opiums anm colds lvuuildkun Kocoinmcndntioii ot it Welt KllOWh Chi cago I'llVHll'lllll. T (in) nnd proscrllio Cliuinborlaln'H Cough Remedy (or almost obstinate, constricted ootiliM, with dltoot results. 1 prosorllw It to children of nil ngos. Am glad to revoiniiiond it to nil In need ii ml socking relief from colds mid coughs nml hronulilul tilltlctiuns. It In lion nnrootlo mill safe in tlio hands of the most unprofessional. A universal puna ecu for nil mankind. Mim. .Maiiy K. Mkwiniiv, M. I)., I'll. I) , Chicago, III. This rumuily l for sale liy llonsou Drnn Co., Cottago drove. Lyons & Apple gate, Drain. CHAMHUULALVS STOMACH AND lilVKUTAIll.HTS Try Ilium Wluiti von fool dull nftor eating. When voii have no appetite. When you ihnve n bail tnnto lutlio, mouth. ', lion your livor in torpid. When Vour bowels arc constipated. When you have a headache. WIicii you loot hilioiiH. Tlioy will Improve your appetite, cleanse mul invigorate vour stomach inl regulate your livor Hint bowels. I'or sale-by Itonson Drug Co, A. J. SiK'll wnntoit to iittouil iv pnrty. lint wan ii fr;i ill to do so on account of pains in liiH stomach, whieo ho foil rod would grow worse. Ilu says, "I win tolling in v trouble to a hidv filcod who said: "Chamberlain's Colli, Cholorn and DiarrliiH'a Komctlv will put you In condition for the party.' 1 bought a ISttrSltt-d oniibu'l''lo have a good time at the parly." Mr. Snoll Is 11 .rotiiilont of Summer Hill, N Y. This roinoily is for Hide by Hoiihoii Drug Co., Copngo Urovo. Lyons A Applcgato, Drain. A GOOD COUliH MUDICINK. from the Gazette, Toowoombn, Aus tralia. 1 1 ml Ctiamberlain'H Cough Itcmedy is an excellent medicine. I luivo huou miUVrlng'from a sever. cold frr the hint two months, and it ban oUcolcd a euro. I'liuvo grout pleasure ill recommending it. W. C Wocknku. TIiIh Ih the ODiuion 01 one 111 our oiuosi iiiki iimn respected residents, mid has boon 1 mhers mav' ,ftX l"uw !.d be bono! , JitttMl iw wiiH Mr. AVockuer. Tliia rcimtly . in sold by Heunon Drue Co., Coitneu Grove. Lyons A. Applcgate, Drain. II. T. Me.Intyro. St I'au!, Minn., who ban been troubled with 11 disordered Htomnch. eavH, "Chntnli.rlnlii'i Stomacli and Liver TahlutH do me more good than miythiiiK I linve ever taken. For sale by Benson Drug Co. sunt ruiii;. 8ourcnrc we that the locatiuc of a few of our Electric Holts will develop one tree toanv uiiercr irotn tne loiinw inc dineases : Cold exlremitiuH, Urynto celo, I'umalo wcikiiohs, Kiiinoy coin- ilalnt, I.euoorrlioa, I.Ivor complnliit, tefJSXVr. 'ffl'S: Weak and NervoiiH women. Irreuular i iViminuUlinnikena Sexual orenus, and Catarrh Address for illustrated circular, etc., Sanitarium City Electrical Co., tiattle Creek. Michigan; FEEDING FOR EGGS Just as soon as eggs get to he a good price Dame Partlet, the hen, fails to furnish them. There are other reasons for this than cold weather. It is true that warm quarters are desirable and perhaps necessary, yet the feeding of the ! fowls is the most important re-1 quisite. In the summer time the farm hen is roaming the fields, eat ing bugs, seeds and green foods of all kinds, with access to gravel and other requisits necessary for the production of eggs. In order to have the same productions we must imitate the summer conditions as closely as possible. The usual custom of farmers is to carry their hens through .the winter on an ex elusive diet of wheat. While wheat is excellent for fattening it is a lailure as n provecative of egg lay' ing. While hens intended for market should be closely confined and fed on gram the opposite practice should be followed if we keep them for layers. Their feed should consist for the most part of small grain, cut clover and green food, if procurable. They should be in sheds protected from the ex treme cold and wet, and for this purpose a commodious scratching shed, built for that purpose, will repay the cost. Scatter the grain rpnong straw or clover hay spread on the floor of the shed and make them scratch for it. This gives them the exercise, without which they will not lay. Give them plenty of pure yvater, cut bone and gravel, and imitate summer con ditions as near as possible, and the egg basket will show the result. FORTY DAYS ATI? NOTHING. II U Thomas Motrin Rivals the Kxploit of the. Famous Dr. Tanner. Throughout His Prolonged Fast lie Attended ns Usual to His DutitiH. h. r. iiuiiuiiii. According to the .statement of Ills physieitin, Dr. I) Albert llillcr, the icinntktible feat of fasting for forty days lias been accomplished ly Thomas Morriti. the chief en gineer of the Mills Imildltig. It is said that from November 5 to De cember 15 of this year Morrin took no solid food whatever nnd no liquid except water and about half a pint of Snuterue. Through all of this period of fasting Morrin lias continued to perform his duties at the Mills building. His fellow employes had no idea that he was doing anything so uttusunl as to abstain I10111 all food. They did not imagine that a rival of the famous Dr. Tanner was in their midst. "I thought hej was sick," said one of them today, ' ' but I never supposed Hint lie v. ns fi rllb tBelher.'; So far rs his associates in the building could I observe, there was no diminution 111 Mornn's strength or activity. He was at his post every day, and though it could be seen that he was losing weight, he did not ap- pear cmacrutcd. Morrin dislikes .to talk of his rc- marknble fast and resents the notoriety which it has brought him. He absolutely relused today to discuss the matter and turned 1 away to take a glass of water, his stenance during his fust, and 1 Still taken by mill in laruc , - quantities. 1 l'rolonged ill health led Morrin to adopt the plan, under Dr. Hiller's advice, of giving his di gestive system a complete rest. I lie Heroic remedy proved success- nil, lor t;r. Miller declares mat ins patient nas now completely covered. "He is a well man," snid Ir. I lllller. "it IS a lact tltat lie took ,0fory '': anu mis nas worKed ins cure. There in really nothing so extra-: ordinary aooui tne cane, fasting is n M -"i.cl j nnd similar tioubles. When the ' W T' . any cause, tasting is the natural p int snt'nrn 1 tt ttt if f-11 iinntc Minn .w. w. ...j , "'"- tried it with excellent results." untne nrst nay 01 111s tnsf iv.or mi suiiered severely trom me pangs of hunger, but this soon decreased 1111111 ne iniaiiy lost ins appetite ; aitogetner. uu tne eleventh day of his fast Morrin attempted lo take some solid food, but he had no sense of hunger, and all that he ate was a small baked potato and one piece of toast in all about This was three or four ounces VOR tin wai com. milting-go. (INCbKl'OUATKU) O. W. LLOYD, rreHlilent Jt. 1). BCOTT, Vleu-lTfulilcnt The five splendid properties comprising the mining claims forming this company are located in the great Uoheinia Mining District in I.ane and Douglas counties, Oregon. These properties have had much work done upon them, so that now they are embryo mines with an assured future. The stock of this company is now upon the market. Its par value is $1 It is non-assessable. Its principal office is in Cottage Grove. For development purposes a limited amount of stock has been authorized to be sold at 5 cents per share. Two of the claims the Mountain Lion and Kl Calado are on the now famous Helena lode. These two claims have had over 6O0 feet of tunnels run on them and the face of the tunnels are now in solid ore, Frank Jordan, Secretary the only time during the forty days when he took any solid food, As the lesult of his, prolonged abstinence from nourishment Mot rin lost thirty-five pounds in weight. His appearance, however, has tin dcigoue no marked change. HOVIillinoNS. My mirror shows tun a fnoo tlmt'ti, fill A face that moil love to sue i Hiiilliiut eyes mid musses of linir Thai oiitoJioit the sunshine In glue. ' Alwnvs nnd ovor tint cioivd will turn I'or notice mid gracious hiiiIIu. I hiiw tho woman yosictdiiy I would like to bo a while. A nlip of aglrbwlfo, pnlo and young, Willi n I hi I y on hoi' knou; The look hIio woio wan heaven's own, A Joy thai was eotasy. I, in my fiirx mid diamonds, mtt Watching her, nlalu mid pnpr Hlii was tin) v 11 1 in 11 I'd like to bo In 11 li e tin 11 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 ntnl pint. The light olthogoiiiHiindgiiriiiotilHgay An nothing compared to love. , N heituty us Hint look which gives I'lie thought of honvon above I know tlinl hIio, bv goisl and right, In the owner of thought serene; i'lie uiothor l, in the hearts of men, Hovci inn more tlimi 11 quocn. Mllnabotb Cliorry Wnltr. . 1 ''Hli GINGKRHRKAI) ri-ST The late President Pntire of France was a vain man. and those about him diplomatically played j upon his vanity; hut on one occa sion he heard the truth when he least expected it. He had invited the oflicer of the Jilysec guard to breakfast, much to the trepidation of that official, n very shy gentleman. Suddenly Monsieur Kaure turned to the offi cer and asked "Am I popular?" Taken ofl titt tritnnl mwl vlohllncr " J ..0 1 the truthful impulse, the oflicer replied: "I do not think so, Mon htxxx k President." "And why do you not think so?' asked the president, rather sharp yt ''Uccattso," said the officer, re-isiowy, "my fntliur told me that he only realized Monsieur Thiers pnpulauty when he saw his por- irriit in piiiir.rbrind in nil tin. booths at the fair on the Placed,, Troue; and I have not noticed your ,,ortrait in this way, MoiiMeur le President " Monsieur Panic thought inhtlltl (111(1 lltiMl 111 cnit t'nrn taVL'ly: "T1,i,l'S trUC' 1 ll,a,,k you. I had not thought of that." .... . nie lact mat lie Had ncer wt,rkc(l ()VOr KiKerbread for the delight and admiration, to .,.. I10,,iIllr ()f tile nourishment, of the vuhVlc Kl.L.I11(.a lo worry him for tle rcst 0f tlc tnyi LADIES' HOLD WATCH THEE. With each cash purchaxoof onodollar'tt worth of fioodf wo (jive you a ticket for our iinnuiit iiiaiunn 10 take place Janu ary If l, 1001. Thu llrst prize will ben liniles' uolil Watch. E.VKIN itlllllHTOW FltANK WIIKKLIIlt, TrcnMirur l'llA.NIC K. JOItDAN.Hceictury ASTl-IMA COKE EKEE ! Aithnialcnc Bringx Instant Relief and Prmancnt Cure in all Casei. SUNT AIIKOI,UTKI,Y PUKE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. CHAIN KO FOR YEN YEArti i -1 II." Wo want to send to every sull'eror a trial trentiiiout of Aillimnleue, siiiiilin In the one that cured Mr. Wells. We'll rend It hvuiail PO'!' I'All', Alifoliiloly I'ne of ('luiru'o, d any siilferer who w'ill write for il, evi'ii mi a poHiul. Never mind, t Inmli you arciloi-pairliii!, however bad ymir ease, Aslhuuilene w ll lollevoaml cure. TI'O woise voiireiise the mure 'liel we are to send it. Mu 1 t delav. Write nt oni'e, 111I- die-slii UK. TAl T HIIO-.' MEDICINE LO., 711 Kant l.'JOlh St., A N..(itV. hold bv all Drii.'Kists. Grove Improved Farms for Sale. Valuable Tovn Property, consisting of Business Houses and Splendid Residences. Lot oh Itir rl iicIjhiI IiiihIii nk ulrcfln. Minin Claims in Bohemia. Abstract of title secotml mid KUiiraiili'i'd. Information an to the laws ovitihiii; the dispiood of Koveruiueiit lands, -How to ni'cure hiiiiii-teiids, timlier lniids. niiniiiK' claims, etc Property for rale piiliblitii wookly. Corr.niK (jitovi: is the second city in Iam coiintv, Onvon. lias a population of nlsjiit I.StK). Tile center of the four points of tlm compass when II einnes to iuuress mid cures. Itohomia with its vast minim.' iesoiirce only thirlv-llve miles roiilli east, wuii 11 ukihi mion loan ioiuiiuk 110111 the . i. k. it. ilepcil rint lieu In town. I'rospiHlivu rallioml in the mines, llicl.oast I'ork of the wtllamclte river, 011 which is situated the Illack llutte quicksilvei mini's, sixteen miles south, Hows through the center of the city luriilrdiiiiu alniudaiil water facilities. It is only 11 mile and a half to lis eonlliielice lilnU'r rauues to the rouih east, westwmd lowmd the coast rsiiL'e Is an in- exhaiiNtahhi "iipplv of timlsir, inleopaceil with nuineryui tieli liirmiiiv; lands well unproved am, coiiivmeii. North or smith from hereon the S. P. or Kan l;rmiciwo and he in touch with the Water work in full operation. Elect rfc lights and telejihone system complete. fJ!Wriie best ir.'rieulliiriil Imlds in Lane eoiintv lie in the vicinitv surround. i lii Cottaae (iioveou either sidolit foi Uoriespolnlelice sollciliH. iKfcjw of our I jh Trains: 11-0 foot front on north side of Main street, by nlsnit IKK) feet deep, huuiiiled oy liver on the north, iioiim 01 seven rooms, Imrn anil oiilliouses. 1 tits is the best biinluexs location in Cottage lirove. Price f'JIOU.UO. .'I A two storv lltiolv llnislied bouse, eluhi rooms, bathroom and outhoiisoH. tilouilid location, two lots in l.nni.' ami Lai des inldiliou in soulheast Collate iirovo. Prici ffP-'OO. I Two story dwelling house, ten riHimi, lirtcK trull House, trull tiees, uu feel (rout on north side of Main slreot by :iiHI foot-deep, comer piopertv. A line location for 11 hotel. Price fltiM). r,-A two story lino, almost newdwell-1 inj: house, II moms, barn and outhouse oumiete, three lots. , spieiniiu or- chnitl of vouiir,' Ileal iim trees, toi;etlier w ith eraties ami various klmls ot lien les. Situated in I.iiiik and Laudes addition In southeast Cotlajje ( irove. Pi ice fl'.'OO. A stilendid ranch of KV), about 00 acres 1 heavllv timl'oied, halnnce easilv cleared, ' never failini; water supply, about four ' miles west oiCotlii(ie(.iroe. Cash nrice 1 rr0. Also other tonus. You will miss a deal if you overlook this. 100 acres of aericiiltural and timber land, well watered, some tiuiiiovomotits. osi range outlet, about Ti miles east o Saulniiw, Dickon. This is a bargain 111 $800.00. Lots in the P. Ci. MeFarland iidditloi to Collate Ci 1 live, on west side at pricer to suit purchasers for cash. Eive acres of lino building and at;ri-L ulturnl land, .i mile east of Cottaciii drove, on south sine ot county roan uxt Jloliomia, iuu per acre. i The Ciirt-In Park principally within" thecitv limits, consistitur of seven acres on thu banks of the Coast Pork river, an ideal tileasuro lesorl or huildini; siiot. Splendid niove, expensive new foot liriduo snauniiiu' the river, tho most nvailahleiilace for a public park. Price 'J(I00. vtoiT DR. JORDAN'S qrkat( immn of anatomy I OS I MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL f lltlwitm EUth tod fiwQth.J Tholnritrnt Anatomical JlMtum In llio World, ( Orralnl nttmettm tit the City. A IV)'" u ne, or any con trscl. n C(l cilsciinu,lolll vol Ihv 1 H Coait. J NtublUlit-U 30 j fata. tho uMi'Ht Hiii't'liilhtiin lliul'ucllla , H on. jonortN-priVATE diseases fjl Toimv nu-ii anil ililillr lium Ilii) t-IIVetn of youtlidil linll". 01 0 till MM fll lXIlHll.w In ni.ln,u. yonra, NcrvuiisuMilphvulna lli'hlllir. In,. liollMinv, f.llnt lifl,llluMl In jilt ItAi- riitliiiiit: NiK.riiliiloi'1'liu.u, I'i-i,nIii,ii. f Hl'lllllllllir. tll. 11V 11 (Mllllhll.i.ll.m At A ri'inoillcH, olnri'iitciinillvu power, llio Iiocinr r liiitBOurmiiiiml I1I.1 tri'iiiniPiittliiitU "III mil A uiilyuiliud liiiini'dliila i fllt-S, lint licrinnnt'iit r . , .""-k" 'f".- i,,, tiiiiiii iiiiH'iiurin inlriicli'N, hut l well kiiiiwn to bo n lair ami fTimro I'liyHlcliin mid Nincrnn, iiro-oututiul lu lilinpticlultv-lUiiaa r JIcii. NYPIIII.IH tlmroiiRhly ornillcntcd Irom tun nyntoia without tlionmiotJIIVK'nri, 'rniNM-a HtU'd by an llxport. Ilmllml eiiry fur lliiiliiii, A quick ami raillml curd for I'llM, riNKitru unit I'lKtiilio, by JJr. Jordiin'a anrclal lmlnlCBH niiiibinia. 1,VS!C1V nniilvtnirtoiiHWill i,if.i.ltrn ouriouf.wmWiitoiiif iiluriiuiplnlnt. X WtxiM (luaranttt a 1'QMTJVJl CUBE n r CITI V ClIJO TWO uHirriitc, Ooiniitintlmi I'ltMli nnd strictly prtvato. cr.mtn:.i rjutv uvai,okaiilj lruuiinuut pornoniilly or by teller, Wrlto fur hook. IMIIT.OSOI'IIV OF boolc for men.) Callorwilto v-"'w OR. JORDAN h CO., 1031 Market 81., S. F. mm Therein iiothiuu like Astliiniili'iio. Jt In I lie," liiHlmit lolief, even in the worst cures. Jt cures when nil cln 'fails . The Kov. C. I'. WELLS of Villa lilditc, 111.. iivh: "Voiirtiuil bottle of AhIIiuiiiIoim1 iceelved In 4ond condition . I cannot loll von how thank ful I (eel fin ilieunnil ilotlvi'il from it. I was 11 hlave, chin nod w I ill put r Id cum' throat 11 nil asthma (or ti n veins, I denpiiiicd of ever being cured. I hiiw your iidvoitifoiuont fur the cuie of this ilii'iuifiil and 101 inciitinu iliHeiiKe, iikiIiiiiii. mid IliuiiUht you hiidiivei'Hpoken .MiniM'lf, hut ri'Molvod to (ilvc it 11 tiial. To my surprise the trial aclcd like a clniim. .Send me n fiill-siod bottle." j lea with How river, the outlet ot the great rallioud von can reach either Portland whole world on short nolfcc. fanning or Wk ritlrilng. Two splendid lots on second street In Cottage love. Price f'JIU. A splendid live-room cottage, stabh. workshop, chicken house, woislsliitl ; tluce lots all enclosed : line location in Wviine'saddilion tot'otni(;el.irove. Price tllHO. half down. ,'IUUfeet by 100 foot in a siihnrlsui locn lion. Natural upline, oak trees, all ad joining foot hills in west Cottngu (irove. Price H00. A llnely llnlslicd two storv dwelling house, ten rooms, bath room, ceiuein stone ellar, WHter mid elecliic lights ahiiiit nine lots froiitini; on fourth street ml fi.'lli I nr rlu.tr l,t r.tiir liii.ir rMii-lyliitu ,..,.,, f(tcii mrll mid'outhoiises. Price TilUlKI. Two story dwellinir'hoiiso, six rooms, (.'() h I barn, and weodshod, two laie lots on comer opposite Catholic church. I rice fHOO. Two good lots near railroad 100 feet H'liarc. Price l'Jo. I'arinlni: land, well imiirnved, 1 mile from Cottage (irove, adjoining the coun ty road, in tracts fiom 6 to 100 acres. If you want a haigain look this up. 8 iilendidcottagoon Fourth stioct,$7r0. Look this up II you want a nargain 111 a home. One hundred acres of improved land 'ving in a Iriiet east and wist within a 'put tor of a mile of Cottagu Iirovo, ad joining county road. One hundred acres Improved laud ad joining county road one-nuarierof a mile west of Cottage Grove, lying in a tract ninth and south. Two'eood' dwellliiL' houses on adioin- 'Intr lots in thu Sherwood block. Price l.'WO. 100 acres improved farm on, north bunk of Uow Hiver, twelveiuilos from Cottage (irove on the line of the K. it. survey to lloheinin. Price IIOOO. JEROME KNOX & CO. SOUTH AND KAST i I VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE 01 THE mn la m a iii ii ii, i n Trains leave. Cottage Grovo for Port land and way stations, at 2:14 a in and 12:55 p in. Lv Portland 8 :!t0 u m fi :.10 p in " Cottage Orovo H :57 p in L':0(l a in Ar Ashland 12 :!U ti ir. lL':05pin " Sueriiniento 5:10 pin 5:00 a in " San Francisco 7.55 p in 8:45 a in Piillnian and Tonriata cars an both trains. Chair ears Kairiiinnnrn in flinlmi and J',1 Paso, and touriat cars toCliicago St Louis, Now Orleans and Washington. Connecting at San Kiancisco wdtb the soveral steamship linos for Honolulu, Japan, China, Phllllplnes, Central and South America. See agent at Cottage. Grovo (station, or address , It. II. MiM.isu, G P. A. Portland, Oregon. Subscribe for the Nttyyet. ml Kill NOTJCIi I'OK I'OIIiKrA'I'ION. t'lllloil Mtiilc" I wind onic. llonlnirK, dm., Ot iolier at, iwn. KiiUcu U livrvljy xlvuii tliitl III oniintiro wllli Hit pr o v(Iimih of I lie net of :(Hir(mif June!, IS7H1, ciiilllctl "An hi I fur tin) Mtln f tlmln-r IiiikIi In DiuSinlfi of allfrirnlR, ore K"li, Ni'vniln slut U'HuliliiKtoiiTorrlldry," x ti'lntisl In nil (Ilii rnljllr l.sml Mato I act el AllKi'Sl Ii Wi Tlinmns II. IIIii1ji uf (town or riljJI-uoint, County of PiiiikIaii, Slum of Ore Kiin, linn this day IIIH In tliln ulllio tils Hrturli alnloint'lit NO. 1MNI, for I lie Minliii.o of Hit) V, of llin II , til foctliiM No. -tl III jjjiHimlilp No. SI Itsi'mo U H'wl, and will orjcr prooi in. winw linn ino in an souitni it nioro TitliiiiMo for lla tlinlivr oratono tlimi for Hurli iilliiinl piirisiiwi., unit to citnlilluli bis I'lnlin to sui lil liuiil Istfnri) tlm lli-'Klnlor uml lit In-r il I liln ollUti ut liowbiiiK, OroKoiii uti Kitiirlity, thu b ilny ut Jmninry, IWi. Itn iismi'KBii vi 1 1 ri (- ; I.. M. I'rklii. Henry W. Cliurclilll, W. A IVrUlm, K. J. Ciii.'lnllil, oCIsniit, OrKin. Any suit all rKiii elalinliiK dvirnly Hid H(.uulo'ilbt'il lamia are inlie-liil l till: tlielr olallim III I bin i.Dliss oil or Mate hi If, iliiy of JuuiiHiy, )'.;. J. T. llltlisiKsJhtcliili'r. NOTIl'l! 01 FOItl'lIITUIti:. i oiki' (irnw, Ori'Kon, Nov. 'ti, IWi). To WU.I.UN II IIahhlk: You srv liiri-by linllllcil that we liavc rx liiili'il itnrliiK I tin year i.tldlllK Dev. Xlut, t!iKi, inn' hiinilii-'l iliilliirn In lalsiraml liiiironim-ni Hi I'rtnli ol the iIiiib lotlowltiK lM'rllml loin lint I'lnlms, to wit: Tliu "(luray" locn If. I In tin' IIoIiuiiiIh Mining lUnlrlct ami re"ordi-l on I'Mici- W.'iof llaaik t, nl tli MlnlllK Hcciinl. nt IMM- fiioiiiy. iimiioii : the "lionvrr" locituil in tin linhiiinln Mlnbnc DUIrli l Biol ri'c.iik'i) on iinso 'i.i'i of limit Ii nt the MlJllln' Ittounli of Li no rmtiity, (ix'iioti. ami Ilu' "1'elroll" lo I'nteil hi tin- llolii'inlu Mlnllnf in-lili t mul re ciitdixl 'ii Kt ATI) ol Hook fi of I he .MIiiIiik Iti'i'orilxif inniKlna Conniy, oiih'i.n; In unlrr In hold nlil I'lnliim under Iho provlilona nt fix'lion Wii ut the llerl.Kl Unlolcn of Iho I'nlli'il si Mil-, ami the aiiituiilim-m llierolo, np iirovo.i inn. '.'Jnil, IhHo. coin crnlliif hiiiiiihI la Imr n i ii inlniiiK i'lnliim, litlnii the amount ri -iililreil lo liuiil vnt'h of nald Ihri'M cIhIuiii for tnt'lorloil t'tiiUnK tln Slt day of Dei cinlx-r , Itie. And. II Hlililit iiiiiitt)' days from tho pi r Minal .ervlrt' of llila notice, or within nlni ty day afior lh pnblli Hlloli Iheri-nf you fall or ii iu.c lo r-onlrilititi-your xirllonof mi b ex poiidtttirc a co-iiwiicr, yotir Intejeit in iho elaltn will tnHHitni- the property of the ijl N'rilair. Jour rii-iiwner. wliolinvo madf llm rcrulred tx eialllorc, by tt.e toruoi of ajl ncn llun. ii:o. w. liiyi) S. II AKI) We desire to reduce our Stock so we will give you Sabring Prices UtiriiiK a H INDUCTION SAUi of .80 Days. . We linve the Hest Shoes nrid ClotliitiK inade; Our Styles are the Latest and our Prices are cut to almost Cost. Our Prices on Millinery are cut to less than half the regular retail prices. Yours For Trade 1ST. E. El sea & Son. ?GCOwOOOCCCOOCOOOGOCOO O n The . . . I RESORT (S ItlvcrSt., CottaKo Grove. (5 ULKW&JOxNTIJS, Props V. r Wo carry an oxtrn it no lino of ii . . - ft Liquors and Clifar, mul If you navo octiinon to want roimIs In q .uu itiiu v ivmiiu Hiiiirecuuo a (j call from you. 8 oeooooocooooooooooooc Feed and Sale Stable Itlvor Street, oppolto Cottngo (lrovo Hotel, Cottage Uruve, Partners will find good feed nul stabling fortheir stock. Baled hay and feed for sale. We also hnvf n fon. fir, . t . ....v. i ia iu let out for driving. S. Lancler. HAllWIN UltlSTOlV s.T0,vi . IIkiiiishtKakin. rrumtient, Ciuliler. fll it I'll' -OF- CoTTAGtt GUQVIJ, ORJ. Paid up Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loan on approved soctlrity. Nxehnngoa sold, uvailablo tiny pluco in the United Statea. Your Jltmhtess Is Solicited. Take the Aoitvmiu Nu:ifjo',