Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 20, 1901, Image 2

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The Doetor'S dilemma
By Hesbo
"I will send the child to you In a cab
on Wednesday." tho woman said.
rose am! made ray way towards the hall;
"yon hare not teld me jwr address."
I for a moment. Dared I tell
her my address? Yet my money was
paid, and if I did not. 1 should lose both
it and the refuse 1 had bought with It.
HesMo I should awaken suspicion and
inquiry by silence. It was a fearful risk
to run; jet it seemed safer than a pre
cipitous retreat. 1 cave her ray address,
tun! saw her write it down on a slip of
lti the afternoon the little girl arrive.! .
iiulte alone, except that a man natt I was fairly awake. A sraaii cmsirr i
hired to carry a small box for her. and to bystanders fathered round us as we
deliver her Into my charge. This was ai alighted, and watched our luggage put
groat relief to me, and I gladly paid the down from the roof. Minima was lean
shilling he demanded. The child was jng against me. half asleep. A narrow
thluly and shabbily dressed for our lone vist of tall houses lay us the right and
journey, and there was a forlorn loneli- hft. lost in impenetrable darkness. The
nes a boat her position, left thn with a strip of sky overhead was black with
stranger, which touched me to the heart, midnight.
We were alike poor, helplee. friendless. "Noireau?" I asked ia a tone ef Inter-
Tm &o gladl" she said with a deep- rogation,
drawn sigh of relief; "1 was afraid I "Yes. madame." respond! a chorus of
should never go. and school is sueh a voices.
heavenly placer' "Carry me to the house of Monsieur
The words amused yet troubled e; Kmlle Perrier. the avocat." I said, speak
they were so different from a child's or- tag slowly and distinctly,
dinary opinion. The words, simple as they were, seem-
"It's sueh a hateful place at Mrs. Wit- od to awaken considerable excitement,
kinson's," she went on, "everybody call- The landlady threw np her hands. with
iug me at once, and scolding me; and a expression of astonishment. as it
there are sueh a many people to run possible that I could have made a mis
errands .for." i tale in so short and easy a senteni-e?
"What is your name, my dear?" I ask-! slid it over again to myself, and felt
l lttln ,l4in on hit box and taking! sure I was right. With renewed eonfi-
her on luv lap. Such a thin, stunted in-1
tie woman, precociously learned in trou
We! Yet she nestled in my arms like
a true child, and a tear or two rolled
dowa her cheeks, as if from very con
tentment. "Nobody has nursed me like this s.n-e
mother died." she said. "I'm Mary, but
father always called me Minima, because
1 was the least in the house. He
a boys' school out of Ixw Jon. in K;
Forest, you know; and it was so heave
ly! All the boys were good to me. and
we used to Tall father Dominie. Then
he died, and mother died just before him.
and he said, 'Courage, Minima.' God
wilt take tare of my little girl.' So the
boys' fathers and mothers msde a sub
scription for me, and they got a grest
deal of money, a hundred pounds, and
somebody told them about this school. J
where I can stay four years for a hun
dred pounds, and they all said that was
the best thin: they could do with me. '
Hut I've had to stay with Mrs. ilkia-
soa nearly two months, became she
could not find a governess to go with me.
I hate her; I detest her; I should like to
spit at her!"
"II mh: hash!" I said, drawing her besd
down upon my shoulder again.
"Then there is. Mr. Foster," she con
tinued, "he torments me so. Ue Uea
to make fan f me. and tease me, tul 1
caa't bear to go into his room. You d
hate Mr. Foster, and Mrs. Foster, if you
otUy knew taetn."
"Whyr I asked in a whisper. My,
voice sounded haskj to me, and my throat
I el l pmrcaea. xae cntra s impotent rage
sad hatred attack a Jnmbering chord
within me.
"Oh! they are horrid in every way."
she said; "they frighten me. He is fond
of tormenting anything, because he's
craai. Hot they are very poor poor as
Jofc, Mrs. W'UMasvrB says, sad I'm glad.
Arem't yon gtadT
The question jarred is my memory
against a passionate craving after re-'
vespe. which had died away in the quiet j
and tranquility of Sark. Ought I to do
aayxnwg ror aim: as taere anyiaiag i
mill do to help him?
"He is ill, too," panned the child; "I
heard him say once to Mrs. Foster, he
knew he honU die like a dog."
111! dead! My heart best faster and
faster is I pondered over these words.
Then 1 should b tree indeed: his death '
would release me from bondage, from ter-.
rot, rroaa poverty those three ef its which
dossed my steps. 1 had never vestured
to let my thoughts run that way. bnt
this child pratuing had bow forced
thesn into it. Klchard Foster Ul dying!
what ought I to do:
There was one tnia only that I could
do. only one little sacrifice I could make
for hint whom 1 had vowed, in childish
ignorance, to tore, honor and cherish ia
sickle aad in health, until death parted
us. A nonae was oaenred to sue for twelve
months. 1 had enoogu money still to
last me until than. My diamond ring,
which had been his own gift to ase oa
our wedding day. would h valuable to
him. Sixty pounds would he a help to
him. 1 set the child gently away from
ue. and wrote my last letter to ay hus
band. Both the letter and the ring I en
dosed in a little box.
A great thump against the door brought
a host of fears npon ue. But before I
could stir, the insecure handle gave way,
.ml m . more formidable hmmfmI '
than the landlady of the house, carrying " ,,Mr conducted us towards him. We
before her a tray on which was set ont ', 10 r T e Jor. that
a sumptuous tea. consisting of buttered i w evident. She led as into a dimly
crumpets and shrimps. She put it dowa ! where I could just make
un my dressing table and stood survey out PPared to be a carpeater'a
ing It and us with an expression of be- bench, with a heap of wood shavings ly
nlgn exultation. ng under it.
"Thow as are going Into foring parts" "lt ' a cabinet work of my hus
the said, "ought to get a good Kagiish hand." said Madame Perru-r; "our eham
meal afore they start. And this, my mas- her is above, and the chamber for you
tar say, is a testimonial to you." ! and leetle mees is there also. But the
I could hardly control my laughter, j school is not there. Come on. mees."
and I eould not keep back the tears. It ' "" down the broad graiel walk,
vras a long time now since any one had with the pretty garden at the side of us,
ovro me so much kindness and sympa-1 where a fountain was tinkling aad splasb
thy as this. The dull face of the good im busily in the quiet night. But we
woman was brichteued by ber kind heart- passed the front of the house behind it
.i is.) iBt.l of thankinc her I without stopping at the door. Madame
1 uat ur lilts to her cheek.
Th neat morning found us in France, j long, vaulted passage, with doors opea
lerotu Hon dear to Falaise warm, genial . ing on each side; a black, villainous look
aunahiue ailed the air. The slowly niov- j ing place, with the feeble, nickering light
Ing train carried u through wood where i of the candle throwing on to th damp
the autumn soettud but a few days old. I walls a sinister gleam. Minima preased
We passed through mile upon miles of very close to me. and I felt a strange
orchards, beneath which lay huge pyra- quiver of apprehension; but the thought
vuMs of apple. Truck -load of them that there was no scape from it, and
stood at erery station. Th air was i no help at hand, nerved m to fallow
aiented br them. OhlMrea were pelting ! quietly to the end.
on another with them. It was almost ' The end brought us out into a mean,
like going into a new world, and I breath-' poor street, narrow even where the best
-.W-t-H i
rd more freely the farther we traveled
down into the interior. At ealalse we
exchanged the train for a small oinMlbtia.
which bore the name "Neircau" conspic
uously en its door. At length we atsruxl
off on the last stare of our jouruey.
Finally our omnibus was jolting snd
rambling down some steep aHd narrow
streets, lighted by oil lamps sung across
them. Only at the Inn where we stop-
j ped was there anything like life. I 'woke
up Minima from her deep and heavy
"We are here at Noircau!" I said. "We
have reached our home at last!"
The door was opened before the child
dence t repeated it aloud, with a s:.ght
"I with to go to the house of Monsieur still that we could scarcely discern the
Emite Farrier, the avocat." I sid. ' outliae of the walls sad houses. The
Bnt whilst they still clustered rooad j school, madame informed me. was regis
Minima and me. giving no sign of com-! tered ia the name of her head governess,
piiance with my reqaett. two persons j not in her own; and as the laws of
thrust themselves through the circle. The j Frsnce prohibited any man dwelling un
one was a man. in a threadbare brown j der the same roof with a school of girls,
great coat, with a large woolen comfort- : except the husband of the proprietor, tksy
er wonad several times shoot his aeci;
and the other a woman, in as equally
shabby dress, who spoke to me in broken
"Mees, I ata Madame Perrier. and this
is my husband." she said: "come on. The
letter was here only an hoar ago: bat all
is ready. Come on: come on."
She put her hand through my arm. and
took bold of Minima's hand, as if claim
ing both of ns. A dead silence had fall
"P lk '' crowd, as if they were
Tng to catch the meaning of the tag-
Ush words. But as she poshed on. lead
ing us both, a titter for the first lime ran
from lip to lip. 1 glanced bark, and saw
Monsieur Perrier, the avocat. hurriedly
outting our luggage on a wheelbarrow.
and preparing to follow us with it along ,
the dark street. i
I was too bewildered yet to feel any
astonishment. e were in Fraace. la a
remote part of France, aad I did not
know what Frenchmen would or would
mot do. We stopped at last opposite the
Urge, handsome house, which stood in
the front, in the photograph I had seen
in London.
"I: is midnight nearly." said Madame
Perrier. as we eame to a standstill aad
waited for her husband, the avocat.
Ue passed through the garden gate and
disappeared round the comer of the
noose, walking softly, as if careful not
to disturb the household. At last whe
reappeared round the corner, carying a
, eaasUe. which Skkered in the wind. Not
a word was spoken by him or his wife as
led us through a cart shed into a low. )
streets were narrow. A small ious
stood before us: and madame unlocked
the door. We were conducted Into a small
kitchen. There was an oil lamp here.
.Madauie's face was Illuminated by it.
There was not a trace 'of refinement or
culture about her. not even the proverb
ial taste of a Frenchwoman In dress. The
kitchen was a picture of squalid dirt and
neglect. The few cooking utensils wero
scattered about In disorder. The sto
before which we sat was rusty. Could
I be dreaming of this filthy dwelling and
this slovenly woman? No; It was all toe
real for me to doubt their existence for
an Instant.
She was pouring out some cold tea Into
two little cups, when Monsieur Terrier
made his appearance, his face begrimed
and his shaggy hair uncombed. He stood
in the doorway, rubbing his hands, and
gaaitig at us unflinchingly with the hard
stare of a Norman peasant, whilst he
spoke in rapid, uncouth tones to his wife.
I turned an ay my head, and shut my eyes
to this unwelcome sight.
"Kat, niees," said the woman, bringing
us our food. "There Is tea. We give
our pupils and instructresses ten for sup
per at six o'clock; after that there is no
more to eat."
We had the same vaulted passage and
cart shed to traverse ott our way back
to the other house. There we were ush-
ered into a room containing only two bed
and our two I helped Minima to
undress, and tucked her up in lied. She
put her arm round my neck, and drew
down my head to whisper cautiously Into
..."Th'Ve,-VLVil, "U,,,!;T:
lilX UI Ul x aav a uia sesi l n eM.MHa
place at all. Oh! whatever shall I do?
Shall 1 have to stay here four years?"
"Hush, Minima!" 1 answered, "l'er
baps it is better than we think now. We
are tired. To-morrow we shall see tli
place better, and it may be splendid af
ter all. Kiss me. and go to sleep."
1 was awakened, while It was yet quite
dark, by the sound of a carpenter's tool
in the room below me. Almost immedi
ately a loud knock came at my door, and
the harsh voice of madame called to us.
"tet up. mees. get up. and cunt.- "n."
she said, "to the school. Come on. qm.-k!"
The air was raw aud foggy when e
j turned out of doors, and It was so .! 'r's
were compelled to rent two dwellings,
"How many pnpils have you. mad
ame?" I inquired.
"We have six. mees." she replied.
"They are here; see them."
We had reached the house, aad she
opened the door of a long, low room.
There was an open hearth, with a few
logs of green wood upon it. A table
ran almost the whole length of the room,
with forms on each side. A high chair
or two stood about. All was comfort
less, dreary and squalid.
But the girls who were sitting on the
hard benches by the table were still more
...... 11.1 .! lsi.r TkJ. f.w I
ninrheJ. n.t ini n- bin. with '
cold, and their baads were swollen and
red with chilblains. They had a cowed j
and trigbteoed expression, and peeped 1
askance at us as we went in behind
maaame. i
"Three are English."
said madame,
She rapped one of the swollen hands This costume consiaia o. r
which lay upoo the table, and the girl The most important Is the "dal
dropped it out of sight upon her lap. matlca"' or Imperial rob. It Is a
with a frightened glance at the woman. ; threeomered mantle forming an In-
Minima's fingers tightened upon mine.
The bead governess, a Frenchwoman of
about thirty, was now introduced to me.
Breakfast was being brought in by one
of the pupils. It ro sit led of a teacupfol
of cofee at the bottom of a big basin. a sort of short pelerine having sleeves
which was placed before each of us. a ' of gold cloth embroidered with gold
large tablespoon to feed ourselves with, j flowers. Above both dalmattca and au
and a heaped plateful of hunches of i pertualca Is worn the "armllla," which
bread. 1 sat down with the rest at th . a,f0 of goIJ clothi but ntl t top
long table, and ate my food, with a sink- j ,t , ,.cM on ,h
ing snd sorrowful heart. . ihoBWer. by the archbishop of
As soon as madame was gone. Minima ",u " . . L. , .
a..P hr .rm. ..,r,.t . .j hid her.
face la my bosom,
"Oh!" she cried, "doa't you leave me:
don't forsake me! I hare to stay here
four years, and it will kill me. I shall
die if yon go away aad leave me."
"We must make the best of it. Min
ima." I whispered to the child, through
the hum of lessons. Her shrewd lilt!
face brightened with a smile that smooth
ed all the wrinkles ont of it.
"That's what father said."' she cried;
"he said. 'Courage. Minima, tied will
take care of my little daughter.' tiod
has sent you to take care of me. Sup-1
pose I'd come all the way alone, and
found it sueh a horrid placer
(To he eootiaaed.l
Servant Girls in Germany.
The growiug demand for women la
the factories of Germany is bringing
lbs servant-girl problem more and more
te the front.
Ber a prudent enemy than a frfead
without discretion.
Rates Caacernlas Display at Kagland's
Oraat Cereatoalal Da Not I'teaso
tuadiaa Keaent Qaata'a SiquHt That
He imparted loatasare ila Mora.
1ondon aristocrats aro feeling
gloomy over the duke of Norfolk's sup
plenient to the Unulou Gaiettc. n
which as earl marshal of Kugland ho
glrea detailed regulations concerning
robes aud ooroueta to be woru by peer
and peeresses at the approaching eoro
tuition. The disappointment Is chiefly
among the fair aex. Tlicy are not to
be allowed all the furbelows and tin
sel which, to feminine minds, form tlio
"slue Qua non" of such important cere
To begin with. Queen Alexandra's re
quest that all coronation gowns Htiould
be made of Kngllsh goods and by Kits
Uih couturlora has had anything but
' enthusiastic reception. Heretofore
the white satin dresses and ruby velvet
' robes have come from France nnd
j Dame Fashion stubbornly refutes to bo
' atlslled with the home supply. It hai
' Just leaked out that the wlven of three
' prominent diplomats have secretly
passed In their orders to a lluo le la
Pais firm, and it la more than proba
ble that many other gowns signed by
French houses will tlnd their way Into
the royal cortege.
Another cause for pouting Hps Is the
regulation that peeresso must wear
their robes over the usual full court
dress. Instead of over the white satin
toilet elalwrately trimmed with gold
lace and embroideries which were "de
rlgueur" In former days. One thing
alone remains unchanged, and that Is
the robe. As In Ceorge IV.'s time It
will be of ruby velvet, the cape furred
with miniver pure aud bordered with
rows of ermine, the number of the lat
ter varylug accordlug to rank. The
duchesses may show four rows, the
marchlouesws three and a half, coun
tesses three, viscountesses two and a
half, while the baronesses will have to
be content with two.
An Innovation, this time In gentle
men's attire, which will detract not a
little from the gorgeousness and pomp
of the spectacle. Is the fact that peers
are ordered to wear their robes over
full court dress, uniforms or regi
mentals. At all previous coronations
they wero worn over white satin doub
lets and trunks and white silk hose.
Hut what baa caused the greatest dis
content is the restrictions regarding
coronets. The clause stating that "no
Jewels or precious stones are to be set
or used in the coronets, or counterfeit
pearls instead of the silver balls" came
like a thunderclap to many, especially
to the dames who bad already bad
their bUxlng diamond circlets pro
pared. It Is now definitely settled that only
the king and queen and the duke aud
duchess of Cornwall will wear Jeweled
coronets. All other coronets are to be
, of silver gilt, caps of ruby velvet, with
1 ermine lining and haTlng a gold tassel
' on top. The baron's coronet will have
six silver balls on the rim. the vis
count's sixteen, the earl's eight, with
gold strawberry leaves between the
points: the marnula' four sliver balls
and four gold leaves alternately and
the duke's eight gold strawberry
If pecresse cannot wear Jewels on
their beads they evidently plan to do so
on their bodies, and all London Jewel
era are now busy making over aad re
setting heirlooms. Pearls, sapphire
and emeralds aro to be the favorite
atones. Ropes of pearls are to be
worn from the shoulders as though
fastening the Telret ruby roues, some
what the same way In which Queen
Alexandra wore them at the opening
of parliament.
Contrary to expectation no new
crown will be made for the queen
King Edward's crown Is to be slightly
enlarged, but It will undergo do other
modification. His majesty on this
eT,.tfu d,y will appear before bis
,v.A .amA sUhAr&ia rah
worn by his grandttncle. t.eorge l.
Terted "Y" and fitting very closely
about the shoulders. All over It are
small embroidered crosses.
Beneath It Is worn the "supertunlca
Westminster, who rxuon. u. Bijri7
. . ... .1 - I - M
to see in mi liinuuc a pieuge oi ui-
Tlne grace enveloping him completely."
Chicago Dally News.
Carern 3,O0O Keat Below Karth'a Bar
face Acquired br Gaveraaaeat,
Dakota's famous wind care has late
ly ben acquired by the government,
and is to Ue made a snow place. It well
deserves Its name, for the log cabin
built over Its mouth has had to Ue fas
tened to the ground by heavy timbers,
and the log mortised and pinned to
prevent the building from being ralatsl
from Its foundation ami hurled sky
ward by the Immense force of the wind
from within.
The nrst explorer of the cave dis
covered that when the mouth was clos
est by benvr Umbers toe motion of the
wind ccsuml. and a penson inebte did
sot feel it except at a few particular
points. It was for this reason that the
ncw TiiinE or
rVat ts eiarsiae it.- on' r, iais of Hie orih l'a-iftf and Arrttr com,
the Jeassp Kerth Pselie rxpedn ion has .sl made a taliiaMe aaihrt'lff Jcsl i.
pen la the shspe sf a ernes of sinking photographs of lklin rarely. -sibly
sever brfsre. Hltrd l whites
A full set of Illustrations and mrastiieiiients were made of the Inhalillants "f
twa satall triages. They show many pn-ulisr characteristics pstssrd by tin...
people which are totally different from thee of iirighlioritig tribes.
Three types which hsr almost liren Isolated from outside roinmlinlrstlon are
here shows. The lahaoltabl.- area of ttrse people Is far Inlsild In A re tie AUskn,
east ef the rnsuth of the Maekeiule Tltrr. Tilt')' brlong to two trills, rail.. I
the Koukpagmlut and Nunslagiinut. Their physical characteristics are so ililUr
rat that it almost warrants the supposition tint they are the rriiilMiil of aoim.
lost tribe that originally emigrated from Al.
cabin was built over the elitrtuiro, with
an Inner door llttlng closely Rftalnst
the portals of the cave Itself In audi a
way that the air wa completely block
ed. A slghtM'ervr came to tlio tlmir of the
little tint hihI liwtrd a roaring hotiml cm
minting from the earth, followed by
such h 'n m m Ing of door that tlio build
ing nhook. It was nothing, lint the opvu
Ing of the Inner door to allow of the
exit of a guld. but It hail n terrible
Within the cabin the visitors mv
nothing but a cupltoanl. from wlhch the
two guides provided them with cmikIIi
In tin camUc-stlcks attached to strip of
wood. The jmrty then foriiuil In line,
a the Inner door could be 0kned long
enough to admit one person at a time
If It were kejit oikii the wind would
tear the building to piece.
A guide wetit.rirst. Seising the Uir
faatonlng the door, ho turned It (.lowly
to near the eii'l of the clamp tbHt held
lt; then, giving It a quick wrench, dart
ed through the Iir as the force within
sent tt opon. As soon as be was Inside
he telied an Iron ring. and. adding M
strength to that of the guide, who luul
remained without, slammed the door.
With one man i the Inside ami one
out. It was much easier for the guides
to handle the door, and each member
of the party nun through In turn as the
door opened.
The cave Itfelf la a wonderful place.
The guUU-a have explored S.tXaJ rooms,
covering a lineal distance of ninety
mllea, bet they say that Uic extent of
the cave la not yet known.
Forty mile north of the entrance la
another and almoct equally Iseauliful
cavern called Orrttaliravc. Tlx- guide
believe Unit some day It will tie found
that one 1 a couUnuation of the other.
Home part of the Wind cave are
2Xy feet le!ow the surface of the
earth. All kind of weird and ttcautl
ful effects are gained by burning lights
within one or another of the rooms.
Stalactites cover walls and eel lines In
many of the caverns, and the eavc 1
full rnoush of terror and delight to
satisfy the most exnctlng cave hunter.
Wfeta the G.W fleaae film the Chinese
Uaaperor Crash Tlirtu f'mmntl.
Like many official picrN of Euro
pean courts, the Prkln Gatette an
nounce all acts of Plate and ceremo
nial proceedings of the national gov
ernment; but In one particular It Is
unique among court circulars, for It
habit Is publicly to commend and com
pliment the State gods when the em
peror Is satisfied that they have ilono
they full duty toward Chinamen. When
some particular god dlstlngtiit-lie him
self by an extraordinary M'rvlce. his
rank among the gods is raised by Im
perial command.
Not long ago the department of the
Coil of War was increased in import
ance by reason of the great armament
which the government undertook to
support, so after be bail shown hi
benevolence by allowing the imperial
troops to defeat a lody of rebel, be
was metaphorically patted on the hack
and raised to the same rank a Con
fucius, who had hitherto held the nrt
place In the State Pantheon.
A few yours ago the following an
nouncement appeared In the Gaiette:
"The governor-geueral of the Yellow
River request that a tablet be put up
to the Illver God. During the trans
mission of relief rice to Honan. when
ever difficulties were encountered
through shallow, wind and rain, the
Hirer God Interposed In the most un
mistakable manner, so that the trans
port of grain went on without hin
drance. '"Order! Let the proper office pre
pare a tablet for the temple of the Itlv
er God."
"A memorial tablet." jays another
Gaxette, "Is granted to two temples In
honor of the God of the LocuRts. On
the last appearance of locust, last sum
mer.'Tprayer were offered to this dolty
with marked success."
Many Turpoaes for Which They Are
Superior to Watches.
"Most people think that hour gl.twoi
went out of style years ago," suld a
clerk In a Twenty-third street store,
"along with perukes aud kuce breeches,
but as a matter of fact we hare more
calls for them to-day than we have
had at any time within the last ten
years. That this renewed popularity
of the hour glass augurs Its universal
acceptance as a timepiece by the com
ing generation I aw not pre tar ml to
y. but If auch a renaissance were to
become assured it would be nu more
mirprMiiK tlinn some of the other r
cent rntla Imnetl on revival of lost
ciwtonw. Anyway, a brief utmly of tlio
iHitir kIhnr will itu nobody harm. There
are tlmunumlM In till Keiierntlon who
have) not the nllRlitel libit what un
hour glHHi looks like, and It won't hurt
them to lironileu their education a lit
tie along certain line.
"Of tlio hour glasses sold at present
the threo-mlMlto glas I in the lead.
This glHtw I used almost exclusively
to ineHSiire time In tmllllig eggs and
Its tisefullie naturally place It sales
a little In advance of the more senti
mental varieties. Next come the five,
ten and tlfteen minute and full hour
glae, which are Ismight chiefly !
musicians for piano practice and by
lodge anil secret Miclctlr.
"The anil lined In an hour glas I
the very nnet that the world affords.
The western roast of Italy fiirnlslut
iiKir.t of It, a It ha ih-tie for age (Mint.
The coat of hour glM.r I regulatid
by the ornamentation of the frames
A glass set In a plain roewd case
can 1k taught for It. while a mahog
any frame come to $l..V or M. Of
course, the price can be brought up still
higher by fancy carving and decora
tion. Swell lodges sometime go to
this extra expense, but uxt people are
MitlKflcd with the cheaper grades." -New
York Kun.
Hoartng llir .heplicrds.
Tliere Is an Irrepressible satisfaction
In finding that a great philosopher Is.
In the Innocent way of life, very much
like other men. Marcus Aurellua An
tonlUN. whose "Medltatious" have been
the guide of thinker for centurle.
wrote some exceedingly human Irttrrs
to his teacher and friend. Marcus Cor
nelius I'ronto. One of them contain
the following spire of tioylsh fun:
When my father returned borne from
the vineyard. I mounted my borse. h
usual, and rode on ahead some little
way. Well, there on the road was a
hen I of sheep, standing all crowded
together, a If the place was. a desert,
with four dog and two shepherds, but
nothing else. Then one shepherd said
to another shepherd, on seeing a num
ber of horsemen:
"I say, look yott at those horsemen!
They do a ileal of robbery."
When I heard thl. I clap spurs to aiy
horse ami ride straight for the sheep.
In consternation the sheep scatter.
Hither and thither tiny are rkrtlng and
bleating. A shepherd throws his fork,
and the fork falls on the horseman who
come next to me. We make our en
cape. Costly KtpcrlluefiU
Sir Hiram Maxim, the Maine man
whose Immense fortune and more re
cently hi knighthood came from the
invention of the rapid-fire gun which
t-r his name, has never It tils Yan
kee quick wit and reaillne to eopo
with a dlfncult situation. That charac
teristic appeared very clearly In the
tirst government tet of his gun.
The rapid -Ore weapon, then a novelty,
wa offered for teat In the presence
of a number of military experts and
gorernment official.
The Inventor wa asked to have 10.
l round tired at the greatest pos
sible speed. This wa readily done,
1mm the expert were still uusallsded.
"Can 'you guarantee," one of them
asked Maxim, "that your gun would go
on firing automatically for twenty-four
boti re?"
"Certainly," answered Maxim, quiet
ly, "on one condition."
"What Ih thatl"
"That the government shall pay for
the ammunition used."
This seemed reasonable, but when the
expert figured It out thnt the twenty
four hour' test would take over SflO.
000 cartridge, and that the cost would
be atKHit f'J-S.OOO. they magnanimously
withdrew their request.
Taktnc a Koaea'e View.
"How's liuslneK!" they asked.
The crossroads storekeeper looked
"Souu'tluicH," lie Biild, "I sort o feel
llko complalulu'. I ain't selllu' any
thing, nu' there's n feller down the
rornl Unit's sellln a whole lot, but every
little wlitlo lie guts caught up by some
man Unit can't pay. nu' It make tue
feel Unit muhtio I'm lucky." Chicago
Kvciilng PishI.
NtOHiu DredgOH in Alaskn.
Stcoiu tli'mlttex eotiiiK e'i'xi.tsJO are
being tntt'otlucuil In Alaskan gold re
gions. If it mini ahould wear hi (Mint so
long Unit lie had to hold them up whoa
croMilug a street wouldn't the women
liuitfh nt hint?