Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 03, 1902, Image 5

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.'.hi' S'i'ii ; it in iuixdn unri;
.Jin" "
A letter Irom llie mining iimungef
cf the Jiislwiii Kock Company, A.
D, l.e U'i 1 1 5 week hringH iiuwh
f a new Mlilke on the Three
jlrolht-rs claim of tlint company.
, tunnel Iiiih lieeu run in 2,t feet
u ilie fnce of it is now in wilid
itiii-i! fret In tliu center lii-inu
vi v - - rt
Koliil gtny copper ore, nnil the
other two feel heliig galena nud
copper mixed. Thin in Koiiicthiug
tliul has not before been encountered
In ilieoiinp. A mu'k of this ore was
sent out anil nit iihh.iv give $m
In gold I'er loo. Sample of thin
fine oie can lie wen nt the Sher
wood Hotel and nt the Nugget
office. Work if ttrndilv going
nhcml and the ore living taken
out mid piled reidy fur shipment
when spring opeiin. The utork of
this company is now heing sold in
a limited quintily for development
purpoNes at three cents per Minrc.
mid those in minim; circlen who
are coinprti tit tujudue consider it
nn opportunity for investment sel
dom uHer-d to the general public.
Do not fuvivl I . (Illvnil the
iiiiiUKiiui liui at Marl In' Hull
on ll'rilnriiliii crviiliij nr,
.liinilitrn Slli.
Th" dinning lor the China din
ner set of hi pieces, valued at $35,
tiiiit was to be (ivei ns a free New
Year's nilt to the lucky one whose
name should be drawn from the
Ih).. took place at the store of U.
W Nev land Monday afternoon at
2 o'clock A goodly number of
the would-be luekv ones were
present and expectation ran high,
for all were represented in the bos
and none could tell who would be
made happy by the possession of
this h.uulsntre set. Mrs. King
made the drnuingnud pulled out
No. Cm, touring the name of
Charles Johns. Parties present in
formed Mr. Ncwlaud that Mr.
Johns is an employe nt the Sagi
naw mills. He has indeed won n
most handsome nud complete din
ner set
Come lutliv iniiitKiitfvllim next
IVvilitvHilitH eeeiilmj ill Miti'llii'.
Tint I.K Knv Comi'avv.
The geared hoist machinery thnt
was ordered some lime nio for the
I.e Roy Company arrived this
week and was loaded by H''ii
1'iicher, the freighter, nud taken
to the company's property iu IJo
hemia. Since the company ac
quired (he I.aura group sinking 011
the shaft of the J.e Roy has been
suspended and work has been
vigorously pushed on the I.aura
tunnel. Everything is moving
nicely at the mine.
Tliis week the real estate firm ol
Phillips & Wheeler have occupied
their new quarters on the corner of
Main and Fourth streets. They do
11 general real estate business, life
nud fire insurance and lire ener
getic mine prptnoters. Their new
quarters are not large, but are cosy,
neat mid tastefully fitted up and
they are now ready to welcome
their old friends nud are desirous of
meeting all who have business in
their lines.
WicimiNC! Annivicusaky.
The many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. J. I. Jones gathered at their
home on Monday evening to cele
brate their tenth wedding anniver
sary. A delightful evening was
spent in conversation, music, song
nud recitation and the guests de
parted wishing the host and
hostess n long nnil happy life.
II 11 mil 1 1 1 1 MB ll II
Come to the muHsmvetlnu nca-t
Veil it cmla 1 i'(i 1 1 1 (tt Mi I'll "
Watch Nioiit.
The custom of watching flic old
year out and the new year in was
observed at the M. K. Church in an
appropriate manner by n number
of the devotees of that faith. It
was also attended to by a dance nt
the Masonic Hall which was par
ticipated in by over one hundred
couples, who gave little heed to
passing Time mid made merry witu
the new-born King.
Robert Rudolph mid the City Mar
shal Relieved or Their Cash.
Ot Tuesday evening nhoul 7
o'clock while 011 his way home mid
in MiRht of the house, old man
Rudopli wim held up by two young
men, his pockets rifled and 00 cents
taken from him. No violence was
offered. He says the robbers were
young men. the taller one heinir
.ibuut so and the smaller one about
I S years of ajt It was not very
dark ntthe time nud Mr. Rudolph
thinks he would recognize Ihc hoys
were he to sec them again.
On Wednesday evening about
y: 1 5 City Marshal Hert Nunu was
halted on River street by two men
about his size and relieved of about
$31. money he had that day col
lected for water taxes for the city.
He had earlier iu the evening
walked out with Henry Veatch to
his home near the south end of
town. He then returned as fur as
the electric light plant, where he
stopjied for n while. While there
he changed his revolver from his
overcoat pocket to his pants hip
pocket, thus carrying it where it
could not readily be gotten at when
he held up. Alter leaving the
light station '.ic had proceeded but a
short distance this side, and was
just abreast of the old barn on River
street opposite thei old bridge, in a
very dark and lonely spot, when he
was suddenly commanded to stick
up his hands by two men who
jumped out of an alleyway with
leveled revolvers, one iu front and
the other behind him. He was
quickly relieved of his money and
the robbers decamped through the
alley mid behind the old shack next
to the barn, leaving the marshal
nlone iu the gloaming with noth
ing but his pistol mid star. He
came into town, got assistance and
a lantern and returned to the scene
of the lost shekels to find the foot
prints of the outlrws in the mud
He continued the hunt all night,
but the birds had flown and no
trace has lieeu left. Tilings are
livening up and it will behoove
those who are out after dark to
curry their weapons handy.
Woddmhn's Social.
On Satnrdny evennig the Wood
Mimi nt' the World mid the Women
of Woodcraft will entertain in a
basket social their friends on the
oocasion of the occupancy of their
new quarters in the Lewis &
Veatch building on the corner of
tnin nml Fourth streets. This
large hall has just been remodeled,
thoroughly renovated and equipped
in a most comfortable, convenient
.i.i(t im-to-dnte manner, including
a handsome three-ply hrusscls car
pet of unique design. 1 ins nan
til! nlcn 111 !hr ftittiiL be the lodirc
home of the Knights of the Maca
bees, Ladies of the Maeabees,
Foresters and of the knignts 01
Pi.fl.ins. Anarttuents have been
set aside as anti-rooms with closets
and lockers for the separate accom
modation of the paraphernalia of
each lodge, so that harmony must
always ensue. All iu "U tlicy
have a splendid Home aim
Woodmen of the World ami
Woodcraft will be the
first .to invite their friends to the
i.n.imift of inauguration. That
enjoyment will rule the hour goes
without saying.
That Gouv Watch Dkawing.
a . nvwfc on New Year's day
the enterprising .firm of Kakin s
Bristow pulled off the drawing for
the handsome gold watch which for
several months tliey nave b
,r fn-o tickets entitling up
holder to a chance in its winning.
The lucky number drawn was 4278.
and before evening the holder pre
sented himself in the person of Ru
dolph Gerisch. a farmer, who lives
' .. 1. ,.r inuMi on the
three miies wesi , 7
Loranc road. This was indeed a
very handsome gift, being valued
t about o, but the lucky winner
will prize it much higher than tb
intrinsic value fro... the fact of the
mod omen of its coming to him on
the first day of the newyear.
Itea.1 real entutu bawuiw'oC
Knox it (,0
Pcrsoiju I pn pugru pits.
Jni- biiiuk'HH lias udiic up to Holiciiila
tlltU U'l.ltb I. in ll
- nwinu LIIIIU. j
lt!V. .'. Zimmerman will timicli nt !
niiglmiw noxt Untidily iiftoniooii nt 2 :.'I0
Ijnki' Knox linHKomi up In Bohemia
mid will loimiin in Km hill for tumu
1 1 fiiu.
Tliodhnn fwlnl nt Hid rciiillnj room
on U'ediiuMlay uveimiK WHH null nitemlml
iiuu 1, tviy Ulljuyilllll! IIII1U wits llllll.
A.. I. AriiiHlioiiu will preiich In the
Clinstliiii Uliurcli next Kiinrhiy, inornine
ami evunint;. All mu invited to attend.
(ieoryu KoiiHi! Hent iii 10 Holieuiiit
iIiim week, lie hiifl Kovernl intuients III
till! illHtrinL tu limk iiIiit tlllft tllfll. ulnt.
all winter.
.Mr. I'lelelicr of Iho .Montana yrotii
ol in 1 nun in ilolieiniu Htopped oil' nt tliu
(rou til im week unroutu from l'orl
hind to his homo in Medfuid.
Kndolnli Cliiiu of tin. (
elniiii, near Clnyn camp below Montit
ltii'il, wiiH in town hint, week lltld en
joyed the iluliHlitH of tliu holidays.
Ilarty Knowlton nunu down fiom the
mirvoy on .Monday with a fuloii on Iiih
rilit hiiml. Dr. Willi liuieed mid
dru, mil it and ilia now netting along
all rii;ht.
At the .M. Iv. Chnruli next Sunday
illuming tliu piiHtoi will piuacli an illun
truted -erinon. I'aruntH with their
ulultlrun iiri!unieeinlly invited. Services
111 the evening im imual,
(Ihnrley Itiiinunn rutnniud hero on
Moiinuy mini 11 viml lo his two urothuiH
ut CtiHtle Uuek over in Washington, lie
Iiiih lieeu hiivingii inuHt pleni'iiiit time of
late nnil 111 a day or two goen Kick to the
Mrs. 0. F. Knox and her hum I'miik
icturiHsl liomc tu I'.iiKfiiu on .Muiiany
niter a jileueant visit in the drove. Her
uged p.uentH, (Jiiiiidpa and (..raiidnin
C'liuremli iicconiMiiieu hur to iciiiain
during the w inter.
A dance at Martin's Hull on Wednes
day evening furinttiud much cnjoymuiil
to tliu devotees of terpecoru wlio pur
ucipated. It wan 1111 invilution alluir
Him tliu Nugget man wait eoKtly, cruelly
and with iinduce uloieihuiigut over
looked. Harvey Wiillnco nlipped and fell eoinu
live leet, HtriKing tin: nacK raila, on
it eUiiesiiny 111111 mug wlnlu at work at
tliu aagiintw ducks loaning jnlilig. He
wiih v.-iy h.tdly eliaken up hut is nil
right now. l)r Job attended the in
juied 111.111.
James II. Haw ley lias gone to South
ern Culituriiiii lor the winter. His
noiue, wilu, Pahie.s nud a lot of other
guon looking puojilu dwell tliereand lie
tieoiieii to 11111KU tliem nil 11 long vixlt
lie ill return heie when the biiimiier
coiiilh again.
llerhuit Leigh, the usHiiyer of Kugene,
una III town 1 1 1 1 1-4 week, lie lian tinu
uiiniug pioperty iu ltoheuiia and ih
looking well lo lila inlcicatij there,
realizing Hint the Inline ol Unit camp
will oimg a full rewind for time, laOur
aim money npi-nt 111 IU duvelojuu eut.
K. J. Jennings dropped down from
I'oitlaiid liilnweek a nay or iwo una
liltlu immnei'd liver and to U'ish Ins
iiniiiy ineuda licit) a happy New Year.
i;icK was decked out .-pick and npau in
liiilor-iuade liaiueaa and wiih happy and
ligutot Heart iind Hhed joy uboiil all Iiih
W. C. Conner, editor and puhlinher
of the Hoauhuig Plaindenler, was in tlie
(jiovu a lew days this week vifiting
telatives and fiiemlH. lie wore now htoie
clothe!', wiih beaming in hiiiiIch and hie
liearlv luuidHhaku nad the true touch.
All ol' which goes IohIiow that W. C. iH
lioldiug Iiih own if not jinn a tulle aliead
foi a otarler on the new year.
Attention iH called to the dicplay "ad"
in another column of Shaiuilclt's pho
tograph gallery on Hiver Mieet, op-110-itu
Iho .Maconic Hull. Mr. tjliana
lelti.snii old hand at tliu litis' iichh nud
has the verv latest of impioved tools
and method'. to operato with and turns
out line pic'iires. tin and fee him for
he wants to taku your pictuie.
1J. b. l'iokard went to the Good Sn
inaiitim llospitnl lit I'crthii.d on Tliu rH
day Hiiircring from inllamiition of the
gall bladder. He Iiiih been very sick for
hcveral davs, hut was beemingl.v im
proved when he went to the hospital.
)r. Job advised Ids going on account of
the excellent euro at that institution
and the possibility of tin operation buing
H. J. boo on Monday of this week de
paited for Honolulu to uccept a po
sition iih chemist at the government ex
perimental station there. Ho recently
leturiied from Ciinnd Junction in Colo
rado, where ho Iiiih been employed as
night chemist nt the sugar factory
there. Mr. Leo !h the eon of lieorge
ben, the well-known contractor of this
citv, and ho has a host of friends hero
wlio wish him bon voyage and the best
of luck in his new Hold of usefulness.
The entertainment on 'luesday
nitrltt civeu by this really talented
company was highly appreciated
by a large audience and was a de
lightful surprise to many present.
The sinning of the lady quartette
was charming, the violin work of
Tulius A. Urander was excellent
and the instrumental nnd character
entertaining of I.ouis McPike was
simply all that could be wished,
especially in his rendition of
"Haunted by a Tune." This con
cert was decidedly the best enter
tainment that the Groveites have
witnessed iu many a day.
Valuable- mining property in Ho
liomln for sale. Jerome Knox and to.
ltcml the llohemlit XiKjyvt.
kocul greVcties.
A line Ilnool riding bridled nt Fred
(JiiIu'h harness shop.
liny your glass seed of Kakin A Jlris
linltmiburt; tiolnt lace rinttnrns nnd
braid at Lurch h.
Take your Hhoes to the West Side
hnriiesH shop for repairs.
Tlio-u diamonds ntll.C. Mndsen nre
beauticH . Cull and nee them.
Try 11 .Sunday dinner at the Imckiiiai,
IIotki.. Kerved from 12 1 :.'iO p
111. nud up to date in all respects.
- J. . 1 V 1 1 : u ( y svotion
;iha ih oij
(ojoih aiufi iij;.f ii)i)
H3ddtiH .iiup Jno
Xnq oj oanpl i)tj,
pii him iioXiniu,
ojiih J.I..I.W it;ii puy
plipil 4II0A' I1J
Ono ii-incli Stoughton tliimble-skein
Ono Mitchell .'i-lnch tlilinble-skein
One set of team harness.
Apply to Clirisiunn & Jiangs' livery
stable, Cottnge Grove, Oregon.
We nell choice lots in the Long &
llinglinin property, lately platted nnd
adjoining Cottage Grove, right nt the
junction of the S. 1'. U.K. and the C. G.
A. IS. H. K. Prices accoidiiig to locality.
Jkiiomi: Knox & Co.
You can buy nnv preparation at.T.
I'. Currin's tlint fs advertised in any
paper. Kemembor we make a specialty
of family receipts.
The liens n Drug Company is in re
ceipt of and now has on sale n large nnd
choice lot of lovely toilet, glove, hand
kerchief, necktie, perfumery and other
ingemus boxes, which will make hand
some Christmas and New Year presents
for ladies and gentlemen . They have
a big variety of every kind for young
and old, grave and gay, nnd each and
nil of thou beautiful articles aro marked
down within the reirh of nil. Never
before has there been brought to this
old mid reliable house sueli a wealth
of unique and useful articles for the
holiday season, nnd the nicest thing
about it all is that you can uet tliem
almost at your own price. They are
there on display. You are welcome nnd
invited to inspect them, and Doc Patter
son will be pleated to show yon the
splendid goods nnd tell you all about
On Friday Inst a package containing
three little' bundles, one being an in
strument used in surveying. The
bundle wiih lost on the Knox hill just
east of town. The finder will greatly
ohligo by leaving the package at this
A good income bearing property in n
thriving mill town In Oregon for sale or
trade. For information address Lock
Box 11, Cottage Grove.
The Oregon Farmers' Congress will bo
held ut Salem, January Oth to 9th, 1902,
inclusive. "The Oregon Dairymen's
Association" nnd the "Oregon Live
Stock Association" will hold their an
nual meeting nt the same timoand place.
Thu Oregon State Hoard of Agriculture
will likewise hold special meetings for
the purpose of preparing a program for
next year's State I'liir. The Fruit Men,
State'Grangoand Hop Men will ulso be
In view of iho recent rapid advance
ment in stock raising nnd dairying
throughout tho state, the-u meetings
should bo of great benefit to ill inter
ested in ngriuulturc, and an unusually
lingo nttenilanco is assured.
For this occasion the Southern Pacific
will grant n round trip rate of a faro and
one-third, on tliu certificate plan, to
.1 .......,!
inosu auuiiuinn.
New backgrounds and acces
sories. B&t Lenses and Cameras.
15 years
8 years in
Portland. Nothing but first-class
work. All work guaranteed.
Lowest prices, call and examine
work. ,
Opposite Masonic hall. West
side, Cottage Grove.
A wintor trip to Southern California
and Arizona via the famous Shasta
Houteisono never to bo forgotten. He-
tiowcd acquaintance with this section
will over develop fresh points of interest
and added sources of enjoymont undor
lis Sllllliy 6K108, 111 1110 vaiiuiy ui 111
terests and added industries, in Its pro
lift., ff.i.iitntttiii inn. 1111101117 its number
loss resorts of mountain, shoro. valley
and plain. Two trnins leave Portland
daily, morning nnd evening for Call-
r.wt.ln Tlmaft tfnlnu nrn pnninned with
the moat improved pattern of standard
and tourist sleeping cars, und tho low
rates place the trip In roach of all.
For illustrated guides of California
and Arinonu winter resorts, address.
It. II. MjMiMt, (Jen. Pas. Agent,
Foitlaiul, Or.
We have made it a point since starting in business to
keep a clean, strictly up-to-date GROCI'RY, and as
a result we note a steady increase of customers.
High-grade Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables are
our Specialties.
Special prices quoted to the milling trade.
Call and be convinced that our aim is to please you.
A. Q. Young, Manager.
c .
J3oh.emia, Oregc ri.
General Merchandise,
Miners' Tools and
Give us a call and we will treat you right.
Bon Ton Meat Market
Main Street, Near Fourth
CB eagle & jVIcFarland
We keep constantly on hand the choicest of Beef, Veal, Mutton,
Pork, Sausage and Fresh Fish in season. Your trade is solicited and
our effort will be to please and satisfy you.
Carry the most complete line of Hardware, Stoves and
Tinware in south Lane county. Also a fine line of Guns,
Ammunition and Fishing Tackle. We are Headquarters
for Mining Supplies, Hurcules Powder, Fuse and Caps.
Also agents for the celebrated Studebaker Wagons, Canton
Clipper Plows and Harrows. In fact anything you may
want in the Hardware, line.
Call and See Us and We will Treat You Right.
Having purchased a very large
and extra choice
are offering them
prices. Call and see them
Under Odd Fellows' Building
Successors to WHEELER & SCOTT.
We will continue to carry a full and complete
stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Mining
Supplies, Fish Bro's. Wagons, Oliver Chilled und
Steel Plows, Etc. ::::::
Music Lessons
V-On the Piano.
A lalo Grailcil Gorman Method otMuslo
Is now being taught nt the C. 1'. Manso hy
Mrs. L.D. Beck.
Recitals will bo given Rt proper intervals
thus giving parents nn opportunity to noto
j 50 cents per lesson, 30 minutes each
assortment, and
at extremely low
GO 'lOsm
For Fashionable Dressmaking.
main sthkbt
Cottaou Gkovm, Okk.
ISewnreofalr dried or half dry floor
iiit', eeilliitf and rustic. The Booth
Kelly Lumber Co. are inaKing speeih
priuea on kiln-diied liunbeu