Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 10, 1902, Image 8

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A Mttlo Hoy'H l.lfo Snvi'tl.
I hnvu n low voriln to nay ri'KiirtlliiK
(MutiitlHiriiilit'H CtMiKh Konuily. 11
mivisl lltilo Ixiv'h Ufo mill 1 lYi'l (lint
1 1'ltiuuit nriiUflt onouyh. t homlit a
hnttlo of It (mti A. K. Stoon of Uim.
win. 8, I)., iiml whim I B"t homo wl(n
it tlio poor hahy fotilil hardly hri'iitho.
1 ttiwo thu mi'illi'lno n dlra-lotl evory
nn mlmiliw until ho "thiuw up" ami
thou I thoucht Hiiro ho wiih koIii to
clioUo to ili'tith Wo hml to pull piiii'Kiii
out o( htsjmoutli In ci wit lo"C "tflnK"'
1 inn punitive tlmt U I hml mil tfot that
hnitlu.if oniich imtillolno, my hoy would
not ho mi omth Unlay. Juki. Dkmont,
lunuod, low ! I'V niIo hy Iti'imon Dnip
Co., Cottitco (Irnvo. I.yonn V Applu
gain, Drain.
"Homo tlmo iio my ilannhti'r riiuchl
ti .ovoro culil. Hho t'ouipliiini'd of utlmi
tn horohiwl ami had a nail I'ounit. i
I'ltvi hir Chiiiiihi''rlain'i Couch lli'iuitly
iiTOinllnc toillrrotioim ami In two iIii.vh
hIio wiih woll ami ahlo to c to hi-IhmiI.
I luivo used this mniilv In my family
fur thu Mint tH'vim your ami havo never
known It to fall," miyn .laiuiw rroiniiii
1'int. niori'hiint. Aiimito llav, Jaimili'ii,
West India InUml. Tho pain In thu
flii'xt Imllt-atoi an aiuiro.ifhinc attack
if MiiKiiiiuiiilii. which in Ihix ititani'ti watt
uwlouhtly warded oll'hy Chamhurlaln'H
Couch Homody. It coiintornelH any
ti'iutuiicv of a cold lowanl iinciimonla.
Sold by Hknhon Diii'ii Co., Cottaco
lirove. Lyons & Aiti.iioatk, Drain.
a CK)rntlaH)miKxT7ATiON.
"I have noth'iil that the milo on
Chamberlain'!) Stomach A UverrTahletri
in almwt Invarhihly to those who havo
unco used thuin," khvh Mr. .1. II.Veher,
a prominent druKlnt of Cnniado, Iowa.
What bettor reeomiiioniliitlon could any
iiicdicinc havo than for pcoplo to call
for It when you feci dull after oatlnc.
when you havo a bad tasto in your
mouth, feel hllioun, havo no appetilo or
when troubled with constipation, and
you arc certain to lo doliulito'l with the
prompt r-lief which they uHord. Tor
ualo by Hknskn Dltuu Co., Cottaco
(.rove. IjYonb A AI'I'I.kiiatk, Drain.
C. Williamson, of AmherHt, Va.,
save : "For moro than a year 1 millcrcd
from luinhoiro. I liuallv tried Cliuinlmr
laiu'a l'a! ii Balm and it cave mo entire
relief, which all other reiindlo had
fulled to do." Sold by Uomtou Drue
Sosurearo wo that tho local I in: of a
few of our Klectric Helta will develop
into numerous ualea of our Helta and
ApidiancuH, that wo mo willinc to send
one free toanv nuH'erer from tho follow
jni: diseases : " Cold uxtruitiitiuf, Crysto
celo, Fumiitu wciknexn, Kidney eom
plaint, Iueorrheii, I.lver complaint.
Paralyse, Lout vitality, Nervoiwdobllity,
Self ahnso. Worn-out women. Sciatica,
Weak nnl Xurvotm women, Irrecular
liieiiatrmitiou. Iiupoteney, KlieiinintlHin.
Diminutive Shrunken ami Undeveloped
Sfxuul omaiiH. and Catarrh.
Address) for illustrated circular, etc..
Sanitarium City .Electrical Co., tattle
Creek. Mii'lncan.
Charleston News runt Courier.
It is a greater show, a far greater
one, than people have any idea of.
Any part of it is well worth all
that it would cost to come many
miles to see it. The "Midway"
alone would draw thousands of
eager sightseers to every country
town if it were a traveling ex
hibition. Yet it is only an inci
dental feature, "a side show," of
the great show all around it.
The simplest statement must
suffice where no amount of printed
description will avail. The ends of
the earth, from the Arctic regions
to Egypt and far South America,
from Europe to the Hawaiian Is
lands; three continents and the
isles ol the seas have sent here for
exhibition for a time the most in
teresting things of all kinds that
they have to exhibit. It is a world
show; a costly and a comprehen
sive one. Nothing like it has
ever been seen in this part of the
country before, and nothing like it
will be seen again for years or per
haps generations. The opportunity
to see it and study it and profit by
it is the opportunity of a lifetime,
and is not to be thrown away. The
money required to see it could not
well be better invested, except
for necessary food. Qlothing can
wait. It is well worth a sacrifice
of many familiar luxuries, and
even some comforts, to enable any
man, woman or child to see it. The
opportunity will not be repeated,
"Every one who can possibly
raise the money " says Senator Til-
man, "ought to spend a couple of
days in Charleston at me expo
sition." And he is right. The
advice holds good for five months,
aud wise people will heed it.
A llostou letter says: In one of
the Inrgcst poultry-producing places
of the east n large chicken-riming
plant 1ms recently been iuslnlled
which is probably the most per
fid in the world. The entire
plant, in fact, is hut one vrst ma
chine, each lloor of which is de
voted to the chicken-producing
business. On the top lloor are
located the incubators, in which
Hie unhatclicd eggs arc placed on a
trap and mihjeeted to iv heat of
about yo degrees, lleiieath the
tray, in which are hatched about
looo chickens a day, are the
brooders, and here in a tempera
ture of about 90 degrees the chicks
remain for twenty-one days. Af
ter being born one day feeding
commences, the fare being millet,
ground oats and canary seed, ror
the first week they are fed five
times a day, the amount of iood
being gradually increased, although
given less often, their diet being
gradually changed to include
coarser grains. Hy the rapid forc
ing method of feeding adopted it
takes only n week or two to bring
the chicken to a weight of two
The chicken is then taken to the
floor beneath, where a very limited
space is allowed for the running
around aud where a number of
cramming machines are located.
The crowded pens on this floor are
the first aud last glimpses the mod
ern chicken catches of the world
into which it was born, for here it
begins to fatten rapidly, as the'
TtiirJiiliiifllro nt thin
Wlivil yon nnl iiiiylhliut Initio linn of J'ttut
InKpliMW rnui'iuU'r Hint the mciiln of tlilnolllru 1
"(IinhI Work, OihkI MnterUI, NvntncM unit IH
pHti'ti" iiinl tbu price itr ullhln Ihurent'li of nil.
Bohemia JNugget
Up-to-iUto I'rlnllnir-Tiie KlnJ Tlit !.
tU Crystal
0. W. M.OYP, I'ronlilpnt
II. 1). HCO'rr, Vlcc-l'rolilent
4- '
The five splendid properties comprising the mining claims
forming this company are located in the great Hoheiuia
Mining District in Lane and Douglas counties, Oregon.
These properties have had much work done upon them,
so that now they are embryo mines with an assured
The stock of this company is now upon the market. Its
par value is $1 It is uon-asscssable. Its principal
office is in Cottage Grove.
For development purposes a. limited amount of- stock has
been authorized to be sold at 5 cents per share.
Two of the claims the Mountain Won and Kl Calado
are on the now famous Helena lode. These two claims
have had over 600 feet of tunnels run on them and the
face of the tunnels are now in solid ore.
nJVaxik Jorclans Secretary
annulling machines force an al
nonnnl quantity of food down its
throat. It takes from two to four
weeks to bring the weight of these
chickens up to about six pounds,
at which time they arc exactly in
shape for market.
They are then removed to the
lloor below, where are the guillo
tines and plucking machines. Here
they are disposed of more rapidly
than in any of the foregoing pro
cesses, the killing aud dressing
being carried out with the greatest
speed possible, so that the fowl may
bo placed in the packing bariel 11s
nearly warm as possible and reach
the market while perfectly fresh.
I It is 11 surprising fact that the
I products of this establishment n-
'ceive better favor at the hands of
'of poultry buyers in the large cities
I than docs the old-fashioned farm
I fed product. Tho owners of the
plant expect to make a fortune out
I of their enterprise aud are really
! making money fast already,
j . -J
' I'OHtollru IrimrtiniHt Ititllnu
! Washington, Dec. 27. The
, Postmaster-General said today that
the department had received a
large number of telegrams and
letters asking if a inling had
been made that only subscriptions
I to newspapers and periodicals
'which must be paid in advance are
'legitimate. He said that no such
ruling had been made, aud that he
supposed the inquiries were uie
result of a ruling made by the
Third Assistant Postmastcr-Hen-eral
in the ca-e of a New York
publication the subscriptions to
which were mainly induced by
premiums, and which ruling ap
plied only to the conditions of that
oarticular case, or to similar con
ditions in other cases.
p.iTliit ymir dl"l
ol mi)' nil. I nil LIlKli ut
oti. BMm o.
PltAXK WIIKKI.KIt, TreiiMirur
1'KANK K. JOHIlAN.Hucruliiry
Astlunalcnc Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure
in all Cases. 5
ran ten
J like a chin 111,
6 jftk
Wi' waul In ri'n.l In everv xiillerer a Mini lieiiluii'iit of ,tlmiiili'Ni',
hIiiiIIiii In Ihefjiii' lluil ein'cd Mr. Wi'IIm. We'll cenil II hy Iniiil
i'A 1 1), A hxiiliilely t'ti'ii of (!harue, In any HiiU'erer who u III write for
il, even on 11 pimtnl. Never miml, thoiich you iiri'di'epairiuc, however
Iniil ymir fane, Afilimiili'iic w ll relieveiinil euie, Tl'e woiho your i'iim' P
Hie mure chid we ant In hi'iiiI il. Pn mil ilelnv. Write at nui'e, ud- '
.Iii-mIiic I'll. TAIT llllUS.' M KIlIl'INK I.O., 711 Kant Width SI.,
A N.Y.Cily. hold hy all DriiKclHtx.
Improved Farms for Sale.
Valuable Town Property, consisting of Business Houses
and Splcnd'd Residences.
Loin iiii llir jii'lili'ljiiil littHliit HH ulrerlM.
Mining Claims in Bohemia.
Ahntriiet of title eeciiitil and cuiiratilei'il.
luformiiliiiu iih to tin lawH cnvertiiiu: ilie diHponil of coverniiient lamlx,
IIhw In ncciiri' Imniei'leiiilH, tiiulier latidM, mininc elaiinit, etc.
l'io)ierty fur Hide piililiHhed weekly.
Curr.viii: Iiiiiivk ih the mccoiiiI fit y in Ijine eiuintv, Oiecon. Hum a iioiiilnlliiu
of ahiiiil I.'.'IIO. Tlie center of Ihn four poiniH of die cuiiipitHK when It cduioh to
itiCrt'Mi ami ecrenH. Ilnlieitiia wiih lln viihI minim! ri'MiurrcH only thirty-llvt' uiilen
miiiiIi eiii't. wllh a chI wacou ro.ul lemltnc from tho S. I'. It. H. depot ric'it hete
In limn. I'lcicptH'tivn riiiltoinl In the milieu. The (.'oiint I'ork of (ho Willaniello
river, on w hlch in Hilualetl the lllaeli Untie ipilckiiilvei iniinf, Hixteen niilex hoiiiIi,
IIown llirouuh the center of tin city lutiih-hinc ahiindiinl water fuellltieif. Il In
only a mile ami a IihK In lit colilliiencit with Itow river, 1 1m out lit of tint utent
llm'hcr iiiiiui'H lo the ninth eintl. Wiwlward toward the cohhI riuiue in an in
ex I in 11 t 11 1 'It' Hiipplv of iIiiiIht, InteiHpaciil with iiiiiuoroiiH rich aiuiinc lands
well impiovt'il ami enllivaled.
Ninth or hiiiiiIi ftotii hereon the K. 1'. railroiul you can reach either Portland
or Kau Truiii'iffo ami he in touch with the wholn wtuM on Mmrt uolfce.
Water wnrlix 111 lull operation. Klocirfc llchlHiitid ti'li'plioui' fynti'in complete.
2STThc licHt au'ih'iilturiil lamlH in lme c Iv lie in the vicinity riitrroiiml-
I11C tNilliiiie lltove on either nide, III fin farminc or flock raininc.
C'orieKponiletici' folieilml,
.A. JAiwoI oup Hai'LJ'aii is:
1 I'jnfei't front on north fide of Main
Htreet, hy nhont MM feel deep, hounded
hy river on thu iiorlh. Iloue of reven
riHiniH, hum and niitlioil-iv. Thin in thu
Ih'ii hiihinexH location In Cottucu (iiove.
I'rlcu '100.00.
3 A two utory llticly llnlnhed houtie,
eiuhl rooniH, hathroom and outhouxeH.
.splendid location, two loin in bom; ami
.aiilcn iiildilinii in nouthcuHt Cottage
tirove. Price fllMH).
I Two Htory dwclllnc Iiouk', leu
rooniH, hrirk fruil Iioiiw. fruit Iiih-b, ih)
feet front on north ude of Main Htit'ft hy
HIM) feel deep, comer propeily. A llnin
local 1011 for a hotel. Price fLMiO.
Tt A two nlory line, nlnioel newdwell
IliC hoiii'e, il HioiiiH, ham Hiul oulhoili'e
cuniplele, threo loin. A Hplenilid Or
el 111 rd of vounc heaiilic Iroex, loci'lher
with era pen and varinilH kimU of hen id.
Situated in Lone and bumlcM nddiliou
in voiitheiiHt Cottace (irnve. I'llco f I'.'lX).
A Hplemlid ranch of KlO.ahoul IK) aeri'H
heavily tiuil ered. halauce eanilvclearel,
never 'fiiilinc water supply, iihoul four
tulles wcpI oit'ottacetirovo. CumIi prltt1
WW. Ali-o other tcrniH. Vou will iiiImh
a deal If you overlook thlM.
HIOacrcHof ncriunltiiral and timber
land, well watered, Home improve incutx,
coixl ranee outlet, about f uiilen cunt o
Kaclmiw, Oregon. This lo a harcaiu 111
I.otH in the I). Ci. .McKarland addltlot
to Cottacetirovo, on wchIhIiIo at prico
loHtilt purchasura (or uiihIi.
Flvu acri'Hof lino hnlldlnc and acri
cultural laud, !.( uillo eiiHtof Cottaco
(irove, on Hiiutli Hido of county road to
Dohumla, f 100 puracre.
Tho Citrrin Park principally within
thoelty lltnltH, roiiNlHtinc 01 hovuii acren
on tho liaukH of tho Count I'ork river, an
ideal pleiiHtiro rouort or huildiiic lHt.
Splendid ciovo, oxpeiiHivo new foot
hridco Hpannliic tho rivor, tho iiiomI
availahlu plucu for a public, park. Prico
'visit DR. JORDAN'S great?!
( UiiwMa filitb aud Btifoth .)
The larffMt Anatomical Museum
tn ttio WurlU. (
tJrtatttt attraction tn th$ City. A
vuinterui tiuhtjor vttttui t. i
int) oiui'Ni ni'(ciniiioii inoi'uciao
OoatU liMabllalieU Say flftii. A
YoiiiiK Kuril and iiililillo '
fitfvil lutm who uro ftiiirt-rliitr i
fium tli tlltcu ul yuutlidil Inillv
m etltina or (ii-cmpm In iiintnrnr
ycfira. Xorvmiauiid phyak'ul klillUy,lin. (
lioleiio.v. Iol JIImjiIioimI liiHUIldcompll-
rlupit. 4iiMoi'rliiH. Jlt'rt. FrrHii4iity
or Ui liiaf luir, vlo. My h combliiittton uf j
remeilleii, n( KM'Ht curat I v po er tho Jhictor '
liaHaonrniiiffeillils trmitmont Unit it will not ,
only uirorU nnnieillate rtllt-f. hut tcrmatient
ctiio, me uocior aoon not cnum lopcuorin .
mlrnctoN. hut; U woll known to ha a tulr and I
untntra I'liyilclnn mid Murgron, nrueaiUieut
NYI'IIIIIM thorniiRhly prndlcntod from 1
Ti'iitmi flttail hy an lCxnprL Itndlcnl 1
rur" for ltiitlui's A quick aint rattcut i
tlr'n tnalnt unhilovH nicflinil.
i. a nvilUI iiiiiivb ...v.. .i.i. a. rm
V MAN aiiplylnirtoniiwlllrocolver
opinion t iiljrnniplntnr. A
UunrmlH a IV&im'-B CUItBin Y
Our Kontti up
H'd tvitL ti
.A li ..H.l.rlnl m.
CniiNultntlmi FHKK nnd itrlctly private.
Treatment nernomilly or hy Idler.
Write for Hook, IiriI.ilOIHY OP 1
MAIIIIIACllJ. rAiLieiiKuicu. (A valuable t
booKiormen.) tmior wnw
OR. JORDAN & CO., 1001 Market St., 8, F.
There Is nothhic. Hko AHthtmilene. It hriuc" j
InMiiiil icllef, even In tho woihI cuith, It cure (
when all cIku full. j
The Hnv. C. I'. WHU.K of Villa lildue, III.. J
fiiyn; "Yuur It ial bo 1 In of AHllimiileno iceelveil P
In (iimhI I'linillliiin . I fiinmit tell vou how thank-
fnl I feel for thu cood derived from it, I wiih a 0
hIiivo. chained wiih pull id nun throiit and imlhmu A
fur leu yciiiK. I diwpiiiii'd of ever heiuc eured. I A
hiiw vn'iir iidi'i'tliremi'iil fur I lie euie of iIiIh
dteiiiffiil 11ml 101 inentinc tlift'iiHC, attliiini, anil
tlmnclit you hiidtiveiHpolii'ii .MiiitHi'lf, hut ri'Hidvi'd :
tncivt' It a mill. To tn v Hill 111 Ice the liial arlid V
Mend me a full-Hucd hollle." P
Two vplendid loin mi xecoud ttlrcet ill
Cottiice love. Price fJlO.
A Hplemlid live-room cottnee, xtahlu,
workHhop, chleki'ii Iioiim', wiHidnluil;
Ihiee loin all i'iii'Idm'iI : Hue locallim in
W vu ncV addition to Cottaco (. rove. Prico
(llHiO, half down.
illKlfeel hy 100 feet in a Hiilmrhan locn
lion. Natural nprinc, oak trci'H, nil ad
lolniuc foot hill In went Cottaco (irove.
Price 3t)0.
A llnelv llnii'ired two Htory dwelling
IniiiH,', ten rooniH, I1.1II1 room, ceineul
Hlone cellar, water and electric liulitH
nl t nine IoIh (routing on fourth ntreel
iidjoiniuc river in rear, near ChrlHtlan
church, coed ham and oiithouecH. Price
Two Hlnry dnelliiiL' Iioiihc, hIx rnoniH,
cood barn, and woodHheil, two In 1 lot
on coiner ojiponiio Catholic church.
I'rico IKM).
Two cood IoIh near railroad 100 feet
Hiiaro. Prico fr.'.ri.
Karininc land, well Improved, 1 mile
from Cottaco (irnvo, adjoining the coun
ty roiul, in IractH from Ti to 100 acres.
If you want a haicain look IIiIh up.
Splendid cottaco on Fourth Htreet, f7n0.
book IIiIh up if you want a harcaiu in a
One hundred acrex of improved laud
vine in a tract cant and wt-Ht within a
liia ter of a milo of Cottaco (irove, ad
joining county load.
One hundred acres Improved land nd
jolnluc county road ouc-tpuirterof a milo
wont ot uotttitfiKirovt', lyinc in a traci
north and ninth.
Two cood duelling houst'H on adjoin
iiii: IoIh in tho Sherwood block. I'rico
WO acres improved farm on north bank
of Uow Itlver, twelve miles from Cottaco
(trove on tho lino of tho It. It. aurvoy to
llohcmhi, I'rico :S(!00.
TraiiiH loavo Cottaco Grovo for Port
laiiil ami way stations at 2:14 a in ami
12:55 pm.
Lv Portland 8:30 am 8:30 pm
" Cottaco Grovo 2:57 p m 2:0(1 a m
Ar ABliland 12:30a m ' 12:05 p tn
" Saermnento 5:10 pm 5:00 a in
" San 1'Vanolnco 7.55 pm 8:45 am
Pullman anil Tourlata earn an both
traliiH. Cliair cars Saeramoiito to Ocdon
ami Kl Pano, ami tourist cars to Chleaco
St l.ouls, Now Orleans ami Washinctoii.
Connectlnc at San Pianclsco with tho
eovoral Hteamshlp lines for Honolulu,
Japan, China, Phllliplnos, Contral ami
South Aujorica.
Soo itRont at Cottago Grovo station, or
R.l)., G P. A.
Portland, Orecon.
SubavylUe for the Xiiyyvt.
1iS Lcir TO
Uiillixl Mult IjiiicI (Ifufc.
ItiiftibtirK, Ore, Or.lnlivr l' IM)I.
Nntlco In liutt'liy k! vl'Ii tliut in v,n .ll,iiicu
with llin .rnvUlori (( Itiu net nl CoriKremiot
JnnoH, 1H7H, mllllwl "An ml fur lliu mid t
llinlx't Inmlii In Ihi'Kliilm of I iillfurtiln, (Hi'
Kim, NevmlH mill WililiiKliiiiTrrlliiry," hhvx
tl'llilcl In nil Mil' I'llMIr mii HIii I ik l,y act ol
AllKimM, .l, 'IIic.mwh Y. IIIciIm' nl (inri or
i lt) N 'miii, t'litinly ol Ih.iikIiii, HlKlH ol in--Kim,
lm IIiIk ilny tlli'il In I lit. i, illi i'
lil Hiini nlliiii'ul No. IMin, fur Hie .iiri Iih-h
uf llm uf (Iih I'. (, nl i-,mimi No. 'ti In
'limiilili S'ii. 'il H., HiiUK'i A Wot, nnil ll
iiffvr iroii( lo lmw tlmt ttiu Inml roiiKltt U
iniiru vulimtlu (or II llirilitir nrttniio limn for
itKrliiilluriil iniriKiwii, nrul to mini. II, h hit
I'lnlui li mtlil Inml lx fi r Hid Itcitlnltr nml
lli'irlvcr n( lliln iillli'i) nt flOKcl.tirif . DrcKini.
mi M.iiiiril.1)', tlm IH ilny nf Jniiimry, IW1.
Hi1 iinini n lliif-'c:
U 11. IVrklnn, lli-nry IV. Cliiiri'lilll, W. A
IVrkliK, V,. i. I'nix'lnliil, ul 1 iiim, IIiuk.iii.
Any mill nil riii cIhIiiiIiik n.hi'rwly Ihn
iilinveHtrx'rllwil Inniln nro rtuelel to III
llielr Minium In tliU otllitioti iirlwfore rnlil 18
lny nf Juuunry, Wi.
J. T. lliitli'iiM, ItwtlilLT.
I ollnKii llroiri'. Dm-khii. Nor. 'U, IMil.
To Wil.i.i.iM II. (Iamiu.b:
Vim niii lnri'l.y ln.llllfl thill u Iimvc vx
Ih'ImIi'iI ilurlint IIih yi'nr n.lfitic !'' M'l.VAnt,
inn' hiiriilrtil ilullnr In InlKirnml linniii'uii'iil
mi iwrli ul iho ilifi'U lulli,w line nilti
linr I'lnlnia. In-Hit: Tin- "Otirny" Imnli'il III
lln' IIiiIiviiuh MIiiIiik IH.Irli I nml rconli'il on
i.iiki ;.' ul Honk j of tin' MImIiik Ik'i'orith nt
Ixnt) 'ninny, oruKim ; i ! "I uiivit" Incnteil In
i In- lliilicnilii MIuIiik lil.trli'l nml rriiinlt'ii on
imKi' Wi nf Hook tt nf Hie JIIiiIiik llvronlii of
l.iii' fount jr. Ori'ifiin. nli'l Hie "livlrult" In
I'niril In llir llnlidiiln MIiiIiik I'Ulrlit nml re
iiirili"! fH I'UKu ft7A nf lliHiki) uf Hi Mlnllif?
Ui imjiiI. nl lUiiiKlnn I'liuuty, liri'Kiili: III iii.ier
In l. nl .kIi i'lnlui. iimliT Hid (.rovlnloiin uf
HwIm.ii zH uf llm IU'iI.ihI Klulult'ii nf Urn
I'nlli-il Mutt, mul Hit-miii'iiilini'iit lliurt'lu. ni
iinm'.l Jnti. '.Jinl, irwi, cuiiivruliix miniinl In
lmr iimu imIiiIiik clnliiiii. Ii-lr Hi nmuiuil rr
iiiilri'il In tiuli! i'hi'Ii uf tmlil thri'i t'lnlnta (nr
Oil' l.iTlml ruilliiK Hip Jllil ilny nl Iici vrnlwr,
I '.nil An. I. If ullhln iilni'ly ilnyn frmii Hie .cr-
Mitinl mrvl 1 1 li It. uutii-c, nr ullhln rilii'-fy
Urii nllvr Ihu pulillinllnii Ihurvnfynu fnll ur
ri'ln.i. tu I'liiilrllilili.- yuur nrllim uf rurli ex.
t'iiili i in u it h iium npr, yuur Inlciot in thu
ilnliii will Imxhiimd thu imi erty uf Hie uh
M'rlln'rn, yuur itMivrtiura, who Irnve inrxlu Iho
ri'iiiilrvil ux emlltiire, hy the term nl rnjil m-c-I
oi:rt. iv. f.uivD
K.J. IIAItll
.SOT1CK lOIl l'l'Ill.K-'ATICN.
I'lllteil Hlnli-n Iniil Ollliv
Itiwil.iirir, Ore., HeitinUT '.'I, l'.mi.
.Notice In licrehy kIvcii Hint in I'liiniillniiru
with tho ruvllitni i.fllio net nf Cmigrci of
Jiiii S, 1HJH, L'litlllwl "An net fur the Hilt' uf
lllillx'r ImihL In the Hliitrx nt t'nllfurnln, lru
K'Hi. Nvvnilitntiil WnnhliiKtmi Terrllury." nucx
li'iulu.1 tu nil tint l'uhlli' IjiihI Slnle hy net uf
AuKUal I, IH.H, Mm. Minnie Hire Jenkliia, nf
(timii or dly) biirliiKlli'lil, I'uiuity nt Uine.
Stnte uf Ori'Kun linn tlnmlny (Hot In thtxiillcu
her nwnrii ntntetniMit Nn. VJV fnr tins .iln hn-c
ufthu NV uf Kw-tlcm Nu. '.l, TuHii'.hli l'J
Sonlh. uf lUnge 2 Vet unit w ill ullVr jiruuf ti
.hnw thnt the tnnrl miiikIiI In mure vnlunblu fur
ItatliuLer nrntniKi thmi fnr nKrleulturul juir
miv, mul to tutnhllnli hvr clnlm tn ulil huiil
U'fnrc tin-Ketrl'ter mul Itwelvor nf lhl ulllco
nt HiHwburK. Oreun, on Tiawluy, thu lull ilny
uf Mnri'h, Wi.
(ilie tinuiiMni
J. I). Ilmnmuii nf CntliiKu Grnve, Oregon ,
uliu KlnaliiKfr of KnlU'revk, OrttKiiii, tle.)rjr
HHirtMiilKprlliKHelil, Hretcoii, i'hni KlxlliKer
ul KiiKene, Oregon.
Any nml nil ienuiu ihilinlni; mlierroly the
nlnivu-ilecerlhcl 1hIu1j nru rciuonteil to lllc
tlivlrt'lnliim in thl nllki) uliur hufuru mill lllh
ilny uf Murcli, V't.
J.T. llaitHiiM, Ilegltvr
We desire to reduce our
Stuck so we will give you
BO Days.
We 'have the Best Shoes anil
Clothing made; Our Styles lire thu
Latest and our Prices are cut to
almost Cost.
Our Prices on Millinery are cut
to less than half the regular retail
Yours For Trade
jST. 35. Elsea
Sd Son.
The . . .
lllvcr St., CuUhko Orovc.
BLEW & JONKS, .Props
Wo cnrryiin oxlni flno lino of
Million Hint ClKurn, mill It '"
lmvo occimlon to wnnt roihIh In
our lino wo wouUl unprocluto u
cull from you.
Rough Lumber
$6 per M. at
Saginaw, Or.
'IVf,0 thu Jiohemtu Xu,?ge',