The Doctor By Hesba H "H I I H I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 CHAPTKlt XXVI. t-i,., !,.. .,.,, in with Intense sever ity. Icicles a yard lone hung to the caves, and tho snow lay unmelted for days together on tho roofs. Moro often thnn not we were -without wood for our flre, and when we had it, it was grecr. and unseasoned, and oniy smomorvu nwny with a smoke that stuns nnd irri tated our eyes. Our Insufficient and un friri ns with no in ward warmth. At times tho pangs of hunger grew too strong for us both, and forced me to spend a little of tho money I was nursing so carefully. As soon as I could make myseir understood, i v out occasionally after dark to buy bread and milk. I found that I had no duties to perform u. t. nf t).n thm Trench pupils desired to learn English. Lnglisn girls, who Had ueen uocoyeu "im same snare by the same false photograph ...M-l, VimiI ontmnned me. ItUU (JIUlni.iua ...... , i, were all of families too poor to be nblc to forfeit tho money wmcu nau uccu ju.u l J. lK,lr Vrrnrll education. I u nuiuiiLu u ...... - i Two of them, however, completed their term at Christmas ana rciurncu uomo weak and 111; tho third was to leave in the spring. Very fast melted away my money. 1 could not see the child pining with hun ger, though every sou I spent made our return to England more difficult. Mad ame Terrier put no hindrance In my way, for the more food we purchased for our selves, tho less we ate at her table. The bitter cold and the coarse, food told upon Minima's delicate little frame. Vet what could J do7 I dared not write to Mrs. Wilkinson, and I very much doubt ed if there would be any benefit to be hoped for if I ran the risk. Minima did not know tho address of any one of the persons who had subscribed for her edu cation and board. She was as friendless as I was in the world. So faraway were Dr. Martin Dobrce and Tardif that I dared not count them as friends who could have any power to help me. Better for Dr. Martin Dobreo If ho could altogether forget mc, nnd return to bis cousin Julia. Perhaps he had done so already. Towards the middle of February Mad ame Perrier's coarse face was nlways overcast, and monsieur seemed gloomy, too gloomy to retain oven French polite ness of manner towards any of us. The household was under a cloud, but I could not discover why. What little discipline and work there had been In the school was quite at an end. Every one was left to do as she chose. Early one morning, long before the day 'break, I was startled out of my sleep by a hurried knock at my door. It proved to be Mademoiselle Morel. I opened the door for her, and she appeared Jn her bonnet and walking dres, carrying a lamp lu her hand, which lit up her weary tear-stained face. She took a seat at the foot of my bed and buried her face In her handkerchief. "Mademoiselle," she said, "here Is a grand misfortune, a misfortune without parallel. Monsieur and madame are gone." "Gone!" I repeated; "where are they gone?' "I do not know, mademoiselle," she answered; "I know nothing at all. They nre gone away. The poor good people were in debt, nnd their creditors are as hard as stone. They are gone, and I have no means to carry on the establish nnnf rVn enlinnl fa finished." "But I am to stay here twelve months, I cried. In dismay, "and Minima was to stay four years. The money has been paid to them for It. What is to become of us?" "I cannot say, mademoiselle; I am des olated myself," she replied, with a fresh burst of tears; "all Is finished here. If you have not money enough to take you back to England, you must write to your friends. I urn going to return to Bor deaux. I detest Normandy; it is so cold and trlste." "But what is to bo done with the other pupils?" I Inquired. "The EuglUh pupil goes with me to Parls' she answered; "she has her friends there. The French demolselhs nre not far from their own homos, and they return to-day by the omnibus to Granville. It is a misfortune without parallel, mademoiselle a misfortune without n parallel." To crown all, the was going to start Immmtliitplv liv the omnibus to Falaiso. and on by rail to Paris, not waiting for the storm to nurse, ana kissuu me on l.ntl, f.hiL-i- lmiln me adieu, and was nnnn lnm-iiiir me In utter darkness, before I fairly comprehended the rapid French in which she conveyed ner intention, i had seen my lust of Monsieur and Mad nr,m Tnrrlir. nnil of Mademoiselle Morel All I had to do was to see to myself nnd Minima, I carried our breakfast back with me, when I returned to MIn "I wish I'd been born a boy," she said plaintively; "they can get their own liv ing sooner than girls, nnd better. How soon do you think I could get my own living; 1 coum ue a nine nursemaid n- vnn k'nnw: nm I'd eat verv little." "What makes you talk ubout getting your living r i asseu. "How pulu you look!" she answered, nodding her little head; "why, I heard something of what mademoiselle said. You're very poor, aren't you, Aunt Nelly?" "Very poor!" I repeated, hiding my face on her pillow, whilst hot tears fore- ml ttinmanli-nH tlirntlph mv nvoliiltt. "Oh! this will never do," said tho child ish voice; "wo mustu t cry, you know, Tho boys always said it was like a baby to cry; and father used to say, 'Courage, Xfl, ili, in I' Pnrluina. when nil our monev Is gone, we shall find n great big purse full of gold; or else a uenuiuui rrcocu prince will seo you and fall In love with you, and tako us both to his palnce, and mako you his princess; and wo shall all grow up till wo lie." r 1niu)ini1 lit tho OllllltV Of this childish climax, In spite of the, heaviness of my heart and tho springing of my tears, Minima's fresh young fancies were too fjilemma Strctton I W I W -r-H-K-r droll to resist, especially in combination with her shrewd, old-womanish knowl edge of many things of which 1 was Ig norant. It was now that across the darkness of my prospects flashed a thought that seem ed like an angel of light. Why should I not try to make my way to Mrs. Dobrec. Martin's mother, to whom I could tell my whole history, and on whose friend ship and protection I could rely Implicit ly? By this time Kate Daltrey would have quitted the Channel Islands, satis fied that I had eluded her pursuit. The route was neither long nor difficult; at Granville a vessel sailed direct for Jersey, and we were not more than thir ty miles from Granville. It was a dis tance that we could almost walk. If Mrs. Dobree could not help me, Tardif would take Minima into his house for a time, and the child could not have n hap pier home. I could count upon my good Tardif doing that. These plans were tak ing shape in my brain, when I heard n voice calling softly under the window. I opened the casement, and leaning out, saw the welcome face of Rosalie, the milk woman. "Will you permit mc to come In?" she inaulred. "Yes, yes, come in." I said eagerly. She entered, and sainted us both with much ceremony. "So my little Emile and his spouse are gone, mademoiselle." she said, in a mys terious whisper. "I hare been saying to myself, 'What will my little English lady do?' That Is why I am here. Behold me." "I do not know what to do," I answer ed. "If mademoiselle is not difficult," she said, "she and the little one could rest with me for a day or two. My bed is clean and soft bah! ten times softer than these paillasses. I would ask only a franc a night for It. That Is much less than at tho hotels, where they charge for light and attendance. Mademoiselle could write to her friends, If she has not enough money to carry her and the little one back to their own country." "I have no friends," I said desponding If. "No friends! no relations!" sho ex claimed. "Not one," I replied. I was only too glad to get a shelter for Minima and myself for another night. MademoUellc Rosalie explained to mc the French system of borrowing money upon articles. But upon packing up our few possessions. I remembered that only a few days beforo Madame Perrier had borrowed from me my Bcalskin mantle, the one valuable thing I had remaining. I had lent it reluctantly, and in spite of myself; and It had never been returned. Minima's wardrobe was still poorer than my own. All tho money we could raise was less than two napoleons; and with this we had to make our way to Gran ville, and from thence to Guernsey. We could not travel luxuriously. The next morning we left Noireau on foot, and strolled on as If we were walk ing on air, and could feel no fntigue. Every step which carried us nearer to Granville brought new hope to me. The face of Martin's mother came often to my mind, looking at me, as she had done in Sark, with a mournful yet tender smile a smile behind which lay many tears. "Courage!" I said to myself; "every hour brings you nearer to her." I had full directions hb to our route, nnd I carried a letter from Itosalle to a cousin of hers, who lived In a convent about twelve miles from Noireau. If we reached the convent before six o'clock we should find the doors open, and should gain admission. But in the afternoon tho sky changed. The wind chnnged a point or two from the south, and a breath from the east blew, with a chilly touch, over the wide open plain we were now cross ing. The road was very desolate. It brought us after a while to the edge of a common, stretching before us, drear and brown, as far as my eye could reach. "Are you very tired, my Minima?" I asked. "It wilt be so nice to go to bed, when we reach the convent," she said, looking up with a smile. "I can t Imagine why the prince has not come yet." "Perhaps he Is coming all the time," I answered, "and he'll lind us when we want him worst. We plodded on after that, looking for tho convent, or for any dwelling where wo could stay till morning. But none came in sight, or any persou from whom wo could learn whero we were wander Ing. I was growing frightened, dismay ed. What would become of us both, if we could find no shelter from the cold of a February night? CHAPTER XXVII. There were unshed tears in my eyes for I would not Jet Minima know my fears when I saw dimly, through the mist, a high cross standiug in the midst of a small grove of yews and cypresses, planted formally about it. Tho rain was beating against It, and tho wind sobbing In the trees surrounding it. It seemed so sad, so forsaken, that It drew us to It Without speaking the child and I crept to the shelter at its foot, and sat down to rest there, as if wo were companions to It In Its loneliness. It was too dark now to see far along the road, but as wo waited and watched there came into sight a rudo sort of cov- ered carriage, like a market curt, drawn by a horso with a blue sheep-skin hang ing round his neck. The pace at which ho was going was not obovo u Jog-trot, and he came almost to a standstill opno site the cross, as If it was customary to pause there. This was the instant to on- peal for aid. I darted forwurd and stretched out my nanus to tno driver. "Help us," I cried; "wo have lost our way, and the night is come." i could seo now that thtf driver was a hurly, red- faced, clean-shaven Norman peasant. Ho crossed himself hurriedly, nnd glunccd at tho grovo of dark, solemn trees from which wo had come. But by his sido sut a nrlest. in li s cassock and broad-brim' mod hut fastened up at tho sides, who alighted almost before I had finished speaking, and stood before ns bare head ed, and bowing profoundly. "Madame, no saw, in a ninim wm-i i what town are you going?" "We are going to urnnvme, i nu- swored; "hut I nm afraid I have lost tno way. We aro very tlrod. this Httlo child .i,i t. Wo ran walk no more, monsieur. Take care of us. 1 pray you." I spoke brokenly, ror in nn cxircmu lite this It was difficult to put my re quest Into French. The priest appeared perplexed, but he went back and held a short, earnest conversation with tho driv er, in a siilHlned voice. "Madame," ho said, returning to mo, i nm Francis I,aurentlc. the cure of Villi" eu-bols. It Is quite a small vlllogo ubout a league from here, and wo nre on tno road to It; but tho route to Granville is Ikiliim Ndilnd us. nnd It la still far ther to the nearest village. There Is not time to return with you this evening. Will you, then, go with us to lllc-eu-bois? and to-morrow wo will send you on to Granville." He spoke very slowly and distinctly, n m..hp ivinllnl video, which filled me with confidence. I could hardly dis tinguish his rentures. uui mi nair ns Hvorr white, nnd shone In the gloom, as he still stood bareheaded before me, though the rain was falling fast. "Take care of us, monsieur," I .replied, putting my hand In his; "we will go with you." "Make haste, then, my children." ho said cheerfully: "the rain will hurt you. I,et mc lift the mlgnonne! Bah! How little sho Is. Now, madame, permit me." Tlior.i nn. n sunt III the llUt'k'. . wllll'll we reached by climbing over tho front bench, assisted by the driver, mere we were well sheltered from tho driving wind and rain, with our feet resting upon n sack of potatoes, and mc two sirmigu figures of the Norman peasant In hit blouso nnd whlto cotton cap, aud tho cure In his hat and cassock, filling up the front of the car norore us. Tkn. ,,ni T?rnrhwnmpn. Monsieur le Cure," observed the driver, nfter a short pause. ' nn mr fnnA Jonn." WaS tho CUTO 8 answer; "by their tongue I should say they aro English. Englishwomen aro ex tremely Intrepid, and voyage about all the world quite alone, like this. ItIs only a marvel to me that we nave never encoun tered one of them beforo to-day." "Monsieur," I Interrupted, feeling al most guilty In having listened so far, "I understand French very well, though I speak It badly." "Pardou, madamo!" he replied, "I hore you will not be grieved by the foolish words we have been speauing one to ine other." After that all was still again for some t. AvAn, tlw, ttnltllnt nf tho bells, and I.UJl, V-VV, v. ' the pad-pad of the horse's feet upon the steep and rugged road. uy anu oy a in- ntnnls etrlUnr- nfhnpll fnintlr down JM&l nu - - the valley; and the cure turned round and addressed me again. ,.n-i..A i. ..I. tlllni7f nisilnme." he snld. llluc iuj ' n - . stretching forth his hand to point it out; "it Is very small, nnu my pansu vuummi hut four hundred and twenty-two souls, some of them very little ones. They all know me, nrtd regard me aB a lamer. They love mc, though I have some rebel sons." We entered a narrow and roughly pav ed village street. The houses, ns I saw afterwards, were all huddled together, with a small church at the point farthest from the entrance; and the road ended at its porch, as if there wero no other place In the world beyond It. We drove at last Into a square court yard, paved with pebbles. Almost be fore the horse could stop I saw a stream of light shining from an open uoor across a causeway, and the voice of n woman. whom I could not see, spoue eageny u soon ns the horse's hoofs had ceased to scrape upon the pebbles. (To be continued.! V Warnlnjc t Preacher. "I thought It would be ensy enough to convert the lay people of the town, but realized, of course, mat tno ministers would be a harder task. I reniemuer one of the first sermons I preached with that Idea before me. It was a not sum mer day, nnd n gentleman very much under the Intluencu of liquor slid Into the rear part of tho church and went to sleep. It was somewhat disquieting at nrst, but I soon warmed up to the sub ject and forgot htm. What happened hns ulwavs been u warning to mis against very loud preaching I waked him up. Sly vehemence so (iisitiri)e(i m nrru.1. wnlk'iMl unsteadily up the nlsle, and stopped In 'front of the pulpit I was dreaiiruny einimr rassed, I remember, but I retained suf ficient presence of mind to take what I thought wns nn clllclcnt and brilliant means of bridging over the gap, for, of course, I had stopped preaching when ho stood still and looked at me. Lean ing over the pulpit I remarked suavely: " 'I perceive that my good brother Is 111. Wlllsome ' "Before any one could move, how ever, he lifted his head, and. llxlng his blinking eyes upon me, remarked In perfectly distinct tones heard through out the church: " 'I sh'd think such preachln' 'ud mako everybody 111!' "Cyrus Towns end Brady, In New Llppincott. Chunoo for a Castlo. Tho following advertisement appears In a London paper: "A rock built crenelated castle, buf feted by the Atlnntlc surge, at one of tho most romantic nnd dreaded points of our Iroubound coast, in full view of the death stone; shipwrecks frequent, corpses common; three reception and seven bedrooms; every modern conven ience; 10 gs. a week Address," etc. Persons In need of a castlo and who nm fnnd of shipwrecks nnd corpses should not overlook this opportunity. Pittsburg commercial unzeiie. Tho Chief Cost. Asklt And so you havo given up your summer trip to Wetspot-by-the- sea? Telllt Yes. I had to. I had money enough for expenses, but not enough for tips. Baltimore American. Tuberculosis in Paris. Of tho 4),088 deaths which occurred In Paris In 1800, ns many as 12,314 aro attributed to tuberculosis, or moro than one-fourth. A WOMAN AND A MAN. INCIDENT THAT OCCURRED ON A STREET CAR. Hie Lectured lllm lltcalitn lie Did Not ltlso uul Olvo Her III. Hciit Mliilit Huve Kelt Ahnmocl, but Didn't Heeiit To. Shu was of an Ititormedlntu ago which menus !hmu M) mid soino odd very shnrp fcatiired and distinctly pet ulant looking. Sho looked iih If she might bestow thu bulk of her ufTectloii upon n couple of ngiM cuts and par rota. Sho boarded nn uptown Uth strvot car at 1Mb street mid Now York avo nuo tho other afternoon. There wasn't n vneuut seat In sight. They wure all, except ouo, occupied by women, who, Btrnugely enough, wore actually press ed quite close together, contrary to tho usual femlnluu schumu of spreading out skirts nnd bundles so as to take up sulllclent mom for two or three sit ters. The ono man seated In the car wns a sturdy, smooth-faced Individual, dressed In black. His seat wus near the door. Tho sharp-featured woinnn gated fix edly at It I hi as she renclied for a strap. However, he appenred to be Interested lu the view through the opposite win dow, nnd ho didn't notice her fixed stare. "Huh!" snld the woinnn with tho sharp fentures, as the car started ahead. And us she said It she gazed at the man In black as If ho belonged to n hitherto uneatalogued species of fuzzy caterpillar. Howwer, the sturdy mnn In black didn't see her nt all. nor did ho appear to hear her. Ho pulled an evening pa per from his coat pocket, spread It out and began to mad. "Tho rummers of some folks!" ejneu lnted tho Bhnrp-fi'uturod woman, glar ing Bquaro at tho mnn In black; who, however, was obviously qulto enwmp ped with the news of thoidny. "Huh! Big lummoxes that sprawl around In seats and let ladles stand up!" muttered the womau who dldu't belle her petulant looks. The solitary mnle passenger smiled at a Joko that caught his eye nt the bot torn of tho newspaper page, and ns suredly did not see her. "It's mighty Httlo raisin' somo pooplo vo had!" went on tho Blinrp-fcatiired woman, ns If addressing all hands lu the car aud most of the women In the car were snickering by this time. "I novcr seen the like, so I didn't!" The man lu black turned over to the Schley case In his uewspnper nnd yawned slightly. "Much some Ill-mannered creatures care, so long as they can spraddlo their lazy, good-f'r-nothlti' bones nrpund in comfort," went on the sharp-featured woman as tho car rounded Thomas cir cle. "Some folks nre so deef nnd dumb that they can't never tako a hint," sho continued, after a pause. The man lu black yawned cavernous ly over the court of Inquiry testimony, as well ho might, yet he didn't seem to bo In nnywlse awaro of the contin gency of the petulant woman. At length, as tho car was passing It street she couldn't stand his callous In difference any longer. She leaned over the man In black, and as she did so he looked nt her for the first time, with a surprised expression. "Did you ever see n mnn give his sent to a lady where you came from, wher ever that Is?" she nBked tho sturdy looking man In black. The man reddened and tobo from his seat with great dlfllculty, supporting himself heavily on a cane. "It was always my custom, madam to surrender my scat In cars for Indies until I met with nn nccldent which has rendered me permanently Inllrni," ho snld, slgnnllng to the conductor to Btop tho car. The sharp-faced womau plumped herself Into his sent and then the mnn In black walked painfully to thu rear platform. One of his legs was of cork Tho other women, per ceiving this, looked Hyinpathetlcnlly toward him as ho was helped off tho car by tho conductor and then scowled at tho sharp-faced woman. But sho didn't appear to bo bothered, says the Washington Star, and returned scowl for scowl. SEVEN DAYS FULL OF DANGER. Queer Statistics that Hiorr an KtII Week In uverr juontli. An ancient soothsayer said to im perlal Caesar: "Beware tho Ides of March." But If tho theory of Dr. Granvlllo Macleod, of South Chicago, Is correct tho modern advisor can say: "Beware tho 20th to tho 20th of every month." Dr. Macleod's assertion seems to bo verified by statistics taken from tho records of railroad companies, iron works, grain elevators, boiler works, hospitals, and many establishments em ploying largo forces of men, as well us the books of tno coroner's oiiico. Reference to the records of tho Cook County Hospital for each month for tho past tlvo years shows an average of ninety-live cases of Injuries by accident a month. Out of this total slxty-tlvo occurred during tho "fatal" period. The coroner's ofllco shows a moro startling confirmation of tho doctor's theory. About 05 per cent, or nearly two-thirds of tho deaths by accidents and other causes requiring olllclal in vestlgatlon occur between tho 20th and the 20th of each month. Of tho days of tho week occurring in this "fatal" period Saturdays nnd Mon days appear to como particularly under tho malign influence. Tins may ue par tially explained from tho fact that 'a ..c tho Inborlnir class are paid on Saturday, ami many m-TldontH result from intemperance, nn .... tiiktfiMtuitnf mini M.ilil. "Saturday means liny day. pny !y menus booze. Ihhwo means trouble, nnu uuiunu ... news." , Professor It. A. McQueen, now m ,1.1., i. nt f.,t- in n in- vents ll real- niuinim vj.ij, .iv dent of India, and a close student or tl ' llralimlii rellglan, thoosophy, nnd "' 11 sciences, says that the priests III tnu Braliinln temples imvo nnu t ii, i ,( thu tmrtlcithtr period of the month the serpent mmlo "lj piMtraneo In the garden or iweu .." tempted Eve. with tho result that man fell from the favor of God. and ever since then this particular time has been regarded as especially uniuci.j. LONDON'S DOOTOR FOR UIRDS. Make u H.eclultjr of It uud ! H"r All tno lime. Birds are subject to disease qulto as ..It iiu lillllltlll iii.iiiL-s. Phthisis ear- tin itiii" rles off many a parrot, and pet canaries are very subject to enteric. irc..i... these allinents and performing minor surgical operations upon reainemi ... tlonts keeps at least one London bird doctor busy imwt of the time. l" methods bv which lie operuien given lu the Strand Magazine One of tho rerrnetory paueiim w.-..k-.u ,. mii-mt Miiirering from a horny growth over one of Its nostrils. Its struggles wen) absolutely lerrnn., in the end It had to be wrapped I" t'ln to prevent wing dapping- Canaries, being iiiiturniiy inig.iu ...... .....,ru. ntu-nvN delicate III the elllimte of (Seat llltnln. aro a class of patients to which the blnl doctor gives speci... study and attention. They form, as a ...... .1,.. i,.,-..i. luirtlnii of his clientele. I ui.', inu ..,... i for, as dinwliig rooin pets, they are l far the gmitest favorites or toe iwi.kv.. world. The treatment accorded them has to be of the most delicate descrip tion, while the handling of their Isslles f,,r i-.irioim ailments Is in itself nn oper ation demanding tho utmost care, as an Inadvertent squeeze might cause their death. The affection showered by own ers of canaries umii their little pets is often quite touching, many ladles mak ing It n stipulation that they nre present while any necessnry oimtuuuh is . carried out. Tears are shed freely, on such occasions, and Joy becomes mani fest ns soon ns the poor nine oinnes uiv pronounced "out of danger." TRUCKMAN AND MOTORMAN. The Foriuer'n I'ollteneM Vu Too Much for llio Pol I cem hii. In the old days, before the cnble and electric cars, and when horse cars run on Broadway, truckmen practically nded the street, nnd did not pny tut slightest httl to remarks from the ear drivers requesting them more or Icm (rather more) emphatically to get out of the way. until they decided mat they were ready to do so. lien tin? cablo and dually tho electric cars came In the truckmen became a little more careful, for u very few encounters with the cars showed them that their tnieks could be knocked Into kindling wood lu a few minutes. Nowadays they get out of the way fairly exeilltiously If grudgingly, but such an exchange of nmenltles as was heard the oilier day lMjtween truckman nnd motormnii Is n record, says the New York Mall and Fx press. It was on Dunne street, nnd n heavy truck wus keeping back a car. The mo tormnn clanged his bell loudly, and the driver of the truck turned around and Raid "If you will wait until we reneh the next corner I shall be very glnd to get out of your way." 'Thnnk you very much." answered the motormnn. "You are most obllg ing." "Gosh!" snld the policeman on th crossing. Bridge Hunting Pigeon., Those who visit Fort George, and who yield to a very natural Impulse lo have a look at what Is going mi down on the Speeedway. are apt lo have their attention drawn by n xomid of many fluttering wings as they descend Hie steep pnlhs ami stiilrwuys clnse hostile the Washington Bridge. The wings be long to runaway pigeons from near-by private cotes, the birds making their now found home In the bridge's stone abutments and the iron arches. The pigeons lire there summer nnd winter-lay eggs there ami hutch their young. They live In the Indentations which have been left lu tho masonry to prevent the sweating of the rock. These Indentutlons provide the coziest sort of homes for them, Just big onogli for two. When the lledgellngo are strong and able to fly they soon Mini mates, and also crevices somewhere In tho rocks of the bridge lo set up housekeeping on their own account. Hltllng-ltooin Druiuu. "Who comes there?" called little WII lie, the sentry, In threatening tones, as ho brought Ills deadly wooden gun Into shooting position. "A friend!" answered little Toiumiu from behind the rocking clinlr, "Advance and give the countersign," hissed the sentry, "or I'll shoot your head off." An ominous silence followed this ter riblo threat, then Toniuile snld plain tlvely: "I'vo forgot It." "You can't remember nulliln'," ex claimed Wllllo In illsgtiHt, throwing down his gun. "Cum over hero an' I'll whisper It to yer ag'ln,"-oiilo State Journal. Choup Living. Millions of men in India live, mnrry nnd rear apparently healthy children upon nn Income of no cents a week aud sometimes It falls below flint ' If tho now raglnu coats fit. u-iiv tim dou't flt ' ' Guest What a splendid dinner! I don't often got ns good a meal ns tills. Little Willie (son of the host)-Y'o don't, either.- 15x. Miidgo-Anotlier of those swindling beggars. Ho snld he was blind, and ask-eil for 'a penny,, beautiful lndy.' H0llVell, I daresay ho was blind. Mrs. Jones-Ulmrles linn an uncoil qiiernblo spirit. Mrs. Hnillh-Indeed Mrs. Jones-Yin; ho was two hours un locking tho front door early this morn ing. To Begin at Once. Mnniiun Never put off until to-morrow what you can do to ilny. Johnnie-Well. then. I'll eat the rest of the pto iiow.-llalllinoro World. Colonel llragg-Pvo fought and bled for my country, sir; I'vo " Alexan der Smart-Yes. but did you ever help your wlfo hang plclures7-Olilu Slate Journal. Mrs. Goldtseln-lltey. Ilteyl Felix has svnllered a penny. Mr. Goldsieln Vot a great poy. Alretty ho vnnts to slitart In peezness ns a peiiny-ln der slot machine. "Miss Holler sqys sho thinks sho will havo her voice tried." "Well, If sho does, the verdict will be 'Guilty of murder in the llrst degree.' "-Philadelphia llullutln. "Hut surely." urged Harlow, "seetiu Is believing." "Not neoiHumrlly." re sponded Dobson; "for Instance. I seo you every day. but ns lo believing you "-Stray Storlei, IIIIIihoii -How was Jones yesterday? Glllmou He seemed to Is. laboring mi ller n strange delusion. IIIIIihoii -Indeed! 1 thought ho was playing golf. Gllbson-Ho did Jolies?-Town Topics. "Any word from my ir hunlinud In the other world?" asked the widow of tho medium. "Nothing more." replied the medium, "than n request for somo Ice nnd a palmetto fan."- Atlanta Con stitution. Schoolmaster New tell me, what wero the thoughts that passed through Sir Isaac Newton's mind when the n( pie fell on his head? Hopeful Pupil I 'xpeets he was awful glnd It warn't a brlek.-TIt-lilts. "Men of genius seldom mnkii nny money," remarked the hlntttiidltiou IK'rson. "Really!" answered tho very modern mnn. "As If there wero any showing you nre a genius except mak ing money " Washington Slnr. Sizing lllm Up. Shopman What style of hat do you wish, sir? Cholly Ah! I mn not particular about the style; something to suit my bend, don't yu know. Shopman - Step this way and look nt our soft fells. -Tlt-lllts. Miss Tourlste-You have some strong and rugged types of tuntihood out lu this western country. Stage Driver Yaas. miss, we hev men out here thet don't think It's iinthln' t' hold up a railroad train. Ohio State Journal. Mr. Flushing (hospltnblyl-So you have Joined our club. Mr. Kliuhurst (wearily)-Yes. My wife has got tho house so full of "coney comers" there Isn't nny place where I can sit down nnd be comfortuhlo:-' Brooklyn Itnglo. "The duke." snld the Muropeau gen tleman, "belongs to one of the most eminent nnd lulliientlal families of our time." "Indeed!" responded the Amer ican millionaire, with Interest; "who U his fother ln law?"-Washlngtoii Star. He- I know I'm lute, but I couldn't help It. You see, I was detained n cou ple of hours by an old friend who hud just got back to town after a long a' fccucc. 1 lind to tell him all I knew. She (snappishly) I don't see why that should have kept you so long. Hostess Are you a musician, Mr. Whooper? Wliooper, who Is dying to give an exhibition of bis powers Well er yes, 1 think I can lay claim to somo knowledge of music, Ilostoss I'm delighted to hear It. - My daughter Is going to play, nnd I should ho so glad If you would turn tho music for her. Partlck It's poor ndvlec yo'vo been glvln' me. Didn't ye say th best tolino to nsk n nion a favor was after dinner? Blfklns-1 certainly did. "Well, 01 wlnt to ould lliiffers wld th' schniallost kolud a v a request, and ho refused. It was ofter dinner, too." "Aro you sum ho had had his dluner?" "Faith It's little 01 know about ould Buffers' In gin's nnd outcomln'gj but Ql'd hud mlno."-N. Y. Weekly. Rallying Rapidly: Surgeon (nfter tho operatlou)-I nm glnd to bu ablo to as sure you, Mrs. Tyto Phlst, that tho danger Is now over uud your husband will recover. We have successfully re moved the appendix vernilfornils, and It Is of such a unique formation that 1 shall preserve It for use lu my medical lectures. Mr. Tyto Phlst (opening Ills oyoHj-You'll nllow mo something for It. I suppose. doctor?-Chleago Tribune. "Children," said thu teacher, whllo Instructing tho class lu composition, "you should not attempt any flights of fancy, but simply b yourselves, and write what Is In you. Do not linllnto any other persou's writing or draw Inspirations from outside sources." Ah a result of this ndvlco Johnny Wlso turned in tho following; composition: Wo should not attempt any lilies of fancy, but rite what Is In us. In mo tharo Is my stuinnilck, lungs, hurt, liv er, two apples, onu piece of 'p0, ouo stick lemon candy, uud my dinner."