Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 20, 1901, Image 3

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    rx r
Wlml In Hut i,hi of IlIIIiik dm rhnuinnlln
llml ho frnliiiM f tiln joltitn wiiro helm; ,..
IlK'lllcil 1
lln Know Hint bl mttutluu am very
lunch like Hin Inrliiroi of tlm ruck.
.nnn';;:!,y;ri;ir,r,,ls w,,ut wlM -r-
tAm tu l""""n",", Kr,,,c""
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It promptly tlm nclil In tlir
( mi wlilrli t, ,h,.W) d-iiomlH. tmn
I.Mrly ( , n, Hlruiiitllii. tho
ylem iiKiilimt lln return. Try Hood'.,.
0 Mart hnimrilate Value.
Minn Kiiicmtm (of llovton) I pro
noun) yours Ik nut ohm of llio M.iy.
(lower fiiinilicM.
Mis Triplex (of MiniioupoliH) No,
Indeed. Our In nun of tlm famous
Minnesota flour fumiliivi.
A dlirl.lntiia I'lilluaiipliur.
lln ak Hirer ttrrl i;lfl Iliiallh.Wenltli ami
llMiilliiwl limn ijlvo him (Inrlinld Ti'ii; u
iirliiM (loud IIiviIUi, priniHitea llapplncea and
Male tho piir.uU nl wiialth Hible.
Me Loved l-awycrs.
It Ii Hiiiil that IVtcr tlm Great,
after n con tout. Iiutwcuii
two iiinliumt counwl nl WtiHtmiiiHtur,
London, remarked: "Wlmn I left
Hi. I VtorHliut'K tlmri' worn two lawyers
there. Whim I get luck, I will bang
ono of tliiun. "
Wo offer One Hundred Dollar Howard forany
jurrli,'!'i!r,rl' ""t l cured by luifi
".'.'' j''pKVAno.. Prop,. .Toledo. 0.
w nilm iiinlcmliMKl. hnvo known r. J. Cheney
lor tho .it l ,v..iiri, itml l.wh-vo him perfectly
llull'ralne In H hlliliirie. tranaattlniia un.l
iiiMl)r Klilutoi arr; "lit imy ulillKBtliijie mailo
J tliilr llrm. TMtUJt,
Vhulili JruKKint, Toledo,
Wai.i.inii Kiskn,v Mamvin,
tt in . "''" lriiWi", Toledo. O.
ItiiU'aCAUrrhOiiro Ii taken liitrully,ctlim
directly on tho blnud ami mi, aurfnnuaof
luo Bynlotn. PrU-a7.'-pr tmitia. Bold brull
llrtlKvl Tmtlinoijl.i. frea. '
llull'e Fatally t'llia aro tli ImU
A Happy Medium.
"Was their marriage a suecoai?"
"Oil, yiw; through it tlmy both mut
others whom they roiilly Itnod. "
fiiher will llml Mr. Wlnslow's Sooth.
ttiK Hyrtip tlm beat roiiKHly to ue lor their
children during tlm leutlilug i)rlod.
Why lie Went,
A I say, coino itroiiuil to my Iioiiko
thin evening. We're going to hnvo a
litllo whist parly.
II All right, I'll come. Yon run
coax' inn to go iinywhuro to phiv
whist. Til-Hit.
I'lrn'e Cure fur Ciiniiitiiiitliiii U nil Infill
Utile niedirlhe fur concha anil colili. -N.
W. Samuhi.. Ucoaii (Imiu, S. J., Kub. 17.
lie Didn't.
I'inh Arn yon n Miitor for Miss
Urown'M lmiiilT
Hprat Yn; hut I tliiln't.
Kith Didn't what?
Hprat Suit liur. Tid-Ilitn.
The Akin ii tlm sent of an almost end
lew Tiirioty of tlixiutm. They nro known
by Tarions namen, hut ro all duo to tlio
lame cnsc, acid and Uier poisons hi
the blood Hint irritnto ad interfere with
Uie proper action of tUo akin.
To have a smooth, soft skin, frco from
11 emptlnns, the blood mJt 1 kept puro
and hr-iilthy. The tiuiuy preparations of
arsenic and potnsh and Uie Urjjo number
of face powderi nnd lotions (;eneraHy
used in this clasn of dicaics cover up
for n short time, but cannot removo per
manently the URly blotches nnd the red,
ditfifjurinf; pimples.
Ctornat vigllanoo hi tho prloo
of a haautltul oomploxlon
when such remedies are relied on.
Mr 11 T ilhrtr, 74 I.ucat Avtnue. St. I,onl
Mo . MM "My diughltr KlklrJ fur yr
with a dnlleurW crupilou on her fuce, which
tc.l.lcl all umlment hho w Ukea lo two
celebrated health trlni. but receltad no bene
fit. Miny medlclnM wtre pretcribed, hut with,
out rulty uatll we d.ctied to try H. 3 a., and by
the time the flrrt ltt!eafini;hedtbeeriimioa
lKn ndll.p'ar A doiea battle cured her
comrletely aadleft her akin perfectly .mth.
Ehe it nnw eentrr n yean old. and not a i of
the emuarriwtng dU.aie luaeter returned."
S. S.S.Uf poiitive, unfailing cure for
Uie worst foftiu of akin troubles. It is
the greatest of all blood purifiers, and tho
only one j-uaranteed purely vegetable.
liaci uiwu "-' - 1 ; ,
. . . : i .i .1 ii.uiim.
pinnies w m r .
rates the old and
makes new, rich blood
I tit at nourishes tho
ou.l l-crni the
qy uwj 1
ek n active ana ueauj " ""' ,1
condition to perform its par towards
carrying off the impurities from the body.
If you have Bcwuia, Tetter, Acne, Salt
Rheum, Psoriasis, or your skin is rough
and Pimply, "ad for our book on Blood
"i d Tkiti Disses and write our ptayai.
cians about your case. No charge what-
DcAKj inw limvciwwn
Jft w jlaWj . " J., , ... o
WlltS ."tllt AIL tLOt ,
Hn'.'l lir ilruuflVl'tn. 1
llo Huyw Koatnnil U n Cliurnctarlatlc
H x itniiln of tlm llorrnwur.
It will HiirprlHo id u 1 1 jr lltoniry iwopln
to leiirn that Kilmonil Itimtiinil, tlm nil
tlnir of "Cyraiio iln HerKerai;," waa de
verely and puhllely iTllliiKcd hy (Joiint
I'olHtol iih a writer wltlioiit orlliiullly
tieforo M. HoMliind wiih ehurKwl with
tihiKlarlNiii by Kainuol Ulwrly OroMH of
UhleiiKo. In 'rolHtol'a bmk, "What la
Art?" traiiHlated from tlm Itiwulan by
Uharlca .lohiiHton, ami puhllMhod ut
rhlladelphla by lloiiry Altiimiw In
at piiKo UN, 'hapler 10. Tolatol boslu
ii ileHcrlptlon of "Tho HymbollHts arvd
DecadoiilH." "Thiilr art," nya bo,
"tina Ix'eome pixir In matnrlnl, compll
ditcil. eaprlrloiu nnd olwcuro." Tolutol
then recllcM tho elrcumtnnci tltat led
to oxprcNHloiiM "In toIIimI phrfthw!, ob
vcuru for the many, and liitelllennt only
for tlm llliiiiiliMitml." 'The) clmrm of
vnruc," Hay Mitllnriiw, "ooiittUts In
HiiewMliiK Hh munnlns, thnt thuro ahould
alwnyu bo n rhldlu In ixxttry." "Ob
ucnrlly," Kiiys Tolufrf, "In oxaltotl to a
tloff uui." "ArtUU not bo undor
utixwl by tho Ttilnr iiuihhoii."
(Jhapter II, pacB 151, Is untitled "Tha
MnthixlM of Imltntlnj; Art." 'Tho
mothodx," nnyn Tolutol, "are, llrnt, Ixjt-
rowliiK." "Tlm llrwt mi'thod coiwlwta In
IIiIh. to borrow fnim tlm formur pro
ilui'tloim of art olther wholn subjoctn.
or only wnintto trnltrt of prttvloiiK jk
rtlcul prixliictlona Itmwii to all, and
to work them up aifaltf w that with cit
taln aihlltloiia they hIhmiIiI wem hoiiio
thlui; new." ".Subjects borrowed from
prevloiiN arthttle produetlona are railed
ponllcul Nllbjeetx. (llrla, narrlorn,
Mhepherds, hermits, iiiik1h, ilovlls of all
klmlx, mooullKht, xtorint. mouuLalus.
tlx.' nisi, precliliMi, llowern, Ioiir Ittlr.
lloua, the I. mill, dove and tilRtitliiKnle
aro eoinjldered xx'tlciil persons and ob
JcotM." "If thew borrowings art) well worltel
out In the tis'hnleal metluxl of tho xrt
In which tlmy urc iii.idi' thuy am aecopt
ed by the iiibllr ns prixluctlons of art
"Ax ii ehariti'torlHtlc iixampli"." ays
Tolstoi, "of this kind of Imitation of art
In the r)lon of poetry. ItoxUnd's I.a
Prlncwx; lilnUlnn' nwy Ixt taken. In
which there Is not a spark of art. but
which m'inx to many, and iwobably to
Its author also, eiceedliiKly xxitlcal.
"ICvery Ixirrowliij; Is simply a bring
ing back of the reader, spMrtator or aud
itor to home dim memory of the artis
tic lutpnslous which tbiy received
from former productions of art. ami not
a contiii;loii by tb fftollnif which tba
artist IJms"lf has experienced.
"In txirrowlni;, thei artlitt couveys only
thn tflng whJch itsh coil my od to him;
tlmrefore every borrowing of wboU
ailbjects or separate acorn, situations.
dortcrlptlons, Is only a reflection of art.
a semblance of It. hat not art."
It can here tv mwi tbnt Count Tolstoi
speaks without porsooAl anlmiia ljalmt
.M. Itostaiid. but makpa Mm tbo typical
MwiTower." In America tho word bor
rtwlni;" Implies a repeiynKmt. Wliera
tlrero Is a borrowias wltkont Intotitlon
of repayment, a dlfferrnt nmn la givoo
to tlm action. In literature It Is called
plagiarism. In dntmatic art It U cullod
With tlm opTi clmrRo In Count ToJ
irtoTs ImxiIi. lofiJod aciliwt a drama by
11. ItOMtnnd Ut precedtMl "Cyrano (lo
HerBcrac,' tho Intollectiial worltl will
bo btill inoro curlotw to know tho do-
talU of tho alleirat1oiiH miulo by Mr.
GroHH, which tiro now tirxlomtood to bo
miiltltudliionx nnd (htmnsini; ovon to
tlie Ktxxl name of the French Acathmy
of Immortnla, ot which II. Uoatand baa
U'ti elected a minb'r.
The lltlRntlon so far Instituted la In
tlm form of suits hi tho United Statea
Circuit Court nt Cblcaco by Snirmel Eb
erly Cross nptlnst IUchard Mansfield
and others for Infrlnnemont and piracy
of copyright and pbiyrlht of "The
Mercliant Prince of Cornrllle," a drama
written by Samuel Rberly Crcns over
twenty years ago. Rxchnnne.
A Hetlcntury Oconpatioa,
Tho yoniijf woman had been elected
to tlm chair of English literature in
a small college, and was duly elated.
Hho arrived at the scene of action the
tlay before tho session opened, says
Harper's Magazine, and tho president
was explaining her duties:
"I should like you," he said, "to take
the Junior und senior classos In elocu
tion, and also assume charge of th
physical culture."
"Is there no teacher of elocution''
"Well, no; not ut present."
"And who has charge of physical
"We havo no teacher us yot."
"And 1 was olocted to tho chair of
Kngllsh literature?"
"Well," said the young woman with
a winning smile, "I will take tho work
and do wiiat I can with It, but," ahe
added brightly, "why did you not tell
mo that tho 'chair' was u BCttoe?"
Looked Biisplclous.
Uncle acolmw I'vo boon getting a lot
of long typewritten lotters nbout pat
wit medicines lately, an' Sary's mad an
hops! ... ,
Abo Chlnwhlskers-Whnt'8 sho mad
about? , , ,4
Undo Clechnw Why, sho don't see
how I coiuo tow got them unless I got
tow lllrUn' with tho protty typewriter
guls thot wroto them, whou I was tow
Noo York last!
A NIokoM'latoil Fact.
Tho average iiinn would bo better off
If bo could only look for n $10,000 Job
with the snnie persistence, persever
mice nnd patience that ho displays In
looking for u'jn-cciit golf Imll.-Judge.
Anoleiit Wheels.
Uleycles art) generally considered u
very modern Invention, but some of tho
Kgyptlnn obelisks, It Is said, bear llg
ures mounted on two-wheeled vehicles
resembling the old velocipedes.
"Tlioy cay that apple nutter in
adiiltoraled n great ileal now," niiid ,
Airs. Ciiiiisii. I
"Yes, immli of it is only upplo '
lintlerine." milled Mrs. Vnwkor.
IttlHM IKIIIHII, iif Nmi fmnrlina,
under the cxprrii'iiccd iimimHf ment of J
8. Young cfc Hon", lnm laltlr lieen sxten
nlffly altered and rrcouMructad in everr
denrtiiient, ut u c'nl of fLVfiO. neitlur
pnint nor iimney heltiir npared in rnnkmi;
It a liril-clao, up-to-date, lioma-like liotr,
'fha lloii'e In lira-proof and ttioroucjlilv
aqulpprd llirniielimil nltb all tho modern
ennvf nltni e In vogue hi the prevent time
in linteU. Tina eHtatilltlird hoime n hnelr
lorated in the very heart-censer of tuiei
riaaa nnd hotel portion of the city They
art noted for the emellenre of the tnbia
iIiot et. Their diniii-rooiii hn mm out
of the finest Interior" of nny hotel diiiliiL'
roum in the etate. Their erke lliroueii- .
out is tirst-cluMi.
Willi All A Merry Chrlitinae.
And tell them of Oarneld Tea nhleheurea In
dlcratlon and llrer dlrnrilera and limurea the
return of many Happy Chrlitmai Jriri nera by
remorlnt the cauae of dyipe) ala and 111 healtb.
Mabcl'a Mult.
"Mabel doesn't believe in long en
gagements'.' "Yes. I iiiidcrKtand Mabel's young
max had a good deal of money. "
AN'f CtUblc Pre pwalionforAfi
almilnling ikToodandKcf u3a
ting ttrt aioiDatta and Bovrola of
Promotes Diition.Cri:rrur
nessardltest.Conlairu rteJUrr
Opium.MorpiuTie norriiueral.
Not Naitcotic.
Aperfecl Remedy rorfonsepo
tlon. Sour Stotntch, Diarrhoea
Vonns .ConYulRiorts Teverish
rteas and Loan or Slbbp.
far Simla Sifnatur F
With many millions of families Syrup of Figs has become the
ideal home laxative. The combination is a simple and wholesome
one, and the method of manufacture by the California Fig Syrup
Company ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product,
which have commended it to the favorable consideration of the
most eminent physicians and to the intelligent appreciation of all
who are well informed in reference to medicinal agents.
Syrup of Figs has truly a laxative effect and acts gently with
outiu auy way disturbing the natural functions and with perfect
freedom from any unpleasant after effects.
In the process of manufacturing, figs are used, as they are
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinally laxative principles of the
combination are obtained from plants known to act most bene
ficially on the system.
lb 5et its beneficial effects
aa I J.I -r ' aa ' X. . a t
Louiavi!!e. Ky.
roft aA.Lt bv alu onuooitiTS
bank or exproi company In Peiinleton.
is Well To Bo Prepared.
No telllnf about thli climate of our -iiinahln one minnte, ilnrm the next. It
payt to Inreal In time. Al.r.K.UNA'3 ANTI-HOST OMIIKKLLA f RAMK protect!
and will practically Iait a lifetime. Let u explain why our uinbrellat do not ruat.
Wt M AK K Tlf R rr.I.lB RATKI)
ANTl-l'.l.'ST PMBflKl.f.A ltAMtt.
Why Pay High Prices?
For WATCH KS, DIAMONDS and JKWKI.HY when yon can bny nn
redeemed pledges for Amount of Money Loaned with interest at the
Portland Loan Office, rTiVA&oM.
'.New Jewelry at V) per cent, lower
For Infanta and Childroa,
The Kind You Have
Always Bough!
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
tm aianua mnnhv, nmm voaa arrr.
Jt ts Repress And AcT3
Habitual CoHsnpATl0
ToOVEfCO' Permahshtly
i r tje rj I fk3T;"xii wi i cii -
y y j
SArx FrAnoioco.Cal. Ncw York'JiX
MMki l'reiapnthl utol Vfilunil llr.lliliiy (llfta.
Pendleton Irirllan ruimi rna'le of Purr f)rieon Vtm
IV .oil, rtf.- mtiiifa"turi-f) tit tne eonilleton Uoolon Mild
and alili'p'il by them tn nr-arly ever I mil nn Iteaervatlon
to the I nl-eri Hlatei They are M by 70 Uienm In tt.t, nt
licaonfii! ftifllutt Iali-tia and rleh color romblnntlon.
Noih.iiK but ihn lnnt griole ol dyei are mel, eoniciueiiliy
the color ar warranted to be abiolutcly FAST
Nothing Ii prettier than one of then" beautiful Indlnn
Roliei lor decorative purfioiei in tho home, and (or
fancy corner and touch or lounge eoreri they aro un
eieelld. Thny alo make en-ellenl HteM.nfir Huca.
nlumbe Ilbef TrAnilfi VTrapa, f,ap Hohaa, ami
for 1 ravelins' are tndipcnable, belnr aolt and warm
and caneaillr be folded into a neat package, which will
welxh but four jwtioda
P.emlt u t'lW, statins; color wanted, and we will tend
you a Ktnuino "PKNDI.BTOM," etpni4 chargea prepaid.
Write ui abom Indian bhoiozranhi. We refer to anr
300 Morrlmon St., Opp. Pomlottlco.
than at anr Jewelry Store In Portland.
FSaada make
good cropi, (ood
croDa maka mora cua-
tornera ao each year the
eropa and cuatomara have
frown greater. That's the
aaarel of the Terry fame.
More ferrya Seeda sold
and eowa than any other
kind. Hold tor all dealers.
iU0IS4td annual ratio,
D. M. Parry A Oo.
Now and Enlarjod EditioS
of BnuSik, Dngrapky, CMgraphy. Fktioa, e.
35.000 NE.W WORDS, ETC.
EtJ by W. T. HAKKIS, Ph.D., LL.D.,
Uaiaod Stycna Ooiaibmaar of KJacatioa. .
Naw PVate ThrougtaMit. ttioh Stoiliaaa.
3-4 Plagea. jm Draatrations.
SAlso Wsbster's Oallaslatta
Dlcttomnr w a Talaablo
bcottwh Glniary. limm PsttK.
I X400 nkititrataMa, Sim yatvtaom.
m. arc. af batk
oka aoai aa avLaa.
I G. O C. Mprrlaaaaa Ca Sjrinjficld.Maaa. I
Holiday R&aotutltns
tnuerallay ban llqaor, aplamaad tabaaaa
kablta, Bend far parUealan ta
KMley lasiitBia, ft:?rV.S7&yi:s;
Patents Send no Money
lint a model or drawing witn a description,
and we will adriao yon. J. S. DuOlo RncR
4 Co.. (Dept. A) Washington. D. C rKCC
w. i'. w. n.
-lo. 31101.
WIIBX wrltlnc U. 11 Tort iaora pleaaa
mention this paper
a? .
1. v r w ay
wamnn w
I Wise Author.
Publisher Your collection of
' poems is first rate, but wo lmvo
enough of such material to last tis 1'2
! Ktiyters Kramji Well, I guess you
, will linvo to have something for tho
thirteen tli year, won t you 7
Naturally people want In De
for nothliiK a promoted happluraa and rooiI
cheer. Therefore, take (larfleld 'lea now; It
tiei are manlnold ; It cures all dcraiuremetitanf
atomach. liver, kldneya orbowela; Iti leanaea
the ayairm and purinea the blood, I tun re
moving the cauae of rheum atl am, noil land many
chronic dlieaier. It la good fur young and
old and line U"en held In thehlirhe't reputo for
many yeara. Phyaiclana recommend It
In Accord Nlll
Her Mother John, I think Mary's
voice should 1k cultivated, if it don't
cost too much.
Her Father It can't cost too much
if it will improve it any. Baltimore
"I'm tired out," said the author.
"Never mind," replied his friend,
"tho public is in tho same fix I"
For waaknesi, itifTness and sorpnens
in aged people uia Wizard Oil. Your
druggist knows this, and aells the oil.
A Sly Doj.
She It's no life bothering me,
Jack; I shall marry whom I plca?o.
He That's all I'm asking you to
do, my dear. You plenso mo well
C1TQ Parmanaetlr Cured. Ko r.ta ar rarronaneea
riaw aftar Aral Ur'atiianf Mr Kllaa'aCrrat Serra
Rxtorar Sod fur ITRD K S J.OS trUl li.llle anil treat
lie. Ut.U.II Ktiia.Lta..v3l archSt.. Plillallphla.Pa
I At the Shore.
' She It will take us halt an hour
I to get back to the hotel.
1 lie And in that time I must
j know my fate.
j "Hut I cannot give you my answer
I then."
"Oh, I know that. Hut by that
time I will know how much my hotel
bill is." Judge.
Blggtit Nujjtt on Record.
Big gold nuggets are extremely
rare. The biggest on record was
found in Australia in 1852, weighed
upward of 223 pounds and was worth
Knew Her Man.
He was desperately in love with her
but lacked the courage to propose.
"This line, " she said, as she bent
over his hand, "indicates that you
have a long life iiefore you ; this one
indicates a good heart, this one nn
artistic temperament, and this 0110
that you lack courage."
Being a dull and stubborn bruto,
always ready to prove other people
liars, he popped Indianapolis Sun.
A Sharp Rejoinder.
Mr. Baldpate (to bashful boy)
What's the matter, little man? Has
the cat got your tongue?
Tom Nuw, has he got your hair?
New York Journal.
Bookkeeping, Stenography,
Mathematics, English, Lan
guages, History, Etc.,
For foil information address
Paclflo Coast Corro
apondonco Institute
Portland, O raven. 1
...Columbia University...
Academic and Collegiate Halls.
COUKSES-Clnsalcal, Literary. Solentlflo and
Commercial. For particulate upply to
REV. E. P. MURPHY, President,
Lnlrenlty I'arlc, Portland, Oregon.
Motion's MffS
I A Hoarding am! liny School fur dirts.
Haa a Normal Kindergarten Tralnlu; Depart
ment, which will have a separate residence for
kindergarten claura tide Fall. The Boarding
I Department prorldra a cheerful and well ar
ranged home for younft ladlea. For Catalogus
or other Information apply to
-- - - .x . - , - a.i -mm.l
fountaa U70
A Hmmm Sehmml tor Boym
Military and Manual Training
Wrlta tarlllumtratatl Oatnlaguo
Are beet because they aro thoroughly well made
v. ui iiiaiKrmi, Are aironf;er ami Heavier
than otnera. hence more diirahlp. Thn fpnit la
absolutely accurate, reliable and positive, and
will sow same quantity, up or down hill o on
aide nlll. Hoosicr Drllla are cheapest bee u so
BEST. We keep full atoolc of repairs at princi
pal polnta In tho Northwest. Catalogue free.
First nnd Taylor Sts.
Portland, Oregon.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oreson,
JToot of Morrison Street,
Can give you the best bargains In
Buggies, 'lows. Hollers and KiiV'iiiej,
Windmills and rumps nnd General
Machinery. See us before buying,