Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 27, 1901, Image 3

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nrn la-iriia or Miiruto '""'J'. '!
Tlinr nrn mi ... .
" tl"l H'JthlNK
fn .
innuuur, ffmifmi it.i.ili,.. ""
Tlioy VAN.,, , . ' P. " """l t
rr'I'Hrn ilmlr im ,,1.1, , "'" .."!" ''.''"'To
Knitcrm io,n, ,,' i. v. " """"Hid. ur
ling to pliiy
No l)tfd 1'iymtnli.
' your daughter Imrn
ly nolo?"
"Certainly ll0 -. Illll)vv(lr,,, M
Olinirox 11 lln in I, .1 ... "
crHi. i, . " ,. "" K,m . 'y-. . ..' i"'.v
"-"miii. rim tiii.'H!'
Mvr ii. nr. ," " '"' ,:
Jlon ii7 Mr.., lt,','.,,,,',r'
Tmi hy i:Ufiti((.
"Woidinll iiiial.-mhl the, nlllror
...... ..fiiuKI,iK ,r me K'V(ini(iit;iit
uV..mi,II, IO()UHII.llei, fornix men
"Supplies for eight tiii-ii," Hithl tlm
m-orotary, jottiny U down. "Wind
MiiIIikm will llmJ Mm. Wliialow'gBo.ill..
iiik Hynip tlm Ix-iii rumcily to imu lur their
olilldren UurliiK Hit) litlliliiK perio-l.
Mdc In (itrmaay.
Tlm tnucli talked of Chincno imtro
mimical liiHtriiiiicntM brought from
l'okiii anil now in tlm poMM-nnion of
(iuriuniiy have Ikcii proved to bo tlm
work nf a (Ionium named looihtil,
who died in 1771. Ho wiih attached
to tho court at l'nkin anil wuh preni
(lout of tho royal olwervntory.
.V,',.".n'5rc1 Do"" Howard foranv
Msoof Cattarl, that can iiotbociuod by 'lUlVl
-. ' "PK? I'n-Pi. , Toledo. O.
tto tliotlliil.-ralciioO. hare known F J.Chriicy
nr Urn iiait I'. vraM. ami bnllcvo i,lm ihtIvi l.y
mnnraliln In a)! hiiiliiun transaction ami fln-
ratrjr oiitanjr uUlicatlniii uiaila
aurlally al.nt
I'Ttlnlr linn.
Wnr.t Trx.
WhulpMln liruvKlnln Toledo.
W1.MMI Klss.sA MailVIN,
illUS.ii!Sf.,fi"',.V"r? Uk"u "il"nallr.arllllf
flireclly on tlio )I.1 it iiiuonut mtf !(. oi
iio.y.iom. l'rlro7ic prr Ix.tiie. fcoid brail
llaira Kamlljr 1'llla aro tlm Lt.
The (ioliicn Hint.
"1 h(H) that polrolotnni 8 lioiiiK uicd
for layiiiKiluiit. Soniothing m-w, isn't
Scarcely. I'ntroli iiin has heen May
inn ltint' for John 1). Itookffcllor for
nearly forty yearn. " Clovelanil 1'lain-tlwilcr.
CITQ l'rmnntlf ftirrt. M rl rt nrrtouuiM'
I I nr nnl I.T'.i.f lit. Kllo.'iCrr.t Nrrrt
iutuir. luiki (Uf I'll ill! s-i.nn itui
Im. .HI anliSt..l'MWUIvlila.ra
The DIKcrtnct.
I'alor You arn very forward, sir.
In my day tin1 ynmi); man waited
until ho wan nuked to call.
Youiik Man Yon; anil now ho
waitH until ho is linked not to call.
Tit llitH..
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Donrs tho
Signature o
Ptrhipi Uiliy Lives la Iloiton
Dainy 1 have made tip my mind
to enter Mociety.
Hardhead What Iiiih your mind
KOt to do with it? Smart Set.
Sufferers from this horrible malady
nearly nlwnyB inherit it not necessarily
from the parents, hut limy he from some
remote ancestor, for Cancer often rum
through several ceneralioii9. This deadly
poison may lay dormant in tho Mood foi
years, or until you reach middle life, theu
the first little sore or ulcer mates its ap
pearance or a swollen jjlaud in the
hrcast, or some other part of the hody,
gives the first warning.
To cure Cancer thoroughly and perma
nently all the jwisonous virus must be
eliminated from the blood every vestagc
of it driven out. This S. S. S. does, and
Is the only medicine that can reach deep
seated, obstinate blood troubles like this.
When all the poison ha9 been forced out
of the system the Caucer heals, and the
disease never returns.
Cancer hesinsoftcn in ftsmall way, nsthi
following letter from Mrs. ;hircr shows
A (mail llmple came on my la.l al-out an lucii
below the ear on the left aide ot !Jy face. It B
jne no junior inconyen
elnce, anil I ilionM hive
foreollen about It bail It
notliciuu lolnAatnaanil
Itcll It would bleed a
lllllr. tlienacaliover, but
r duIiI not heal, This
continued for aome lime,
when my Jaw beian to
awclt, becomluc very
painful. Tkt Caucer be.
gan to tat and ipread,
lialf dollar.whenl heard JQ
or 8.B. B. and determine IffV,
ed to five it a fair trial,
SHU ll waa icnuntutc
II liad rrom the very beginning thesore began t
bealaiidaflertakfni;a few liolllea dliappeared
entirely. Thli wat two yeira ago ; Ihei e arc allll
no alina of the Cancer, and my genera! lieatlt
conllnuea good. Mas. H. Hhihkk, J.i l'lata. Mo
A, XBBk aHh is the greatest of all
blood miriuers, and the
only one guaranteed
purely vccctaDie. &cnu
for our free book oil
Cancer, contslnlng valuablo and interest
ing informition about this disease, and
write our physicians about your case. W
make no charee for medical advice,
the swift Specific co., Atlanta, oa.
uuuj! ii iiiii TiilR.
liouah tijrun. 'Vantoa (lood. Uo
In tlma.
PHOTOaflAPHS uqhtninq.
'Ir-i-fiil l-Ueuvei-7,
v.u,l',f(i:,'W,,r,I " ,,""""K. of Mar
wo ,1 , ;,'V",0!'y' ",m H"lrtl1'''
World r H. I.-,,,.,. ,j HU-rl-HHrully alyZ.
"IK IlKlltlllllK wltll
the HpcctriHieoiM).
The analyaiH proven
that tlie element
hydroen In a com
pound HiiliHtanco.
IM-rtmpH the baala
of all other elo
ineiiln. I u a t (, a tl
of a mIiikIo IikIItIi
Ible elmneiit. uh
ehetiilHla have hui-
I'llOlr. I'll'KKIIIMU. INWHl. Allll I. lltnH.
Hiirevelatloii U the fiu't that tho photo
Ifraplm ( t, piM-lriiin of a Htreak
f liKhlnliiK. Hhowlinj that It la
Uiade up of IIik l.oni!lliL' to eheinlciil
ItleiueiilH which aeem to be Hpllt Up Into
illll uion. elem.-ntary BUlwtaneeH. prth
ioiiU a rernarkahle rcHonihlaneo with
tlm Mpeetruin or Nova, the new tar In
I erHeim. There, tin,, the Wieetral llnea
of hydroKen iipM-ur eurloiiHly different
from their ordinary apiN-arnure, and
both In InleiiBltv anil imwHIoii benr u.
use reHemblanre to what they ahow
In tlm Hpectrum of llhtnlii. What ro
lutlon ean there Im- iK'twiK-n the vaHt
K'owIiik lr of that dlHtant Htar. too ilia
taut to he measured. preHiimably ablazo
from center to elreumfen.neo with In
leiiHo heat a eoulliiKrntlou extenslvo
i'IioiikIi to Involve ninny am-li worlds aa
oura In detitnietlou and the eool air
thateliwrapMourllttle planet and earrlea
the elnudM and ralna that make tho
earth Inhabitable. Nova wiih discovered
only a yenr iiko, and the mlKbtleMt ex
tihmlon of IlKhtnliiK Is liiHlKulllenut na
coinpnrnl with an outburHt such iih that
which produceH a new star, and yet
both phenomena the IIkIHiiIiii; from n
nummer cloud and the KlKitutlc out
break of power that cnlls.Nl im extln-
KUlshe.! sun In PeraeUH to burat iikuIii
Into flame prnduco u Hlmllar elTect.
Nntnl Hof.irmcr ud Painter Who Died
Mlsa Kate (ire-naway. tho noted
llrttlHh artlHt who has paxHi-.l away In
Loudon, Ih bivst known for her beau
tiful lllustratloiiH of
hlhlreu'H book x,
and for tho keen lu
UTcHt she has taken
I n reformlUK t h e
drehH of children. It
was her mlsilon to
traiiHform the over-
d r e m h etl . t Ik h t-
walHted It r 1 1 1 h I,
baby Into the freu
u u d llowtiiK robed
n fiuit which la theKATt: oiihkmawat.
del It; ht of the Ixioka Miss Oreeiiiiwny
Iiiih Illuminated with tlm fire of her
Koulua. This Kenulue artist was educut
iil at the KeiiHtUKtou sehool, at Heath
cmley'H anil at the Shnle sehool. Sliu
Ntmlled UeynoIdH and Itomnoy, but ahe
lid not win her crcntest sneeesn until
H71. when she published her remark-
ablo volume. "Under the Window." Tho
sale was enormous, approaching tho
muccckh of "Alice In Wonderland." In
IkSO iipiM-nrcl her "lllrtlulay Hook for
Children," upward of 1WUXM) of which
have lieen Hold In Orent Ilrltalu. Many
of her lMt painting" were owned by
ho late John Uuslcln. Her home was In
HampNtead, London.
No Mom GIotch Tor Boldler-H.
It Is announee.1 that the French army
will mxm ho dcprlvvtl of k'ovm from
miitlveH of eeonomoy. ICneh of tho WW,-
OW soldiers recelveH two pairs n year,
and each pair cimls 1 friiue 25 eentlmeii.
Hut tho Inhabitants of Nlort. who live
by the manufacture of these glove, aro
protestliiK vlKorotisly iiKalust the pro
poHtl ineiiHiiro. 1'our thousand people
will ho thrown out of work Hhould Gen
eral Andre persist In Introducing the
reform. Needles to say. every plouplou
will hall it with delight. Tho glove,
or rather the absence of It, Iiiih Itocn
the cause of more punishment than nil
the rest of tlm catalogue of military
offenses.rarlrt Correspondence Tall
Mall Gazette.
A Forgotten Craft.
It was probably known to nearly
every Itoman ettlz'en how tho mortar
which cemented the stones of their
buildings was made Just as It Is
known to the majority of people thnt
the principal Ingredient of Kngllsh
mortar In street scrapings. Hut, tho
knowledge being general, nobody wroto
It down, and In time, as tho ltonmns
shifted their building upon slaves and
foreigner,, the recipe or their mortnr
was lost. So far It has not been dis
covered, though tho Rocrot of It would
he Immensely vuluablu for tho cement
outhiHts the very Btones which It.Jolns.
Loudon Mull.
Iln Know Hotter.
At a Bchool In Kent nn Inspector was
examining a cIiirh of children In arith
metic, when the Inspector asked tho fol
lowing question:
"Now, .John, supposing I gnvo you
two rabbltn and another kind friend
gave you one more, how mnny would
you havoV"
John Kour, sir.
Inspector No, my hoy, two nntl one
don't muko four.
John (quickly) Please, sir, I'vo got
ono old lop-eared 'en nt home. London
Spare Moments.
Imperial lIuptlHiiiul Font.
Dairies of tho UUhIiui Imperial family
aro usually christened In tho winter
palncu at St. Petersburg, where tourists
can boo tho baptismal font, a piece of
pure, solid crystal, 21x2x18 Inchon In
Blr.e, with a basin chiseled In tho center
and heavily embossed on tho outslda
with cold illngreo representing llllea
A Dark Outlook.
Stranger (In Frozen Dog) I Blip
poso a poot would ho liable to starvo
to death in this place."
Jlroncho Hill Well, if ho liovd
long enough to starve to death he'd
be gosh-oliiiighty lucky. Puck.
End Ii Not Yet, Tor lllm.
She So this is tho end of our en
gagement? He It may bo for you ; but it will
Uko mo a year to pay the bills.
Ilrooklyn Life.
The Modern Maid.
Bhc Do you think it is safe for
mo to go out on the lake alono with
Ho Why not?
She Well, tho last timn I went
tho young man kissed me. Town
A Neglected Apple.
Mrs. IJonham You used to
that I was tho a nolo of vour ovo.
Jlenham Well what of it?
Mrs. Ilenliam Nothing, excopt that
you dont seem to euro as much for
unit us you onco did.
China's Deer Importi,
Chinn has imnorted this rnnrn
bottles of boor from Gormany than
any other country in tho world.
The prcsonce of tho German nrrny is
hold in pnrt responsible for this.
Novel Dccoratlani.
Christino Nelson has two of her
rooms in Madrid decorated in a rather
aovel fashion. Tho hedchnmbor is
papered with leaves of music from tho
operas in which she has sung and tho
dining room with the hotel bills sho
has collected in her tours through tho
Authority and Pay of Admiral,.
An admiral may command a fleet
or fleets; u rear admiral may command
n fleet or a squadron, or division,
under an admiral or vice admiral:
an ndinlriil receives .$1.1,r,00 whether
on sen or shore duty; tho first nino
rear admirals receive ot sea $7,500,
on shore duty .f(l,:i7r,; tho second nino
ut sea $5,500, on shore $ 1,075,
Medical Profenlon Hereditary.
In Korea tho medical profession is
heriditnry, passing from father to son.
Tho basis of medical study is a work
in 1!) volumes, written about 2,000
years ago.
Another llrillih Sporting Man.
Hir Thomas Lipton luirdly stands
for so prominent a representative of
llritish sport as Lord Lonsdale. Tho
jattor owns tho finest pack of hounds
in Kngland, is a splendid boxer,
rides and drives to perfection, and
has earned fame as a yachtsman,
hunter and explorer. Ho is also
patron of -10 church livings.
Parental Sarcasm.
"Yes," tuid Farmer Corntoscel,
"our boy Jo.iinh is devoting a good
deal of time to gamcB and light liter
ature jes' at pretunt."
Isn t that rather an unprofitable
"Yes. Hut, you kcc. nil the cabinet
ollioos an' biif diplomatic nhices is
filled ; so I reckon Josiah feels that
thoro ain't much pImi fer him to do
nt present." Washington Star.
St. Louii' Kag.Tlme Music
Mr T..,u r in,,;.. f ut t..;
has stirred up tins musical circles of
that city by reading a paper before
ino congregational club in winch she
affirmed that "rag time" music in
that city was more jiopular than clns-
kimil fimaln nnjl , lmt tli,iitt. lin.l lit.
.v... ...uu.w ... V....V W.V. V.VJ .(. l.V-
terly failed to show any appreciation
ui miiaiu ui uiu (ugliest, quality.
Substituting Filectrlcty for Steam.
Tho extension of tho um of elec
tricity in llritish win ships in plnco of
steam for subsidiary purposes was
inado tho subject of a series of experi
mental tests in November. At tho
present timo tho capstan, steering
ongines, ventilating fans and derrick
lioists are worked by steam power.
ltE.ilut thfi I.lTr.
JrffcnUrltr kills. At tha lint ilcn takn Cat-
rari'tt ( nnilj Cathartic. Ke a box hanlr at
hriKir, In your j ockot, In jour dcak. All drug
glU, 10c, Ite, 6Uc.
Well Bred.
Gentleman That looks like a
bred dog.
Owner I should think ho was well
bred. Why. ho won't have a bit of
dinner until he's got his collar on !
A Chinee for Poor Lovers.
A curious custom exists in tho
Prussian royal family of selecting
every July a half dozen young couple
too poor to marry and having them
wedded in tho garrison church nt
I'otednm on the annivorsary of tho
death of Queen Louise of Prussia.
After tho ceremony each brido re
ceives n gilt of a sum equivalent to
about $125 and a handsomo family
Making Dondimen Pay Forfeited Bonds.
District Attornoy Phllbin of Now
York City has devised n winning
plan for making bondsmen pay up
forfeited hail. Ho puts tho bonds
men's property into tho hands of a
receiver and then it is a case of pay
or bring in tho man. Tho schemo
is causing nil sorts of consternation
among bondsman, to say nothing of
tho criminals.
...Columbia University...
Academic and Colloglato Halls.
COUltHKB-ClRMlcal. Mterarr, Hclenllflo ana
Commercial. For particulars applj to
REV. E. P. MURPHY, Preaident,
Unlveriltr ?ark, Portland. Oregon
Portland, Oregon. Founded 1870.
& Home School for Boys.
Military and Manual Training.
Wrlto tor Illustrated Catalogue.
Are lcat became the are thorotifthlrwim mads
ot test material. Art mrnneor and heavier
than olncri, hence mora durable. Tho teed la
aixoiuieijr accurate, reliable ana pomuve, ana
will sow tame quautltr, up or down hill or on
Idohlll. Ilooilor Drills are cheapen! becalm
It EST. We keep full stock ot repair at princi
pal points In tho Northwest. Catalogue tree.
First and Taylor Sts.
Portland, Oregon.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature- of
5eo Fac-Slmllo Wrapper Below.
JOHN POOLB, Portland, Oregon,
rootof Morrtiea Btrwv,
Can eIts yon ths boat bargains In
Buggies. I'lovti. Bolltrt and Kntgtne),
Wln.tmdli and PnrnM and General
Machinery. Sea us before buying.
If roakaTtn't a raenlir, ktaltbr moromont of tha
bowels avarr Oar. roa'ra alasu or win bo Koop your
wlntsnt nti. .la or Bill Bolton, la daofferotis. ThA
amootbeii. caslait. moss parfact way or kaoplog tba
0UWB1 Clear anu ghwh whii
PlmuDt. PUtbl, Pouat.Tuto Good. Do Oood,
Merer Hlckn. Wkka, o?(2rlp, lOe, 0a Trlt4
forfrontaiBDU. ami bookl oa n&ltii. Addreu
KrtUt Baosly twiyt Ctli , Bflsir.l. vm Twt. 321
Patents Send no Money
nut a model or arawtng wun a ascription,
and wo will adTlso you. J. 8. Dufflo pope
&Co., (Dept. A) Washington, I). C. 1 l.-.E.
Knolvn and soten
bhereber good crops
are grown.
Sold everywhere
1903 Annual FREE.
Holiday Resolutions
e&Bey Gut
tutt relief from llqaor, opium and tooaooa
hablta. Bead far partlanUri to
Kealay Institute, A'i'J.i-o-rttdVJsr
N. P. X. V.
No. 521901.
WHKM wrltlnr t adTertiaers ptoaaa
uieutlou thla paper.
She'd Give Him One.
"Madam," raid tho hungry tramp,
"I haven't had a Into for a week."
"How oxtremcly cnrelcbs ofvou."
alio replied, as she called the dog.
JJenver limes.
Robert Lowe, afterwards Lord Shcr
lirook, onco saw a deaf member of par
liament trying his best to catch with
his car trumpet tho words of an ex
tremely dull speech. "Just look at
that foolish man, "mid Lowe, "throw
ing away his natural advantages.
Her Logic
lie You will admit that man is
tho most tcnsillo of all animals?
She I'll admit that ho thinks ho
is. It is for that reason that it is so
easy for a woman to mnko a fool of
him. Iioston Times.
Delaware Without Senator.
Dolawaro was, at tho beginning of
tho present session of congress, entire
ly unrepresented in the senate, though
it wns ono of tho original thirteen
states and lias had since its admission
an almost continuous lino of senators,
some of thorn of very much more than
local reputation.
Horseshoes Draw Electricity.
A writer stotcs thnt tho difTcrcnco
in suscoptibility to olectrio shock be
tween horses and men is largely a
question of shoes. Tho solo of n
mail's shoo has a very high resist
ance, but a horso with his four iron
suocs, instoncu on witn iron nails, is
apt to got tho full benefit of tho cur
'. ,,
Tar asaall 4 m rwjrf
te) taiia ava racsr.
ran dizziness.
L - j a ciKTvuxms mu rr hav ty matvbi. .
Maka I'resrntnbln anil Vnlur.I Olrta.
I'endleton Indian rotes, made ol rare Orrcnn Flcpeo
Tt.ol, are rnanulaclured br the I'endleton oolcn Mills
and shipped br them to nearly eTery Indian Reservation
In the Untied Slates. They are CO by "0 Inches In size, ot
leauil(ul In.llutn liealciia and rich color combinations.
Nothing but the bast grade ol dyes are used, consequently
the colors are warranted to be abolntely FAST.
Nothing Is prettier than one ot these beautiful Indian
Kobra lor decorative purposes In the home, and tor
fancy corners and aouch or lounge covera they are un
excelled. They alro make excellent Htamuer Huge,
Murubar Kubca, Tramlia rrrH,ia. Lap Kobee, and
for 1 rTlioc are Indispensable, belnir aolt and warm
and can easily be folded Into a neat package, which will
welsh but four pounds.
Remit us SAOU. stating color wanted, and we will aend
you a genuine "FEN DLBTOS," expreai charges prepaid.
Write ui about Indian choinicrarihs. We reler to anr
1 bank or express company In I'endleton.
St is Welt To Be Prepared....,
No telling about this climate of oura sunshine one minute, atnrm the next. It
pays to invest in time. ALLESINA'S ANTI-RUST UMBRELLA FRAME protects
and will practically last a lifetime. Let ua explain why our umbrellas do not rust.
! ANTl-UL'hT UMBRELLA Kit A ME. 30g MorrUon St., Opp. Pomtotttco.
, j
Aols Certl;
fids piea,s3artly;
cts Bercficiaa.lly;
flctsitrvily as a-La.xaiiver,
Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the
well-informed and to the healthy, because its com
ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be
cause it acts without disturbing the natural func
tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable
quality or substance. In the process of
manufacturing figs are used, as they are
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal
virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained
from an excellent combination of plants
known to be medicinally laxative and to
act most beneficially.
To get its beneficial effects buy the
genuine manufactured by the
Louisville, Ky
For stdc by oil druociats
SatV Francisco, Ctkl.
new Yor-K.ri.Y.
.Price., fifty cervts per. bottlo
r-niii vt uruttHip.i..
und olive leaves.