Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 20, 1901, Image 4

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    ! ....
lMltorn nnil I'nlill'hers.
Kntcrodat tho po'tonlco at Cottage drove,
Oregon nsSecond Claw mall mat'er.
Sn1i.r'ltl"ii prli-e. HI. AO, In ivlxnticr.
AilvurlloliiR Itnlca miti'fi known upon
THIS l'AI'KIt lkept on file at K. 0. IrU'
Advertllng Ayencv, 01 and ' Merchants 1.x
rh tnnc, 8ii KrniieWo, California here con
trnolH (or advertising ctm be made (or It.
Friday, Ducumubr 20, 1901.
Before the Nugget comes out
ngnin Christmas will have been
with us. All the churches are
makinR preparations for elaborate
Christmas trees on wlucli will ue
I111111T iMfis for all the little ones
who attend the Sunday schools
The natal day of our Lord and
Saviour will be generally observed
in this community and all our citr
zenshave much to be grateful for
in the past, and surely the future
looks bright. The Nugget wishes
them one and all a very merry
All the up-to-date and energetic
business men of this town have
now got their wares in attractive
position for inspection by the holi
dav mirchasers. Much care and
v 1
artistic taste have been expended
upon the displays in their show-
windows, and many of them are
greatly admired. The large stocks
they carry are arranged in catchy
shape upon their shelves and
counters and almost compel the
visitors to their stores to look them
over, and frequently cause an ex
clamation of genuine astonishment
at the low prices quoted. Not all
the business places of town are of
this sort; a few have gone way
back yonder and sat down. The
story of the drummer is quite ap
propo in some cases. He said that
he did once call upon a merchant
who did not advertise and found
him busy. This particular mer
chant had a Waterberry watch and
was afflicted with the itch, and
when he wasn't scratching he was
winding the watch. There are
some men in this town who are
trying to do business without ad
vertising. Their places of business
exemplify their methods and they
not infrequently have to pinch
themselves to see if their blood
really circulates.
the sojujEY VEJimcr
The end of the Schley court of
inquiry has been reached and the
findings have been given to the
public. The majority report places
censure on Admiral Schley for
eleven counts, while the minority
report by Admiral Dewey ex
honerates him and declares that he
was the senior officer off Santiago,
in absolute command, and entitled
ryo the credit due for the glorious
victory which resulted in the total
destruction of the Spanish ships.
That view of the case has been
generally accepted by the American
people, and no amount of technical
quibbling can controvert it. The
whole case is tersely summed up by
Captain Parker of Schley's council
and will meet the general approval
"i He said: "Admiral Dewey, better
' thati any one else in the world was
'"' qualified to judge this case. He is
the one man living, besides Ad
miral Schley, who conducted
campaign and fought a battle with
modern ships, under modem con
ditions. He probably found there
wns a difference between theory
and practice, and judged Schley in
the light of his own expuience
The two other members of the
court were hich-minded men of
the highest character, and men
who would not misjudge knowingly
or willliitrlv. They never had the
experience the admiral had, and
probably did not see things in the
liirht as he did. We shall
leave the matter to the judgment o
the people of the country, confident
that in tho just popular mind, the
findings of Admiral Dewey will be
Attliirtvn man is anxious tor
"fame; at' fifty he is willing to accept
uoirey iw-n atilwtivttter'
rim le hoy compaxy
,1 StochhoUlcr' Meeting In
creases the titoel. amt Ah
no Hi k the. Laura droit p.
On the 10th inst the hoard of di
rectors held a meeting to consider
tho advisability of increasing
the capital stock $.-00,000 for the
purpose of puichasing the I.anrn
irrnnnc of mines ndiotnmji its
1 -
property. Notices were sent out
to till the stockholders to attend a
mettinu for that purpose on Mon
day, the 17th inst. A large num
ber of the stockholders were on
hand when the meeting was called
to order. A resolution was formu
lated covering the action to be
taken, which was fully and care
fully considered, and unanimously
adopted wherebv the Le Roy com
pany absorbs the Laura group of
five claims, consisting ol the Laura,
Laura Extension, Long Tom, Oro.
and Maud G. The capital stock of
the company is now $300,000, or
3,000,000 shares at the par value of
ioc each. The shareholders of
this property are to be congratu
lated on this acquisition of the
five-claim Laura group, which
brings their holdings down to and
upon the terminal ground of the
.. . . . 1
raiiroaa. ine uinnei running in
from this point will tap the ore
bodies of the Le Roy at a verticle
depth of 1000 feet, and all the ore
of the entire group can be taken
out thiough this tunnel and con
centrated or shipped from the very
door of the mine. Another shift
of men have been sent up to the
mine and work will go vigorously
forward. As the Le Roy is now
constituted it is one of the best in
vestment properties in Bohemia
district. It adjoins the Helena
No. 2, is on the same lead, carries
the same class of ore and has large
bodies of it, and there is not a
doubt but the future will see the
Le Roy in the front rank of divi
dend payer's. 700,000 shares of
this increased stock has been set
aside as treasury stock, making a
total of 1,050,000 shares in the
treasury stock, to be sold for de
velopment purposes. This stock
will be placed upon the market in
blocks from time to time and sold
as the development of the mine
may require.
On Wednesday morning a fire
at the reform school near Salem en
tirely destroyed the industrial
building. The water supply being
cut off the entire group of structures
was at the mercy of the fire until
the water tank on the burning
buildtng fell, throwing 25,000
gallons of water on the flames.
Good order and discipline prevailed
among the boys, none attempting
to run away and no one was injured.
The damage will be about $25,000,
partly insured. The origine of the
fire is thought to have been spon
taneous combustion iu the paint
A Walla Walla woman yawned
at a ball recently and it broke up
the dance. She opened her mouth
to the fullest extent, and when she
undertook to close it the hinges
stuck. The jaw absolutely refused
to close, even when considerable
pressure was brought to bear.
When closed by main force the
jaw would immediately fly open as
soon as released. The announce'
ment created intense excitement,
and the dance broke up. A doctor
was called, and the unfortunate
woman removed to her home. Af
ter a few hour's work the trouble
was corrected.
Henry C. Payne of Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, has been appointed by
President Roosevelt as postmaster
general, vice Charles Emory Smith
Mr Payne has always been a sin
cere and consistent worker for re
publican success. He practically
controls all of the electric railways
in Milwaukee, and his fortune is
estimated at severnl millions.
The average mau is always
anxious to know the worst of his
neighbor probably because of the
" .fact' that misery loves company.
Addison Kiild, n negro who
was arrested nt The Dalles for
wrecking the O. R.& N. train near
thnt place, which caused the death
of the engineer, has confessed to
the crime. He says he wns drink
ing nt the time nnd plnccd nuts on
the rails. Upon his confession the
district attorney has filed nn infor
ntntiou against him charging him
with the murder of the engineer,
Maurice Cnvnnaugh.
Knormous losses ft out high water
nrc reported from New York and
Pennsylvania. Floods have played
havoc with all kinds of traffic. The
intense cold has seriously compli
cated the relief of sufferers, but it
averted the greatest flood in the
history of Pittsburg. The waters
are now slowly falling.
Thirteen premeditated murders
have occurred in San Francisco's
Chinatown this year. This would
seem in itself a pretty strong argu
ment for Chinese-exclusion.
Girls, if you are nfraid to spend
an evening alone occasionally,
don't get married.
A man will promise n woman
my thing if she will promise not to
interrupt him when he is reading.
All the mean acts of his life are
quickly brought before a drowning
man or a candidate for effice.
Eve complained thct she had
nothing to wear, and her daughters
have been working the same old
plaint ever since.
MA It It IE It.
KKLLY-PATTKitSOX At Ynipina on
December 17, 1001, John V. Kully to
Mrs. Ma Patterson.
J. F. Kelly is president of the Booth
Kelly Lumber Company, one of the
largest lumber linns in Oregon. Mr.
Kelly had recently purchased a hand-
some residence in Kogene nnd hail ex
tensive improvements made Su inn I
nlsjiit it, where lie has brought his bride
to dwell. John Ijns a host, of friend in
and about, the Grovo who nro clad, to
learn that helms taken unto himself n
wife. The Nugget joins with them in
wishing Mr. Kelly and his wife health
nnd happiness to the end.
Ttie-ilay, December 11, liflM, Mr.
Maurice Winters of 1'ortlntid and Mi-s
Klhel Bent lev, daughter of Mr. and
Mr. J V. Ifentlev of this city.
DUNCAN In this city on December 11',
1U01, C. M. Duncan, agiil 71 years.
Mr. Duncan was a veteran of the Civil
war, having belonged to Company C of
the Kloventh Michigan cavalry, and
saw service from 1801 to 18IK. He came
to Oiegou about eighteen years ago and
has lived in this county ever since. He
was a member in good standing and u
past commander of Ord Post, O. A. B.
of this city, under whose auspices he
was laid to rest last Saturday in the
Odd Fellow'a cemetery. Comrade Dun
can was 1111 upright and honest man
and held tho respect and esteem of 11
larg- circle of friends. Ho passed
through many changing phases in life
and lived to round out 11 littlo more
than the allotted three scoro nnd ten.
He leaves loving wife to mourn and
many friends and acquaintances will
miss him in tho accustomed walks of
life. Ho has answered the soldier'a
last tattoo.
The work of drilling the first
petroleum, well in Lane County has
commenced. The site of the new
well is on a farm belonging to Na
than Hill, which lies adjacent to
Springfield on the south. The work
is being done by the Great West
Oil & Coal Company, which has
secured a contract with Mr. Hill,
which gives it permission to sink
wells. The first well has been
started on the Hill farm, and after
this it is the intention to drill other
wells in the county. The work is
in charge of C. H.Hart, who has
had considerable experience in the
work of drilling oil wells. Mr. J.
K. Simmons, president of the com
pany, is. also on hand looking after
the enterprise).
Rough Lumber,
$6 per M. at
Saginaw, Or.
For Your Holiday Gifts
Nuts, Candies and Elegant Presents
The Choicest and Most Popular priced line of Christ
mas Presents in Cottage Grove.
Toys ! TOYS ! Toys !
Watch Our Holiday Window
Until January 1, 1902 evci suit in the store will be
sold at 10 per cent discount.
Clothing !
We will sell you clothing, Men nnd Boy's, neat up-to-date suit cheaper than yon have ever Iwiught
them in town. Come and see our goods ami get our pricus In-fore you buy a full line of Sumiiiur (ioml.
Ladies Shirt Waists on the same line, cheaper than uver.
W. S. Ciikisman. Hangs.
The Fashion Stables 1 proprietors of
Gljrisinan &. BH0st proprietors.
Harness anil Saddlery.
George Meinzer, Prop.
A nno lino ol Harnciii, Saddle. Wblpa, Iluggy
Kobe, Leather Hulling, Ktc.alwaya on linnil.
All kinds of Kcpalrlng a Hjcclalty Alt hand,
so wed work turned out.
Our Farmer Krlendu can get tlio very bent at'
tho Ixiwent Living Tricon. Come In and exam
ine tho goods and two for yourwlf.
A winter trip to Southern California
nnd Arizona via tho famous Shasta
Koute is one never to be forgotten. Ke
nuwed acquaintance with thin section
will ever develop fresh polntH of (liferent
and added eonrc-en of enjoyment under
lis tmnriy nkieH, in tho variety of in
tereniH and ndded indiiHlrieH, in im pro
lific vegetation and ainonB lt number
Iohn resort h of mountain, Hhore. valley
anil plain. Two traiiiH leave Portland
dally, morning and pvenlng for Cali
fornia. Theso traiiiH are equipped with
tlmnioHt improved pattern of standard
mid touriHt Bleeping earn, nnd tho low
raten place the trip In reach of all.
I'or illustrated gulden of California
nnd Arizona winter recoils, addix-HM.
U.K., (Jen. l'as. Agent,
Portland, Or.
A good income bearing property in n
thriving mill town In Oregon for sale or
trndo. For information addrcsu Lock
Kox II, Cottago Orovo.
Wo have on hano a largo clock of
kllu-dried flooring, celling and ninth) in
grarlen 1 'i nnd 3. Let tin mnko you
special prices.
liooiii-KiaLY Lu.Muuii Co.
of Christmas
Also own and opperate the Hohemia
Black Butte Stage Lines
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single at
Reasonable Prices
A.s the Old Maid
Said when She
Kissed the
Our iuIh are short and Hweetand right
to tho point.
ISrcliaaut & Morgan
The New Era Dntfi Stora,
- ...
Land OIIIcc Htl(oebiirg, Oregon,
November n, loot,
Notice Ik hereby given that tho following,
named dottier him filed notlroofhlK Intention
to make Dual proof In xupport of IiIn claim, and
that said proof will bo made before Mario L.
Ware U. H. Commlniiloiier at Kugeno, Oregon,
on December 11,1001 viz: Harmon I,. Ogden
on hi II. K. No, 672S for tho 8 8V Beo. 27
He namca tho following wltnetKei to provo
hit contlnuoim rctldenco upon and cultivation
of laid land, viz:
Charley Ogden, 6tto Morton, M Poane, James
Wllholm.ol Creiwell, Lano County, Oregon,
J.T. Bnibow, RcgUtor,
Clothing !
Cottage Grove
I Mill!
Wo nro now prepared to furnish all
kinds of hrackels, mo Mings, eoiiik-n,
sash and doors, door and window frames,
windows, pickets, etc.
Woodwork of nil kinds made and re
paired. We will also work rustic, siding,
ceiling or size studding, etc
f Bohemia
junmm,, uouago (irorii.
Choice line of liquors j,
and Citrars kent on
hand. Your patronage y
One door Most of Opera IIouko
Tho bent of tonsorlal work guaranteed
Everything now, clean and neat and
wo Invito you to give ua a call,