Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 27, 1901, Image 5

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.' .
'77m- I.Htlr UrHirr,,
"''' Vm l,v 1Ioui,I,h
i''Uiv VhriHhims Ti'vvh.
Those win. had i lllluj the cnrc
niul liuppliic-HH ()f tht little -otie
who have ii.tiuii-npmt i,e ,
Sabbath iiilKrimaKr to the various
Sunday schools, saw to it that the
faith of their piototvjieN was fully
exemplified in tho receipt of the
generous gifts Unit were taken from
the evergreen foliage of tin- ample
IM..I..I .. 1
v.mniiiin! ueesintu were provided
in m least three of the leading
churches of Cottage drove. The
comiuittecN who the heuilicetit
work in hand most worthily ac
quitted themselves of lb; imposed
duties devolved upon them. A
sense of complete satisfaction was
on all sides and at no time in the
past has there been such a serene
Ki'.isfacliou among ,1,e recipients of
the gracious gifts that were de
tached from the boughs of these
Christmas trees.
The churches on this occasion
were elaborately decorated with tin.
yule tide emblems of tniscltoc,
myrtle ami fir. Appropriate mot
toes adorned the walls, and the
seating capacity In each of these
places ol worship was utilized to
its utmost limits In ?tich of Un
churches program hod been ar
ranged which were carried through
in detail and gave unbounded satis
faction to all. We append the pro
grams of the various exercises in
the churches that contained the
trees whose houghs held the many
gifts that gave so much pleasure to
the little ones who attend the Sun
day schools.
Song by Choir.
Prayer by I'nther Churchill.
Song by Choir.
Violetta Ovurhaulscr, Rending
from St I dike.
Christinas Exercises by Mrs,
Taylor's class.
Ladies' Chorus, Joy Dells.
Alice Huff, Recitation.
Ethel Smith, Recitation.
Duel, Misses Nellie Martin and
Lulu Willard.
Kuv Colver. Ke-itatioii.
Veruie llriiwu, Recitation.
Merle Ho'duson, Recitation.
Ladies' Chorus, Silver Hell.
Song Ity the Choir
Recitation by six small children.
Recitation by Veneta Thomas.
Recitation by llerthn Thomas,
Exercise "Christinas Hell" by
nine scholars.
Recitation by Allen Phillips.
Song by the Choir.
Recitation by Jessie Lewis
Recitation by Elie Zimmerman.
Recitation by Lizzie Copnrd
Song by the Choir.
Dialogue "The Christina Tea
Party" introducing Santn Claus.
Song by Quartette.
c. r. CHURCH.
Double Quartette.
Recitation, Ethel Downing.
Song by the school, "Peaceful
l'ir tree exercise (four little boys)
Primary motion song (four little
Xmas tree thoughts (class of
boys and girls)
Recitation, "Note from Santa
Clause," by Luther King.
Hedroom scene and Santn Clause.
Chorus "Softy through the silent
Midnight" (class of young ladies)
Tint S. P. Tut Plant.
After an absence of nearly six
months in the Siskiyous of Cali
fornia the tie plant of the S. P.
Company has returned to its old
camp ground nt Latham, just with
in the sound of the bells of Cottage
Grove. Tie Inspector Cole is at
the helm, his lieutenants arc trusty,
true and tried and the work at the
tie camp will be productive of much
good in this industrial field.
.Tauk Walsh is In town thin week from
tho Luoky Hoy mine in 111,10 1!iv't',' 110
J ii the line of athletic nporls the
football Knme on Christinas after
noon attracted several hundred of
mir people and there was with us
the flower of our sister town of Oak
!'ind. The player on both sides
put tip a strong and very interest
ing game and acquitted themselves
with all the '.lonor that was routing
to them. Our boys lost the came
Dill Miey
put no a valiant (Wlif
niul although they were outclassed I
nd conseipien.iy outplayed,
j -i.ijj hicii iroin uaKiaiid realized
tint they h:id been t up against
warm lads. Our bovs nrr nil
....,... ... l r- . . .1
known and they are still with u,j.
the bos from Oakland won the
victory and carried their joy with
light hikI happy hearts. That they
mav have the honor due them their
names are here appended with their
rank upon the field:
I'"mm limy, I'liplnin,
Iiiimih I'Hje, wnier.
ft. K, Hutiu-r, loft Kiisrd,
.Iioih'h Clay, It-It iiii-ltle,
llurrv MtfHii'iiM i. ...I
I'M '"liilliuir, riisht uiiard;
Cliiif. Ili-idler, nalit twiiklu.
Tom Ihirlmirk, nitlil end.
Tom tirny, iiiiulerlmrk.
Itiilii, lltnwii, right hull hack.
Hurry Miihonev, left Imll buck.
lW-rt I'ilkliiiiloti, fall Imek.
Tlllt IVNIII!VV(JH' Hntikavoukd.
The Presbyterian Kudeavor So
ciety on Christinas night nt the Ma
sonic H ill entertained the members
f the Hpworth League nnd the
Christian Church pjidenvor Society
and by the faith of their endeavors
they did endeavor to have a real
nice time, ntul they liadjit. There
were songs, recitations nnd music.
The hall was filled with the youth,
beauty and Christian cult of the
town. A most enjoyable evening
was had by those who dwell in the
faith anil in social environments
that charm. Rival attractions
there were in town, but the en
deavorer's H'icial was only abridged
in numbers by the subscribed limits
of the hall. To say that the
pleasures of the evening were en
joyed by all present puts the phrase
lu its mildest form it was simply
Tiik Tukkkv Shoot.
Ifntwira ii miai- unit Hioro u n I
, , , ' :
genuine enjoyment at the meeting
place of our sportsmen on the J
Luudess place this week, who love
... ...i. ...i 1
k. i i. iKKcr wi.ei. nit- yu.iic
is on the wing. At the shoot were!
liiied up the very cream 'of trigger
prcssers in these parts and they
are mighty handy with the gun
hut it remained for ISiilv I'etmnii to
carry oft the honors ami the tut key
t id. No.v, Hilly makes no pie
tentious to being a cracker Jack,
buthe got ill easy and through the
regular route, nnd although he was
in n star aggregation there was not
. o
nn envious spirit there. Some
people are born lucky, others have
honors thrust upon them, but
when luck abides the possessor ol it
easily outstrips the more ex
perienced one nud is honored with
n sent nt the banquet in the front
row. Billy, you don't need but a
little fixing.'
- ,
KltVIVAI. UVltlt. , gieut him.
For the past three weeks tltj' Dirk While who has Intoresds in and
,, . , , u.. aliout tho mouth of Martin Greek and
Rev. Morion L- Hose of Iiugenei,, 1)bo t,,ioll ,,v thL, wav
has held the attention of large and
interested audiences at the Christian
Church nightly gatherings. That
his ministrations have brought
forth fruit it can well be realized
when it is 'noted that some forty
professions of faith were made nnd
that number of devotees were
added to the regular worshipers
at the Christian .sanctuary. It is
to be hopped that Mr. Rose lias
left a lasting impression upon both
the permanent flock and new ad
ditions to the fold nud that these
worshipers can truly say of him:
"Well done, thou good and faith
ful." Ciiangkd Hands.
The liohemia saloon this week
finds itself under paitly new man
agement, Mr. McRiiiney having
disposed of his rights in the
premises to Al White, the con
trolling spirits now being Messrs.
Currati and White, who are well
known, the combination being now
n'logger und n miner. They neqd
no introduction nud will nhvnys be
glad to meet their friends.
Porso if ?j 1 pa vivu pi is.
Duke Knox Is down from Bohemia.
Chiii le
it ley lluudurer was up from I
thin wee
Henry Liiiduss eatiio liomo fropi I!
" lalm"'wt " ' '
j'.o lyiHtpa was in town Irom liooua ,
this weuk. ' '
U Muula-rof l.eonr. was In town
this weuk.
J. L. Hlivlton wag In
from Amos,
toWn this week ,
' ' i
Is down this weuk
Waller Oochruii
f""" liul""'
town I
i '
II. ('. Marcus is down this week from
iVdutus Mountain to onjuy tho holidays.
Iiird Kurrier. tliu veturai) Jnifitur of i
tl,e,",!"1''1 '''''. ' 1,1 " "'k.
Cnieati J)e LassiiH liomo this weuk
from Oregon. City to enjoy tho holidays.
Mrs. ICd Loii(! is afslNtlnf; ill (ho
diition of Alio pojlofllco during the holi
days. John Kcbullienk of Saginaw Is in town
for tint IiiiIIiIiivh,
II. W. Cliurehlll eai'ne up from I.eona
to ho with his family daring tliu holiday
W. II. Whito and John Wclgorft nrc
lu town this week fiom the logging
1 niwnun IJdwards, who Is with the
hriditu gung of tho. 8. was in town
thiii uei-k.
Mits Mnry Leu of McMlnnvlllo Is in
thutimve this wcik on a visit to her
nunt, Mrs. Ilubb.inl.
Mrs. Nellia' Skiehiiaii of IJr.iwiici I1H;,
simur of .liilnus J'eiiHon, is vlnitirig
friends mid relatives in tho lirove
during tliu CliriitmiiK weuk.
William Carey is ho:ua for tho iioli
diiys. lie liutt heeii wiiking fur tho
1. Compiiny on tho Bteam sliovu) in
Ctilifortiia, ami will teiiirii again to his
labors when tliu Christinas tide is over.
An "lil-ftudifoiied watch
meeting will he held at the M. K Cliuroli
on Tuerdiiy, Decjinticr tl. All
are inviteil to come mid m end thulupt
iitouiunts of tliu old year in prayer and
I're.u-hiuir by the pastor at tho Mutho
dil ehureli next Hnnilav iiiortiing mit
evening Morning suliject : "llie Kinu
ilom of (iod hiiiI tliu Wiiy Into It."
Evening Hiilijeet: "ICxeupes."
W.II. Monroe waB down this wei k
fr.Mii Ilohuinia. 1 lu hus liuen uiuplnyuii
for n uiie timu on (lie Clmnipiun group
and alter a hIi. .rt hc-ihuii nf n-it will hie
Ii i ii ielf iigiiin into that mighty mineral
Iji-it .
James N'olan of Saginaw was in town
thix Week. Of hue he has been con- y
afllicied with boils on his blind. Thos
iMinfortem of Job have about fcpei.t
thuir fury and James will coon bu .on
the funny Mdu of uasy street.
On ChristuiHS day the genial pro
prielore of l ho ltesort paed nut to
thuir friends with lavinli hand nmgnili.
relit Hliccillltms of the llHgralll Havana.
Thev weiu the long inuokt that produces
,;uivnt d the one the punter man
muuli appreriated.
O. II. Willard, tireen fibber, Dick
AVIitle. Itilfv Monroe. I'"red An. old. W.
w MHh.IKll) Hml ttvurll lnore f ,l,0i
future millimiHireH of lkiheinia havu n
I turned o their homes
nnd ItiliorM in tit-
miner i belt a'ter
! rtiri-tmns feii"t.
eiiloving their
P'olix Ptirrin Irmfc wepk liilil fn'w oik nf !
the viiriuiutH tlwit have troubled Iuh
lloak. His dug.-" treed a large wild cat
and their loud h.iyiug uon brought him
to thecceue of uetion, when, with a well
directed hIioi, he was cikjii the possessor
of that varmint.
Cottiigf Oroyu Lodge No 01, A. I', and
V'r! mllowYng
, llcers f.ii- he enaui ng year . M.,
itSenrge wall; S. .. Oliver eatuh ; .1.
( w m K vll(;. Truullrt.Pi )anvin
, Hrlstiiw; Siieiemry, W. S. Hun net t.
.Mm, w . I-., I'lilmcr and ulilldren re
turned hi!'! week from Upton, Calif.
Thev havu iwmneil the occupancy of
their home and nettled down onre liirain
with tif. Mrs. I'uluierand tliu ehililrun
aru enjoying excellent health.
Charles liettys, the storekeeper at tho
Musick, iiKi'l'tant poittuioster, miner
and all round good fellow, was down
i from Ilohi-inia this week on business
! ami carried a side liuu for pleasure. His
l III I l U I ll-ll II Pllll- I IHU
iniiiiv friends weru much pleased to
nMtennm. hascoiniileti'il all the iisiem -
ment work ho held commission
for and is now in town to enjoy a most
bounteous holiday. "
Toni Medley is down from Bohemia
this week to eniov the trond thimfs 0f
Christinas tide Tom has been putting
insoino big licks of latu in assessment
wiirL hus ibilln tin 1 1 1 H hnldim.rf tho.thCIU.
law's stliiiilatinii and
tho holiday season.
is now enjoying
.1. It. Brown had ipiitu a severe acci
dent happen him recently while at work
in Mill No. 2 of tho Booth-Kelly plant
at Saginaw. A limb struck his right
leg and laid him up for sumo time. Ho
is all right now.
J, C. Clucky is in town this week from
his winter quarters in Drain. Mr.
Clucky is ono of tho owners of tho
liolden Star group of mines In Bohemia.
This group consists of the liolden Star,
Moiuing .Star and Aurora claims, and tho
oro taken from them U among thu best in
that mineral zone.
A. J. Snoll wanted to attend a party,
hut was afraid to do so on account of
pains in his stomach, whieo ho feared
would grow worse. Ho says, "I was
tolling my troubles to a ladv frioml who
said: "Chamberlain's Coliu, Cholura
and Diarrhoea Remedy will put you in
condition for tho party.' I bought a
bottle and tako pleasure In stating that
two doses cared mu and enabled mo to
havu a eood time, at tho nartv." Mr.
Snoll is a resident of Snuimui' Hill, X.
lY. This rejnedy is
I Drug Co., Cofugo
1 Applegate, Drain,
for Halo by Bunson
urovu, lyons &
mIocuI Bi'cVeLics.
A (fiii! lino of riding bridles at 1'rud
Halo's harness shop.
Buy your grass seed of Kitkin & Brls
Now Is Ihi. time to pick oat your
Chrintinas'proimiits in watched umi Jew
elry utIL C. Madshn.
Jlatlun'biirg point laeo patterns anil
I iruiil at Lurch's. '
Take your shoos to tho West Side
Inti'iiex shop for rupaif.
Thoo diamonds at II. C. Madson are
beauties . Cull and see tliuni .
Kor lino fruit onke for tho holidays go
to Brown's bak- ry.
TryaSundnv dinner nt tho Imi-buiai,
Uo-it.i,. Served from 12 m. to 1:80, p
"nti "I t'lt in nil P:ctB'
x.ivuamr V svmiop;
.IK .ifj .o
(ajoiH Siurj iuji .a')
HO'llllH .TIIJp 4IIO
XlHJ O0.)H(l mix ,
pun (. uo. imix
ohm jii.o.u Ciniipuv
pupil jtioX ui
You eim t-euuro vour Clirituia oiler
ing by uowdopoititiuu a xiiihII portioi) of
us value Willi it. u. JiAOSBK uiu dew
Tlie I'lililic Sehool has secured tho
Keliuhort'H Symphony Club and Lady
Ouartett (or December til. Its usual
geiiunil dduiiHsion is one dotlar, Alter
much work we have fueured tlium nlGOc
and 7'"e. It is gieatly duyired to ptituu
n'veral l'om dietionnries ami oilier roier
uiicu Imoks in tho huIiooI. Will tho
people of Culture Orovu help and at the
h.i mil; linn- enjoy a musical ru!ioui heard
outxidu of our fari?e uitles? Tickets on
sale ui Now lira Drugstore.
Iron Itedn 12.75. 0-feetextuntion Tables
f 1.00, Shades 80 eta., High Hack Dining
(;hairs 00 els., Larpet Uuijs. rortturs,
1 lining, Trunks ami valgus sold vliua
at the Uouhran I iirnituro store, one
door from pogt otlicc. Call und gut
pricus. du zl.
Tho Sehubert's wore arreted by a largi1
audience, which wiih entlms'iaHtie fiuu.
ihu llrt inimber, uucoiun being l
imiiuled mid granted afler uiieh celee
tion. Tlie htalc Journal, Lincoln, Neb
Sioux City, Iowa. The SchuburtV
filled our auditorium to overflowing mid
every one wjh highly pluam-d and enti-i-tained.
II. W. btoiu-,.Uon. hec. Y. M.
One 3-inch Stoughton tliimblo-skuin
Ono Mitchell n-inch EJthlmble-skein
Uno set of team haruutd.
Apply to Chiieiuau A Hangs' livery
stable, Gotland urovu. Oregon.
Wu sell elioicd lots in the Long oc
lliiigham property, latuly platted and
adjoiiiiiig Cotlugo (iiove, right at the
junction of. tlie S. 1'. It. It. and the CO.
it II. It. it. I'riee according to locality.
Jkkomi: it Co,
Yon can buy any preparation at J.
P. Currin's that is advurtitied in any
naiiur. Remember we iiiaku a specially
..r r. in. it,, w.i. ui ,it m.
i Kami real e-dato bargains of Jerome
Knox A Co.
When in Eugene von can get a nice
and uewlv fuiui"tied room m llie oin
Couriliouu UHlging Hoae, junt opened.
Hoard, too, if der-ireil. Newlv paillloit
and ii.ineri.Ml t lirolli! hout witti now tied
dings and furniture. N'o carpets. Wull
, eourthoiue, and on sai
i,iL. '
l hU. k Howk
" '
pal n led Hours and rugs inslunu. jiisi
Thu Huns m Drug Company is in re-
cuipt of and now has on sale a largo and
choice lot of lovely toilet, glove, hand
kerchief, necktie, perfumery and othur
I imieuius boxes, which will make hand
some Christmas and Now Year presents
for ladius and gentlemen. They have
I a big variety of every kind for young
I and old, grave and gay, and each and
a I of those beautiful articles are marked
down within the rearh of all. Never
j before has tberu been brought to this
old and reliable liuusu such a wealth
! of uiiluuu and useful articles for the
holiday season, ami thu niee-d thing
' about it all is that you can get them
almost at your own price. Thoy au
! ' display. You are welcome and
! invited to inspect them, and Doc I'attor.
i ""V 1,0 l'eael to show
i splendid goods and toll you
von the
all about
Corner of Main and Pocoial St., Cottngo Grove.
Carries a flno lino of Groceries, No
tions, Candies, Tobaccos, Nuts and
Stationery. '
Our prices aro right and wo will givo
Good Value for Your Money.
Valuable mining nronertv ill Do
huiula for sale Joromo Knox and Co.
II, T. Melntyro. St Paul, Minn., who
has been troubled with a disordered
stomach, savs, "Chainbarlaiii's Stomach
nnd Liver Tablets do mu more good
than anvthlng I havu over taken, ror
salo by Bunson Drug Go.
ifcrtif tVie ISoltcuila Xuuyot.
We have made it a point since starting in business to
keep a clean, strictly up-to-date GROClRY, and as .
a result we note a steady increase of customers.
Iligh-grndc Groceries, Ifresh Fruits' and Vegetables are
our Specialties. '
Special prices quoted to the mining trade.
Call and be convinced that our aim is to please you.
A. Q. Younsr, Manaeer.
Mi Jievs' Tools jukI
Give us and we will treat you right.
Bon Ton Meat Market
Alain Street, Near Fourth
We keep constantly on hand the choicest of Beef, Veal, Mutton,
Pork, Sausage and Fresh Fish in season. Your trade is solicited and
our effort will be to please and satisfy you.
Carry the most complete line of Hardware, Stoves and
Tinware in south Lane county. Also a fine line of Guns,
Ammunition and Fishing Tackle. We are Headquarters
for Mining Supplies, Htircules Powder, Fuse and Caps.
Also agents for the celebrated Studebakef Wagons, Canton
Clipper Plows and Harrows. Hi fact anything you may
want in the Hardware line.
Call and See Us and We vill Treat You Right.
Under Odd Fellows' Building
We have for your inspection a full line of
Fancy ClaiBfisawssft'e, Crockery, Glass
ware, GraEaileware and Tinware,
We shall deem it a pleasure to show our goods.
Call and look over our large stock.
Succoor to WIIEELUR & SCOTT.
We will continue to carry n full and complete
stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Mining
Supplieu, Fishliro's, Wagons, Oliver Chilled and
Steel Plows., Etc. ::::::
Music Lessons
lv-"On the Piano.
A lute Oriutcd (Ionium Method of Muiilu
Is now bolntf taught at the C. 1. Munso by
Mrs. Xj.jy. Beck.
HoltalnlUlio tvou ut jirojor lutorvulH
tha givfhg imronU u opportunity to nolo
50 cents per lesson, 30 minutes
GO UOa ,
For Fashionable Dressmaking.
Iluare of air dried or half dry floor
ing. qelling and rustic. Tho Booth
Kullv, Liimbtir Co. uro miiL-ttur ui,,.l,.
each pricus on kiln-dried lumber.-
1h enjoying tho holidays