BOHEMIA NUGGET. FublUhsd Xrarr Trtdar COTTAGE GROVE. . . OREGON. EVENTS OF THE DAY A Comprehensive Review of (he Important ilappenlngs of (he Past Week Presented in a Condensed Form Which It Moi Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many Taft says conditions arc good for peace in tho Philippines. A Oliinoso cruiser culled nt Manila to honor General ChnlTee. Appraiser Wakcman, of New York, lias been removed from office. Firo nt Clnrksvillc, Ark., destroyed property vnlucd nt $100,000. Tho transport McClcllan lias sailed from Rcrumda for New York. Firo in Baltimore, Mil., caused a loss of $210,000, fully covered by in sum nee. Tho first ground for tho St. Louis exposition was broken with imposing ceremonies. Engineer who caused tho recent California train wreck, says ho forgot his orders. Tho American Lumber Company, capital $8.000, 000, was incorporated in New Jersey. Firo nt Huntington, Pa., destroyed tho opera houso block, including sev eral storos. Loss, $150,000 Tho Atlantic Rubber Shoo Co., capital, $10,000,000, has been incor poratcd at Trenton, N. J. The ladies of two shepherds, partly burned, wero found nt Cnbra bpnngs. N. M. Thoy wero murdered and their (locks stolen. A St. Petersburg capitalist has promised to supply 140.000 roubles for tho expense ol n norm polar ex ploring party, which will leave next year. A pro-Boer orator caused a riot at Birmingham, fciigland. Numerous engagements have oc curred recently in Batnngns. German sailors assaulted a United States consul at Hong Kong. Anti-anarchist 'bills, havo been in troduced in both branches of congress. Major Heinz, a medical officer, is recommended for his bravery in Samar. Andrew Carnegie has offered $10, 000 for a public library at Canyon City, Colo. Tho navy department has an nounced tho final ncceptanco of the battleship Wisconsin. It is probablo that there will bo several more changes in President Roosevelt's cabinqt in the near fu ture. The body of Major Hugh R. Bel knap, who died in Manila, reached San Francisco on tho transport Thomas. Yuan Shai Kai, the new viceroy of Chi Li, intends to employ British and American officers to reorganize the navy. Upon tho termination of tho Boer war, drab will be subtituted for khaki for the working costumes of tho Brit ish soldier. Within 10 days at Constantinople, 70 Turks havo been denounced by spies as hostile to tiio present regime. Alt of them wero arrested. Two sentries wero frozen to death at Lisbon. Severe earthquakes havo occurred in New Zealand. Tho debate on tho Philippine tariff is on in the house. Kruger may abandon his demand for Boer independence General French has captured Boer Commandant Kirtztnger. Many Schley resolutions havo been introduced in tho house and senate. Oregon and Washington senators did not faro well in comnutteo assign mcnt8. Chicago school children havo sub scribed $23,000 to tho McKinloy memorial fund. Judgo Darling, of Vermont, has formally assumed tho duties of assist ant secretary of tho navy. Fastmaster General Smith has re signed. Ho will bo succeeded by Henry C. Payno, of Wisconsin. Firo in Bloommgton, 111., destroyed property valued at $50,000. By the explosion of a gasolino stovo in St. Louis, two women wero fatal ly burned. Emperor William has decorated Marquis Ito, of Japan, with tho Order of the Red Eaglo. According to a London correspond ent, tho Northeastern Uauway lias given nn order for 20 American loco motives. Tolograph company ordered Marconi to censo his experiments in Newfound land, na thoy owned exclusive control in that country. Tower for tho St. Louis exposition is to bo generated by tho uso of Texas oil as fuel. Tho ollicial roport of tho finances of tho ran-American exposition shows that tho exact doficit will bo $3,820,114. A new olfico has been created by Govornor Yates, of Illinois.. Its in cumbent is entitled "orderly to tho govornor," and his gonoral duties arc thoso of a dotcotivo and policeman. TO ASIA VIA ALASKA. Seattle Chamber ot Commerce Takes Up the Pacific Cable Matter. Seattle, Dec. 21. Tho matter of tolegrnphio communication with Alaska and tho Orient has Iwcn re cently presented by Attorney Joseph Shippon to tho Seattlo Chamber of f!nmmnrci. which unanimously re solved "that tho governmental and commercial interests of tho united JO.iEl'II S1U1TKN. States requiro submarine electric communication from Puget sound to Alaska, Manila and the centers of Asiatic commerce. " This has led to tho careful drafting of a bill about to bo introduced in congress by Senator Foster, providing for' the laying and maintaining by the United States of an ocean cable, or rather a series of connecting cables, to Alaska nnd tho Orient by the northern route. It is earnestly hoped that despite tho pressuro of manifold Imsinnsa. this measure mav be adopt ed and speedily carried into execu tion. TRAVELERS IN CHINA. Precautions Necessary to Insure Their Per. sonal Safety. Washington, Dec. 24 Minister Congor has reported to tho state de partment certain correspondence be tween himself and the Chinese gov ernment regarding tho precautions to bo taken by foreigners traveling in tho inland districts of China to in sure their personal safety. Tho board of foreign affairs has requested that, in accordanco with treaty provisions, travelers in tho interior of tho coun try and away from tho vicinity of tho treaty ports should always bo provid ed with passports. It is furthef de sired that travelers give the local au thorities notice in advanco of their intention to go further, in order that tho authorities of the province toward which they are traveling may be not ified and suitable guard bo dispatched with them to protect tbem from harm. Banks In the Orient New York, Dec. 24. Threo distinct movements are at tho moment under way, having in view tho establish ment of American banking facilities in the Orient, says the Journal of Commerce. These include first, tho establishment of branches at Shang hai and Manila, by tho Guaranty Trust Company: second, tho estab lishment of a bank particularly organ ized for Oriental business by n syndi cate of which Edward H. Cragin is tho head, nnd third, tho establishment by a New York national bank of a branch at Manila, as soon as suitable legislation can bo secured. Hall of Tara to Be Sold. New York, Dec. 23. Tho place in which tho Irish kings wero crowned, tho historical Hall of Tara, at Navan, county Meath, has been offered at auction, says tho Dublin correspond ent of the Journal nnd American. A wealth of legendary interest clusters about the spot, and authentic records show that tho monarchs of Ireland wero crowned thero from 30 B. C. to 50 A. D. There wero only two bid ders whon tho place was offered at auction, and the highest bid 2,020 was rejected and it has been reserved for salo privately. Trainmen Must Talk Spanish. Mexico City, Dec. 24. Tho govern ment has issued tho long contemplat ed order that all railway employes in contact with tho public shall bo ablo to speak Spanish in such a manner as to bo ablo to deal directly with tho passengers and tho public in general. J. ho order will probably atlect Pull man Company employes. It is assert ed that many acsidents of lato havo been duo to tho inability of trainmen to speak Spanish, causing a mistak ing of orders. Earl Li's American Secretary. Pokin, Deo. 24. William H. Poth ick, an Amorican who ' had been pri vnto secretary nnd diplomatic advisor to Li Hung Chang for 30 years, died hero today. Mr. Pothick inspired most of Li Hung Chang's progressive schcmcs.,nnd was author of his famous nnti'opiiim manifesto. Ho leaves an unfinished book on Li Hung Ohang and his times. Tho book contains vnlunblo revolutions concorning re cent Chineso diplomacy. NEWS 0E THE STATE 0TEM8 OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF OREGON. Corpmirclal and Financial Happenings of Im portanceA Brief Review of the Growth and Improvements of the Many Industries Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth Latest Market ReporL Boring for oil has boon commenced near Springfield. Secretary of Stato Dunbar has re turned from a trip East. Oregon City treasurer has issued a call for warrants up to January 1, 1000. Salem city council, in order to stop the numerous hold-ups, has increased the police forco. Tho O. R. & N. steamer Ruth sunk in tho Willametto rivor near Cor- 'vnllis. Tho accident was caused by ! itriking a snag. The industrial building at tho stato reform school at Salom burned. Tho causo of the fire is unknown. Los, $25,000, with $S,000 insurance. Port of Portland commissioners havo practically decided that it will lo economy to nulla a wooden dry hock at a cost of $i2;,UW, and renow it every 15 years, than to spend $510, 000 "for a steel structure. A farmers' institute will be held at Cove, December 30-31. A new creamery is to bo startetd at Fairview, Tillamook county. Frank Brehm, n convict in tho pen itentiary, committed suicide by hang ing. Jack rabbits aro so numerous in Eastern Oregon that they becoming a pest. Hold-up men in Salem are carry ing on very extensive operations in Salem nt present. There is nbout three feet of snow in the Cracker creek district and five in Cable Covo district. The recent snow, while not very heavy, was very welcome to the log gers of Eastern Oregon. Another rich strike has been mado in tho Columbia mine, Cracker creek district, Eastern Oregon. A snydicato of mining men has purchased mining property on Upper Cow creek. Tho prico paid was 25,000. Extcnsivo prcpaiations are being mado for the annual Douglas county poultry show to bo held in Roseburg December 20-28. Tho wholesale slaughter of Mon golian pheasants in Linn county is thinning them out so that it will be necessary to tako steps to prevent their killing. The discovery of three new and rich quartz ledges havo lcen made in Josephine county. Ono is in Coyotte creek district and tho other two on Rouge river. Sheriff Cooke, 'of Clackamas coun ty, has sold all porperty on 1900 de linquent tax list. Tho amount of taxes on the roll amounted to less than $3,000. The Braden quartz mines, a few miles from Grants Pass, which havo been shut down for some time, will resume operations in a short time, on a much more extensive scale. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 6960; luastem, 6001c; Valley, 69e. Flour Best gradei, $2.63.30 per barrel; graham, $2.50. Oats Nominal 95$1.00 pr csntal. Barloy Feed, $1010.50; brewing, $1G16.50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $10.5017; mid dling, $20; shorts, $17; chop, $1C50. Hay Timothy. $1112; clover, $77.50; Oregon wild hay, $5C per ton. Butter Fancy creamory,22K25c; dairy, 1820o; store, 12H14c per pound. Eggs Storage, 2022; fresh, 27 28c, Eastern 2225c. Cheose Full cream, twins, 13 13jc; Young America, 1415c. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.50 3.50; hens, $4.00; dressed, 910c per pound; springs, $2.50 3.00, per dozen; ducks, $3 for old ; $4.50 5.50 for young ;geeso, $00.50 pr doz en; turkeys, live, ll12c; dressed, 1215o per pound. Mutton Lambs, 3Jc gross; dressed 6&0 per pound; sheep, $3.253.50 gross; dressed, 00Ko per pound. Hogs Gross, heavy, $5.12; light, $4.755; dressed, 07o per pound. Veal Small, 88Jo ;largo,77Kc por pound. Beef Gross top steers, $3.504.0O; cows and heifers, $3.50; dressed beef, 37o per pound. Hops 810c per pound. Wool Valley, ll14o por pound; Eastern Oregon, 812Jo; mohair, 2121o per pound. Potatoes 85(05 per sack. Agent Fullcrton estimates that 2, 000 deer nnd 200 mooso hnvo been killed in Minnesota this season. A movomont has lipoiin in T?mnrn to put corsots under stato control and to forbid women under 30 from woar ing them. In tho constitutional nnnvnnf.inn nt Riohmond, Va an amendment was adopted providing for tho com pulsory education of children between tho ages of eight and 13 years. EXPLOSION AT A FURNACE. Ten Men Met a frightful Death at Pittsburg In Sight of Many Spectators. Pittsburg, Deo. 21. Ton men wero burned to death and four injuiod by an explosion of gas nt tho Soho fur nace of Jones it Laughlin, Ltd., to day. Tho ox plosion was caused by a slip in tho turnauo, and gas and llamcs belched upward through tho bell. Tho men wuro on tho furimeo platform 85 feet above the ground. Thoro wero ID men on thujhinmeo whon tho explosion occurred. Fifteen ot them woru caught in tho llames, two of them escaping with slight in jury. Tho other four men wero tho regular men employed as top tillers and escaped without injury. Tho ox plosion was caused by tho gas Incom ing encased in a crust of cinder formed at tho bottom of tho furimco. A wheelbarrow containing oro had boon sent up to tho men and when thoy went to dump it into tho boll ot tho furnace, they pushed it over too far and it rolled into the hoppVr. The harrow weighed DUO pounds and was too heavy for tho four men to raise. Tho 15 laborers, all Hungarians, wero then sent up to assist them. Hail it licit been for the barrow accident no ono would havo been hurt. FOUR BOILERS BLEW UP. Another Bad Accident at Pittsburg Pour Men Killed and Twelve Inlured. Pittsburg, Dec. 24. Threo or four men wero killed nnd 12 injured by a terrific boiler explosion at the Black Diamond Steel Works today, and another man is missing. Rouben Miller, Jr., superintendent of the plant, states that tho boilers wero examined last week and pro nounced to bo in excellent condition. No known cause can bo given for the explosion, but a thorough investiga tion is now in progress. It was about 4:15 o'clock, us tho night crew was about to turn over the mill to tho day force(, that four boil ers in the 10 inch bar mill No. 3 ex ploded with terrific force. The mill was completely wrecked and tho debris piled from 50 to 70 feet high. Tho boiler works of James McNeill, ad joining the Black Diamond null, was nlso destroyed. A force of men went to work as quickly as possible after the explosion, searching m tho debris for tho bodies. The mill had GO men on each turn. and it is thought that almost 120 men, both crows, were in the plant at tho time of tho explosion. Tho in jured and tho dead were found under neath tho wreckagn in tho millyard, whoro they had fallen in their race for lifo. One of tho boilers was blown across tho street and wrecked a dwelling house GAGE WOULD RESIGN. Secretary Anxious to Leave Roosevelt's Cab inet at Earliest Possible Day. Washington, Dec!. 24. It is Secre tary Gage's intention to relinquish tho treasury portfolio as soon as Pres ident Roosevelt can find a suitablo successor, and ho has so informed tho president. Mr. Gngo would like to bo relieved beforo spring. Tho presi dent has done all ho could todissuado Secretary Gago from retiring, and will probably continue to uso his efforts in that lino. Secretary Gago 'a determination to rctiro wis mado known to tho president somo littlo timoago. Just how long it is not known. After tho cabinet meeting Secretary Gage declined to say any thing about tho rumors of his resig nation, beyond tho simple statement that ho had not "formally" resigned. "What I may or may not do event ually I am not prepared to Hay now," said tho secretary. "But I can say that tho relations between the presi dent and myself are perfectly cordial. Ho would do almost anything I would nsk, and I would do almost anything ho might ask." Cold Wave In the South. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 24. Tho cold wave, which for tho last week has covered tho south, today equalled nil records sinco lBH-i for December, and lowered in somo localities all former minimum tcmpcraturo readings. Ah far south as Louisiana and the gulf border intense cold provails, though no serious damage to vegetation has been roported. Held Up a Bank. Fayettoxillo, Ark., Dec. 21. At noon today tho bank of Springvnlo, 10 miles from hero, was robbed by ono man. No ono was in tho bank except tho assistant cashier. Tho robber drovo up in u buggy and walked to tho cashier's desk. Ho compelled tho assistant cashier to go to tho vault and givo him nil tho money, about $7,000. Whilo this wus taking pluco tho cashier walked into the bank. Ho was nt once cov ered by tho robber's revolver nnd tho robber then hurriedly Jolt tho bank. Ordered to Panama. San Franoisco, Dec. 21. Tho Bul letin says: "Rush orders havo been rccoived from Washington, directing that tho cruiser Philadelphia sail from hero tomorrow with nil speed for Pnnama. Affairs on tho isthmus aro approaching a crisis; Vonozuola nnd Gormnny aro arguing n point or two of diplomaoy, and thoro aro othor important matters of international interest on tho southern coast nt pres ent." IN Ilium i PLANS OF THE M'KINLEY NA TIONAL ASSOCIATION. Address to the People of the United States Regarding Contributions to the fund for the Erection ol a Memorial at the Grave of the Late President Resolution Adopted by Memorial Arch Association. Cleveland, Deo. 23. Judge William R. Day, president of tho MoKiiilot National Memorial Association, lm issued tho following statement to tint public, adopted by tho trustees at their recent meeting in Washington: Tlin MoKlnlcr National llomorlnl Aa.ocla- llon wh ortmiiltcHt by lh Immcillate poraonal Irlf-nil, it I'nuMuni McKlnlny to nrforil nil opportunity tor tit pnoplo nt thu (in I toil Hinli i tn oiprclholr xrMiiil lovo nml ilnvullnti in mo imo rroaxioiii 117 inc. erection i it mum mcmnrnil nt hl Ktavc. Tliu lrutci wero np. pnllltt'tl by tho I'rcaltlont of tho I'nltlil mnltl, tho tl rat nu'ntliiK fur oruanliallnn havltiK bciui lielil at CIutoIhiiiI, UcloWr lutti. It la llm ills tlnct purtoaii ol tho Amoclatlon to erect audi n inciiinrini ai win iiuiiixiy typuy inoastti nlttst illlalllU"! ot character, aimi.flclttr. 'Hi; nlty, ilt-votlnn In iluty nml IiIkIi lilenla Unit wore an eminently elcmpllnoil In hji llln anil purpoiie Thla memorial la to rlau nhoo thu Kmvu nt t union, onto, mmm tin will lliinlly rct In iu-i'ord with Ilia own rmri'Mnl wlali In lirlniiUilt till) uraii ol tlila AaaiH'latlon bi loru tho pooplo, Iho rnrllvr work hai un niM onHtll)' ono nt iirKiinlsntlnn. Thla hal pro uriUMMl rmlilly ittul aullalaclnrllr. ItU.lnltoil Hint mi oriiiinlxatlon ho parln'ti'itiiicrory lain nun lorruury, mm incni orKKiiuntintt in t'ltica. town mul ruriil itlilrlrta with n vninmlttiv In eliartff, working III coliiioctlou with tho statu mixUlnry, It tiriioil. Tho public ahotilil ! Klvon tnu Itillrat opportunity In aulMcnlMi. Iho truaiova ilttlre to oxprvaa thotr iloip iMieof nlillirntlnti to tho prcaa nt tho country for lla I'lirncut aunport tlitia tar. nml to rronni. 1110111I Hint nil lnwaM'ra act na nifiuita (or Ilia roruipi nr aiuiiH-ripiiona. lly n rcaoltlllun by tho Alnotlran llaiiltora' Aiauclatluti. all bmika havo hvun Oct lidinti'il ili'poaliorlea lor aubacrlptlnui. All po.imaiti'r will rcx'OIrn ami forward motilra nml nil olnruia comnanlra wilt laiiui tiiiinot onlera fron of charito. anil, whon iiucraiary, inrwnrn iiiunoy ireo. Infnri'lKiii'ntintrlca, tho ambaiaailnr. mtm latora mnl cunaiila ol tho Unltoil Status will r col vo nml fnrwanl iiibwrlntloiia. Ill vtvty ca.) tho tiamo nml aihlrraa ol lha miUcrllier ahouhl bo (nrwarilcil In lha trvaa ttror, Myron T. derrick, Clorolnn.l, Ohio, fur priworvntlon In tliu perinaiiout arclilrn nt tin Aiaocimmn, nnu in onivr Hint aiitivunlr mill II cntoa limy bo artit to t'neh. Ihu aoun nlr cor iiuctio niiopicu ny too triiatvrt win bo worthy of liroaurvntlnn ai a work ot art atnt aati. ilpnio of tho hnlilar'a pnrtli'lpntlun In tlia iToruiMi ni inv iinimnni iiit'innriM!. 11 una vti Rrnroil uihiii It n Krtrnlt of I'roaiitrnt ItcKlti Ivy, mul In ahmlow plclmoaof lint I'ro.hlonfi homo at Canton, tliu Capitol nml White IIoumi The public la e.pwUlty rniitiutirit minimi miy ontorprltx nttainplliiii to miiko cnnltnl out i 111.' .1'i.Hiiltfllll .11 niiruunil w II 11 II lliapimi Iho ilcalru In ronr at tho irrnvo ol our Into Prtnlilont n mrmorlnl which almll nttlnuly honor hla memory, ft la tho iloalro ol tho lrutie that nil contribution, nhall . iho inn-win nnrrlliK ot tna people, nml they re K'Ctfully rt-iucil tlie public to ill.coiiraKe nil iroKialtloua which may noom to hum aa their object tho obtnlnlni; ol money by lvln all or pun in niu prooecua in mo riliifnorin! Illtlil The nubile aro herobr not I lie, I that Tl,. Me. Klnley National Memorial Aanx-latlnu hna no connecuun wiiii or relation to ntiy other n.n ebiitou or to any entcrprlao of n commoicliil iniiuro. Alter a conforonco at this meeting with representatives ol tho William McKinloy Memorial Arch Association of Washington, tho following rosolu tion was adopted : KK90I.VKI). That It tx tho aenan of tho Truatrea of tho McKlnle; National Memorial Akaociniinn Hint trio (lent ol iKipular inscrip tion ahouhl Ik) left lu It for ralilni.- the aiim nccemary tu prnvlilo n aultnble memorial tu tho bit ii l'realilent nt I'milon, whore hla lmy He-; nml that thla Aa-oclntlnu rhoulil join wiin itiu iniiiain ichiruoy Homnrin! Aroli Aaaoclntlon of WnahlnKlon In melnorlallilnir conuroaa to erect a national memorial nt tho capital ol our country to commcmoritto hla sorvirx-a to 1110 nation. Tho Arch Association acriiiiicml in this resolution and has ceased to so licit subscriptions, leaving tho field to tho McKinloy National Memorial Association, throuuh which the poo plo of tho United HtatcH will build a memorial of nITection at tho last resting placo ot thoir beloved pros! dent, William McKinloy. COAL FAMINE AT CHICAGO. With Temperature Low and Palling Much Suffering Is Inevitable. Chicago, Dec. 21. Chicago is fao ing a coal f amino, and 15 degrees Inf low zero within 21 hours is predicted by tho weathor bureau. Through out tho entire city big consumers of hard and soft coal aro liegging ship pers to supply thom hut without avail. Tho sovoro weathor and tho (loods throughout tho coal mining districts havo tied up railroads to sucl an oxteut that shipment is almost impossible. To ;uld to tho serious shortage, railroad companies aro ox erting thoir prorogativo of confiscating car lots of coal as fast as thoy arrive hero, nnd aro putting them to thoir own use. Largo business houses aro sulYcring severely for tho want of coal, and many concerns aro ham pored by reason of iusufllciunt steam. Today many owners of largo buildings aro besieging coal dealors nnd begging that thoy bo supplied with enough coat to tiuo them ovor tho zero weather. At midnight n number ot coal dealers who had been canvassing tho city roported that thoro was not more than SO hours' coal supply in tho city. If reliof docs not come by that tnno thoro will bo much suffer ing and many plants will bo forced to closo. Tho prediction of tho weather bureau is for a now record in low tompornturo for Chicago for the month of Decombor. At midnight tho mercury showed fivo nbovo zoro and was falling slowly. Pifteen Chinese Executed. Uorlin, Deo. 23. It is oflioiallv nn- nounccd that in oonscquenco of the murder of n uormnn near Pokin. Aiil' list 0, 16 mombors of thu hand found guilty hnvo been executed. Claimed to Be 116 Years Old. Abilono, Kan., Deo. 23. Alnv Gunn, of Horrington, Kan., died hero today trom tho citcots of ! tho cold weathor. Ho claimed to bo lit! vnn ra old. PHILIPPINE TARIFF. Illll Passed the Mouse by a Vole of 163 to 128-Last Day of Hie Utbate. Washington. Deo. 111. Tho hill tt provide rtivenuo ttinipurarily tor tho lMilllppliiu Islands p-trisod tliu liouso today by a voto tit KIM to 112H. Fivo Unpublloans voted against thu hill, and three DeinoroatM tor it. In tho course ot tho tlebato upon tli, i niKiiniirii. tbn DeinonrittM woro several tiiiuw taunted with their (all ure to present an alternative propo sition for tho pundliig ineasuro, but just iKiforo mo voto was uikoii oil um IlllHMllL'O Of tho bill, thu attltudii ol the minority was tlrllncd in a iiintlon to recoiiiinit, olTorcd uy itieiianiHoii, the minority leader. it iiistruott'd tliu ways and moans committee to report the hill back nineiidod ho as to reduce tho oustoms unit internal huvH of the United Htulos to a revenue IhihIm, and to extend tlieiu to the Philipiinirt until thu littler, with the aid of the United Htiiton, shouhl bo nblo to set up a stable, in- a a (( t . . .... tleiionueiii governmeiii. i ins prupo- sition did not ('01111111111(1 a Kepuhlieati .. . it. . n vote ami llio inreo i.ouisiaua kuiiiu orals voted agaiunt it. I ho . hill as partKiMi, iinpourn mo Dingley rates on gontlH cntfrlng tho llniti-d Htnti-H from the Philippines and the rates I'stablisht'd by tho Philippine comiuiitMitiii on goods en tering thu Philippines front tho United States. It also lirovidus (or thu col loo tion of tonnage tax on vessels plying Imtwcun tho milieu States and tho Philippines, and that foreign vesnuls may ply betuceu thono niirln until Jiiiiiinrv 1. 1)M. Tho duties and taxes collected under tho provisions of thu bill shall go into the Philippine treasury. SAMAR WILL DE MADE A DE8ERT. Plan to exterminate Lukban't Rebel Army Large Ammunition factory Captured. Victoinr, 11. C, Dec. 20. Tho Manila Timet, referring to thu plan of campaign in Samar snys: "Tho Cavito murines, to tho nuinUir ot 330, aru stationed at lla laguiiigati. Thoy, in conjunction with thu Eleventh infantry, will operate from thu south, coouriiiK ami burning thu country northward until thoy meet the Twenty-sixth, Twelfth, .Seventh and Ninth regiment. Thin is thu first part of the plan ot cam paign. Operations will Hum be re moved from Luzon and other points in tho vicinity to Samar, rounding up Lukbau's army for extermination. Samar Island will bu made a doncrt. "There is a bare possibility that Lukiuin and his followers will throw themselves on the mercy ot the American-. Lukbiin's friends have be come so terrified that tiiey have bo sought General Hughes to postpono his measures of retaliation until thu rebel chief can bo advixrd of the situ ation and given it chancu to present hiiiiHolf to thu Americans. "Thu fleet nf-gur.hoats which bun Ih.'oii patrolling thu coast of Samar has not been idle. llesitles thu work ot capturing HanciiH and escaping insurgents, thoy are also engaged in burning the coast towns and forcing thu insurgents into the interior. "Thu pueblos on tho shores of Loyto havo also boen devastated. A largo ammunition factory at I'll rami n, which has been supplying tho insurg ents with powtlur and projectiles, has boon captured." THREE VICE ADMIRALS. Dills for the Promotion of Schley, Sampson and Clark. Washington, Dec. 21. Represent ative Pearre, of Maryland, lias intro duced a bill reviving thu grade of vico admiral of tho navy and authorizing tho appointment ot Admirals W. T. Sampson, W. S Schley and Charles T. Clark to tho gradu ot vice admirals. Ah Pcarro represents tho district from which Admiral Schley comes, nml has been nil active adherent of thu admiral, tho proposition to unito Admirals Sampson and Schley ami Captain Clark, of thu Oregon, in ad vancemont to tho rank of vice admiral is regarded as a conciliatory stop. A similar bill was introduced in the sen ate by Pun rose Christmas Gilt (or Express Employes. Now York. Dec. 20. James C. Fargo, president of tho American .ex press Company, has announced that each of tho 10,000 employes of tho corporation in the United States will receive n Chrsitmns gift of $10. Last year tho company gavo each of its employes $5. Wreck on the Southern Pacific. San Francisco, Deo. 20. Trains Nos. 9 and 10, tho north and south bound ovorlands, on tho coast division of tho Southern Pacific, camo in col lision about 2 o'olook this morning near San Ardo, Monterey county, 180 miles south of this city. No paitiou Iars aro obtainable at this t imn fur ther than that No. 0, tho northbound train, duo to nrnvo in this city at 7 :3() this morning, is on firo. 'IV..I., tL M 10 left San Prnnoisco last night. Skirmishes In llatangas. Manila. Doo. 20 i'i.n.n - -- -"ni" nuio six skirmishes in various parts of l)u- wniKiin iiruvineo yostorday. Tho in surticnts did not mnU .. u i.. a i ,,.1. 7 ".unijiiu HHinu. several l'llminns wnn. l.:n, .i .... ...... .v llll;ut xno Americans had only n few men wound ed. Additional troops hnvo boon sont to Gonornl Roll, who is carrying on nn nguressivo camiiAiin, i n... , , , , a- o" "iii.aiiL'uB, laynbas nnd Liigiinn provinces.