Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 03, 1902, Image 6

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rubUlhxl BCT rlJy.
A Comprehensive Rtvlcw of the Important
Happenings of the Past Week
In u Condenj-d Porm Which
Ukely to Prove of Interest to Our Many
United States Senator Sewall is
A department store nt Victoria, II.
C., burned. Loss, ifl'oO.UW.
Germany is preparing to blockade
Venezuelan ports and enforce her de-
. ... .
l no Chincso court, win soon return
to i'ekin ana extensive preparations
Governor Shaw will not discuss the
policy ho will pursue when ho be-
comes secretary of the treasury.
Governor Tnft has loft 5Inil.i for
.. . . , r. .
iiio insurgent general oampson nas
surrcnucreu in doiioi.
Another corps of burghors will
formed in South Africa.
Fnnr nnraniiH iwrislip.1 in thn burn-
intr of rivnr atpiimnr nt Mcnnhi.
" 1
. ..... i f
..... . . il
Dill being passcu oy whs sess.ou o.
General Chafteo refused to interfere
in the court martial of n Filipino
Chile nnd Argentina have signed a
protocol agreeing to arbitrate their
I5y a gas explosion at a Kokomo,
Ind.. class factory, ono man was
killed and several injured.
Secretary Long, by direction of
President Roosevelt discharged 51a
clay from tho Brooklyn navy yard.
A Toledo, O., fire truck collided
with a street car, resulting in the
death of one fireman and tho injury of
several others.
Tne Chinese court will engtgo an
American adviser,
Fire at Springfield, 0., destroyed a
church building which cost .f JU.UOU.
Ex-Governor Shaw, of Iowa, has
been offered tho
secretaryship of the
v: ,,i n fivo sfnrv Xm York-
building, doing damage to tho extent
of $75,000.
, ,-.- rrir, , , . i n f 177 ffl hnrn l.n. minn I
.HUE 'l I ,uv J III, . . . ...uuw
nnn minviii if ir k.:li.m iiiilii..y.'.. i ink i
uu.u...k. .
diock xouauge.
Fire damaged the Champion coated
paper works, at Hamilton, O., to the
extent of nearly $1,000,000
Two masked men entered tho office
nf thn Almmnthv furniture factorv at
Leavenworth,Kan.,and got away with
the tri-weekly payroll of .f'JOO.
Argentina and Chile have signed a
prow i Buu...., n.o.t l
i il.!.
"IU"T lnylK.T fl:r ' "
country nus sigiiiueu na wiiiiiiguusn
The first torpedo boat built by Rus
aia at tho new Port Arthur navy yard
is a success. The boat has developed
a mean speed of 27 14 knots on her
trial trip.
Robbers entered the Chicago House
Wrecking Company s building, bound
and gagged two watchmen and blew
open tho safe. They took $33 from
tho watchmen. The amount taken
from the safe was not large.
The Consolidated Implement Com
pany and the Co-Operativo Wagon
and Machine Company, of bait Lake.
two of tho largest establishments of
their kind in tho West, havo been
consolidated. Tlio new concern will
bo known as the Consolidated Wagon
fe Machino Company. Its capital
stock has been fixed at $1,500,000.
Hall a million CernianB aro unem
Turks threaten to expel Americans
from Syria.
The Schley court of inquiry has
been dissolved.
Argentino people aro preparing for
war with Chile,
Forty-fivo lives were lost in a fire in
a Mexican town
Germany threatens forcible meas
ures against Venezuela.
Tho battleship Indiana lias been
ordered to La Guayra, Venezuela.
Governor Crane, of Massachusetts,
lias been offered tho treasury port-
General Miles has been reprimand
cd for meddling in tho Schley contro
Panama canal shareholders want to
soli thoir property to tho United
States at any prico.
Secretary Long has approved tho
ccrotarv nas approved tno
ings of the majority report of tho
ley court of inquiry.
Sampson 's application lor an in
quiry into tlio question of who coin
manded tho
boon denied.
Santiago squadron has
Tho new Gorman inspection law
will become effcotivo as regards im
ported meats, April 1, 1902.
Tho cost of schools for Indian chil
dren to the governmont was $2,489,
525 in 1900. Tho enrollment was
Dr. Punoho warns tho roichstagi that
tho United Statos is Germany's most
dangerous trade enemy and urges de
fensive measures against tho "Ameri
can peril."
The Fttnch Company Arrets to Sell
Interests for $40,000,000.
Paris, l)oo. 31. 51. Luinpre, soo
rctnry general of the Panama Ciuml
Comiuiny, sailed for New York today
on tlio French lino steamer L'Aqui
tune, from Havre, lie will confer on
his arrival in tlio United States with
'' p , , a number of Panama Company olll
, "., , cers, nml mako overtures for tho sale
u Mos uf the property to the United States.
In view of the doubt existing in
the United States regarding the price
tho l'anama Canal Company's repre
sentatives intend to ask for tho prop
erty, the correspondent of the Asso
ciated Press made inquiries from tho
best source of information on that
sui'ject, ana is onao say iiiai iiio
l''co will be approximately iu,uw,-
I wu. 11IJ3 v;.tiiuui jv;. i.m
as mo exact one, oecauso iiio com
,,,lt . ,. .ipis,.;.,,
im, i( ...jii ,,, lu, ..nrl,,.
v i c icr. The Isthmian eommis
sion's full report is now in possession
of tho Panama Company, and its vai
nations will bo studied in detail
1 ho report of the directors of the Tan-
ama uonmmy, cabled to tno asso
ciatcd i'ress. sain:
..... T, . , ., ,i,..t1u;a ,i
,;i..i.w,f ,ln,Urt,,n. ni f-,.,i. ..n.
tiatioiH the figures and declarations
maintained m the Isthmian coinmis
stuns delinito report
lho etiiuatcs reached by such Cllll
A i il 1.1 . 1 ....
iifiit inuii aru nut wiuuiziu iu iv uin;n
I IU UUVOIIUW. blllfllLLll llUfCIUIt 1VJ 1
. ...Msntiblo of reconsiders
i ,;on . matters mav remain
to be decided, such as a valuation of
tho company's stock of supplies, hut
nono oi theso is calculated to modify
the gross figuro to any extent. Tho
company does not intend to give tho
slightest ground (or anv further mis
understanding, and believes tho deh
nite prico put forward will now be lie
He Commanded the Saxcacus In the
vith the Rebel Ram Albemarle.
Washington, Dec. 31. Hear Ad
miral Francis Ashbury ltoo, U. S. X.,
retired, died here tonight.
Admiral Hoe was born October 4,
1823. He graduated from the naval
ncademy in June. 18-17, and, through
i series of promotions, became rear
ndmiral November 3, 1881. As exec-
utivc officer of the Porpoise, in 1831,
at Koulan bay, China, in an action
with id heavily armed pinks.
destroyed six and dispersed the others,
Ho was executivo officer of the Pen-
oauuu in loui, ivijuii it, u:isuu uuwn
. . '
... I nl nT n l,T, ..I.
. , . . . . .
i nnirainrilTn (vi TTori n j uni ar enn
stantfire. Ho was in Fnrrairut's
fleet in 18G2-C.1. and was in tho six
days' battle below New Orleans, and
many other naval engagements. He
wa3 commodore at Vera Cruz when
-Maximilian was executed by tho
Republican army of Mexico, and com
manded the cruiser Saxsacus May 5,
1804, in action with tho rebel ram
Albemarle, in tho sounds of North
CaroIin!l( ond defcatcd tho ram. He
was tho author of "Naval Duties and
New Governor of Washington Takes Oath of
Office Ceremony was Brief.
Olympia, Dec. 28. At 1:49 o'clock
this afternon, Licutenaant Governor
Henry G. 5IcUrido became governor
of the state of Washington. The
oath of oflico was administered by
Chief Justice Reavis, of tlio supreme
court. Tho inauguration, if such it
might bo called, took place in tho
supreme court room, and was wit
nessed by a number of state officials
and friends of tlio new governor. IJo
yond the administering of tho simple
oatn oi oinco to support tho constitu
tion, and perform the duties of the
oflico of governor to the host of his
ability, the ceromony was brief. At
its conclusion tho members of tho
supremo bench and stato officials and
friends of tho governor pressed for-
waru aim wisiied ins success, each
snaking lnm by tho hand.
JlcUndo was visibly affected, boine
unablo to resnond to u simln mm nf
thoso who shook his hand, while it
was noticed by
all that thero were
tears in his eyes.
Accident at a Mine Shaft.
Hartshorn, I. T.. Dec. 31. At
shaft No. 1, of tho JfcAlester Coal
Company hero today, whilo tho cago
was ascending with eight men, it
jumped its guidings about 100
from tho bottom of tho shaft
out of tho eight men woro killed.
'i' i i . ,
-iiiey were cuugui. oeiwcen tlio cago
unu mo uuniiiigs, and tlioir bodies
dropped to tho bottom of tho shaft.
All tho killed were Russians.
Coal Train Ran Away.
Scronton, Pa., Dec. 30. Just beforo
daybreak.this morning an Ontario &
Western train of 50 coal cars, drawn
by m t0I1 ,,,, rim ,
lull between Preston Park and Star
light, wrecking tho wholo trai
killing four of tho hands. The train
was running uu miles an hour.
Maclay Drops the Subject.
Now York, Dec. 31. Whilo ho wnR
drawing his pay at tho storekopeor's
department at tho Ilrooklyn nuvv
yard, Edgar Stanton 5Inclay said in
an interview: "Now that I havo
read tho letter of President Proctor,
of tho civil sorvico commission, I
shall let the wholo matter drop. Tho
third volunio of my history has been
revised, and so fur as I mil concerned,
tho Sampson-Schley incidont is
Sudden Turn lor the Wont lie Had Been
III Six Dayi With Lobar Pneumonia
Hit Succcnor, Lieutenant-Governor Mo
Bride, l a Kepubllcan Governor Ko$
crs Was a Democrat,
Olvmpia Dec. 27. Gov. John It.
Roger died last evening at 8 o'clock
after an illness of six days. Ho Ih'uiui
to sink and passed into n comatose
state. He grew steadily weaker
throughout tho day. The collapse
was a surprise to his physician and
lamily, us he restctd better Wednes
day night than he had during his ill
ness. Mrs. Rogers and the goxcrnor's
two daughters, Mrs. lllackmau and
5Iiss Helen Rogers, were at his bed
side all day. Tho governor's son
Edwin Rogers, who is in Loudon, was
cabled, and F. J. Rogers, the Stanford
university professor and A. C. Rogers
of Santa Barbara, wero sent for.
The first symptoms of Governor
Rogers' illness developed Friday.
Friday afternoon at his office he con
tracted a chill. A fever resulted and
by 10 o'clock Saturday morning the
governor began to complain of pains
in his chest. The fever increased
slightly and the pains became quite
severe. Sunday the first reports of
his condition were given out. It was
announced that he was suffering
from lobar pneumonia, the middle
lobo of tho right lung being affected.
Ho was attended by Dr. Ingham, of
Olympia. The governor was known
to bo a man of regular habits and
strong constitution and, although, in
ono of his advanced years, pneumonia
is never to bo lightly considered, it
was thought ho would pull through.
Tho patient suffered a great deal
of pain Sunday, but by 8 o'clock in
tho evening ho was routing much
moro easily and passed a good night.
Monday his condition remained un
changed. Monday night was again
passed comfortably and Tuesday
morning tho govornor rested easily
River Steamer Destroyed by Fire at
phis Four Passengers Perished.
5Icmphis, Tonn., Dec. 27.-
steamer Sun, employed in tho Mem
phis and Fulton trado, burned to tho
water's edgo at an early hour this
morning and four livos wero lost.
Thb firp was discovered at 4:10 A.
M. as tho steamer lay at her wharf
hero, and spread with such rapidity
that tho craft was a mass of flames
when tho department responded to
the alarm. When tho Sun arrived in
this port last night from Fulton,
most of tho passengers wont ashore,
but 10 or moro saloon passengers de
cided to spond tho nicht on board.
Tho loss to tho steamer and cargo
probably will roach $20,000, partially
Tho cost of a cablo across tho Pa
cific from San Francisco to Hono
lulu is estimated at about $3,000,000,
if everything goes smoothly.
Miners Must Leave Indian Lands.
Guthrio, O. T., Deo. 27. United
States Indian Agent Randlctt, of tho
Kiowa and Comaticho tribes, is send
ing out notices to all persons who
havo staked out mining claims on
Indian allotments that thoy must
vacate at onco or they will bo ojected
ny soldiers trom Fort Hill. Tho
action is based on tho opinion of tho
attorney general, approved by Scdro
uiry Jlitolicock, prohibiting minors
from filing on Indian allotments.
and was in a cheerful friimo of mind
On the earno day, the watchers by his
bedside announced IiIm condition to
bo satisfactory and the belief was ox
unwed that ho would recover, Oi
Christmas he was reported to bo td
improving. Stale Labor CoiiiiiiIm
sioner U illiaiu l. lllackuiiin, Ills
son-in-law, who was constantly at his
bedside, made the announcement that
if the disease did not spicad, ami
Unit time had arrived when il should
spread if at all, Dr. Ingham felt en
tlrcly comfortiiblo concerning his pa
It was yesterday that the IJrst turn
for tho worse came. Ily afternoon
ho was very weak ami tho end was
expected at any moment, llo was
unconscious and thcrefoio free fion
Governor Rogers will bo succeeded
by Lieutenant Governor .Mcllridn
who was elected on the Republican
ticket. Coventor Rogers was a Demo
from an Obicure Orucslit lie Koie to Be
(iovcrnor ol Waihln;ton,
John It. Rogers was born in Brims
wick, Me., September !, 1831. llo
received a common school education.
From 1852 to 1850 ho was a drug
clerk in Boston, and manager of it
drug storo in Jackon, Miss., lor the
next four years. From 18150 to 18(5(5
he wns a farmer and school teacher
in Illinois. Tho next 10 years of his
life were spent as a farmer and drug'
gist in tho same stato. Ho went to
Kansas in 1870, and engaged in farm
ing. Ho became organizer of tho
Farmers' Alliance in 1878. Later ho
eerved us editor of tho Kansas Com
moner for several years at Wichita,
and during that time hold several
minor offices.
In 1890 ho moved to tho stato of
Washington and settled at Puyallup,
where ho engaged in tho drug busi
ness. Ho was elected a member of
the Washington legislature in 1891
as a Populist. In the memorable
three-cornered convention held at El
lensburg in August, 189(5, ho was
nominated for governor on tho fusion
ticket, aftor ono of tho greatest im-
litical struggles in tho history of tho
state. Ho was elected by a larco ina
jority. In September, 1900, ho was
renominated by tho Fusionists at
Seattle, and ro-electcd by nearly
2,000 majority.
New Burgher Corps Formed.
Pretoria, Dec. 27. Tho formation
of a new burgher corps, to bo known
as National Scouts, has aroused great
interest among tho surrendered
burghers. In view of tho numerous
meetings ond applications, General
Lord Kitchener has authorized tho
creation of fresh wings to operate in
tho Southern and Eastorn Transvaal,
under prominent Uocr leaders olected
by tho burghers themselves. It is
stated that much of tho recent suc
cess of tho Ilritish is duo to tho co
operation of Cellior's and Cronjo's
commands, acting under General
Rruco Hamilton.
Inurles In Two Wrecks.
Grand Bali no, Tox. Deo. 27. In a
freight wreck near Silver Lako today
15 cars wero dorailed and fivo porsons
moro or less injured. The Texas it
Pacific "Cannon Hall" engine, which
had been detached and sent with a
wreoking crow, was derailed whilo
coming from tho freight wreck and
four men wero injured, nono fatally,
Fate of a Practical Joker,
Duckbill, Miss., Deo. 27. Frank
Royal, a young hum, was shot nml
killed near this placa last night by'
tho daughtor of his brother-in-law, J.
a. mum, wnom no niitt ins wilo woro
visiting. 5Iills and Itoyal loft for
IU 111 u
town in thoovoning, and upon thoir "'iporiauoiis.
return, for tho sako of a joko, Itoyal I Chicago univorsity froshtnon hold a
failed to answer Mrs. Mills, who called debato on tho question whether foot,
to him as ho started into tho hallway, ball should bo continued as an ath
Ueatrico Mills, a 14 year old girl, . lotio sport of colleges, and decision
eoized a shotgun and shot him, was in tho negative
PARTS OF OREGON. and Happenings ol lin.
portance A Brief Review of the Growth
and Improvements of the Many Indutlrles
Throughout Our Thriving Ccimmmwtalth
Latest Market Report.
Governor Geer pardoned three fion
viols the day before OhristnuiH.
Murderers Wade and Dall'in havo
been sentenced to hang January 31
Another rich strike has been made
in Southern Oregon, near GrantH Pass
Tim asHcHsmont roll for Lane conn
ty for 11KKI shows $5,709,853 iissessa
bio property.
Another holdup near Oregon City
has been reported, in which a shot
was taken at the highwayman.
A new logging corporation, tho
Yeon V I'cltou Company, has Ihhiii
formed, with u capital of $150,000, to
operate an extensive plant at Rainier.
Three timbers, UK) feet long and
about 18 inches by 20 inches, cut from
Oregon trcoH, havo lxon shipped EiiMt
for bridge purposes. They extended
over three Hat cars.
The immigration to the vicinity of
ludcicnilenco in the past three
months has been omul to that of the
four previous years. The new com
crs arc generally oplo of means and
on the lookout for good homes.
Great preparations are being made
for tho Oregon limners' Cmigrest,
to I hi held in Hiilom January 15-9.
Tho Oregon Dairymen's Association
will hold its annual meeting at the
same time and place in conjunction
with tlio congress.
The drill of the oil well loing bored
near Springfield, has encountered gold
in small quiintitiori.
A larmer near 1 lie Dalles was
robbed of $1,400 recently. Tho money
was concealed in tho barn.
Tho new smelter at tho Standard
mine, Maker county, has been run
ning some time and has proved a great
A rich quartz ledge has been un
covered on Tip Top mountain, of the
China creek district, u few miles east
of Grants Puss.
C'lyotn hunting is a very profitable
rnii,n) ineiii in thn eastern part of
tho state, tho law allowing $2 for
each scalp taken.
Tho now 25 stamp mill of tho
Hoo-iior Hoy .Mining Company,
Prairie Diggings district, has U'cu
installed and is running constantly.
Tho now strike at the Lucky Hoy
mine, In the llltio river district, is
even richer than estimated at first.
Tho ore assays from $000 to $900 to
tho ton.
A now hydraulic mine has just been
started up on Louse creek, Southern
Oregon. The grounds aro very rich
and the new mine promises to liecomo
an important placer gold producer.
Chief Justice It. S. llean, of tho
Oregon supreme court, has been
chosen to represent this stato at a
gathering of lawyers at tho Louisiana
Purchase Exposition at nt, Louiv in
Portland Markets.
Wheat Walla Walla, 5900c ;hluc-
stem, (51c; valley, 59(ii(i0o,
Hurley Feed, $170417.50; browing.
$17.50f$18 per ton.
Oats No. 1 white, $1Q$1.10;
gray, 9.)c$l.
Flour Rest grados, $2.70$3.30
per barrel ; graham, $2.50.
5Iillstu!Vs Until. $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $20; shorts, $18; chops, $17.
Hay Timothy, $11(12; clover.
Vri4f.ou; uregon wild bay, .foGju per
.Million i.aiiins, JijtffiC.nsc, cross;
Irossed, Oo per pound; sheep, weth
ers, .JJ.i$c, gross; dressed, (i(i(.
por pound ; owes, .iMWiiwo, gross:
dressed, b05(o per pound.
Hogs Gross, 5!4o; dressed, 00Co
por pound,
Veal 89o per pound.
Roof Gross, cows, 3 Id ; steers.
J)i4c; dressed, 37o per pound.
liuttor Creatnory. 25 (8 27 lie:
dairy, 1820o; store, 12(3 15cJ
Eggs 20(322 for cold storage:
2225 for Eastern ; 2830 for fresh
Poultry Chickons, mixed, $2,500
3; hens, $3.504j 84'Jo por pound;
springs UlUo por pound, $2.50(33
por dozen; ducks, $50 for young;
gecso, $i).oU .Hi) per dozen; tur-
koys, live, 11I2; 13(314 dressed
por pound.
Cheese Full croam, twins, 13
'iljjoj Young America, 1415o.
Potatoes Rest Hurlmnks, 85o
$1. 10 por cental ; ordinary, 7080o.
Hops 8l0o per pound.
Wool Valley, ll14o; Eastorn
Oregon, 812o; mohair, 2121Jo
per pound.
Invasion of England by Amorican
shoes raises u plaintive protest from
Dritish makers.
Tho Uritish tobacco trust coused a
pago advertisement to bo printed in
..... .
1"u Pnpourgnig smokers to boycott
ji... . I,
' "I nmtnaiie VfllflUi
rorls-lleet Warships Colled.
U',.ul. I.
ing oi Herman warn lin
II v of Venimin IL II ml lli.. .
I t.k u I Hi..
l " Will'
J l
Ml- I. Mil Kniii.i . . .
tiiinnifin m i.m-i;mil; nilMiliith to
I It I tit HUM till l il I ill J .
"viiiiiiimillit WITH!
.., ......... IILLIlllini, flll'ZII
nun nil liiii ti riiiiiii irnviiriitt.ittti
not made public thn rxm-t detail
1 1 1 1 1 , i ! j, .1 1 1 1 . I., ll... It..:, i ... . .
confined to an inquiry as t the
dull, ..r i.i
nut to acquire any permanent
(.111 l.l, Ui... , .
: fw" miH'iii was entirely sa
. ........ , i., iu unrinan iiuthorilli
wno since mvu proceeded with I
execution of Uieir plans for coord
Voiioxtiela. 1
H is said tlmi the first prnbV
novo ny normally will be the vi
lishment of a blockade of Veiien2
jvorts so as to prevent the linportaf
in ioisi products into Venezuela
mil starve tlio besieged into siilitl
sion. Ventuiifla, it i aid, is cut
ly dependent on the mitmdc worldl
Its supply of corn, which ,i t
among the VeneznoliiiK, Tin
more of the main ports of Vi-m iio
iiii.un urn uxiH'uieu in ncriiiiv "ill1
probably La Guayra nnd Maru. uf
Most positive assurances have Im
given to tho United States g."
incut that the occupation is t.
temporary, and only for such li-nt
of time ai.will permit tlierolln i,,it
tho debt duo to the Ccrmaio, lit
disposing of the report that tl
an ulterior purpose to cHtabliHlil
German coaling station m
zuelan soil.
un mo part oi vcneinela it in in
nllicially uiidurtsood that I'n - i.l-
Castro has made kotvn that In- i- pi
pared for any eventuality. Tin
complete silence, however, us t,. tl
defensive measures V nem
adopting, but there is m
Mial sue Is laying flumes or ir iu ill
in any way to resist an oerupat n.n
La Guayra or Mantcaiho, wlnrli i
hucii open ports llial they un- prurj
tically defenseless against such
till armament us the Oermniix unj
bring to bear. Tho reliance nf
.uela appears to be on the priii'tniil
dlilicultlos Germany will eucouiiiei
Gale at Vancouver II. C. Caused $100.0001
Danube to Sltlpps.
Vancouver, II. O, Dee. 30. Tbol
worst storm for several years struck;
Vancouver at midnight last night
and continued all day today, (ireat
damage was done, especially toMiiull
shipping, the total loss Iniilig esti
mated at alKJiit $100,000. I'ho
steamer Aorangi, coming in from
Australia, lay in English bay all
night and got her anchor foul of the
Canadian Paailic cable to Victoria,
the end of which is now lost. The
cable station was wrecked by tho
storm ami logs piled against it. The
bark hli.aliolh Nicholson dragged
her anchor across tho harbor and
went broadside against tho Hastings
mill wharf. Hlio broke tlio copper
sheathing over her bows, but no holes
wero stove in her, The bow of the
steamer Active was carried onto tho
wharf and tho vessel considerably
Indulged. Fifteen small steamer
went adrift and were more or less
Wreckage has been picked up in
the gulf, including several eases of
Maska Packing Company's salmon,
marked "Todd, ley Pass." 'I besc
arc thought to bo either trom n
south bound Alaska steamer or inun
the Maiuliinder. The latter Inn not
arrived and there is no news here un
to whether she left Hcattle on time or
Helena, Mont., Struck by a Storm Almost
Without Warning.
Holena, Mont., Dec. 30. A storm
struck "Helena this morning with u
suddenness that was startling. An
apparently calm, warm morning was
transformed in almost a twinkling
into what was a bowling blizzard.
A few minutes beforo tho storm
struck many noted a peculiar cloud
cfTcct in tho valley. A hugo cloud,
shaped like a great mountain, leaden
in color, reaching from tho valley of
Prickly Pear to tho vaulted ilomo
above, swept up tho valley, resemb
ling in many respects tho cloud that
usually menus n tornado in other
states. When the cloud reached
Holena it proved to bo tho iidvnnjjv,
guard of a blizzard that struck tlio
town with tho fury of a genuine
North Dakota creation. Tho snow
descended rapidly whilo tho wind
raged. Tho storm lasted almost an
hour, and since then thorn has been
a high wind. Tho storm caino from
tho northwest and was general over
Western mid Central Montana.
Tornado at Naples.
Homo, Deo, 30. A tornado swojit
over Naples today, causing consider
able damage. A woman was killed
and 311 persons woro injured, Many
buildings in tho surrounding country
wero demolished and a considerable
amount of railroad proporty was de
stroyed. Tho tornado and tho subse
quent floods caused tlio loss of several
lives. A ceuiotory nt Naples was
washed away.