Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 03, 1902, Image 4

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klltornnd rubllnors.
Kntorcil nt the twtolllpc at Cnttnge drove,
Oregon as Second Claw mall umt'er.
Hntcrlitliiii rl'C. tfl.M), In nUnnrc
AtlvnrtUluir Jtutew iiihi'o known upon
--Ag ,, i i J-
THIS I'M'KK U kopt on lllo at K C. Drake'
Advertising .Wency, ill uikI (Vi Merchant Kx
change. San ITnnel'Wo, California, where con
tract for advortlaltiK can bomado for U.
Friday, January 3, 1902.
The many renders of the Nugget
have our earnest and most sincere
wishes for a happy and prosperous
New Year. To all those who have
helped us by their patronage we
extend thanks. Our aim shall be
in the future to make the Nugget
worth v of their patronage and
commendation. The varied in
terests 01 bouth Lane countv
shall be closely guarded and pro
moted at all times. We believe
that Cottage Grove has a great
future. Its varied contributory
interests are all in the ascendancy
and the future will surely bring
great good. The agricultural,
stock, timber and mirjing interests
that surround us will in the near
future send Cottage Grove to the
front with leaps and bounds. No
section of our great state has more
to look forward to and the Nugget,
as in the past, shall continue to
sound its praises.
Massmeeting to Be Called
for Wednesday Evening
Next, January 8th, at
Martin's Hall to Discuss the
Jlaltroutl Situation ana" Take
Di'linite ami il'inul Action.
K X-
The New Year's edition of the
Oregon Statesman of fifty-six pages,
printed on fine gloss book paper,
and elegantly illustrated with half
tone pictures of all the state and
county buildings, many of the large
business houses and manufacturing
establishments, its leading and most
prominent men, and containing a
wonderful store of information
about Salem and Marion county,
reached our table yesterday. It is
an edition for the Statesman to be
proud of, and the commonwealth of
Salem and Marion county should
feel a pride in supplying the sinues
of finance to so able a journal. The
Nugget congratulates the States
The mammoth New Year Ore
gonian, sixty-four pages, splen
didl3 illustrated and covering with
minute detail the vast and varied
resources of the whole state, is an
achievement worthy of that great
paper. As year succeeds year this
great journal excels its past ex
cellence in the matter of its annua
edition, tne ever untoiding re
sources of Oregon furnishing new
and surprising themes The native
and pioneer have for many years
accepted it as their bible, and now
the prospector and the miner are
looking to it as their Moses leading
out to the financial world. All
praise to the enterprise and push of
the Oregonian.
The time is now at hand when it
is imperative that the business men
ami property owners of this city
must take upon themselves the
duty of securing for the proposed
Cottage Grove and Bohemia rail
road the free and perfected right of
way for the conjunction of thai
road. Many little quibbles have
arisen and a disposition is being
shown on the part of some of the
owners of the land through which
the road must pass, if built at all.
to retard its progress by unjust and
unreasonable demands, while others
take no interest in the project and
seemingly do not care whether Cot
tage Grove goes forward to a sub
stantial future or stands still. To
arrive at a definite understanding
of this most vital question and get
a free and full expression of the
citizens of this community, and to
put matters in shapefor immediate
and energetic action, a massmeeting
is now to be called for Wednesday
evening, January 8th, at Martin's
Hall, where it is the wish and de
sire that all parties interested will
be in attendance. The represen
tatives of the railroad people will be
there to lay before our citizens thei
plans, aims and intentions and hope
to meet all who are in any way in
terested in the building of the road
especially the farmers who live and
own property on Row river.
If the road is built and equipped
an outlay of from $300,000 to $500,
000 will have to be expended. This
That the Oregon Mining Stock
Kxclmnge 1ms been quietly per
forming its mission during the sus
pension of the calls for the holiday
season, is evinced by the fact that
telegraphic orders for stock have
been received almost daily. Daily
calls on the floor of the Ivxchange
were resumed yesterday ami a
number of new properties were
found listed. Much inteiest was
aroused in Oregon mining prop
erties in Kastern financial circles
by Secretary Hard during his re
cent trip, and increased interest in
the operations of the exchange may
be looked for. Among the new
properties listed for daily calls was
the Crystal Consolidated, consist
ing of five claims in Bohemia dis
trict. Two of these claims ate
upon the famous Helena lode, mid
upon them over 600 feet of tunnel
work has been done with most
flattering results.
Governor John R. Rogers of our
sister state of Washington (lied at
Olympia on December 261I1. In
his demise that state loses oneof its
most distinguished citizens and the
people of the state one of their best
and truest friends. lie was a
popular and able executive and at
the time of his death was serving
his second term. He was the
champion and authur of the "Bare
foot Schoolboy Law" of that state
and ever took a leading part in
educational matters. His works
for the betterment of the people of
Washington will live after him and
perpetuate his memory.
please Hccept Our Cbaiihs.
Our trade for tooi has been far nbnvc our expectations.
We hnve only our friends and patrons to thank for our
best success and we feel incompetent on this occasion to fully
express our sentiments. Nliieteen-huiidrcd-nud-onc has
gone. We thnuk you, Niiietecn-hundred-iuid-two is here.
We wish you all the happiness it may bring. We
wish you a Metiy Christinas and a Happy New Year. We
remain Vcr truly yours,
Ail Unusual Offering
for the New Yea
We arc closing out our Ladies' Waists, Misses ai
Ladies' Cloaks, Furs and Capes, while the season
at its height.
The Nugget is indebted this
week to Secretary of State F. J
Dunbar for a copy of the Election
Laws of the State of Oregon and of
the United Stater ir so far as they
relate to the conduct of elections
and the duties of officers in connec
.1 . trt t
inerewitn. ine woric is very
complete and covers the whole
range of election formula including
sample ballot.
The Pacific Monthly for January
conies to our table this week in
most attractive form, with afrontis
piece portraying the beautiful
Multnomah falls on the Columbia
river. Its contents cover a wide
range of opinion, fact, poetry and
philisophy and furnish much food
for thought and enjoyment. It
should be a most welcome visitor
in every home.
Through the courtesy of Com
missioner Binger Herman the
Nugget is 111 receipt of the annual
report of the commissioner of the
general land office to the secretary
of the interior for the fiscal year
ended June 30, 1901. It is replete
with statistics covering the United
States, Alaska and our island possessions.
means a great deal to this town. It
means the employment of hundreds
of men whose supplies will be
handled here. It means an in
creased and lasting value in real
property not only in the town but
all along the route of the road. It
means an added taxable value to
the county of from 25 to 40 per
cent. It means an increase of popu
lation in this town 111 the next two
years from 3000 to 5000 people,
putting it at a low estimate. In
fact it means a vast increase in the
very life blood of the business en
ergy and progress of this whole
section. It is earnestly hoped that
all interested, and every man in
this community should certainly
be, will earnestly look into this mat
ter and come to the meeting pre
pared to discuss it, act wisely upon
the conclusions of the meeting, and
then get in and drill to the best of
his ability for the benefit of all. A
most cordial invitation is extended
to all to come to the meeting at
Martin's Hall on next Wednesday
The Albany Herald last week
came out with a Christmas number
containing city views, pictures of
its prominent men and places of in
terest in its vicinity. The edition
was finely gotten up and replete
with descriptive and interesting
reading. The Herald is an inter
esting paper and deserves well of
the citizens of Albany.
Reciprocity with Canada in the
matter of touring vehicles across
the border free of duty was the
chief topic discussed by the law
committee of the Automobile Club
of America at its recent sessions in
New York City and a committee
was appointed to visit Canada for
the purpose of acquiring those
Come to the massmeetliiy next
V ednesdau evening at Martin'
Never in the history of the holi
days in New York has there been
such lavish distribution of gifts as
on tins (Juristmas. Tne business
houses alone gave millions of dol
lars to their employes. John D.
Rockefeller and Helen Gould dis
tributed new ten-dollar pieces to
all the needy poor who applied to
1 them.
Storm at Santa Ana Was the Most
Disastrous in Thirty Years.
Santa Ana Cal., Dec. 27. This
section of California was visited
today by the mot disastrous wind
and sand storm in over thirty years.
The high pressure of atmosphere
prevalent for several days out on
the desert culminated in a high
wind with a velocity of over forty
miles an hour. With the wind
came pillars of sand, which in this
city, blew up the streets to the
height of twenty and thirty feet,
completely covering everything in
sight. Windows and plate-glass
fronts were broken, outbuildings
carried away, and everything not
substantially fastened was hoisted
in the air.
Large walnut and other trees
that have withstood storms for
years were blown down and several
htiuses were badly damaged. The
sand was so thick and blinding on
the streets that the traffic was prac
tically suspended all day, only
those having urgent business ven
turing out. All trains were one or
two hours late. The electric lights
of the city are all out, and tele-
phono and telegraph service is
badly crippled.
The orange crop has been virtu
ally blown away. In some places
whole orchards have been devas
tated. The extent of the damage
will be l?nown only after the wind
subsides. The damage to the
orange-growers and others will run
into the thousands.
The low prices show the tremendou:
bargainchance offered you.
ioa flia "Hi cm! cur in ftair 1-T.nof Wirwl nvr
Clothing !
Clothing !
We w ill noil yon clothing, Men und Boy'tt, unit tip-lo.tliito unit cheaper Hum you have ever Imuijlit
tliL'in in town. Come mid hcu onr good mid uet our pricvM befotu yon Imy u full lint- uf Summer Good.
I.ailicd' Miirt WuintM on the mwno line, flicaiwr lliuii ever.
Ei. i Bancs.
The Fashion Stables
TUUfCNKL On tliu Coast Fork, Janu
ary 1, 1002, Mitsa Xonu 1 runnel, .god
18 year h.
Mint Trunnel is tlio daughter of
Robert Trunnel, and recontly eaiiio hcto
from Miii"ouri in search of health, hav
ing lieun in ill health Hiricoa little girl,
brought about from the after effects of
typhoid fever and finally culminated in
heart trouble, from which only deatli
brought relief. Shu wuh laid away by.
her sorrowing reluliven mid friends on
Thumlay afternoon in tho Odd FcIIow'h
Masonic Enjoymhnt.
Last Friday evening the Masonic
lodge entertained the Eastern Star
Chapter in a most pleasant and
happy matiner. The banquet was
a most sumptuous one and after it
was over dancing was indulged in
for some time, when all went home
feeling that they had been royally
treated at the hands of the Masonic
Glfi'isinun &. B"Hs, proprietors.
Also own and oppcrate the Bohemia
and Black Butte Stage Lines
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single at
Reasonable Prices
Harness and Saddlery.
George Meinzer, Prop.
A Una Una of IfarnoK, Saddle. Whip, lluiofy
Kobe, Leather Uniting, Klc, alway on IihiiiI.
All kinds of Repairing a Hccllty All hand
aaueil work turned out.
Our Farmer Friend can got tho vory beat at
tho Ixiwcxt Living I'rlrea. Como In utid exam-
liui thu kooiIh itnl nee for youmclf.
Feed and
Sale Stable
Hlver Street, oppOHlto CottiiKU drove Hotel,
Cottage Urove.
Farmers will find good feed and
stabling for their stock. Baled
hay and feed for sale.
We also have a few fine
let out for driving.
rigs to
A.s the Old Maid
Said when. She
Kissed the
Our ad nro tdiort and mveetund right
to thu point.
ISrclisiut & Morgan
The New Hra Tivny Store.
Collage drove
Wo nro now prcpari-d to InrniHli all
kinilH of lirnckulH, 1110 ldingn, cm nice,
kiimIi and doom, door and window (rumen,
w indowH, pickolH, etc. 1
Woodwork of all llud made anil n
paired. Wo will aleo work rustle, Hiding,
coiling or hIo atinldliiK, utu
S. 3U. Lander.
Wo have on Ilium a larjjo stock of
kiln-di'lcd flooring, celling mid rimtie in
unuh'K 1 'i and H, Let tin mako yon
upeeial prices.
Ailvertlsv in the Xtiuiivt,
Land Office Htltoieburg, Oregon,
November A, 1111.
Notice In lioroby given Unit tliu following.
named Bottler handled notice of bin Intention
to make final proolln mipjiort of IiIh claim, and
that xald proof will bo made before Marie I.
Ware U.S. CommlHsloner at Kugeno, Oregon,
on December ll.ttwi viz: Harmon h. Ogden
on M II. K. No, 872H for tho H Jf HW i Heo. U7
Tp, 198., K. a Wot,
llo names tho following witneason to prove
hU contlnuoua renldonco upon and cultivation
of afil land, viz:
Charley Oirdcn, Otto Morton,. M,I)oano,Jameii
Wllhelm, of I'rcswcll, I.11110 County, Oregon,
J.T ItiilDiiKt, IteRlsler.
Main HI,, CoUiiko drove,
Choice line of Liquors
and Cigars kept on
hand. Your patronage
is respectfully solicited.
One door went of Opera Ifouno
Tho bout of tonnorlal work guaranteed
EvorythitiK new, clean and neat and
wo Invite you to uko una call,