Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 17, 1902, Image 3

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Kmv urn I'lillri'ly Ircc from It,
It limy il(ivclni no Hlotvly im to rniiiut
lltlln If nny illntiirliiiiico diirliiK tlm wltiilo
pcrliiil n( i IiIIiIIiihiiI.
It limy thru iiruilticn I r ri-tttilirlty n( tint
Mwiliii'li mill In iwi-In, ilynii'iilii, cnlnrrli,
nml nuirki'il tiMiiU'iicy In niiiiiiiitli)ii
llCflirH llllllliri'HlllIK If HI'!? Ill IIIIII'lM'lllltllHIIIN
rrilptldll or Kliiittliilnr HWitlllnit.
It In heat In hit mini that nu nrc (iillo
free Iroin II, nmt fur It rniiipli'lu urnillcii
t loll you run rely on
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Tliu liuHt ut nil nimlli'liiKH fur nil till n Kirs.
One Cmiiolalliin.
OltliiKtir Unlucky tit cimlH, luclty
nl l(ivi). IIoiii'ltiiuM Tlmt'H rlKlilt If
J'llll Mill n Iohiii- lit llllilgll WlllHt tli o
Kills will lovu yon, to tlwilli! ('licit,
7 lie I'crnna Almsnsc. ;,
'I'lio iIiiikcIhIh hit vc altoaily henn
nilppllotl with I'orunu nlinitnucri. Tliuro
Ih Hiiro lo ho a Krout ilitmanil for tltono
nlimmiU'H on ncniiiiil of thn mtli'lcH
on iiKtioloKy which they contain. Th
Hiihjuct of iiiitrolotty Ih n very nt trite
tlvo Olio to inottt people. The ftl'llt'loH
on nNttoloKy In the I'crimn iiliimtiiiu
havii heun fiiriiliihcil hy a vory com
liHtont iiHtroloKlitt anil the muiitnl clmr
nctorlHtlcs of ouch hIkm Ih kIvmi, con
HtltutltiK" nltnoHt a compluto hoio
Hcopo, A lint of luclty and tinliichy
ilayn for each month Ih kIviiii. Them
will ha a itront nmli for Uiuho linnkn.
AhI your ilriiKKlHt for ono uarly he
fore they nro till ioiio.
A Weather Note,
Mr, Seal lly Jlminlney! hut that Ilo
ronllH In a totlturl
Mih. Beal Oh, no, tloar; II'h Aurora.
' Mothi-m will Mini Mm. Wlimlow'ii Booth.
Iiik Hyrilp tlm Imh rmitt'tly to usn Inr their
child run during ilm ti'i'llilui; periotl.
A rioallntt Cobliltr'i Shop.
A lloatlliK cohhler'H Hhop Ik ono of
the fciitiircH of the I'enohficot liny Ih
In mt life. dipt. W. (). (little, In IiIh
Nloop, Vaiikei Nation, iioIiik from jihice
If. lilni. ntiil I'lvlm- ti 1 1 nut Inn tfl tilfiml-
1 1 1 K olil hIiihih nml hootH whlcji the
people niny hiivo up for IiIh coiiiIiik.
Cnpt. Cottlo Iiiih a now il an a com
pnnlon to take the place of Jlp, who
wH with lilm for many yoarH.
1'lmV Ourp Is Hip ln-nt tiitillcliie wc ever
nnil for nil nlliM iliiim of thu tlinmt unit
1uiik. H'm. O. KNiiai.KY, Viiiiuurrti, Intl..
Fill. 10.
Smsrt (ilrl.
Itr Mother Killth, don't you tldtil.
you nro Keltlng too old to play with
little hoyn?
IMIth No, mamma: the older I got
the hotter I lllie them.
lloll't l.rl ('lillallilltllill Kill Von
It will iii II. niH-iily or In illiuulia.
l'fillitn lis itimiy Iiiiik srli'iitlUc sIIkm-i, but
l.'miiirli rmiit. I'mlmrtlc will ..) yuu
lrilKll IK', k-.
A Chinee ul line.
Ynnnt I hco n I'hlhulelphln com
pouor him writtuu a (jiiluhutiii).
CrlmHotihciil Yon; ami I hoar they
nro iihIiik It In Chicago for a futiorul
inarch. Youkeru StntcHiimn.
Khcu:n.iti ).iui.u.rc the cries f prutc.l
nnd dinticssfn.-n tur'..:rcil mii'.clr , i.chui",
joints and excited nerves. The blood ha"
Iiccii ixiwiiieil by Ih nccumuluiiuit ol
wnste liiaitc-r In the tiystem, nnd can nc
longer S'ipply the p'irc-'aiid henllh sustiiin
ng food tticv I ci j drc. The whole system
feels the cfuct of acid K)lson ; nnd
not until thu Muud Ins been jmrified nml
brought liaclc ton lu ..Ilhy coudlloti will
the nehes nnd u!u3 cease.
Mr. Jainc Kr I, of ?7 Mnili treet. it. t.,
U'oilllMf,lull, 1). C,rrilcl a follnwi 'A fc
roonlln okd I li ul all .iluck of Uclalic Iibcunm
tlim In lUwornt form The
paliivra) liitcniie Hint I
beeaitic coinpletcly pro
tralcil. Tlicnilnrk won
unutu.illv icvcre unc, and
my eondliloa rus reicfiril
eilo leliiB very iLmger
cm. I nai nilcmlcd by
one of tlie mn t nlile Ooc
torn In V iiRtilngtnn, vrlio U
alaoa niemlxr -f tile f.ic
ully of n leaillnK iiinlicat
college here. lletoM me
to continue lilt prrx'-rliv
tlontanil I vrouM itet well. After haflnc 1' filled
Iwclrc time xrilhout receiving the tllgtiteil
tienent, I ilrcllnetl lu continue lit- treatment mn
louccr. Jt.ivliitrliennlof S. S S.l Swift's Specific
recnininenileil for Itltctuuntlini, 1 clerMeU. nlmol
la ilcupalr liowever, U give tlic medicine a trial,
nml niter I liail taken a few bottles I was able U
liobhle around on crutcliei, and very soon there
after had iu uie for them at all, S. S. S having
cured me uud and well. All the illIreilnp
Ilns have left me, i y appetite lus returned
nnd I am happy tu be asahl restored to perfcel
tiic tfrcnt vegetable
jmrificr and tonic, is
the ideal remedy in nil
I rheumatic troubles.
There arc no oniatcs oi
mineral!) !a it to disturb the digestion aud
lead to ruliiouii habits. ,
Wc Iwvo prepared, a special hook on
Ulicumnttsnt which every sufferer from
this painful disease should read. It Is the
most complete and interesting book oi
the kind In existence. It wilt be sent free
to any one desiring it. Write our phys!.
cians fully nnd freely about your case. Vc
make no diarttc for medical advice.
SSf ii2lP
nost Oouali Byrup. Tustcs (IoihI.
In ttmn. Rnlil hr druiru HtA.
I'lifmlnr Utile,
Tom A -ill yon wiy hIio In fi Rrwil
Ineli You lull. Why, hIki iirttuilly
llMH four Ml I It plllotVM Hllllft'll Willi llllll'
from four 'llfforont footlmll lilnyorn.
l'lillailt'Iililii Itocotil,
lifjIXuri Pursue Carnegie.
Wlillo In iMllNlmrK tl"" ollmr ilny
Aiidrow OitMinfjIo wh forced lo la v
thi' Iioiimo In which ho wiik HtnyliiK hy
n ronr iloor nml ilrlvo off lit b cnrrlliKi
to ohchpu n crowd or peoplo IwkIuk
money for cltiirltnlilc oliJeetH--miniy of
lliem for llhrnrlcH. Mr. (!arm'Kle n
cclvo over .'100 hi'KKliiK lotto a day.
Sill! AITAIMil) IT.
I'n r ii I, iimu I linn II Ni-imir-il 'I'll ut (liiml
I'liMnm- tVniil'l Nut (,'iiiiin-An Ai
I imrniil Ti llli. Ilniiiulil It A limit,
' Ah with many other women, fortune
Unnoted a Ioiik while before comlm;
to Mih. Knowh'H. lint dually a
trlllliiK ocenrronco brought It to her.
Mih. (Icoi'Kc M. ICiiowIch IIvoh at No.
Hi North Htieot, I'ortland, Mo., and
when a reporter vlnlted hor to loarn
the factH of the ciiHe, nhe Hitld:
'Tor a year and a half I Hiiffered
torttiit'H from rheiimntlHin. When I
aroHo In the mornliiK or whoa I got
up to walk lifter I had been HlttltiK
down for a while, my JulnlM hecamo
Htlff nml I could not move caHlly iih I
1 dhl before the rheumatlHin Hot In. My
foot lu lled and 1 could not walk with-
, out llmpltiK for hoiiic mlniiteH after
I Htarteil out, It wan very painful and
Interfered a t;reat deal with my
hoiiHohohl dutlcH."
I "How did you Hiieceed In hecomliiK
cured?" iiHhed the iiewHpaper man.
"11 wan ono of thomi apparently lit
tle tliltiRH that hroiiKht It about," re-
I idled Mrn. Knowleii, with a nmlle. "1
linil been HUfferliiK In thin way for a
year ami a half when ono day I Imp
polled Id pick up the paper nnd to
hoo an advertlKement of Dr. WllllaniH'
rink I'IIIh for I'nle People. I made
up my mind to try them. ' When I had
taken one hot felt better and after
1 had taken the pllln for about two
moutliH all the pain wan (tone. TIiIh
wiih a year aito, and the rheumatism
Iiiih not troubled mo Hlnce."
The above Htatement of MrH.
Knowlt'H wiih Hworn to nt tho report
er'H re(iiet before Marnhnll II. I'tir
rlliKton. notary public, nt I'ortland.
and ptihllHhfd In the KtproHH, a re
liable newHiapnr of that city.
Dr. William I'lnk IMIls for I'aio
I'eoplo will not only cure casoH simi
lar to that of MrH. KnnwIcR, but. con
talnliiK. an they do, all the elemontH
iieccHary to kIvo new life nnd rich
noHR to thu blood nnd restore Hliat
tercd nerves, they have proved efllca
cIouh In a wldo ratiKc of dlHeaHus.
They are an unfallliiK Bpeclflc for
hiicIi ilhtonHCH mi locoiuotnr ntnxla,
partlnl pnralyHln. SI. VIIiih' ilauco. hcI
atlca, netiralKlr., rhuiimatlRm, nervotm
headache, tho nfter-effertH of Krlp, of
fevers and of other acute dlHeanoH.
palpitation of the heart, pule nml Hal
low complexions nnd all forms of
wonltniw. either In mnle or femnlo.
Dr. WlllhtiiH' I'lnk I'IIIh for Palo Tio
pie are told hy all dealera or will b
Kent pox (paid on receipt of price, fifty
centH n box; nix hoioH, two dollars
and tlftv cents, hy addrOHHliiK Dr. Wll
llnniH' Medicine Co., Schmiectndy, N
Y. He Hitre and net the RHiiulne; huIi
itltnteB never cured nnyhody.
Money in It.
She If you hml tho dlvlno Rift of
n KoultiH, wlint would you wrlto?
Jnck Moxthroku CheckB.
I.miie back mnketi n yntinir man feel
old, Wlrnrd nil makcH nn old mnn feul
yoiiii- Sen your drnu'L'Ist.
Old Philadelphia
October 25 wan thu two hundredth
nnulvomnry of tho Incorporation of
tho city of Philadelphia, which, in
1701, was nlready n town of somo 1500
holmes, with more thnn 5000 Inhnbl
tuntH. It wag laid out iih n partilloJo
Brnm between tho two rivers.
Jly loeM tipplleallnns, ns they rauuot rencli tho
dficM.'d pnrtliin nt tho t-nr. There Is only ono
ny loeuro lU tllit'io, Hml llmt Is by cuastltu
Hun hI rt'iiii'ilU'n. Heatueks Is rnuri-il by ait In
tlntiii'il cmiUliiiiu oi tho mucous lliiliut oi tho
Ku.liK'hinn InlK.'. When this tul.o cets In
tlunii'it Miu linvo k ruuibllnir hoiinil or Impcr-li-ct
lii'itrliiK, nn! when It Is entirely closed
ilt'itllit'a Is inn result, nml unlcsi the Inflamma
tion i nn l,o taken nut nml Dili luho rcufreil to
llHiinriiinl iiiuilltlou, hour Ink' ulllboiU'strnyeil
Inroter; nlno esses out nt tn nro rnuieil hy
rnliirrh, tthlch Is nnthliiK hut nu intlntned
conilllloii ol tho inueiiiis siirnccs.
WowllU'lvo One lluuilml Hollnrsforany
enroot IH'iiliiesstenuseil hy rntnrrh) that can
not lm cured hy Hull's Catarrh euro. Bend for,lren. cilKNKY & CO.. Toledo. O.
Fold by DrugRlits, 7.'
Hall's ramtly l'llls aro the best.
Site of Famous Battle,
llergon, a Httlo villaRo In Noord,
Holland provlnco, close to Alkmanr, Is
tho slto of a famous hattlo between tho
lluaHlaus nnd tho Kronen, who were
nsslstod hy tho Dutch In 1700. A mon
titnont was recently unvellod thero In
momeory of tho Russian Boldlors who
porlshcd In that ongagomont.
"If you Intend to dlno on us," quer
ied tho enpturod inarlnor, "why did
you greet us with n fusllludo?"
"Ilocnuso wo nlwnys poppor our food
boforo eating It," grinned tho cannibal.
Taught Gardening by Example.
Whon tho present ArchblBhop of
Cnntorhury wns, nearly half a century
ngo, principal of a govornmont train
ing college for tonchcrs, ho always
mndo n point of personally Initiating
his students Into tho mystorlos of gar
dening, nnd piled spado and rako In
his shlrtBloovos ns a tonchor and ox
nmplor should.
Local Option la Mississippi.
Fow ns tho saloons nro In Missis
sippi, thoy pay nearly ono-thlrd of tho
stato's total Incomo from prlvllogo tax
os, MIsBlsslppt Is regnrdod ns ono of
tho most ultra of prohibition statos,
rondo bo" by tho nntl-snloon sontlmont
In n majority of tho counties under
tho local option system. Fourtcon of
tho counties pay tho bulk of tho $150,
000 rocolvod annually from this tax.
Ilrnvy, I'riicrfiil Hliiiuber of I.Iimii,
Tluct'H mill llcitrfi.
There If. ikiIIiIiik odd or peeulhir
nhoill the sleep of I be IIiiIih and llerH,
III eapllvlly they uliinv Ihe hiiiiic In
dlfferi'iiie lo ihuiKer Ihal Ihey matil
fi'Ht In the JtuiKle. ami by day or night
will hIiiiiiImt throiiKh on iitiiimiiil tu
muli, lllllilllliirill or lllleouielollH of Ihe
nolxe, Tlpdr Hleep Ih coiiiiuoiily heavy
Illid peaceful.
Ilearx lire nlno heavy nlci'icrn, but
lens llM)M'il limn llmiH ami lltferx
to Hltimher In Ihe daytime, (irl.zly
liearn UHlially eurl up iimler the rn-H.
hill HomellliteH Ihey ernwl up lo iho
very top of the iocIim, nnd with ftont
piiWH Npreml aroiiml the Iron iii'i' burn
go to Hleep In whin Heeiim nn iiucnm
fol'lllble iionIHoii: but heiirH never re
leitHe their iiiiiHi'iihir graHp of any ul
Jeet when aKleep.
The lihick liearn will curl up among
Ihe hriitichoH of ii tree when thej have
Ihe opporltililty and go lo Hleep In MiIh
peeulhir piiHllloli. The polni" beui'M
hIiuw a peeulhirlly in the Helectluii of
I heir Hleeplng iliieeH. They i'Ikiiihi- one
purtleiiliir eo'iier of the cane for ihe
purpoHe. nml Invariably Keek iIiIk out
for ihe ulght'H rcNl.
The hlKli-Ktriing. ucrvoiiH iinluinl are
the iiiiihi IntereHtliig lo waleh at ulrlil
They iiKiinlly belong to Ihe hiinleil
irlbeH. wIioho liven are In eonnant
danger In (he forent. ami ihey ii'imhcmh
Hindi a hlghl. ilevehiped nervotlH yn
tern that Ihei really Hleep with one
eye iien. The tdlxhli'Mt iioIm; will III
Htantlv awaken litem.
The prairie wolven merely neem to
clone their c.vch foi an Inxtaut nnd then
open litem again lo nee If all Ih tlllet.
Mnny vain aitemptH have been made
to pli;ilograph Ihene alilmalH'liy Ihinh
llghl and wllhoiit ovepilnu the -n lit
em 1 1 ; I h revealed Iho fact that one
eye at least wiih partly n.
The day nleepeiH In the uiemigi'rleH
are for Home reanon the henvlexi hIuui
bererK of all. ami when they eloxe ilu-lr
eyeH III early morning ihey m-oiii al-mo-it
an Htilphl iih If driuued. TIiIh Ih
In in. liked (utilniHl tu the ll'lit nl-.'lit
Hleepe-H. who. on Ihe approach of dan
ger, ate liiHlnnlly nwake and on ihe
nlert.-l'ciiny Pictorial Magazine.
Tlic (Sreut Inventor of "I'otime (cr
mill)" Ih to Itctlrc.
Some tearn are repulted to have
been Hheil by the gourinelH of tho
ParlH iMiiilevanlH on account of the In
tended retirement of a modern Vatel.
who for uearly half u eetitury has pre
Hided over the culllnary department
of the Miiihoii Doree. TIiIh famous
cook, familiarly known iih CuKlmlr. has
been ho devoted lo IiIh biiHlnesH Hint
he Iiiih never he'eii Klffern tower. Caul
mir lamelltH the decadence of dining lu
ParlH ot recent yearn. Kormerly. as
ancient CiiHlmlr pulnlH out. the erea
lion of a new koup or Hiim-e or illnh
wiih an event of eiiial linpiiriance with
the production of a new play.
The grandest day In CiiKliulr'H life.
VuyH the .New York Commercial Ad
vertiser, wiih Hint on which he Invent
ed or discovered potage gernilny. a
Miup made with the yolk of two eggs,
eream and sorrel. The pelage was
prepared for a dinner given Iff the
Mariiiils de St. tieorge. author of the
Motisii'ieialrex de la Itelne. Caslinlr
was as nervous over the reception of
bis Miup ns u ilnimiille niithor or a
composer on a tlrst night. He had his
reward when the maiiuls sent for
lilm. nnd before the nssembled guests
pressed lilm to his bosom nml ex
claimed: "Ciislmir, It Is not a soup;
It Is a great work, n mnslcrplecu."
Getting Kvoti with .loo .IcflVrtifin.
On one oraiHlon. Just previous to
opening In one of the large Kastern cit
ies. Joseph JelTerson discharged his
property man. Ilagley. for humiliating
lilm before a number of friends by fa
milial ly addressing him as "Joey."
Ilagley got drunk right away aud that
night paid his way to the gallery to sou
Mr. JelTerson present "Itlp Van Win
kle." The angry rrtiti had Just driven
poor, destitute Itlp from tho cottago
when Itlp turned and. with n world of
pathos, asked: "Den haf I no Interest
In ills house?" The house wns deathly
Htlll. the audience half In tears, when
Ilagley's cracked voleo responded:
"Only 80 per cent, Joey only SO per
Sunshine n Koporille.
No syrup of popples, tio tlucturo of
opium, no powders of morphine, says
one of the medical Journals, can coin
pare In sleep-producing power with
sunshine. The worst soporlllc Is lauda
num ami the best Is sunshine. There
fore It Is easily understood that poor
sleepers should pass as mnny hours lu
the sunshine as possible. Mnny women
ttru martyrs aijtl do not know It. They
shut the sunshine out of their houses,
they wear veils, they carry sunshades,
they do all that Is possible to keep oft
tho subtlest nml yet most potent Inllu
cuco which Is Intended to give them
strength nml beauty and cheerfulness.
A .Judge.
Mrs. Noohrldo Mr. Whlteoak hnd
some of my pie nt tho church fair last
night nnd ho said It was very good.
Mr. Noohrldo Well, now, that opin
ion, coming from him, Is worth some
thing; expert testimony, In fnct. He's
In the leather business, you know."
Philadelphia Press.
Not l'.iiouglt Good Ones.
"Why do somo peoplo think
wicked to go to tho theater?"
"Well, I suppose It's because people
who make a practice of going so ofton
go to the bad."-Phlladelphhi Ilullotln.
If love would only niuko a man's In
como go round ho wouldn't care any
thlnu about tho gyration of thu world.
C. II. Chnrnborlln, M. I)., writes
"Alany cases have come under
benefitted and cured. Therefore, I
and a general tonic." C. IS. CM AftilSuKLIN, At. U.
Mrillritl t-'xiiinitiar It. H, Tre-iry.
I)r. Jurdan, Medical Kx-
aminer of U. S.
Treafury Depart
ment, g'radtiaie of
Columbia college,
and who cerved
to ree years at West
Point, lms the fol
lowing to eay of
"Allow me to
express my grati
tude to you for the
benefit derived
from your wonder
ful remedy. One nlmrt month has
brought forth a vast change and I
now consider myself a well man after
months of suffering. Fellow suffer
ers, Peruna will cure you."
Geo. C. Havener, M. D., of Anacos
tin. D. C. writes:
Tho Peruna Medicine 'Co., Colum
bus, O. Gentlemen: In my practice
I have had occasion to frequently pre
scribe your valuable medicine, and
hnve found Its use beneficial, especi
ally In enses of cntarrh.
Dr. U. S. Smith, of Wllllston, Fla
' I have found Peruna a most valu
able remedy for chronic catarrh of
the head, throat, lungs and bronchial
tub"s. In fact, no matter where lo
rated. "Fotf peoplo realize that most sick-
Dliqualllyin Man for Kinghood.
Adonl-bezek, montloned In the Book
of Judges, was captured by the Jews,
who cut off his thumbs nnd great toes.
This was done to provent his making
any attempt to regain his throne, ns
In the east u maimed man could not
he u king.
Employment in Mop Fields.
The American hopflelds employ
about 240,000 men, women and chil
dren ns pickers alone, for there are
7.000,000 hop vines to Is; strlprud,
and tho crop in a good season is worth
A'cgclable PreparalLonror As
similating ihcFoodantlRcgula
ling the Stomachs andBovvcls of
Promolcs Digcslion.Checrfiir
ncssandllcst.Contalns neillicr
Oplum.Morpltino norIiticral.
Jin afOUJSWUH.imiai
Jhptrmint - ,
Cariwt Sugar
It&ttyfM flavor.
Apcrfccl Remedy forConstipa
non , Sour Slomach.Dinrrhoca
Vorms .Coavtilsions .Fcvcrish
ncss and Loss of Slf.ei.
Facsimile Signature ot
lit l..
' ' j-y
I 5.pE l For Infants and Children. 1
iii ii mi i i nw
from 14th and P. file., Washington, D.C. :
my observation where Pcruna has
cheerfully recommend It for catarrh
ncsscs start from colds which devel
op Into different affections and final
ly become chronic, settling often on
the lungs and frequently causing se
rious trouble In the pelvic organs,
while In women It develops Into dis
eases peculiar to the sex.
I "From my experience with Peruna
I I have found It very efficacious to
cure these diseases, and I recommend
, It." L.. S. SSIITH, SI. D.
i Dr. Slary Smith. Wlnfleld, Ind.,
! writes.
I "A weak and sick woman must not
! expect to bear well children. For
j over 31 years my efforts have been
l spent' among sick women especially.
' and among nil the remedies I have
used none excel Peruna. and I be
lieve that It Is tho best and safest
' medicine to give a woman suffering
from ovarian trouble. Inflammation,
and profuse menstruation.
1 "I would not be doing my duty as
a physician did I not advise Its use.
, I know by experience that Peruna
cures sick women, and I therefore '
' gladly indorse It."
If you do not receive prompt and I
' satisfactory results from the use of l
Peruna. wrlto at once to Dr. Hart-1
man. giving a full statement of your i
case, and he will be pleased to give
you his valuable advice gratis. ,
Address Dr. Hartman, President of j
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, I
Patents Send no Money
Hut a model or drawing "ill! a de.crlpt.nn.
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Summer Geography.
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water surrounded by mon, womon nn.l
children In bathing Eitlti." Chlcaito
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vented by a new telegraph key. Tho
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