Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 24, 1902, Image 8

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A Little Roy's Life 8nved.
I hnvo n few wonls to sny regarding
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
inved my llttlo lxy'a llfo mid I feci tlmt
I cannot prnlse It enough. I bought ft
bottlo of it from A. K. Stccro of Good
win, S. D., and when I got homo with
it the poor baby could hardly breathe.
I gave the medicine as directed every
ten minutes until lie "threw up" and
then I thought euro ho was going to
choke to death Wo had to pull phlegm
out of his mouth in great long string.
I nm posltlvo that If I had not got that
bottle of cough modieine, my boy would
not bo on eaith today. Jorn. Drmoxt,
Inwood, Iowa. For wile by ltcnson Drug
Co., Cottage Grove. Lyons & Apple
gate, Drain.
"Some time ago my daughter caught
a novere cold. She complained of pains
in her chest and had n bud cough. I
gavo her Chambcrlnin's Cough Remedy '
according to directions and in two duysj
bIio was well and able to go to sehool. !
I have used this remedy in my family i
for the past eeven years nnd have never
known it to fail," says James Premier-j
past, merchant, Annato Jiav, Jamaica,
West India Island. The pains in me
chest iiidirsiteil an approaching attack
of pneumonia, which inthisintance was
nndoubtly warded oh" by Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It counteracts any
tendency of a cold toward pneumonia.
Sold by Uensox Druo Co., Cottage
Grove. Lyons & Aitlkoatk, Drain.
"I have noticed that the sale on
Chamberlain's Stomach it Liver;Tablets
is almost invariably to those who have
once used them," says Mr. J. H. Weber,
a prominent druggist of Cascade, Iowa.
What better recommendation could any
medicine have than for people to call
for it when you feel dull after eating,
when you have a bad taste in your
mouth, feel bilious, have no appetite or
when troubled with constipation, and
you are certain to bo delighted with the
prompt relief which they afford. For
sale by Bexsen Drvo Co., Cottage
Grove. Lyons & Awlegate, Drain.
W. C. Williamson, of Amherst, Va.,
says : "For more than a year I suffered
from lumbago. 1 finally tried Chamber
lain'B Pain Bijlm and it gave me entire
relief, which all other remedies had
failed to do." Sold by Benson Drug
So sure are we that the locating of a
few of our Electric Belts will develop
into numerous sales of our Belts and
Appliances, that we aie willing to send
one free to any sufferer from the follow
ing diseases: Cold extremities, Crystp
cele, Female weakness, Kidney com
plaint, Leueorrhea. Liver complaint.
Paralysis , Lost vitality, Nervousdebiiity,
Self abuse. Worn-out women, Sciatica,
Weak and NervouB women, Irregular
menstruation, impoiency, nneiimausin.
Diminutive Shrunken and Undeveloped
n . 1 . 1 I
Sexual organs, ana ly.-uarru.
Address for illustrated circular, etc..
Sanitarium City Electrical Co., tiattle
Creek. Michigan.
A mining man, who only a few
years ago handled a pick and
shovel, but now lives in Washing
ton on an income that is large, and
who two years ago was reported to
have made a business partnership
with a European King, celebrated
Christmas in a breezy Western
On Monday last he walked into
a Broadway silversmith's and said
modestly that he wanted to pick up
a few little trinkets for gifts. He
made his selection quickly and, as
he ordered one valuable thing after
another, the eyes of the clerk who
served him began to bulge. When
his shopping was finished he asked
for his bill, which amounted to
$65,000, and he paid it at once
with a check.
This was undoubtedly the lar
gest private purchase of silver for
Christmas that was ever made in
New York. New York Commer
Each day of the week is observed
Sunday by some nation or
people. Monday is the sacred day
of the Greeks, Tuesday the holy
day of the Persians, Wednesday of
the Assyrians, Thursday of the
Egyptians, Friday of the Turks,
Saturday of the Jews aud various
Protestant sects, while most Chris
tians choose the first day of the
week, or Sunday as their sabbath.
Wo have on hand a large stock of
kiln-dried flooring, celling and rustic ill
grades 1 2 and 3. Let us make you
Professor Lombard of Ann Ar
bor, instructor of physiology in tbc
University of Michigan, believes
thnt he has located the dwelling
place of the soul in the spinal
column. He has arrived at this
conclusion after many months ex
periments with frogs. Results of
the last two days experiments seem
to demonstrate that death through i
the medium of the brain does not
terminate the control of the muscles.
Thursday the professor produced
before his class a live frog, Irotn
which he removed the brain.
It was then suspended by its
under jaw. In an hour later a
drop of acetic acid was touched to
its foot. Instantly the frog began
to jerk and twitch to get nway
from the siting of the acid
Twenty-four hours later, a tiny bit
of filter paper saturated with acid
was placed against the body. The
frog kicked both legs and dislodged
the paper. Placed upon its back
the paper was shaken off. Every
time it was placed on any part of
the body the legs sent it a flying.
Prof. Lombard calls this activity
"reason movements," and will con
tinue the experiments for the pur
pose of ascertaining how far the
reasoning instincts may go.
One 3-inch Stoughton thiinblo-skein
One Mitchell 3-inch thlmble-skcin
One set of team harness.
Apply to Chrisman ti Bangs' livery
stable, Cottage Grove. Oregon.
The Job office of thla
for the bent of printing,
barely living price.
When yon need anything In the lino of print
ing iilea remember that the motto Tit this ofllre l
"flood Work. Good Material, Nvatncaa nnd Pit
patch" and the prices are within the reach of nil.
Bohemia Jugget
Up-to-date Printing The Kind That Pay.
Che Crystal eon. mining Co.
0. W. LL0YI), President
II. D. SCOTT, Vice-Preldent
The five splendid properties comprising the mining claims
forming this company are located in the great Bohemia
Mining District in Lane and Douglas counties, Oregon.
These properties have had much work done upon them,
so that now they are embryo mines with an assured
The stock of this company is now upon the market. Its
par value is $1 It is non-assessable. Its principal
office is in Cottage Grove.
For development purposes a limited amount of stock has
been authorized to be sold at 5 cents per share.
Two of the claims the Mountain Lion and El Calado
are on the now famous Helena lode. These two claims
have had over 600 feet of tunnels run on them aid the
face of the tunnels are now in solid ore.
Frank Jordan, Secretary
It is now believed that wireless
telegraphy is likely to supplant the
submarine cables over which tiews
is now sent from continent to con
tinent under oceans. And the
latest wonder in this department of
science nnd invention is n wireless
telephone. Experiments made in
Paris, France, January it, by
Ducretet, a civil engineer, are re
ported to have demonstrated that
conversation was carried on in a
low tone of voice n distance of 200
feet between the instruments, with
out any connecting wire, with
thick walls and closed doors inter
vening. And the conversation was
not impeded by any of those dis
agreeable noises which usually dis
tract people speaking through ordi
nary telephones.
Owiiif To
We desire to reduce our
Stock so we will' give you
BO' Days.
We have the Best Shoes nnd
Clothing made; Our Styles arc the
Latest and our Prices are cut to
almost Cost.
Our Prices on Millinery are cut
to less than half the regular retail
Yours For Trade
!N". IE. Elsea
fc Son.
paper l at yonr llioal
of any nnd all kinds. at
FRANK K. JORDAN, Secretary
Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure
in all Cues.
There Is nothing like Asthmiileno.
11 good condition
ful I (eel for the
slave, chained
Wo want to send to every millcrcr
Hliullar lo tlio one mat curetl .Mr. Vt
PAID, Absolutely Free of Charge,
It, even on 11 postal. Never mind, though you aroiteppairlng, however
bud your nice, Athmnlouo w'll reileveaml euie. The wormi your nine
the moio glad wo are to Hi'tid It. Do not delay. Write at tiuee, nil-
dre-lng 1)11. TAI'T IlliOS.' MIC
N. Y. City. Sold by all DruggiHtn.
Improved Farms for Sale.
Valuable Town Property, consisting of Business Houses
and Splcnd:d
I.otn on the 11
Mining Claims in Bohemia.
Abstract of title Deemed and guaranteed.
Information iih to the laws governing the dlnpo'iil of government liimle.
How to eeure houifxteiulx, limln'r IiiuiIh. iiiiiiliig'i'liiliiin, ete.
Property for wile pubhidied weekly.
Cottauk (ilioVK ic the Hfcouil city in Lane county, Oregon. Him a population
of alHiut l.'.'OO. Tlie eenter of the four
ImTi'HM ami eurt'rH. llohemia with iIh vat
couth east, with a good wagon road leading
in town. Pronpective railiond to tliy iiiineM. The Count I'ork of the tllauietto
river, on which ix tdluated the lllack Untie
flow si through the eenter ol the eity lurulHiilng aiiiimiaul water Iik-muIi-h. 11 in
only a mile and u half lo itn eoutlueneo with How river, the outlet of the gient
limber raugi'H lo the kiiiiIi ciihi. Wextwuid toward the enact range In mi in
exhuustalile Hiipplv of timber, intertipared with numerouH rich funning lnnd
well unmoved mid cultivated .
North or ttouth from hereon the S. 1'.
or San l-'raneipco and lie in touch with the whole world on xhorl mil fee.
Water workn in full operation. Klcctrfe llghtHiiud telephone xyxlem complete
e7The bext agricultural landx in I.unc county lie In the vicinity nurrouud
Ing (Jot tti 1:0 Grove on either xide, lit for farming or xtoek mixing.
Correspondence Hilicilcd.
.A. i"Vw ol oar 13arGains:
1 120 feet front on north xide of Main
xtreet, by nlxuit UOO feet deep, bounded
by river on tlie north. Houxe of xeven
room, barn and outhouxex. Thin Ix the
lext buxinexx location in Cottago Urovo.
Price rJIOO.OO.
3 A two xtorv finely llnlxhcd houxo.
eight roomx, huilmmm and outhoufcx.
Splendid location, two lotx in Iing and
I.atdex addition in eoiltheiiHt Cottage
Urove. l'rice fl-JOO.
4 Two utory dwelling houxo. ten
roomx, brick fruit liuuxe, fr.iit treex, IK)
feet front on north hide of Main xtreet by
300 feel deep, corner property. A line
locution for a hotel. Price f'J'AO.
0 A two story flue, almot new dwell
ing houxe. It room", burn and onthouxe
complete, three lots. A splendid or
chard of young bearing treex, together
with grapes nnd vurioux kindx of beriiex.
Situated in ling and La ml ex iiddilion
In southeast Cottage Grove. Price tl'.DO.
A splendid ranch of KM), about 00 acres
heavilv timbered, balance easily eleured,
never 'failing water supply, about four
uiilex west of CottiigeGrovo . Cash price
$550. Also other terms. You will mixs
a deal if you overlook this.
1G0 acres of agricultural and timber
land, well watered, some improvements,
goon range outlet, about milex east o'
Saginaw, Oregon. This is 11 bargain at
Lots in thol). G. McFarland udditioi
to CottugeGrove, on west side at price
to suit purchasers for cash.
Five acres of flno building nnd agri
cultural land, M mile east of Cottage
Grove, on south side of county road to
Bohemia. 100 per acre.
The Currin Park principally within
thoeity limits, consisting of seven acres
on the banks of the Coast I'ork river, an
ideal pleasure resort or building spot.
Splendid grove, expensive new foot
bridge spanning the river, tho most
available place for u public park. Price
'visit DR. JORDAN'S ant ax
(ll4Ma Bislb tvad Btrtnik.)
Th Urgent Anatomical Uaieum
In tbe Wo rid.
Orfateit attmetton in th City, JL
wonderful tiahtjor vttttort.
WMfanaa,oranxcontrftct i
eidlatMipUlTlx(i-rltiy m
the oldett HnectHlUton tlit i'aclJ
neciHiwton ma racioo
OomU KUbJUUtdMyftrt. A
Yuan mm and mtildlv
ao-nil iun who nr ufTprtiiit A
trvm Iho tilccU o( yuutbfu) Indlh- r
crmtUiiim or exctit in maturar
' reara, !frvMiiu)idptiyiU.'mllflllltjr,Iiii
uotvnoy. Iust Mniiliuud In nil ItacompU'
( calloiiRj MicrmMl(rrlica, Irulntur
l of UrluulluiTi Hy n ooinbliiMlon of
remedied, of great curative power, the Doctor
i i.naaniirr&iiorfed lila treutmi'iit that It will not
' only atrord Tmmcdlute u-Jlff. but permutient
. oiifm. 't'hfl lUM'tor doe tint claim to Derfurm
I tn(rnMf.M. hut l woll knuwn ta ba A fair nnd I
, PKiuuro IMiynIclan nnd Bitrceon, pre-eminent ;
t tu biaitpecfalty I)lanva or Bivtt,
. HYI'IIIMN thnrniighty erndlcnted from
) th p. y stem without tho use of Jleicuivr.
Truaaea fitted by an Kzpert, llaillrnl
I cure for ltiitliiro. A quick and radUal
cure tor lllra( Fiaaurn mid riafnlWby
our hon't opinion ot hiicniiipmliit. A
' ir wilt Guarantee a l'OHIt'XVJS CUBS in V
1 tvrrvcaseioeuni'ri ....... i.
Ulinillllinilitll ritivr. biiuhiim j i i;iwi
T.aii mm i.k nAPMnmillv nrbVleltCr.
.if.uA iiit- i.ff rv.alHOl-IIT OF
boolclor men.) uauorwni
DR. JORDAN & CQ..I0S1 Marnet ai., o. r.
It brings
inxtant it'llef, even In .the worst cutes. It cures
when alt ulmi fails.
The Itev. 0. 1 WKLI.8 of Villa Rlilgo, 111.,
xavs: "Ytmrlilnl Imttlo AHthinalenu received
. I cun mil tell von how thank
uood derived from It. I wim 11
with putrid core throat and nxlhtua
fur ten years. 1 dcnpalml of ever being cured. I
jnaw viiur udvertlai'incnl for the cure of thin
III 1 null fill mill I Ml-limn 1 1 III, lllyiiimi Hullllliil itlul
thought you iiadovei'Hpoken yourself, hut resolved
to give it a trial. To my surprise the trial ncled
liku ti dun m. Send me a (ull-Hlted bottle."
11 trial treatment of AMhinulnno.
cMh. Vt e'llxcml It iiymilll I'UM-
to any millerer who will write for
1)1 CI NIC CO., 711 Kant UlOth St., f
Real Estate
bunlitrnn tvect
pniutx of the eouipuHH whim it eoineH tu
iiiimiii: resource only tmrtv-uve in ex
from the S. I'. It. It. depot right heie
quicknilver milieu, xlxteeu inllcit xoiilli,
railroad you can reach either 1'orllitnd
Two splendid lots on second street in
Lottugo rove. Price f-'lU.
A splendid llvn-rooni cottage, stable,
workshop, chicken house, woodshed;
three lots all cni'loi-cd : line location in
Wvniie'xnddltloii to Cottngu Grove. Price
WKH, hull down.
.'iOOfcct by I IK) feet In 11 suburban loea-
linn. ?talurul siirini;, oak trees, all ad
joining foot hills in west Cottage Grove.
A finely flhlehcd two storv dwelling
house, ten rooms, huth room, cement
stone cellar, water and electric I lull If
about nine lots fronting on fourth xlreet
adjoining river in rear, near Christian
church, gocd barn and outhouses. Price
Two story duellinu house, six roomx.
good barn, and woodshed, two huge lots
on corner oppoairu Catholic church
I rico flKK).
Two good lotx near railroad 100 feet
square. Price l'.'i.
Farming land, well Improved, 1 mile
from Cottage Groe, adjoining the com
tv road, in truclx from h to 100 acres
If you want u baigain look this up.
Splendid cottage on Fourth street, $7r0.
Look this up if you want a bargain in a
Ono hundred acres of improved land
'ving in a tract cast and west within 11
uu ter of 11 milu of Cottugo Grove, ad
joining county road.-
One hundred acres Improved land ad
joining county road one-quarter of ainilo
west of CottugeGrove, lying in a tract
nortli ami south.
Two good dwelling houses on adjoin
ini! lots in the Sherwood block. Prlco
100 acres Improved farm on north bank
of ltow River, twelvoniiles from Cottago
Grove on tho lino of tho It. H. survey to
llohemia. Price $3000.
Triilim lenvo Cottngo Grovo for Port
Inud nnd wny Btiitloua ut 2:14 n in und
112:55 p 111.
I,v Portland 8:30u m 8:80 pm
" Cottugo Grovo 2:fi7 p m 2:00 a in
ArAsliliiiHl 12:30tr. 12:05 pin
" Buunimcnto 5:10 pm 5:00 11 111
" Ban FninciBco 7.55 p m 8:15 11 m
I'nllmnn and TourlHlH cam an both
traitiH. Clmlr rarB Sacramonto to Ogden
and El Paso, and touriatcarH toCliicaKO
St Louis, Now Orleans and Washington.
Connecting at San FiwicIhco with the
eovoral Htunmslitp linea for Honolulu,
Japan, Chiim, Pliilliplncs, Central and
South America.
Seo agent at Cottago Grovo station, or
R. U., G P. A.
Portland, Oregon.
foil Oiuvo, Ortion, Nor. ?i. Wl.
To William II. (Imuii ,
Vim mm linMln ItiitlnAll thill Wfl llHVI) XX
entlo (luring Iho jrimr nnilllut Iee. ai.l, 1VK.HJ
iiiiu huuilrtMl ilulUrx In lutmr unit liiiiriiri'iui;tit
iiiicli(illliothrra lolluwIniriltwrrllxMl in In
llin IliilnmU MliitiiK 1 utrlrtxiiil rwHinli'il on
immiinftol Hunk 6 nl liiu Mining Iti'niril 1 of
Lin County, (iruioiiit ttic "Hoiivit" liicalnl In
no Illllinr.llX MIIIIIIK I'lmni'l nini nnniiia mi
muJMiil Mixik A ill Iho MllllllK lloinnll lit
...... II. I UI..I ItlH MIImI.mIIII 111.
ixtml In tlui fiolimuU MInhiii liljtrlrt mt r
iMintoit en I'UK" tin nl Hook rt tit Hi. Mhihif
llveorilx ttC I itxitilM riuinir. ureuoni iiiiiiui'r
in liniil xlil iMnliim iiuiler lli irurlliii ut
Hwlinli 'JXII ol Ihn lli'lMl Hlnlllli'i of lllii
I'nllvilHlHteK.nnil iiivninviuiinviii invrvio. sii-
iirovvil Jim, vynili iiiiiivriiiiix hiiiiiiiu ix
Imr upoii mlnliiK elxlum, ticltix tlie ntnmiul H
iiiilrcil In liniil cxt'li ol Mhl lliti'o eUlui for
tliu Hrloil MUIIIIK III"' nmi r " i'v-"iv'.
111111 Ami. It ivlililn nliifly iUr Iroiii tho I'd-
niixl ervli'u n( tlit. notice, or within iitiu'ly
dnyn Hller U10 imlillrntliiii Ihnri'iil you lull or
ruliiu 111 coiiitiiuui' your-Mtiioii 01 novo -i,i'iHlllnroH
cfxuwnt'r. your lutitl I11II111
I'lxhii will Ihmniiiik IIi Jitoinirly nl Hi. xiili
rrllxtrn, your rn iniiicru, who luno inmlulhe
riMiulruii ux I unillt titi, liy III. tirin ol )'! (
I liiu. ... . . ... w . i.iaii 11
l'litliTHtta Uli'l (llthT
llii.i'liurK.Orc, lifiiiMilHT'il, 1111.
Nollrp In livr.liy (it vimi Hint III imi'IUnco
with Hi. irovlnloui el the xct ol 'iniitv of
Juiui .1. IH7H, t'lllltlud "An hcI for Hut nxlo ol
Ihulx'r Utiil. In th Nlleol t'allloriiU, ro-
lion, NomlnMiiil Haililiuiliiinviillory. u-
li'liiki'. In alllliu I'lilillo Mini Hlale liy art ol
,UKUI 1. 1".1. Mr. Ml nnlo Hmrva Jnklu,nl
(Inwu or i lly) Hprlnnlli'lil, County ol lone,
HtnlvolDri'Kou lia Una day lllol In IhUortlru
lie r aworn Ixh'incul No. IUU, (or Hi. iurt'lia.
u( Ihn NW Ijnl tarllnn No. 'Jl, Towulil IV
Houlh, ol ItaiiKi 2 Wrat anil will ofTur prixil to
nhowlhat Iho laud anuirlil l uiiirv valuahl. (or
ll tlmlmr oralonn than (or nKtlmiltiital pur-
Mi-fa, nuil to tmtahllah liar nlalm lo ralil land
U'luro Ihn lU-KlKlur Mini IIim slver ( Ihla nllko
at lloMilmrK, llrt'Kon, on Tui'mlay, Ih. Illh day
nl Marrh, Ifnu.
Hho nainoaaa wltneira:
J. II. Iiaiinnon ol Uoltaito (Hiiro. (Ireiioii ,
Jntili KlaaliiKer nl Kail Crrt'k, (ItCKou, llonriin
Hati'olHrlticnitil, tlriH-oli, Chaa. KlxlllKor
ot KiiKi'iii', lln'Kun.
Any ami all iruia elulmlnic ailerly Ilia lauila are r'iupil to lllu
Ihclrclnlma In Ihla iittlio on or lailuru aalil Ultl
ilayotMarrh, Itari.
J.T. Ilhlllt, lluxlalvr.
The . . .
IIU.rHt., CottaK. tltofe.
We carry an rxtr Ana Hue (
l.liiinr ami t'lxarr, ami II you
liar, ist aaloii In wall! Kixxla In
our line we wouM appieclate a
call (rotn you.
t'liltnl ftlalii liinil Ofllm
ItoieliurK. Ori'itoii, January 1, liar.'.
Null la hereby icHeii thai In rotniaiii'ii
wllti the irovlloiia ol the art ol CoiiKrraa o(
Junes, 1S7K, rnlltk'it "An ad lorllie alc ol
HiiiIht lamia In t'alKoiula, Ore
K011, Nevada, anil Waahl1 K'ou Ti-rrltnry," aa
iixtutiilt il In all Hit' I'ulillf l-alnl Slalva liy art
n( AUKUat I, Inv.', Thoniaa C. Jolilimn nl I ill
ICOIIC. Coiin'y ol line, Mlalu nl Oregon, haa llila
lay (licit In blrofflii lit- annrll tali'inrlit Vo.
10.19, (or tin' I'liri'liaie ollliv HK H nl Hirllon
No. 12. Tom nalilp 21 Hoiitli ol Hango JUVil anil
will offer priu'l lo iliira that tin- land Mitiictil la
mora valuable lor ll tlnilwr or atone than (or
aKrlriiltural mrHw, anil In ratabllali lila
rlalin lo aalil laml liediruihe lleitlaler anil He
re I ver (( Ih'a olllii) at llii-ehuril, Oregon, oil
Wi'ilncailay the 131 Ii day ol Mareh, W.
lie nalni-a aa wltnvaaja:
Martin llaaci'iiann. I'liarley Olann, Klnion
Klovilahl. I.oula llhher'i'ii nl Kuiruiip, Ori'itoii
Anyarnlall pur-niia rlalnilun ailver-ely liiu
aliovt'ite-ir'l t lamia are ruiupateil in lllu
their rlaliiiatii Uila nltlie on or bcdireaaiil Ulli
ilny ol Mareh, Uvt,
J. T. llKllHin, lli'Klatvr.
Darwin Hitnrrow,
1 rualilunt,
HlHHiriT Kakin,
The First National Bank
Paid up Capital, $25,000.00
Monoy to loan tin npproved eccurity.
Kxclmngiis sold, aviiilahlo any ploco
In tho United States.
1'oici- IlHHlneHH fit Sottctteit.
Corner o( Main and Reconil Ht (TotlngoOrovo.
Carries a flno lino of Groceries, No
tions, Candles, Tobaccos, Nuts and
Our prices aro right and wo will givo
Good Value for Your Money,
Rough Lumber,
$6 per M. at
Saginaw, Ok.
special prices.
Buoih-Khlly Lumdkk Co.
Subscribe for the Nuuyet.