Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 03, 1902, Image 8

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A Little Hoy's Life Saved.
I linvo n few words to pay regarding
Chamberlain's Cough Uetncdy. It
wivetl my littlo boy's life unit I (eel that
I cannot praise it enough. I laiught a
bottlo of it from A, K. Steero of Good
win, S. 1)., "nil when I got homo with
it tlm poor baby could hardly breathe.
I gave thej;medicino,(as directed every
ten minutes until lie "throw up" and
then I thought mtru hu wax going to
choke to death We had to pull phlegm
out of liisouth in Jgrwtt long strings.
I itin positive tlmt if I hint not got mm
A 11111 jjvaiv- - -
liottle of cough medicine, my boy womM j
lint lm till ealtll todllV. Jolil. IlKMONT,
In wood, low. For pale by Benson Drug
Co., Cottage Grove. Lyons & Apple
gate, Drain.
"Some time ago my .laughter caught I
severecold. Slit-complained o( pains I
aseverecoiu. Mit-compiiui..-.. .,...,..
in lier chest and had a bad cough. I
K"ve her Chamberlain's Cough Homely
necording to directions ami in two .lays
she was well and able to go to school,
I have used this remedy in my family
for the past seven years and have never
known it'to fail.'Vays James IPrender-,
known 11,10 11 1, k j i,.,,,.,:.... '
cast, merchant, Annato J(a, Jiimittia,
West India Island.Thei'painsJ.'infthe I
chest indicated an approaching attack 1
of pneumonia, which in this iutanco was
un.loabtly warded oh" by Chamberlain's j
Cough Remedy. It counteracts any ,
tendency of a cold toward pneumonia.
Sold by HEX80X Unco Co., Cottage
Grove. Lyons & Ai-i-lkoate, Drain.
"I have noticed that the sale on
Chamberlain's Stomach Liver.Tablets
is almost invariably to tboro who have
once used them," savs Mr. J. H. "Weber,
a prominent drugaist of Cascade, Iowa.
"What better recommendation could any
medicine have than for people to call
(or it when you feel dull after eating,
when you have a bad tasto in your
mouth, feel bilious, have no appetite or
when troubled with constipation, and
yon are certain to be delighted with the
prompt r lief which they afford. Kor
gale by BE.vpux Ditco Co., Cottage
Urove. Lvoss it Aitleoate, Drain.
AV. C. Williamson, of Amherst, Va.,
says : "For more than a yeaI suffered
from lumbago. I finally tried Chamber
lain's Pain Balm ami it gave me entire
relief, which all other remedies had
(ailed to do." Sold by Benson Drug
So sure are we that tho locating of a
lew of our Electric Belts will develop
into numerous sales of our Belts and
Appliances, that we ate willing to send
one free to any sufferer from the follow
ing diseases : Cold extremities, Crysto
eele, Female weakness, Kidney com
plaint, LeiH'orrhea, Liver complaint.
Paralysif , Lost vitality, Nervousdebility,
Self abuse. Worn-out women. Sciatica,
Weak and Nervous women, Irregular
menstruation, Impnteney, Rheumatism.
Tliminiitivn Rhrtinknn :tllll 1! ndevplonc! i
Sexual oruans. and Catarrh.
Address for illustrated circular, etc..
Sanitarium City Electrical Co., riattle
Creek. Jliemean.
They are the typical machine for
clearing brush land
They clear up the underbrush
in your groves.
They clear out tne willows in
marsh lands.
They clear up the weeds in the
corners of your farm. They are
the grub hoe and axe, witn power
to wield both, with no charge for
board or costly manchinery, or oil
to keep its beatings cool. They
are the whole thing: board them
selves and just go on clearing the
laud and otily wait for more fields to
In addition to all this .you get
crop of kids annually as well as
crop of mohair, worth as much as
any fleece of sheep's wool. Again
you get (you may not believe it,
but it is true) as good a carcass as
any mutton sheep when fattened
and fitted for the market. By com
parison, the fat yearling Angora is
a fat mutton of like age, just what
a fat saddle of venison is to the
like cut from the carcass of beef.
No farmer can afford to be with
out a few gleaners,and the number
raav be proportion to the land he
has to clear.
Corner ot Main una Second St.j CotUgoGrovo,
Carries a flno lino of Groceries, No
tions, Candles, Tobaccos, Nuts and
Our prices aro right and wo will give
Good Value for X'out' Money.
Favors TuniitiR Transport Business
Over to n Private Steamship
A Special dispatch to the S. V
Hulletin from Washington, Dec
26, says:
Secretary 01 war kooi wus mum-1 . . ,,...,,.
. , . .... , c i.somethuiK now that the t.oeru-
ng told Senator Perkins he favored ! "Ul .
. . . ment stands rwulv to reiue itom
the abolition of the Government 1 "
transport service
between San
Francisco and Manila and the sub-
stitutiou therefor of a private
company, to which the ar de
partment stands ready to throw all
its frieght and passenger business.
.Mr. KOOt sam nc icu uiiniiiiTOi
t,)at ,lle Government is losing large
snfmn.. ...... vear bv '
Mr. Root said he felt convinced
.fmnl P..Prv .ear bv
. . . :
attempting to maintain a business
that ought to be done by a private
company, and any solid body ot
me vvjj0 wjti COnie here proposing :
establisl a pureiv Sa Francisco- !
... . ,
Manila steamship line will receive
r 1
all possible encouragement from
the War Department and other j
hunches 0f the Government,
Adjutant-General Corbin also1
. . ,
. rt I
Uie continuation ui iuc i.atiti.
service it a private company can oe
found to do the business. General
Corbin, on his recent trip to the,
Philippines, when he visited San
Francisco, became convinced that ,
a private company could do the
business better than the Govern- j
ment is now doing it. There is a
company now in existence that
claims to be ready to start steam
ship lines between San Francisco,
New York and Manila, but it is
The Jobotllpcnf thin
for the U'st nt printing,
tarely living prlies.
When ynu need anything in tho line of print
lngplertnj remember that the motto of thlnoltlre In
"Good Work, Oooil Material, NeatneM anil Ills
patch" anil the prices arc within the reach of all.
Bohemia Jugget
Up-to-date Printine-The Kind That Pays.
Ik Crystal
O. W. TXOYn, President
II. It. SCOTT, Vice-President
The five splendid properties comprising the mining claims
forming this company are located in the great Uohemia
Mining District in Iane and Douglas counties, Oregon.
These properties have had much work done upon them,
so that now they are embryo mines with an assured
The stock of this company is now upon the market. Its
par value is $i It is non-assessable. Its principal
office is in Cottage Grove.
For development purposes a limited amount of stock has
been authorized to be sold at 5 cents per share.
Two of the claims the Mountain Ijon and Rl Calado
are on the now famous Helena lode. These two claims
have had over 600 feet of tunnels run on them and the
face of the tunnels are now in solid ore.
IFraiik Jordan5 Secretary
not ready, as n matter of fact, to
make strictly business piopositious
to the War Depatttnent, ami Sena
tor Perkins seems to expect that
the men in San l'raucisco. who
have been talking about starting
such a Hue for a year or so, will
I feel encouraged by these assurances
from the War lVtvuluieut to do
Villi I IP?
successor to u. t . t im.ui. w .
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
All kinds of Produce bought
at the highest market values.
Cnllatid get acquainted with
us. We shall be pleased at all
times to quote you prices
upon all lines handled by us,
whether you buy or not.
Our Stock is New, Neat and
Cleavi. and having had years
of experience in business, we
assure you the very best goods
the market affords, and the
lowest possible prices.
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand. Cottage Grove. Ore.
ppcrlt yonr illsol
ot any and all klnils at
on. mining Co.
FltAXK K. JOIIUAN, Secretary
ASTHMA OU.RJjj imjilll
Asthtvulene Brings
in all
ron Ten
V want lo send to every millerer
similai to the one that cured Mr.
IWII'. Absolutely Free of Charge, to any nuHcicr who w ill write fur
11. een on 11 po-ial. Never mind, lliough you uieileNpairlng, luiHever ?
Id vmir cum', Athmalcnt w It lelieveaud euie. Tl'u woise yoiirease r
the more glal we are to send it. I'n nut ilelav. Write ill onee, ad- P
div-,111,: Pit. T.ri' HUOS.' MKIUl'INK CO., 70 Kiisl lilOth St.,
N.A.l itv. Sold by all liruggisls.
dte Grove
Improved Farms for Sale.
Valuable Town Property, consisting of Business Houses
and Splendid Residences.
oil the jiri ncl ittt luininrnn afreet,
Mininy Claims in Bohemia.
Ali-tract of title secured and Koaranti't'd.
Information as to lite laws cove rutin: the dispiKiil of unvi'rnuient lands.
How to secure lioim-trinlx, timber lauds, lullilti); chums, etc.
Property for sale published weekly.
Cottaiik liitovK is the second city in Uiue fount v, Oicumi. Han a (Herniation
of about 1,'JiX). The center of the (our point of tlie t'oiiipuM uhen II rumen In
ui:re and etircfH. lloheiuia with ili vnxt iniiiinir rcpiuim' only thirty-live uiilex
i-otilh eu?t. with a paid unroll road leading from the S. I'. It. It. depot right licit
intortii. Prospective railroad to the mine. The Count l;ork of the Willamette
river, on which fitiiHted the lllack ltuttu uickilvci mine, Hlxteen mile xuuth,
tluws through the center of the city limiUliiin.' abundant suiter fai'ililie. It i
only a mile and a half lo ite conlliienco with How river, the outlet of the uieat
timber ranges to the youth end. Wcdwunl toward the road rati(je i an in
exliaiidable upply of liinlier, intetHpacitl with nuiiieruii rich larmiii himl
well improved mid cultivated .
North or couth from hereon the S. I. raiTrnnd yon can reach either Portland
or San l'ranciico and be in touch with the whole world on nhort notice.
Water work in full operation. I'.leiirfc llhiHiind telephone Hydcm cotnplete.
iyThe Ik-si aiirieiilliirnl I.iihIh in bine cunuiy lie in the vicinity nurrimnd
i ti tr Cottatio titove on either Hide, III foi farmitiK or dock midiii.
Corretpondencu colicilttl.
.A. IeA v ol olil' 13 artr ;:i in a:
1 lL'Ofcet front on north xide of . Main
dreet, by itlxiut .'100 feel tlcep. ImiuiiiIiiI
by river on tho north. Hoiii-e of even
room, bam and outhoiifc. Thin i the
lied hiihine location in Cottage (.irove.
Price 100.00.
3 A two dory finely finlhti! houne,
cicht riMim, batliriioni and outhoiieM.
Splendid location, two lot in l.onu and
Lai tie addition in Bou'.heant Cottage
(irove. Price fll'00.
-I Two dory dweHim,! hoiie, ten
room, brick fruit Iiouhc, fruit tree, 00
feet front on north ride of Main dreet by
H(X) feel deep, corner property. A line
location for a hotel. Price f'JTiO.
5 A two dory line, iilinod nuwdwell
in): hoiiro, ll room, burn and outhoue
complete, three lot. A pleiidid or
churd of vounn bearint: tree, lonether
with j:riipei and varion kind of IhtiIc.
Situated in Lout: ami Lundc. nildiliou
in HoutheiiMt Cottii!u(iruvu. Piicu ?l'.'00.
A Hplendid ranch of 100, about 00 ultch
heavily timbered, balance cattily cleared,
never "failing water dipply, about (our
inileH wetofCotta):eliroo. Cah price
$550. Alxo other term. Vou w ill tnihH
a deal if you overlook thi.
100 acre of agricultural and timber
land, well watered, Home improvement,
goixl range outlet, about ft mile cant n
Saginaw, Oregon. Thin in a liargaiu ai
I,oIh in the I). 0. MuKarhind additioi
to Cot tageti rove, on went Hidu at pricei
toHuit iiurclniHerii (or caeh.
TivoacrcHof flno building and agri
cultural land, 14 mile cad of Cottage
(irove, on Houth tdduof county road to
llohemia. $100 per acre.
The Currin Park principally within
thocity lltnitH, coiiHiting of Heven acrca
on tho ImnkH of thu Coat Kork river, an
ideal pleadiro reort or building upot.
Splendid glove, expeiiHivo new foot
bridgo Hpanning thu river, tho iiiomI
available.placo for a public park. Price
'vioit DR. JORDAN'S orcat(
I JitMn Slilb and 8rDtb.)
The lnrjpt Anatomical Mawum
In the World.
Qrfalftt attraction in the City, A
uoiulerul Mluhtjor vitltori.
ti dUciMO.puAl 1 1 vel rui-rtl by m
the oldmt HiiecluUiiiiiii the i'uclUo
C'OKtk KntublUiliedSiIyi'itia, A
Young nifii mid mliltllft
Miceil itirti who lira niirvilnir A
frum the rlTcctn ol youthful Imlin- "
' years. Norvouaund phvaloui Itvlilllly.ii,,.
ureiiuiiB or bilmm i mill rur
. I. , ..... t m.. in uii iinuutnpM'
I catloim; MiriiiutirrliteH, lrt,Ntiiiur.
riiirn, 4t,uirriiiKH, tiivet, jrir(ii,My
I tif llrliiftllnir. ln. llv n noiiihliuiilf.ti ij
(riiiwiinn, ui ai buiuiim 'U. rr, nil) iocifir '
haa bo urruMjad hla tri'utment that It Hill not ,
' only uitoru immi-uiaie tviwi, out permanent
i cure. The IXK;tor doea not clulm to nei form
' mlruclef. but la well known to be a fair anil
. aqtiare t'liyHlctan and Hurgeou.iire-eintjjeal
) lu hlanpocfatty llainava ut lien.
, NYI'IIII.IN thorouiclily erndlcatcd from
I ton nyntcni without tho uisot Jlei oiii y,
T1 a n.A,, Ku nH 1Pr.A. ....
run tor ltiititre. A qutck and ratlleul A
cure tor lvlla. tlaauri and FJ(nu,,by
Dr. Jordan's apeclal palnlria raellioJs. A
Krciii Ji an applying to ua wm receive r.
our honrH opinion ct iilacnninlatnt. A
ire will Uunrantit a 1-OXlTlVJS CURE in Y
everu eatt toe wuieruiKc .... . ,
Conmiitallnn FIIKH and atrlctly prtrata.
Troutment neraonally or by letter.
WrltB for lloolf. lIIII.OSOIIIY OP
HAItltl AUC MailicdFuxo. (A valuable I
uooiciormen.) uauor write
DR. JORDAN & CO., 1081 Market St., 8. F.
Relief and
Permanent Cure
Theie is nothing like- AHlhimilctii'. It tilings
Imttant iclief, even in thu worst faces, lleuies
when all elm fails.
The ltev. C. V. W'I'l.l.S id Villa lildgr, III.
hivc: 'Miuiriiiai inline 111 ,siniiiiiieiie leceiveil
In good colt 1 til 1101 . I cannot tell vou how thank
iul I (eel (or the good itemed from it. I was 11
la vi'. chained w 1 1 1 1 pun Id moo throat and iiHihuia
lur leu ycais. I ili'spancd id ever lielng eurtil. I
sa Mi'nr advcrtli-c infill (or the euie of this
dit'iiildil and tormenting illsease, iixthtua, and
tlniiglit vim had overspnki'ii yourself, but resolved
in nive it a trial. To my suiptlse the trial urud
like a chin 111. Send me a full-sir.eil bottle."
11 trial tteatment of Asthmiiletie.
Wells. We'll semi it by mail I'O.sT-
Two splendid loin 011 Krone! dreet in
Cottane t rove. Price filO.
A Hplundid llvti.rooni collude, ntahle,
woik-liop. chicken lioiifo, woocIhIiiiI;
three lots all eueloM'd ; line location in
W'ynne'Haddition luCottnut'Cirovc. Price
? iuw, nan Down.
.'100 feel by 100 feet in a Hiiliiirban loca
tion. Nattirnl Hpriiig, oak treep, all ml
join inc. fool hill in wet Cottage (irove.
A linely flnifhi'd two dorv dellinn
liotn-c, ten rboni, bath roiitii, eeinenl
done cellar, water mid electric liu'litf
about nine lot fronting on foil r t ! r-lieet
ad jolniin: river in rear, near Chridiati
church, pied barn and outhoiifeii. Price
1 wo Htorv iiweiiint! iioiiho. hix rooniH.
yooil barn, and woodhi'd, two laieu lot
on corner oppodiu Catholic church.
Price tfiHK).
Two cood lol near railroad 100 feet
Hqiiare. Price f I'-Ti.
I'arminu' hind, well improved, 1 milt'
from CottHL'e (trove, iidjolntnir the coun
ty mail, in traclM from 5 to 100 acre
If you want a liaiuain look thin up.
Splendid cntlacoon l'iurth Hlreet,7ril)
Look thi up if you waul a haiptiti in a
One hundred acre, of Improved land
'vini in a tract cud and wmt within a
nut ter of a mile of Coltiiuu drove, ad
joining county road.
One hundred hitch Improved laud ml
joinliiK county road oue-iiiarler of a mile
weMt ol Cottami urove, lyini,' in u traci
north and Houth.
To'L'(H)d 'dwellliiL' Iioiihch on iidioin-
i ntr lotn in thu Sherwood block. Price
$ 11100.
100 acre, improved farm on north hank
of Uow Itiver, twelvutnilcH from Cottat'u
(iiovi) on the line ol the It. K. Hiirvey to
Holieinia. Trice fillOO.
TraitiH Icavo Cottngu Grovo for 1'ort
laud and way utatioiiK at L':M a in and
12:55 pm.
Lv Portland
" Cottago Grovo
Ar AhIiIiiiiiI
" Hacramento
I " San KranciHco
8:110 am Ss.lOpm
2:57 pm 2:011 am
12:!t0air. 12:05pm
5:10 pin ft :00 a m
7 ,55 n in 8 -AC) a in
Pullman and TouridH cura an both
train. Chair cara Sacramento to Ugden
and Kl Piiho, and totiriut uiith to Chicago
fit LouIh, Now Orleans and Washington.
Connecting at San Francisco with the
Kovoral nlcaiiiship lines for Honolulu.
Japan, China, Pliilliplnes, Central ami
South America.
See. agont at Cottago Grove station, or
address MiMiMt.G P. A.
Portland, Oregon.
Subscribe for the yuyyet,
Norie.i: rem im iii.h ation
t'llllnil Htitlfi buul tintt't'.
Itttkltltllltr. tlln 111 li. I. mi
k..,i r..... .: : 1
Jlllllill, 1X7H, milllliMl "An .ri , , .
I lltllulF ill II.IH I II II... m...- ...
' v ruin m
...... V I .. .. ...I it. . . .
ii'iini'ii 111 imi inn i nline uiihi Hinlr. ,y net nl
l.ll l1! 1 ...III. I'.. 111. I.. ..I I.
nun linn tiai' i I ... I.. .1.
Horn atuti'iiit'iit Nn imm. in, n i...
..rr..u . ... . i .
, ni.nai' ii nri ami un
Iliiirn iuln.1.1.. r.. h. it. ..I.... .
Ht li'itltttrH I iiuriiomtii. ninl i.. 1,1
in an ill iiiiiii luiiiiiii tin. H....UI-. .....
ii niiiirniiy. tin, 11 liny ol .liuiiiarv llr
Ho naimo iitin.K
I- M. 1'itVlii., Hiinrv W I'liiiriiinii w
I erkllia, I'. J ri)nnnil, ut b'dlia. nirK"ii
iiij nun nil liit.iiiin i.lnliiili.,. ii,lv.,..ii, il
'i ti nit v mi nr iftnre aid It
tl)' nl Jauiiat) , tux
J T Humana, IU'KIhIit
NOTH'i: tl)' Ktiltrl.lTntl!
Vnu a ri heri'liji ii.iiiii.mI ,, Bl, ,,,,. ,
in-luli'il itin lint Ihu fci- .....t ii... n.. ii.
inn' hiiniltt-l iTiillnr. lu Ulmr ami Imiiroti'ini'i
nil i'iii'Ii nl Hie ihii'i iiii,.inu ,i....-,ii,...i ...i
.i . . . t ..... i . ... .. "...n. niinii'n III
1'iiur ."i.'nil Hunk ' III I tlx Ml, ,,. II... .....i. ill
.. . . 7 .ni-i nun ii-ii lis
Miui' 'iifi nl Ihmk A ill Ilia Mn.i 11........1. ni
'' jiiiiiiik I'l.irn nun nn
............ r.,f ..... .,1 1. .m.i 1. 111 !, jniiin
iii iiiiiii "mil I'lHIinn 1111111-r inn liroviHini.a fit
. imiv. rjini.-, ..imi uii- nill.'llllllll'lll Mlllt'l- Htl
pinti'il Jan. '.Mint, pNi, 11. m tnlnit nimiiai la
mir 1111,11 in 1 11 1 lite I'lKiiu., i,r Mi k tut, niuiilim 1
ulllrt'il lo llnlit farll nt anld f Ii - i1hiiu i
l-iti. .11111. 11 wiiiuii iinifiy iiata iiiiiii tlip i,i,i
I- . n -l, !
lint auvr tup linniiraiinn iuit-i , u uii 1
I-.-I1III1III f hp n 11,'iinui 1, linn minim 11 im
nt'tHnar. yniir (iMimiti.. wiiu imn- inuili
til'.ll 11
r j 11 Mil'
soTit'i: itm pt iii.ti ATii N
1'nlti'il Mlatra lin.l Mil, c
iimt-'iiiirK, urn , ihi uniiH-i it I'.mi.
June , IS", I'litltlml "An ai l li,r tin-
Itmi, NVtHilaanil Waalilnctiin 'l-rrl lm jr ' a,
nini.- 111 . ,ii'kiii nn" . iii .iiij i,i,. i u i m. ii-
lirr nWnrii liiluuiimi Mn ejli, n.r tlm enn lin
tillliu NV ';il Ktn-tlnii Nn .'I. Tiinulili I
Hunt II. of ItilllrfU 1 Wrat nlnl III iiIKt pr-H,l Ii
"linn Hint lull 11.1111 ihiiikiii i- iiiiti' iniiininu in
iMirtf-mill til emalillali 111-r 1111111 lu .alii miui
Udnrii tilt HuKlKtur ami Itei trlv-r u( thu ullln
ai iiii-'iinrH, iiii'kiiii, 1,11 1111-r.iMy, 1 ur 1 ,111 nn
I Martli. W.
Hhu liaiatiaiia ullni-Mea
nlili KI-nliiKfr nl Kail rri-cii. uukihi tiunrKn
nirim III niulllKllulii, iiltntnil, .imp nip.iiiKcr
III I'.IIKVIIi), llri'Kiai.
Any and all htmiii ilalmliiK ailtertrl) I lm
nliiiiti-ilt'i'erll'til iHinla aro rtini'Miiit in llti
thi'lr i tnllii" In lliln nlllit' mi or U'limi ald llili
lay nl Jlarrli, V.t'l.
1 T IIiiiinikh. Iti'ilivr
11 IT I L.ll L III I Llilll. I
Stock so we will give you
i. ti ijim iri'i'mvT oat i. ..r
We liave tlie Host Shoos nnd
ClotliiitK made; Our Styles arc the?
Latest and our Prices are cut to
almost Cost.
Our Prices on Millinery are cut
to less than half the regular retail
Yours For Trade
1ST. ID. IGLsesx
The . . .
ItlvcrHt., CuIUku Grove.
We turryntiojttra Duo line of
MiiiinM ninl Ciu-urx, ninl llyna
linvu iit'iaxlnu tn want K'"" hi
iiuFIIno we wtiultt appreciate a
cull (ruin yen,
Rough Lumber,
S6perM. at
Saginaw, Or.
'like the Lohemla Xuzgoi.