Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 20, 1901, Image 5

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    I'lCTUKH 01' JIW.ltNA MtHIt.
Tlilfi'OTL'U the- Nugget was pre
Kctitucl with n OxH )liotornplt of
tlie Helena pioperty. The picture
was given ly Charley Iliiinenu mid
is one Hint was recently taken by
lilin. It hIiows a large poition of
the inountaln side, four of tlie Itin
nels lapping tlie ote hndies, tlie
mill, office, Htnie, hoarding house,
liunlclioiises and sevcrnl minor
building thai constitute the homo of
of this now famous mining com
pany. When Charley was in Port
land last Htiinmer he puichasedau
expensive outfit for taking views
and has made such good use of it
since that lie is now quite a finished
artist in Unit line, and this last
picture is indeed a beauty. Our
friends can have a look at it when
they come around.
.-.-- .
Till! l'tJIll.IC UlCADlNO KOOM.
That there is a free reading room
in our city is well known by the
many visitors who seem to enjoy
its books, papers and magazines.
Strangers coming in express their
surprise that Cottage Grove can
support such a fine free reading
room. A rctiort for the month of
November follows: Number of
visitors 175; number of books and
magazines loaned 23: number of
books mid magazines c'ouatcd to
the room 15. The daily Oregoniaii
is on the table every day except
Sunday. The room is always
warm and every one is welcome.
People coining in Irom tlie country
will fiad it a nice place to spend an
hour while waiting or to get warm
after their long ride in the cold
these wintry days; and quite a good
many of the country people are
frequent visitors.
Our young men comprising the
football team, and several enthu
siasts along that line, went to Hose
burg on invitation last Friday af
ternoon to engage in a game in
that town on Saturday and demon
strate their valor on the gridiron,
which they did to their entire satis
faction, coming out of the contest
with flying colors, Hob lllair being
the bright paiticular J elible 011 the
beach. The young men compris
ing the KiiNclmrg team accepted
their cheerfully, did the
honors of the occasion graciously
and sent our b.iys home exceeding
proud of their victory.
Oku Post Election. -
At the regular meeting on Satur
day last of Ord Post. C A. K., the
following officers were elected for
the ensuing year: Commander.
William Harrison; senior vice com
mander, 1. J. Taylor; ' junior vice
commander. Joseph Schlce; chap
lain. William Gardner; quarter
master. W. X. Dickey; officers of
the day, George Thompson; guar
dian. Wallace McKibben; delegate
to state encampment, George
Thompson; post surgeon, Dr. H.
R. Job. The meeting was well at
tended and much enthusiasm was
manifested for tlie future good ol,
the post.
ScmnutuT Svmi'iionv Ci.un.
This excellent company of tal
ented artists will appear in Cottage
Grove on December 31st and should
and no doubt will be greeted by
a large audience. In speaking of
the entertainment the Spokesman
Review of Spokane says: "The
audience was one of the most
demonstrative in the history of the
Ladies Matinee Musicale, and
every number was applauded to the
echo The feature of the evening
was the Schubert Lady Quartette,
though the instrumental selections
were given exquisite shading and
rendered with spirit and dash.
Anothick Rich Stkikh.
ti... 1irt1.ul is down from
hernia. He had some specimens
r.., the new strike in the Great
. Northern of the Sweepstake group.
tt .v,p(1 out a small pic
not larger
than a
lone streak of gold
Willi! "I .
...cinft in the pan. John
...:..l.i., .rnml OVCr tlllS last
111 1 1-i n J b
.,.,,1 .leclares there is
notliii'K t0
beat it in that great district.
.-wMt in Hi Xii.uU1''
W. 11.. Dennis of the Hlackbutte
cinnabar mines came in on Mon
day, accompanied by Professor
Edward Lang, the noted landscape
artist, who has completed two
large views ,1x5 of that section.
They are done in India ink and nre
especially fine. One is done Irom
an eminence looking down on a
broad panorama that reaches to
the coast and covers in all other
directions n fifty mile circuit, and
showing the ranges of mountains,
peaks, valleys, water courses, in
habited sections and forest wilds.
The other is looking up from the
valley at the approaches to and the
property of the Hlackbutte Com
pany, showing the substantial
quarters, the smelter plant, the
tramway on which the ore is sent
down from the mine away up on
the mountain side, the tunnels
leading ihto tiic ore bodies and a
large stretch of country round
about. Mr. Dennis has taken
these fine launscapes to Portland
with him to have them suitably
framed and will then bring them
back to adorn the walls of the
company's office near the mine.
A Lakok Covotis Kir.i.Ki).
John Harker, Walter Haker, Fe
lix Currin and Dave Mosby on
Tuesday ran down and killed on
the Mosbv place a large coyote.
Dave Mosby has 500 head of sheep
and has suffered much from these
beasts, and only a short time since
some malicious prrson killed his
hound dog which $IOO Could not , place Just east of town. Shooting for
have purchased. John Harker has j :l&h;!!,oc!m,:'m0,,B 1,10
some blooded hounds, and he and c. A. iv .iu-ru of t'orvullU Is now in
his friends are only too glad to take I Mulled us assistant uaunt at thu depot 111
up the trail fur a coyote on any
ranch if'the owners will only bring
in or send word that coyotes are in
tlie neighborhood and committing
depredntions upon their flocks.
The coyote brought in will weigh
about thirty pounds and is a hand
some animal nariccr is getting
Hob Vealch to ptcparc the coyote
for mounting and will keep it as a
souvenir of the chase.
Crystal Consolidated.
On Wednesday a telegram was
received by Frank Jordan, the sec
retary of the company, from Mr.
Lloyd, the president, who is now
in iJenver. to lorwaro uie hook 01
. . . - , . 1. t 1. j
stuck certificates immediately, as
he has found ready sale and
anxious takers for a large quantity
of the Crvstal stock. A block of
50.000 shares will be disposed of nt
5c. Tlie lame. 01 nonemia -is nisi
presiding and people on the out
side are becoming eager to secure
an interest in the luture bonanza
camp of this coast. The mines of
this camp, are every day more than
justifying the claims made for them.
Not a week goes by but word comes
out from Bohemia of rick strikes in
various sections of thrt district,
and the beauty of it all is that the
boys have got the rock that carries
the yellow stuff.
GONK to Hlackiiuttk.
A. I). Whi'.tier, the sculptor,
went to Hlackbutte on Tuesday to
be gone a couple of weeks. He
will study the topography of that
section lor a tew nays ana men
make for the Hlackbutte Company
a relief mapoi talc and a few busts.
The splendid maps he built for the
Helena and LeRoy companies have
attracted such wide attention and
been so much admired for their
truthfulness to detail and topo
graphical lines that he was earn
estly urged to make one of the
Hlackbutte section and lias con
sented to do so.
We arc informed by Frank Jor
dan that the telephone line between
here ami Hohemia is now in prac
tical working order and in a day or
two the repeating coil will be on
baud and put in place, when com
munication with tlie outside world
will be established. All necessary
overhauling has been done and the
contractors expect to turn over the
completed hue to the telephone
company this week.
fiiibm-vllie fov the Xtittet.
personal pnrHgi'upIis.
Kori'MlurM Mimic Hall Xiiiiih titIit.
Alfred .lollNHOli went up to Itoli.iilill
fin TiiCHlny.
Hilly IVriwiii wont to Junction City
this week for a Hhort vie it.
Ainhuvr Hriinil In down from Holiomla
mill reentered nt the Hlicrwood, I
Curl Coal In down from the Noondny
tIiIku and will riiiimiu in town for 11 few
iliiyn, 1
Charley Mitchell eiuiie down from Ho- 1
lii'inlii thin wcuk iiikI went on to K11-geiii'.
Hilly IIItfKliiH rami-In from Hciiboii, , , i I10-0 .limiioiiilH nt II. U. MailMjn uro
near tliofootof lliwilHcraliMo. tills wt'ek. 1 benutleH. Cull mid He them,
llu will ho wiih iiri during llni holiday. I vollr t,.,0tH for the KoreHtcrn
J. J. Worthingto'i of I'ortliiiid, who ix I MiiHipierado Hull nt tlie New Kra Drug
11 brother of .Mih. Colonel lllair, 1 in dure.
tlusiirovu thin week viKitlng hn ruin-. .-(,r line fruit cake for the holidayH go
t'v'-'rf to Hrown'H bak'ry.
flLVASTK" AN AU' "oi'Mi cou.vricv
liVHiiari.Hj.lnif till! llnlii'lfllil Nlltftfft lifneo. A
vw rrimtT rim nun tiuriiittimii i'iniiiiiyiiii:iu
Htinbli' IMHIl will llri'l h it-HnllI l.ettll, lint n
liliu'k.mltli In tint i1clrt-il mill iHiiiiiit I10I1I tin'
jnti iliiwu.
Al Cliureliill wiih in from HimHoti this
we..k. He hi'uiiih to be. tnklng on tlecii
quite frei'ly m i 11 etc In; immiiiiiliI tliu role of
"untie liont" lit Heimotr.
T. K. Hlelninl.-oii, the piniio tniin of
Hoccliiirg, Im in town looking after tlie
liiiHincMMof IiIh hraneh ollieu liure, und is
stopping ut tliu .Sherwood.
Ijii und I'liink 1m Itoy went to Ho-
he on ruei-iliiy. rraiik will rmuiiin
nt tliu mine for sntnu time, bill Jami
will come out in a few days.
Jump Colt) and wife urn registered nt
tlm HIiLTHiiii.l. Mr. Cult! is tliu tie in
epecior for tli Sniitlierii 1'iieiflu 11ml
comes from So-hoii, Culifornlii.
Town lots In tliu bong A Himdmm
addition lo Cottage (irovo uru going oir
liku hot ciikus. .Many buildings will go
up in that suetioii of Ion 11 iiuxtsiiiiiuier.
At tliu Methodise eliuruh next .Sunday
morniiii' the naslor will pteiieli on 'The
lug sermon will bo suitublu for thu
ChristimiH season.
There'will bo 11 turkey shoot on Mon-
tine und Tiitis'liiv uuxt at llio bandess
1 the oliicu imiile vacant bv Mr. Vt tlson.
who goes us operator to ituother point
on the lino.
Mi. und Mrs. J. C. Hruudstetter of
Kugene were in Cottage Ciroo this
week visiting their many friends. Mr.
Hruudstetter remarked ihomuiiy changes
for tliu better ill thu Uiovesin.e his last
viMl here.
Little Miss Until und Saillo lllair,
diuighteisof Colnuel mid Mrs. IShtirnl
tlie Sherwood Hotel, cutuo home from
Kiigeuuoii Montl.iy, after u joyous visit
of 11 week with their big brother Krulik
und his wifu.
II. C. Muilsen, tlio jeweler, has just
received for thu holiday ttadu hoiiiu
lovelv diamond rings. Thuso ut W
1 ml i75 me beauties. No mom hand
some und lasting present could be de
sired. Mr. Muih-cu will laku pleasure in
showing you the prueiom gjius.
Kdgar Wilum, the restui.rant man,
has hud lit lei I up in line style thu rooms
leceiitly vacated by tliu posto.lice and is
now in shape to cater to his many
friends und the general public with the
be-l the market uirnrds. Kd knows how
to get up a siiuaru meal and do it right .
W. V. Ilawlev is in town this week
from his ranch on Sharp's creek. Ho
bus been laid up with n broken hand
und wrist for several weeks, caused by
u full front a hoise. The injury Is
mending slowly, but it will bo somu
lime liufoio h'u wilt bu able to lieu it
Hurtele A Veatch, the butchers, havo
this week moved fiom their old stand
near thu bridge into new and 11 em cen
tral quarters on Main street, between
Third und Fourth. They litivo un up-to-duto
nun ket to provide for thu wants
of thub oltl patrons and will gladly wel
come new ones.
Hrehuiit A Morgnn, the druggists,
have uot in 11 uniouo and choice lot of
goods for thu holiday season . Their
show windows are most artistically
decorated and never fail to urrest the nt-
tention mid admiration of the oassorby.
They invite you to drop in and look
over tlio many tlno articles they havo
on sale.
Tho real estate firm of Phillips A
Wheolor on Monday last sold tho
William Spong ranch of 100 acres 011
Mosby creek o a Mr. Hubblo of Wis
consin for $1300 cash. There is a grow
ing inquiry lor farm lauds in thu vicinity
of Cottage Grove just now und the inovo
ineut is expected to receive momentum
as the springtime guts nearer.
At the Christian Church next Sunday
afternoon How Morton L. Hose will de
liver a lecture for men only on "Sam
son's Itiddlo." Mr. Koso has been
hammering the bulwarks of Satan with
sledge-liko blows, lie is an entertain
ing and convincing speaker and his ar
guments fnrehristinnityhuvogono homo
to tho credit of tnunv of his auditors,
which it is hoped will bo lusting and
conducive to much future good.
For this Christmas Trkks.
IJach of the three Sunday school
committees having in charge the
decoration of the Christmas trees
for the Methodist, Presbyterian and
Christian Churces, will be pro
vided with a suitable emblem for
ortiameutiiiK said trees, free of
charge, by calling upon Fred Gale
at his harness shop on River street
any time before Christmas.
With ench cnshpurclinsoof onoilollar's
w'irth of goods wo give you a ticket for
oar annual drawing to take place Janu
ary 1st, 1001. Tho llrst prlzo will bo a
ladies' Gold Watch. '
Uakin A Umsrow.
Ijiocul Bi'cVetles.
A flni! line of ridbm brldlcfi nt 1'red
j Uulu'n lllirilCMHHllOp,
j TlrketH for tlio I'onwtern Miifqiiurnilo
Hull on hiiIo nt tlio Now Km Drugstore.
I Huy your gnomeec! of Knkin A Ilris
j low.
j Now In tlie time to pik out your
, (Jlirlntiiuis jiri-Hfiitn In wiiteliea und jew
elry Ut II. V. MADMK.M.
Hiittunbiiru point Incc jmttcniH nnd
liruid nt burelrs.
Take your hIioch to the Went Side
liurnoKH tiliop for repaint.
1 1 ry 11 hiitmiiv dinner 111 tnc imi'kiiiai.
Norm,. .Served from IU in. to 1:30 p
111. and up to ilato in all ruspeets.
xavnaiiii v Kvoiiop;
.)SM iW M(IJ
(njoiyaiuo iij;. .wa')
Ho;ddiiH jiiup Jiio..
Xnr oo.iiid nqx
ptl t.W IlOA1BI)J,
oitiH J.),t).w tMippuy
pupil jiioa 11 j
Vou ran necuru your Christmas ofTer
ing by now depositing 11 sninll portion of
its vu'liiu with Jl. C. Mauhex. the Jew
The Public School bus secured the
Schubert's Symphony Club und Lady
(iuurlett for December 31. Its usual
general admission is one dollar, After
much work we have secured them at&Oc
and 7e. It is greatly desired to place
several good dictionaries und other refer
ence books in the school. Will the
people of Cottage Orove help and ut the
outside of our largo cities?
sale ut Now Kru Drugstore.
Some nice winter lun robes suitable
for Cnristmus presents at Fred Oale's
harness shop.
Iron Heds 2.75,6-fet't vxtcntioii Tables
f4,00, Shades 30 cts., High Hack Dining
l;hairs 00 cts., Uurpet Kugs. i'ortiers
Minting, Trunks ami Vuliscs sold cheap
ut the Cochran Furniture Store, one
door from post otlice. Call und get
prices. Uu t.
The Schuliert's were greeted by a large
audience, winch wus enthusiastic ftoni
tho first number, encores being de
manded und granted after each selec
tiun. Tho Suite Journal, Lincoln, Neb
Sioux City. Iowa. The Schubert'i
tilled our auditorium to overflowing und
every one wis highly pleased una eater.
tallied. 11. Y. Stone, Uen. Sec. 1. .u
One 3-inch Stoughton
One Mitchell 3-inch
One set of team harness
Apply to Chrismun A Hangs' livery
stuble, Cottage tfrove, Uregon.
We sell choice lots in the Long
Hinehiiui property, lately platted und
adj. lining Cottngu (irove, right ut tho
luncliou 01 tut; r. it. it. nun too u. 11
A H. It. It. I'rieuaiiccoidingto locality,
.IKIIOMI: kno.v x (Jo,
You can liny any preparation ut J
I'. Currm s that is advertised in any
paper, icemoiulier we make a specialty
01 luiuily receipts.
Head real estate bargains of Jerome
Knox & Co.
hen in hugene vou enn get a nice
and newly furnished room 111 tho old
Court house Lodging House, just opened.
Hoard, too, if desired. Nuwlv painted
and papered throughout with new lied
dlngs and furniture. No carpets. Well
painted floors und rues instead. Just
north Of new courthouse, and on sumo
dO 127 Kd Howk
Tho Hons n Drug Company Is In re
ceipt of nnd now has on side a largo und
choice lot of lovely toilet, glove, hand
korchief, necktie, perfumery und other
Ingeuuis ooxes, which will make linntl
somo Christmas and New Year presents
for ladies and gentlemen. Ihey have
a big variety of every kind for young
nnd old, grave and guy, nnd each and
nil of those beautiful articles urn marked
down within the rearh of all. Never
before has there been brought to this
old und relluulo House such a wealth
of uniouo and useful articles for the
holiday season, and tho nicest thing
about it all is that you can get them
almost at. your own prico. They nro
there on display. You aro welcomo nnd
invited to inspect them, nnd Doc I'nttor-
son wilt bo pleated to show you the
splendid goods and toll you all about
Corner ot Main mid Second St., Cottage Orove.
Carries a lino lino of Groceries, No
tions, Candies, Tobaccos, Nuts and
Oar prices nre right and wo will give
Good Value for Your Money.
Valuable mining property Jn Bo-
homla for sale, Jerome Knox and (Jo.
licntl the Bohemia Xityaet.
We have made it a point since starting in business to
keep a clean, strictly up-to-date GROCFRY, and as
a result we note a steady increase of customers.
High-grade Groceries, Fresh Fruits nnd Vegetables are
our Specialties.
Special prices quoted to the mining trade.
Call and be convinced that our aim is to please you.
wis suit wins 11 Ann to suit
A. Q. Young, Manager.
IBolaemia, Oregon.
Gciicriil Merchandise,
Miners' Tools and
Give us a call and we will treat you right.
Bon Ton Meat Market
Main Street, Near Fourth
Beagle & McFarland-
We keep constantly on hand the choicest of Beef, Veal, Mutton,
Pork, Sausage and Fresh Fish in season. Your trade is solicited and
our effort will be to please and satisfy you.
Carry the most complete line of Hardware, Stoves and
Tinware in south Lane county. Also a fine line of Guns,
Ammunition and Fishing Tackle. We are Headquarters
for Mining Supplies, Hurcules Powder, Fuse and Caps.
Also agents for the celebrated Studebaker Wagons, Canton
Clipper Plows and Harrows. In fact anything you may
want in the Hardware line.
Call and See Us and We will Treat You Right.
Under Odd Fellows' Building
We have for your inspection a full line of
Fancy Chiimwarc, Crockery, Glass
ware, Granite vrnre and Tinware,
We shall deem it a pleasure to show our goods.
Call and look over our large stock.
Successors to WHEELER & SCOTT.
We will continue to carry a full and complete
stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Mining
Supplies, Fish Bro's. Wagons, Oliver-Chilled und
n Steel Plows, Etc. : : : : : :
Music Lessons
"On the Piano.
A Ule Graded German Method o( Music
1 now being taught at tlie C. 1. Manse by
Mrs. L.D. Beck.
1 1
Decltals will bo given at riropor Intervals
that giving parents an opportunity to note
50 cents per lesson, 30 minutes each
co TO
For Fashionable Dressmaking.
Cottage Gkovk, Ori4.
Bonnroofair drioclor linlfdry floor,
ing. ceiling and rustic. The Booth
Kelly Lumber Co. are' making special"
prices on kiln-dried lumber.