BOHEMIA NUGGET. HOWARD & SUPPLE Kit Mors uml ruUHthcrs. Kntcrol nt the postolllcis At Ottnge llruve, Orcxun SCT)nil Cl mull mut'.cr. Hii)irrlitlun rli c. hiioUmirr. AiWnrtUliiK IUIr limi'n kmnvil Rppllliitliin. Tlllf I'.U'KK ti V1t on Ills t K. C. lrl-i A'hvrtllni; Aifcncy, iWaihKK Merclmnti Kx cfanp?,ii) Fiiciro, CnlllornU wlnpro con tract! lor.HilvertlslturcHii bcmnilc fur It. Friday, January 17, 1902. With this issue the Nugget en ters upon its fourth volume. When the present paper was evolved from the dormant neculeus of the Mcs . . sencrcr it was inueca a sniatt oc- ginmug. By perseverance, en ergy and frugality the paper has been piloted through the dark hour: of obscnritv until now it has emerged into partial sunlight and gotten beyond the creeping stage; it is learning to walk and walk erect. From the small beginning and obscurity it has steadily grown until now the Nugget is welcomed in homes of many states of the union, in Canada and the far off Philippine Isles of the sea. Its in fluence is not claimed to be great nor its literary standard high, but as the light is given the Nugget is doing its best to disseminate it. Cottage Grove has moved forward very materially in the past three years, and its future never looked so bright as now. With the on ward march ot our crowing in dustries and the building up of this future city the Nugget hopes to keep pace. Thanks are due our patrons for the helpful assistance of the past. In order to go forward with the good work a certain amount of the wherewithal must be forthcoming. Many of our patrons have been notified of small de linquencies, but have neglected to come forward. We now again ask that their earnest attention be given to this matter. OUR l-UltLW SCHOOL. On next Saturday from two to four P. M. is to be decided the most momentous question ever before the- people of Cottage Grove. Shall we improve the opportunity to take our place with the modern and pro gressive communities, or will it be with effete states of Asia? A pound of iron ore is worth about three cents, but when mixed with the right portion of brains and made into hair springs for a watch its value is close to $100,000. Shall Cottage Grove furnish the brain or the three cents worth of muscle? Citizens of Cottage Grove will you turn 300 of your children on the streets for ten months this year and the same next, or will you rally round your homes and the old flag which stands for intelligence and manly men and womanly women? Shall we invite the best class of people from the east or shall we lose what we have? Every letter of inquiry has as the leading ques tion, have you a good school and how many months per year. What will your answer be Saturday? There is but one kind of fish which can swim up stream. Is Cottage Grove to be the dead or live one? The debt is one of several years standing, not of this board's cre ation; now shall we act the part of the foolish man, or place a small sum iu their hands and live? Which is the more profitable, to educate or prosecute? Shall our dwellings and stores be unoccupied or shall we adopt a policy that will fill these and build more? On Wednesday forenoon in the presence of the President, his cabi net and many other dignitaries at the White House the new postmas- ter-neneral, Henry C. Payne of Wisconsin was sworn in and re ceived congratulations. Wild ripe strawberries in the middle of January on our hillsides is something they don't have back beyond the Missouri just now. Every qualified voter should make it bis first duty to be at the school meeting at 2 o'clock on Saturday at the school house. Tw ' 111 1 VOTURS MUST RUGISTKR. Iformcr Registrations arc Void by Limitation. Tho revised election laws of Ore gon provide, among other things for the registration of nil voters be fore they shall be qualified to vote at the coming county and state elections to be held on June 2, 1902. The principal section of the law on this point follows: "Section 5. It shall be the ditty of every elector in the state of Ore gon between the first Monday in January, 1900, and 5 o'clock p. in of the fifteenth day of May, 1900 and between the same dates ami hours biennially thereafter, to reg ister with some notary public or justice of the peace, or with the county clerk of the county in which the elector resides, in accordance with this act," It should be remembered that all voters must register if they wish to cast a ballot, whether or not they have registered for previous elec tions. Former registrations are now rendered void by limitation. JURY LIST CHOSEN. Men Who Will Try Circuit Court Cases in 1902. The couuty commissioners court has chosen for jury service at the sessions of the circuit court during thecoming year the following named from Bohemia and Cottage Grove. The entire list is too long for our space: Bohemia DJ Gover, A J An derson. East Cottage Grove D F Slagle, Geo Warner, Wm Landess, Lincoln Taylor, Robt Griffin, H E Under wood, C H Wallace, H C Veatch, J W Currin, J H McFarland, E E Lockwood, J T Allen, Geo Kerr, L K Sears, Currin Cooley. West Cottage Grove David Mc Farland, Archer Rice, D C Baugh man, S R Dillard, Geo W McQueen. Curtis Veatch. F M Hambrick, F M Veatch, Chas Powell, Edgar King, W U Taylor, H A Coffin. D M Shields, W H Medley. ELECTION OFFICERS. The county commissioners have completed their list of election officers for the June electir.n. Our space precludes the publication of the full list. Those for Bohemia and Cottage Grove are given below: Bohemia Judges, Chas Gettys, W W Hawley, Jonn Shane; clerks, J M Culp, J T Hunt, J L Le Roy. West Cottage Grove Judges, J C Wallace, George Thompson, N- W White; clerks, H H Veatch, J E Young, Alfred Powell, East Cottage Grove Judges, Nat Martin, Joseph Perkins, Robt Griffin; clerks, . F. L. Wooley, Oliver Veatch, John Sherwood. SOUND MONEY BILL. Tho House Committee of Coin age, Weights and Measures has re ported a bill providing for the ex changeability of gold and silver coins and urge for its passage the following reasons: First Because it will stop the further coinage of the legal tender silver dollars. Second Because it will increase the volume of subsidiary coins, which is greatly needed. Third Because it will in time reduce the volume of legal tender silver without loss to the country. Fourth Because it will make every legal tender dollar in the United States the equivalent of gold, and make more sure and cer tain the maintenance of the gold standard as declared by the act of March 14, 1900. GAUD OF THANKS. Wodeaire to tlmnk all who so kindly iiBsiated us in our bereavement, but lacking tlm power to properly express our irratitiido, can only pray thut God will blest) each 0110. Maky F. Wiiitk and Family. Al Churchill came down from Benson on Wednesday with his right hand in a sling. He 1ms got u bad folloa and It had to be lunccd. CRYSTAL CONSOLIDATED A letter from II. J. Whitcomb of Holbrook, Mass., brings good re ports of sales of the Crystal Con solidated" stock. He is finding ready sale and disposing of u large quantity of the shares of this splen did property at 5 cents. When this block of 50,000 shares of treasury stock authorized for sale by the board of directors is all taken, and it is going fast, u de cided increase iu the price will be put upon the next block to go on the market. Mr. Whitcomb last year spent several months of the summer in Bohemia district, ami the knowledge he then gained of the mineral wealth of that district enables him to speak knowingly of its vast resources. This Qitkks ok IIati. Under this high-sounding title the same aggregation of incompetent colored would-be players showed up here again this week. On their way south some months ago they put up a very thin entertain ment in this town. When their street parade is over their merit is exhausted, and the cracked and out-of joint voices of their singers were anything but harmonious. The play was but a burlesque on itself and many of the costumes worn on that occasion were decid edly untidy. The same manager as now refused to pay for advertis ing and this trip the advance agent gave the Nugget a wide berth. This troupe is cheap in more ways than one and will take out of town every nickle in sight without leaving any adequate equivalent. J. M. Sherwood, vice-president of the Jndson Kook Mining Company, in dis posing of much of the treasury stock 01 thut cum puny. While In Kiiucnu Inst week he sold Homo '.'0,000 shares at ' rents ottch. Tho ntoclc of this rompuny is an excellent investment ai nvo times its present celling ptice. Next Snnilav moritiiiir at tho Method ist Church tlii' pastor will preach on "The Crow ned Head of the Spiritual Heal in. " Services in tho evening us usual. lions. CHAI'MAM On Row River, .'miliary 13. WO..', to the wife of William Chap man, II 1-011. 1)1 Eli. WHITK At Express, linker county, Oregin, on January 8, 1002, of heart failure, Francis I'erry White, aged 'JU years, H months uml 3 days. His remains were received here last Fridav afternoon uml he wa buried from the Christian Church of this city on Saturday at noon, a largo mimher of relatives and friends following his re mains to their 1 mil resting place in the old homestead burying ground on the Coast Fork. Francis Terry White was horn on April 5, 1672, at the homo farm near Cottage Grovo, Ore. Ho became a member of thu Christian Church at the ago of thirteen. Ho graduated from the state university in the class of '1)8. At his death ho was a beloved nnd highly respected member of tho Christian Church of this place, holding lit the re quest of his fellows the ollico of deacon. He was well known as a thorough Christian gentleman and faithful worker in all departments of Christian service. Ho leaves to mourn his decease a be loved mother, three sisters, a brother, n large number of relatives and a host of friends . Tho messenger came suddenly but he was prepared. HOPKINS In this city January 14, 1002. of pneumonia, Jackson Hopkins, aged 70 years. Jackson Hopkins was a deaf in u to and had lived iu Cottage Grovo for several years. He was a Kindly om man aim was well liked by all our people. His second wifo survives him and will for a time Uml a homo with tho family of George I.eo. At tho time of his death his homo had all the earmarks of poverty, his neighbors not knowing the condition until his last sickness, when necessaries weio supplied by kind friends. Mr. Hopkins was tho father of eight children by his first wife, only one of whom is now living, a son who resides iu Bethel, Maine. Ono of his boys wus a sailor on tho battleship Muino and was blown up with that good ship in Havana harbor. Ho wus buried on Wednesday aftornoon in tho Odd Fellows cometery. Muy ho sleep well. ELITE BARBER SHOP Ono iloor wost ot Opera House MAIN BTJtUKt, COTTAaK OUOVE. Tho bent ot toimorlal work guaranteed BATHS AT ALL HOURS Evcrytliini; new, clean anil neat and wo Invito you to give us n call. ALLISON & RAINES. OUK HEW IDEA SALE All eyes are looking towards this store now nnd well they may, for everything Is push and htHtle and every price and every value is riuhl and in some initiinces it leituulatble ptice. Wc have left no stone unturned to make this a gtund January month of busiiiiesis. WE MUST Uid the store of all winter stuffs and uiiiko way lor coining new gooiW. Vol) never could do better than tobtiv now. You never can do better than to buy.heie. If you can anticipate your wants for a week' or a mouth or two months, it is a money sttving expoiidltuie for you. WE ARE GIVING AWAY During this sale hundreds of pieces of glassware and decorated paint ware. You tire invited to attend our sale At Newl ands, of Course Eemnants ! Remnants!! Have you seen the new bargains on our special remnant counter ? Silks, Dress Goods, Flannels Now is the time to make your selections. Special sale of At I NEW HATS We have received a large .shipment of HATS for LATEST SHAPES AND Nothing old, shopworn or out ? . HE MEN WAY & BURK HOLDER. V. S. ClIKISMAN. The Fashion Stables f'OUXKU MAIN anil HKCOSII BTIIKET, t'OTTAGU OKOVK Ghrisinui) & Bungs, Proprietors. and First-Class Harness and Saddlery. MAIN HTItKKT, COTTAflK OKOVK. George Meinzer, Prop. A fine line of llHrnoni, Huddles WMh, Iliiftcy l. .I...u T...itl,.. r Itnlllnir. Kin.. hIhhvk nil llltlicl. All klmUiif JUiiafrliiK h. Hjwdiilty All IihiiiI. ncwed work turned out, Our runner Frioniln on not tiie very bot lit mo Living ". A winter trip to Southern California and Arizona via tho fiiinoiia Blumtu Kouteiaotio never to bo forgotten. Hu nuwed acquaintance with tlilu section will ever develop f tohIi polntH of interest itnd added nonrcoa-of enjoyment under its Hiinny . nidus, in thu variety of in teruHlH and added indtiHlriea, in itH nro lido vegetation und unions its number- luuu riMiirlu lf 1 1 1 r II tl I l 1 11 . hIiOI'U VIllluV nnd plain. Two trnlim leavo Portland dally, morning and evening for Ciili- fornla. iia'80 iriiina aru eijnippeu wiiu llini.iml liiiirnvil unlllTIl of Htllllctll I (t und tourlHt aleuping earn, nnd tho low niteij pluuo the. trip In of nil. 1'or lllllHirilieu gnmex m wmnuiiiiii and Ariiionu winter renin tH, mid lean. It. It. MiMiiiit. Gen. Pun. Aifont, Portland, Or. Atlvvrtlsc In iu Situyct. Ladies' Waists now LURCH'S 1 NEW HATS!! 1 of date. Prices right and quality - - - r - - Ki.i Hanks. Also own nnd opperate the Hohcmia Black Butte Stage Lines Turnouts, Double or Single at Reasonable Prices A.s the Old Moid Said When She Kissed Dwarf". the Qnr ailH nro Bliort and Hwectntnl right to t,0 point. PURE DRUGS RIGHT PRICES ISrcliaut & Morgan DRUGGISTS. ' 'She Sew lira lii-uy Store. VOll SALIC OH TJtADU. A good Incomo bearing property In n thriving mill town In Oregon for milu or trudo. For Information uddretm Lock Ilox 11, Cottage Orovo. Talce the hohemla Suyaei, moving Men nnd Hoys. COLORS. to suit the most critical buyer. ft T - n - w - s. - w - -w-v i -w-v r' I 1 GLASS k BROS. Proprietors of. Cote Grove mi Wu ii ru now prepared to furnluli nil kf ltd h of brackets, mo ildingn, rornleit, piihIi nnd doora. door nnd window frames, wlndowH, plcltetx, etc. Woodwork of all kinds made and re paired. Wo will iiIho work rustic, Hiding, culling or size studding, ote PRICES REASONABLE SHOP NKAK S. P. DEPOT 1- Bohemia f I Saloon f Miitn Ht., Cnttagu drove. "." GURR&H & WHITE, Props, f K- 4- Choice line of Liquors and Cigars kept on y hand. Your patronage "J fr is respectfully solicited. 'IT IT We Hull choice lota in tlio Long & lllnglintn propurty, lately platted and adjoining Cottngu Grovo, right at tho junction of tho 8. P. It. It. and tho O. G. Hi II. H, It, l'rlet'H according to locality. Ir.uoMK Knox &. Co.