fbe Doetor'$ pemma By Hc3ba Strctton OHAPTKlt XXVH.-fContlnued.) "Host thou brought a doctor with theo, my brother?" the uBkcd. "I have brought no doctor except thy brother, my sinter," answered Monsieur Laurcntlo. "also a treasure which found at the foot of tho Calvary down yonder " Ho had alighted whilst saying this, and the rest of the conversation was carried on In whispers. There was some one ill In the house, and our nrrivul was 111 timed, that was quite clear. Whoever the woman was that had come' to tho door, she did not advance to speak to me. but retreated as soon as the conver sation was over. "Pardon, madame," he said, approach Ins us, "but my sister is too much occu pied with n sick person to do herself tuo honor of attending upon you. lie did not conduct us through the open door, but led us round the angle of the presbytery to n small out-house opening ou to the court, and with no other on trance. It was a building lying between the porch and belfry of the church and his own dwelling place. Hut It looked comfortable and inviting. A fire had been hastily kindled on an open hearth, and a heap of wood lay beside It. Two beds were In this room; one with hangings over the head and a large tall cross at the foot board; the other n low, narrow pal let, lying along the foot of It. A cruci fix hung upon the wall, and the wood work of the high window also formed a cross. It seemed a strange goal to reach after our day's wanderings. Monsieur Laurentie put the lamp down on the table, and drew the logs of wood together on the hearth. He was an old man, as I then thought, over sixty. He looked round upon us with a benevolent emtio. "Madame," he said, "our hospitality Is rade and simple, but you are very wel come guests. My sister is desolated that she must leave you to my cares. But If there be anything you have need of, tell me, I pray you." "There is nothing, monsieur," I an swered; "you are too good to us too good." "No, no, madame," he said, "be eon tent To-morrow I will send you to Oran ville under the charge of my good Jean. Sleep well, my children, and fear noth ing. The good God Will protect you." Minima had thrown herself upon the low pallet bed. I took otf her damp clothes, and laid her down comfortably to rest. It was not long before I also was sleeping soundly. Once or twice a rague impression forced itself upon me that Minima was talking a great deal in her dreams. It was the clang of the bell for matins which fully roused me at last, but It was a minute or two before I could make out where I was. Then Minima began to talk. "How funny that is!" she said, "there the boys run, and I can't catch one of them. Father, Temple Secundum Is pull ing faces at me, and all the boys are laughing. Well! it doesn't matter, does it? Only we are bo poor. Aunt Nelly and all. We're so poor so poor to poor!" Her voice fell into a murmur too low for me to bear what she was saying, though she went on talking rapidly, and laughing and sobbing at times. I called to her, but she did not answer. What could ail the child? I went to her, and took her hands in mine burning little hands. I said, "Minima!" and thu turned to me with n caressing gesture, raising her hot fingers to stroke my face. "Yes, Aunt Nelly. How poor wo are, you and I! I am so tired, and the piiu.e never comes!" There was hardly room for me in the narrow bed, but I managed to lie down beside her, and took her Into my arms to soothe her. She rested there quietly enough; but her mind was wandering, and all her whispered chatter was about the boys, and the dominie, her father, ana the happy days at home in the school m Epping Forest. As soon as It was light 1 dressed myself In haste, and opened my door to see if I could find any one to send to Monsieur Laurentie. The first person I saw was himself, eomlng In my direction. I had not fairly looked at him before, for I had seen him only by twilight and firelight. Ills ens sock was old and threadbare, and his hat brown. His hair fell In rather long lov-ks below his hat, and was beautifully white. Ills face was healthy looking, like that of a man who lived much out of doors, and his clear, quick eyes Bhone -with a kindly light. I ran Impulsively to meet him, with outstretched hands, which he took Into his own with a pleasant smile. "Oh, come, monsieur," I cried; "make haste! She Is ill, my poor Minima!" The smile faded away from his face in an instant, and he did not utter a word. He followed me quickly to tho side of the little bed, laid his hand softly on the child's forehead, and felt her pulse. Ho lifted up her head gently, and opening her mouth, looked nt her tongue and throat. Ho shook his head as ho turned to me with a grave and perplexed expres sion, and ho spoke with a low, solemn ac cent . "Madame," he said, "It Is the fever!" lie left me, and I sank down on a chair, half stupefied by this new disaster. It would be necessary to stay where wo were until Minima recovered; yet I had no means to pay these people for the trouble we should give them, and the ex pense we should be to them. I bad not time to decide upon any course, however, before he returned and brought with him his sister. Mademoiselle Thcrcse was a tall, plain, elderly woman, but with the samo pleas ant expression of open friendliness as that of her brother. She went through precisely the samo examination of Min ima as he had done. "Tho fever!" aho ejaculated, In much the samo tone as his. They looked sig nificantly at each other, and then held a hurried consultation together outside the door, after which tho cure returned nlono. "Madame," he said, "this child Is not your own, as I supposed last night. My sister says you are too young to bo her mother. Is she your sister?" "No, monsieur," I answered. "I called you madame because you were traveller alone," he continued, smll Ing; "French domoltulles never travel alone. You aro mademoiselle, no doubt?' "No, monsieur." I said frankly, "I am marrlod." "Where, then, Is your husband?" ho In Quired. "He It lu London." I aiuwerod. "Mon sleur. It Is difficult for me to explain it I cannot sneak your language well enough. I think in Knglish, and I can not fiud the right French words. I id very unhappy, but I am not wicked." "Good," he said, smiling agnlu, "very good, my child: I believe you. lou will learn my language quickly; then you shall tell me nil, if you remain with us. Hut you said the miguonuo Is not your sis ter." "No. she Is not my relative at all,' replied; "we were both In a school at Noireau, the school of Monsieur Kmlle Terrier. Perhaps you know It, mon lour?" "Certainly, madame," he said. "Ho has failed, and run away," I con tinued; "all the pupils are dispersed Minima and I were returning through Granville. "I understand, madame," he respond ed, "but It is villainous, this affair Listen, my child. I havo much to say to you. Do I speak gently and slowly enough for you?" "Yes," I answered, "I understand you perfectly." "We have had the fever in Ville-en bols for some weeks," he went on; "It is now bad, very bad. Yesterday I went to Noireau to seek a doctor, but I could only hear of one, who Is In Fans at present, and cannot come immediately. At pres ent we have made my house into a hos pital for the sick. My people bring their sick to me, and we do our best, and put our trust in God. Hut this little houso has been kept free from all infection and you would be safe here for one night, so I hoped. The mignonne must have caught tho fever some days ago. Now must carry her Into my little hospital. But you, madame, what am I to do with you? Do you wish to go on to Gran ville, and leave the mignonne with me.' We will take care of. her as a little angel of God. What shall I do with you, my child?" Monsieur." I exclaimed, eagerly, "take me into your hospital, too. Let me take care of Minima and your other sick peo ple. I am very strong, and In good health; I am never 111 never, never. I will do all you say to me. Let me stay, dear monsieur." "But your husband, your friends " he said. "I have no friends," I interrupted, "and my husband does not love me. If I have the fever and die good! very good! 1 am not wicked; I am a Christian, I hope. Only let me stay with Minima, and do all I can in the hospital." "He content, my child." he said, "you shall stay with us." , I felt a sudden sense of contentment, for here was work for me to do. as well as a refuge. .Neither should I be com pelled to leave Minima. I wrapped her up warmly in the blankets, and Monsieur Laurentie lifted her carefully and ten derly from the low bed. He told me to accompany him. and we crossed the court and entered the house by the door I hud seen the night before. A staircase led up to a long, low room, which had been turned into a hastily fitted-up fever ward for women and children. I hero were already nine beds In It. of different sizes, brought with the patients who now occu pied them. But one of these was empty. In this home-like ward I took up my work as nurse, "Madame," said Monsieur Laurentie, one monilng, the eighth that I had been In the fever-smitten village, "you did not take a promenade yesterday." "Not yesterday, monsieur." "Nor the day before yesterday?" he continued. "No, monsieur," I answered; ."I dare not leave Minima. I fear she Is going to die." Monsieur Laurentie raised me gently from my low chair, and seated himself upon It, with a smile as hu looked up ut me. "Madame," he said, "I promise not to quit the chamber till you return. My sis ter has a littlo commission for you to do. Confide the mignonne to me, ami make your promenade In peace. It is neces sary, madame; you must obey mo." The commission for mademoiselle was to carry some food and medicine to a cottage lower dowii tho valley; and Jean's eldest son, Pierre, was appointed to be my guide. Both the cure and his sister gave me a strict chargo as to what we were to do; neither of us was upon any account to go near or enter the dwelling; but after the basket was depos ited upon a flat stone, which Pierre was to point out to me, he was to ring a small hand-bell which ho carried with him for that purpose. Then we were to turn our backs and begin our retreat, before any person camo out of the in fected house. I set out with Pierre, a solemn looking boy of about twelve years of age. Wo passed down the village street, with its closely packed houses forming a very nest for fever, until we reached the road by which I had first entered Vllle-en-boU. Above the tops of the trees appeared a tall chimney, and a sudden turn In the by-road we had taken brought us full In sight of a small cotton mill, built on the banks of the noisy stream. A more mournfully dilapidated placo I had never seen. In the yard adjoining this deserted fac tory stood a miserable cottago with a mildewed thatched roof. The place bore the aspect of a pest house. Pierre led mo to a large flat stone, and I laid down my basket upon it. Then he rang his hand-bell noisily, and the next Instant was scampering back along the road. But I could not run away. The deso late plague-stricken place had a dismal fascination for me. I wondered what manner of persons could dwell in it; and as I lingered I saw tho low door opened, and a thin, spectral figure standing In trie gloom within, but delaying to cron the moldrrlng doorslll as long as I remained In sight. In another minute Pierre had rushed hack for me, and dragged me away with all his boyish strength and energy. "Madame," he said. In angry remon strance, "you are disobeying Monsieur l Cure." "Hut who lives there?" 1 asked. "They are very wicked people," he an swered emphatically; "no one gora near them, except Monsieur le Cure. They became wicked before my time, and Monsieur to Curo has forbidden ui to peak of them with rancour, so w do not speak of them ut all." Who wore these pariahs, whoic nam cveu was banished from every tongue? A few days after this, the whole com munity was thrown Into a tumult by the news that their curs was about to un- I dcrtake the perils of a voyage to Eng- j land, and would bo absent a whole fort night. He slid It was to obtain somo ) Information as to the KtigUili system of drainage In agricultural districts, which might make their own valley more healthy and less liable to fever. Hut It struck me that ho was about to mako somo Inquiries concerning my husband, and perhaps about Minima, whose deso late position had touched him deeply. I ventured to tell him what danger might arise to me If any clue to my hiding placo fell Into Richard Foster s hands. The afternoon of that day was unusu ally sultry and opprossUo. The blue of the sky was almost livid. 1 was weary with n long walk In the morning, and after our mid-day meal I stole away from mademoiselle and Minium and be took myself to tho cool shelter of tho church. I sat down upon avbench just within the door. There was a faint scent yet of the incense which had been burned at tho mass celebrated before tho cure's departure. I leaned my head against tho wall and closed my eyes, with n pleasant sense of sleep coming softly towards me, when suddenly a hand was laid upon my arm, with a firm, silent grip. (To bo continued.) Jy' ' "T-V'',' ''l'.-.1 iee' .'fL.h. 'JIi-.ii .i.M,.i.." Nice Turkish Customs. It Is said by u correspondent of tho London Telegraph that the habits of tho Turkish ladles In Constantinople are wonderfully fastidious. When they wash their Uumls ut a tup from which wnter runs Into a marble basin, they let the water run till a servant shuts It off, as to do this themselves would make them unclean. They cannot open or shut a door, as the handle would bo unclean. One of these fastidious ladles was talking to u small uleoo tho other day, who had Just received a present of a doll from Paris. By and by tho child Inld the doll on tho.lndy's lap. Sho was horrlllcd, und ordered tho child to take It away. As the littlo girl would not move It, and no servant was near, and tho lady would be detlled by touching a doll that had been brought from abroad, the only thing sho could think of was to Jump up and let the doll fall. It broke In pieces. The same lady will not open n letter coming by post, but a servant opens nnd holds It near for her to read, if her handkerchief falls to the ground It Immediately destroyed or given nwav. so that she may not again use u, Vniotig tho men this curious state of things docs not exist. I'opo on Wonian'M Clothes. The Pope has recently manifested a preference In regard to Indies' apparel over and above the strict regulation in regard to ladles who are received by the holy father at the Vatican. A nleco of the Pope was about to be married, and her distinguished relative, took so great an interest In her trousseau us to stipulate that the young lady should only have white, blue or black gowns, adding that these were the three col ors most becoming to young girls. "Gray and brown," remarked his Holiness, 'are only suitable for old women, ami I do not like any other col ors." Possibly the Popo prescribed white because It Is the symbol of purity, blue because It Is the color dedicated to tho Virgin Mary, and black because It U the time-honored hue of dress for out door wear for Spain and Ituly. Lon don Pall Mall Gazette. Improved JlctliixU In Surgery. It was In Boston that the first ad ministration of ether for anaesthetizing the patient under the surgeon'H knife, mid a Boston physlclun. Dr. W. B. Hid den, has perfected an appliance with which the surgeon operating secures tho full effects of ether and chloroform without any waste, while the Insensible subject breathes In the samo amount of pure air with each Inspiration na though not using the anaesthetic. The blood Is thus kept oxidized, ami the pa tient Is left In the best possible condi tion for reaction and recovery. Tho Speed of the Blood. It has been calculated that, assuming the human heart to beat sixty-nine times a minute at ordinary heart pres sure, the blood goes at the rate of 207 yards In a minute, or seven miles a day, and 01,320 miles a year . If a man 84 years of age could have one single corpuscle floating in his blood all his life It would have traveled In that time over 5,150,000 miles. Tito World's Population. .!. t ... i i mi hi i I i nero linn oecu U .K s.VJ an enormous in erenso In the popu lation of lhiropeau countries and of peoples of Hiiro- penu origin during tho last century. The growth nil round was from I 7 0 . 000 ,000 to about M0.000.000. 000. while the growth of the Hull ed Stntea was from fi.isAM.tW to MJ.Uuu.uOd, and of the Kng lish population of the British Umpire, from 15.000.000 to M.OOO.IHH). Germany and ltussla also showed remarkable growth from 20.000.tHH) to nri.00O.000, and from 40.0OO.0O0 to l.tfi.OOO.OOO. re spectively, while France had only grown from 2.-..000.(XK) to -10,000,000. The first effect necessarily Is to assure the pre ponderance of white peoples among the races of the world. In the United States, which has Im meiisely greater virgin resources with which to supply its population. It has been noticed that the tuwn population Is Increasing disproportionately. In the I'uited States, In spite of the magnitude of Increase of population, recent growth has not been so fast as earlier In the nine. teenth century. Until 1800 the growth lu each census period runged between ICI and III) per cent. Since then It has been JO per cent to 1SS0, and Is now about 21 per cent. Tho obvious suggestion, that possibly Immigration has fallen off, as compared with what It used to be, would not account for the diminished rate of increase of the population generally. Turning to Australasia, the decline in the rate of increase Is great and palpa ble, but there the perturbations due to immigration have been greater than In the case of the United States, because the country settled mainly between lSTK) and 1870. In Kuglnnd there Is n similar though not ho marked a decrease. The rate of growth of population of the communities might still bo considerable, even If no higher than In the last few years. An addition of even 10 per cent only us the average every ten years would far more thnn double the fiOO.OOO.OOO lu a century, and leave the white popula tion at this century's end at 2.000,000, 000. Secondly, some of the rates of In crease mentioned, such as that Jn Austra lasia and the United States nt certain periods, are quite abnormal, and duo lurgely to exceptional Immigration. Finally, there is tho question which many people have rushed In to discuss- namely, whether the reproductive power of the populations in question is ns great now as fifty or sixty years ago. It Is a question which cannot be rushed, nnd I nm unnble to commit myself to the belief, heard from some quarters, that the rale of Increase In these populations is. as In 1' ranee, coming nearly to an end. Tho gravity of the statlonarlness of popula tion in Franco lay In the fact that the death rate thero remained high, while the birth rate fell. Silt KOBHIIT GWFFIN. . Lx-I 'resident of the British Stntistiea Society. of the higher criticism) haw hud tho of feet or repelling men from tho ministry of at least some Christian churches. On the contrary, however, It would bo nut urn I for voting and vigorous men, us In the ntiHt, to bo nttriictod by trials urn! discussions as ulTorilliig u field for a ceo m pllshmeut. Other authorities tell us that tho reeon fluiiuclal crisis nnd the revival of busl nous which bus followed it are the chief causes of the trouble. It Is true, no doubt, thai when the imlile of IKIKI cniiio many young men Just entering on their studies preparatory to n theological odtl cation found It Impossible to continue. These probably would have been entering tho M'liilunricH within the Inst two or threo years. It is true also that with the return of prosperity these nnd others. who would have looked toward the minis try under normal conditions, have been attracted Into business by the opportiiul thss offered In that Nphere. These expla nations are but partial ones. Over against these conjectural and un aatlsfuotory quests for the reason of do creased numbers lu the seminaries may be advances! the theory that tho supply for several years pnnt him been larger than the ilomniid. If we take the Presby terlnn Church ns typical we shall Hud t lint for twenty-live, yenr. ending with ISPs, the number of churches grew more rapidly than the number of ministers. Hut during the six years since 18!l.i the mini tier of ministers has Increased so much faster than tho churches that at the present day there are more ministers on the rolls in proportion to the number of churches thnn nt any time In history. The curious feature of the ense is that this extraordinary Increase In the number of ministers came precisely during the years which show the steadily diminishing hum her of students in the seminaries. The conclusion cannot bo nvolded, therefore. that tho condition In the theological semi narioH Is due to the conviction that there aro too many ministers already. If this bo tho rorrect diagnosis of the ease. It follows that there Is no serious ground for alarm to the Christian Church. Whenever In the providence of God a larger number of ministers shall bo need ed, the church mny lw trusted to furnish them. AXDIU3W C. .HNOH, I). IK Profoasor in McCorinlck Theological Scin Inary. Why There Arc fewer Ministers. 10 tnose interested in thool. g ieal education the stuiistirs of the seminaries for the last six yours have given ground for se rious thought. These statistics indicate u steady decline in at tendance, amounting, in some cases, to from 40 to 45 per cent. The anxiety thus awakened is not allayed when one turns from the seminary stage of education to the collegiate und academ ic situations as regards preparations for tlio ministry. In all colleges and schools a decreased number of students is report ed similar to the falling off at the toml narles. It appears, therefore, that the lowest point lit the ebb bus not yet been reached. It has been alleged that tho church has lost its hold upon the community; that It has been Invaded by the spirit of worldliuess, commercialism and material ism, demoralizing the religious lifi. of young men and rendering them unwilling to tune up tlio trials of ministerial life. It bus even been questioned whether iho church could survive Christian civiliza tion. Hut why this commercialism, char acteristic of tho past half century, should have made Itself felt in the theological seminaries only during thu last live or six years is hard to see. If is further alleged that heresv frlnls. agitations for the revision or nhnllilnn of creeds, discussions regarding the origin ami uierary lorm or tne hooks of tho Blhlo (commonly known under the head The North American Indians. If a people In vades n strnngo country In which a ii o i h o r people, with its peculiar civilization, has liv ed for n long 'line, one of two things nsutlll happens; ' it tier Iho invaders uii .rb nr exterinl 'ale the invaded d'u-r n certain etlgtll nf lime, or Iter are absorbed by the "iigiii.ii .nun tui an t.H. Thus the Koinaiis in ancient times absorbed tlio numerous peoples which inhabited the Italian peninsula and brought them into the fold of Latin civilization. On the other hand, tho Indians of Mexico and South America to a grout extent absorbed the conquering' Spaniards and Portu guese and lowered their level of civiliza tion. In the case of the Indians of North America, however, neither of the two things happened. It bus ul ways been u wise rule with the Knglish people In Its colonial invasions nil over the world nev er to mix with the Inferior races of the luvadeil countries. That Is probably ono of the reasons of tlio Invariable success of Ihigluiid'H colonial policy. The inva sion of North America offers one of the best exninples of" that policy, If strictly adhered to. Tho white Invaders have fought bloody wars with the Indians, who desperately resisted the forward' march of civilization. Periods of bitter strife hnve nlterniited with periods of peace nnd friendly eoniiiiercful relations. In spite of all that the Invaders hnve not absorb ed nny considerable number of thu In dians. Thero was no danger at any tluio that the blood of the millions of white Invnders would become debased by the In- fiiul.iii ..r ,1... i.i . .... ...- , mi- mimii m nilllloul minims. However, tho Indian. !,,,... iivonip nsslmllatoil. I-Iko the other four rnccn, tho India live within the territory of the Anm enn republic, but their life In apart fit nun oi i ne otner races. They stand i pioieiy isolated und live, no to nay, more neeiiuse hid ivlille Invnders hnve not tlrely exterminated thuui. A forelg traveling through tho United Stiles find It rutlinr dlrlleiilt to tiiuvlncn hlins or the exlstencu of Indians on thu Ai ioiiii comment. Tito Indians am tlier nevertheless. The United Huti gover inent spends nearly $10,000,000 a y "t uieir support and education. Scarcely a century ago the Indians iiipieu practically the entim territory of North America excepting the AHiiuUC const nnd mrt of the const mo i.ulf f MpxIp,,, Nearly thr millions of niir lni-a nt mint il.HOO.OOO were occupied by tho Indlac n un never Hum M-rod n, ilmn MM) (HI Now (hero are hut 2:itl,00) Indians lef tlio mnjorlly of wlom v ,, rosor tlons. A century ul-o flier were tlio tunl owners of t,r,.0 millions of suutm! nines ot territory, whl In now t hov fro eotillnuil to un urea of 220.000 sguafjg nines. h The number of Indians In the t'nlleal States Is steadily iloereiHlnif. Tlio lTH census shows that It lias diminished Uyl 10,000 bIiico 1870. Tin,, i. .conn thirl the Indians are dtsitlueil to share tho fate of the buffalo. lieiirUod of thai hunting Ilgruuuds and eoutinisl to a unlFfl agricultural life within the narrow llmlm of their reservations, the Indians live 3 miserable, life like a wild bird In a mmfl The lack of priqirr food and lurdcnlnJJI exorcise innkes them easy virtlnii to tM iktcuiosis aim outer inseoses, nnn wins kti causes tliiilr rapid degeneration. There Is but olio logical filiate to the struggle b9 tween the whites and tho Indians the complete extermination of the Inner FI-3LICI3 FnilllBllO, Italian Anthropologist. Woman's liisliioiuiblo Clothes. I believe the dress of women! this eur to bo the ugliest Uml world has ever seen. How sn-iftH ly upon the heels of another! doth each calamity tread! First In ugliness come thoj drugging. 111 conditioned sk.rtsJ Who fashioned und formed this ungodly garments? There they are, thousnndtl and thousands of them, dally paraded up ami down the sidewalk, Inp-sldod, llrag- glod, iticfllciciitly held up by clutching bauds, stumbled over and stepped upou ! by scores of awkward feet. I hose skirts I why was I Ixiru to see and wonder at them? Next to the iilximlliablo trilling stni't skirt. In ugliness nt least, comes a certain cruelly common atrocity In the form of a long cloth snek. A loos, bag gy, shapeless, bulging monstrosity which makes the woman who wears it look like an iinmuiiiigeable, half-exhausted balloon. There must have been an over-produc tion of some kinds of cloth last year, nud the shrewd mnniifartiirers hnve proba bly Induced the mysterious beings who llctnte the fashions to "work off'' the superlliious material upon an unhappy world. Would that the mollis might get at these baggy horrors. All women do Hot wear the lop sided. Iruggly skirts, or tho bulging sin ks, lint here are doiens of these things In sigh. Phi' lints aren't so bud ns thej might be. but the hair is worn in such u wny ns to banish all thought of hats from the head wearer und beholder alike. It is i trnnge fact that this handful of hair. ragged down over one side of the face. always counterbalanced by tho lop- Ided skirt. Hvery feminine creature seems to instinctively nam down nor front hair on one side, nnd clutch nt her ress skirt on the labor. The effect Is Ightmnrlsh. ADA 0. SWIJKT. i'octry Out of Date. There Is no great thought, no worthy emotion, which tuny not he better expressed lu prose than III verse to-day. Verse wus tin' primitive expression of man's thought. Itliythm wus the char acteristic of its first crude lit erary efforts. Homer, liuiite und Shnks peare oust their thoughts und emotions in verso heentlHH tho metrical form wus the only uileqiinte method of expression invented In their day. Knglish prose has been developed lo the point, however, where it is a finer, more subtle Instrument of wider scope than Ihigllsh verse, ami poetry's chief excuse for being hits been destroyed. Lit erary truth Is truth to nature. Poetry Is iirtlllcinl uml bears the deudly brand of Insincerity In Its form. OSOAIt L. TltlGGS, Professor lu Chicago University. car- Kqual to tlio Occasion. Liveried Menial "Mo lud, tho rlage waits without." His Lordship Without what? "Without horses, me lud; 'tis an au-tomoblle."-Tlt-Blts. Historic, British Regiments. The names of no fewer than 105 bat tles are emblazoned on tho banners of the various regiments which form tho British army. Fish of tho Nile. Tho Nile Is noted for tho variety of Its Huh. An expedition sent by the British Museum brought home 2,200 specimens. SWIFTEST OF QUADRUPEDS. Greyhound Hold the Kec.nl Tmr Oct. una; er the (J round I'aatest. Three men In a carriage, followed by four dogs, alighted at one of the road-1 houses just beyond Klngsbiidge while was resting there last Friday, and proved to be so Interesting In their con versation that I Ilngnred ninny minutes beyond my time to llsien to them and to learn something that I ilid not know before. When tho dogs took mo Into their confidence their owners did tho same. It appears that they had been out In Westchester County, running tho dogs ami making a record for their perform ances. "There Is the fastest! animal that runs on four legs," said one of tho men, as ho pointed at a long, lank, sinewy Kn glish greyhound that turned toward us a countenance fairly beaming with In telligence. "I dou't mean that partic ular dog," ho continued, "but I do mean his variety, and ho Is not tho slowest member of It by nny means. Wo havo Just been trying him under careful tim ing, and found that ho went, when, on full gallop, twenty yards a second. That means a mile In a minute nnd twonty-clght second a speed that comes very near that of a carrier pig eon and would leave far behind any qii.'Klnipiyl that we know of. "This Is a matter that I have studied nnd know something ubout, There are few thoroughbred horses that can ex ceed nineteen yards a second, und 1 have known greyhounds to better that by four yards. Foxhounds have a rec ord of four tulles In six and a half min utes, or nearly eighteen yards a second. That Is fast going, nnd us good as the most rapid of the hare family can do. "This Kiosl Is to some extent an In herited gift from away back, for I have been luforimsj that wolves can run all night at the rate of a mllu In three minutes. Nausea says that Siberian dogs can travel forty-llvo miles on the Ice In live hours. "This Is fast going, but these grey hounds hold tho record." UNCLE SAM'S POISONER Not Generally Known thnt This Gov erument Mnlntalnfi One. In a little house In South Washington is. located a Federal institution without which tho Smithsonian Institution nnd National Museum could not exist. It Is tho department of tho chief poisoner, Joseph Farmer. Tho odlco of chief poisoner was not unusual In countries ruled by despots, but It may bo a sur prise to many to learn that such on olllee Is maintained by out own repub lican form of administration. However, Mr. Farmer, unlike his con temporaries lu Turkey, Spain, Arabia, etc,, Is not engaged In putting obnox ious and extibt-rnnt statc-smen out of Iho wny, but lu placing the objects on exhibit In the Institution and museum beyond the reach of thieves, rust, and cot it roaches. Kverytlilng that Is received by those Institutions, whether It Is a raro booli, a Filipino 1m1o, or a stulTisl nnd mount ed animal, Is sent to Mr. Farmer to be poisoned. Ho Is an expert In tho prep aration and uso of preservative com pounds. For stuffed animals and hlnls. be finds that arsenical compounds bring' the best results. lOvcry object of metal receives a coating of something that prevents rust, whllo fabrics, baskotry, silks, furs, etc., ore poisoned lu much the same manner ns stuffed animals. ICven the shelves nnd canes of tho mu seum, In which tho objects aro placed, havo passed through Mr. Farmer's hands and been treated to a fluid thnt causes a hug, moth, or cockronch to think that he Is walking over n red hot Iron tho mlnuto ho strikes their surface. By these means tho museum Is forever freed from vermin. Washington Post. It Is not only bad luck to kill a spider but thoy aro terribly squashy. r 3 Itin E