land assessed for $28,566,
794, or an average of $2.22 per
acre. Clackamas county is assessed
higher on these lands than any
county in the state outside of
Multnomah. Clackamas has 410,-
642 acres assessed for $1,522,365 or
approximately, $3 50 per acre.
Multnomah has 198,238 acres as
sessed for $5,641,740 or about $28
per acre. Linn county, our north
ern neighbor, has 531,323 acres of
non-tillable laud that is assessed for
$1,530,114 or nearly $3 per acre.
Douglas countv has more acres of
non-tillable land, than any other
county in the state the amount
being 1,292,382 which is assessed
for $1,330, 140 or a fraction over$i
per acre. Lane is a close second
with 1,053,361 acres on which we
are assessed $1,569,458 or an
average of $1.43 per acre. On
these lands the assessment over the
state could easily be raised $25,000,-
000 with fairness to the owners and
justice to the rest of the taxpayers.
It is a pleasure to note the in
terest Eugene people, geuerally
speaking, trke in Cottage Grove
and the Bohemia Mining District.
It is also, worthy of note that the
energetic people of Cottage Grove
and Bohemia take the same friendly
interest in Eugene and the Blue
River Mining District. This is as
it should be. It is time all strife
and animosity should be. made to
go "way back and sit down," and
the people of Lane county uphold
and work for the good of the
county at large. With the proper
display of energy on the part of the
people, the day is near at hand
when Lane county will be rated
one of the richest counties in the
The treaty of cession of the
Danish West Indies from Denmark
to the United States was signed at
the state department January 24 by
Secretary Hay and Constantiti Bruu,
the Danish Minister. The treaty
will be submitted to the senate for
ratification immediately, Follow
ing the invariable rule in such cases
the state department officials de
cline to make public any of the di -tails
of the treaty, so thait is not
possible to state positively the
price to be paid, though this is be
lieved to be in the neighborhood of
Several of the boys have had a
"skate" 011 this week steel skate",
you know.
-1X0 TJl lilt Wit KOK.
The through .freight south on
Tuesday night was ditched about
six miles below here, between Si
118,111 w and Alki stations and five
loaded cars left the track. None
of the train hands were injured,
The south-bound passenger was
four hours late arriving here on ac
count of some slight accident to the
locomotive, and was held here un
til about 7 o'clock a. in., when it
was ordered to proceed to the scene
of the wicck and transfer passen
gers and baggage around the
wreck and with the northbound
passenger which was being held
below. Dining the past few
months the S. P. Cdnipiiny bus
suffered much loss on this line and
is making an unenviable record for
mishaps of this kind. There is a
reason for it and that reason ought
to be sought out and remedial
measuies taken to insure safe tran
sit over the road.
PuiLUriNis Lkctukk.
Through the gentle efforts of
Miss Vernon, one of the charming
teachers in our public school, who
is just now enlightening her class
upon the character, people and re
sources of our island possessions, a
new star in the lecture field was
brought forth on Tuesday, who for
an hour and a half unfolded a
panoramic vision to her delighted
class of the many wonderful things
to be seen and met with in those
isles of the sea. Henry Landess,
one of the brave boys of the Second
Oregon, had the honor of entertain
ing the little ones and receiving the
smile of approval from their en
thusiastic and loyal teacher, and
our informant says that Henry
made an heroic talk.
RUiitiKH Creswcll on January
lviili, Alliert Rugger, aged 09 yea,
of heart trouble.
Mr. Hugger lias boon n resident of
Lane county for some twenty yeans;
was a- large stock nnd dairy limn and
highly respected by all who knew liim.
He was b iried in the Creswell cemetery
or January LMJ, ami the interment wan
attended by a large number of sorrowing
relative anil friends.
The ISuhumiu Gold Mining Company
ini'lie bids for the extension of its Iios
tnu Tunnel near Iiengnn, lloiiemia Dis
trict, for an additional length of M-IOfeel.
t he tunnel to be 5 feet wide, (i feel
high in t tie clear. Payments to bV
made monthly, L'O per cent of conlrtiec
price to bo held buck until the contract
in cnmpletM There must be four part
ners in the contract. They must do two
fhifta of tomeneach in every 24 hour,
and must furuiHh all supplier, execptfug
the car. rails ami air pipe. The Com
pany reserves the right to 1 eject any
and all mils. Allures.- an couiinu men
tions to 10. H. Tiiomah, Secretary of the
Company, No. 50 North Main St., Fall
River, Muss.
United State Land Office.
Iloteburg, Ore., January 22, 1WB.
Notice 1 hereby islvun tlial in compliance
with the prnvltlons ol the act of ConicreMof
June:), 1878, entitled "An act for tlio Nile of
tlmour lands In the Slate ot ullfornla, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public I-and States by act of
August 4, 18W, Isaac W. Tompkins of (town or
city) Cottage drove. County of Lane, State of
Oregon, has this day died In tills offlce
his sworn statement No. 1975, for tho purcliae
of the Lots 1,2,7, 8 and 10, of Section No. 2 In
Township 22 S. of lUnge 1 West, ami will
offer proof to show that tho land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone tlmn for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Keglstor and
Itceelrcr of this otllce at Koseburg, Oregon,
on Saturday, the Mil day of April, 1902.
Ho names as Vltneww;
Willard lloren, frank Molntyre, W. M.
George, Hen I'itcher.of Wlldwood, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this olllcoon orbeforosald6th
day of April, 1902.
J. T. IHuiXjKs, Kegistcr.
One door west of Opera House
Tho best of tonsorlal work guaranteed
Everything new, clean and neat and
wo Invite you to give us a call.
Rough Lumber,
S6 pei-" M. at
Saginaw, Or.
Buy Queen
Now When
Unthcrn starting thiti to do -IiiniiKiirnte u Great Hale of UndctKiinuents now. Iltlt tlmt'.s out' W'lij".
Why prevent yott from sharing the benefits of otir fortunate purchase when the kooiIs lire heto?
The j;nrnicnts so hciuttifully iniute, the values so unusual, thai we were almost tempted to hold
them for regular Spring and Summer selling.
Be sure and call for your tickets when making a
cash purchase.
They are good for that Fancy China Ware dis
played in our West Window.
In addition we are giving excellent bargains in
Dress Goods and Furnishings.
Io Lottery but a gift to all.
We have received a large .shipment of HATS for
? Nothing old shopworn or out of date. Trices right and quality to suit the most critical buyer.
The Fashion Stables
Ghrisman & Bans, proprietors.
Harness and Saddlery,
George Meinzer, Prop.
All kind of KoHting Bclilly All lmnd
Mwedwork turned out. j
Our 1-urmer Friend, ran get tho vory l.o.tnt
,o Ixiwe.tUvlnKl'rUo.. Pome In ..d exam
ine the goods and eo lor youre!I.
A winter trip to .Southern California
nnd Arizona via tho fainuiiH Shasta
UoiiUMHono nuvurtobo forgotten, llc
nowwl acpiHlntanco with UiIh section
will evC-r develop fresh pointH of intercHt
,! added soiireeH of enjoyment iimlur
Mb Hiinny BkieH, n tho variety of in
ure Sand added ind..Hirie8, In iH
it o "notation and umon8 - """' '"J
"mreriiirlHul mountain. hIi-wi v Iw
,nd plain. Two trains leavo lorlliilicl
y . .riling and evening fnr Oiill
foriila , Thete. trainn are ep. pped wi
ho i'iot impioved pattern of Htandaid
,' , d oariHt sleeping' ears and ho low
rates plneu tho trip in reach of 'd
Kor illustrated gulden of California
iU,d Arizona winter iukoiIh, "ddrunH.
H. H. Mn.i.mi, lien. I'M. Agent,
I'ortland, Or.
Head the lloltvinla XiiJU"t-
Muslin Underwear
Prices are
Km Hanos.
Also own and opperate the Bohemia
Mack Butte Stage Lines
Turnouts, Double or Single at
! and
Reasonable Prices
A.s die Old Maid
Said when She
Kissed the
Our ads are short and sweet nnd right
to the point.
nSreUii&cit & Morgan
The Xaw lira Dray Store.
A good income bearing pronorty in n
thriving mill town In Oiegon for salo or
tmdo. for information address Lock
Hox 11, Cottago Grovo.
Subucvllm for the Xuyyvt. j
s, of Course
Men and Hoys.
Cote Grove
Wo are now prepared to furnish all
kinds of hrnekets, mo Mings, corn leu,
sush and duo re, door and window frames,
windows, pickets, etc,
Woodwork of all kinds mndti nnd ro
paired. Wo will alfo work rustic, siding,
culling or size studding, etc
Bohemia t
Mutii HI,, CotliiKO drove.
Choice line of liquors
and Oiimrs Iron nn
"t hand. Your patronnjre
is respectfully solicited.
Wo sell choice lots in tho Long it
Ilingliiun property, lately platted and
adjoining Cottage Grovo, right at tint
junction of thu H. V, K, It. and thoO. G.
ix is. ii. u. rricesaccoiiiingto locality.
.Ii:nou: Knox & Co.