Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 10, 1902, Image 7

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    Disfigured Skin
Wnalcil 1 1 1 1 mc ten mill decaying boned.
W lllll llHVl If. I
It", niininiiiily marked by Imt)i'lii In
(tin ihtV liilliiiiiiiifilluna n tin. (y(.H ilya
pcpidii, tfUnrrh, unit kimiithI ili-lilllly.
It In iilV'O'" riidlriilly innl pi'riiiiincnlly
cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilta
Willed ejniids nil liiiiiiurn, i mm nil erup
tl.mii. mill build tip tlm wlmlu wynttrm,
whether yotuiK or olii.
'JlfMj.IJi t'HIa nitn liver lll; tin. mm lirllntliiK ami
iiiilr'miliarllg In ulm will. II l' fliimiimillU.
Toliloy lmliinilnl ol button.
Count Tolstoy Ih not 1111 obedient p.t
(Unit. Homo tlinii MK'i li Ik pliyHlclutm
tnlil Mini not to walk or rldo on homo
Imek, lint lui uiil wmu ho pieasou, in
marking, "I know bettor tlinn nil pity
hIuIiuih what Ih good for inn."
Ily local appllcatlona, ns limy i ntiiint rcncli (tin
dlll'SMiil .urlllill nl llm ear, 'I linn Utility olio
way liicurn ill kfin, nnt lhat la by roii'tllti
tlonal ii'IiiimIIo. lli-nlm-aa la I'autt-il ly an III.
llainpil ci in il 1 1 Ion nl tin. mm-iiiu llnliui iif llio
Klulai'lllatl 'lillm. When llil tut v,vU In.
lUim-il )iiii linvu n rtiiuljlliiK Mitiml or litimr
IitI lii'nrliiK, mul ulii'ii It In I'lillirlr iliit
id'aliuta la i In. result, nii'l uiilcxtliollillniniiia
lion (nil Ih) lull nl nut him I IliU tulw riwl'iiril In
lla tuirtiinl riiiiilllliiii, tuiarlni: will hoiliitni)rel
firtvr ; lillm mMa tun i.l fn urn rauawl hjr
rnlHrth, Mill li iiiiiIiIhk Imt an iiiilatnnl
ronitlllmi ol the nini'iiiiaiitirrni'fa.
V Mill cho Dim IIuihIiiiI Unllaia for any
omi lit Iti'Niiii.Md'ftiiai'il Ijv catarrh) llial can
not l run il by Haifa Catarrh Cure. Bend for
Ttrctiiara, ore.
K. J. CIIKNKY A CO., Toledo, O,
Hold by HriiKKlla, Km
Haifa Family I'llls are llie brat.
An Independent American Citizen.
Wlillo rltlliiK In n Maine country
road a traveler observed ii field of
com which wiih overrun with ntnk
woods, mul midway of the place wiih n
large. t'oiiHlrnotiHiy displayed sign with
llio followliiK: "NoIIhh! Noiid of
Your HuhIiiuhh If TIiIh Com Ain't
I' Cml. ftta or nrouiit
artrrnr'i u .i.,.rif hiin-'ifiri! Ii
Jltr.r. Hau.1 ir I'll r.r.Mi.(i()nuli..iil..iilii.i.
:m, II Hum. I.I.I ,WI A..liSl..n,ll..l,l4.1'a.
Wirt fiiuit lor lUy fever.
Tho newest lili'ii for mitigating liny
fever n illHonxit which seems to claim
inoro vlt'tlniH every your. In propor
tion to tho population Ih embodied In
a small disc covered with wlru gauze,
which Ih Inserted In tho nostril.
I .a Grippe conquers life Wizard Oil
coniiiiiTfi l.n (irippu. Your tlrUK'siat
sella Wlinnl Oil.
A New IllllUrd llill Trick.
An entirely now performance with
Clio mill hlllinril 1ml I lian boon Klven i).v
tho fainoiiH lillllanl player, Itoliort do
llremont, bh the I'corln lloralil. Mr.
Ilromont ciiIIh IiIh trlclt "Wllllnm Tell."
Ho perfnrmH It on nn ordinary hlllinril
tnlile, upon whlcli n lighted candle has
linen placed. Ily lilttliiK a luill with his
etio ho DundH the former over the
(lama, describing nn arc. Tho tioltlcr
or cnnille Ih not touched liy tho hall,
but Uh motion cxtlnciilslicB tlio IIkIiI.
Mnlhfrs will Dud Mm. Wliulow'n Booth
Iiir Syrup tli Ix-Bt reinrily to no lor their
ohlldrt-ii durliiK thu lecthliiir ixrlml.
Cltin Pcnoni Among the Ltpiri.
In tho lopor Hettlement In tho iHlnnd
of Molnknl, there were a09 lopern nnd
1C4 "clean" pernotiH. The Konornl
opinion wnH that tho "clonn" would In
time become leprotiB. Nearly 1,100
people are hotmed, fed and clothed for
about $80,000 n year.
I'Imi'ii Cure cnimiit Ih- too hliililv apiiken
of no n ciitixli cure J. W. O'IIhiim. SfJS
Third Ave, N., .Miiiticupolla, Minn., Jim.
, 1UW).
Freddie Would lltvc Ills Way,
Kittle Freddie Mnuima. doown't
Undo Dob like plum puddltiR?
Mnmmn Yen; but tho doctor won't
let htm eat It.
Mttlo Kreddlo Well, If I wnH iih IiIk
nn him there wouldn't be any doctor
IiIr enough to Htop me. Huston Her
aid. S&EES
Sorcn and L'lccrn never become chronic
unlets the blood i:i in poor condition it
r.Uig;ili, weak nnd nimble to throw ofl
the iolgonn that accumulate in It. The
system must be relieved of the unlicaltli)
matter through the sore, mul fjrent ilangei
to life would follow should il heal before
the blood has been made pure and healthy
nnd nil impurities eliminated from tho sys
tem. S.S.S. begins theenrc by fintclcans
Jug mul invigorating the blood, buililing
up tho i;cneral health ami removing from
ccte'maitek UPON THE SYSTEM.
When this lias been accomplished the dis
charge gradually ccasca, mul thu tote oi
ulcer licals. It Is the tcniicncy of these old
indolent sores to grow worse nnd worse,
and eventually to destroy tho bones. Iocal
applications, while soothing and to some
extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat
of the trouble, b. S. S. docs, and no mattci
how apparently hopeless your condition,
even though your constitution has broken
down, it will bring relief when nothing
else can. It supplies the rich, pure blood
necessary to heal the sore and nourish
tho debilitated, diseased body.
Mr. J. 11. Tnlbt, I.ock Ilox xis, Winona, Mlu.,
snyai "fill yenr noo my leg from the knee to
the foot Vfan one aollil orc. Hevernl phyalclaui
trcottil mo and I mails two trips to Hot Bering,
tut found no relief, I wan iuuiiceil to try 8. 8. H ,
mul It inaila a complete cure. I have been n per
fectly well man ever since."
is mo only purely veg
etable blood purifier
known contains no
poisonous minerals to
ruin the iliirestion and
odd to, rather than relieve your suffer
ings. If your flesh does not Leal readily
when scratched , bruised or cut, your blood
is in bail condition, and any ordinary sore
is apt to become chronic.
Send for our free book and write out
physicians about your case. Wc make no.
charge for this service.
In 1 1 mo. HoM br drutriilitts.
TiTi'llilii llclpli-HniicNH of Men In Tli In
I'imllliiii Doxci'llicil li.v n Will it.
'Mill llilllMMIIINH llllll II lllllll fl'I'lH
when lie Iti Iiihi Ih one ol' the iiiohI ter
rible pilI'lH Of II Im OXpi'l'll'IH'l'. I'l'I'llllpH
HiIh Ih ut Uh uiiihI when II Ih mil ho
but Hie guide Mho In at fntill. The Into
()( XV. Hici Venn, the war enrreiipiiiiil
cut, ri'liili'H a it'iTlbli. oxperleiice of li Im
own In tin' IlKyptlun iIckcii,
"We hud lici-ii JiiiirueyliiK nil day,
linplHK to tench the IlliillilHlery lit nlxht.
I Ih'kiiii in feel Hlcepy ami lo ilrooi In
he Illicit I hwiiiik my h'K over the
piiiiiuiel, mid KellU'il iiiyHcIf lo ildii
ii Kt id 1 1 1 1 lc. Then I decided lo Hit Hide
Huddle on Hid olf-Hlde fur nn holll', then
chiniKK and eiiKo the Htralu iikiiIii. Ho
I rode, Imiklnic Htendlly at the Krcnt
yellow bloleh nheiid of me.
"Hut now (ho hiiii wiih dipping down
iiKnln under our lintdirliuH. It wiih punt
four. It would be dark at half punt
live; If we hail lint Hlk'htcil our iiioiiiih
ler hell, we were helplcHH.
"The eiiuerneHH with which the K'dtle
raced up each new eminence, the
Htralucil lidpefiiliieHH of IiIh Hlnre, the
hIow illHiipiiolntmeut you could read In'
the relaxed llmliH, the frond hope re
newed, but each time fainter, with
vhleh In, ihiNheil for lint next primped
- he wiih al fault. To my eye one
ridge, one dlii. one hill wiih exactly like
every oilier. Wo had been rldliic leu
liniirN ami iuuhi have come llfty iiiIIch;
our iiniuaHtery wiih only forty-live. Wo
had iiiIhhciI It anil It wiih all but dark.
"A tiht in ihu cutiliiK wind or thu
desert, a night without lent, water,
lire or fodder wiih the very bout we
had lo look forward to. The vol-Bt
but JitHt then up panted Said.
'"Ilavo 3011 Moon, HnldV
"'KITendlm, I have noon; I miw from
the hill back yonder. Come mid nee for
"And he led uh back lo Hie brow of
the IniilT, ami there, mircly. yen, there
Kleamcd homctliliiK white. The ino
miHtory, hurrah! It can't be four iiiIIch
off. Wo will uiilk; tho camelH can fol
low. Ho up gut the patient ciiiiicIk anil
on wo Htrodo, live iiiIIch an hour, over
kiiiiiI iih hard and erlnp iih the early
nmmliig hiiow.
The Mazing crimson and orange of
Hie HtniHot blinded oureyeH to llio white
blub of Hie munahtery. Hut fanter and
fitHler we walked. Now eriuiMin and
orange blazed no more; It wiih really
dark now; we bad come live iiiIIch ami
had not arrived.
" 'Are you Htire you tmw, Kald? Quite
"Hfreiulliii.' replied Said, 'I thought
I hiiw HDincthlng white.'
"NothliiK In Might white now. Tho
guide was thrown out utterly; ami
there we were. Ilfty-llve mlleM from
home, caniclH done up, nnd foodlcMH;
camel Iioj'h, Htarvlng; thlmty and wa
terleHH ourxelveH; with poHHlbly two
dayn' foml and certainly not two dayn'
water; lout, clean loHt In the I.lhyan
That night their nleep wan broken by
fears. At early dawn they were up ami
M'lirchlng. Mr. SteeveiiH cotitluucH:
"Then the Htm comcn up, nnd the
desert ih yellow again; and now what
wiund Ih that? Yen, a yell from Hald.
.Surely he Iiiih hocii. On to the camels
mul brlHkly weHtwanl.
"'Have you kocii. Kald?'
" 'No, but behold a camel track, and
I know thin place.' "
Tribe of IllillnilH Ih lb Inn OIT from
I li u KlfictH nf Wiiirlim CoiiIh,
Tho white man'H glory IiIh elothoH
Is likely to prove tho bane of the red
man of tho Went. At leant olio tribe of
Indians Ih Hiieetimblug to the enerva
ting Inlluouce of the tallor-mudo eoat.
The TopoknwH. of whom it few lonely
Individuals ntlll survive, wero an agri
cultural race living happily In the bot
tom lands of the Colorado Itlver near
the Gulf of California. They peaceful
ly tilled the Mill and wont about iih
their ancestors hud dono for hundreds
of yearn, enjoying life In their untu
tored fashion. Hut one day sudden envy
of tho white man'H wardrobe Implanted
Itself In their IirciiHtH.
Then after each harvest tho head of
the family put Hoventy-llvo or a hun
dred pounds of eoru Into small sacks
and made the Hoventy-llvo mile Journey
to Ytiinu. Hero the corn was sold to
the traderH for about 51.50, which Is
fully f0 cents under tho market value,
and bo Invariably spent nil of tho pro
ceeds In shirts and overalls for himself
and calico for his wives.
It was not alone tho unaccustomed
pliS'sleal oppression following tho wear
ing of these unusual garments that
weakened tho savages, but Hiey oven
began to deny themselves proper food
In saving money to mako additions to
their coHoetlon of "store clothes." To
bo dressed like (ho neighboring white
man was a distinction among tho
braves that cost them dear.
"Tho fact Is, they are dying from
civilization, or It would bo more proper
to say, from the fact that their civili
zation has not kept pace with their nm
bltlon. They aro an Interesting people
from tho fact that they aro tho lowest,
most primitive nnd thoroughly do
graded of all tho Indian tribes In tho
Mission of Clu-iHtiiias l'rcHonts.
It was Charles l.amli who said:
"Presents, I often say, endear nbsonts."
That Is tho whole duty of n gift. If It
dnea not recall tho giver In a pleasant
vvitj', It has failed In Its mission. La
dles' Homo Journal.
A mini may bo willing to ndinlt that
his wife knows moro than ho does, but
Just tho saino ho objects to her running
his business.
At SO 11 man Is anxious for fa 111 o; at
CO ho Is willing to accept money as a
Did (on Hit Have I'ockrnarki?
'Ino (lootho HpcclallxtM have f.otnv
thing new to talk about. A IlreImi
profoHKnr IiIh discovered in a plaMor
cant of tho poet's f.t co, HpotH on the
chin and tho left clionk which look
like Htmtllpox marks. Tho mivHiitM ai
now dlftiMjlng tho Important ipi
Hon whether (iootho really had pock
mark In IiIh face, or whether the
iipotti ilUeovorod Indicate mero Imper
fectloim In tho planter. It Ih known
that Ooctho did have tho Hmnllpox
when ho wan Hlx yoitrH old. Now York
flood I'rlct for Manuicrlpt.
Tho Into ItimHlaii savant. Dr. ICulesh,
made a trHiiHiatlon Into Little HiihhIuii
of tho Hlhlo, which the censor would
not allow to bo printed. IIIh widow
Iiiih now Hold tho mnntiHcrlpt to tho
DrltlHh Hlhlo Hocloly for MOO roubles.
Not Up lo the Mark.
Magazine Kill tor Haven't you got
n pooin lo go on this pago?
Assistant Hero'H ono that I don't
oulto get tho meaning of, but I sup
Poho many of our rcadorH will under
stand It.
Mn(cn7.ltio Kdltor That won't do. I
want something that will ruzzle every
body. Judge. '
Two Girl.
"If ton men Hhotild ask you to mar
ry them, what would that bo?' '
"What would It bo7"
"A tender."
"And If ono should bhIc you, what
would that bo?"
"I don't know; what?"
"A wonder." Life.
A Peculiar War.
Ono kind of wank found In Ilrazil
and Oulann makes Its nest of u bril
liant white pasteboard suspending It
from the highest branches of the trcos,
so n to escape tho attention of the
monkeys, which, In Hioho regions,
have a troublesome habit of Investi
gating everything, even a hornet's
Svrup.of fids
It is pure.
It is gentle.
It is pleasant.
It is efficacious.
It is not expensive.
It is good for children.
It is excellent for ladies.
It is convenient for business men.
It is perfectly safe under all circumstances.
It is used by millions of families the world over.
It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians.
If you use it you have the best laxative the world
A New Milk Adulteration.
A now milk adulterant has been dis
covered by tho dairy Inspectors In uso
In Minnesota. It Is called giscogen,
nnd Is composed of sugar, lime and
water. It has tho volTect of mnWns
milk appear richer than It Is, as tho
lactic ncld In tho milk turns tho llmo
to a thick white substance that as
slmllntos with tho milk nnd Improves
Its looks wlillo It docs not injure tho
Hard Place lo Build Railroads.
. Tho dllllculty of railroad construc
tion In somo parts of Africa Is Illus
trated uy tho fact that on tho Frce-town-Mattru
line In Slorrn Leone
eleven steel bridges had to bo built In
a distance of thirty kilometers.
The Truth of It
"It's my opinion," said Mr. Meddor
grass, after complimenting tho grocer
on tho fact that the storo had been
furnished with n now stovo for the fall
loafers, "that somo o' theso here navy
olllcors Is workln' for tho coal trust. 1
b'llovo Hint's why thoy didn't toll
Schloy nbout their coal supply hold
In' back on him till prices wont up
nnothor half dollar on tho ton." Hal
tlmoro Aniorlcnn.
Not Up In French.
Willis I prefer to cat n la carte.
Oillls Ah! I seo you frequent lunch
wagons. Boston Ilornld.
"But how do you pass your tlmo?"
naked tho lady from tho city of tho re
tired business man who had settled
on a farm.
"Woll," said tho rotlrcd business
man, "I spend a good denl of It In ex
plaining to Inquirers how I get along
out liorq." Somorvlllo Journal.
Old-time Droughts.
Tho first great drouth on record
hnpponod In C78, nnd tho two succeed
ing years, when, according to tho rec
ords, thoro was practically 110 rain
fnll In Knglnnd. In 879 tlio springs m
England woro drlod up, and It was lm
possioio for men to work In tho opon
air. In 093 and 994 tlio nuts on V'n
trees woro "roasted as If In an oven."
TrlcklntJ Chronolnijtr.
I'rftHltlont I'rltchott of tho Ma Win
Cim ho. tu Institute of Technology In
relating bin oxperlorif In rnllme re
cently hii Id that tlio way boys had of
llmllng a certain profoxmir was to Btcp
Into llio middle of the coHeRo yard
and call out date In American h It
lory, ItiHtimtly tho profoHsor would
cotno out from Home window or door
In tho college and Hay that the date
whh Incorrect.
Drain-Weight and Mental Power.
It Ih HtHted by nn authority Hint the
weight of a man'H brain hnB nothing
to do with his mental power. The
colder tho ellmnto, tho greater the size
of tho brain. The largest bonds of all
arc Hioho of tho Chtigatches, who live
very far north, and next comoH tho
heads of the Laps.
Oil.Rurnlnj Locomollvci.
Locomotives to burn oil aro appear
ing In tho Pacific states. They aro
built with the cnb and furnace In front
and the smokestack behind. Tho ten
dor Is discarded, nnd tho oil nnd water
uru conducted In pipes.
The Kalicr'i Palacei.
In tho twenty-odd palaces of thv
German ICmperor somo 3C00 servants
are employed, nbont 2000 of these be
ing women. A huge Income Is, of
course, required for keeping up estab
lishments on this scale, and the Km
peior's total expenditure Is estimated
at some $25,000 a dny.
A Prehistoric Canoe.
A prehistoric canoe was dug up re
cently In a bog about Ave miles from
Dungnnnon, County Tyrone, Ireland.
It Is scooped out of an oak trunk, Is six
feet long three feet wide, and eight
een Inches deep. It has a ring shape
at tho bow, evidently for mooring and
haulage, nnd also two lugs at the
stern. In tho same bog a woman's
body was discovered In a remarkable
Htato of preservation. According to
medical opinion it has lain there for
200 years, but tho peaty soil had pre
served It.
family laxaAiv-
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar Stgnaturo of
See Foc-Slmlte Wrapper Below.
Very annull and as easy
to toJko 09 augur.
ran dizziness
Automobiles Scarce in London.
Automobiles havo beconio very
scarce In tho city propor of London 111
cqnseiiuonco of tho application of an
old ordinance forbidding solf-propollo,1
vehicles from going faster than three
miles an hour.
Very Queer.
"It's mighty quoor that Frank Tick
lcton should turn out to lie a default
er," remarked Tenspot. ,
"That's what It is," added Hunting.
"Nobody over heard him alludod to as
'Honest Frank Tlckleton.' "Puck.
. Hie aMai3
Founttad 1111(1
A Home 0100 for
Mllllnry and Manual Trnlnlnn
I Wrlfa far IHuHtmlrd Catnlotjun
...Columbia University...
Academic nnd Collegiate Halls.
COI'ttHKH-riMilml. Ut'Tarr. Hcipiiilflo an 1
Commercial. lor .articular itppir 10
i?EV. . P. MURPHY, Pre.lnt,
Lnlvermir .'aric. l'ortiari'l, Ore;on
We Tesaofo
liookkeepintr. Ktcnotrraphy,
Mathematics, English, Lan
guages, History, Ktc., 1
For fnll information address
Pacific Coast Cor no
spontlcnoo Inotltuto
Portland, Orjpon.
Holiday Resolutions
Keeiey Guare
lure relief Oom llaaor, opium and tobaoaa I
hablta. Bn4 lor partlonUxa t
foolou Ml. . 40 Wllllmna
Anwivj iittfiuuie, Ave. 1 oruuiiu, ureKiin
Patents Send no Money
Hut a model or drawing with a rieicrlptlon.
anil we will advine you. 3. 8, Unfile pnpp
& Co., (Dept. A) Waitilnitlon, H C. 1
Vnn Clnrl ilin TMMnrnnnn Between alclrlv, lonr chickens and hcalthr, contented fowla.
IUU rlllU (lib UlilttlbllliC "nc brlnca no moner to yonr focket, the other meana money
In roiir fmro Which will rou have T
PmnpUonVn linn lillnr ' 1'luM to paint or apray the rooata. quickly detrojlne all
IllOeSrlcGK S LICB iMIIBr lice. TlieprtrelanothlnKlncomparlinntothoRoodltwIlldo.
Cnin Ynnr Phinlnnr. Yeed Ornealieck'a Kge lToilucer nil llnHltli Fond to tha
OulC lUlir UIIILftCllb. chicken -prerenta mortality. I'ulleta tjeitln laylnit when five or
alx monthaold. 24 to 80 per cent, moreepga produced.
PORTLAND SEED CO., 13B Fror.t St roof. Portland, Or. Cocmt A gent a.
Its component parts are all wholesome.
It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects.
It is wholly free from objectionable substances.
It contains the laxative principles of plants.
It contains the carminative principles of plants.
It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are
agreeable and refreshing to the taste.'
All are pure.
All are delicately blended.
All are skillfully and scientifically compounded.
Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to
the orginality and simplicity of the combination.
To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine.
Manufactured by
lALIFORfk fii
V y I-
San Francisco, Cal.
Loulsvillo, Ky. Now York, N. Y.
sweeten! egfo
lilt aiUMAUM 5
ifnn PFWA ff wl11 lePaW
MHvvF lL.TT A III port to us
for, and furnish sridence upon which we can
never sold jc3lCto
I IN BULK I mm..Z?
' JOHN POOLD, Portland, Oregon,
ootot Morrtion dtMtt.
Can rIvo Ton tha bit linrealm In
I'.iikki . Ciow-. 1 iicm nnd Kiiiinm,
v i nidi mul I'umin nn 1 (ioaenil
Machinery. See 11s before buying,
Meoda mnkn
pnntl rrntia. frood
rrfitm mnkn miiro rua-
torntira- an clicll venr tha
crooa and cuatomera hnve
(crown grent'T. Thnt'H the
aecrot 01 the terry mine.
Aioro rcrry a neena aoiu
nne aown innn liny omer
1 nil,.,, n-im g... ..emu.
D. M. Ferry U Co.
The Farmer's First Profit
la made In hla -.election of aceiL
Send lor
Our Complete Annual Cata
logue for 1902, FREEI
It contain bill dlrertlona (or garden
work and many nieful In 1.1 pi for the
farmer. No one cll better
Feeda than
LAMBERSON - Portland, Oregon
X. I'. X. V.
So. 210O2.
WI1KN wrltlnc tft ndrortlaori plena
moutlon thla paper
' .
as SO
tasta good. Hat them like candy. They
remove any bad taste In the mouth, leav
ing the breath sweet and perfumed. It Is
a pleasure to take them, and they ara
liked especially by children,
sweeten the stomach by cleansing1 tha
mouth, throat and food channel. That
means, they stop undigested rood trom
souring la the stomach, prevent gas form
ing In the bowels, and kill disease germs
01 any Ktna mat Dreed ana reea in tne en
tire system.
are purely vegetable and contain no mer
curial or other mineral poison. They con
slat ot the latest discoveries In medicine,
and form a combination ot remedies un
equaled to make the blood pure and rich
and make clean skin and beautiful com
plexion. tone the stomach and bowels and stir up
the lazy liver. They do not merely soften
t'.ie stools and cause their discharge, but
strengthen the bowels and put them Into
lively, healthy condition, malting their ac
tion natural.
never grip nor gripe. They act quietly, pos
itively and never cause any kind of uncom
fortable feeling. Taken regularly they make
the liver act regularly and naturally as It
should. They keep the sewerage of the body
properly moving and keep the system clean.
Increase the How of milk In nursing moth
ers. If the mother eats a tablet. It makes
her milk mildly purgative and has a mild
but certain effect on the baby. In Oils way
they are the only safe laxative for the
nursing Infant.
taken patiently, persistently, will cure anr
form of constipation, no matter how old or
now often other remedies have failed, They
are absolutely guaranteed to cure any case,
or purchase money will be cheerfully re
funded. cost 10c, ICc, GOc a box. Samples sent fre
for the asking. We publish no testimonials
but Bell Cascarets on their merit under ab
solute guarantee to cure. Iluy and try a
box to-day, or write us for free samples
and booklet.
Kinu Bimiuxa msior Co., cmciao or kiit rose
to any reader of this paper who will re.
any attempt of substitution, or sale ol
just as good" when Cascarets are called
convict. All correspondence confidential.