KxtMTKI) MlNltltH. Last Sunday nt the Cottage Grove Hotel quite n gold excite tuuiil pievnlled Tor it little while. John Holland, the genial host, luul bought u lot of chickens which were being dressed for the Sunday dinner, whtMi it wiim discovered that ach of then) luul u number of small nuggets in their craws Unit greatly rcsembled.vwnsh jtohl. some twenty of these little bright nug gets being lound wliieh. if they were gold, would average about a dollar eneh. Several miners were stopping ul the hole! and all on viewiui; the nuggets declared them to he gold and many and earnest were the inquiries as to where the chickens were raised. For a time there threatened to he a stampede to the new gold fields, when one of the more thoughtful ones suggested an acid test, which was soon made, and the unlets ptoved to he cop per. The most likely theory of how the chickens came to have them is that an old copper bottom to a boiler hml been melted up in burning rubbish on the ranch where the chickens were raised and that they subsequently picked up the little ;iuggcts ftom the ashes. To Vntw Tint SiTkvHV. On Wednesday morning part of the committee which was icceiitly appointed by the chairman of the mass meeting that was held for the purpose 01 securing the riht of way for the proposed railroad to llnhemia, accompanied the rail road's representative, W. 1 Morphy, in an inspection ol the survey up Row tjjer. Those who went were U. M. Veatch. Frank Phillips, Charles Ilurkholder and Darwin Jliisiow. They desire to view the course of the route and determine for themselves in what way and how far the road might or might not damage any of the property passed over and note the many advantages to be derived by those whose holdings will be so largely enhanced. This inspection will put them in possession of in formation which will be imparted to the committee of the whole on theii return, and the lull committee will then le in position to act know ingly in the future endeavor of se curing the right of way, Tint G. A. K. Hanqi-kt. ' Last Saturday the banquet of the U. A. K. anil me Jaiitct onciiyi was in everv sense a urnud sueees the ladies bringing great baskets full 'of the choicest edibles, which filled the tables twice and then had Kreal quantities lelt, much of which was given to deserving poor. The subsequent installation of the officers ol both Ord and Smith posts for the ensuing year was neatly and nicely accomplished and supple mented with a nuinher of felicitous and-patriotic speeches by members and their guests. The affair will long live in the memory of those present. GOMHtN Sl.Il'I'KK GKOUl". Dr. Oglesby, president of the Golden -Slipper Company, was in town this week. His information from this splendid group of mines is indeed most flattering. In the running of the last 100 feet of tun nel a fine body of very rich ore has been encountered Specimens were sent to I'attl Hratttnel, the assaycr of Portland, and returns were re ceived giving $631.31 per ton. Work is going right ahead on this property nud it bids fair to be one of the most valuable mines. in that great camp. ' "Tint Dkacon" Drama. On' the evening of Friday, Jan uary 24th, the neat little comedy- drama entitled "The Deacon" will be presented to our people at Mar tin's Hall by a homc-talcut cast of young people. They have the play now in active rehearsal and each participant bids fair to be per fect m their parts, so Wat our amusement loving show goers may look forward to an evening of real enjoyment on the night of the pro ductlon of "The Deacon." 0.0. It ntan dropped down ono day this wook from Bohemia's minted hills and skipped right back ajpdu tho next day. Charley said ho was on business and luul 110 Uuiu lor monkeying. Til K HO II OO li IjA W The following is the gist of the school law which applies to voting at the special school meeting to be I held in Cottage Grove on the 18th at a o'clock p. in,, to-wit: Section .15. "Any citien or this state, male or female, who is 21 years of age and has resided in the district 30 days immediately pre ceediug the meeting or election, and has property in the district, as shown by the last county assess ment by the shetiff on which he or she is liable, or mtbjcct to pay a tax, shall be entitled to vote at any school meeting or election in said district." Then follows an expla nation of what constitutes property which is to the effect that if "he or she Ins stock, shares or ownership in any corporation firm or copart nership, which has properly in the district, as shown by them by the last county assessment, upon which said firm or corporation pays a tax or is liable therefor whether the same has been assessed or not, they are legal voters." The writer is informed by the district board thai there is state and county school monies drawn by this district to carry on but little over five month's school. It appears to be imperative for the existence of a good school here to levy a small tax upon the property owners. Cottaec Grove has the name of maintaining a good public school and her present standard in this re gard should not in our estimation be lowered. No kind of public in stitutions of this kind can be run without finances. The rising gen eration of this school district will be the living monuments to mark the progress of their predecessots. There is nothing lost by spending money to educate the child; but a great deal has been lost for the luck of a good education The American school of today is the bulwark of American liberty. F.J. Hand's Tun to Hoiii'.mia. Secretary Il.ircl ot tlie .Mining Stock Exchange ol Portland tells the livening Telegram about his recent trip to liohcmia. He covered uinetv miles on horseback, making thcpiincipnl properties in the camp. mil what is unusual for this season of the year encountered no snow. In speaking of the camp Mr. Hard said: "There is more activity 111 the Doheiuia district than ever there has been before, and if it gels the projected railroad fiom Cottage Grove there is no reason why Ho-j hernia should not furnish a large! share of Oregon's annual output of gold. Development work is being prosecuted with energy. At the Vesuvius the upraise recently made establishes the continuity of the oxidized ore body from the surface to the 350-foot level. The troubles of the Riverside property have been settled, the men paid off and de velopment work resumed. Active development work is also being carried on at the Oregon-Colorado, The Helena mill is shut down, but underground work is still in prog ress." DlHI) Fkom tiiic Accidknt. T. R. Williams, the unfortunate man who met with the fearful acci dent on the gang edger in the Per kins Sc Uledsoe sawmill nt Leona, wherein an inch square piece of lumber was driven nine inches into his body and required the united strength of two men to pull it out after the doctor had cut around it, died last Sunday evening, five days from the date of the accident, and was buried on Monday by the Woodmen of the World in the Drain cemetery. Bid Again. It has been announced by the department nt Washington that an other bid for carrying the mail on the Cottage Grove and Bohemia mail route will be received, said bids to be in on or before February 3. 1902. ATTUNT ION I Tho now hardware storo and plumb ing shop of Wynne A White Is now open for, business on Alain street near' tho bridge All who need goods or work in our lino are cordially requested - to give ua a call, Jpersoiiul pjirngruplis. T. M Hunt mid wife weni In town iIiIh ut'-U mid lutuiiied to llii'lr I101110 011 How ilvur. Chiirlnv Mitchell eimm, out from l!o hcmln tlii m week ami went to Ills liomu In I'okcmc. II. 0. Marcus linn returned from Ids viu'iitlon till) to Portland, where lie had a very enjoyable time. j Hupori nlt-ixtiirit Jlelino came down from the Helena mine tills week, flu says evervtliliiK 'H K'"iK "bend nicely at tliemhit'. Finnk I.. Chambers, one of KiiKeiw's prominent limduiiremi'ii 11111I ciipltiillHtM, wiim the uuest ol JJarwin llristow mos- day, this wet'k. I. II. IIInkIiiuii, after several days in tint (iiove, returned to Portland yes'er iliiy on urgent business. II4 will tome 11K11111 next week. Mis Ollvu Wlllard Heeoiimiinled by her brother, l-'ritiiK, left liict Wednesday morniiiii lor Kiienimeiilo, Calif., whurii lliey expect to renldo ill the fiiti.ro. W. II. be Hoy aiiil J. W. Miller went up to llohemni 011 Tuesday to do Nome work on Home claims they own oil Sharp's creek near tho Jndsuii Kook. Mies Nimi Ostriinder, who h employed In the I'o'tnl Telruriiphollieoiii Klueno, (nine to the (trove tills week for u few day's visit with her parents unit many friends here. Miss Mnhht Craw of Kuircuo spent 11 few diiys this week in Cottiiiio (irove, the L'lie.t of her friend Misx Olrnndor. MImm's Craw iiml Oatriindcr have re turned to lviicene. A. fJoolitllu of Amos was n,woleoino visitor at lh NneKet olllee this week. The ireiillemnn hrinus eood renort fiom I hill Heel Ion, which is eerliiinly one of the most promising in l.mie eonnty I) P. Iliirton wan in th" (irove this week 011 liiinineHS anil ineidentnllv ex lending the hol hand. Dick was not ffelinif in bis iiHitiil chipper fiiehion, liiivlngeoiitractLHl a had cold recently. J.L. beltoy this week left for Port land, Astoria ami Coliimhia river points on Iiiihiiicxm connected wltn tue l.e Hoy Minim: Company of It ihcoiiri. IIo will prohalily lie ;oiiu iihont three weeks. Wiilliim Cnnley, finniliiirly known 11s "Hill McKinlevl" who has been em ployed in the nine Itiver mines for the piist year, is doing the city. Hill is one of tboi-e giHxI-hearleil old bonis bis osvik wort enemy. N. Oompton. wife 11 ml baliy nre hero from Krlliam, Iowa, to visit IiIh lirotlier-iii-l.iw. I'rank I). Wheelei. With them came Mm. Craven, who ft the mother of Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. Compton. They limy locate here permanently. MeHsrs Ciirran and White of the Ho heinia kiiIooii have thoroughly renovated and remodeled their crituhlndiineiit and nttve iiiiiou 11 oin in uiti u.i"-i viv n eoriHof the kind in town. They invite yon to drop in ami tee the pictures. .1. W. Miller brought to thin olllcu thm week a line fpeciiuen oforo taken from a recent hs'iitiou he bus miide 011 Ho hernia creek at the foot of Hobemia imiiintaiii. The ore in highly mineral i.iil whli iron and copper and carries good values in gold. Kd Underwood is in town this week from the survey p.utv, with which hu bus been from the rlnrt. I'M itoxl the work well nud hx ks in prime coiniitioa. The suiveyorH are nil laid oil for a few ibiyx to give the drauubti-nieii an oppor tunity to catch up with the maps. Kred Hvrno c.iiivs down this week from the Uriw.ly niine. He wax in the liills long cuiitiidi to rai.-e 11 11 eti-yoni crop of wlkcts, DM lie ilnlii t do a linm: led iiave tliem mowed oil". .-re, is a handi-omc fellow and be wax afraid iiis be.it girl wouldn't know him witli the jo-jos on, so they bad to go. M. () Warner of Kmiene, the piano tuner, is in town for a, few davs. Any work entrusted to bis emu will receive prompt and careful attention. lie is a skilled workman in his line and take a pride in doing bis work well. If your piano is out of . rder Mr. Warner is the artixt you should consult. lie is stop ping at the Sherwood Hotel, , Mr. Hendricks from Tillamook ix vixitlng bis mother, Mrs. Kmmcrson, and bis wife's relatives here. Ho re cently drove down from Tillamook and savs tho roads a good part of the way were in fairly good condition and some section' wuro flue, while a portion was decidedly soggy. His son and daughter will attend school hero for a time ami ho mav locate hero permanently. Tom (iardnerwas in town on Monday and called toseo tho Xugge,t man. Tom has just bad put in at his place on the Coast Fork a telephone box, anil now bis wanderings can bo traced up. Ho says that his wife is a litllo jealous of him ; that she don't have to be, bat that she can't belli it. Ho called up his daughter while in town and says that talking box works like a charm . Henry Johnson, familiarly known as "Diilcb." camo down from the I.o Hoy this week. IU nry wiib feelinir lino. Ho bought IdmseU a complete new outlit from hut to shoes and then skipped out for Portland to enioy a week's viieation I and take in the sights of the statu me tropolis. Thero is no ilount out lie win havo a bang up time before hoeots baek. 110 is all rigiiianu iiou t neen any us ing. THK IJKNSON DKUGSTOHK The holidays are. over and tho new year is at hand and finds tbu lienxou Drug Company doing business at tho same old stand.' From tho bugo invoice of beautiful and staple articles they bad on display during tbu Christmas season, some , remain and they will now bo oltered for less than cost. There are choice bargains of lovely toiled artiulos, delicious perfumes, exquisite 1110110- gram, vnrl-eolorod and most dainty writing materials and many eholco pieces of bric-a-brac. To closo out tbeso splendid goods rathor than carry them over in stock, they will bo disposed of almost at your own values. This old ro- liublo drag company also carries its usual complement of choice drugs and medicines of the best to be had in Cot tage Orove, Ijjocal I3icVctlcs. A line lino 01 rlillni; brinies at r mi OiiIo'h harness shop, liny your grHHSseod of Kakln & Hrls tow. Iliitteiiliurg point luce patterns and braid at Lurch s. Take your shoes to tho West Bide harness idiop for repairs. Tlioiu diamonds at II. C. Madxeii arc beauties. Call and see them. Try a Sunday dinner at the Imi-khiai. Iforr.i.. h'erved from I '4 in. to I :.'W p m. and up to dale in all n-pects. TUHN US OVKH j.aviuii(f v vmioj osM (tq MOX (njoitj 3n.i(i im;. ..",) xajjddiis "nap JiK'A Ann oj a.iiipl oij, pll ! W llOA ibiix OJiix unijipuv iii 1111 jimja ii Head real estate lurgains of Jerome Knox A Co. ' We have on hnno a large stock of kiln-dried flooring, celling and rustic ill grades 1 2 and .'I. us make you special prices. Hootii-Kki.i.y LuMiimt Co, You can buy auv iireoHrntion at J. I' Ciirrin'x thut fx ndvertised In a paper. Heiuemlxjr we make a specialty of family receiptx. 10H SALK OH TRADE One 3-inch Stotighton thlmhle-ekeiii whl'oii. One Mitchell .'1-inch tblinblo-skein wagon. One net of team harness. Apply to Cbrixmau iV Hangs' livery stable, Cottage (trove. Oregon. Valuable nulling property in Ho Co liuuiiii (or snle Jerome Knox and SHANAFELcT'S Photograph Gallery KOW OPKX New backgrounds and acces sories. Best l.enses and Cameras 1 Portland Nothing but first-class work. All work guaranteed. Lowest prices, call and examine work.- - - Opposite Masonic hall. West side, Cottage Grove.' ' sotTc e. Vntinn .if Ailni. Mml rucnftllnir itf Mitntlptnen. IkI Hrtlcloiol Inenrporittlon ol be Hoy Mining lompiuiy. To Whom It May Cow-eni : Xotlia" l lmreby iclreu thai In purinince Ioh rutolutluii July mloptcil by the Stockholder!" 01 Hie U Hoy MlnliiK Cnmimny on the IBih d of Dcccmlicr. l!a, the lloxnl of lilrwtorn Imve lllwl for ri-i'onl In tho olllco of the Secretary of Plato nnil with tho County t'Icrk of jme Conntv. Oregon, Suiiplt'im-ntary Arlleloa "f In roriHirHtlon of tla- Ijh Hoy Mining Company. Ihw iurxeof xxht Supplementary Articles of IiiniriMirxllon In of InerL-aKliiir th'' Capital Stock ' (1f al.l I... Hoy Mining Coaipany from lOOAO 10 nm,. Dalvil thlnfithilay of January. A. P. 1W. J. I,. I.E HOY, rrctldent. K. O. KliY.Pecri'tary. SCHLEE'S GROCERY. . . Corner of Main unit Pcconil St.. Cottage Grove. Carries a flue lino of Groceries, No tions, Candies, Tobaccos, Nuts and Stationery. Our prices aro right and we will give you Good Value for Your Money. Owing To Impaired Heal We desire to reduce oir Stock so we will give you Money Saving During a RKDUCTION SAIJS of ,BO Days. We have the Best Shoes and Clothing made; Our Styles are the Latest and our Prices are cut to almost Cost. Our Prices on Millinery are cut to less thnn half the regular retail prices. Yours For Trade "NT. TC. Elsea & Son. Common Rough Lumber, $6 pei- M. at BOOTH-KELLY Mills, Saginaw, Or. .1 I II Mil I - 1 THE CASH r We have made it a point since starting in business to keep a clean, strictly up-to-date GROCFRY, and as a result we note a steady increase of customers. High-grade Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables are our Specialties. Special prices quoted to the mining trade. Call and be convinced that our aim is to please you. iris suit the 11 Ain't to suit A. Q. Young, Manager. THE GASH GROCERY CO. TVE. TOEKS- I3oh.emia, General illerehiuidise, Miners' Tools and Ammunition. Give us a call and we will treat you right. KNOWLES & GETTYS. Bon Ton Meat Market Main Strict, Near Fourth -"Beagle & jVtcTJ'arland We keep constantly on hand the choicest of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Sausage and Fresh Fish in season. Your trade is solicited and our effort will be to please and satisfy you. Carry the most complete line of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware in south Lane county. Also a fine line of Guns, Ammunition and Fishing Tackle. We are Headquarters for Mining Supplies, Hurcules Powder, Fuse and Caps. Also agents for the celebrated Studebaker Wagons, Canton Clipper Plows and Harrows. In fact anything you may want in the Hardware line. Call and See Us and We will Treat You Right. ntl AUlYiti ABLE SHOE MADE. Ladies' are becoming more and more popular is becoming better known. They are much more comfortable than a shoo with regular sole. The all wool felt solo lining forms a flexible and clastic pad for tho senstive pint of the foot to rest upon, dampness. Any lady troubled with Acme Shoes. You will surely bo pleased with them and advise others to use tliem. Mndo in Turn, Welt, and McKay Sewed. Sold ouly KV PI&WC TTO 00. STORE, Under Odd COTTAGE GROVE ( SucccfcMrs to WHEELER & SCOTT. We will contitnte to carry a full and complete stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Mining Supplies, Fish Bro's. Wagons, Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows, Etc. : : : : : ANY THING YOU WANT IN THE HARDWARE LINE : : : : GIVE US A CALL - - AT THE OLD STAND Music Lessons V-f-" "On the Piano. A Into Oradoil Ocrnmn Method of Muslo Is now being taught a( tho C. 1. Manse by Mrs. L.D. Beck. JtoclUls will bo Klvcn lit proper Intervals thus Riving parents hu opportunity to nolo progress, 50 cents per lesson, 30 minutes each GROCERY CO. CS3 e3 QlSE Oregon. 1 Acme Shoes each season, from the fact that their value and also protects the foot from cold aid cold or tender" feet should try a pair of Fellows' Building OREGON GO 1" MRS. PET SANFORD'S For FashionaUt Dressmaking. MAIN STREET Cottagk Grovk, Orb. Ilewareofalr dried or half dry floor intr, cellinp and rustic. The Booth Kellv Lumber Co. aro makinc spceia prices on kiln-dried lumber.